Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Vine Reviews: 1339
8.6Avg. Review Rating

100 Bullets: Brother Lono #1

Jun 19, 2013

I've often been a strong proponent for all-age comics. That doesn't mean that's all we want or need. This is a perfect example of what a Mature comic should be. There is plenty of gritty situations but it fits perfectly with the story and never comes across as gratuitous. The gang's all here in bringing us back to the 100 BULLETS universe yet you do not need to be well versed in the previous series. It's a perfect new-reader friendly story but will only be enhanced with the anticipation if you are familiar with Lono. If you're looking for something with an edgy gritty feel or have read Azzarello's 100 BULLETS, you will not want to miss this.

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100th Anniversary: Spider-Man #1

Jul 9, 2014

It's weird to think where Spider-Man might be when he reaches his 100th anniversary. We get an interesting story here set in this time period. While it's clearly Spider-Man (and a couple other characters), you can see how some things have changed or been rebooted given the future time period. The art is pretty amazing. The story is fascinating but given that this is just one issue and we're jumping in right at the end of an "eight part" story, you won't know exactly where everyone is and who knows if we'd ever see this time period revisited. Spider-Man, Venom, and Kingpin fans should pick to see the possibility but we can't say it's an absolutely crucial read.

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100th Anniversary: X-Men #1

Jul 16, 2014

The X-Men and future storylines go hand in hand. This 100th Anniversary Special gives us a look at the current continuity of X-Men in the future. It's always interesting to see what may or may not happen and Robin Furth does a great job in taking today's X-Men and putting them in a possible future scenario. Jason Masters ages the characters accordingly and you'll find yourself pausing while reading to wonder what might have happened to some of these characters in the time between. As a 'special' one-shot and future story, there obviously won't be huge repercussions for today's books but it's a pretty cool look at how the X-Men's world could be. The last page will make you wonder if that should or shouldn't be where the characters are headed.

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3 Guns #1

Jul 31, 2013

You've probably heard about a little movie called 2 Guns with some up and coming actors hitting theaters this week (of course that's sarcasm). If you haven't already read the original, you should check it out either before or after you see the movie. 3 GUNS picks up after the events fro the first. You can easily get by without reading the first volume but it does enhance the fun if you're familiar with the characters. Steven Grant does a great job setting up these crazy situations with lots of twists. You'll definitely want to see what happens next. Emilio Laiso puts careful little details in the art that makes it great to look at as well. Chances are, you want to see 2 Guns in theaters. Then you're going to want to read 3 GUNS. I could see this easily selling out so get your butt to your local comic shop and buy a copy.

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30 Days of Night #2

Nov 9, 2011

Vampires are making a comeback. Even though the 30 Days of Night franchise has been around for a while, a certain other vampire franchise along with the seemingly over-abundance of them in other media have made vampires hard to accept. Steve Niles along with others like Scott Snyder, Joshua Hale Fialkov, etc are showing us the genre can't be killed. In this series, Niles is keeping the action out of Alaska and the introduction of a new character has the potential to push the series in a new direction. Despite having missed some of the recent mini-series, I was able to jump right back into this universe with ease. Sam Kieth's art is a delight to see even if some panels feel like their slightly lacking in details. Kieth has the ability to capture an almost cartoony feel and then slams you in the face with violence and blood. With the vampires having a new group of foes to deal with, you'll be hooked in wanting to see what is going to happen next.

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A+X #1

Oct 31, 2012

If you've enjoyed the classic MARVEL TEAM-UP stories and have wanted to see more, this is where we're going to find them. The idea here is to get fun stories and adventures without focusing on where the story actually fits into the overall continuity. With creators such as Dan Slott, Ron Garney, Jeph Loeb and Dale Keown, we get to see creators work on characters they don't normally get a chance to. Because these are more random stories, it could be questioned how important they may be to the characters and Marvel Universe, especially at $3.99. We'll have to wait and see if anything that occurs in these stories pops up in other titles in the future. These stories may not be absolutely crucial but if you're looking for some really fun stories with great art and you dig the characters involved, you will definitely want to check this out.

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A-Force #1

May 19, 2015

This book was pretty much exactly what I wanted and hoped for. Too many times the female heroes in the Marvel Universe get overlooked. Marguerite Bennett and G. Willow Wilson have created a natural feeling world. It's easy to cry out that having just female heroes is a gimmick but it all simply works here. And it works in a great way. You'll find yourself wanting to know more of the region and the relationship and connections each character has with one another. There's just a wonderful vibe going on. Jorge Molina's art and Laura Martin and Matt Milla's colors add to that. With actual ties to the main SECRET WARS book, this doesn't feel like an isolated story done just for the heck of it. You get a sense that it is part of the bigger story. This is our chance to explore the specific region closely and you'll be glad you got the chance. I'm so ready for the next issue now.

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A.D.: After Death #2

Dec 28, 2016

Snyder and Lemire take a bit of a risk with this project, and it pays off. Lemire's art and colors are fantastic to see, but having Snyder's prose allows the story to go much deeper. It's a great mix, and the story fully grabs your attention. This isn't a book you just read, you experience it.

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Abe Sapien (2013) #12

May 14, 2014

This issue shows that comic books can have different kinds of story and different ways to tell them. Told without actual dialogue, we get a pretty powerful story involving Abe Sapien. After big cataclysmic events in comics, we don't often see how it affects the everyman and what they go through afterwords. Mignola and Allie do just that. The story takes a slightly dark path and there will be some surprises that just might catch you off guard. Max Fiumara's art with Dave Stewart's colors complete the vibe and atmosphere the story requires. It's not often a comic can deliver this kind of emotion. The story might be a little off-putting but it's definitely something you should check out. Don't miss this issue.

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Action Comics (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

ACTION COMICS started out strongly in the beginning. We had the chance to see the early days of an inexperienced Superman. This zero issue touches on that. Unfortunately while this was a nice story, it didn't blow me away as some of the earlier issues. There's so much potential in this younger Superman but it felt as if there were some limitations in what sort of threat he could go up against. But we do get to see some firsts in this issue. There are little tidbits to check out. The interesting part will be to see if anything in future issues will touch on any of the events here. I simply want more from my Superman comics. Let's hope that the second year of the New 52 will make me a happy Superman fan.

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Action Comics (2011) #1

Sep 7, 2011

This is not the Superman you're looking for, and that's a good thing. From the first images of a younger Superman in jeans, work boots and a S t-shirt, we were left wondering what Grant Morrison and Rags Morales were up to. With the intentions of giving us a Superman that was different from what we've been reading the last couple decades, they have succeeded.

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Action Comics (2011) #2

Oct 5, 2011

I am still completely sold on this title. I've enjoyed Superman before but the idea of seeing a younger, less powerful version left me a little skeptical. Morrison is doing a great job in setting up the Superman and possibly the DC Universe in this issue. Seeing familiar faces before they establish themselves as major parts of Superman's life was great to see. We find out some of the motivation behind the attack against Superman last issue and get to find out some more about Superman along the way. This is becoming one of my favorite 'New 52' titles and I cannot wait for the next issue.

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Action Comics (2011) #3

Nov 2, 2011

Grant Morrison delivers another good issue of Superman in his younger days. It wasn't as stellar as the first two issues but there are some more revelations and developments brewing here. The mix of Rags Morales and Gene Ha gives the book a different feel from the other issues. Ha's depiction of Krypton (which we finally get to see and find out how it compares to past interpretations) is a sight to be seen. The new plight of the public being anti-Superman is a nice twist but it doesn't seem like an overly exciting storyline. Obviously with the fact that Superman is seen as more of a hero in SUPERMAN, we know this will somehow turn around. Grant Morrison set the bar high with the first two issues and with the way this one ends, we're bound to see some major action next month.

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Action Comics (2011) #5

Jan 4, 2012

This is Grant Morrison telling Superman's origin. I would be surprised if there was anyone not interested in seeing what Grant has to say about this story. ACTION COMICS has been leading the pack in the 'New 52.' We may have seen Superman's origin many times but we've never seen Morrison and Andy Kubert tell it. Seeing what he feels is important and where he takes the story is worth the price of admission. Getting an extra back up story by Sholly Fisch and ChrisCross makes it that much sweeter.

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Action Comics (2011) #6

Feb 1, 2012

ACTION COMICS continues to stand out as one of the more interesting "New 52" titles. While many gripe about the changes happening and elements that are getting lost, with ACTION COMICS, it's like taking part in an adventure. With Grant Morrison at the helm, there's always a sense that anything goes. Each issue is full of surprises and twists that evolves the character into an almost new one. As a long time reader, I don't want to see Superman go through change after change but I can't help myself sitting back and enjoying the stories as they unfold. There is plenty going on here. With both the present day Superman and an even younger one than we've seen before, get ready to learn a lot more about who this Superman is. If you've been wanting more answers about Superman's origin, be prepared to get a few.

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Action Comics (2011) #7

Mar 7, 2012

ACTION COMICS is one of the comics that sits high on my list of favorite "New 52" books. Seeing Grant Morrison write Superman's past keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even though we pretty much know where he ends up and who he becomes, Morrison makes the development of his character an interesting read. Rags Morales continues to win me over with his depiction of this younger Superman and I hate the idea that soon he'll be in his regular costume rather than what I at first thought was a silly look for Superman. The action is toned down a little as Superman tries uncovering what the aliens/attackers are doing and those trapped in the bottle are figuring out what's going on but there is still some exciting moments within.

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Action Comics (2011) #8

Apr 4, 2012

The first arc is over. What comes next? We've had a pretty good idea how this story has to end. That is one of the downfalls in telling a story set during Superman's early days while pretty much all the other "New 52" comics are set in the present. The ending almost feels rushed as suddenly we're witnessing the aftermath of it all. The stage has been set for Superman and now we're ready to see his adventures as a hero rather than a vigilante. Morrison brings it all together but it's the mix of four different artists in the book that drags it down a little. The adventures of young Superman may be over but we all know that Morrison has plenty more tricks up his sleeve. This has just been the appetizer for whatever he has planned.

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Action Comics (2011) #9

May 2, 2012

Reading ACTION COMICS is getting to feel like riding a roller coaster. Some issues are highs (and great to read) while others dip down a bit. This is one of the dips. Having an issue focused on the Superman from Earth 23 is interesting and gives us a chance to see more of the character Grant introduced during FINAL CRISIS. While the story is nice to see, Superman as President, it feels like a filler issue. Have we come to expect too much from Grant Morrison these days or is there just something I'm absolutely missing here? This issue was fun at times and a curious read. It just didn't feel like it fit in as an entire issue of ACTION COMICS.

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Action Comics (2011) #10

Jun 6, 2012

Grant Morrison and Rags Morales are still bringing us the younger Superman. I had concerns that because he gained the Kryptonian armor, the series would jump forward to catch up with SUPERMAN. The 'bad guy' here leaves a little to be desired as his motives feel a little clich but we do get some more developments that you'll gobble up while reading the story. It feels odd that the back up story takes place after next month's issue but it is good to be getting an actual back up story instead of other extras. I was getting a little worried about the series but with this first part in a new story arc, I can feel my excitement building up again. That feeling that Morrison has something up his sleeve is coming back and he shows that a Superman comic can be fun and exciting. This is what I want from a Superman comic.

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Action Comics (2011) #11

Jul 4, 2012

Reading ACTION COMICS sometimes feels like riding a roller coaster. Some issues are great and others are a little lacking. This was a solid issue despite not containing any major catastrophic events in the life of Superman. Where this series shines is in continuing to show the earlier days of Superman. Despite the other series taking place in the present, ACTION simply delivers more on who Superman is. The downside is with Superman allowing his alter ego of Clark Kent to be killed, we know that decision won't stick. It does raise the question of how much does his time as Clark Kent define who he is? Is he really willing to so easily give up Clark Kent's existence in order to be Superman and whatever other secret identity he creates? We are also treated to a fun back-up story picking up on details that may not be crucial but is a topic the nit-picky fans will love to see.

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Action Comics (2011) #12

Aug 1, 2012

When you first read this issue, you get a sense that this will be one of the average issues of the series. We've seen some great stories along with some so-so ones. As the story unfolds, you begin to see that there is more going on than was first apparent. The kicker is towards the end and it should open your eyes and bring a smile to your face. There was a back up mentioned in the original solicit but this is a 30-page story. There were some key moments towards the end that made this a fun read, specifically the conversation with Mrs. N. We'll definitely want to see the repercussions from this issue. Hopefully they'll play out within the next four issues...

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Action Comics (2011) #13

Oct 3, 2012

Krypto. That's enough to make me happy. We've been wondering what his fate was since the New 52 started. Now we finally have some answers, including clarification as to what the "ghost dog" mentioned in earlier issues meant. Seeing the beginning of the Phantom Zone and the return of Xa-Du raised the excitement. You'll find the back up touching your emotions as you see the relationship between baby Kal-El and Krypto and realize how much they lost. Grants different approach to the narrative gives the story a classic feel to it and fitting for a Halloween story, despite not really being a Halloween story. If you've been wondering what Krypto's fate will be, you need to check this issue out.

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Action Comics (2011) #15

Dec 5, 2012

This is the type of Grant Morrison Superman story I want. You can feel Grant unshackling the story he's been building on this series. We get to see so much, it's almost overwhelming but in a good way. Superman comics in the New 52 have had some rough patches, even at times in this series. But this issue really shines. We get a glimpse of a bigger picture and you can only imagine what Grant has coming for us as he wraps up his run. There's a lot of emotions to experience. You'll boo as the villain plans his evil scheme and want to cringe as you see a sad moment about to unfold. It's a bummer that it has to end but you can always read it again.This is definitely an issue I'll want to read over again.

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Action Comics (2011) #16

Jan 9, 2013

The end is near and you can see it coming. With just one more issue from Grant Morrison after this, you can feel everything building up to an explosive finale. There is plenty of action here gloriously drawn by Brad Walker and Rags Morales. Morrison and Sholly Fisch (in the back up) even won me over with the way they wrote the Legion of Super-Heroes. There's some bad stuff happening to Superman. This is shaping up to be a crazy and epic run for Morrison. We're assuming he has something big planned for his final issues so you'll definitely want to be caught up and on hand when it happens. There were moments of confusion but there's so much excitement contained here.

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Action Comics (2011) #18

Mar 20, 2013

It's the end of Grant Morrison's tenure on ACTION COMICS. We've had some good times and this issue serves to bring a conclusion to many of the threads he started throughout the run. Rags Morales gives us some great visuals in depicting the wacky fight between Superman and Vyndktvx. It gave a nice ending but didn't have the explosive finish I was hoping for. Perhaps expectations grew too high with all the stakes riding on this one. I will definitely re-read Morrison's entire run. Perhaps reading it all together or allowing a little time to pass will enhance the experience. I just wish we had a more grand ending.

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Action Comics (2011) #19

Apr 3, 2013

Obviously there's something that could be said about the unfortunate fact that this new team of Diggle and Daniel will not be on the series for more than a few issues. The important thing is, this was the type of comic Superman deserves. We get some great interaction between Lois and Clark, amazing action scenes with Superman and Lex Luthor looking the like the cold and immensely cruel individual he's supposed to be. There are some tiny bumps in this issue but nothing to get hung up on. In a perfect world, we'd get to see Diggle and Daniel on ACTION COMICS for a long run. This is the kind of stuff that makes ACTION COMICS super.

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Action Comics (2011) #20

May 1, 2013

The second part in the Andy Diggle/Tony Daniel run continues with a great deal of action and suspense. Taking place one year ago from the current continuity, we get to see more of what defines Superman as well as Lex Luthor. I can't say I was a fan of his portrayal previously but now he seems back on track as the evil slimy guy we love to hate. We also get to see more on Shay Veritas, the mysterious woman first seen in SUPERMAN 13. If this wasn't enough, there's a back up story by Scott Lobdell and Philip Tan that starts a new story dealing with a younger Jor-El on Krypton. I wasn't completely crazy about the situation Superman has to deal with but the story still moves at a nice pace and the art is worth checking out. It's great seeing Superman done the right way.

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Action Comics (2011) #21

Jun 5, 2013

This unfortunately marks the end of Tony Daniel's run on the series. Handling the art and scripting from Andy Diggle's plot, it feels as if the story got cut short and it would've been nice to see the story fleshed out a little more. There are some great sequences and Daniel's art really captured the essence of Superman/Clark, Lois and even Jimmy. The backup story focusing on Lara on Krypton is interesting but it's not fully clear what we'll get from this or other installments. There are some nice touches to the story and it's just unfortunate it had to come to an end so quickly. Fingers crossed the next issue will keep up the momentum this arc started.

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Action Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Greg Pak continues to show us he has a great take on Superman and his universe. In an issue I questioned the need for before reading, I found myself deeply hooked in the telling of who Zod was and how he grew into the General we've seen in the Superman comics. Greg Pak and Ken Lashley give us a unique look at the man and parts of Krypton we haven't seen before. You will come to understand Zod a little more and not see him as quite the two-dimensional villain he's often portrayed as. This was an example of a Villains Month title that left me wanting more. Greg Pak has definitely earned his place as a Superman writer.

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Action Comics (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Are we getting Villains-overload? We are but when you have a complex character like Lex Luthor, you can't resist having a good time. Charles Soule does a great job delving into what makes Lex tick. His inner monologue is just what we'd want to see in a Lex-solo story. The art is okay but there are some minor distracting moments that pull you out of the story. If you've been wondering how Lex changed and moved into the position seen in FOREVER EVIL #1, you'll definitely want to check this out. Charles Soule gets who Lex Luthor is and that's always great to see when Lex is given the spotlight.

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Action Comics (2011) #26

Dec 4, 2013

Greg Pak delivers a lot of action as we see more of Lana Lang in Superman's life. Fighting a big beast allows Superman to cut loose a little. It's not just non-stop action as we are introduced to some new elements as well as get a chance to see Superman struggle with the decisions of his action when it comes to saving multiple lives. Aaron Kuder doesn't miss a beat and keeps up with the action in Pak's script with ease. Pak is setting up a bigger story and you'll want to be on board to see what's coming up.

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Action Comics (2011) #40

Mar 11, 2015

Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder have given us a great and fun issue of ACTION COMICS. This is the sort of comic you should buy an extra copy or two to share with friends. With Superman somehow ending up on Bizarro World, we get a return of the classic Bizarro we all loved before the New 52. Pak delivers some wacky and fitting situations. Kuder's art and Wil Quintana's colors capture the feel of Bizarro World perfectly. I am definitely going to re-read this book. Buy this book. You'll love it. If you hate it, clearly you're from Bizarro World.

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Action Comics (2011) Annual #1

Oct 31, 2012

We've been wondering where the classic Superman villains are and we're finally getting them. As annuals should, this double sized issue focuses on giving us the origin of the New 52 versions of Kryptonite Man and Atomic Skull. They both have similar stories to their original counterparts but the update is fitting for the new 'universe.' Sholly Fisch gets the chance to step away from the back ups in giving a fully length feature and Max Landis makes his comic writing debut with a chilling silent story illustrated by Ryan Sook. Both villains may not blow you away but seeing them in an issue focused on their story rather than mixed into a regular one allows for more exploration into who they are. This is what comic book annuals should do, rather than continue a story from the main series.

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

There's a lot to like in the latest issue of Action Comics. The return of the original numbering and classic Superman is something we've been looking forward to. With Lex Luthor launching his latest scheme, we're seeing a return of the old conflict between him and the Man of Steel. Zircher and Morey's art and colors gives the story a great feel. The issue does serve as a catch up for new readers and also drives the story forward. Jurgens sets up some nice twists readers won't be able to turn their backs on. My excitement for Superman comics has risen to a new level.

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Afterlife With Archie #1

Oct 7, 2013

How could something so wrong feel so right? It didn't seem like crossing ARCHIE characters and zombies could fit together but Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla make it work perfectly. It could be easy to dismiss the idea as a gimmick to cash in on the zombie genre but the zombie craze isn't what it used to be. Instead, we get a fascinating meshing of these two worlds and, as horror stories should, it will make you feel completely uneasy in the pit of the stomach. If you're even slightly familiar with Archie and the gang and enjoy a good horror or zombie story, you owe it to yourself to check this out. You'll definitely want to sink your teeth into it. Just be sure to keep it away from the children.

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Afterlife With Archie #2

Nov 20, 2013

I am still completely sold on this concept. We've seen plenty of zombie stories. We've even seen zombie stories cross over with established characters in comics. This is a different pairing that was completely unexpected. The idea of the clean and wholesome Archie characters facing death and mutilation is bizarre. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa easily makes it work. The key to zombie survival stories is caring about the survivors. Because of their nature, you won't want to see any harm come to these characters. That's what makes it more compelling and gives you that slightly sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Francesco Francavilla's art is a perfect fit for the dark and suspenseful tale. You haven't seen an Archie story like this and you won't want to miss it. Just be sure you're not too squeamish and be sure to keep it away from the kids.

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Afterlife With Archie #3

Jan 8, 2014

AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE has become a book I look forward to each month. It's hard to imagine this being an ongoing series but that makes it all the better. Archie Comics took a big risk with crossing over the beloved characters with such a dark and deadly tone. That risk is paying off in a big way. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla are doing a remarkable thing. The Archie characters have never felt so alive despite the fact that characters are actually getting killed. This isn't the Archie Comic you're used to. This isn't a cheap zombie gimmick. AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE has a great story with character development and superb art that will give you chills.

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Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 5, 2014

Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla are making something unforgettable with AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE. This is far from a gimmick. It's not just another zombie story. It's not even just another Archie story either. The seemingly innocent characters we all know, whether you've ever read an Archie comic or not, are being transformed to another level. Aguirre-Sacasa is making careful effort to develop these characters in a way that will open your eyes. You can see where they're coming from and the horrible situation they now are in. Fracavilla's art is both beautiful and disturbing at the same time. There is such a sense of dread and trepidation that really puts this comic over the top.

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Afterlife With Archie #5

May 14, 2014

It's the end of the first story arc and thankfully we still have some of the beloved Archie characters around. It's no surprise why so many people are talking about and enjoying this series. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is brilliantly laying out the groundwork for this ongoing series. Francesco Francavilla's art manages to keep the characters separate enough from the all-ages familiar Archie look but not so much that you can't tell who everyone is. His style also captures the dark and dreary mood of the story. You can see and feel the hopelessness some of the characters are feeling. This issue marks the end of the first arc but feels more like a set up for the next issue. We don't get too much closure and because this is ongoing, you wouldn't really want too much of that. If you haven't been reading this, you need to fix that right away.

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Afterlife With Archie #7

Dec 10, 2014

AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE continues to 'wow' us with the story and character development. This isn't just "Archie with zombies." There is much more to this series than that. It's a tale of survival along with the opportunity to get to know these characters for the first time in a different setting. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla have created a wonderful new comic world that manages to punch you in the gut with each emotional development. With this the beginning of a new story arc, new readers could jump in, but readers should truly track down the previous issues or trade to get the full story. It's absolutely worth it. Seeing the Archie gang in this comic is so wrong but it's also so good to read this book.

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Afterlife With Archie #8

May 6, 2015

I say the same thing with the release of each issue, you really need to be reading this series. We've seen plenty of zombie apocalypse stories but there is so much more here. A good story of survival relies heavily on the characters. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa brilliantly captures and sets up situations for them that makes you feel a connection to them. You have no choice but to care and be concerned for them. Francesco Francavilla's artwork is perfect for the series. He sets up the atmosphere needed and gives the characters a unique look while they still maintain a tiny resemblance to their original counterparts. This series is taking things seriously. We have some heavy themes going on. It's the perfect blend of horror and suspense with plenty of character building and moments of awe. The wait in between issues is harsh but any month we get a new issue is a great one.

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Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1

Mar 7, 2012

Forget what you know about the X-Men. AGE OF APOCALYPSE takes the idea of turning everything upside down but this title is going places the previous mini-series haven't gone. We definitely have a darker feel with desperation seeing the story from the humans' perspective. Lapham and De La Torre work wonders together is giving this series a unique feel that makes it clear this isn't your average X-title. If you like the AoA world or want to see a different take on the X-Universe, this is definitely a series to check out. Other non-mutant characters may pop up as well as we get to see how everyone has been affected by this universe. If you're looking for something new with elements of familiarity, this series won't let you down.

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Age of Ultron #1

Mar 5, 2013

AGE OF ULTRON has finally begun. Without seeing the trigger that caused the Marvel Universe to become devastated, there are definite pros and cons with the first issue. We don't get bogged down by seeing the events take shape. The opportunity to jump right into the action is here. At the same time, we have no idea how it came to this state. There is a nice sense of mystery along with a feeling of despair seeing the heroes and world like this. The art and action gets intense and you will feel the need to want to know how all this came to be. Bendis has started another ambitious story. It's not just anyone that can cause such devastation to the Marvel Universe without explaining it step by step. We can assume big things are coming. We're already getting a glimpse of the craziness we can expect. Was AGE OF ULTRON worth the wait? With everything Bendis and Hitch throw at us in this first issue, the answer is yes.

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Age of Ultron #2

Mar 13, 2013

We may be on event-overload but I'm getting more and more excited for this one. We still don't have all the answer as to how it all started but we are getting some more details. Seeing other characters like Black Widow and Moon Knight was great. We are getting more set up. It's looking like next issue will definitely contain more action. Bryan Hitch's are great as he captures the mood of this world and seeing his character designs here makes the story more compelling. I almost feel like a kid getting this excited over a comic book event. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Age of Ultron #5

Apr 10, 2013

The story is continuing to unfold. It is fun to see the heroes getting together, ready to face the unknown dangers that await them. It would be nice to have the action pick up a bit. We're bound to see it amp up in the coming issues but that doesn't negate the fact that it has been five issues already. With what is being set up here, we should be in for some great action in the next issue. It'll be interesting to see how the next portion of this story plays out and how the repercussions of their decision will affect the overall story.

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Age of Ultron #6

Apr 17, 2013

The odds are stacked against the heroes. We're finally seeing them make a move. With the heroes going off in two different directions, it'll be interesting to see how the two 'missions' coincide with each other. Due to the nature of how they're carrying out their missions, it seems they should have taken a little bit more time to plan everything out. The different missions also allows for an acceptable reason to have different artists on this issue. There are still some interesting aspects of the story taking place. It just feels, with the different directions of the story, it's starting to go all over the place. There will be some repercussions to see in the following issues. I have no idea what's coming up and that's a good thing.

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Age of Ultron #7

May 1, 2013

There's only one more issue and there's no telling what will happen next. This series has been taking turns left and right. This gives the story a feeling of anything goes but it's also making it feel like it's just all over the place. Some of the actions feel too out of character but you have to try to remember that this is a desperate time for the survivors of the attack against the Marvel Universe. Despite the ups and downs of this series, there is a deep feeling of wanting to know and see how everything will be wrapped up. Bendis is showing that he's not afraid to shake up the foundation of the Marvel Universe. Soon we will see the results.

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Age of Ultron #8

May 15, 2013

AGE OF ULTRON is a book you can't look away from. There's been a lot going on and we can't help but wonder how it's all going to end to resolve it all. Bendis is giving us a chance to see the characters re-imagined and placed in crazy situations. Brandon Peterson's art manages to capture the different feel of these versions as well as cram the craziness that takes place towards the end. This is definitely a series that will have to be revisited once it's complete. I have no idea how this will all end. It does feel as if we're getting a lot of different things thrown at us. That can be a good thing. This series isn't exactly following the normal formula. Despite any reservations, I am still completely on board to see what's going to happen next.

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Age of Ultron #10

Jun 19, 2013

Will AGE OF ULTRON change everything? It appears that it will. There has been some debate over the direction and purpose of certain elements of this series. We now see where it's been leading to. Brian Michael Bendis has opened the door to future storytelling possibilities in the Marvel Universe. That is the important thing about this series. It is the key moment that will allow different stories to come. The Marvel Universe has been affected by this story. It will be interesting to see how it pays off. You have to commend the series for the ambitious nature it took on. Ten issues may not have been needed but I am deeply curious to see what will result from Bendis' story.

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Airboy #1

Jun 3, 2015

If you've read any comic from James Robinson in the past, that likely won't even prepare you for this book. Robinson lets it all out (literally) and tells the semi-autobiographical story of a low point in his life. Packed with raw emotions and a heaping serving of profanity, nudity, and drug usage, this is a comic pretty much unlike any you've seen. There will be moments that will shock you as well as ones that will make you laugh. Greg Hinkle's art is brilliant. A fantastic look at James' world is being set up in this issue. You will see things you never thought you'd see. There are some bold and gutsy things being done here. You'll be entertained in way most comics can't. This is a different sort of comic and that's a great thing to have on the store shelves.

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Alex + Ada #2

Dec 11, 2013

I'll admit, I was a little unsure about this comic when I first heard the premise. Having read the first two issues, I fully appreciate the layers to the story. We may have a man and an android here but you can feel the beginning of something happening. What exactly is what we'll have to wait and see. Vaughn and Luna make this far more than it seems and you can see the inner struggle Alex is going through with life and the fact that he now has a lifelike female android, without that message being pounded over your head. This is definitely an intriguing story that we'll be keeping our eye on.

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All-New All-Different Avengers #4

Jan 27, 2016

You've probably read a mountain of Avengers comics, but you haven't read ones like this. Mark Waid is embracing the "All-New, All-Different" title and giving us a team that's very different from what we've seen before. There's a bit of a learning curve despite all the heroes having plenty of experience on their own. This different vibe to the team does separate it from past volumes and adds an air of mystery to the series. We're used to the team being able to seamlessly take on any problems. That's not the case here and it's part of what makes it feel fresh. Mahmud Asrar's art is refreshing as well. His art keeps getting better and better as he handles the solitary character moments along with the heavy times of action. Forget what you knew about the Avengers before. This is a new team for a new age.

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All-New Captain America (2014) #1

Nov 12, 2014

Change happens all the time in comics and we are seeing a new Captain America once again. Sam Wilson is not a new character but he does bring some new ideas to the role of Cap. Rick Remender gets to play around with the new status quo and we can already see we're in for a treat with this new fighting duo. Stuart Immonen's art is a great as you would expect. The action scenes are superb and wait until you see the last page. It might be hard for some to accept change but we all know these sort of changes have a way of circling back eventually. What readers need to do is embrace the change and strap in for the ride. You never know what Rick Remender is cooking up and you won't want to miss out on the fun.

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All-New Ghost Rider #1

Mar 26, 2014

I wasn't sure if we needed another new Ghost Rider but after reading this issue, I'm sold. Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore give us exactly that, a NEW Ghost Rider. This isn't a Ghost Rider we've seen before. We get a new character from a different part of the Marvel Universe and it's all really cool to see. I've seen some have concerns over the art but the more you see, the more you'll agree it's fitting for this comic. There is a nice indie feel to this comic that, again, makes it feel different and fresh compared to past Ghost Rider stories. I like where this comic is going. I like it a lot.

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All-New Hawkeye #1

Mar 4, 2015

If you're a fan of (almost) anyone named Hawkeye, you're going to love ALL-NEW HAWKEYE. Jeff Lemire and Ramn Prez have given us an amazing first issue issue for the new volume. If any Hawkeye fans were concerned with the new creative team taking over, they can put those away and put on their dancing shoes to celebrate the new series. While the main story focuses on Clint and Kate in the middle of a crazy plan, we are also treated to some gorgeous flashbacks with Clint and his brother, Barney. The color is split between Prez and Ian Herring and it's definitely impressive. This series will give you an all-new reason to fall in love with Hawkeye once again.

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All-New Hawkeye #4

Jul 22, 2015

Lemire, Prez, and Herring are continuing to make this book their own. With all the hoopla over the previous volume, it's great to see this series completely stand on its own without completely disregarding what happened before. Each issue feels like I'm visiting old friends. Both the past and the present story lines are intriguing even if the jumping back and forth is sometimes distracting. If you're not reading this book, you need to fix that right away.

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All-New Invaders #1

Jan 22, 2014

The Invaders are back and only James Robinson could have pulled it off. With Steve Pugh on art and Guru-eFX on colors, it's a good beginning for the new series. Robinson sets up the scenario for the characters to get back together. The threat bringing them together is not what you'd expect and that's what adds an interesting twist. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this series to see what happens next.

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All-New Invaders #3

Mar 19, 2014

James Robinson has assembled his team of Invaders. It's always fun to see a writer take on the personalities of the different characters in a team book. Part of the fun here is watching Robinson's take on the different characters and anytime we get to see Namor's arrogance, you know it's going to be a party. Along with seeing Robinson write the different personalities, we get to see Steve Pugh's take on the different characters. The Invaders might be in over their heads. Robinson is raising the suspense and leaves us hanging until the next issue.

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All-New Marvel NOW Point One #1

Jan 7, 2014

If you're looking for a lot of comic for your money, this is a title you'll want to check out. With the many All-New Marvel Now! titles coming out, this will give you a good idea what you can expect with some. The $5.99 is more than you might be used to paying for a single comic but we are talking fifty pages of fresh new content. With so many different stories by a lot of creators, there's bound to be plenty for you to enjoy. Get on board now to find some of your new favorite comics coming out soon.

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All-New Wolverine #1

Nov 11, 2015

There's a new Wolverine in town. The former X-23 has stepped up into the role of her deceased mentor. Tom Taylor throws us into the action and shows us what Laura can do. David Lopez and David Navarrot do a fantastic job with the art and the two styles work nicely in the context of the story. Nathan Fairbairn's colors sets the right tone within moments of serenity and the fast-paced action sequences. This was one of the All-New, All-Different Marvel series I was most looking forward to and we're off to an extraordinary start. I can't wait to see more. We have an interesting story being set up and you won't be able to resist being curious to see where Taylor takes things. This may not be the 'Wolverine' you were expecting but you'll fall in love with her, if you haven't already.

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All-New Wolverine #2

Nov 25, 2015

Tom Taylor is taking X-23 to the next level. Laura has come a long way since she was first introduced in 2004. Having her take on the Wolverine mantle is allowing her to step up and you can see her outlook on things changing in a way. There's a great feel in the characterization in the art along with some cool action sequences. You'll love the nice twist and cliffhanger at the end and it'll will make you do a Darth Vader impression ("Nooooooooooooo!") when you discover you have to wait until the next issue to find out what's going to happen. I never thought I'd love X-23 as the Wolverine this much. Things are about to get pretty nuts.

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All-New Wolverine #3

Dec 30, 2015

ALL-NEW WOLVERINE has become one of my favorite titles under the All-New, All-Different Marvel banner. I just can't get enough of this book.

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All-New Wolverine Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

All-New Wolverine Annual #1 is my favorite book this week. We get a delightful meeting between Wolverine and Spider-Gwen. Taylor, Takara, and Lopes are on point with the story. The crux of the plot passes by a little quickly, and the resolution to tie up the self-contained story feels a little convenient. Regardless, it's an enjoyable issue. Even if you're unfamiliar with the characters, you can easily dive into the story. Do yourself a favor and buy the issue. Maybe you should even buy two issues to had off to a friend to try to convert them into reading comics.

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All-New X-Men #1

Nov 13, 2012

We're off to a good start. This has been a title I've been deeply curious about. Unfortunately the wait of what the original X-Men from the past think about the future isn't fully explored here. That's not a major problem as this issue does set up the situation and moves Cyclops story forward from last week. It's also a good place for new readers to jump in. They may have missed recent events but there is enough set up here to explain things without simply repeating everything for older readers. It feels we're on the verge of some crazy things happening in the X-Men Universe.

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All-New X-Men #2

Nov 26, 2012

What would you do if you could visit your future self? That's a question with serious repercussions when it comes to the original X-Men. We know that in the Marvel Universe you're not supposed to be able to travel in time without creating an alternate reality but Brian Michael Bendis may have found a way around this. As I read each page, I found myself reading slower and slower. I simply did not want the issue to end. There is so much to see and expect with the young X-Men making their way to the present. There are so many reactions from both sides we have to look forward to. You'll even find yourself a little surprised at seeing some of the emotion present in this issue. For the young X-Men, seeing their future is a heavy burden and watching Bendis and Immonen unfold the story is something I can't get enough of.

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All-New X-Men #4

Dec 17, 2012

Bendis and Immonen are on a roll. Having the series come out twice a month may have been a little hard on the wallet but it's great because having to wait a full month for the next issue would be unbearable. This may not be the X-Men we're used to reading but Bendis is mapping out an incredible ride that is taking the X-Men in a new direction.

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All-New X-Men #6

Jan 16, 2013

David Marquez jumps on the series for the next three issues and it's a welcomed sight to see his art here. Along with Marte Gracia's colors, we get great visuals with the suspense of the story. Even though the series is still setting things up for the young mutants, this is what I want to see. The interaction with others and seeing their reactions is what is selling me on this. We don't have any of the present day Cyclops story but that is totally fine with me. This is a series I'm glad comes out twice a month. Having to wait a full month until the next issue would be too much.

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All-New X-Men #8

Mar 6, 2013

ALL-NEW X-MEN continues to be one of my favorite Marvel NOW! titles. Even when an issue feels like there isn't an incredible amount that happens, you'll find yourself hanging onto every panel and piece of dialogue. I hate to think that at some point, this series has to come to an end. We can't have the young X-Men around forever. That's part of what makes everything so volatile. There's simply no telling what might happen next. Bendis keeps delivering issue after issue and David Marquez does a great job depicting all the characters, young and old. This is indeed a series I'm extremely thankful for the twice-a-month schedule. I can't get enough.

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All-New X-Men #9

Mar 20, 2013

I can't get enough of ALL-NEW X-MEN. Stuart Immonent returns and we get to see the team in action under Kitty Pryde's guidance. Seeing the X-Men from the past try to adjust to today is a gives an interesting perspective on just how much the X-Men comics have changed. We're still seeing the young X-Men adjust to the present but there are huge seeds being planted that will kick the series into high gear. With Mystique and Sabretooth hatching a new scheme and the incident that happens at the end, next issue will give those clamoring for more action something to chew on.

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All-New X-Men #11

May 1, 2013

ALL-NEW X-MEN continues to be one of my favorite Marvel NOW! series. There is something about the innocence of the younger X-Men forced to deal with the craziness of the current time period. Throughout everything, you can't help but wonder what effects this will have on everything. It's part of what keeps you on the edge of you seat. We know there a crossover coming in the Fall so, more than ever, you'll want to keep a close eye on what's going on. Brian Michael Bendis' portrayal of young Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde is enough to warm my heart. These are two of my favorite X-Men characters and seeing them together reminds me of Kitty's first appearance when their roles were reversed. Stuart Immonen adds to Bendis' writing by making everything look so good. There have been some great runs in the X-Men's history and this just might be my favorite one in recent years.

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All-New X-Men #12

Jun 5, 2013

I can't get enough of this series. Bendis and Immonen continue to make this series a blast. In an issue that pulls back the action, we still get so much story. The meeting of the young X-Men and the Uncanny Avengers opens up some great interactions and that's what's so fun about this series. Mystique and her crew are still up to their usual shenanigans but it's more about the potential explosive nature of the young X-Men being in the present. This is exactly the amount of good times and storytelling I want in my X-Men comics.

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All-New X-Men #16

Sep 3, 2013

It's a new X-Men event but this is off to a tremendous start. Reading this story reminds me of that feeling when I was a kid and first started reading X-Men comics. There's a sense of wonder and excitement. I am completely on board with this.

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All-New X-Men #17

Oct 2, 2013

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Battle of the Atom has become one of my favorite crossover events. There's so much craziness and twists that you're never quite sure what Brian Michael Bendis is going to throw at us next. Just when you think the story would begin to wind down to some big epic conclusion, we're still seeing the story being set up. Stuart Immonen has become one of my favorite X-Men artists with his work on ALL-NEW X-MEN. The little details he gives in the characters' expressions fits perfectly with Bendis' script and the subtle humor sprinkled in. I can't wait for the next chapter and thankfully we won't have to wait long.

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All-New X-Men #18

Nov 13, 2013

It's time for the next chapter for the original X-Men. Brian Bendis and Stuart Immonen are taking the team (and Kitty Pryde) in a new direction and there's no telling what will happen next. Bendis moves the story forward while continuing to flesh out these characters, adding to what we already know about them. These are no longer simply the "original" X-Men. Bendis is evolving them further due to the new experiences they are facing. The setting may have changed for the characters but we're still going to get the same old fun that Bendis has been delivering since this series began.

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All-New X-Men #20

Dec 18, 2013

The All-New X-Men might just be getting used to their new situation with Cyclops' team of mutants but things are about to change in big ways. X-23 being thrown into the mix could spice things up and battle the Purifiers never is a good thing for the team. Brian Michael Bendis balances some slightly dark moments with the humor we've grown to love. The use of two different artists unfortunately makes the flow of the story a little jarring. We have a young team of X-Men and we'll see if they're ready to take on this latest incarnation of the Purifiers.

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All-New X-Men #28

Jun 11, 2014

Who would have thought Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen would bring the evil X-Men from the future back so soon? Just as the X-Men were surprised, we could almost say the same. Bendis makes the perfect argument to bring these characters back and they have a big advantage over the X-Men. This makes for some great action. Immonens art has become synonymous with these characters in this title and its always a blast to see his art. Theres no telling what Bendis will throw at the X-Men next and thats just one thing I love about this title. I cant wait to see what happens after that last page.

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All-New X-Men #40

Apr 22, 2015

The X-Men have been involved in a big cosmic event with the Guardians of the Galaxy and others. Returning to Earth, they get the chance to unwind a little, Brian Michael Bendis style. Bendis has a knack for allowing the characters to live and breath like humans. It also allows for some growth in the characters as well as a big revelation that has everyone online talking. The revelation of an original X-Men being gay can be a big deal for several reasons. But it's also not the main focus of the issue. While we'll have to wait and see how this character's allowed to progress from here, Bendis also sets up a new thread with the introduction of the Utopians. Mahmud Asrar's art keeps getting better. His take on the team and his depiction of their expressions is gold. Pick up the issue for the reason everyone is talking on and on about but also check out the other developments happening around the characters.

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All-New X-Men Annual #1

Dec 24, 2014

It's not often I read a comic and have to stop to take it all in. The story of Eva Bell is both fantastic and tragic. Brian Michael Bendis has taken the concept of time traveling to add some huge character development to Eva. There's no going back to who she was before. Even if you read the first part of the story in UNCANNY X-MEN ANNUAL #1, you won't be prepared for Andrea Sorrentino's art and Marcelo Maiolo's colors. The art here will make you want to weep with joy. This comic is more than just a read; it's an experience.

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All-New, All-Different Avengers (FCBD 2015) #1

May 2, 2015

This is a pretty great FREE COMIC BOOK DAY issue. There's a lot to see. All our questions may not be answered but as a sneak peek to what's coming up, you'll definitely want to find out more about what's going to happen with the Avengers and Inhumans. It's a quality issue for a "free" comic. We get new (and important) content from Mark Waid, Charles Soule, Mahmud Asrar, and Brandon Peterson. If you have any interest in either of these teams and what's in store for them after SECRET WARS, you won't want to miss this. Make sure you visit your local comic shop to grab an issue. And be sure to thank them as well.

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All-Star Batman #1

Aug 10, 2016

All Star Batman is off to a great start, and you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting for the next chapter.

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All-Star Batman #4

Nov 9, 2016

For a character that's been around close to 80 years, we've seen countless different stories take place. Scott Snyder has been writing the character for the past few years, yet he keeps finding new ways to approach the storytelling. Snyder and Romita are delivering a high-action story with different twists and turns. The back-up story gives us more on Duke Thomas and continues to flesh him out. If you want a Batman story crammed with action where he's taken out of his element, this is the one for you.

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All-Star Batman #5

Dec 28, 2016

Looking back at this arc, Snyder and Romita have delivered an over-the-top and action-filled adventure. This isn't your typical Batman story, and that's a good thing. Snyder set up a lot, and Romita cut loose with each scene. I actually found myself going back and looking at each page, panel by panel. People have different opinions on Romita's art, but I find it fascinating looking over the different areas of detail contain within each panel.

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All-Star Western #19

Apr 24, 2013

Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray have done it again. We've seen some strange gatefold covers on the DC Comics this month but this one makes sense. We've seen crazy crossovers before but the appearance of Booster Gold here opens up more questions rather than answer the ones since his disappearance in the New 52. Watching the events unfold is just one of the charming aspects of this issue. In an age where Western comics may not be at the top of readers' lists, Palmiotti and Gray show us that doesn't have to be the case. With the various connections we're seeing to the modern continuity, you get a feeling of anything goes even though certain events still need to be set in stone. Moritat continues to capture the vibe of the series. There's no telling what may happen next and that's the fun part of the series.

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All-Star Western #34

Aug 27, 2014

It's the end of an era. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray have chronicled over one hundred issues with Jonah Hex. It's a sad day to see it all come to an end. Normally I have difficulty reading the final issue of certain series but I felt I owed it to the team and character to ride this final adventure with them. Joined by Darwyn Cooke and Dave Stewart, there is a visual feast to go along with this last story. There has been someone masquerading as Hex and Jonah has to decided if he'll do something about that. The ending may not be what some might want. I felt it was fitting considering how long the series has hovered on cancellation. It's been a fight to get this far and the Jonah Hex fans have stuck it out. This is our chance to bid farewell to Jonah. Hopefully someday we'll see his return.

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Alpha: Big Time #1

Feb 20, 2013

Fialkov's stories aren't ones you should take lightly. He's known for throwing major curveballs at readers. This issue sets up what comes next for the kid superhero that almost had it all. He may have made mistakes and is trying to avoid new ones. That doesn't mean he won't make more.

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Alpha: Big Time #2

Mar 13, 2013

Joshua Hale Fialkov continues to make an unlikable character interesting. Alpha is becoming an interesting character as we see how he continues to grow and each situation he ends up in. It's a little hard to say what will happen next for Alpha. Part of the charm in this title is the fact that he doesn't fully know what he's doing and is capable of making huge mistakes. The art shines at times but others it takes a little while to get used to. We get an interesting twist at the end that continues to add to the suspense Fialkov is creating. I never thought I'd want to read more ALPHA but it's all Fialkov's fault for making him interesting.

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Alpha: Big Time #4

May 8, 2013

I don't want to like Alpha. Josh Fialkov is not giving me a choice. He's made Alpha the perfect flawed character. He had it all and messed up"big time. This is sort of a story of redemption but also one of a teenage superhero. There is a sense of innocence and discovery as Alpha tries to take the opportunity for a second chance. Balancing between being a superhero and a normal teenager isn't easy and Fialkov captures it perfectly. Nuno Plati's art has absolutely grown on me. I was on the fence before but I really like the atmosphere and feeling this book now generates. Fialkov puts Alpha in a tough situation at the end and we get a big cliffhanger. I will definitely be eagerly awaiting the next issue.

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Alpha: Big Time #5

Jun 12, 2013

ALPHA: BIG TIME has been a pleasant surprise. It shouldn't really have been a surprise how much I liked this since Josh Fialkov was the writer. The idea of taking a character most readers couldn't really stand and center a miniseries around him was remarkable. The fact that Fialkov made us care so much and packed so much story and emotion into this series is a testament to his writing. With this being the final issue, you owe it to yourself to read this entire series. It's refreshing to see a different sort of teenage superhero story. Nuno Plati's art added another layer to Fialkov's storytelling. It's unfortunate that this is the end. Hopefully we'll get to see more on the horrific circumstances Fialkov has unleashed.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #666

Jul 27, 2011

Spider-Island is almost here. The official prelude issue continues the tiny snippets we've been seeing in the back up stories and Spider-Man's life is about to be turned upside down. His life has been going very smoothly lately and we all know that can't last forever. Spider-Man has been evolving as a character since Slott began BIG TIME and it's great seeing the changes the character makes to further himself along. He's made more changes in the past year than he has in the last decade. He is going to need those changes if he hopes to survive what is coming up in Spider-Island. It was also great to see that a big deal wasn't made out of the fact that this is the 666th issue. I really want to get excited over the possibility at the end but I'm afraid of getting my hopes up if it's just a big tease.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #667

Aug 10, 2011

Spider-Island is here! The idea of New York City gaining spider-powers felt crazy but the execution by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos pays off. After months of tiny bits of set up, the action begins. Spider-Man will be in over his head when he discovers he's powers are no longer as unique as he thought. Slott brings in many guest stars and cameos but they don't feel forced. Slott sets up the action and Ramos knocks it out of the park. Ramos' art delivers what you would want and expect in a Spider-Man 'event.' This issue was so fun to read. We have big action, great art and lots of opportunities for craziness and excitement in the first part of this story. Slott has big plans in mind and you can see them about to explode onto the pages of Amazing Spider-Man.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #671

Oct 12, 2011

This is a Spider-Man event like no other. The action is heating up as all of New York City is falling under the Jackal and the Queen's plan. Seeing other Marvel heroes play a role in a Spider-Man story has been fun yet with all the chapters, mini-series and one-shots so far, it feels like it's starting to drag on a little. Thankfully there are some big revelations here. If you've been waiting for some answers to a couple big questions, you will get them here. Also, there some big changes happening for a couple characters. Dan Slott's epic story with Humberto Ramos' frantic art will leave you gasping for air as you try to take it all in. With everything that happens here, it's hard to imagine what will happen next. Get ready to hold onto your hats.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #672

Oct 26, 2011

Spider-Island is over. That could be a good or a bad thing. The entire story had a big epic 'event' feel without forcing readers to check out a bunch of other titles or force readers of other titles to read this. Slot poured a lot of action into this arc and Ramos managed to keep pace by drawing all the chaotic scenes, even if there were some moments some of the characters felt a little off. Spider-Man has come a long way and it's been great seeing the other heroes get involved in a giant Spider-Man-focused story. The ending is nicely executed but opens the door for some exploration in some of the repercussions of this story. It's hard to imagine how Slott will top this huge storyline. He's set the bar pretty high for himself. My biggest fanboy wish is we'll get to see at least a little more of what we had on the cover.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #673

Nov 2, 2011

I was happy with the way Spider-Island ended but this epilogue adds so much more to the story. It's great to see the actual aftermath after a major story to add that tiny bit of realism. Too many times we see mass destruction only to find everything nice and neat in the next issue. Slott's dialogue adds some more realism as we get to see people's reactions to what's going on. The humor might be a little too much as characters are talking about quirks readers are aware of with other characters' designs. With most epilogues, the issues just wrap everything up and not much else happens. We do get to see the clean up and there might not be a ton of actual action going on but there is a lot to see here. It's a little strange seeing Caselli's art after Humberto Ramos handled all of Spider-Island but that's not a complaint. Caselli always captures the mood of characters through their expressions and Frank Martin's color art really adds a something to the already great artwork.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #678

Jan 18, 2012

You'll be surprised at how much action there is despite Spider-Man not going toe to toe with a costumed bad guy. Because this is part 1 of 2, you have an idea how things might end next issue. Regardless, Slott and Ramos give us a Spider-Man story with a great refreshing twist. It's a fun read with no hints as to how Spidey can possibly save the day.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #679.1

Feb 15, 2012

It's hard to believe the "Point One" issues are still coming out. The idea of using this numbering system is unnecessary. The idea is for this to be a good jumping on point but you have to wonder how many 'new' readers would even be aware. Slapping a big "New Jumping On Point" on the cover would work better. In this issue's defense, it does serve to introduce new readers to the idea of Horizon Labs, the place Peter Parker now works. It's not all recap information for regular readers as we get more on the mysterious "Number Six" working at the lab (who we discovered his identity during Spider-Island). It's a fun issue and the action is self-contained. There are some developments and new plots created but after the previous two-part time travel story, it's more of a way for us to catch our breath. Dan Slott, Chris Yost and Matthew Clark deliver a Spider-Man story that new and old readers can easily enjoy.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #680

Feb 29, 2012

Spider-Man in space. It's not often I get to write that. To make it better, he's not going alone. Spider-Man is known for his humor and quips and having someone to bounce them off of usually makes the story fun and entertaining. There is a reason for Spider-Man needing to take a trip to space. This is the beginning of a bigger story. We're just getting a tease of what's to come. Slott is joined once again by Chris Yost and the two seem to work as well as Spider-Man and his guest star, in a good way, of course. We get a typical cliffhanger that will make you eager for the next issue and the situation will place Spider-Man in yet another situation we haven't seen a million times. Spider-Man has simply been a great deal of fun to read lately and I can't wait for the next issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #684

Apr 18, 2012

Things aren't looking good for Spider-Man. He's forced to continue fighting in a different manner. No longer can he just rely on his spider-powers, now we're seeing him use his brains more and more. It's great to see a change in the overall battle against the Sinister Six but feels a little odd that Spider-Man needs the Avengers and scientists at Horizon Lab to help him out. Doc Ock (and Dan Slott) have raised the stakes in this confrontation and it's not over yet. Humberto Ramos' art is always fun to see but with his style differing from Caselli's in the past two issues, it creates a distraction. Slott is doing big things in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and I don't know how he's going to top this story.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #692

Aug 22, 2012

If you love Spider-Man, you're going to love this oversized anniversary issue. If you just 'like' Spider-Man, you will totally dig the new developments here with the idea of Spider-Man taking on Alpha as a sidekick. If you don't like should still check out what changes we may be seeing with the character. Spider-Man has been around for fifty years now. This issue marks a new chapter in his career.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #693

Sep 5, 2012

There's still time to place your bet on whether or not Spider-Man will keep Alpha as a sidekick (not that we condone gambling). Alpha is not a likable character and he's not supposed to be. After fifty years, Dan Slott has given Spider-Man a new set of responsibilities (and I don't mean he's been writing for fifty years). Humberto Ramos handles the big action scenes along with Peter in his civilian guise with ease. This is a turning point for Spider-Man and this series. If you haven't been reading Spider-Man lately for some reason, now is a great time to start. Actually, be sure to pick up the last issue. You won't regret it.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #694

Sep 26, 2012

I was unsure of the idea of Spider-Man having a sidekick but should have known better than to doubt Dan Slott. The story of Alpha and the abuse of his powers gave us a different look at superheroes in the Marvel Universe. There are some repercussions we'll be seeing and the way the events play out makes this story better than I could have imagined. The final page brought a huge smile to my face as well. Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos deliver a crazy fun issue. There is plenty of action and guest stars. We're seeing changes in Spider-Man's life and there definitely is a dark cloud on the horizon.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #696

Oct 24, 2012

There is plenty of crazy action contained in this single issue. Peter's identity is on the line, suspicion is being aroused at Horizon Labs, Kingpin is involved and we have two Hobgoblins thrown into the mix. It's a bad day to be Spider-Man but a great day for Spider-Man readers. Dan Slott and Christos Gage are making sure THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN goes out with a bang. There is even some hints about the upcoming story after this one. I never thought I could enjoy so much Spider-Man action without the Spider-Man costume even being present. I actually feel bad for readers that aren't keeping up with THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. They are indeed missing out on the fun.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #697

Nov 14, 2012

Hobgoblin vs Hobgoblin vs Peter Parker. Talk about an exciting comic. Peter is in quite a mess and is probably hoping his series ended before this one. Dan Slott and Christos Gage have set up quite the story with Peter, stuck without being able to put on his costume to fight, going up against the Kingpin, the Hand and two Hobgoblins. Action, adventure and fun times are here. I should note that as a big Hobgoblin fan, this was a joy to read. There are a lot of seeds being planted, not just for the next few issues but beyond as well. Part of me is sad to know this series is ending but with Slott still on board for SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN, you'll want to pay close attention to these final issues. What it comes down to is if you're looking for a really cool Spider-Man action-packed issue, this is it.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698

Nov 21, 2012

I am not thrilled with what happens here but I love what Dan Slott is doing. It's always been clear he's having a blast writing Spider-Man and you'll want to see what happens here and what will happen next. This is more than a mere stunt. This is the evolution of the character and big change that will set the stage for the next chapter of Spider-Man. Do yourself a favor and read this issue. Try not to spoil it for others, even if spoilers are already out there. Let them read it and be shocked for themselves. Years from now you'll ask others, "Do you remember where you were when you read AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #698?"

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699

Dec 5, 2012

Dan Slot continues to pack in the excitement and suspense while giving us some of the answers we've been looking for. You'll get sucked into the story and will almost forget that the series is ending in just one more issue. There's a lot riding on the events here and the feeling of absolutely not knowing how Slott will end this story is great. You'll be counting down the days until issue #700.Note: Be sure to read ASM #700 BEFORE reading AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #15.1 on December 26!!

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #699.1

Dec 12, 2012

Do you think you know who Morbius is? Whether you're a fan of the character or unsure what to think of him, this issue will win you over. Set as a bit of a prelude to his upcoming solo series, the focus is placed on who he is and what the story of his past is. Joe Keatinge writes the story as he lays out the groundwork for his series. Dan Slott is on hand as well to help bridge the gap between last issue and issue #700. We have some great art to showcase Morbius' past but it would have been nice to have a little more Spider-Man in this Spider-Man comic.Note: Be sure to read AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 before reading AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #15.1 on December 26.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700

Dec 26, 2012

The final issue of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN has arrived. Spider-Man as we know him is no more. Comic book readers will be the first to complain if we keep getting the same old stories but if a major change is done to our beloved characters, we'll also complain. This is a chance to see something different. Dan Slott has cooked up a crazy idea and now we'll get to see what happens next in SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN. I am on board to see how this plays out. I'll be reading to see what the next chapter holds for Spider-Man and the supporting cast. Of course Spider-Man fans will not be pleased with what happens. But we do see a great battle that really shows what Spider-Man is about. He is one of the greatest heroes and this issue is a testament to that. It's a fight fought on a different sort of battlefield. This is a story you'll remember for years to come. It does change everything.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) Annual #39

May 30, 2012

This is the type of stories we should have in comic book annuals. We don't need annual stories that tie into other comics (or annuals) and we don't need back up stories and layouts on Peter's apartment (and similar features we've seen in the past). This is a stand alone oversized story with an interesting twist. The unfortunate nature of being a stand alone story is you don't get a sense that we'll be seeing any repercussions from this issue pop up later. Lee Garbett does a great job on Brian Reed's script. It's unfortunate that we had a recent story centered around messing around with time but this story had a nice twist to it. If you're looking for a good stand alone story that delves into who Peter Parker/Spider-Man is, you definitely need to check this out.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1

Apr 29, 2014

Spider-Man is back to be Amazing. Dan Slott's SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN run will remain as one of our favorites since it shook up Spider-Man to his core. As we witness the next chapter in Spidey's life unfold, there will be several repercussions for him to deal with. Having Humberto Ramos' art helped to usher in the feeling of the return of the AMAZING Spider-Man because of his previous work on the series. This issue is like a celebration as we are treated to several short back up stories that further set the stage for what's coming in Spider-Man's life. Peter Parker may be back but he won't have very long to celebrate. He has a big mess to clean up and several angry foes that will be gunning for him.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.1

May 7, 2014

Lets take a trip back to the early days of Spider-Mans career. Not a simple retelling of stories weve already seen, this series sets to fill in some of the gaps between AMAZING FANTASY #15 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 (Volume 1). With Dan Slott writing, you cant help but wonder how much will come into play in the newly relaunched AMAZING SPIDER-MAN series. Ramn Perezs art matches the tone of the time period nicely and it could be very interesting to see what happens to Spider-Man in this transitionary stage. If you think you know the whole story behind Spider-Mans early days, it turns out theres more than you realized.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #3

Jun 25, 2014

Spider-Man is back and it looks like the old Parker luck is still around. Peter Parker is back as Spider-Man and Dan Slott is making sure it's not simply more of the same old thing we saw before. It's great to see the beginnings of the next chapter in Spider-Man's life unfold. Slott is setting the stage for new problems for Spidey as well as fleshing out the world around him. Humberto Ramos' art adds a fun and frantic feel to the story but also lets you feel the emotion the characters are feeling. Black Cat has declared Spider-Man her enemy and it feels a bit much but you can't argue that it'll be interesting to see how this story continues to develop. Dan Slott is keeping us on our toes and you never know what will happen next.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #5

Aug 13, 2014

Spider-Man has a new enemy and her name is Black Cat. Even though Spider-Man has discovered Silk, a woman who was bitten by the same radioactive spider he was moments afterwards, her help still won't be enough to stop this hate-filled Felicia Hardy. Having an amped up Electro on her side makes Black Cat even more deadly. Black Cat's hatred and attitude feels like a bit much but it is making an interesting story, combined with the other subplots thrown in. Dan Slott is keeping the fun and excitement going and Humberto Ramos' art captures the vibe of the story nicely. There's a big cliffhanger but we'll just assume he'll manage to get out of it next issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #6

Sep 10, 2014

Peter Parker is back as Spider-Man and there's no slowing down. Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos are throwing plenty of action and sticky situations Peter's way. There's big things happening in Spider-Man's life and no telling where things will go next. Spider-Man is unmasked, Black Cat continues her attack against Spider-Man and Peter Parker, and there's more with Silk. Dan Slott is not slowing down when it comes to Spider-Man. There's so much going on, as soon as you finish reading, you'll need to stop to catch your breath.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9

Nov 5, 2014

Spider-Verse is here! Dan Slott has already shown that this is not going to be a walk in the park for Spider-Man or the other versions. Dan Slott is cooking up quite the story and Olivier Coipel's art is amazing in the extended first part of the issue. We also get a back-up with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli. That gives a total of thirty-four pages for just a dollar more than the regular price. If you're a Spider-Man fan, you owe it to yourself to check out what all the excitement is about. Even if you don't like Spider-Man that much, chances are you'll find a version within that you do. Spider-Verse is definitely going to shake things up for Spider-Man's world.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1

Oct 7, 2015

We're off to an interesting new start. This may not be the Spider-Man you're used to but you'll definitely want to see what happens next. With Dan Slott, you never know what he has up his sleeves. This is Spider-Man and Peter Parker living up to their full potential.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business #1

Apr 2, 2014

I didn't think I was going to like this story. I didn't think it would matter or be important. I was wrong. Clearly the creative team had a huge influence on my decision to buy this without having any idea what we would get. Waid, Robinson, and Dell'Otto take us away on an incredible adventure full of action, intrigue, mystery, and even espionage. It's definitely a different kind of Spider-Man story and that's part of what I enjoyed so much. I did roll my eyes over the idea of Peter Parker having a long-lost sister but Waid and Robinson showed me it could be a great thing. Does this fit into regular continuity? Could it fit in? I absolutely hope so. This is a highly enjoyable stand alone Spider-Man story unlike what you're used to.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Jun 3, 2015

The moment many have wanted and waited for is here. Peter Parker and Mary Jane are once again married. Sure, it's in a Secret Wars Battleworld region but we get to see what married life is like for the two along with how they're raising their daughter. Slott takes the theme of responsibility to a new level now that Peter is a family man. The story does have a slight sudden pace but that is likely necessary due to the constraints of the size of the series. Adam Kubert's pencils and Justin Ponsor's colors make this look as great as we could hope. Spider-Man's world is often plagued by bad luck but let's hope this turns out to be a great experience for the characters and readers.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

Nov 6, 2013

There's a new X-Men title in town and we have the makings of a grand and amazing adventure in this first arc. Jason Aaron is joined by Ed McGuinness and Marte Gracia to start off the return of Nightcrawler. We have to wonder if we truly need another X-title but this issue does make a pretty good argument. There are many X-characters hanging around and there is a great opportunity to showcase a different set of X-Men. The addition of a certain red-headed mutant does offer an interesting beginning to the series. Between Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness and Nightcrawler, there's plenty of reasons to check this out.

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American Vampire #16

Jun 29, 2011

Are you reading American Vampire? If so, you know or will know that this will be a great issue. If you're not reading it, you should be shunned first of all. Then you should pick up the trades and check it out. Vampire adventures that are not your typical overdone stories. Scott Snyder's storytelling is meshed beautifully with Rafael Albuquerque's gorgeous art and Dave McCaig's brilliant colors. It's a great arc and it's going to get even crazier next issue.

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American Vampire #22

Dec 28, 2011

It's a new arc set during the fifties. We've all heard about 'perfect jumping on points' and this definitely is one. It's hard to think of a series reaching its twenty-second issue and suddenly thrusting a new character upon us. Snyder manages to introduce a new character with ease and within a few pages, you'll quickly find yourself fascinated by who he is and what his motivations are. Albuquerque dives right into Snyder's script and easily captures the mood and vibe of the fifties. We're left with an interesting cliffhanger and the longing to know how this arc will fit into previous stories but it's clear that it's going to be a great ride. Snyder and Albuquerque have nailed another issue. You can't help but want more.

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American Vampire #27

May 30, 2012

AMERICAN VAMPIRE continues to be a remarkable series. Scott Snyder has taken the idea of vampires and keeps adding new twists to the whole idea. Calvin Poole is a fascinating character and one that I'd love to see more of. Unfortunately there was a change in the art from Part 1 and it didn't feel as if it was on the same level as Roger Cruz's. We do have a great story and final page that just might leave your jaw on the floor.

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American Vampire #28

Jun 27, 2012

AMERICAN VAMPIRE is one of my favorite series. Just when I think I couldn't possibly like it more than I already do, Scott Snyder manages to make it happen. I almost envy those that haven't been reading this series because they have the luxury of being able to read the entire series from the beginning. Having Rafael Albuquerque back for this arc is perfect timing. There are major things happening here and the characters and series as a whole is moving to new places. It feels like it's been a long exciting and crazy journey since the characters first appeared. This is so much more than a simple vampire comic. This is something comic book readers owe to themselves to check out.

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American Vampire #29

Jul 25, 2012

It's hard to believe it's been just over two years since this series has started. With the flashback we get here, it feels as if so much time has gone by. Scott Snyder keeps bringing each arc to a different place with a different feel to each story. Rafael Albuquerque's art goes along with the story so perfectly that it's hard to imagine this issue drawn by anyone else. There is plenty of subterfuge, action and twists here to make long time readers thrilled to be reading such a great series. Each issue delivers more yet makes you hunger for the next issue.

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American Vampire #30

Aug 29, 2012

If you've been reading this series, you know how good each and every issue is. If you haven't been, shame on you. Get your rear in gear and buy the trades to get yourself caught up. When I've spoken to those that haven't been reading the series, it's usually because they've dismissed it as "just a comic about vampires." AMERICAN VAMPIRE is so much more than that. Scott Snyder has been crafting a tale that has been spanning decades and taking us in directions we wouldn't normally expect. With reoccurring characters and situation after situation that completely varies, this is a comic that will always capture your attention. When Rafael Albuquerque is on board with the art, it's a feast for your eyes as well. Each month when a new issue comes out, I know I'm in for a treat.

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American Vampire #33

Nov 28, 2012

Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque wrap up 'The Blacklist.' It's been a heavy arc with twists and turns. You'll find yourself not knowing what might happen on the next page and you'll definitely want to savor each one. AMERICAN VAMPIRE is more than just a comic about vampires. You'll want to read this because we get great stories each month. Albuquerque's art adds a special taste to the tale and you'll appreciate each scene. Dave McCaig's colors wrap up the entire package with a brilliant and lovely bow. I can't imagine what's coming up next. I actually don't want to know right now. I just want to take in what happened this issue and recuperate from the excitement and emotion.

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American Vampire #34

Jan 2, 2013

I hate the idea of this series going on hiatus. Because it is completely on Scott Snyder's terms, we simply have to accept it. It takes a wise person to know how much they are capable of without compromising the series if he tried to take on too much or get someone else to help out. Snyder's story with Albuquerque's art and McCaig's colors makes for a beautiful package. We get some glimpses of past and future events that will make you wonder and wait with anticipation for whatever may come next. There will be a void in my monthly reading without these series but perhaps it will give others the opportunity to catch up on the series if they hadn't been keeping up. It's been a great thirty four issues. Time for a breather as we prepare for the next chapter.

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American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #1

Jun 13, 2012

This is a mini-series by Scott Snyder and Dustin Nguyen set in Snyder's AMERICAN VAMPIRE universe. There really isn't much else to say. Focusing on the vampire hunting group, the Vassals of the Morning Star, we get a different focus for the series and the implications of what happens here is mind boggling for the series. I love the fact that Snyder somehow manages to write these AV mini-series while still delivering great stories in the main series as well as BATMAN. This series is an example of what Vertigo is about and knows how to do. It's a great issue and it's only the beginning.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 19, 2014

If you've been reading AMERICAN VAMPIRE, you should be overjoyed to know it's back and just as great as you hoped it would be. Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque are back with a vengeance. You've had time to get caught up and now is the time for the next chapter to begin. This is a series that has been consistent from the beginning and it's great to see the entire story moving forward, amping up our excitement even further.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #3

May 22, 2014

AMERICAN VAMPIRE continues to surprise and impress with each issue. I've said it several times when reviewing previous issues, it's surprising to have a vampire series that can be so impressive and fresh. Scott Snyder keeps giving us new situations and takes the story in different directions which keeps us hooked. If that wasn't enough, Rafael Albuquerque's art and Dave McCaig's colors will blow you away. How often do we get such a compelling story with superb art? AMERICAN VAMPIRE never disappoints.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #4

Jul 9, 2014

We're seeing some dark times for Pearl Jones and Skinner Sweet in the pages of AMERICAN VAMPIRE. Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque have introduced an even deadlier threat as we witness the havoc and destruction unfold. Snyder's story and Albuquerque's art form the perfect combination and the action keeps you on the edge of your seat. You know things are bad for your character when they're forced to work with their former enemy against something even worse. The only bad thing is having to wait for the next issue to see what's going to happen next.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #5

Oct 1, 2014

Don't you hate it when you get a comic and you zip right through it? That won't be the case here. Scott Snyder decided he had so much story to tell, half of the issue is in prose. Detailing pages from an old miner's journal, we get a vivid description of past events tied to the current timeline and get to actually use our imagination in visualizing the creepy events going on. There is some great art by Matias Bergara with color by Dave McCaig. This issue might not pick up directly from the previous but it's an incredibly ambitious installment and you more than get your money's worth in terms of story.

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American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #4

Sep 13, 2011

It's an American Vampire book. I have not been let down so far. While the issue starts out a little light on the action, discovering more about other types of vampires and the hints to a bigger world of them boggles my mind. There's the potential for other miniseries focussing on the other types (but my wallet begs to please let this not be the case). Scott Snyder makes writing comics seem easy. He always has a big elaborate story going on and you can't help but wonder if the main characters will survive.

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Ami-Comi: Wonder Woman #1

May 30, 2012

Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner are back together again. This is Wonder Woman as you've wanted to see her. The combination of storytelling accompanied by Conner's art and Mounts' colors make this such a wonderful package. As a "digital first" comic, it's well worth the $0.99 price tag. We can assume the entire three-issue series will become available in printed form later but you're not going to want to wait. If you're a fan of the creators or Wonder Woman, you need to check this out. Digital comics like this make me happy I bought the new iPad.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #1

Aug 31, 2011

This marks the beginning of the next phase in the Buffy universe. Finding out what Angel and Faith have been up to since Season 8 ended. Angel has always had to live with the bad things he did as Angelus and the end of Season 8 added more evil deeds under his belt. Angel has a lot to atone for. Whether or not that will be the direction of this series remains to be seen. Christos Gage captures the voice of the characters. They all sound and act as Buffy fans would expect. Rebekah Isaacs' art captures the look (and essence) that we've come to expect in the series. The ending promises some big things coming and it's clear that this won't be a simple walk in the park for Angel and Faith.

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Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1

Dec 3, 2014

I was excited for this book but didn't realize how excited I was until I started reading it. Regardless of how much you know about Angela before this issue or before she came to the Marvel Universe, you'll gain an appreciation for who she is and what she can do. Thanks to Kieron Gillen and Marguerite Bennett, we get a great sense of her character and what makes her who she is. The art in the main story by Phil Jimenez and the flashback art by Stephanie Hans will knock your socks off. If you're not wearing socks, maybe you should put some on before reading the issue. If you're wondering whether or not to add this series to your pull list, just stop and add it already.

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Angela: Asgard's Assassin #2

Jan 7, 2015

ANGELA: ASGARD'S ASSASSIN is shaping up to be a book full of action and characterization. We're finding out more about the potential of Angela's character and what she's all about. Kieron Gillen is crafting a fun and exciting tale with Angela going up against certain Asgardians and the flashback sequences by Gillen and Bennett add even more to who Angela is. While the flashback is informative, it did feel a little out of place in the time and moment it was told. If you've been craving some good old fashioned and bombastic action and storytelling, you need to check out what ANGELA is all about.

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Ant-Man (2015) #1

Jan 5, 2015

Get ready to be able to say you are now an Ant-Man fan. Nick Spencer is taking the (often) down-on-his-luck Scott Lang and showing us what hes willing to do to be Ant-Man as well as a father. New and old fans can jump into this series that sets up Scotts new direction and place in the Marvel Universe. While this series is rooted in the Marvel Universe, there is a nice distinct feel to the book making it accessible to all readers. Ramon Rosanas art is great at depicting both the human moments as well as the action sequences involving a guy that can shrink down and communicate with ants. Youll be pleasANTly surprised by how much youll enjoy this book.

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Ant-Man (2015) #2

Feb 4, 2015

Ant-Man may be a small hero but this book is showing he has a big heart. Scott Lang has been around for some time now but Nick Spencer is really shaping him up in a new town with a new mission in a great way. It's clear you can't be too sure what to expect in this series. Ramon Rosanas and Jordan Boyd's art and color gives the book a really nice and different feel from the average Marvel book. Don't let this book slip past you.

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Apocalypse Al #2

Mar 5, 2014

Allison Carter is a private investigator determined to catch the guy about to bring about the end of the world. We're seeing some interesting characters and creatures and Sid Kotian is really fleshing out this world. Unfortunately depiction and treatment of Al's character appears to be sinking more and more. This doesn't have to be a book focusing on a gratuitous depiction towards females. Sure, there may be some that aren't bothered or are perhaps even looking for it. The jokes are starting to sink too low which is too bad because I am curious to see how this story plays out.

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Aquaman (2011) #3

Nov 23, 2011

Aquaman has been consistently good. This is Aquaman as he should be written. Also, it's not just issues of Aquaman kicking butt left and right, there's a genuine great story going on. The introduction of the Trench last issue and this issue is setting the stage for a grand adventure. The ocean is a vast area and you can only imagine what other unknown creatures might be out there waiting to be discovered. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis are the perfect team for this book and Aquaman has moved to the top of the reading list each month when it's released. There's plenty of fun, adventure, violence and mystery to satisfy every comic reader.

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Archie (2015) #3

Sep 30, 2015

Regardless if you've never read an Archie comic before or if you're a long time fan, Mark Waid and Fiona Staples' ARCHIE is such a delightful read. With a great mixture of of the core essence of the characters combined with a fresh and modern twist, it's easy to see why this title has risen to the top of our reading lists. Forget what you know about the Archie characters or embrace it all. Either way, you're going to dig this series.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

Apr 15, 2015

Archie and the world of Predators. It's almost hard to believe this is real. One might expect a pure parody with the two combining but that is not the case. Alex De Campi, Fernando Ruiz, Rich Koslowski, and Jason Miller make it work completely. Capturing the essence of ARCHIE comics and giving some minor tweaks, the story is a natural meshing between the two franchises. The first issue shows us there will be blood but it also won't be an over the top slaughterfest. At least not yet. If you have any interest in the Archie characters or Predator, you'll want to check this out. This book is a brilliant execution (no pun intended).

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Arkham Manor #2

Nov 26, 2014

This isn't a regular Batman comic. That's a great thing. Gerry Duggan and DC are taking what we know of Arkham Asylum and reinventing it. It might seem a little hard to accept but it has opened the door for a new direction with the concept. Batman might have an advantage with the facilities now located at Wayne Manor but placing himself inside, undercover, to solve a murder is exposing him to plenty of risks. Shawn Crystal's art is creating the right atmosphere for this series. I'm not sure where this series is going to go but I can't wait to watch it all happen.

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Art Ops #2

Nov 25, 2015

ART OPS has skyrocketed to the top of my reading list. It's easily become one of my favorite series to read. I'm having to restrain myself from gushing on and on about how much I love the story and art. Shaun Simon, Mike Allred, Matt Brundage, and Laura Allred are creating something truly wonderful with this book. Set in a world where art can come alive, I find myself almost wishing I could go into this world just to take in all the splendor. There's a strange mix going in the story. I have no idea what's going to happen and I absolutely love that. Each issue has been like a treat or reward. You really need to do yourself a favor and get on board with this series. It's not like anything else out there. I just can't get enough.

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Artifacts #13

Jan 4, 2012

This issue changes everything. The Top Cow universe will never be the same. "Rebirth" begins here and it's done in a way that sets up the characters for new readers but there are clearly hints that older readers won't get ticked off. You can see subtle hints that this is something that will have repercussions in the months to come. Marz planted the seeds of the 13 Artifacts years ago and it's great to see it finally come together. Having Dale Keown join in to handle the art was a great treat as well. If you're a fan of Top Cow comics or thinking of taking advantage of the "Rebirth," you'll want to get this issue so you'll be prepared for the big changes.

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Ash and the Army of Darkness #1

Oct 30, 2013

For a first issue, the story is quickly set up with the potential for plenty of Ash-style action. Many of the past Ash/Army of Darkness stories lacked a little heart. Steve Niles and Dennis Calero bring the franchise back to its roots. Picking up right at the end of Army of Darkness, the story simply feels like it could be the actual continuation. Calero's art captures some of Bruce Campbell's facial expressions and the colors adds an eerie touch. With a new threat and another dangerous situation, it's going to be a fun ride to see Ash gets himself out of this mess.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #50

May 23, 2012

This is the issue everyone is talking about. It makes sense that it would get a lot of attention but the content isn't forced just to generate hype. Marjorie Liu knows how to write relationships. When it comes to a character like Northstar and actually exploring his orientation, it's surprising how long it's taken for him to come this far. And Liu is the perfect person to handle it.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #51

Jun 20, 2012

I've said it before, Marjorie Liu excels in writing about characters rather than just writing about events among superheroes. She delves into the thinking and essence of who the characters are. The issue will indeed be remembered but for the wrong reasons. The real focus should be on the way the story is written rather than on only two of the characters in the issue.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #58

Jan 23, 2013

With so many different X-Men titles it's great to see that Marjorie Liu's title has remained untouched. Warbird's introduction pretty much went unnoticed as far as I was concerned but the way Marjorie Liu's developed her in this series has been great. This story focusing on her has been great in fleshing her out even further. We don't see a lot of the rest of the team but you still feel their presence. There is a different sort of feel with these characters compared to the other X-titles. Let's hope this title can stay in its little corner of the X-universe. The art has an interesting style but there were some moments it became a little distracting. This isn't the end of Warbird's story. It's just the beginning.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #59

Feb 27, 2013

Northstar is facing a serious situation. I'm a fan of seeing tiny/realistic details sometimes used in superhero comics. Seeing the topic of Northstar being deported because he felt he could come and go as he pleased is brilliant. Too often superheroes feel they are above the law in just about every aspect. This may be a subplot for this title but it's a great one and I can't wait to see how it plays out. The art is growing on me but Wolverine's hair looks funkier than usual.The second portion sets up the upcoming X-TERMINATION crossover with X-TREME X-MEN and AGE OF APOCALYPSE. It's a slightly odd transition but it's great to see Wolverine start to deal with AoA Nightcrawler after his betrayal in Rick Remender's UNCANNY X-FORCE. Wolverine's reaction to it and why he brings in the team to help is wonderful. I'm not always a fan of crossovers that require you to read other titles but my curiosity has been grabbed and I do want to see what happens next.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #63

Jun 12, 2013

I never realized that Iceman has rarely been the center of attention in X-Men stories. As a character that has been around since the beginning of the team, it feels like writers never really fleshed him out. Marjorie Liu's take and the situation she's created is great in really showing us that there is a layer to his character we haven't really noticed before. As things progressively get worse, you start to feel uneasy as you become concerned with the fate of different characters. Liu never ceases to amaze with the way she delves into the different characters and it's always refreshing to see what she comes up with next.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

Oct 8, 2014

Another huge event has begun. Rick Remender has been building this for a couple years now. Since the end of AVENGERS VS X-MEN and throughout UNCANNY AVENGERS, the seeds have been planted and we're now seeing the next phase for the two teams. Remender sets up plenty of action for Adam Kubert and it's a wonderful treat seeing so many characters in one book. The downside is the feeling of non-stop event after event. I haven't come around to accepting Red Skull in this fashion although it does provide for a different take on the character. This has the makings of another big story that could have a huge impact on the Marvel Universe. You won't want to miss out on what's coming up.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9

Dec 24, 2014

Axis has ended and there will be some ramifications in the Marvel Universe. Because of the nature of the story, this issue was packed with characters. The unfortunate thing is many characters and the changes they went through were not able to be fully explored. With the inevitable return to their true nature for most of the characters, you kind of wonder why some were inverted in the first place. Having so many different characters involved was key to the story but too many simply fell into the background. For some characters, the change in their attitude felt sudden. As with many recent events, the importance can be measured by what happens next. It would be great to see more on how the characters' actions while inverted affect them rather than it all be swept under the rug.

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Avengers (2010) #16

Aug 17, 2011

How does Steve Rogers feel about what happened to Bucky? Did he dive right into the Captain America suit? These concerns are addressed here. Because we're seeing them after the fact (and after other events in the Marvel Universe), some of the importance was taken away. Steve goes on a mission and since there was no mention, you knew the outcome. Bendis continues his interview style debrief session which is great to get a recap of events and hear how the characters actually feel. This gives them a little more humanity rather than just reading action scene after action scene. The great cover art by Alan Davis was an added treat for me as well. This was an important issue that sadly should have happened a couple months ago.

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Avengers (2010) #32

Oct 24, 2012

It's the return of a missing character! There may be some that frown upon this return but we all had to know it was coming. It's a matter of simply accepting this and finding out what this is going to mean for the characters affected by their absence. There definitely will be repercussions to be seen. If anyone can pull off this return, it's Bendis. He tells a serious story with plenty of his humor sprinkled in. There are some odd moments but the mystery and suspense of the (possible) return of a character is enticing. I had no idea this issue was going in this direction and am pleased to not have been spoiled. It's great to see a Marvel title continuing despite all the hubbub of Marvel NOW! There is a story to be told here and it's great to see it being played out before the series is relaunched.

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Avengers (2010) Annual #1

Jan 4, 2012

The Avengers finally get to react to the attack by Wonder Man (and his team of Revengers) on the Avengers Mansion. The unfortunate delay (not sure why it took four months) takes a little of the oomph away. But the story we get is great. We now know what it takes to piss off the Avengers. Dell'Otto's art depicts this nicely and seeing their reaction is great. You'll definitely want a ring side seat for this fight. The story might be over but you get the feeling that Bendis still has more up his sleeve.

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Avengers (2012) #1

Dec 3, 2012

What could be better than Jonathan Hickman on AVENGERS? Add in Jerome Opena, Dean White and a strong roster and you know we can expect great things here. The Avengers comics have a history of big things happening but lately there has been moments where the stories have been hit or miss. Hickman hits the ground running. The idea of 'going bigger' is a great concept and fits with the changing nature of the Marvel Universe. We need to see some changes otherwise the stories will become stagnant. We're not seeing a relaunch or reboot of things but a nice ambitious start to a new chapter. I have no idea where Hickman is going to take the team and series and I can't wait to find out.

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Avengers (2012) #24.NOW

Dec 24, 2013

Even when the Avengers are relaxing after a big event, you can count on the action to kick in. We see what the team does next and what Captain America and Iron Man think about the team's roster as well as where they'll go next. This might be a new jumping on point but you'll still want to know who all the characters are in order to fully appreciate all the interaction between them. There are a lot of great artists in this issue and it doesn't come across as cluttered or disjointed. You will get a sense of the big scope that Jonathan Hickman has been carving out with the Avengers. It's a great time to be an Avengers fan.

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Avengers 1959 #1

Oct 5, 2011

When I reviewed one of the New Avengers issue with this group of 'Avengers' from 1959, I stated that I would absolutely love to see more. That's what we get here. This is a team that isn't a team. Most of them can't stand each other and they are only in it for the money. Seeing what could possibly bring the team back together is what will make this an enjoyable series. I'm not the biggest Howard Chaykin fan in regards to his art but the story hooks you in and his style fits the mood of the time period. I'm still a little hesitant with the team calling themselves 'Avengers' years before the Avengers we know formed. But bring on the secret action that we never knew happened before. Something big is happening for the team to need to get back together and you know the action is going to get intense.

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Avengers A.I. #1

Jul 3, 2013

Is this the evolution of the Avengers? Spiraling out of AGE OF ULTRON, we're seeing the after effects of Hank Pym's results to save...everything. With a bunch of A.I. type characters, one who has even had a slight upgrade as well as a freaking Doombot, this series is bound to be nutso. I don't know what Sam Humphries has planned but I cannot wait to find out. The art is pretty solid with a couple minor hiccups. This issue was just a blast to read and it I think this is going to become a new favorite series.

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Avengers A.I. #3

Sep 4, 2013

AVENGERS A.I. continues it's charming nature. Sam Humphries Avengers consisting of characters with artificial intelligence is carving out its own little corner of the Marvel Universe. The threat between the new A.I. and SHIELD is escalating and there is a foreboding feeling that keeps you glued. I enjoy Andr Lima Arajo's art more with each issue. I have no idea where this series is going and I love it. Being so separate from the rest of the Marvel Universe is a little risky but it allows the characters and Humphries to do their own thing. If you're looking for a different kind of Avengers entrenched in their own adventures, you need to check this out.

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Avengers A.I. #6

Nov 20, 2013

Have you been reading AVENGERS A.I.? This is an Avengers title unlike any you've seen before. Humphries is giving us something unique and I just can't look away. I was unsure about some of the character involved but each has their own level of charm and are evolving more and more with each issue. Valerio Schiti's art is great and he really gets to cut loose in this issue. Do yourself a favor and read this series. It's as smooth as butter and spicy enough satisfy your reading desires.

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Avengers A.I. #7.INH

Dec 11, 2013

INHUMANITY has hit the Marvel Universe and this team of Avengers is on hand to help out. Sam Humphries handles tying this series into the bigger event well and we get some humorous (and glorious) moments (like Doombot vs Daredevil) as well as a close look at how the average person could be affected by the Terrigen Mists that have been unleashed. This continues to be my favorite Avengers title due to the more intimate feel of the team yet this issue shows they are fully capable of playing with the rest of the Marvel Universe.

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Avengers A.I. #8

Jan 8, 2014

AVENGERS A.I. continues to be a fun romp through a different corner of the Marvel Universe. We do see some ties to other Avengers books with the appearance of characters from UNCANNY AVENGERS and AVENGERS. Sam Humphries is weaving an intriguing web with the moral debate over the rights to the new artificial intelligence lifeforms. Simply put, if you're looking for a separate Avengers title not tied into a bunch of other books, this is definitely one you should check out. Plus Doombot is the best.

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Avengers Arena #1

Dec 10, 2012

Let's get ready young characters die. This is not going to be a heartfelt book. If you're a fan of the character brought in here, you'll be happy to see them in a comic but you're bound to get irate if they are here simply to be killed off. The idea of sixteen characters being gathered by Arcade and forced to fight or kill each other seems unlikely. But there will be death here. It will be gruesome. This isn't the typical Avengers book you're used to. We have to believe that there will be more to this comic than just watching kids get killed. The hook is not knowing what's going to happen. This book has a lot of unknowns to it. Dennis Hopeless is going to have to tread carefully as readers are bound to make angry comments when they see characters they love get killed.

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Avengers Arena #13

Aug 14, 2013

Are people still outraged over this title? In a nice change of pace, we get to see what is happening in the outside world as the kidnapped super-powered children continue their fight to the death. As these kids remain missing, there would have to be adults or fellow teammates wondering what happened to them. Christos Gage returns to tell the story in a fitting fashion since he has written several of them in the pages of AVENGERS ACADEMY. While the story does make sense, it almost felt as if it was a last minute decision to give us this story now rather than show any indication before. It also feels as if it's interrupting the flow the main story a bit. There is still no telling how this story will end. With stories like this one, we can feel assured that there definitely has been some thought put into the overall idea.

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Avengers Arena #14

Aug 28, 2013

Is the end near? The series started off with a glimpse of "Day 29" and we are just about there. This issue features the return of Dennis Hopeless and Kev Walker as they give us some backstory on Bloodstone and set things up to coincide with the very first issue. While it is important to humanize these characters and the simple conversations do play a role in that, it just didn't feel like very much happened in this issue. We are waiting for answers or closure and we have one more issue to wait (most likely) before hitting that Day 29 moment. What comes after that, remains to be seen. This series continues to be an enigma of sorts. It's a series I want to root for as it seems there is more going on that it appears. Aside from the ending, this issue left me with the feeling that not much really happened.

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Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1

Feb 17, 2016

Something big is about to happen in the Marvel Universe. With a prologue that lights the fuse on a big powder keg, you won't want to miss the groundwork being laid out here. Nick Spencer and Mark Bagley set up the idea of Pleasant hill nicely, and you can see just how bad things could get. What made this issue really enjoyable was having no idea what to expect and reading the reveal or twist before getting spoiled. Find out what Pleasant Hill is all about. Once you visit, you'll probably find you can't leave this special place. It'll be very very interesting to see how this complete story plays out. Get ready for some serious stuff about to be unleashed upon the Marvel Universe.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #0

Mar 28, 2012

"It all begins here." We've heard that before but actually, it really isn't true. This is something that has been building up for sometime. Whether it was intentional or not, this issue is building on everything that has happened in the pages of AVENGERS since Disassembled as well as Second Coming in the X-Men comics. Now we're about to see Marvel's two big teams clash and seeing the execution of making them come to such drastic blows is going to be very interesting.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #1

Apr 3, 2012

This is the beginning of Marvel's huge event. Keep in mind that the high score given to this comic reflects the nature of the issue and what it represents. AVENGERS VS. X-MEN is going to be a blast to read. Is it going to change the face of the comic book industry? Probably not. Is it going to be crammed to the gills with pure superhero vs. superhero fun and excitement? You bet.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2

Apr 18, 2012

I was happy and excited with the first issue. I felt the reasoning and explanation as to why they would be fighting made sense. Here, once the action begins, there are some nice scenes but many of them leaving you wanting more artistically and storywise. I was bothered by a lot of little things and they simply added up. There is progress in the story. Part of me feared it would simply be an entire series of fight after fight. The Phoenix Force does play a part of the story here but some of this week's and last week's tie-ins felt like they had better stories than the way it all unfolded in this issue. I am still eager to read the rest of this series and all the tie-ins. After the first issue, my expectations were raised higher than I thought possible and this issue just didn't meet them.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4

May 16, 2012

We're four issues in and we haven't quite gotten anywhere just yet. We're seeing more battles and betrayals. There is a sense that you won't know what's going to happen next. The Phoenix Force is getting closer and that will definitely change the direction of where this series will go. Hickman handling the script here adds to the characterization of Wolverine and where his motivations lie. The problem comes when we get panels and pages of several characters fighting each other at different locations on the planet. We don't really see how these battles start or how they end because those will be featured in the AVX side series. It's meant to give us a bigger feel in that there is so much going on but it also takes away from the flow of the series.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5

Jun 6, 2012

If you've been waiting for something to happen in AVENGERS VS. X-MEN, this is the issue for you. We've been getting a lot of set up along with glimpses of battles throughout the first five issues. Now that the 'first act' has come to an end, we're seeing a progression in the storyline. There is some crazy events unfolding here, and you might also find yourself surprised by how the issue ends. I may have been having high expectations but I've found my excitement lessening with each issue of battles. Now I feel we have something to look forward to. This is a moment that should be noted in the history of the X-Men and Avengers. This issue should be read in order to prepare for the rest of the series.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

Jun 20, 2012

This is starting to feel like a completely different series for several reasons. Besides the change in art from John Romita Jr. to Olivier Coipel, the structure of the series has changed. Thankfully we're not seeing random battle after battle between members of both teams and it's back to feeling like there is more of a story going on instead of just seeing match ups that fans may have been wanting to see.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #7

Jul 4, 2012

I'm finding myself getting glued to this series. There was excitement when the first issue came out but soon we were overwhelmed with the feeling that not a lot was actually happening. Now that five members of the X-Men have a portion of the Phoenix Force, it's a whole new game. The Avengers are being hunted and imprisoned. Of course with Captain America leading the underdogs and Scarlet Witch on hand keeps the excitement elevated. On a sort of unrelated note, with the announcement of "Marvel Now," where there'll new jumping on points, etc, you can't help but wonder if events from this story will lead to that. This is what we've been waiting for in this series. There is major poop getting thrown at the fan. If you're going to have a major crossover with a lot of hype, it's great to see some pay off. I'm back on board with AvX and can't wait to see what's going to happen next.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #8

Jul 18, 2012

Who wants to see Namor unleash his Phoenix powers against the Avengers? The fighting is starting to feel more intense as it's past time to take off the kid gloves. We had a turning point when members of the X-Men got a portion of the Phoenix Force. They appeared to be doing good things but Namor's actions could be seen as yet another turning point. We know all this is going to explode but unfortunately that gives the story a feeling of sitting around waiting for it to happen. Adam Kubert's art is great. He has plenty of characters and action to draw. But the art can't carry the entire issue. We know something is coming. There are some developments here. We'll have to wait to see what happens next.It's time for the Avengers to start fighting back. I have a feeling that final fight is going to be something.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #9

Aug 1, 2012

The end is near. Based on the cover, it doesn't look good for Spider-Man. There are some changes happening with minor developments popping up but we're still for the inevitable conclusion. Are were simply getting burnt out on these big events? This has all the makings of a epic-type story but it feels too close to other recent comic book 'events.' Things are getting ugly as the Phoenix Force is showing its true colors and we'll have to see who will survive and how the Marvel Universe may possibly be changed. That will be the key to the success of this series, in my opinion. I want something big to happen with lasting repercussions rather than everything return to normal. Jason Aaron's script allows the dialogue to flow smoothly while Adam Kubert's art just looks so dang good. Three more issues to go.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10

Aug 15, 2012

We are so close to the end. There has been many times throughout the series where it's felt as if the story could have been told quicker. We are seeing more of an actual confrontation here and the action gets frantic and intense. Adam Kubert's art is a joy to see as we get to see our favorite characters depicted in such a visually appealing fashion. As things heat up, there is the question of why Cyclops with a huge portion of the Phoenix Force can't or isn't able to finish things immediately. As the story heats up, there is a sudden abrupt ending. It is fitting for the evolution of the story here but also made the issue feel as if the last couple pages were rushed in order to set things up for the next issue. With two issues left, it will be interesting to see where this is all going to go. There are lots of great visuals and actions here but now we have to wait four weeks to find out what happens next.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 12, 2012

For those complaining that we haven't been seeing any big outcomes or repercussions, this is the issue you've been waiting for. With only one issue left after this, the action is heating up and you can see the end is near. With the bits of information we've seen about the changes happening once Marvel NOW! begins, you can get a sense of how this series is leading up to that. There are still some unknowns that will make you want to come back for the conclusion here. Bendis is great at delivering dialogue so you know there's going to be plenty for the characters to say and Olivier Coipel's art makes this a visual treat. You can't have a comic book event like this without casualties. It's unfortunate that Marvel released a spoiler on the death but chances are word would get out regardless. The stakes have been raised. The fighting in AVENGERS VS. X-MEN just got real. You'll want to see the full battle to appreciate how it all went down.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12

Oct 3, 2012

From the gigantic fight scenes to the debates and conversations along with the birth of a new era, we finally get some consequences and closure at the same time. Seeing how the ramifications play out will be fun. As for the big change that occurs, all I'll say is it's about time. Make sure you're on hand to see how everything does change. You think you know the Marvel Universe? It's time to get to know it all over again.

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Avengers vs. X-Men: Infinite #6

Jun 20, 2012

I love this format. This isn't necessarily something I'd want to see used in every comic as it could get to be too much but it's great seeing it here.

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Avengers vs. X-Men: Infinite #10

Aug 15, 2012

The story may not be crucial to the overall series but it was a blast to read, especially in this format. I could be wrong and the events here may play into the last couple issues but I"m still waiting to see what happened to (the other) Nova (Sam) from the first Infinite comic. It's a little strange how we get plenty of detail in this story but the main story almost seems to focus more on fight after fight. This story does a great job in showing how good the Infinite comics can be. It may not be quite as stellar as the first two but it's a great alternative when reading through a stack of comics.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #6

Jun 29, 2011

Any week an issue of The Children's Crusade comes out is a happy week. Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung shine with each issue as we wait to see what the future holds for Scarlet Witch. The story and art compel you to turn each page. There are so many characters in this issue but it doesn't feel like their appearances are forced. There is a lot riding on the outcome of this series, I only hope each change we are seeing will not be magically reverted so that the status quo existing before this series began is left when the mini-series concludes. It's not just the Avengers' future that will be affected but pretty much all of the Marvel Universe. The only downside is the bi-monthly schedule makes it hard to wait but that wait is indeed worth it.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #7

Sep 21, 2011

Each issue in this series has been a blast. The return of Scarlet Witch is something that will impact the Avengers, Young Avengers, X-Men and pretty much the entire Marvel Universe. There is a feeling that things will end with a return to the status quo before this series started but of all the characters involved, it's hard to think there won't be a lasting effect. Heinberg and Cheung are phenomenal together. Having to wait two months in between issues is hard but with each new one, you forget all about it. We still have two issues left and the way things progress here, I can't imagine how it can get any more insane.

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Avengers: Children's Crusade #9

Mar 7, 2012

AVENGERS: CHILDREN'S CRUSADE was a great story that did justice to all the characters involved. I can't wait to read the next story on the same level of awesomeness as this one.

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Avengers: Rage Of Ultron OGN #1

Mar 30, 2015

I have to admit, I'm becoming more and more a fan of the OGN releases from Marvel. It's a great feeling being able to read a complete comic story all contained in one collection. Rick Remender has a powerhouse creative team handling the art and colors and pulls out all the stops with a story jam-packed with Avengers. Without being locked into the continuity of the regular titles, this is a book anyone can dive into and devour. The action builds up to a crazy level and despite seeing a bit of different Ultron stories recently and currently, this one will remind you just why he is an incredibly dangerous foe for the Avengers. Get ready to sit back and enjoy an epic Avengers story. This is what an Original Graphic Novel should be like.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #1

Dec 14, 2011

It's a great-looking book with the promise of some major butt-kicking in the issues to come. If there were any doubts over Loeb and McGuinness bringing back Cable, everyone can rest at ease now. It felt a little short but it could just be that my appetite has been whetted and now I need more.

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Avengers: X-Sanction #3

Feb 1, 2012

We're over halfway through the miniseries. Cable has already fought Falcon, Captain America and Iron Man. Cable's fight with Red Hulk is providing some interesting tidbits along with the flashback (to the future before he arrived in the present get the idea) where we find out how Cable returned and where he got his weapons. We all love a good superhero vs. superhero fight but this is starting to feel a little forced. Cable is desperate and perhaps not thinking rationally but it's almost too much. It will be interesting to see how the events here will fully lead into AVENGERS VS. X-MEN and what Cable's final (?) fate will be.

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AVX: Consequences #2

Oct 17, 2012

AVENGERS VS X-MEN may be over but there are still consequences to look at and deal with. Some may question whether or not this is necessary but with the number of civilians that died, it's important that this isn't just ignored. We have to hope that there won't be a neat and tidy ending for Cyclops at the end of this series. You have to wonder if there'll ever be an answer as to whether or not 'Cyclops was right.'

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AVX: Consequences #5

Nov 7, 2012

There were parts of this story that were a little hard to swallow. We're seeing some decisions and changes being made. In some ways it feels out of character but it's also what has been developing for the last few years. The different and looser art style compared to previous issues made it a little awkward. It's understandable why the decision was made to use different artists in keeping the weekly schedule. If this is meant to be the finale in AVX, it's a little bittersweet. How this plays out in the Marvel NOW! titles will be something to watch for.

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AVX: VS #1

Apr 25, 2012

This is an issue about some of the fights during AVENGERS VS. X-MEN. Plain and simple, that's what you get. There are no illusions that more will be contained. What it does do is flesh out the action seen in AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #2. There was a lot that happened in that issue and because many of the battles took place within one panel, there wasn't a complete feeling when reading the issue. Here we get to see what happened between the panels and pages. With Jason Aaron, Adam Kubert, Kathryn Immonen and Stuart Immonen on board, you know there is some quality to the two battles. The slight lack of continuity is frustrating and it will be hard to judge each issue as it will mainly rely on which characters are featured.

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Axe Cop: President Of The World #1

Jul 25, 2012

Everyone should read Axe Cop. The notion of a child writing and coming up with crazy ideas is still fun. Just when you think you have an idea what might or could happen in the story, something even more absurd results. This is a comic to read for the pure joy of it. You won't often read a comic of this nature and it's great to have the opportunity to do so. Comics can often get too serious and it's important to have a variety and have the option of reading something fun and entertaining. If you've never read Axe Cop before, you need to rectify that immediately.

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Axis: Hobgoblin #1

Oct 22, 2014

Hobgoblin may have started out as a Green Goblin clone but he has long since proven he is his own character. With the different versions and variations we've seen over the year, Hobgoblin as a motivational speaker promoting others to become heroes is pretty crazy yet you'll be hooked from the first page. Kevin Shinick does a great job showing how Kingsley is adapting to the new status quo in the Marvel Universe and Javier Rodriguez's art and colors are perfect for this. It's unfortunate the series is only three-issues but hopefully each one will be jam-packed with fun and excitement. I just want more and more of this.

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Batgirl (2011) #14

Nov 14, 2012

Barbara Gordon should be a character that kicks all sorts of ass and that's exactly what she does in this issue. We've been seeing a bit of a roller coaster ride as she's been getting back into the swing of things since recovering from being shot and paralyzed. This is the Barbara I want to see. Gail Simone does a great job showing the inner struggle in coming to terms and facing her demons and the Joker. She was a victim once and that was the last time. We've all been waiting for round two of Barbara vs Joker and this is just the beginning of that. The art is a mix of being really great throughout most of the issue with a couple moments it falls flat a little. You would think the return of the Joker would be a bad thing for Batgirl but it's showing that she is ready fully deal with what happened and is now ready to take on anyone that gets in her way.

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Batgirl (2011) #18

Mar 13, 2013

Ray Fawkes takes over and we get to see Batgirl thrown into some heated action. As she takes on Firebug, her brother, James Jr, continues to plot her demise. It's a crazy game of cat-and-mouse mixed in with some fallout from BATMAN INCORPORATED #8. We get a nice outside view of the tragic events which leaves you craving more. It's great seeing a superhero comic where the hero actually shows signs of being in a fight. With Firebug being the main threat in the issue, it almost feels like his story is getting in the way as we want to see more on James Jr or on the fallout. The stage is being set and we should have an interesting showdown next issue.

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Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

There's a new direction for Barbara Gordon. Batgirl has moved to a new town and because of certain events, she even makes herself a great-looking new costume. This makes a great jumping on point for new readers and doesn't ignore past events. You can feel the vibe of the story trying to reach a younger and hipper crowd. It's definitely an interesting change for the book but does feel like a little too much at time. Don't be fooled into thinking this is being geared towards youngsters. There are still some more adult themes going on. You will want to check this out to see the changes. The book was good before but you can feel a different sort of energy pulsing through the pages.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

While not being fully on board with the notion of the FUTURES END stories, this is one that caught me by surprise. Gail Simone knows and cares about the Barbara Gordon character. She ends her run on the series but showing us a possible future and puts her through the wringer. Usually future stories are full of despair but Simone's take on Batgirl and her legacy offers some hope. Along with Javier Garron's art, we get some cool designs and you can't help but want to see more of this corner of the "five years from now" timeline. The events of this story may never come to be but you'll definitely want to see what Gail Simone has given us. You'll definitely want to thank her the next time you see her at a convention.

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Batman #713

Aug 17, 2011

This is the last issue of Batman...until September 21. There's no need to get hung up on the change in numbering. The Batman stories will continue. Because Bat-events are said to carry over into the "New 52" universe, this issue doesn't put an end to the characters's story. Instead, we get a celebration and look back at the key moments that defined all the Batmans and Robins. If you haven't been keeping up on Batman and want to know the core of their story, you get it here. Let's just hope that too much doesn't change next month to make this issue null and void.

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Batman '66 #1

Jul 3, 2013

Have you ever watched the Adam West Batman TV show? If so, you absolutely need to read this comic. Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case succeed on capturing the spirit and essence of the show. They deliver a fun comic filled with great art, story and action. If you're not familiar with the show, you can absolutely still enjoy the comic. You might scratch your head a little but you will still dig it. It's comics like this that make the Digital First comics a success. You get instant fun and excitement. Just make sure you use the guided viewing option.

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Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1

Jun 4, 2014

If you've been reading the Batman '66 comics or have watched episodes of the show, there's no question whether or not you should check this out. Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman have captured the feel and tone of the television show and fans will love seeing Green Hornet and Kato within the pages. Ty Templeton perfectly captures the look of the characters as well. It's a fun story but clearly geared towards those that love or are familiar with the show. Others may not appreciate the essence of what this is. Smith and Garman even did a live reading on Smith's Batman podcast that 's worth listening to (if you don't mind the occasional bits of foul language). This shows that comic books can still be fun.

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Batman (2011) #0

Sep 12, 2012

Having all our comics interrupted by a zero issue might have seemed like a bad idea but this issue makes you wish it could last for more than a month. We thought we knew all about Bruce's days before becoming a crime fighter in his YEAR ONE days but Scott Snyder manages to give us a story that goes above and beyond what you would expect from this time. The kicker is the situation Bruce puts himself in and who he ends up confronting. Getting an early look at these characters along with Jim Gordon's take makes you hunger for a separate series showing us all the detail from this time. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue their winning streak of great issue after great issue. Throw in an amazing back up by James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke, this is the kind of issue Batman fans want.

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Batman (2011) #1

Sep 21, 2011

Reading this issue made me giddy as a kid reading comics for the first time. With Snyder, you know there is so much underneath the surface and even if you can't see what's there, knowing that they're there will amp up your level of excitement. Readers that have never picked up a Batman issue can easily step in here and know what's going on. It's great for both new and old readers. Neither should feel frustration as the issue appeals to both. I could go on some more but I think I'll just give the issue another read instead.

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Batman (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

Snyder often crams in hidden details and plotlines in the story that you don't realize until you go back months later. Batman is a great character but somehow Scott and Greg are making him even greater. Without even coming close to reading the rest of the comics this week, I can easily say this is my pick of the week. It's just that good. The story is building up and it's going to explode like an atomic bomb.

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Batman (2011) #3

Nov 16, 2011

A new adversary, a new mystery, action, detective work and revelations and a cliffhanger is all crammed into this comic. Snyder and Capullo do a superb job deliver another great issue. This issue doesn't have as much action as issue #2 but there is a lot going on. Batman is supposed the world's greatest detective and we get to see some of that detective work. The idea that a secret organization could have existed in Gotham for decades without Batman having any knowledge is almost absurd but incredibly scary at the same time. Batman is discovering that he doesn't have all the answers. He can't always be prepared for everything. This is a new type of Batman story. It's a great ride that you're going to want to sit back and savor every tiny bit. Reading this series just makes me happy to be a Batman fan.

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Batman (2011) #4

Dec 21, 2011

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are taking us and Batman to a place he's never been before. Reading each issue is like walking on thin ice. There is so much intensity sitting beneath the surface. We have been seeing things that Batman hasn't, such as the Talon and possibility of the Court of Owls. This is something Batman refuses to accept and you know it's going to explode in his face, just as the tripwire did at the end of the last issue. Batman is so focused and sure he knows what's going on, the thought, for us readers, that he could actually be wrong is a scary one.

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Batman (2011) #5

Jan 18, 2012

It's not often I find myself re-reading a comic book more than three times before even writing a review. Even the best issues rarely get a second read immediately. This is an issue of BATMAN you won't soon forget. Snyder and Capullo are putting Batman through the ringer and you almost get the impression that they despise the character (which they don't). The first time I read this, I had a heavy feeling in my chest. It was a feeling where I had to let out my breath and say "whoah..." It's an added treat that the issue is laid out in an unconventional manner.

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Batman (2011) #6

Feb 15, 2012

BATMAN by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo is becoming an addictive read. You'll find yourself slowly savoring each and every detail on the pages and will regret when the final page arrives. Since Snyder and Capullo joined forces on this series in "The New 52," each issues has been amazing. I've found myself saying, "This is the best issue Snyder has written. There's no way he can top this." And then what happens? He somehow delivers an issue that's more of a killer the next month.

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Batman (2011) #7

Mar 21, 2012

Month after month Scott Snyder delivers an amazing issue of BATMAN. At the end, we're left in awe and start to wonder, is it possible for him to top this issue? The answer since the "New 52" started is 'yes.' Snyder has been unraveling an epic story. Reading each panel carefully gives the feeling as if there are layers and layers hidden beneath the surface. Each issue of BATMAN is what comic books are supposed to be about. The story exists on so many levels. You'll find yourself reading and re-reading each issue to make sure you don't miss any hidden clues. And then you'll find yourself re-reading the past issues once again to see that there were many clues in plain site. To make it all even better, Capullo attacks each page with his art. The worst part of this issue is it means we have to wait another whole month for the next issue.

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Batman (2011) #8

Apr 18, 2012

With Snyder, the presentation, storytelling and overall presentation has been varied from issue to issue. You might think you know where the story is going to go but Snyder manages to throw curve balls at you each time.

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Batman (2011) #9

May 9, 2012

The story continues as does the brilliance of Snyder and Capullo along with Tynion IV and Albuquerque in the back-up. Night of the Owls roars to life and we're seeing Batman fighting for his life in a way he hasn't had to before. Somehow Snyder has kept the pacing and action cranked up for the past nine issues. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Capullo is a beast when it comes to giving life to Snyder's script. As the main part of the Night of the Owls, there's a lot to see here and the back-up adds even more to an already great issue. If I was only allowed one comic to read each month, it would definitely be BATMAN.

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Batman (2011) #10

Jun 13, 2012

Scott Snyder continues to deliver the insane levels of storytelling he is now known for. Reading this will open your eyes to how the entire series (since the "New 52" started) has been laid out. Whenever Snyder lays his cards out on the table, you can see and appreciate how far back the story elements go. Snyder doesn't do things for shock value or on the fly. You can really see the intricate details he puts into his stories.

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Batman (2011) #11

Jul 11, 2012

Now we can finally catch our breathe. It's been a crazy ride and the action and revelations really amped things up these last couple issues. Scott Snyder made a bold move with the direction of Lincoln March. I won't comment whether or not there's a clear and definitive conclusion to his claim but there is plenty to make the argument for both sides. There was also a touching scene between Bruce and Dick that plays out nicely. The two of them have been through a lot and we don't often see them able to simply talk. The conclusion to the back up story further sheds light on the past and brings about another touching scene. There is a grand feeling of closure despite certain questions still hanging in the air. If DC ever felt they needed to cancel BATMAN, this would be a fitting and appropriate way to end the series. But clearly that can and never should happen.

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Batman (2011) #12

Aug 8, 2012

Scott Snyder shows us he can tell different types of Batman stories. One thing that wasn't mentioned in order to avoid spoilers is the important message here. If nothing else, hopefully a certain sequence of events will open people's eyes.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 10, 2012

This is off to an incredibly dark beginning. That's exactly what we'd want from a major Joker story. Don't look for an uplifting story here.

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Batman (2011) #14

Nov 14, 2012

Make sure you're in a happy place when you read this issue. We've seen many incarnations of the Joker over the years. We've seen many battles between Batman and Joker. None of that can prepare you for what Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo deliver in this issue. Joker is a beast as his plans against Batman unfold. This is a cold and calculating Joker that wants one thing, to rid Batman of all his excess baggage. He wants Batman all to himself. With that notion stuck in his head, he has targeted pretty much everyone around Batman. Throw in the question of whether or not he knows Batman's secret, it's a deadly game on any levels. I don't know how Synder and Capullo (and Glapion and Plascencia) do it month after month. I don't need to know how. Just as long as it keeps happening, I'll be happy. The Joker is a vicious bastard and you'll love every minute of it.

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 11, 2012

It's hard to believe that a story stacking the odds against Batman can be so captivating. That's what Snyder does best, he sets up stories with Batman taking a beating, to remind us that he is a non-powered human. Everyone jokes how Batman should always win but Snyder shows it's not an easy task. We get to see some insight into how Batman's mind works. I can't recall seeing this sort of depth into how he thinks or reflects on a simple matter.

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 15, 2013

We're getting a lot of Joker stories though out this Death of the Family event. This is where we get to see how twisted and ruthless Joker really is. Luring Batman to Arkham Asylum is the perfect setting for what may be the final act in his crazy scheme. It's not often you feel sorry or tired for Batman. That's the feeling you get here. Scott Snyder sets up a disturbing scenario and environment and Capullo, Glapion and Plascencia do an extraordinary job of creating the visuals for it all. You almost have to wonder who is more twisted, Joker or the creators for being able to come up with the all the visuals.

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 13, 2013

Focusing on just the story told in the pages of BATMAN, this is exactly the story I'd want with Batman and Joker. Joker has done some horrible things in the past but he plays on a different level compared to villains that are simply willing to kill.

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Batman (2011) #18

Mar 13, 2013

I will admit there were some deeply emotional scenes here. This made me really think over the rating for this issue. I'm not sure if I was so touched due to personal loss I'm currently going through in my family. But it does show Snyder's ability to make you feel Batman's pain.

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Batman (2011) #19

Apr 10, 2013

Having the story shift back some days before the opening gives us that tease of a feeling knowing where the story is going to go but not being really sure how it will get there. Seeing Batman do more detective work is always a welcomed sight. James Tynion IV and Alex Maleev begin an interesting back up story that shows us why Batman works so well with a particular other character. Snyder and Capullo continue to show us you simply can't go wrong with BATMAN. You're always guaranteed a good time.

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Batman (2011) #20

May 8, 2013

Batman vs. Bruce Wayne. With Greg Capullo's art and FCO Plascencia's colors, it's a visual treat. Scott Snyder has taken Clayface and taken him to another level. Unfortunately with the numerous other Bat-titles, this Clayface story felt too close after his appearance in DETECTIVE COMICS. The main story was really good as was the back up but it almost feels like we're just biding our time for the beginning of next month's Zero Year.

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Batman (2011) #21

Jun 11, 2013

If there was any doubt that pulling Batman out of modern continuity and exploring his early days could work, this issue immediately proves it does. Seeing Bruce Wayne starting his career, going up against the Red Hood Gang and just the fact that some crazy stuff is going down, I can easily see this lasting eleven issues. Zero Year is off to a great start and right away, I don't want it to end. There's a deep mystery bubbling on the surface and the glimpses we get into Gotham in this time period is fascinating. Capullo, Miki and Plascencia make the visuals shine. This is not your typical Batman story and it shows. We get a great backup by Snyder, Tynion IV and Albuquerque that is highly enjoyable and makes the issue fun. Zero Year may be a visit to the past but I am on board with this being an extended stay. Snyder may have taken a risk by setting a long story in the past but it completely works. It's comics like this that make me excited to be a Batman fan.

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Batman (2011) #22

Jul 9, 2013

The first chapter of Zero Year was great and you can see that it gets even better with the second. This is not just a retelling of Bruce's early days. While we do see how he started becoming the hero we know and love today, there's so much more to this story that makes it feel completely new at the same time. Every single creator involved is in top form here. You get the impression they are really putting their all into this issue. The writing, art, colors, all looks so good. We're only in the second part and I'm already looking forward to buying this again in a hardcover format because I'm enjoying it so much. This is definitely going to be a story I will re-read over and over. It may be Batman's origin, in a way, but there's simply no telling what's going to happen next.

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Batman (2011) #23

Aug 14, 2013

If you thought Zero Year couldn't get any better, you were mistaken. Scott Snyder is taking Bruce Wayne on a rough journey as he is on the verge of becoming Batman. You can see the story meticulously being laid out. We may not be used to seeing this less experienced hero but we are seeing the determination and tenacity that will shape him into the hero we know and love. A certain key scene is laid out with such extraordinary care, you'll be in awe as it plays out. Greg Capullo's art with Danny Miki's inks and FCO Plascencia's colors continue to make this a visual feast for our eyes. In the backup, Snyder, James Tynion IV and Rafael Albuquerque show us a remarkable chapter in young Bruce's life. I didn't think I could like a BATMAN comic more than I have before until I read this one. It just keeps getting better and better.

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Batman (2011) #23.1

Sep 4, 2013

It's possible the wacky and...odd nature of the story was intentional because we're talking about the Joker. Maybe I'm missing the point. With so many Villains Month titles fighting for our dollars this month, this was a little disappointing.

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Batman (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

With each chapter of Zero Year, I find myself surprised at how much I crave to see a story in this time period be told. This is supposed to be the main Batman title and it might be a little odd not to be taking place in the current time but that's perfectly okay with me. There is a great sense of isolation as Snyder and Capullo are able to tell the story they want to tell without having to worry about other events or crossovers. We all know Batman's origin, or at least we thought we did. Snyder shows that there is more to tell. He's giving us a story that is filling in the gaps when we didn't even realize there were these many gaps that could be filled. This is an issue you'll want to read over a few times to take in all the tiny details in the text and images to make sure you don't miss anything. Thankfully Zero Year is not over. Even with an oversized issue, I'm still craving more.

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Batman (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Scott Snyder's journey through Batman's memory lane continues. Zero Year shows there are still moments from Batman's early days we might not be aware of plus the fact that tweaking other moments serves to strengthen the mythos. With Greg Capullo on art and FCO Plascencia on colors, everything looks amazing. We get to see some things and people for the "first time" and revisiting the past has never been so much fun. We are also trated to a cool back up by Snyder, James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke. Zero Year is not over and I couldn't be happier. Zero Year continues to be a must-read for Bat-fans.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 11, 2013

Zero Year continues to be a thrilling ride. With each chapter, we're discovering that we don't know everything about Batman's early years like we thought we did. Scott Snyder is carving out a new piece of history and the art team of Capullo, Miki and Plascencia is spoiling us. It's an exciting time for Batman and we're getting to see him like we don't often get to. This is the type of story you can dive into and just turn everything around you off. Zero Year is a time period I don't want to leave.

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Batman (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

This is Batman like you've never seen. We're used to Batman being prepared for anything and able to take on anyone. We all know Scott Snyder loves Batman but, man, he is giving him the beating of a lifetime. The whole Bat-team of Capullo, Miki and Plascencia are in top form, as usual. It's great getting a different kind of Batman story. There's plenty of mysteries being laid out and revealed. Reading Zero Year has been a blast.

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Batman (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

I didn't want to look forward to this issue. I've been trying to not get excited over the idea of BATMAN ETERNAL and I didn't want to see Zero Year interrupted. This issue offers a great tease as to the epic craziness we can expect. Big things are happening in Gotham City. It's not going to be a picnic. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV are cruel in how they show us so much only to leave us hanging for months. If this is any indication of what we can expect in BATMAN ETERNAL, it's going to be a fun new series. It's great seeing Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs back on a regular issue. LI'L GOTHAM will be missed but you can see they're just warming up here. It'll be nice if this is just the beginning of their time in the New 52 Bat Universe. And hopefully you managed to avoid spoilers about this issue before you read it.

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Batman (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

Oversized Zero Year issue? Yes, please! This issue really makes you appreciate the creative team. We often praise Scott Snyder for his amazing story and developments. Greg Capullo is a beast when it comes to the pencils. Danny Mikis inks and FCO Placencias colors help knock the comic out of the park. Besides being a great story, it looks fantastic. Im am completely digging Zero Year and cant wait for whats coming next. This is the kind of comic that sucks you in and makes you forget everything else around you. Despite being an oversized issue, I still want more.

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Batman (2011) #30

Apr 16, 2014

Zero Year continues and Savage City is giving us and Batman a Gotham City unlike any seen before. Batman is still early into his career and it appears Riddler is more formidable than anyone thought or realized. Snyder story continues to have a big epic feel and the art and color by Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia is astounding. Some may say this doesn't feel like a typical Batman story but that's what makes it stand out. We're seeing Batman and Gotham City in a new light. Despite being set in the past, there's still no telling what will happen next. Zero Year continues to be an explosion of fun.

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Batman (2011) #31

May 28, 2014

Some may feel Zero Year has been going on for too long. I couldnt disagree more. Too often big comic stories have a rushed feeling but here, were getting to see all aspects of the story get built up and fleshed out. Too often Batman is shown to easily solve any problem. Getting the chance to see a younger Batman has been fascinating as we get to see the man and hero he will become. Scott Snyders story has kept me captivated month after month. The art team of Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, and FCO Plascencia makes everything look so dang good. Ive wondered this before. How will they top this story next?

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Batman (2011) #32

Jun 25, 2014

Zero Year, how much do I love thee? This has been a long running and fantastic story. I hate to see it end next issue. Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, and FCO Plascencia have been doing a stellar job in deliver a fantastic Batman story completely separate from everything else. With Batman, in particular, it's often difficult to see the character not pulled into other storylines and events. The showdown with the Riddler is heating up and this is yet another issue you'll want to immediately gobble up.

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Batman (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

Batman: Zero Year comes to an end. This is the sort of story that makes you want to stand up and applaud. We've seen countless Batman origin stories throughout his seventy-five years of publication but Snyder, Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia have given us the definitive one. Zero Year is going to be a great collected story you'll want to read over and over. The entire Bat creative team have outdone themselves here. If for some reason you haven't read Zero Year, you need to fix that immediately. I can't wait to read this all over again.

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Batman (2011) #34

Aug 13, 2014

Batman is back in the present and is on the hunt for an unknown killer. Anytime we get to see Batman hit the streets and use his skills to track down a threat is a treat. Scott Snyder is joined by Gerry Duggan and Matteo Scalera in bringing us this story focused on a single killer. Those that have complained about the longer story arcs should rejoice in seeing Batman get to the bottom of this mystery. Scalera's art perfectly fits the story and definitely leaves us wanting more from him. Despite the story being a self-contained one, you get a sense that there is something else going on. Don't miss out on this one.

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Batman (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

DC Comics and Scott Snyder have managed to keep the focus of Endgame a secret for months. It's rare to be able to read a comic with a big shocking twist and not have any elements of it leaked out before you get a chance to read. Snyder and Capullo are setting up a pretty big story, even if it's only a six-issue arc. For a 'part one' issue, there's a lot going on. It's crammed with action that should bring a smile to any Bat-fan's face. The reveal at the end will make your smile grow even more. If the main story wasn't enough, we get a back up written by James Tynion IV with art by the legendary Kelley Jones. Just when you think Scott Snyder and the rest of Team Batman couldn't top the previous story they gave us, they manage to blow us away all over again.

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Batman (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

I would say, even if you just 'like' Batman or Joker, you won't want to miss this issue. You can see and feel the enthusiasm and fun Snyder and Capullo are having on this story. Joker is back in Batman's life and Snyder is out to make sure the action and storytelling are cranked up higher than ever before. We often feel sorry for Batman when Snyder puts him through the wringer. Snyder and Capullo have been consistently delivering great and solid Batman stories. I can't help but be eager for the next issue. This story is pretty nuts and I'm having a blast reading it.

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Batman (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

Joker is back and he's done with the jokes. We've seen Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo give us a Joker story before but now, Joker is back with a vengeance. The stakes have been raised. Gotham City has been infected and Batman is struggling to keep up with Joker's plan. With some new developments on Joker, things are about to get even worse. Scott Snyder has said he's writing this as if it was his last Joker story and you can tell. If you thought you'd seen all the Joker stories there were to tell, you haven't seen this one.

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Batman (2011) #38

Jan 28, 2015

There's no letting up in the action and suspense with Endgame. Scott Snyder is not letting up with Joker's attack against Batman and Gotham City. It does indeed feel like the end is coming. Snyder is pushing the confrontation between Batman and Joker. It's hard to tell what's scarier, what Joker might do or what might become of the revelations about Joker. The art and color adds to the creepy and suspenseful mood of the story. Batman: Endgame is not a story you'll want to miss. It's already proving to be quite the game-changer.

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Batman (2011) #39

Feb 25, 2015

All too often comics have an underlying feeling of being safe. The bad guys are always defeated and the good guys always win. Scott Snyder is known for beating down the beloved Batman. He puts him in situations that knock him apart so we can watch him crawl is way back to the top. We've seen many incarnations of Joker over the years but what we're seeing now is borderline disturbing. Snyder, Capullo, and the others are going all out in this arc. There's a feeling things are going to get even worse before they get better. Hopefully Batman will survive this. He has to, right? He's Batman. Don't miss this story.

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Batman (2011) #40

Apr 29, 2015

Weve seen Batman fight the Joker many many times over the years but this is the fight to end all fights. There is no holding back as Jokers plan rushes to its ultimate fruition. Neither Batman nor Joker can afford to hold back. This is the stuff Bat-fans have been hungering for. Scott Snyder constantly sets the bar high for himself. Big things have been set up here and we get an epic conclusion, one most people might not expect. Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, and FCO Plascencia continue to deliver the glorious details and action the book demands. This isnt a story youll soon forget. There are repercussions and youll be haunted by some of the imagery. Snyder, the creative team, and Batman and Joker dont hold anything back.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 10, 2015

The reports are true. We have a new Batman that operates in a completely different fashion. It's an exciting time as Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are almost writing a brand new book with these changes. There are still some familiar elements and we all know this can't last forever. It's a risky move and I'm incredibly fascinated to see how this turns out. If you have faith in the creative team and love the idea of Batman being taken to a different level, you'll want to pick up this issue. It's BATMAN, but it's also something new for the series. I can't wait to see how this plays out.

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Batman (2011) #43

Aug 12, 2015

Once again, we're getting a lot of the unknown and unexpected thrown at us. It's understandable that some readers might have difficulty accepting the current changes but Snyder and the Bat-team are showing us how it's possible to give a new take on the character without veering too far off the path we're familiar with. We're still seeing a lot of the same players. Even the scene with Alfred and a certain guest star carried loads of information for us to digest. We had about forty spectacular stories with Bruce Wayne and now Snyder, Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia are taking us down a fascinating side route. I love reading this book and having no idea what might be coming up around the corner. We're all assuming things will revert eventually but I am going to enjoy every single moment of this "new" Batman while it lasts.

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Batman (2011) #44

Sep 9, 2015

BATMAN #44 is the comic you didn't realize you wanted. No one digs when we have a fill-in issue interrupted a story arc. Scott Snyder takes the idea of a fill-in to a whole new level. Joined by Brian Azzarello, Jock, and Lee Loughridge, BATMAN #44 is a superb stand alone issue which actually does tie into the current Superheavy story arc. If you've been missing Bruce as Batman and the early detective days, you just can't miss this issue. The story is heavy and will give you a slight punch in the gut but you'll love every minute of it.

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Batman (2011) #45

Oct 14, 2015

After last month's flashback issue dipping into the story of Mr. Bloom, we're back in the present with Jim Gordon fighting for his life. Some may be patiently waiting for Bruce Wayne to somehow return to the bat-cowl but having a new Batman adds a new twist to the story and keeps throwing the unexpected our way. Snyder, Capullo, Miki, and Plascencia are keeping the 75+ year old character fresh but throwing different things at us. This issue does feel like it's still setting up pieces to the bigger story. We're getting closer to seeing the full wrath and capabilities of Mr. Bloom. There's no doubt things are going to get pretty crazy next issue.

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Batman (2011) #46

Nov 11, 2015

The seeds of the Mr. Bloom story arc continue to be planted. Seeing him in action is the stuff of nightmares. Jim Gordon, as Batman, is definitely going to have his hands full. Seeing the further adventures of Duke Thomas as well as Bruce Wayne in his new life adds to the mystery of the arc. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have been shaking things up and there's no telling what they'll throw at us next.

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Batman (2011) #47

Dec 9, 2015

Superheavy still has a few issues left but you can feel it all building towards an explosive ending. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have made me a fan of Jim Gordon as Batman. Along with Jim, we're really seeing Duke Thomas fleshed out into a great character and you can't help but be intrigued as Bruce Wayne tries to figure out what's going on. The creative team on this continues to maintain its hot streak. You'll find yourself glued to each page and cringe at the thought of having to wait to read the next part.

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Batman (2011) #49

Feb 10, 2016

It's always amazing when you're pretty sure where the story is going to go or where it has to go and the creative team still manages to surprise and captivate readers. It's easy to guess what has to happen in Batman #50 but Scott Snyder is shaking up how exactly certain events will happen. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV deliver a fantastic story that truly leaves you hungry for more. Yanick Paquette's art and Nathan Fairbairn's colors are truly amazing. We expect certain things in a Batman comic, but this book shows it doesn't always have to take a conventional route. I'm even more excited for what's coming up than I was before.

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Batman (2011) #50

Mar 23, 2016

With the conclusion to Superheavy, all is almost as it should be in Gotham City. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have delivered another stellar issue. We have some amazing scenes and several moments that will put a big grin on your face. It's hard to think of this creative team leaving the title, just when things are returning to normal. Superheavy was a risky story, but these guys made it a completely satisfying read. This issue just goes to show us how much we'll miss seeing Snyder and Capullo together. We still have one more issue to go so the celebration is not over yet. If you haven't read Superheavy yet, you're in for a treat. Only Snyder and Capullo could make a risky story concept work in such a glorious fashion.

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Batman (2011) #51

Apr 27, 2016

BATMAN #51 is the perfect ending to Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run. There's a bittersweet feeling as you enjoy the issue, knowing it will all be over soon. The issue does help celebrate past five years, and that's a key thing to keep in mind. Nothing lasts forever, and we've had a helluva ride for fifty-one issues. At the same time, there's a feeling of new beginnings. Exploring what Gotham is and seeing various characters planning their next schemes reassures us the city's story is far from over. We owe the creative team a huge thanks for all the great times and issues they've given us. It will be exciting to see what they'll all give us next.

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Batman (2011) #52

May 11, 2016

How does this issue fit in with the rest of the series? It's hard to say. It is almost an epilogue of sorts. James Tynion IV delivers a fun and intriguing story with plenty of heart. Maybe it's a little upbeat for what we've had previously in this volume. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Why not end the volume on a positive note? Perhaps it's because we just had a self-contained epilogue-type story last month, this feels a little out of place as a final story. I do like what Tynion and Rossmo do there. I'd just rather see it (and more of it) elsewhere. This issue easily stands on its own and shouldn't be missed.

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Batman (2011) Annual #1

May 30, 2012

nges and tweaks but Snyder gives Freeze what has been needed for a long time. As great as the story is, it's the art that prevents me from absolutely loving this issue. My expectations are high when it comes to Snyder/Batman issues and for this update with Freeze and the first new BATMAN ANNUAL #1, it should all be mind-blowing. The art is very good and fits the story well. I might be a little greedy in wanting more. We haven't seen many changes to the Batman characters in the "New 52" and Snyder shows us the advantages to being able to make these sort of updates. Mr. Freeze is now completely worthy of being a major villain in Batman's rogues gallery.

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Batman (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

It's a wonderful thing to have an annual that has a self-contained story. Set in Arkham Asylum, Scott Snyder and Marguerite set up a long overdue story and it's about time Batman takes some responsibility for the enemies he's sent there. The new "villain" introduced might have some questionable motives but it gives us the opportunity to see Batman face a new threat. This is a slightly different Batman story than we normally see. Delving into who Batman is as he fights a villain he's not completely prepared for, the story grabs your attention and you'll definitely want to see how it all plays out.

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Batman (2011) Annual #3

Dec 24, 2014

If you've been looking for some pure Joker wackiness without being tied to a huge story event, this is the issue for you. Despite being labeled as part of Endgame, it's really more of a self-contained story that slightly leads up Joker's current standing. James Tynion IV delivers some refreshing and twisted moments in Joker's life as we see what it means to be friends with him. The art by Roge Antonio gives us a nice different take on Joker over the years. If you've been wondering what Joker's been up to when not involved in a long battle against Batman, this is an issue you'll want to check out.

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Batman (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

The future is here for Batman and it doesn't look too good for him. In the ultimate portrayal of what lengths Bruce is willing to go to ensure his legacy lives on, we see him put it all on the line to complete a crucial part of his planning process. We get to see a beaten Batman go to great lengths and put to the test to try to make this happen. This isn't the Batman you're used to. It might only be five years in the future but Batman looks like he's been through quite a bit. If you dug the Scott Snyder/Sean Murphy story in the recent DETECTIVE COMICS #27, you'll want to check out what events may have lead to making that happen.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #2

Jul 24, 2013

Greg Pak continues his ambitious beginning on this new series. For a series meant to spotlight DC's two biggest characters, you would expect nothing less. Pak is crafting a grand tale and despite being set in the past, there's absolutely no telling how this is going to end. Jae Lee's art and June Chung's colors are a thing of beauty. You can't help but be mesmerized by the character designs, especially with how majestic some appear. The story and art has such a surreal feel, you won't be able to resist getting sucked into this comic. Hopefully you won't need a passport for the journey.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #3

Aug 28, 2013

This is such a gorgeous book. For a story not set in the New 52 world (at least this and last issue), Jae Lee's art does wonders. Seeing our version of Batman and Superman (or at least younger versions) interacting with the Earth 2 characters is strange and completely fascinating. Greg Pak does a superb job in showing and explaining the relationship between the Earth 2 versions of Batman and Superman with Yildiray Cinar's art. I'm not really sure where this story is going to go or how it will end but I'm totally okay with that. This is a series you just become immersed in and nothing else matters. I can't wait for the next issue.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #4

Oct 16, 2013

Greg Pak and Jae Lee have given us quite a first an arc in this series. It's been a strange adventure packed with some really cool moments. You can't help but want to see more of the Earth 2 versions that Pak has fleshed out. It'll be interesting to see what Pak has planned for Superman and Batman next. Pak shows he gets who the characters are and we're in for some great stories in the coming months.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #5

Nov 6, 2013

Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund join Greg Pak and bring Batman and Superman closer to the current continuity (compared to the first arc). Without having to go into detail, Pak shows us what makes them so different yet illustrates the friendship they've formed. We get an interesting change of pace in the story and having it in a horizontal format allows for the art to appear larger, thus giving us more detail to see. Although it also results in less panels overall. If you're looking for some old fashioned fun Superman/Batman story, this is shaping up to be another interesting story arc for the two.

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Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #1

Mar 5, 2014

This is the kind of story I like in an annual. If I'm going to pay more for an issue, I want to see some big action, lots of characterization, and great art. Getting to see more than just Batman and Superman fight was really cool. Greg Pak does a wonderful job capturing the essence of Superman and Batman along with Jason Todd and Supergirl. This story is enough to make you want to see more from this situation by any of the three artists. There were parts of the story that didn't quite mesh perfectly but it can easily be overlooked when you allow yourself to sit back and enjoy the ride. It's comics like this that remind you how much fun reading them can be.

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Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5

Apr 13, 2016

This is a story you don't want to see end. I didn't think combining the characters and worlds of both Batman and the Ninja Turtles could work this well. James Tynion IV and Freddie Williams II must be having a blast working on this series because it's a blast to read. Sadly, we're now in the place where we're eagerly waiting for the next issue but also sad it's the finale of the miniseries. This is what comic book crossovers should be like. Hopefully we'll get more.

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Batman and Robin (2009) #26

Aug 10, 2011

There are some very cool elements here. Nightrunner is someone I want to see more of. We can only hope that he will have a bigger role or more appearances when Batman, Inc is relaunched next year. If nothing else, the mention of the French equivalent of Arkham Asylum could open the doors to even more new villains and stories in the future. Unfortunately the issue felt more like a fill in issue. Despite the cool designs of the new villains, the art fell a little flat at times. I would have hoped for more in the final issue of this series. Nice set up for possible future stories. Let's hope we see more of Nighrunner and the Paris Arkham Asylum.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #0

Sep 12, 2012

Damian is the little brat/sidekick you love to hate. As annoying as he can be, his charm is in the fact that he's a ten-year-old that can face Batman's enemies with no problem. He was raised by the League of Assassins and is the perfect little warrior. This zero issue serves to show us what his upbringing was like. We get to see the challenges he faced. It's great for fans of Damian to get to see these times but they also don't really add anything new to his character or the history that we already know. Tomasi and Gleason are deliver the goods as usual but because you already know what's going to happen and there weren't any surprises, it just feels like an extended visual telling of what we already know.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #4

Dec 14, 2011

What could be better than a new Batman comic? A great Batman comic, that's what. Tomasi and Gleason have been getting better and better with each issue of BATMAN AND ROBIN and you can see that they are just warming up. If you've been waiting for some answers in this series, you will indeed get some. Batman and Damian are finding being the Dynamic Duo together isn't an easy venture just as being a father and son is equally difficult. The new villain, Nobody, is planting some seeds and you can feel them begin to bubble up beneath the surface. Batman is usually prepared for anything but he might not be prepared for what's to come. BATMAN AND ROBIN is a great example of what we want in a Batman comic.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #5

Jan 11, 2012

Peter Tomasi is revving things up by creating a tremendous amount of tension between Batman and Damian. There is a great feeling that this could be the end of their partnership, despite being father and son. (If that's the case, what would it mean for the title...?) We are getting some answers and find out about Nobody's past with his father, Henri Ducard, as well as Batman. We don't have the complete picture just yet but the puzzle pieces are falling into place. BATMAN AND ROBIN is a pleasure to read each month.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

Each Batman book continues to have its own feel and this is one of the great ones. The tension continues to rise with each turn of the page. The team of Batman and Robin may be in its final stages if things go according to Nobody's plans. We get to see some emotion from Batman and his son's future is at stake. The flashback to Bruce's training with Henri and Morgan Ducard sheds a new light on Batman as well. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are a dynamic duo themselves when it comes to making this series consistently great month after month.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #7

Mar 14, 2012

Will Batman and Robin survive their first major battle as the Dynamic Duo in the "New 52"? We've seen a new deadly villain with Nobody. Unlike the average Batman foe, Nobody has a deeper tie to Bruce's past which gives him an edge over others. Tomasi's story set up an intense encounter and Gleason's art along with Kalisz's colors all came together in a spectacular fashion. The arc concludes in a good, if maybe slightly predictable, fashion (and there is still a follow up next issue). There will definitely be ramifications that will need to be addressed. Tomasi and Gleason have been a great team on this series which is exactly what the characters deserve. They've shown us their first act and it's going to be a long month in waiting for what they have planned next.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #8

Apr 11, 2012

There has been so much going on between Batman and Damian in these first eight issues. There's been a lot of build up and we've been left wondering what will happen between the two. Last issue left off with a huge development that has to be dealt with. What's great about this series is while we get plenty of Batman-action, we're also seeing how the emotions play into his life. Batman dealing with a partner is one thing. Adding in the fact that his partner is actually his stubborn and deadly son, Batman is in unfamiliar territory. Tomasi and Gleason have delivered great issue after issue since the "New 52" started. This is the kind of comic we need to see more of. We don't often get to see this side to Batman; the emotions he keeps locked inside. It's opening the door to a new level of storytelling

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Batman and Robin (2011) #9

May 9, 2012

We're seeing the first official crossover in the Batman books in the "New 52." Thankfully there is some cohesion between this story and BATMAN as Bruce is not able to appear here because he is more than busy in his own title. The other great thing about that is it means we get to see Damian on his own. As promised, this issue is not crucial to BATMAN and BATMAN is not crucial to this. Too many times in the past, especially with Batman crossovers, we've been forced to buy every part of the event. Here, we get to enjoy a good story with plenty of action. Lee Garbett's art do a great job standing in for Patrick Gleason's art. If this issue doesn't make you hunger for a solo Damian book, I'm not sure what will.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #10

Jun 13, 2012

What makes this book feel different from BATMAN is the sense that Batman is working with others, hence the title. It's a great change of pace and gives each book a separate feel. I've complained about too many Batman books in the past but Tomasi, Gleason and Kalisz keep me wanting more each month.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #12

Aug 8, 2012

Instead of BATMAN AND ROBIN, this should have ROBINS in the title as we get to see all the Robins together fighting with Batman. There is plenty of crazy action that we don't normally see in the average Batman comic. So much is going on here and Patrick Gleason captures every over the top action scene with ease. It almost feels as if there's too much going on, including the upgrade Batman gives himself but in terms of fun and enjoyment, this issue delivers. The events and outcome here may be a little extreme, even for a Batman comic but I can't deny how much fun reading this was to read.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #19

Apr 10, 2013

Peter Tomasi continues the portrayal of Batman dealing with the greatest loss. We've seen Batman deal with loss before so it's great to see Tomasi actually putting him through the different stages. He also makes a bold move in having Batman take some extreme actions in trying to cope with it all. It's a little unsettling but that could be the point in seeing just how far he's willing to go. Patrick Gleason's art is top notch as usual. He manages to capture the mood and atmosphere of the characters in just the right fashion. Carrie Kelley is an interesting choice. Hopefully we'll see more development with her rather than this just be a stunt. More Red Robin would have been nice considering he is part of the title of this issue this month. The status of the Dynamic Duo may be up in the air but Tomasi and Gleason continue to prove the are a Dynamic Duo when it comes to comics.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23

Aug 21, 2013

There's nothing harder than witnessing someone dealing with grief and loss. Peter Tomasi has been delivering such heartbreaking stories involving Batman and the death of Damian. Tomasi knows how to throw the curve balls at us (just wait for the ending here). Patrick Gleason's art fully captures the essence of it all as well. Nightwing's appearance makes sense in terms of his connection to Bruce but it's unfortunate that it feels so forced, given the recent events in his title and mention of them. Now that the stages are over, we'll have to wait and see what's next. The Villains Month issue takes over in September and we'll be eagerly awaiting what's to come. (Hint, it included Two-Face).

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

With many of the Villains Month titles, there hasn't been too much appeal or opportunities to actually see new information. Most have been re-tellings or continuations of other stories. With a book containing the Court of Owls, there's still a lot we don't know. This secret organization that was able to bring down Batman is ripe with opportunities for more stories. James Tynion IV gives us a taste for the Court's action during several different moments in time. Jorge Lucas' art nicely captures the different time periods by making sure each feels like it's taking place during that time. This issue almost feels like a tease for more stories set in the different periods. James Tynion IV simply makes me want to read more of the Court and their history. It's always great when a superhero comic focuses more on the story over than cheap action shots. Let's hope we get to see and find out more about the Court of Owls.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Ra's al Ghul has been relatively quiet in the New 52 and it looks like he's ready to make a move. James Tynion IV fills us in on some past moments of Ra's life while also pushing the character forward into the FOREVER EVIL landscape that has exploded onto the DCU. This issue does set things up for Ra's appearance in RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAW and you'll want to see what he has planned next. Jeremy Haun's art captures Ra's essence and you get a nice visual interpretation of what he's all about. Ra's al Ghul is done sitting around and it looks like James Tynion IV has some big plans for him.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #32

Jun 18, 2014

We know Batman can be obsessive and determined when it comes to certain things and finding the body of his dead son would absolutely be at the top of his list. We're finally seeing some hardcore Batman vs. Ra's al Ghul action and this is just the beginning of the upcoming Robin Rises story. Patrick Gleason delivers some intense scenes that you've likely been waiting to see for some time. It goes without saying that if you're interesting in any possible future with Damian or a possible other Robin, you won't want to miss this.

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Batman And Robin Eternal #13

Dec 30, 2015

BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL shows that a weekly series can be a success. James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder's story has been captivating as we get more and more revelations of the bigger story week after week. With an issue almost fully dedicated to Cassandra Cain, fans of the character can be overjoyed. The overall story has been great but there have been some moments the weekly schedule makes moments feel drawn out a little. Marcio Takara's art is perfect for a Cassandra-focused issue and Dean White's colors are top notch. We've now reached the half way point of the series and there's still a lot more for us to discover.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #1

Aug 3, 2013

If you love or even like the idea of Batman Beyond, you need to check this out right now. As part of DC's Digital First series of comics, you need to be prepared to get a great next chapter of Batman Beyond for less than a buck. You can feel the passion Kyle Higgins has for the characters and universe bubbling under the surface. This may be the first issue that starts to catch us up after the series jumps forward a year but you can see there has to be loads of big things coming. Thony Silas is a great choice for the art. Both Silas and Higgins have captured the essence of the Beyond universe and are ready to take it to the next level.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #3

Sep 6, 2013

Batman Beyond has always stood apart from the modern day Batman stories. The essence of the character and world was established as more than just taking Batman and the concepts and sticking them in a futuristic fashion. Kyle Higgins gets what this Universe is about and you can feel the story amping up in each chapter. Terry has gone through some changes, including working with a new partner. This evolution is one of the great things about the "2.0" continuation of the franchise. Allowing the characters and world to move forward a meet is making this series fresh and exciting. Thony Silas' art and Andrew Elder's colors sets up the tone of the story and characters nicely. If you've ever longed for more Batman Beyond stories, this is a series you need to check out. Higgins is giving us action and intrigue and each chapter reminds us why we loved the animated series so much.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #5

Oct 5, 2013

Kyle Higgins sure knows how to craft a Batman Beyond story. While there is still a bigger mystery going on, this chapter is packed full of action and suspense. Fans of the series will be thrilled with what pops up and you'll be on the edge of your seat as you read through it all. Thony Silas' art is great and fits the story nicely. The great thing about the digital first format is even if you've missed out on this series before now, you can easily purchase all the previous chapters. And we'll only have to wait two weeks until the next part. With the way things end here, there's no telling what will happen next.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #6

Oct 19, 2013

Rewire claimed to have killed Batman last issue. Obviously that's not the case but Kyle Higgins makes sure Terry is out of the picture. As the police make their move against Rewire, we see a nice old fashion battle that feels like a step up from the traditional futuristic Beyond fighting. There's a lot more explosions and Thony Silas' art and pacing really moves it along at a great speed. We may have a lack of Batman action in this chapter but we do get some answers, specifically about Rewire. This is definitely not one to miss. Higgins continues to keep us captivated and leaves us hanging until the next chapter.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #7

Nov 4, 2013

It's great having new adventures of Batman Beyond twice a month. Kyle Higgins continues to flesh out this world and is taking the characters further by having Terry move out of Bruce's shadow. You can feel the tension in the air and there's still a lot we need to discover as the story moves forward. Thony Silas' art and Andrew Elder's colors gives each chapter a vibrant feel that makes you almost forget that this was originally an animated series. The twice-a-month format also lets the series focus on the story while also delivering great action scenes. This is an example why I love the digital first format. You don't have to wait as long for the printed version and can access it without having to leave the comfort of your home. With one more chapter left in this first arc, the next issue is bound to be crazy.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #9

Dec 7, 2013

A new arc has begun and it looks like Kyle Higgins has some cool things coming. Terry still has to deal with some of the fallout from the first arc (the fact that he still has to apprehend several threats that have escaped Arkham) but we also see a great introduction to a new/old threat. The designs of this group, what we see of them, is pretty cool. Thony Silas' art is great as usual and Emilio Lopez's colors really adds a nice punch to it. As if that wasn't enough, we also get a cool Batman: The Animated Series flashback. Do yourself a favor and check this out. This issue reminds us why Batman Beyond is such a cool concept.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #12

Jan 19, 2014

If I'm being honest, Man-Bat was never one of my favorite Batman villains. Seeing him in the Batman Beyond universe is something different. Kyle Higgins continues to push this timeline forward and it's great seeing the story develop further. We still don't know the full details of what happened in the year between this volume and the previous but we are seeing more details being revealed. Thony Silas captures the action and excitement and almost makes you forget this used to be an animated show. The arc isn't over yet and it's all continuing to build more and more with each chapter.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #16

Mar 14, 2014

This is an issue you have to read. If you've ever read and enjoyed stories involving Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon, you're going to want to see the talk they have in the Batman Beyond timeline. Kyle Higgins truly understands these characters. He has a great feel for who they are and seeing this interaction is exactly what you would want to see, especially if you've watched the regular animated Batman series and Batman Beyond. The art by Eric Wight and colors by Emilio Lopez will blow you away. Simply put, I loved this story.

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Batman Beyond 2.0 #28

Aug 9, 2014

If you've ever watched Batman Beyond or Batman: The Animated Series, you really need to be reading BATMAN BEYOND 2.0. Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel are giving fans what they want. With the return of Phantasm, secrets behind Terry McGinnis' father's death, and revelations between Bruce and Barbara along with mention of Tim Drake's fate at the hands of the Joker, this storyline is not one to be missed. Phil Hester and Craig Rousseau are handling the art beautifully. If you haven't been reading, do yourself a favor and check it out now.

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Batman Beyond Universe #1

Aug 21, 2013

There's no need to stick to the present in the DC Universe. Kyle Higgins and Christos Gage are carrying on the tradition of the Batman Beyond characters in their latest stories first appearing digitally. Taking place one year after the previous series, we're seeing where the characters are now and there are some new developments happening. Both series capture the essence of the characters. Whether you like the idea of the digital first comics or still prefer to strictly remain with printed comics, DC is making sure you get to keep up with the latest adventures in the (possible) future of the DC Universe (or at least the Animated Universe). Don't miss out on the fun.

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Batman Beyond Unlimited #1

Feb 29, 2012

This is an oversized issue full of Beyond goodness. These days, $3.99 for 48 pages is a great deal. There is a Batman Beyond story by series regular Adam Beechen and art by Norm Breyfogle. There is also a Justice League Beyond story written and drawn by Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen. Both stories pick up where last year's BATMAN BEYOND story left off. There is plenty of ties to the animated series that shows the creative team knows what they're doing. While there is a ton of great art, there were a couple moments with some characters feeling a little off. Both stories are setting up plots for future stories and there is plenty of fun and excitement inside.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #1

May 23, 2012

Bravo to Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham for giving me a second Batman title I can love each month. There's no playing around here. This comic will blow you away.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #2

Jun 27, 2012

Grant Morrison continues to show us how he weaves the web of a story for Batman, Damian and Talia. By showing us more on Talia, even if there weren't many shocking/revealing moments, it made me love the character even more than before. Grant must keep all his past work in a handy nearby location as he always goes back and makes sure events that take place now can be traced back. The fact that we see when Talia actually gets her own 'secret headquarters under London' (as mentioned in BATMAN #656) was spectacular. It might be a little difficult trying to fit this series in with all the other titles (in terms of current continuity) but when the stories are this good and entertaining, it doesn't matter. This series and Snyder's BATMAN continue to deliver month after month. Readers often question what Morrison is doing but all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #3

Aug 22, 2012

We're one step closer to Grant Morrison's endgame for Batman and Batman Incorporated. After a slight break in the action in issue #2 and a delay imposed by DC, we're back to seeing the next step in Talia's plan of revenge against Batman and Damian. The world believes Robin is dead, unfortunately this something we really get to see. There's a slight feeling as if we missed an issue but the return of Bruce as Matches Malone along with the tiny details that Chris Burnham's art adds makes this an enjoyable reading experience. Plus, we get to see more Bat-Cow. BATMAN INCORPORATED feels like a ticking time bomb. You know an explosive conclusion is coming and you'll be bracing yourself for any explosions along the way.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #5

Nov 28, 2012

BATMAN #666 remains a favorite issue among many Bat-fans. After the portion in BATMAN #700, it felt as if we wouln't be seeing more of this possible future again, especially with the New 52 starting up. Thankfully Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham take us on a trip back to that hellish world. It almost feels a little out of place in the middle of the Leviathan story but the fact that we get this story is not a reason to complain. It makes some sense to see it here but how great would it be to get a full miniseries set in this time period? Burnham's art and Fairbairn's colors make a good story even greater. Will this issue change the status or future for Batman and Batman Incorporated? With Grant Morrison writing, who knows. But really who cares because I want to see more of this future world. We owe Grant, Chris and everyone involved some big thanks for this fun trip.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #6

Jan 2, 2013

BATMAN INCORPORATED continues to deliver the high octane action we expect from Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. More and more we're seeing each Batman series gravitate towards their own distinct feel while maintaining some continuity. Having this subtle variety makes reading each title a different experience. We all know that Morrison's time on the series is limited and even though the fight with Talia has been going on for a while, you can feel it's all about to explode. There's no saying what Morrison has planned next and having Burnham's art to tell his stories is a great treat.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #7

Jan 30, 2013

Talia al Ghul and Leviathan are not playing around with Batman. This issue shows us a slightly different side as the repercussions from last issue are shown and Batman struggles to deal with his defeat. There is a big sense of the unknown when it comes to Grant Morrison's storytelling. You feel like there's the possibility that 'anything goes.' Burnham's art captures the grittiness of the events as they unfold. There were a couple moments it felt off but the visuals and colors by Nathan Fairbairn made for some cool moments. I'm almost scared to read the next issue but there's no way I won't read it as soon as it's out. Batman may have misjudged what Talia is capable of.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #8

Feb 27, 2013

The moment teased in issue #1 is finally here. We get a good issue showcasing what Damian is capable of. Seeing his interaction with Dick Grayson makes you long for the time when they were partners. Batman's battle against Talia and Leviathan has reached its climax but it's not quite over yet. Talia makes a bold move that will cause repercussions in the rest of the Bat-titles. The comic is well laid out and the action is highlighted by the focus each panel has on the action and the colors enhance it all. A scene with Red Robin unfortunately feels a little out of place but does serve to explain where Tim is when it all hits the fan.It's not the fault of the comic but the events would have been more powerful to readers if the outcome hadn't already been announced earlier in the week. Is this the end for a certain character? We'll have to see what happens in the next issue and other Bat-titles. R.I.P. indeed little fella.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #9

Mar 27, 2013

This was a great follow up to last issue. Even though the other Bat-titles have jump past these events, it's great to see what happened next. We get some rare and personal glimpses into what Bruce is going through and you can definitely feel the pain he's going through. Morrison is pushing the story and concept further along. You can see we're close to his endgame and there's the feeling it's all about to explode. Morrison and Burnham are cooking with fire and it feels like things are going to get even crazier before the story's over. You won't want to miss this issue.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #10

Apr 24, 2013

The end is near. Batman is trying to end the battle against Talia and Leviathan. Things are not going according to plan for either side and you can feel the tension rising as the story approaches the conclusion. With some welcomed appearances by a couple characters, the story continues with a big feeling of everything being unpredictable. With Morrison ready to end his run, you can't tell what might happen next. It's almost enough to make you scared to see the next couple issues. Of course there's no way you'll want to miss them.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #11

May 22, 2013

Whether you're loving Morrison's run or waiting for it to end, this issue does what we should have seen earlier, a spotlight on other Batman Incorporated characters. Chris Burnham takes over the writing duties and shows us what Jiro, the Batman of Japan is doing these days. It's a great departure from the ongoing (and slightly morbid) story dealing with Batman vs. Talia. Burnham and Jorge Lucas give a fun look at what's going on in Japan. With characters like Lady Tiger Fist and killer female biker gangs, this issue definitely fits into Morrison's world. It'd be great to see the series focus on the various different Batman Incorporated members since we don't get to see much of them. This may not be your typical BATMAN INCORPORATED story but, in my book, that's a really good thing. Hopefully we'll see more of Burnham's writing in the future.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #12

Jul 3, 2013

Who hasn't wanted to see Batman cut loose a little? This issue delivers some savage Batman fighting which unfortunately doesn't last long enough. Talia's plan is continuing to unfold and you can feel the end is near. Rather than start tying up all the loose ends, Morrison actually unleashes some more surprises that will put you on the edge of your seat. There's no telling what the next issue will hold but you can bet it will be something everyone will be talking about.

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Batman Incorporated (2012) #13

Jul 31, 2013

Batman Incorporated was a fascinating experiment. It took Batman to different places and introduced many great characters. It's fitting that with Grant Morrison's departure, we may be seeing less of the idea as a whole (let's not forget the one-shot coming in August). This series gave us a lot of what we wanted to see. We had some endings and some beginnings. The Leviathan story felt it went on a little too long at times but there were definitely some great moments throughout. Who else is ready to re-read all the stories from the beginning once more? You'll get excited over the events here but you'll still be a little sad over seeing some things end. It's not often a story can tug on your heart-strings like this.

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Batman, Inc. #7

Jun 29, 2011

A focus on Man-of-Bats and Red Raven has been long overdue. The duo's time in the spotlight might be cut short as the threat of Leviathan is ramping up the dangers they are used to dealing with in their hometown. Morrison's decision to give us an inside look at the two elevates their characters to a new level. Batman may be challenged from time to time in Gotham City but with the way these two take their battle to the streets, they should be commended. Chris Burnham is always a joy to see on this title and his art style fits in perfectly with the characters and their environment. Hopefully the duo will survive so we can see more stories with them.

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Batman, Inc. #8

Aug 24, 2011

This is the most bizarre Batman, Incorporated issue we've had. A strange adventure set in a virtual world is highlighted by the use of digital drawings. The art takes some getting used to as it works in some parts but looks strange in other areas. Being the final issue of Batman, Incorporated until 2012's relaunch, it's disappointing that we don't have a more solid story. There were some interesting elements but it ended up feeling like more of a filler issue rather than the end of a chapter. There is one significant tease that should make you perk up and long for more of Grant on Batman. We'll just have to wait to see where any of the plots set up are dealt with. I expected more and it's unfortunate that this is how this volume ends.

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Batman, Inc.: Leviathan Strikes! #1

Dec 21, 2011

The fact that this book takes place pre-New 52 gives a big sense of awkwardness. You'll want to try to overlook it but it becomes a little difficult when seeing Dick as Batman and Stephanie as Batgirl. Despite this, it's going to be a long wait until Morrison returns to the touch on what he's set up here. Leviathan Strikes was a joy to read but it would have been great if we were able to read this before 'The New 52' or at least have some explanation over bridging the gap between the two periods.

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Batman: Arkham City: End Game #1

May 25, 2012

Comic fans may be on the fence when it comes to digital comics but there's no denying the quality you get with the 'digital first' comics from DC. END GAME offers a continuation of the story from the Arkham City videogame. The best thing is having Derek Fridolfs on the title since he's been involved with the ARKHAM UNHINGED digital series. Jason Shawn Alexander's art is really nice but doesn't quite fit in with the Arkham City vibe from the game. It's a little grittier but still looks great, especially with Lee Loughridge's colors. This six part weekly series will only cost you $0.99. If you've been hungering for more of the story after finishing the game and plan on playing the Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC, you'll get a kick out of reading this.

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Batman: Black and White (2013) #1

Sep 4, 2013

BATMAN BLACK AND WHITE has always been a showcase of remarkable Batman stories told by several creators in the industry. The nature of being told in black and white gives each story a unique feeling. These are stories that fit in anywhere and anyone can easily jump right in. The lack of color adds a different feeling to the atmosphere of the character and you really see Batman in a new light. Each story here is a blast. The only downside is having five stories resulted in some feeling a little rushed. This is a great way to see different types of stories told and lack of color (and inks in some cases) gives the story an almost raw and honest feel. Colors in comics can add an incredible amount of life to stories but there is something honest to this format. It's an honest look at who Batman is. There's no need for flashy bells and whistles because the story and art are all you need. Every Batman fan needs to experience Batman in this fashion.

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Batman: Eternal #1

Apr 9, 2014

There have been some debating whether or not to get into the new weekly Batman title. If you're reading the Batman titles, you won't want to miss what is starting out here. Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, and the others are ready to shake Gotham City to its core. This won't be a series you'll want to miss. The nice thing is it appears it won't simply focus on Batman. There are so many other great characters in the Bat-Universe as well and this could be a great way to give them the focus they deserve. This issue shows promise that the series will deliver deep stories and doesn't just try to entice you with gimmicks or insane explosions, although there are some really pretty ones here. Jason Fabok's art is killer here. It's a great time to be a Batman fan.

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Batman: Eternal #2

Apr 16, 2014

What can we expect in BATMAN ETERNAL? This issue is a good indication. There's a lot going on and clearly a lot headed our way. You can see why this story will work nicely in a weekly format. Besides the expected appearances from team Batman, we see some new faces arrive in Gotham and that guarantees things are going to get even more intense. If you like Batman, there's no way you can avoid this series. This is just the beginning and it's clearly going to get even crazier. What else would you expect from this creative team?

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Batman: Eternal #3

Apr 23, 2014

Gotham City has always had its share of problems and the writers of this series are cranking them up. In the third issue of this weekly series, we're getting to see a lot happen without any lag time. There is the slight feeling that things are escalating a little too quickly but we can easily assume the writers have a lot of story to tell, which is a great thing. New characters are seen and there is a big power shift in Gotham. Batman is going to have his hands full and will definitely need some help from the rest of the Bat-Family. Don't dismiss this as a simple filler weekly comic. Things are happening in big ways. This is definitely affecting the Bat-Universe and shouldn't be missed.

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Batman: Eternal #21

Aug 27, 2014

This issue shows that it is definitely on in Gotham City. Batman might think he has all the answers but we're seeing a whole new game is about to begin. With the weekly schedule, it can be easy to get behind an issue or two. This one shows you why you can't let it happen. Jason Fabok's art captures each moment with brilliance. The next phase of the overall story is being presented here and you won't want to miss it. Some of the developments and betrayals feel like a bit much but we're definitely on board to see what could possibly happen next.

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Batman: Eternal #42

Jan 21, 2015

This issue may not have the biggest impact in the grand scope of the series but it does bring Harper further into the Bat-Family as she finally goes into action in her Bluebird guise. The events are approaching what the flash-forward events seen in BATMAN #28 and Batman is trying to get closer to finding out all the answers. The issue has three different artists. While they do work on separate character moments rather than splitting the entire issue three ways, it still is a noticeable shift in the middle of the story. If you're interested in seeing Bluebird's first outing in costume and what happens to Spoiler, you'll want to check this issue out.

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Batman: Europa #1

Nov 18, 2015

Batman and Joker. Those two things alone are a selling point. Throw in the impressive creative team and the fact the two enemies have to work together, you have an interesting comic on your hands. There were some delays with this book coming out but now that it's hear, we're able to enjoy a classic feeling Batman story. Jim Lee's art over Giuseppe Camuncoli's layouts along with Alex Sinclair's colors makes this a really pretty book. The issue sets up the overall story and will leave you wanting a little more. You can definitely feel the bigger story brewing.

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Batman: Gates of Gotham #2

Jun 21, 2011

I am so completely sold on this series. We are witnessing the begin of Gotham City as we know it. Yes Gotham existed before the skyscrapers but we're seeing what went into the design. There is a connection with that past and the destruction going on in the present. Dick, Tim, Cassandra and Damian have to take the case and work together in order to save Gotham and the first families. While there is some crazy action that takes place, what kept me on the edge of my seat was some of dialogue between characters. There is an encompassing feel that something huge is going to happen...and it's not going to be a good thing. Simply put, it's a great story with great art. This is what a Batman comic should be about.

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Batman: Gates of Gotham #3

Jul 20, 2011

After two action packed issues, the story's pacing feels as if it slows down a little here. We are still getting more details on the history of Gotham City and are getting closer to getting all the answers. Dick Grayson and the other members of the Bat Family shine as each is given their own voice and place in working together without Bruce Wayne around to guide them. Reading through this story makes you wonder if all the interactions and character developments we're seeing among the characters will carry over into the new relaunch titles in September. Snyder, Higgins and Parrot do a great job capturing each character's voice and McCarthy's art is stunning except I have some minor issues with the way Tim Drake appears. Things are heating up and this issue may be giving us a slight breather as the final two issues kick things even further.

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Batman: Gates of Gotham #5

Aug 23, 2011

There is a lot under the surface of this comic. When I first read it, I was happy and excited. I liked it but was a little more than just okay with the overall story of the Architect. Reading it again and really dissecting scenes and dialogue is where I started rethinking everything. Originally I debated between a score of a 4 and a 5 (since we no longer give half stars in our reviews). Because this is pretty much the final issue of Batman before the September relaunch and because of those crucial scenes, my score got bumped up.

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Batman: Li'l Gotham #17

Aug 25, 2013

Each issue of BATMAN: LI'L GOTHAM is a joy. Each issue is a breath of fresh air. Comics these days can get pretty dark and dreary. That's great for telling "mature" stories but there are times we simply need pure entertainment. That's what Derek Fridolfs and Dustin Nguyen do in each issue. They take the essence of what makes Batman and all his surrounding characters so great and add a sort of magical touch to them. Set in its own continuity, this is a "universe" I can't get enough of. With the availability of the 'digital first' format, picking up an issue is easy without having to worry about venturing out. It's the perfect comic to read while you're in your pajamas on a Sunday morning. Everyone needs to be reading BATMAN: LI'L GOTHAM.

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Batman: Li'l Gotham #22

Nov 10, 2013

With each issue of BATMAN: LI'L GOTHAM, you're pretty much guaranteed a great time. For only $.99 an issue, Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs pack in all the reasons we love Batman and his associated characters. Leave it to these two to figure out a way to continue their holiday-themed storytelling and figure out how to use Daylight Saving Time in an issue. We get some great "guest stars" that fall far from what you might possibly expect. This is the joy of the "Digital First" format. You can easily pick up the latest chapter (at a great price) where ever you have a wifi connection and know you'll be entertained.

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Batman: Li'l Gotham #24

Dec 22, 2013

If you've never read a chapter of BATMAN: LI'L GOTHAM, you need to rectify that immediately. You definitely need to check out this final chapter (plus it's only $0.99!). Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs have done an amazing job on this series. Each chapter has been delightful, fun and flat out amazing. It's rare to see a comic, especially a Batman one, with so much heart. While there are still the printed issues and collected trades coming, this marks the end of a great thing. This was an brilliant issue and series. It gets me a little misty-eyed to think that this is it. All I can say is thank you to Derek and Dustin, as well as everyone at DC that allowed this series to happen.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #0

Sep 26, 2012

The Batman zero issues have been on a roll. Even though we've had an idea what has transpired during the years Bruce Wayne prepared himself for his mission in life, seeing how they played out along with tiny bits of new revelations has been a blast. It's not possible for us to believe that Bruce would easily accept defeat and give up on trying to get answers about the death of his parents. Seeing the lengths he goes to made for a compelling story. There were some moments where we're forced to stretch our sense of disbelief but that's all part of comic books. This issue shows that there are still fascinating stories that can be told about Bruce Wayne before he became Batman.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #10

Jun 27, 2012

BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT is headed in a new direction courtesy of new writer Gregg Hurwitz. We are given a separate feeling dark and gritty story and it's a great feeling to be able to read a different type of Batman tale. As much as I'm enjoying BATMAN, BATMAN AND ROBIN and BATMAN INCORPORATED, I can now welcome this series if it means telling different sorts of Batman adventures. With the way this story arc begins, I'm almost scared to see where Hurwitz is going to take it. With Scarecrow involved, this goes to show that even characters that have been portrayed in a more silly fashion can still be presented in a creepy and intense way. Batman is about instilling fear in others it'll be a wonderful twist to see him have to cope with how fearful and dark evil can be. Hurwitz's story is creeping me out a little and that's just the way I want it.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #11

Jul 25, 2012

Gregg Hurwitz and David Finch are making THE DARK KNIGHT another solid Batman title. I was never really impressed with Scarecrow as a villain but Hurwitz's writing and Finch's depiction is moving him up among the ranks of the Bat-villains. Batman now has his hands full. Children are getting abducted, Commissioner Gordon is missing and he has to try to keep his girlfriend happy despite his constant need to rush out on her. No one said life was easy for Batman. I was ready to give up on this title but am thrilled to find the combination of Hurwitz and Finch a winning one.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

For some reason I cannot understand, there seems to be a lot of interest or buzz in this issue. After reading this, that makes even less sense. It's nice to see Georges Jeanty on a DC comic. The problem is this didn't really feel like a DC comic. Joker's Daughter may have wanted to stand up for the women in this mysterious secret undergroudn society but everything else about this issue is something I want to forget. Joker's Daughter is headed to CATWOMAN #24 next. I will be sure to avoid that.

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Battle Scars #1

Nov 9, 2011

With Yost, Bunn and Fraction involved with the story, you almost have to have faith that there is something big coming on the horizon. Scot Eaton's art captures the feel of the Marvel Universe as well as the other characters that pop in. This series can go either way. There is a lot of promise that this will be big. It's hard to see it from here but you won't want to take the chance of missing out of something big.

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Battlestar Galactica (2013) #1

May 15, 2013

This is a very interesting take on the original Battlestar Galactica characters. It starts out completely feeling as fans of the show would want and expect. We slowly see more until the story gives us a crazy twist. Because of this, there's no telling where the direction of this series will take us. That adds to the excitement of seeing something different rather than just trying to retell the original stories. Cezar Razek's art does a great job in capture the likeness of the original actors. The colors are nicely done but almost feels as if it's too much at times. Too much color in sci-fi comics makes the presentation feel overly artificial. As a fan of the original show, I'm digging this direction. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning know how to tell space stories and even if you think you know all about these characters, you'll find yourself nicely surprised by the story.

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Batwing #19

Apr 3, 2013

It can be hard when change occurs, especially when it's with the main character in a title. As cool as David Zavimbe was as Batwing, he never really seemed to catch on with everyone. Allowing him to venture off in a different direction and bringing in a different character as Batwing could be just what this series needs. Having Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti on board also brings a level of giddiness as the two know how to bring a good time to comics. This issue is the end of Batwing but also the beginning. The choice for the new Batwing is brilliant in terms of tying the character closer to Batman and Gotham City. It's opened a new door that should bring a smile to fans and has the potential to blow up completely in Batman's face. That sense of uncertainty is what will add to this book's excitement as we witness the events unfold. Jimmy and Justin are ensuring Batwing has a place in the future of the Bat-Universe and beyond.

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Batwing #20

May 1, 2013

The new Batwing is here and makes an explosive debut. We were introduced to him last issue but Palmiotti and Gray throw him straight into the action to show us what he can do. By skating over the first moments with the new Batwing suit, there is a slight rushed feeling but it does keep the story moving and we do get some flashbacks showing how things happened. We've seen different styles or art in this series and there is a very nice feel to what we get in this issue. There is a feeling of excitement as we witness the birth of a new member of the Bat-Family. Yes it's unfortunate we no longer have the previous Batwing here but whether it's the new character or Palmiotti and Gray, my excitement has dramatically increased. I can't wait to see more.

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Batwing #21

Jun 5, 2013

Nothing against the previous direction of this series but with each issue of the new direction, I become more enthralled. Palmiotti and Gray have given us a new Bat-character to root for and his personality is different enough to set him apart from the others. While he's still a rookie, he does seem a bit too skilled in taking on insane odds, even if he was a cage fighting champion. You can feel the risk he is taking in pursuing this lifestyle while trying to keep it a secret from family and friends. DC, Palmiotti and Gray may have taken some risks in this new direction but it is definitely paying off. I'm getting more and more hooked on the character and can't wait to see what he has to face next.

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Batwing #22

Jul 3, 2013

Palmiotti and Gray continue to flesh out the adventures of the new Batwing. Each issue makes him a more remarkable and believable addition to the Bat-Family. We're treated to a lot of action scenes and the heavy fact that if Lucius Fox finds out Batwing's secret, it would mean bad news for Batman. Palmiotti and Gray are also focusing on new threats for Batwing, which is great. Batwing seems a little too comfortable getting into the thick of the action but it's a blast to see the events unfold. With each issue, I find myself liking this character more and more.

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Batwing #25

Nov 6, 2013

If you've been enjoying Luke Fox's tenure as Batwing, this is the perfect opportunity to find out a little more about who he was long before he stepped into the Bat-armor. Gray and Palmiotti bring us back six years to Gotham City's Zero Year and we get to see the early beginnings of what makes Luke the hero he is today. Some parts of the story felt a little predictable but with the great art and colors, it's a great trip into the past. Gray and Palmiotti also set the stage for what's likely to be a big problem for Luke. Join the fun and witness the birth of Gotham City's newest hero.

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Batwing #26

Dec 4, 2013

BATWING keeps getting better and better. Having a closer connection to Batman and (what's left of) Batman Inc is great but this issue also shows Luke Fox can easily stand on his own without the Dark Knight's help. It's clear Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti are having fun with this series and we're the ones being rewarded. Not only do we get some cool and great looking action, we also see a new character that will hopefully pop up again soon. Do yourself a favor, pick up this issue of BATWING if you haven't already. It's a fun read with a cool story.

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Batwoman (2010) #7

Mar 14, 2012

Batwoman's going through some changes and it isn't just with the art. We got used to J.H. Williams III's art but I do enjoy the combination of Amy Reeder's pencils along with Guy Major's colors. The vibrant nature of it makes the pages almost crackle with energy. (Apparently Reeder will not be working on some upcoming issues as planned). I can appreciate the new direction the series can take with Batwoman being part of the DEO but it feels contrary to what I enjoyed about her in the beginning. This clearly sets up a conflict in the story and there are some advantages to being allied with them but I'll be watching with a close eye. In some ways it feels as if a firm direction for Batwoman is needed. She has some villains of her own but some of them just don't do it for me. I am getting intrigued with where this story will go but I am a little concerned as I felt something was missing.

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Batwoman (2010) #26

Dec 31, 2013

If you're looking for a new jumping on point for BATWOMAN, you can easily dive right in here. Marc Andreyko and Jeremy Haun take over the series and deliver a new case for Batwoman. Not only do we get to see Batwoman in action, we also see the civilian side of Kate Kane to remind us of the other part of the character. We'll have to wait for the conclusion to the previous story last seen in issue #24. That puts a slightly sour taste to this issue but with a mysterious flashback and a doosey of a cliffhanger, you should check this issue out.

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Batwoman (2010) #32

Jun 18, 2014

Batwoman has not one but two women entering her life that may cause some problems or changes in her immediate future. Its interesting to see how Andreyko is developing story points for both Kate and Batwoman rather than have a focus simply on one guise. Jeremy Hauns art fits the mood as well as he has to juggle between two different tones. Its a new story arc so if youve been wondering whats going on in Batwomans life lately, this is a great time to check it out.

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Batwoman (2010) #40

Mar 18, 2015

What's going on with Batwoman? We've seen some changes in the last few issues and we do get some answers in this final issues. It's unfortunate that this is the end, especially since not all plot lines have been resolved. But we will get that closure in the upcoming annual. Georges Jeanty's art and Guy Major's colors have been great. Hopefully we'll see plenty more of Batwoman after Convergence. This last arc showed us we could get different types of stories to add to Batwoman's character.

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Bedlam #1

Oct 31, 2012

If you're looking for a new comic to check out, BEDLAM is one to pick up. Besides being oversized for the price of a single issue. Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo bring us a dark and creepy story that will make you feel uneasy...but in a good way. It's a darker look at the role a crazed psychopath plays in comics and the way the story is presented along with the art is definitely something to see. It's a "mature comic" for good reasons. Image Comics does it once again with another great new series. Get this now so you don't regret having to search for it later.

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Bedlam #2

Nov 28, 2012

There is something refreshing and liberating being able to read a comic that isn't tied down to loads of continuity and other titles. There isn't anything wrong with those comics but having a single comic and characters to worry and focus on is great. Nick Spencer and Riley Rossmo are creating a great and interesting new dark world. We don't have all the pieces to the puzzle but we're finding out more about the characters as well as seeing some set up for what's to come. Rossmo's art and Spencer's script sends you on a dark and creepy trip but it's one you'll want to go on. We don't get quite the shocking moments as in the first issue but there are some here that will make you cringe. Be sure to track down the first issue if you haven't read it yet and prepare yourself for a crazy ride.

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Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1

Jul 5, 2012

One of the most important characters in WATCHMEN finally has his own miniseries. We saw his origin in the original WATCHMEN but now we get to see more details with gorgeous art by Jae Lee. This is a good and bad thing. We already know the story but seeing it spread out like this is a way to feel more of a connection to the character. We get a better idea of what motivates him. He has become increasingly more interesting and it will be interesting to see where the rest of this series takes the character and if it will add anything new.

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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1

Jun 13, 2012

Darwyn Cooke and Amanda Conner do a great job in capturing the youth and character of a young Laurie Jupiter. Conner's art is everything you'd expect and this could easily be a textless comic with the entire meaning coming across through the art. Unfortunately due to the nature of the story and the struggles Laurie faces at school and with her mom, the events feel a little clich and predictable at times. This wasn't necessarily one of the BEFORE WATCHMEN titles I was most looking forward to but it was having Cooke and Conner attached which made it a great deal. With this first stage in Laurie's life over, there is an interesting set up for what could happen in the next issue. It's an extremely fun issue and Conner's art is so incredibly descriptive. You'll find yourself looking over the pages again after reading just to take in Conner's art. This series is off to a good start. Let's hope the next issue really takes off and knocks us off our feet.

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Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes #1

Nov 2, 2011

As a big fan of the original Planet of the Apes movies, this is, once again, a welcome treat. We know what society was like in those films and getting to see what it was like prior is nice. In the movies and comics, there is an emphasis on the caste system. Seeing it break down is almost like discovering the secret to a magic trick. This is the beginning of the end of life as they know it. Gabriel Hardman's art with Jordie Bellaire's colors are a sight to be seen. Compared to some Planet of the Apes comics I recall from the 80s, this interpretation is a welcomed surprise. We can assume the story won't have a happy ending but it's almost like reading about history. We know where the ape society ends up but now we get more information as to why it turned out the way it did.

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Betty & Veronica (2016) #1

Jul 20, 2016

Betty and Veronica is a comic everyone can jump into. If you've never read an Archie book before and are here for Adam Hughes writing and art, you'll get a great sense of who they are. Hughes isn't just writing the book, he's writing the characters. We get to see a day in their life along with how they interact and get along with each other. Along with the gorgeous art, there's plenty of substance to show us what Riverdale is like for these kids.

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Big Hero 6 (2008) #1

Nov 6, 2014

I didn't think I'd fall in love with this movie. It just couldn't be helped.

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Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #1

Mar 25, 2015

It's not often we see comics set in the Old West these days. BIG THUNDER MOUNTAIN RAILROAD delivers what you would want in a Western comic. It may be an "all-ages" comic but there is no shortage on the action or suspense. We're introduced to some interesting characters that will continue to grow as the series progresses. Dennis Hopless is fleshing out a story based on a Disney Park attraction with plenty of pure adventure at its core. The art and color add to the charm as well. With an interesting twist and cliffhanger at the end, it's a safe bet you'll want to come back for the next issue. If you're looking for a fun book filled filled with action and adventure, you'll want to hop on board this series.

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Birthright #1

Oct 8, 2014

Joshua Williamson has delivered another phenomenal debut issue. I first read this with no idea what the story was and seeing the twists unfold makes a spectacular reading experience. Getting caught off guard by a twist in a comic is fun but when there's more than one, it's a whole new game. You know you should not get comfortable or think you know what's coming next. Andrei Bressan's art fits the story perfectly. The layers to the story are intriguing and you can tell this is going to be a thrilling series.

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Black Canary (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

BLACK CANARY is not your typical DC Comics book. That's a good thing. We're starting to see more variety in the books being published. While Dinah's new profession as a rock singer may seem odd to longtime readers, it's creating a new situation that is worth checking out to see where it goes. Brenden Fletcher, Annie Wu, and Lee Loughridge are truly pouring in the indie rock feel into the comic. Aside from the stage performances there is plenty of action, suspense, and heart seeping between the pages. I'm curious to see what's going to happen next.

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Black Canary (2015) #2

Jul 15, 2015

BLACK CANARY is proving to be an interesting comic. The good and the bad is you're not really sure where things will go. This isn't quite the comic you might think it is. It's not just going to be a focus on Dinah's singing career. Where it will go when this current story ends is a nice unknown to keep you on your toes. We're heading in a nice direction and I'm becoming more and more invested in the series.

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Black Knight (2015) #1

Nov 18, 2015

I wasn't really a fan of Black Knight before but it looks like Tieri and Pizzari are changing that. This definitely falls into the different part of "All-New, All-Different Marvel" and that's a great thing.

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Black Panther (2016) #1

Apr 6, 2016

I wasn't too sure what to expect with this series after it was announced. I purposely avoided reading what Coates had planned in order to be able to take it all in. That decision paid off big time. Stelfreeze's art is perfect for this book, and I can't wait to see him get to unleash further. There's a lot to take in and several characters to get to know. I can't remember the last time I was so curious to see what the next issue would deliver. Coates and Stelfreeze are giving us the Black Panther we didn't realize we wanted.

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Black Science #1

Nov 26, 2013

If you had high hopes for Rick Remender's new series, BLACK SCIENCE, you are in luck. We get a pretty amazing introduction to a new world of characters in a fast-paced, action-filled story. Forget those normal "first issues" where things slow to a crawl as we meet all the characters. Remender throws us straight into the action and throughout the story, you get a taste of what the main character, Grant McKay is about and capable of. Matteo Scalera's art and Dean White's colors are enough to make you wonder what you did to deserve such a treat. I'm not quite sure where the series is going to go after the first issue but I am perfectly content to be able to dive into a new series and just experience the story as it happens. Give this one a try.

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Black Science #2

Dec 18, 2013

BLACK SCIENCE is shaping up to be a crazy ride of adventures after adventure (provided the characters can survive their current location). We were introduced to the main character, Grant McKay in the first issue, but here, Rick Remender starts filling us in on who the others are. Aside from the adventure and thrills, there is a mystery to uncover as well with one of the characters possibly being a traitor. There's no telling what will happen next and who will live or die. That's just one thing that makes this a thrilling book. Matteo Scalera and Dean White are on fire in the art department. This is definitely one of those books where you're going to hate having to wait for the next issue. Time to start counting down the days until issue #3.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 7, 2014

I could go on and on about this book. This was everything I wanted in a BLACK WIDOW comic. Nathan Edmondson comes out of the gate running. He has a great take on Natasha and reading this issue will immediately make you want more. Phil Noto's art is insanely good. He creates a fantastic mood full of energy and makes Natasha look great without over sexualizing her. This is a comic anyone can easily dive into. Buy an extra copy or two and give them to your friends or loved ones. This is the book Black Widow and comic fans deserve. How many days until issue two?

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Black Widow (2014) #14

Jan 21, 2015

Black Widow is not a character you want to mess around with. Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto are showing us exactly what she is made of. With an evil organization targeting her, she's turning the table around and taking the fight to them. The results are glorious moments showcasing what she can do. Each of these fourteen issues have consistently delivered great story and art. It's not often a series can maintain this kind of momentum. BLACK WIDOW is a series everyone should be reading.

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Black Widow (2014) #16

Mar 18, 2015

Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto continue to impress. Black Widow's tale against Chaos takes a strange turn. Before that can be fully explored, we get a flashback into Natasha's youth. We're familiar with her past but it was a nice treat seeing her before she was completely affected by her time in the Red Room. With Secret Wars coming up, the future of this series is uncertain. Let's hope there's plenty more Black Widow adventures by Edmondson and Noto to come. I can't get enough of this book.

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Black Widow (2014) #20

Jul 29, 2015

It's unfortunate that this series is ending. Given this final story, we get a slightly sad but satisfying ending. Edmondson and Noto have done a consistent and remarkable job throughout the entire twenty issues. All good things come to an end and this is a prime example. I can't wait to re-read the entire run.

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Black Widow (2016) #1

Mar 2, 2016

Black Widow is once again getting the series she deserves. Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson have shown us how well they work together, and that's carrying over into this new series. The storytellers waste no time in showing us just how much action and butt-kicking we can expect in this volume. Black Widow versus just about all of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a fantastic way to start a new series. You might read through the issue fairly quickly, but you'll find yourself going back to the beginning to read it again. This is exactly the Black Widow book you've been wanting. I figured with this creative team I'd be happy with this first issue. They've delivered more than I could have hoped for. It's not often I find myself on edge after reading an issue, ready to start counting how many days until the next one. If you want a crazy amount of action and butt-kicking with a looming mystery hanging overhead, you absolutely have to read this book.

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Black Widow (2016) #6

Aug 17, 2016

The action and intrigue continues in the latest issue of Black Widow. Chris Samnee, Mark Waid, and Matthew Wilson have made this one of my favorite books to read month after month. Black Widow is getting the attention she deserves, and it's all presented in a great package. If you haven't been reading this series, do yourself a huge favor and rectify that. Track down the issues and gobble them up. Reading this book is such a joy.

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Blackacre #1

Dec 5, 2012

Stories about future worlds can always be a fun and interesting read. With a brand new series, you don't have to worry about prior continuity or information in order to jump right in. The good and bad thing is we are given a history lesson on how the world came to its current state. This takes place over six pages. Six pages of a man giving a lecture. Later we see people attacking others and then get attacked themselves. It's setting up a dreary area where our main character will have to venture but at this point, it's a little difficult to get invested. There is some promise in how the different classes will clash in the story but the next issue could determine whether or not this will be a series I stick with.

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Book Smart #1

Oct 19, 2011

The great thing about the Kickstart books is you get a complete story for a reasonable price. Long running comics are great but having a story with a beginning and an end is a nice change of pace. The story dealing with an amnesiac woman waking up in Nepal with killers after her and uncanny abilities to defend herself almost gives the impression you know where the story is going to end. I'll admit I was a little concerned while reading but I should have known better and put my trust in the fact that the book was written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray. Without spoiling anything, there are twists that won't see coming. It's a fun read. The twist is a nice one and the book can be read by anyone without having to worry about years of continuity.

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Brain Boy #1

Sep 11, 2013

With a title like BRAIN BOY, it's not immediately clear what the series will be about. Fred Van Lente takes the notion of a character having telepathy and goes in a different direction. Seeing a character use his powers for the government isn't necessarily something new but the execution in the story makes this series stand out from others. Van Lente does a remarkable job introducing us to a new comic "universe" without bogging it down with the usual first issue process. We find out what's going on and who is who while also getting a great dose of action and intrigue. Plus you won't see what's coming at the end. R.B. Silva and Ego do a great job with the art and colors, giving this a distinct feel that further sets it apart from other comics. BRAIN BOY is a great new series but then again, with Fred Van Lente doing the writing, it really shouldn't be that much of a surprise. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Bravest Warriors #1

Oct 24, 2012

Get ready for adventures set in outer space. Based on the upcoming web animated series by Pendelton Ward, you can expect plenty of zany adventures and laughs when these teenage warriors set out to tackle absurd missions. We get a great introduction to the team and you can see the potential lying within the pages. As part of Kaboom!, Boom! Studios kids line, I'm not sure if it's completely an all age title. There isn't anything inappropriate but you might find yourself explaining the idea of Sexism to young readers. This series is set to deliver the kind of laughs and adventures we don't get to see in may comics and it has become a welcome addition to my pull list.

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #1

Jun 22, 2011

There may be some angry Swamp Thing and Constantine fans now that they are part of the DC Universe but the way they are incorporated works. We get some clarification that past events between Constantine and Swamp Thing do still hold true. We also find out which version of Swamp Thing we'll have in the DC Universe. I've never been the most die hard fan of either but I have read quite a bit over the years. I can live with them being in the DC Universe and I'm actually a little excited about it. As for this issue, it works to set up the mini-series which is unfortunate as it slows down the pacing. Yes it is a first issue but because it's apparently tying up the Swamp Thing bit from Brightest Day, DC's recent big event, I would think too much set up wouldn't be needed. I wasn't completely won over by this issue but I will definitely check out the next in order to find out what happens with Constantine and Swamp Thing.

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Brilliant (2011) #1

Sep 27, 2011

It's always fun to read a brand new comic series. Having it turn out to be a great read is a bonus. As a fan of both Bendis and Bagely, the idea of the two on a creator-owned book is refreshing. From the way the series has been described, they have big things planned. We're always looking for a new series to read and because this is a completely new comic world, anyone can jump right into this issue. The idea of superpowers not existing until a group of college kids discovers a way to create them ins intriguing. You can imagine things won't necessarily go smoothly. I can't wait to see how Bendis and Bagley explore this notion.

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Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1

Sep 29, 2014

We're seeing some big changes in Marvel characters these days. Marvel is showing they have no problem shaking things up in order to deliver some different types of stories. We've seen Bucky Barnes go through some changes since it was revealed he survived his initial death but this is a completely different direction. After the events of ORIGINAL SIN, Bucky is going to have his hands full taking on some pretty insane missions. Joining Ales Kot is Marco Rudy. Marco's art can get pretty trippy and it immediately establishes the tone of the series. Kot tries to lighten up the mood with a couple moments of light humor. This new role for Bucky creates excitement and some trepidation for fans. It's not always easy to see beloved characters go in new directions but Ales Kot is prepared to shake things up completely. This is a nice start to a brand new Bucky comic. Reading this series is going to be an experience you won't forget.

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Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #3

Jan 7, 2015

Just when you thought you knew everything about the Winter Solider, you see there are all sorts of adventures he can go on. Ales Kot and Marco Rudy are taking the character to other territories, far off planet Earth. Kot's story and Rudy's art pushes your senses as you become immersed in the story. You may wonder what's going on at times but you'll find you can't look away. With so many layers to the story and comic, this is a series you'll want to see around for some time. There's so much potential and no telling what Kot may come up with next. This isn't a book you just read, it's one that you experience.

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #1

May 27, 2014

It's always hard to imagine reading a "new" comic and getting something that actually feels new. How many different superhero comics have we all read over the years? The great thing is, we haven't really read anything like C.O.W.L. You can feel the enthusiasm, care, and attention that Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel are pouring into this series. It's practically oozing off the pages. And wait until you see Rod Reis' art. It's simply incredible. Make sure you check out C.O.W.L. This is a series you'll want to read right away. Don't wait until later. Heck, I don't even want to wait for issue #2 now. You're really going to dig this series.

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C.O.W.L. (2014) #4

Aug 27, 2014

C.O.W.L. is not your typical superhero comic book. Set in Chicago in the 1960s, we get a nice mix of superhero action laced with some real world ideas. Superheroes forming an organized union has a lot of merit. With that aspect such a big role in the title, we get to see what happens when that organized union goes on strike. With heroes on the picket line, what will they do when there are bad guys that need to be dealt with? Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel continue to flesh out the world they're creating. Rod Reis does an amazing job, as usual, on the art. He is joined by Stphane Perger, which gives us a different taste of the world, although it does cause a slight distraction in the reading experience. C.O.W.L. is a comic that should definitely be on your pull list.

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Captain America (2004) #620

Jul 27, 2011

Going back and retelling the secret origin of characters is a risky move, in my opinion. Usually the chunk of the origin is already known and not a whole lot is added. Because we've seen snippets of the changes in Bucky's story, seeing here in more detail really helps to sell how great of a character he is. Of course having Ed Brubaker writing (along with Marc Andreyko) helps to add credibility to this series. The art by Chris Samnee and color art by Bettie Breitweiser makes me happy. I'm not thrilled that Bucky died in Fear Itself or that the Captain America series had been renumbered and relaunched (with this series taking over the numbering) but this was a great and fun issue. I can't wait to see what this creative team has in store for us next issue.

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Captain America (2004) #625

Dec 28, 2011

Is it possible to get too much Captain America in one week? Not if the quality is as great as it is here. With a unique blend of flashback and current continuity, Brubabker, Asmus and Francavilla deliver an issue of Captain America that excels on many levels. I'm not normally a fan of flashback stories giving us new information but it works here and the connection to modern times makes an interesting story. Throw in suspense, action, guest appearances and an intriguing cliffhanger, there is so much to enjoy with this issue. The only problem will be having to wait until next month to find out what happens next.

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Captain America (2004) #633

Jun 27, 2012

Even though there is some potential here for the story, it feels like in the end, it won't matter. There most likely won't be any major repercussions happening here. We could simply enjoy this story for the team-up it is but with so many titles to read each week, I question if this should be one of them. I like the idea of Steve and Tony in a story involving espionage. We'll see where it goes next issue and if I will continue to read this series.

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Captain America (2011) #1

Jul 13, 2011

Steve Rogers is back as Captain America. Ed Brubaker and Steve McNiven make this relaunch title an explosive debut. If you want some touching moments, some humor and some really great action scenes of Cap kicking but, this is the place to find it. Clearly relaunched in time for the movie, this series is easily accessible to all readers, new and old. The lack of mention of Bucky is a bit of a disappointment but fits in with the need to cater to newer readers. Bucky grew into a great character but we all knew the day would come for Steve to return to being Captain America. Check this out to see what all the intrigue is about.

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Captain America (2011) #6

Dec 28, 2011

It's a good jumping on point. Cap's going to have a lot to deal with. It's great that Brubaker is subtly incorporating the use of other Avengers to give this book enough of a feel to having ties to the other Avengers book but not too much that it feels bogged down by all of them. The last arc was pretty trippy and this one seems like it will be as well.

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Captain America (2011) #11

May 9, 2012

Everyone may be raving about Captain America and the Avengers in theaters but this is a different type of Captain America story. Ed Brubaker takes the notion of supervillains entering the Witness Protection Program (as he did brilliantly in INCOGNITO) and adds a gritty element we don't often see in Cap stories. Patrick Zircher's art adds to that feel, further driving home the point that this isn't a pure 'superhero' type story. Guns are blaring and people are dying. It's great to see Brubaker continue to tell compelling Captain America stories where he's constantly mixing things up from story arc to story arc. Can we make it so that he's never allowed to stop writing Captain America?

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Captain America (2011) #12

May 23, 2012

Someone needs to make sure Ed Brubaker continues to stay on CAPTAIN AMERICA. Cap's dealing with a serious situation as a new Scourge is killing villains that have entered the Witness Protection Program. Throw in the fact that Diamondback has a tie to this killer and was injured herself, Cap has become more focused (in other words, he's kicking a lot of butt). Zircher's art and Mounts colors makes the dark story more intense. There are two big reveals here that could anger and excite long time readers. This issue made me happy to be such a big Captain America fan.

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Captain America (2011) #13

Jun 13, 2012

If you haven't been reading recent issues of CAPTAIN AMERICA, you owe it to yourself to catch up on the current arc. Brubaker and Zircher are delivering a grittier story full of action, mystery and suspense. At this point of the arc, we could use some more answers but perhaps I'm just getting a little impatient because I want more. The idea of bringing in past friends and enemies of Cap's is great as it reminds me of when I first started reading CAPTAIN AMERICA. Brubaker has been on a roll and I can't wait to see what will happen next issue.

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Captain America (2012) #1

Nov 19, 2012

This isn't the Captain America series you might have been expecting. Cap as a super-agent/spy has been great but there is a great sense of nostalgia that you might have forgotten could exist. This is Cap back in pure superhero action. Once you see where this is going to go, you won't realize that how much you've been missing this sort of action. John Romita Jr.'s art works great in some parts but can get a little rough in others. When I first read this issue, I wasn't sure what to think. Reading it a second time, I totally get where Remender is going with this and cannot wait to see what else he has planned. It would be easy for Remender to continue what Brubaker has set up the last few years. Instead, Remender has set up an incredible new direction that has a Jack Kirby feel to it yet also a completely modern one. I was saddened a bit over the the thought of no more Brubaker but Remender is gearing up to make his mark on CAPTAIN AMERICA equally memorable.

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Captain America (2012) #2

Dec 19, 2012

This isn't the Captain America series you were expecting. Rick Remender has taken the reigns and is taking us on a completely tripped out and wacky adventure. We've been seeing so many stories of Cap as a soldier working for the government. While the Brubaker stories full of thrills and espionage were great, Remender is clearly doing his own thing. He's showing it's not necessary to try to replicate what happened before and is delivering stories on his own terms. This means we're getting Cap stories we didn't think was possible or may have forgotten were possible

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Captain America (2012) #3

Jan 16, 2013

Things are getting worse for Captain America. Stuck in Dimension Z and trying to recover from when he was held captive by Arnim Zola, Steve has a child he needs to protect while also trying to figure out how he can make his way through this dimension and get back home. Unfortunately there are moments the art can become a distraction from the story. It could also be a combination of the inks and colors. This is a different sort of Captain America story. It's a nice change of pace but having Arnim Zola as his main villain still strikes me as a little odd. Although the last page will make you utter "Holy$#!&." There's no telling where Rick Remender will take this series next and that is part of the fun. You definitely need to fasten your seat belts when reading this series.

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Captain America (2012) #7

May 29, 2013

What the heck does Rick Remender have planned for Captain America? Cap is going on a crazy ride in this series and that's what makes it so interesting. Too often we tend to get almost predictable stories or arcs but with this, I have no idea what Remender has planned to end it all (well, I do have one theory but we don't need to get into that here). John Romita Jr's art is growing on me in this series. The inks by Hanna and Janson along with Dean White's glorious colors make the pages vibrant despite such a dour situation. The intensity of the story is building up and I'm on the edge of my seat, stuck waiting for the next issue. You have to love seeing a character's book shaken up from time to time.

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Captain America (2012) #9

Jul 24, 2013

Rick Remender is cooking up some crazy stew in this title. It's hard to believe it's been nine issues already. The way the story has been developing, there's no telling what might happen next or how it's all going to end next issue. Romita Jr's breakdowns do capture the brutal vibe of the setting of Dimension Z. The questions of doubt in the story I've had for several issues rear their head in the actual story and part of the fun is not knowing if their valid questions or not. Things took a big turn last issue and we'll have to wait until the conclusion to see what Remender has planned for all this. It's a great feeling being excited for a CAPTAIN AMERICA story again.

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Captain America (2012) #10

Aug 28, 2013

Rick Remender has done some crazy things to Captain America in these last ten issues, and that's a good thing. We've had the chance to see Cap in a different way and we got a pretty heavy ending that's bound to have a deep affect on the character. It's nice to see Marvel allow the chance for Remender to try something different rather than have him tell more of the same Cap stories we've seen. There should definitely be repercussions after this. After everything Cap went through, I feel like I need to recuperate as well. Remender shows us it is possible to tell a different sort of Captain America story. After this, it'll be interesting to see what Remender has planned next.

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Captain America (2012) #11

Sep 11, 2013

With each issue of this Captain America series, Rick Remender wins me over more and more. It's great seeing some follow up from the previous arc rather than just immediately jumping into the next one, something we've seen other writers do in other series. Remender adds a certain level of humanity into his version of Cap and seeing this tough old soldier continuing the fight while trying to deal with everything is incredible. Carlos Pacheco's art and Dean White's colors makes a great issue even better than you'd think possible. There is still more to see. There should be more fall out for Cap as he continues to deal with his time in Dimension Z. Seeing this finally play out in the current Marvel Universe will be fascinating. The next issue can't get here fast enough.

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Captain America (2012) #12

Oct 9, 2013

Captain America went through a horrific time in Dimension Z. While other writers might have the hero suddenly bounce back from tragedy, Rick Remender shows us the pain Cap is going through. There is also more to the build up with Nuke and we can only imagine how his story will collide with Cap. Carlos Pacheco's art is a welcomed sight and it just keeps getting better and better. There's no telling what Remender has planned for Cap next and that is what makes reading this series so fun and exciting.

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Captain America (2012) #25

Oct 1, 2014

This is a big moment in the life of Captain America. We knew it was coming. Steve Rogers makes it official that he's stepping down and a "new" Cap is announced. What's next for Steve? Of course you'll have to read to find out. As a finale to a volume, this had a nice change of pace. Steve and the others had to deal with Zola and his attack against New York but it was nice to see more of a focus on Steven and the Avengers instead of dwelling on another battle. Carlos Pacheco and Stuart Immonen do this momentous issue justice. The next phase is set up but there's still more we'll need to see with the current plot. There may be a new Cap but with the way this issue ends, it looks like he's not going to have it easy.

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Captain America: Sam Wilson #1

Oct 14, 2015

Sam Wilson is Captain America. This is something I've struggled with a little inside by my stubbornness that he should be Falcon and Steve Rogers should be Cap. Nick Spencer takes Sam to a different place as Cap and it really feels true to the character. He's the kind of guy that will stand up for his beliefs and do what he can to help the everyman By alienated so many, he's now forced to try to take a new approach to being Cap and it reminds me of the old Captain America stories I loved as a kid. Daniel Acua's art captures the beat of every scene whether it's average people having a conversation or intense action. I wasn't sure what to expect with this title but after reading it, I am 100% on board. I can't remember the last time a comic has completely caught me off guard in such a way. Thank goodness I didn't wait until later to read this book.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 25, 2016

Steve Rogers is back as Captain America. He has a new costume, a new shield, and has a sort of new supporting cast. Spencer and Jesus Saiz are working great together. The issue starts out as a standard Cap story, but then takes a huge turn at the end. This is what makes comic books fun and exciting. We can't have the same old stories over and over again. This book will definitely grabbed your attention.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #5

Sep 28, 2016

This book delivers a dark journey for one of Marvel's greatest heroes. Each issue pulls you in deeper and you can't help but wonder what's going to happen next.

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Captain America: White #1

Sep 16, 2015

CAPTAIN AMERICA: WHITE #1 is finally here. Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's continuation of looking deep into what makes our favorite characters tick is as wonderful as it was before. It's a joy to revisit Steve Rogers as Captain America and seeing the emotions of awakening in the modern age and losing Bucky along with some action-packed adventures set in the past. Dave Stewart's colors are amazing and highly complement the story. It's still a little frustrating for those that have waited so long but the inclusion of the zero issue from 2008 allows you to recall what was shown before. Even if it wasn't included, not reading it doesn't take away from the story. While there is plenty of content, it does add a tiny increase to the price. It is worth it but could be a concern for some. Now that the first issue is here, let's hope we will indeed get the rest of the story. With the direction of the story now set up, it's going to be fantastic to see what happens next.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #1

Jul 18, 2012

CAPTAIN MARVEL is off to a good start. Kelly Sue DeConnick is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers. After OSBORN and seeing her at the Image panel at SDCC, her charm and witty nature oozes out off the pages of this comic. Carol Danvers is a character that deserves her own title. It's great to see Carol's character get explored. This issue may be a little light on the action but this shouldn't and doesn't have to be simply another superhero slugfest comic. Carol is tough and can take on even the toughest villains. I may have missed the issue prior to this that explains her new costume but you'll easily get used to it. Her previous costume wasn't the most practical design and it's nice to see something more suited to what she deserves. New and old fans can easily jump in and be prepared for Carol's new direction.

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Captain Marvel (2012) #3

Aug 29, 2012

Captain Marvel is shaping up to be another great new series from Marvel. People always complain we don't have enough comics featuring a female lead and this comic is here to help start solving that problem. There is so many strong butt kicking women in this comic it's like it's a new age. Reading this and seeing Carol back in her own series brings a smile to my face. Kelly Sue Deconnick and Dexter Soy are making this a better comic each month. Where this current story is going to go, I'm not really sure. I'm not really concerned because I know it's going to be a fun ride.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #1

Jan 20, 2016

The new CAPTAIN MARVEL series is off to a great start. Fazekas and Butters have given us a great setting with a bunch of interesting characters. It'll be interesting to see where this series takes them and there's plenty for the creators and characters to explore. I'm intrigued by the direction and we have great art and colors. Carol may be taking on a new role, but we'll have to see how that works out for her. We have a nice mix of action and character interactions. There's a lot to love in this book. I'm looking forward to the next issue.

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Captain Midnight #0

Jun 19, 2013

Get ready for some high flying adventure and mystery as Josh Williamson and Dark Horse bring Captain Midnight into the present for new adventures. There is a big mystery as to how and why he's arrived. This is something that will be uncovered throughout the series and watching it all unfold will be interesting. This issue collects the three-part story originally seen in DARK HORSE PRESENTS. After reading, you'll be ready and waiting for the release of next month's issue #1. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor to see what the future holds for this classic character.

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Captain Midnight #1

Jul 31, 2013

CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT is bridging the gap between old classic pulp characters and modern comics. Josh Williamson has taken a character that (in the story) was last seen during WWII and has somehow traveled into the present. Whether it's intentional or not, Williamson gives the Captain a feel as if he was actually written back during that time period. The art and colors makes the story feel completely in the present and we're seeing the mystery of Captain Midnight's mission unfold. CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT is a fun series and you should definitely check this out and be sure to track down the zero issue.

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Captain Midnight #3

Sep 25, 2013

I had questioned the casual nature of Captain Midnight suddenly appearing in the present but as we get to see him in action more along with some flashbacks, we're getting a sense of the bigger picture. The more I read of this series, the more I want. With the slight reveal we get here, you'll want to know more. I didn't know anything about Captain Midnight before this series and it's great seeing this character come to life in this series. The tease for the next issue promises a change in story that should offer some nice variation to the series. Too bad we have to wait a month for more.

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Captain Midnight #4

Oct 30, 2013

Captain Midnight is starting to get situated in his current situation. Having journeyed into his future (our present), we're seeing him adjust to the little things, which adds more human nature to the story. Joshua Williamson is able to flesh out this comic world with the supporting cast and the meet up with Skyman. The artist and colorist give an impressive debut on this series and it's all starting to feel like it's finding its groove. And it should be mentioned there's pretty a crazy cliffhanger ending as well.

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Carnage USA #1

Dec 14, 2011

Carnage is back and he's not taking time to mess around. He is determined to take his evil scheme to a new level. Zeb Wells is actually making me care about Carnage when I pretty much never cared for him before. He's taking the Marvel Universe to a dark place and Clayton Crain's art is helping to take us on the journey. I used to be a harsh critic of Crain's art but the more I see it, the more I can appreciate it. The issue isn't all dark. Wells is a pro at throwing in the humorous dialogue and it'll come as a surprise when readers discover Spider-Man isn't the one with the funniest lines. CARNAGE USA is shaping up to be a roadtrip to hell and the fun is going to be seeing how Spider-Man and the Avengers will manage to put a stop to his evil scheme.

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Catwoman (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

I thought the Zero Year tie-ins would all be unnecessary filler issues. John Layman shows he understands who Selena Kyle is and gives us some nice moments before she created the costumed persona of Catwoman. Seeing her compelled to do the right thing in her own style was a great reminder of some of the Catwoman stories we had before. Lopresti's art manages to make the story feel like a CATWOMAN story even though that identity doesn't exist yet. This was a delightful surprise.

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Catwoman (2011) #35

Oct 22, 2014

It's time to check out CATWOMAN once again. There's a new creative team and a whole new direction for Selina Kyle. As we see her make her move to try to fix certain things in Gotham City, there's also an element of mystery going on. The new level of complexity being added to her character is something we will relish. Garry Brown's art fits the tone of the story nicely. If you've been wondering what Catwoman has been up to lately, this is a great place to jump in. There may be some tiny moments of confusion but you'll want to stick around to find out more.

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Chrononauts #1

Mar 18, 2015

This is a book you have to read. It's a book you're going to want to read. As soon as I read it, I had to stop everything to write up this review. Mark Millar knows how to craft a fine tale and does a great job in introducing and fleshing out the new characters you'll immediately fall for. The art by Sean Murphy will immediately knock your socks off. Matt Hollingsworth's colors are phenomenal. I pretty much never do this but as soon as I read this issue, I read it all over again. It might be a time travel story but the subtle touches in the story throughout makes you realize it's not the simple time travel story you may have seen before. The only problem you'll have with this book is trying to figure out how to fit it into your pull list. Be sure to let your comic shop know you're adding it.

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Chrononauts #3

May 13, 2015

If you're looking for a great series with insane and over the top action and adventures, you really need to be reading CHRONONAUTS. Mark Millar and Sean Murphy throw out the traditional rules about time travel and pretty much let it all hang out (just look at the cover). Sean Murphy's art is incredible. I just can't get enough of this series. It's unfortunate there's only one more issue. Hopefully we'll see more really really soon. If you're not reading this book, you need to fix that right away.

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Civil War (2015) #2

Aug 5, 2015

CIVIL WAR is like a witnessing some close friends become engaged in a big argument. You feel bad for listening in but you can't pull yourself away out of concern and curiosity. The original Civil War arc was a brutal and spectacular story. This series continues the fight and takes it to a completely different level. Things have gotten really ugly between Captain America and Iron Man. Charles Soule and Leinil Francis Yu are doing wonders with this book. Civil War was one of those arcs you never felt needed to be explored further. Soule and Yu have easily convinced us we need to see it continue and they are just the ones to do it.

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Civil War II #1

Jun 1, 2016

If you think you've seen a civil war in the Marvel Universe before, think again. Brian Michael Bendis is making this a bigger decision with much more on the line. There is a big decision to be made. Because some characters acted before everyone could agree, there's a price to be paid. David Marquez's art and Justin Ponsor's colors are amazing and this is a really good start to Marvel's next big event. This is just the beginning, and you won't want to miss out on what happens here. Be sure to read the issue before you see spoilers. The Marvel Universe is about to explode. The next big event is here, and there will be casualties.

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Civil War II #4

Jul 27, 2016

Civil War II hasn't quite been the big event we've wanted. It might be the fact that we're constantly seeing heroes fighting each other. This difference of opinions should be a major problem but it doesn't quite live up to our expectations. It's understandable we need to have a big conflict, but Carol Danvers' reaction and how she carries herself is feeling a little out of character. The issue's saving grace is David Marquez's art and Justin Ponsor's colors. We're finally at the point where the pieces for a big fight are in place. Will it be enough to continue reading the series?

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Clean Room #1

Oct 21, 2015

Gail Simone's first Vertigo issue sets up a lot. We're off to a great start and you'll definitely want to know what's coming up and what will happen next. Jon Davis-Hunt's art and colors are a perfect match for the story and creates a really nice tone. As this is a set up issue, there is a bit going on and it's obvious the pacing of future issues will change. There were some moments it felt things jumped a bit and quickly built up to the cliffhanger ending. Even though we have so many great titles available on comic shelves each week, I'm happy to add CLEAN ROOM to my reading list. Simone and Davis-Hunt have given us a nice and juicy story that allows you to momentarily escape reality as you get pulled into this freaky world.

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CLiNT, Volume 2 #1

May 24, 2012

CLiNT is back with more from the world of Mark Millar. It seems rare to find a magazine with so much comic book content these days. It's also rare to think of actually buying a magazine these days. I really like the idea of what Millar is doing. It's a great way for him to showcase his comics and movie projects. You get the information straight from the source rather than question the validity of rumors. The problem for me was of the four comics contained, I already purchased and read the two Millar ones. Fans of Millar should have already read them as well. But we do get to see some comics that Millar feels will be appealing to his fans. The articles give us a look at Frankie Boyle's REX ROYD comic as well as a look at LENORE but the "CLiNT Investigation" piece didn't appeal to me. The same could be said for the two pages of letters. Including letters is great for those that take the time to send them in but they come across as just fan letters.

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Code Monkey Save World #1

Oct 16, 2013

Often you hear about comic book readers tired of the same formulaic stories and characters. CODE MONKEY SAVE WORLD is that "something different" worth trying. With Greg Pak writing the story and dialogue, you immediately get a feel for who our lead monkey is. You can understand what he's feeling and where he's coming from"even though he's a talking monkey! As the issue introduces us to the characters, you can see the potential for some great and wacky adventures in this world. The art and color by Takeshi Miyazawa and Jessica Kholinne are fantastic. This has everything needed to guarantee a fun four-issue miniseries. It's no wonder this project exploded on Kickstarter and was funded with ease.

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Comeback #4

Feb 27, 2013

This isn't the best issue to start with obviously. I would highly recommend tracking down this entire series if you've been missing out. It's a refreshing story with a different take on time travel.

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Convergence #0

Apr 1, 2015

CONVERGENCE has begun. Get ready to fasten your seat belts as Dan Jurgens, Jeff King, and Ethan Van Sciver prepare to take us (and Superman) on a crazy journey, unlocking the secrets behind Convergence while setting up the direction of the event. The idea becomes more and more interesting as you hear this ultimate version of Brainiac explain what's going on. Ethan Van Sciver's art and Marcelo Maiolo's colors crank up the excitement as we start to think about the possibilities this series could unleash. As a zero issue, it is a bit of a set up one but that's to be expected. Hopefully things will be cranked up even further in the following issues. If you're looking for a taste of what to expect in Convergence, this issue gives you one that will make you feel a little warm inside.

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Convergence #1

Apr 8, 2015

We may have had a zero issue last week but this is where Convergence really begins. If you're wondering what the story is about and why different versions of DC characters will be fighting each other for the next two months, this is where you find out why. There are some familiar faces as some EARTH 2 survivors take the spotlight against Telos, the being behind all of this. There might be too much of a focus on the EARTH 2 characters and the decision for everyone to fight each other might feel a little sudden. There is a sense of curiosity to see what transpires next.

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Convergence #2

Apr 15, 2015

The main story of Convergence continues. Fans of the EARTH 2 characters will rejoice in the follow up with the survivors that found themselves facing Telos right before the domes were dropped. The good and the bad thing is it feels like this event is starting to have a bigger focus on those characters and the upcoming EARTH 2: SOCIETY series. There is some difficulty in figuring out exactly where this story is going but thankfully we are getting more of characters from one world forced to fight another world's heroes. This issue also has some nice art and colors that makes the story's flow move quicker. We might not be sure where things are going but our curiosity is still aroused.

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Convergence: Shazam #1

Apr 29, 2015

If you have any sort of fondness for Shazam (Captain Marvel), Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr., you won't want to miss this book. The Convergence titles have been forced to follow a certain formula but Jeff Parker finds a way to slightly work around that and deliver a fantastic story, true to who the characters are. Doc Shaner's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors will make you wish we could spend an even longer period of time here. If you think you've seen all the Convergence titles have to offer, you haven't seen this issue. Just a warning, you might find yourself unable to resist cheering out load for the heroes.

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Convergence: Superman #1

Apr 8, 2015

I didn't realize how much I missed this version of Superman until Dan Jurgens brought him back. Covergence is underway and we're seeing familiar versions of our favorite characters. Jurgens and Lee Weeks do a fantastic job in bringing back the nostalgia despite the setting and situation the story calls for. It's hard to say how much of version A fighting version B we can handle over these next two months but this issue shows that we can have some fun while seeing the action unfold.

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Cow Boy - A Boy and His Horse #1

May 30, 2012

It's not often you get a comic that is fun, entertaining and a delight to read. COW BOY by Nate Cosby and Chris Eliopoulos is a treat. People read comics for different reasons. There are several different types. This is a comic anyone could read. You'll immediately be drawn to Eliopoulos' familiar art style and you'll become engrossed by Cosby's stories of the young bounty hunter.

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Creator Owned Heroes #1

Jun 6, 2012

There's something special when a creator gets to work on their own characters. Writers like Steve Niles, Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti have long proven what they are capable of doing and seeing them work on something they gave birth to in their minds is a treat. Writers that work on the big mainstream characters usually have a deep fondness for those characters but you would have to think being able to work on your own brings a different level of satisfaction. We get the first chapters for two separate stories. The writers obviously know what they're doing in getting us hooked in wanting more. The art by Kevin Mellon is great and I never considered seeing Phil Noto's amazing style with Palmiotti and Gray's script. This is definitely a comic book that needs to be seen. It's more of an experience rather than being a simple comic. I only wish there was more.

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Creator Owned Heroes #6

Nov 7, 2012

You have to commend everyone involved in CREATOR OWNED HEROES. Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Steve Niles have been delivering orignal characters and stories for six issues now. This is also another thing that makes Image Comics cool as well. We're seeing Darwyn Cooke being added to the roster as he has decided he needs to start doing more creator owned material. This is more than just a comic, it has a magazine feel to it with interviews and articles about getting started writing. The problem is both main stories are continuations from the last issue. Looking at the series overall, you know you'll get great stories but you never know what the stories will be about or if it'll be based on a genre you enjoy. For $3.99, you get 30 pages of story plus all the extra content. This truly is a good deal and a book you should think about supporting each month.

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Curb Stomp #1

Feb 25, 2015

CURB STOMP was a delightful surprise. That doesn't quite sound right considering how savage the act is. Ryan Ferrier has introduced us to an interesting little corner of the world where gang violence and turf wars are a way of life. There's obviously an intriguing angle with a gang consisting of five ass-kicking women. Each has their own look, feel, and really cool name. The art does go along with establish the mood and vibe of the book. There were some moments the art and color felt off a little but not enough to fully distract you from enjoying the issue. CURB STOMP has me hooked. I found myself cringing at times and on the edge of my seat and the events escalated towards the end. There aren't really many books like CURB STOMP on the shelves and I'd recommend you check it out.

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Curse #1

Jan 15, 2014

Picking up a new series or miniseries is often a gamble. There are many books on sale but it's worth it to take a risk from time to time. CURSE may be a horror-type story dealing with a man hunting a killer but there is more to it than that. You find yourself caring about the main character and you'll want to see if he can succeed on his mission. With the way things go in this first issue, you can't help but wonder what else is coming up. Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel set up the series nicely and the art by Riley Rossmo and Colin Lorimer is a cool combination. CURSE was a nice surprise and it's great to see new and original stories still hitting the shelves.

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Cyborg #2

Aug 26, 2015

David Walker is really fleshing out who Cyborg is. It's exciting to hear what he's thinking about his current situation and the changes he's going through. We're seeing him establish his own territory apart from the Justice League and there's definitely a big threat headed his way, giving him his own enemies. Ivan Reis' pencils are always a joy to see. The inks and the colors adds to Reis' stellar art. It would be nice to know more about the characters in the vague "Someplace Else" but it's a building point for the plot and we just have to be patient. CYBORG is off to a great start. This is the book Cyborg and Cyborg fans have been waiting for.

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Cyborg 009 #0

May 1, 2013

Check your pockets. Chances are you might be able to find a dollar there. Or maybe you have a dollar you can spare or borrow. If you do, you definitely should check out this preview of the upcoming graphic novel by FJ DeSanto, Bradley Cramp and Marcus To. To's art with Ian Herring's colors will blow you away. The preview succeeds in giving you enough of a tease to make you demand more. You can feel the combination of the original manga and the Western style of comics. Comic readers can sometimes get a little cynical with today's comics. This is a great taste of a comic to alleviate any concerns with today's market. It's a great introduction to the characters and you'll absolutely want this book on your radar.

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Cyclops (2014) #1

May 7, 2014

Cyclops finally has his own ongoing series. Only this isn't quite the Cyclops we know. When the young original X-Men were brought to the present, we've had chance to see these characters slowly start to evolve differently. The idea of a sixteen-year-old Cyclops having adventures out in space with his father is pretty far out and is bound to have an affect on him. Russell Dauterman's art is perfect for the series and I can't wait to see what Greg Rucka throws at him in future issues. Whether you love Cyclops or not, this is a series to check out to find out who this Cyclops will become. Marvel is on fire with their recent new solo titles focusing on individual characters. It's a great time to be a comic fan. It's just a little hard on the wallet.

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Damian: Son of Batman #1

Oct 30, 2013

Damian is back. Sort of. Ever since we first saw the dark future with Damian as Batman, we've been wanting to see more of what his future holds. With his unfortunate current state in comics, it's nice to be able to escape that and look forward at this story. This is our chance to see Damian in a way we haven't been able to before. Andy Kubert does a great job as the writer and artist in bringing life to this moment. There are some tiny moments of confusion but they should be expanded on in future issues. With a start like this one, it's too bad this is only four issues. Get ready to see Damian like you've never seen him. Bravo to Andy Kubert for delivering such a fun and great looking Damian story.

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Damian: Son of Batman #2

Nov 27, 2013

More Damian is what we want and this is where we're getting it. There may be some head-scratching moments but seeing Damian move forward to becoming Batman is a cool thing and Andy Kubert's art makes this enjoyable. While we do get some answers about the first issue, there are more that pop up here. It may be a matter of just sitting back and enjoying the adventure but you can't help but wonder how the big picture will turn out. If you're a fan of Damian, you'll want to watch as he enters the next stage of his 'career.'

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Daredevil (2011) #17

Aug 15, 2012

Marvel is continuing to make DAREDEVIL a great comic month after month. With Mike and Laura Allred coming on board for one issue, we get another great artistic team to add to the incredible list of artist and colorists that have already worked on the series. I don't know how Mark Waid does it but he manages to get great artist after great artist to illustrate his stories. The issue does continue from last month but also serves as a (really really good) self-contained story. You can easily jump here and have a blast reading. This is what I want from comics. I don't need some humongous comic story set out to be the most epic thing ever. Just give me a fun and great story with amazing art so I can sit back and remember why I love comic books so much. Reading comics like this is why I love my job.

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Daredevil (2011) #20

Nov 21, 2012

Mark Waid continues make DAREDEVIL a great read month after month. With Chris Samnee's art and the crazy situation Daredevil is (after literally losing his head last issue), this is continues to be a fantastic run. You wouldn't think this villain could cause this sort of damage but Waid keeps us on the edge of our seat as he pushes the story further along. It sort of felt as if this issue started reaching a conclusion a little too quickly but at the same time, we probably wouldn't want a headless Daredevil running around for too long. Waid's DAREDEVIL can always be counted on to deliver great and exciting adventures. You never know what he's going to throw at us next.

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Daredevil (2011) #21

Dec 19, 2012

We may be getting hit with a lot of great Marvel NOW! titles but all that is unnecessary when it comes to Daredevil. Mark Waid is owning this series by delivering great issue after great issue. The mystery of Daredevil's recent problems is slowly getting uncovered and we see some interesting revelations here. There's also the repercussions to deal with from Foggy's decision to seek outside help in dealing with Matt. Chris Samnee and Javier Rodriguez make a great story a visual treat. The set up for next issue's big clash was a little odd but based on what we're seeing here, it's going to be another crazy ride.

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Daredevil (2011) #28

Jul 10, 2013

Can this series do no wrong? It's always a wonderful treat when a writer mixes things up and gives an issue with a completely different feel over the previous one. The focus switches from action to emotion and character development but that doesn't take away from the spectacle this comic is. It's no secret how versatile a writer Mark Waid is and month after month he continues to show it. Javier Rodriguez picks up the art reigns and continues the tradition of the spectacular art we've been getting in this series. If you enjoy comics, you should be reading Mark Waid's DAREDEVIL.

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Daredevil (2011) #29

Jul 31, 2013

Each issue of Mark Waid's DAREDEVIL proves to be fun and entertaining. After all the craziness DD's been going through, we get a slightly calmer scenario in this story. That doesn't mean it's not as exciting, it just feels toned down a little. It's a good way for Daredevil and us to catch our breaths. Javier Rodriguez's art and colors carries on the tradition that we've been used to in this series. If nothing else, Mark Waid and Marvel have been spoiling us with this series. We also get a nice set up for future possible stories, an intriguing cliffhanger and a surprising guest for the next issue.

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Daredevil (2011) #30

Aug 21, 2013

Daredevil and Silver Surfer is a pairing you would think could never work. Yet, of course, Mark Waid does make it work. In what almost starts out as borderline absurdity, we get to see a story that allows a closer look at both characters. We've seen many stories with the same characters over the years so this truly gives us something different with Daredevil. Chris Samnee's art and Javier Rodriguez's colors are extraordinary as usual. The issue may not be earth-shattering in DD's little corner of the Marvel Universe but without a doubt, this is a fun-filled issue. What else would we expect from this series?

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Daredevil (2011) #31

Sep 18, 2013

Daredevil has seen many things and Mark Waid has made him face several different threats but this time it's a little different. Waid takes an average villain and pushes him in an interesting direction which manages to catch Daredevil off guard. With Chris Samnee's art and Javier Rodriguez's colors, this comic is the complete package. It's a great time to be a Daredevil fan.

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Daredevil (2011) #35

Jan 15, 2014

Mark Waid has been doing great things with Daredevil. Now as the story nears its conclusion, you're almost a little afraid with a sick feeling in your stomach when you think of what might happen next. Chris Samnee and Javier Rodriguez add a great vibe to the story and you'll find yourself staring at individual panels when you find you can't resist reading the comic all over again. Don't miss out on this issue because things are about to change big time for Daredevil.

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Daredevil (2011) #36

Feb 19, 2014

This is the end of DAREDEVIL. Or at least it's the end of this volume. Things are about to change in big ways for Matt Murdock. You will definitely want to see what happens before the new series lands in March. Mark Waid continues his magnificent run. While this may be the end of the volume, we know there's plenty more coming from Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez. The art, colors, and action are top notch here. We can always expect DAREDEVIL to provide plenty of fun and action. What more could you ask for?

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Daredevil (2014) #1

Mar 19, 2014

Its another All-New Marvel NOW! success. It may be a new #1 but if youve been reading Mark Waid and Chris Samnees DAREDEVIL before, you know exactly what youll be getting here. Although, with Daredevil now in San Francisco, hell have some new problems to deal with. Were off to a great start, but then again, Waid and Samnee have been working on DAREDEVIL for a while so it should not be a surprise how much youll love this issue. New York City is a great city but its going to be really refreshing to see some action in a new city. The fact that it happens to be San Francisco is just a huge coincidence.

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Daredevil: End of Days #1

Oct 3, 2012

These future stories telling the final days of a hero can be tough. No one wants to see their favorite heroes get demolished but if it's told with great writing, you can't help but get pulled into it. Bendis and Mack give a dark and brutal look at what's to come of Daredevil. It will leave a sinking feeling as you turn each page with Janson and Sienkiewicz's gritty art. These types of stories are often hit or miss but this one is a hit, as in a hit on the back of your head with a brick. It will leave you reeling as you cringe at what Daredevil's future may hold for him. Just when you think you have the series figured out, a wrench comes flying your way to catch you by surprise. This is a heavy comic and it's exactly what you'd want from the series.

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Daredevil: End of Days #3

Dec 5, 2012

There have been so many great runs on Daredevil but this series serves to remind us what Bendis can do with the character. Joined by David Mack (who also provides some painted pages), this is a Daredevil story you won't forget. Marvel has done several "The End" stories in the past but this is of another caliber. With Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz doing the art and Matt Hollingsworth amazing colors, you'll want to spend a good amount of time just staring at each page. It's a haunting look at the final days of Daredevil. There is a great mystery with a second one added as Ben Urich is unknowingly being followed. No Daredevil fan should skip out on reading this series. Heck, no comic reader should skip it either. You'll be left with a sinking dreary feeling but this is the type of comic that makes you happy you're reading them.

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Daredevil: End of Days #5

Feb 6, 2013

This is why comic fans buy comics - for great stories and art. Normally I don't put a lot of stock in future stories. Bendis and Mack have laid out a great mystery that pulls you in month after month. Each moment it appears that Ben Urich is about to uncover the answer to the mystery, more surprises pop up. The art and color here creates the perfect vibe for the story. This will be one you'll find yourself reading again and being able to enjoy it for what it is. You don't have to worry about the continuity of any of the characters involved. You get to just sit back and enjoy the show. The only bad thing about this series is there's only three more issues to go.

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Daredevil: End of Days #6

Mar 6, 2013

Bendis and Mack continue to take us on this crazy and spectacular ride. There's nothing better than an unknown mystery and the sense that anything can go. Because this takes place in the near future, anything can and is happening. This is a no holds barred story. I'm loving every minute of it. Bendis and Mack keep delivering the shocks. The art team of Klaus Janson, Bill Sienkiewicz and Mack makes a great story even more glorious. This is a Daredevil story that won't be forgotten. Bring on the next issue!

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Daredevil: End of Days #8

Jun 5, 2013

This has been and will be one of my favorite miniseries of the year and the year isn't even half way over. We've seen many great Daredevil stories and we can now add END OF DAYS to that list. Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack make a great team in deliver this dour tale of Matt Murdock's last day and beyond. It's a heavy story that isn't too cheerful. But what the story represents and how it is told makes this worth reading and re-reading. The art team of Klaus Janson, Bill Sienkiewicz and David Mack make it all even better. It is sad that the story is over but you can't deny how great it's been reading it all.

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Daredevil: Road Warrior #1

Feb 25, 2014

Daredevil is facing some big changes in life. Before he arrives in his new hometown of San Francisco, Mark Waid and Peter Krause are taking Matt and a friend on a road trip, of sorts, across the country. With this being Mark Waid behind the wheel, of course it won't be your typical road trip. This first chapter sets up the story while also reminding new and old readers who Matt is and what he can do. Krause's art is great and it's always fun to see different artists add their mark to a character. Waid puts Daredevil in a different situation and we're left with a very nice cliffhanger to make us come back for the next chapter. If you've been loving Waid's DAREDEVIL, you really need to check this series out before the new one begins.

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Dark Shadows #1

Nov 2, 2011

Because it's a first issue, there is some set up involved and the action might be a little on the light side. There is more than enough here, along with the cliffhanger ending, to give me a reason to want to come back for the next issue.

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Day Men #1

Jul 15, 2013

Boom! Studios has unleashed a new vampire series. The great news is Matt Gagnon and Michael Alan Nelson have come up with a different twist on the genre. Rather than focus simply on the bloodsucking creatures, we are introduced to a new world where powerful vampire families rule different territories. In their employ, they have "Day Men" that serve and protect them during the day. Brian Stelfreeze's art creates a great atmosphere with a nice variety of different types of characters as well as details in the background that will catch and hold your attention. If you've ever had any interest in the vampire genre, this is a series to check out. Breathing new life in what has felt like an overplayed concept, DAY MEN shows us there is plenty more to the idea of vampires and the world they live in.

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DC Universe Presents #9

May 16, 2012

Too often comics start to feel a little redundant with gobs of flashy superhero action. Robinson is setting up a more cerebral story. There is a Silence of the Lambs feel to the story and the idea of that in a comic is outstanding. I love my superhero comics but I also love a really great comic that offers something a little different once in a while as well. Bernard Chang's art is a great fit for Robinson's story. With the lack of spandex (or armored heroes), Chang has to create a more realistic setting and characters which he succeeds in doing.

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DC Universe Presents #12

Aug 15, 2012

This is how we'd want to see Bart Allen written. I would've liked to see more about Bart and how he compares to the pre-New 52 version. The way Fabian Nicieza writes him definitely has a pre-New 52 feel. That made a story involving some characters I didn't find too interesting still have a fun feel. This is what Fabian is good at, telling good stories that are funny and entertaining. I could totally go for a solo Kid Flash title written by Fabian.

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

May 21, 2016

There was a lot riding on Rebirth. It felt as if some books were in a holding pattern the past few months. We may have come to terms with certain changes in the New 52, but that doesn't mean they can't be tweaked. Geoff Johns is giving many fans what they want. New developments are being set up to set up to drive other titles forward to exciting places. This issue just really hit the right notes with me. There were some emotional surprises, and I didn't realize how much I had been missing certain characters. If this is any indication as to what we can expect in the Rebirth titles, it's going to be a fantastic time to read DC Comics.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 12, 2013

At just a glance, you can immediately tell this is going to be a great series. Justin Jordan's been known not to hold back and that's evident here as well. We've seen many stories of a man seeking revenge but there is a great feeling and energy here that makes it stand apart from other similar stories. Matteo Scalera's art and Moreno Dinisio's colors work wonderfully here. There's an almost cinematic feel to it all and you'll want to read through the issue again just to take it all in. This is the type of comic that punches you in the gut with its storytelling. Getting punched in the gut may not sound fun but this comic absolutely is.

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Dead Boy Detectives (2014) #1

Dec 31, 2013

How many times have you wished you were able to catch the first issue of a new great series? DEAD BOY DETECTIVES takes the characters created by Neil Gaiman and brings them back in their own series. Comics published by Vertigo tend to have a certain high level in terms of quality and this one continues the tradition. Toby Litt and Mark Buckingham do a great job setting up the story and introducing the characters to new readers. Buckingham and Lee Loughridge's art and colors will blow you away. Don't miss out on this comic.

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Dead Boy Detectives (2014) #2

Jan 29, 2014

Vertigo's newest series is off to a great start. Whether you're familiar with the Dead Boy Detectives from their previous appearance in SANDMAN and their own miniseries, this is a book anyone can jump right into. Toby Litt and Mark Buckingham are taking the characters and adding to their story. There's a mix of innocence and adventure as we see the new developments come in. DEAD BOY DETECTIVES may be about two dead boys but there is so much life in this series.

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Dead Letters #1

Apr 2, 2014

DEAD LETTERS was a comic I hadn't heard about until I laid eyes on it. It's great being able to dive into a new comic and not have to worry about anything that happened before. Our main character has no recollection who he was before he woke up and the action gets pretty crazy. The art and colors captures the mood of the story and gives it a different feel from your typical comic. Do yourself a favor and check this book out.

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Deadly Class #1

Jan 22, 2014

We've been waiting for Rick Remender and Wes Craig's DEADLY CLASS for months and it was absolutely worth the wait. Rick Remender turns away from the big superhero and sci-fi action by giving us a story that feels like it could exist in the 'real world.' Wes Craig's art and Lee Loughridge's colors will bring a smile to your face and make you feel like a kid in a candy shop. We're almost getting spoiled here with the story and art. Don't miss out on this new series. You'll definitely regret it if you do.

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Deadly Class #2

Feb 26, 2014

I had high hopes for this series and the second issue is even better than the first. If you've ever wanted to jump into a fresh new series, Rick Remender and Wes Craig are making an extremely compelling argument to completely fall in love with this series. With so many characters in the background, there's no telling who will step forward or where the action will go. We're seeing there is more to the story and lead character than we thought. On top of all the fun, we get another extended issue because that's just how cool Remender and Craig are. There's nothing more to say except, buy this book.

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Deadly Class #3

Mar 26, 2014

There's something about this series that is simply fascinating. Rick Remender is taking the concept of a school for assassins and fleshing it out in an interesting way. Previously we got a glimpse at some of the other students and in this issue we focus more on the main character, Marcus, and one of his classmates. With the story focusing on just the two of them, there is a slight isolated feel. The nice thing is it does slow things down a little to give the characters a more realistic feel. Wes Craig's art and Lee Loughridge's colors are a treat and really compliment the story, giving it a fresh feel. There might be a little less action in this issue but we get a pretty explosive ending.

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Deadly Class #4

Apr 30, 2014

Its hard to believe that a book about a bunch of kids going to school to learn how to be assassins can be so endearing. Rick Remender and Wes Craig set out to deliver a sort of coming of age story with a dark twist. They are absolutely succeeding. The book takes us into dark corners and theres no shying away from what they might do or want to do. Craigs visuals keep up with the pace of the story as it switches from high and low moments. All the while, you feel something even darker headed towards the kids. Were only four issues in but this is a series Im glad to have been reading from the start. I cant imagine not reading this book.

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Deadly Class #6

Jun 25, 2014

DEADLY CLASS is a crazy and intense series. Rick Remender is clearly not holding back in the scenes he comes up with for the characters. This issue marks the end of the first story arc and it almost feels like theres no end to the violence and mayhem. Wes Craigs art and layouts are extraordinary. Combined with Lee Loughridges colors, DEADLY CLASS is a great comic to read and look at. Youll find yourself having to stop to take in all the details. This comic is not for the feint of heart. Each issue gets me more excited for the next.

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Deadly Class #7

Sep 17, 2014

School's still in session. With the death of a fellow student, Marcus and his friends have been trying to maintain a semblance of a normal life, despite the fact they're all in a high school for assassins. We still have the mysterious killer from Marcus' past making plans in the background and it looks like things might be about to get even worse for all involved. Rick Remender does a great job giving humanity to a cast of killers. You can totally see them as typical high school kids but then you're reminded that they're much more than that. Wes Craig's art and Lee Lougridge's colors continue to amaze me. Month after month, DEADLY CLASS remains one of my favorite books.

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Deadly Class #10

Jan 7, 2015

DEADLY CLASS remains one of my favorite new series. We have an interesting cast of characters and the mix between 80s teenage drama with aspects of training to be an assassin keeps readers on their toes. Rick Remender has created a remarkable world and Wes Craigs art with Lee Loughridges colors are top notch. I have to assume youre reading this book already. If youre not reading DEADLY CLASS, you really need to fix that.

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Deadly Class #12

Apr 22, 2015

DEADLY CLASS is back with a huge bang. Despite the previous arc reaching a conclusion, there's no slowing down. Rick Remender takes the characters and immediately thrusts them into another deadly situation. We Craig's art and Lee Loughridge's colors are amazing. There is a great vibe going on. Simply put, I can't get enough of this series. I love the world of DEADLY CLASS but there's no way I would ever want to actually visit it. This is non-stop action and violence with plenty of substance.

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Deadly Class #16

Sep 9, 2015

We've seen teen angst stories and dramas many times but this takes it all to a different level. Remender doesn't pull any punches in his storytelling. Wes Craig's art doesn't skip a beat. This is one of those types of stories where you want to look away when you know something really bad is coming but you just can't help but keep your eyes glued to each page. The main character, Marcus Lopez, keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper. You'll be guessing how this issue could possibly end as the pacing gets cranked up towards the end. It's going to be a long wait until December when the next arc begins. That gives you time to catch up if you haven't been reading. The fact is, I love this book so dang much.

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Deadly Class #18

Jan 27, 2016

DEADLY CLASS remains at the top of my list of favorite comics. Each time a new issue is released, it's among the first I'll dive into. Rick Remender and Wes Craig are giving us the perfect blend in storytelling with plenty of action, character development, drama, and tragedy. If you haven't been reading this title, you really need to fix that. Go back and pick up the trades. Get caught up. I just love this book so dang much. I can't get enough of it.

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Deadpool (2008) #50

Feb 8, 2012

Deadpool is going to die. It seems like an absurd idea and one that a Deadpool comic would poke fun at. It's possible that's the case but Deadpool is determined that this is what he wants. From recent events, it turns out there is a solution in making this happen. Daniel Way continues to show that Deadpool can be written in a humorous fashion and include a well thought out story. I had gotten burnt out on the Deadpool overload and had to step away, even though this was my favorite series of them all. It doesn't seem likely that we'll actually see the death of Deadpool but there is the chance that it could actually happen. That would be a twist when so many readers have become skeptical over the idea of death in comics. If this is going to be the end of Deadpool, I'm glad Daniel Way will be there to guide him.

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Deadpool (2008) #55

May 23, 2012

You think you know what Deadpool is all about? Deadpool is playing with a different set of tools now. The changes from the previous storyline resulted his face looking normal and the loss of his healing factor. Deadpool is still the wacky mercenary itching to get the job done the only way he knows how. The lack of a healing factor now requires him to think a little more. That's something that could prove to be a challenge. It's great to see this change in Deadpool as it serves to mix things up and put him in a different position. At the same time, it might be too much of a change. It's hard to imagine that this is who Deadpool will be now. We're used to these types of major changes to revert back to the previous status quo over time. Daniel Way should be commended for taking this risk in changing who Deadpool is.

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Deadpool (2008) #56

Jun 13, 2012

There has been debate how long Deadpool's current state of not having a healing factor will last. It's a great twist to change up the typical Deadpool story but you can't help but shake the feeling that it has to be a temporary change. Deadpool has to change the way he works and seeing him come up with an attempt at a solution is almost scary because it means Deadpool is actually thinking. Shawn Crystal's art is entertaining and we're treated to another trippy Dave Johnson cover. You have to hand it to Daniel Way for being able to stick with Deadpool for so many issues and continue to tell good stories rather than fall back on simple silly stories. As long as Daniel Way is writing Deadpool, we know we'll keep getting stories that Deadpool deserves.

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Deadpool (2008) #58

Jul 25, 2012

This isn't the Deadpool you're used to. Still without his healing factor, Deadpool is adjusting to having hair and good looks while still waiting for his severed finger to grow back. Seeing characters go through major changes can keep them fresh but there's the question of how much is too much of a change? Long time comic readers can't help but be skeptical when it comes to changes. We all assume we'll see the return of the Deadpool we know but because there is potential in telling some slightly different Deadpool stories, these shouldn't be ignored. Daniel Way is showing he has plenty of ideas and stories to tell with Deadpool and the fact we don't know where all this is going makes it that much more fun.

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Deadpool (2008) #59

Aug 15, 2012

This comic is ridiculous, but in a good way. I didn't think I could enjoy Deadpool stories with him being drastically changed as much as I am. Daniel Way has managed to continue to deliver great Deadpool stories. Even when we had so much Deadpool being thrown in our faces and several different series, this is the one that survived, and with good reason. This is a Deadpool we haven't really seen. There are definite familiar elements. He is still the same zany character but the absence of his healing factor and non-scarred face adds a different element to him. This has allowed for the stories to take a slightly different approach but importantly, they're still funny. I don't want to think about the end of Daniel Way's run coming up but all good things must come to an end. As for how this arc will end, I'm on the edge of my seat.

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Deadpool (2012) #27

Apr 9, 2014

Issue 27s don't come around too often these days. That in itself could be reason enough to celebrate but everyone involved brings their A game to the table. This is a massive issue. Besides being a big moment in Deadpool's life, we do see some plot development happening along with an enormous number of chracters and creators returning to Deadpool's life. This is what celebratory issues should be about. If you're a big Deadpool fan or a fan of funny things, you'll want to get this comic.

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Deadpool (2012) #45

Apr 8, 2015

Deadpool is dead. The immediate reaction likely contains doubt and suspicion. It's not really a spoiler since it's advertised on the very cover but we do see the death of Deadpool. Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan do a fantastic job along with the rest of the creative crew in closing out this volume. We've seen Deadpool gain many friends and family during the past 44 issues. You just might find yourself with some sad feelings. At least we get a pretty high caliber ending. The extra content by an army of talented creators helps make sadness go away but it also adds to the price. This is a massive final issue. Don't miss out on your chance to say goodbye to Deadpool and to raise a toast to a great volume.

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Deadpool (2015) #1

Nov 4, 2015

Deadpool is back with with his own series once again and all is right with the world. This isn't Deadpool as you've seen before, especially since the public in the Marvel Universe actually adores him. It's almost like he's in some bizarro world. Gerry Duggan has more than proven he gets who Deadpool is and should be. Having him back at the helm is fantastic. We've sometimes seen Deadpool written different and just not feel right. Mike Hawthorne's pencils along with Terry Pallot's inks and Val Staples colors makes the book look good. It looks so good, you might even say it looks sexy. Where is this series taking Deadpool? I have absolutely no idea but I can't wait to find out.

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Deadpool (2015) #7

Feb 10, 2016

Deadpool has survived 25 years and he's still riding high on his success. We've seen some highs and lows with the character over the years and he's never been more popular than he is now. There are some readers that frown upon the oversized and higher priced issues, but with so many great creators involved, it's worth the price of admission. The only downside is Deadpool is not the main focus in all of the stories. If you're enjoying Deadpool's Mercs for Money, this adds a lot in establishing their motives for working for Deadpool. Join in the celebration and throw down your ten dollars to party with Deadpool. There's a lot to enjoy here.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #1

Aug 1, 2012

Does Deadpool have what it takes to kill the entire Marvel Universe? Based on this first issue, he's off to a good start. Readers shouldn't expect the typical Deadpool story as this issue earns the parental advisory slapped on the cover. We have seen different version of Deadpool and this goes along with the darker and less goofier versions. As with these types of stories, you have to wonder how much they'll matter in the grand scheme of comics. We know the entire Marvel Universe can't really be killed. I expected a lighter and more humorous story but there could be something to this more serious approach. I'll definitely be checking out the next issue to see where this is going to go. It's a little disturbing and that makes it clear that this isn't a simple goofy story with Deadpool thrown in just for kicks. If you like your Deadpool less funny and more violent, you'll get a kick out of this.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #3

Aug 15, 2012

With one more issue and a confrontation between Deadpool and the one person willing to take him on, it's unclear how this will play out. This isn't meant to be a comic to take seriously as Deadpool is easily taking out all of the Marvel Universe's most powerful heroes. Deadpool's never been more cruel or vicious and it makes you wonder what could he do in a normal story if he was allowed to. I'm still on the fence with the series as a whole. This isn't the Deadpool I'm used to reading, but it's not meant to be. If you're looking for Deadpool to cut loose against everyone, this is a series you'll want to check out.

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4

Aug 22, 2012

This is meant to be an absurd story where Deadpool is able to step up his game and do the unexpected at a whole new level. The fashion that the characters die is the key in making the story worth noting. The big question is where will the story leave you afterwards? Is this a story you'll want to read again? Clearly there can't be any repercussions for the future of Deadpool or other characters since this doesn't take place in the proper 616 universe. It will make you look at Deadpool a little differently. A stronger conclusion would have been preferable but perhaps we'll see a continuation to these events.

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Deadpool Killustrated #1

Jan 23, 2013

The idea of combining Deadpool and the 'classics' seemed like just another senseless Deadpool miniseries. Thankfully Cullen Bunn does a great job making it make sense. You wouldn't think it was possible but it does. There are some great possibilities we could see. We get a nice analysis in what makes the heroes exist and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out here. There are still a couple threads from DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE that may be addressed here which adds another bonus. It is violent (hence the parental warning) but isn't quite as dark as DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. This is an out of continuity tale. It won't change who Deadpool is the main Marvel Universe. That doesn't matter. This is a way to see more wacky adventures with Deadpool doing what he does best.

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Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2

Jun 17, 2015

Only Deadpool and Cullen Bunn could revist a past story and make it feel like this was how it happened, provided Deadpool is fully involved. Bunn has injected Deadpool into the classic and memorable Secret Wars twelve-issue series from 1984. This issue does jump around a bit giving it a disjointed feeling. That might be fitting for Deadpool, as if he were truly the one telling the story, but it also makes it feel like it's just pieced together with random moments. Matteo Lolli's art is really setting up a groove with Deadpool invading and having his way with the events in the story. Even though I was a little let down with this issue, I'm still enjoying it as I'm a sucker for the original Secret Wars. If you can stomach Deadpool's wacky shenanigans and have read the original, you'll want to see how absurd it can get.

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Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1

Jan 7, 2014

If you're a fan of Deadpool and you're digging the series by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn, you really should get this Infinite Comic. This is a 13-part story that does "matter" as it will tie into the main series. The Infinite approach gives you an enhanced story with the chance to see more of Reilly Brown's art. It's a fun story. Deadpool's in London and he ends up fighting a vampire. What more could you want? Do yourself a favor and walk (don't run, you might trip) to your smart phone or tablet (or computer) and buy this book.

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Deadpool: The Gauntlet #2

Jan 15, 2014

More Deadpool isn't always a good thing, as we've seen in the past. Thankfully this Infinite cComic highly compliments the main series. Having both written by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn is a great way to keep the vibe going on and making it feels like it truly matters in the grand scheme of Deadpool-goodness. Reilly Brown's art is great and the format of the Infinite Comic allows for an enhanced reading experience. Deadpool is in safe hands with Duggan and Posehn. But based on the wacky shenanigans they've come up with in the past, there's no telling what's going to happen next.

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Deadpool: The Gauntlet #4

Jan 28, 2014

Do you like Deadpool? Do you like really cool things? DEADPOOL: THE GAUNTLET is the comic you should be reading. With the Infinite Comics platform, the comic becomes even cooler than what you might dream of. Written by the DEADPOOL series writers, this series will play an essential role in the main series. Reilly Brown's art will fill you with warm feelings as we get to witness what almost feels like a coming of age moment for the Merc with a Mouth. Everyone else is reading DEADPOOL: THE GAUNTLET. Give into peer pressure and read the comic for yourself.

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Deadpool: The Gauntlet #8

Feb 25, 2014

The situation between Deadpool and Shiklah, Dracula's fiance, continues to blossom. Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn and Reilly Brown have delivered the fun and action with each chapter. If you're enjoying the regular DEADPOOL series, this is a must read as big things are happening. The confrontations and situations in each chapter make it Tuesdays something to look forward to each week. If you're not reading DEADPOOL: THE GAUNTLET, you need to rectify that immediately. Skipping this series is just not right.

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Death Of Wolverine #1

Sep 1, 2014

Wolverine made his first appearance forty years ago and now it's time for him to die. We've been reading about his coming death month after month but this final story arc starts off with a bang. Charles Soule immediately sets the perfect tone for the series and brings to light some aspects of Wolverine's condition that weren't given much attention. The story is presented in a way that newer readers can easily dive into the issue. Steve McNiven's art brings up the energy of the story, giving it an even bigger feel. Knowing that the end is finally in sight, you can't help but feel the excitement and anticipation thanks to Soule and McNiven. It should be obvious--this is a Wolverine story that should not be missed.

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Death Of Wolverine #4

Oct 15, 2014

It feels like it's been a long time coming but DEATH OF WOLVERINE has come to an end. There's many ways this could have happened and Charles Soule gives us an interesting ending. Because of the history of the character, there's a lot to think about over what this issue means and whether or not it hits the mark that fans may have wanted. I am intrigued with the route Soule took and it should be interesting to see what the aftermath of this is for everyone close to Logan. McNiven's art is great, as usual. It's almost a little difficult to see Wolverine in this state but that's why we paid the price of the admission. Wolverine is dead. It didn't happen quite as we expected. Now we get to see what happens next.

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Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1

Nov 5, 2014

The death of Wolverine is having a big impact in the Marvel Universe. We're seeing a lot of books tie into it but this one actually takes back to the 'scene of the crime.' Taking place moments after the death, there's almost an eerie feeling as we see other victims to Dr. Cornelius' Weapon X plans. Charles Soule introduces us to some new characters and also brings back one character that will make you scratch your head as you try to figure out what he's doing. If that wasn't a mystery enough, not knowing what's next for these characters is intriguing. Don't let this book get lost in the mix of other "Death of Wolverine" tie ins. There's definitely something peculiar and fascinating going on here.

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Deathlok (2014) #1

Oct 29, 2014

Deathlok is meant to be the perfect weapon. Imagine that weapon being completely unaware that it is an actual weapon. Nathan Edmondson has added a nice twist to the concept of Deathlok. Having a new character completely in the dark about being a killing machine adds an intriguing twist to the character. Well be on the edge of our seat as we wonder if hell find out what hes really doing when away. What better way to maintain a secret identity than to be unaware you actually have one? Mike Perkins art looks great here. The characters have their own feel, carving out a new little corner of the Marvel Universe yet there is some familiarity with Maria Hill and S.H.I.E.L.D. being present. DEATHLOK is a series that will completely grab your attention and youll be happy when it doesnt let go.

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Deathmatch #1

Dec 26, 2012

Looks like Boom! Studios might have their next break out new series. DEATHMATCH is an idea we've seen before but what makes it really work here is the presentation. We are thrown into the action and are finding out what's going on. It almost puts us on the same level as the characters since they are also unsure how they were transported to this place and who is responsible.

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Deathstroke (2011) #1

Sep 14, 2011

No worries about Deathstroke going soft. Kyle Higgins delivers a mean, cold-hearted, brutal killing machine. This isn't the Deathstroke that got defeated over and over by a bunch of kids. He goes on a mission and will do whatever it takes to complete. There is some introduction to his character for new readers. It's described how badass of a character he is but his full origin or motives remain unknown to the newer reader. It's clear that he's a killer for hire. Whether or not we'll see any semblance of a human side to Slade remains to be seen. If you're looking for plenty of hardcore action and violence, this title featuring a villain will satisfy and sick and twisted need (almost) you might have.

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Deathstroke (2011) #3

Nov 9, 2011

Who needs comics about superheroes when you can read one with a deadly assassin? Kyle Higgins continues to add depth to a comic featuring a killer by moving the story forward while continuing the insane violence. Getting to hear Deathstroke's view of the way the world works adds to helping us understand what motivates and drives him. We are introduced to a new villain and are seeing repercussions to some of his earlier actions. I'm still not completely sold on his bulky armor look but this is what we'd want from a Deathstroke series. Plenty of action and violence while seeing what makes Deathstroke tick.

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Deathstroke (2011) #5

Jan 11, 2012

What would readers expect and want from a Deathstroke comic? Kyle Higgins is delivering with each issue. There is plenty of insane action and violence. There is more here than simple mindless violence. The mystery of Deathstroke's long lost (and thought to be dead) son is something he's dealing with and we get to see a flashback that adds more to the characters. Joe Bennett is capturing the essence of the characters and goes all out when it comes to the scenes of violence. Hats off to both Higgins and Bennett for the final scene. It was definitely a pleasure and surprise to see. I've been enjoying DEATHSTROKE but I have to say this issue made me really enjoy the series. This is what I want to see in the series and Higgins is the one that should be guiding Deathstroke along.

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Deathstroke (2014) #1

Oct 22, 2014

Deathstroke is back and is making up for lost time. Tony Daniel delivers a smart and violent first issue for the deadly mercenary. We see a little on how Deathstroke operates and gains intel on his missions. Once the action begins, its pretty much exactly what youd want to see. Daniel gives us plenty of over the top action scenes with plenty of violence but it never feels too gratuitous. Its not all action shots and blood as we learn there is something coming out of Deathstrokes past he was unaware of. We also get a pretty crazy ending that will definitely make peoples attention perk up. Its great having an action book with substance and plenty of detail. The hard part will be waiting for the next issue.

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Deathstroke (2014) #2

Nov 26, 2014

Just as Deathstroke is killing the opposition, Tony Daniel is killing it on this series. (Well, not exactly in the same way). We've seen Deathstroke go through a change but there's a big mystery going on at the same time. While we get to see more of what makes Slade Wilson tick, there's still plenty of over the top action to show what he's capable of. Don't assume this is pure gratuitous violence. There's a lot going on here and this series is headed in a great direction.

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Deathstroke (2014) #5

Feb 25, 2015

It's like a comic fan's dream, Deathstroke fighting Batman. Often a Batman appearance feels forced but Tony Daniel makes it fun and exciting. He's been spoiling us with lots of big and over the top action. The fight between the two is just what we'd want. Daniel doesn't just fill the issue with a huge fight scene. We get more on Jericho and Rose along with those pesky bad guys stirring up all sorts of trouble. Tony Daniel is cranking up the action and storytelling in this series. There's no telling what will happen next.

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Deathstroke (2014) #14

Jan 27, 2016

There's no slowing the action and suspense in the pages of DEATHSTROKE. James Bonny and Tyler Kirkham deliver another action-packed story that keeps readers on their toes. Deathstroke has to infiltrate LexCorp while searching for his daughter. Deathstroke may be good at what he does but he might be in a little over his head. You'll want to stand up and cheer at moments while cringing at some of the hits taken. This is an superhero action comic full of substance. Reading DEATHSTROKE is a blast. Thankfully it's not a blast coming from one of Deathstroke's weapons.

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Defenders (2011) #7

Jun 6, 2012

Matt Fraction keeps the story, pacing and humor moving while giving us crazy adventures without the forced the-world-is-about-to-end stories we've seen too often. He has a great mix of characters to work with and ones that I personally enjoy seeing. That, plus Terry Dodson handling the art makes this a book that would be hard not to like. As much fun as it seems, there is a little something missing in terms of their motivation. The story is progressing and I'll want to see how it all ends. I've been left with the feeling of not caring about who the bad guys are that the team has to fight. It's always great to see Black Cat pop up in comics. If you're looking for a team that's different from the others in the Marvel Universe, you should be reading THE DEFENDERS.

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Descender #1

Mar 4, 2015

Get ready to read your new favorite comic. It's a great feeling getting your hands on a fantastic new series. We've seen many takes on all the different genres but Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen's take in the sci-fi arena is a glorious and gorgeous trip. Right from the beginning you get a sense of how large in scope this series and its world can be. We are introduced to some likable characters that make us eager for more. It's always difficult to add a brand new series to your (likely) overflowing pull list. Adding DESCENDER to your pull list will be something you won't regret.

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Descender #2

Apr 8, 2015

Lemire and Nguyen are proving to be a great creative team. I often find myself a picky when it comes to Sci-Fi stories, especially in comic form. The first issue saw a ten year time jump and thankfully we do get some flashbacks to add to the characterization. We get to see more of Tim-21's story and if you didn't already love the character, you won't be able to resist the emotions that start bubbling towards the surface here. You won't even realize that many of the characters introduced in the first issue don't even appear here as you'll be glued to Tim-21's plight as he fights for survival. DESCENDER is really growing into something special.

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Descender #7

Nov 11, 2015

The first arc may be over but clearly the story is just beginning in DESCENDER. If you're looking for a cool sci-fi comic with a different look and feel to it, you need to be reading this book. Jeff Lemire is building a big "universe" and Dustin Nguyen's art and colors keeps getting better and better. Just when you thought you had an idea where the story would be going, we get a pretty interesting twist at the end. I love it when I'm reading a book and have no idea what might be coming next. Each issue keeps you on the edge of your seat and I'll definitely be back for the next one.

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Detective Comics #878

Jun 28, 2011

Buy this comic. It ties up all the loose ends in the "Hungry City" storyline. We find out (have updates) on Tiger Shark, James Gordon Jr and Sonia Zucco. Reading a Scott Snyder story, you can easily see how meticulously he has had everything set up. Each issue makes you wonder what he could possibly have in store for us next. As insane as this issue gets, I can only imagine what next issue will bring. Snyder and Jock are a perfect pairing for this story. There will be some lasting repercussions from this arc. The new villains Dick is developing are going to be keeping him busy. This issue is definitely a game-changer.

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Detective Comics #879

Jul 12, 2011

There's no Batman here, Dick or Bruce, but who needs them? Scott Snyder and Francesco Francavilla team up to bring us the next installment on 'is James Gordon Jr evil or not' and it is quite a ride. The story that has been building up for the past few issues continues as we see a side of Commissioner Gordon that we don't often see. This is such a heavy struggle for him and you can really feel the weight of the possible repercussions lying on his shoulders. There is such a vibe of suspense and the pacing of the story along with panel layouts, art and color truly deliver a stunning tale. All this and more insanity with the Joker, who has never looked creepier, thanks to Francavilla.

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Detective Comics #880

Jul 26, 2011

How many have I mentioned that Detective Comics has been my favorite Batman series? We've been getting intense stories, new and old villains and a great depiction of Dick evolving beyond the skillful hero he was as Nightwing into a truly worthy successor to Bruce as Batman. The story of James Gordon Jr. has been frightful and intense without having to go for obvious shock value we often see elsewhere. Being that the possibilities hit so close to home with Commissioner Gordon, the storytelling and suspense will keep you glued to the pages as you slowly turn each one.

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Detective Comics #881

Aug 8, 2011

It's Scott Snyder's Detective Comics. I can safely say this will most likely be my pick of the week. Snyder's run has been phenomenal and this was the perfect ending. You can see everything that he's worked towards in setting up and referencing past events. I had questioned the use/return of James Jr for about five minutes and now I couldn't be happier to see the dark path he's taken. James Jr. needs to be elevated to being one of the top villains in Batman's rogues gallery. Snyder's run has been accompanied by amazing art from both Jock and Francesco Francavilla. It's fitting that both handle the art duties in this oversized issue. Normally I'm bothered when the art changes mid-action but the story and mood set up will suck you in and you won't even notice until you read the issue again...and you will want to read it more than once.

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Detective Comics (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

The idea of doing Batman zero/origin issues seemed a little odd since we pretty much know all of his story. Surprisingly and thankfully, Gregg Hurwitz focuses on a time that hasn't had a lot of attention in the past. Seeing Batman before he's Batman is cool. This isn't in the beginning of his training either as he's likely been around the world already. We also get a great back up story written by James Tynion IV focusing on what Alfred's been doing while Bruce is away. This is what zero issues should be about. It's a great look back at the characters before the first issue of this series. Now I'm even more excited to see other zero issues.

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Detective Comics (2011) #1

Sep 7, 2011

The first "New 52" Batman arrives and gives us a grittier Batman than we might have expected. Faced with the Joker, a new villain and being hunted by the GCPD at the same time, this Batman is going to have to rise to the challenge asap. The version of the Joker we see not the silly clown version we sometimes see. This is a Joker that isn't going to mess around with Batman or anyone else that gets in his way. Tony Daniel sets up this early period in Batman's life, establishes his place in Gotham as well as the details of the Batcave and his new arsenal all while jamming plenty of action and suspense at the same time. The look of Batman's armor feels a little odd here and there and he has a high-tech feel but with the way things are going, Batman will need all the help he can get. If all that wasn't enough, the ending will leave you scratching your head wondering how the heck the next issue is going to begin.

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Detective Comics (2011) #13

Oct 3, 2012

John Layman steps up to the plate and tackles the job of becoming the latest Batman writer (yes, I purposely mixed the sports metaphors there). Layman shows us a different side of Gotham City. We too often see the events focused on Batman's perspective. Seeing how events unfold around Batman through Penguin's eyes and those of other criminals adds a new element to the story. Penguin's reason for his latest scheme seems a little petty but fits in with who he is and what he wants to accomplish. Having him target Bruce Wayne rather than Batman was a nice touch. Fabok's art is a perfect match for Layman's tone. The back up by Layman and Andy Clarke adds a nice bonus content feel to the issue. Congrats to whoever made the decision to have Layman start writing Batman. I can't wait to see what he has planned next. It's a pleasure having quality Batman titles each with a distinct feel.

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Detective Comics (2011) #14

Nov 7, 2012

Continuing from last issue, Bruce Wayne needs to figure out how to survive without revealing his secret identity. The story quickly shifts to Batman having to deal with Poison Ivy. John Layman feels like he's completely settled in with the writing duties on the title. The confrontations Batman has with Penguin and Poison Ivy play out differently than how we've seen them happen so many times in the past. When it comes to Poison Ivy, Batman has to make a decision in how to handle the situation as well as try to fight her persuasive ways. There are many shifts in the timeline of the story. It mixes up the pace of the story but starts feeling like too much of a novelty. Layman is heating things up with the new direction he's taking the title. Layman's story is spiced up with the great art by Jason Fabok and Andy Clarke (in the back up). This is all great news for Batman fans but bad news for those hoping they wouldn't have another Batman title to keep on their pull lists.

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Detective Comics (2011) #15

Dec 5, 2012

This issue was a roller coaster ride for many of the characters. We're seeing ups and downs for their plans and Layman is laying the groundwork for an upcoming story. His portrayal of Poison Ivy is great as you can't tell whether you should hate her or feel sorry for her. It's unfortunate that this is a Death of the Family crossover. It just felt really forced to have Penguin in the midst of his battle with Bruce Wayne and then Poison Ivy and now is immediately mixed up with Joker. We get some great art by Jason Fabok in the main feature as well as Andy Clarke in the back up. The art and ending make this issue shine a little brighter. It's great to see Clayface used and given a personality as part of the New 52 updates.

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Detective Comics (2011) #21

Jun 5, 2013

An assassin comes to Gotham and of course Batman will soon get involved. We'll soon discover that this is no ordinary assassin as a bigger picture begins to unfold. Harper Row makes her return as well and we find out what she's been up to since her last appearance. Layman is keeping a tight ship in terms of continuity. We see lots of mentions of events happening in the other Bat-titles and the back up. We'll have to wait and see if the main story results in further repercussions, especially considering the current events in RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS. Layman is building up his corner of Gotham and you don't want to miss out on it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 8, 2014

It's DETECTIVE COMICS #27. You almost owe it to yourself to pick it up if you're a Batman fan. A milestone/celebration like this doesn't happen often. Unfortunately while there were some really great stories with fantastic art, some of the others felt unnecessary. Asking fans to pay eight dollars when we just had an over-sized issue with #19 is a bit much. Still, you'll want to check out what the different creators came up with. Some of the stories really shined and you won't want to miss them.

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Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have moved into Batman's territory and we all have reason to celebrate another great Batman comic. There is a different feel to this comic as readers are treated to a different sort of Batman comic. This is a great sign that we don't always have to have more of a good thing. We can have more but given in a different sort of way. Manapul and Buccellato are off to a great start and we can all hope they decide to stay in Gotham for as long, or longer, as their run on THE FLASH. These days, it's a good time to be a Batman fan.

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Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 11, 2014

If youre looking for some detective action, DETECTIVE COMICS is now living up to its name. Batman is the Worlds Greatest Detective so it makes perfect sense for Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato to place an emphasis on this. Seeing Batman and Harvey Bullock, separately, investigate a murder is intriguing. Were seeing more pieces of the puzzle revealed but theres still plenty of mystery to unravel. Manapul and Buccellatos art and colors continue to amaze. Not only is this a great story but its accompanied by gorgeous artwork. If youre not reading DETECTIVE COMICS, you need to fix that now.

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Detective Comics (2011) #37

Dec 3, 2014

Francis Manapul and Brian Bucellato have been missed and are making it up to us. With a new story arc beginning, we see the New 52 version of Anarky in town and he's not playing around. Batman will definitely have his hands full and hopefully will figure out how to get along with Harvey Bullock. The art and colors are as gorgeous as you'd expect. Manapul and Buccellato are great tour guides. Their work makes you want to visit Gotham City the way the depict it--even if there's people getting killed and buildings blowing up.

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2012

Comic Book annuals should focus on the current story and not tie directly into or continue from the current series. There's needs to be a sense of being self-contained so that readers can read and enjoy the over-sized format. Thankfully this annual does that. There is a tie to Black Mask's previous appearance in DETECTIVE COMICS but this issue can be enjoyed on its own. It also serves to set the groundwork for Black Mask and another Batman villain so there isn't a sense that this is just a story that won't have any impact on the series or character. Batman does give up the spotlight as the focus lies on Black Mask. Let's hope this leads to him having a bigger presence in the New 52. If he survives this annual, that is.

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Detective Comics (2011): Endgame #1

Mar 11, 2015

Normally when there's a big Batman event, we're forced to read a bunch of tie-in stories that have a more overwhelming feeling. Instead of forcing Endgame into other titles, like DETECTIVE COMICS, we get a cool one-shot that really gives a different angle on the story happening in BATMAN. Brian Buccellato shows us the story from the civilian angle, something that is too often overlooked. If you have an entire city being affected by the Joker's scheme, it's great to see its affects. Besides the story, we get some good art and cool guest appearances that really makes this stand out from your average big event crossover/tie-in book.

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Detective Comics (2016) #934

Jun 8, 2016

Detective Comics is off to am extraordinary start. James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas are spoiling us from the beginning. I am so excited to see where things go from here. Because we've read countless Batman stories over the years, it's refreshing to see a major title take a new approach and deliver a new vibe. This is a comic I can't put down. It should be made clear, this isn't just a Batman book. There are so may great characters here I would be surprised if there wasn't something for everyone. This book is definitely going to be a blast.

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Detective Comics (2016) #935

Jun 23, 2016

Detective Comics is a Rebirth title that hit the ground running. While some of the other books are focusing on setting up their new direction, James Tynion IV delivers an incredible mix of action, storytelling, and character building. Having a bigger cast of characters sets this apart from your typical Batman comic. It's amazing how easily Tynion devotes plenty of time in developing each character while also pushing the story forward. Having superb art by Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira and colors by Adriano Lucas makes a great book even better. If you're looking for action, suspense, and developing storylines, you won't want to miss this book.

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Detective Comics (2016) #936

Jul 13, 2016

Each issue of Detective Comics has been a fantastic read with the Rebirth relaunch. James Tynion IV is shaking things up for Batman and his allies and keeping readers on their toes. With juicy twists and turns and a fast pace, you can't be sure what to expect. The art team of Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, and Brad Anderson will put you in awe. What makes reading Detective Comics even better is the fact we get it twice a month. It's a tough wait between the issues, and as soon as you finish, you'll be hungry for the next installment. I have to say, I love this book.

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Detective Comics (2016) #940

Sep 14, 2016

Detective Comics concludes its first arc with a powerful ending. James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas have consistently delivered a great Batman story with the Dark Knight taking a new direction. We've seen the different characters fleshed out without getting lost in the crowd, and the action moves the story at a brisk pace. The finale will grab your attention and leave you speechless as you reach the final page. Tynion and company are doing great things here. This is a book you shouldn't miss out on.

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Detective Comics (2016) #946

Dec 14, 2016

This isn't your regular Batman comic you might be used to. By having Batman ally himself with others in the Bat Family, there is so much more to see explored and developed. Barrows, Ferreira, and Lucas are doing an amazing job with the art and color. How many different Batman stories and titles have we seen over the years? James Tynion IV and crew make Detective Comics stand out from the others.

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Dial H #1

May 2, 2012

I don't know what's going to happen next and I don't want any clues. I can't wait for the next issue to find out first hand. This wasn't one of the "Second Wave" books I thought would be at the top of my list but its made a great debut as a new series. Find some spare change and dial up a taxi to take you to the comic shop so you can pick up this issue.

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Divergence (FCBD 2015) #1

May 2, 2015

This is an issue not to be missed. Scott Snyder, Gene Luen Yang, and Geoff Johns are changing everything we know about Batman, Superman, and the Justice League. Don't dismiss this as a novelty comic for Free Comic Book Day. This is the real deal. These pages are essential to readers of the regular series. The writing and the art on each part was truly amazing. If you haven't gone to your local comic shop yet and are sitting there reading this, you need to get there right away and get yourself a copy. Everything is changing.

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DMC #1

Oct 29, 2014

When I heard Darryl DMC McDaniel was getting involved with comics, I'll admit I chuckled. We've seen many attempts by celebrities and musicians in comics. Much to my surprise, there is definitely something here everyone can enjoy. McDaniels and Damion Scott introduce us to an interesting new world where superheroes can exist. Seeing this alternate version of DMC is fascinating and throughout the story, we even get to see a transformation and evolution of the character. Adding to the story is an army of incredible artists, each taking a chapter in this 70 page story. With real graffiti artists adding to the backgrounds, there's a great feel and look to the overall story. Because of the size and the format, there is a higher price tag that might deter some readers. But for a debut issue, there is a lot of charm and heart within these pages. I can't wait for the next volume. Be sure to track down this issue to check it out for yourself.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #1

Oct 6, 2015

As a Doctor Strange fan myself, I've sometimes found myself distracted with some of the aspects to the character and his adventures. Jason Aaron adds some life to the character and delivers a brilliant mesh between a regular guy and perhaps the most powerful sorcerer on the planet. Chris Bachalo's art adds to this by easily juggling the depictions of a strange and dangerous alternate dimension with the city streets of Greenwich Village. We're off to a strong start in the All-New, All-Different Marvel landscape. This is the Doctor Strange we've known for years but it's been given the perfect dose to jumpstart the character in his new series. This book definitely has the potential to cure your bouts of reading boredom.

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Dream Police #1

Apr 30, 2014

If you've ever been fascinated with dreams or the idea of a dreamscape, this is a series you'll want to check out. We get to see two members of the Dream Police as they go about on patrol. This introduces us to different corners and residents of the dreamscape and Sid Kotian's art fleshes it out nicely. There's an interesting twist to the story but the impact might not be as powerful on those that haven't formed a connection with the characters. This issue just cracks the door open to the huge number of possibilities here. Don't miss out on this.

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Dream Police #2

Jun 4, 2014

If youve ever been fascinating by the idea or notion of dreams or a dreamscape, youll want to check this out. J. Michael Straczynsi is creating and fleshing out his version of it all and were learning more of the residents and the Dream Police. Sid Kotians art depicts the different residents and adds to the bigger feel of the dreamscape. The main hook of the story is slightly put on hold as we see the detectives investigating a case but it does allow us to learn more of the dreamscape. Im grateful to see the return of this comic and cant wait to find out where the story is going to go.

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Earth 2 #18

Dec 4, 2013

EARTH 2 has kicked up the level of action. We're now seeing more familiar faces and ideas which are interesting but also changes the vibe of the series we've had up until now. The feeling was there before but now there's a huge sense of having no idea what might happen next. Tom Taylor is flexing his writing muscles and there's no telling what changes we might see happen. Nicola Scott continues to give us the great art we're used to on this series. Seeing the different and new characters in her style makes it even more interesting. This isn't quite the EARTH 2 series you're used to but it's interesting to experience the changes that are happening.

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Earth 2 Annual #2

Jan 29, 2014

*Note: Strangely, the digital version has a character named Francesco Francavilla while the printed version calls him Frankie Falcone.

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East of West #1

Mar 27, 2013

I want more comics like EAST OF WEST. It shouldn't be a surprise being that the comic is from Jonathan Hickman. Teaming up with Nick Dragotta once again and with Frank Martin's colors, it not only is a captivating read, the art and color will make your eyes happy. With a futuristic/sci-fi Western feel, this comic stands apart from the others on sale. There's something for everyone here. All you need to know is this is not a comic you should miss out on. It's the next big comic people will be talking about. It's a comic you'll be happy you read.

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Edward Scissorhands #1

Oct 22, 2014

Edward Scissorhands has finally made it to comics. As I still fondly recall the movie and have often wondered what a continuation or sequel would be like. Thanks to IDW, Kate Leth, and Drew Rausch, we now have an idea. Rausch delivers a fascinating visual take on Edward and his world. The more you allow yourself to be immersed in this world, the more you'll come to appreciate this series. There's a new problem that has appeared and it's going to be a long wait for the second issue to find out what happens next.

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Elektra (2014) #1

Apr 23, 2014

The idea of an ongoing Elektra series might be a little hard to accept. Haden Blackman shows that it is something that could indeed work. It's never easy to relate to a character that will kill without remorse but Blackman shows there are layers to Elektra that can be explored. Michael Del Mundo's art is killer (no pun intended). We get a nice and deep story with gorgeous art. Marvel has another hit on their hands.

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Elektra (2014) #2

May 21, 2014

I'm so thankful for this title. In a time when we're seeing new title after new title emerge, we're definitely feeling the pain in our wallets. But with Haden Blackman and Michael Del Mundo on board with this title, we're reminded of how graceful and deadly Elektra should be portrayed. Blackman adds another layer to the story in this issue and now we get to sit back and enjoy as it all unfolds. How long do we have to wait for the next issue?

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Elektra (2014) #3

Jun 18, 2014

Haden Blackman and Michael Del Mundo are carving out a new era for Elektra. With the story and art, were getting to see Elektra in a way we dont usually get to see. Elektra doesnt always get a chance to show us who she is inside or whats going on in her mind. During this mission shes taken out, were able to see a little more while also getting some beautiful and violent scenes. We may only be three issues in but already, I couldnt imagine not having this title to read each month.

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Evil Ernie #1

Oct 10, 2012

Whether you're completely familiar with Evil Ernie or this is your first time, this is the place to find out who he is now. This isn't just a simple retelling of his origin as we're seeing some new elements and twists added to the character. You'll immediately get the feeling that there is more to Evil Ernie than there appears. The bits of mystery as to why he becomes the character we're familiar with will pull you into the story and get you hooked. Evil Ernie is now on my radar and I am very curious to see where this is going to go.

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Evil Ernie #2

Nov 14, 2012

Evil Ernie is back and getting pretty comfortable with his new abilities. This book contains the amount of violence you would hope for and expect with the character. The killings are varied and you don't feel like you're seeing the same things over and over. Jesse Blaze Snider is crafting a new origin for Ernie and, as a new reader, I'm enjoying seeing how it all unfolds. My main concern with this issue was some moments with inconsistency in the art. Part look pretty good and other panels felt a little lazy. I'm still hooked into the story. The issue ends with a cliffhanger and it'll be interesting to see what happens in the next issue.

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Evil Ernie #4

Feb 13, 2013

There is clearly more to Evil Ernie that I previously thought. I always saw him as a simple one-dimensional character. This series is showing that there is more to be seen about the character and this is the chance to see how his character will be fleshed out. The biggest problems for me was some inconsistencies with the art. There were moments trying to follow the pacing threw me off as I got distracted. I love seeing how Ernie develops here and it just feels like there is so much more we don't know. If you're looking for a fun read with crazy over-the-top scenes, check out what's going on in EVIL ERNIE.

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Extraordinary X-Men #3

Dec 2, 2015

There's been some fear that the X-Men would slowly be faded away into limbo by Marvel. While the Limbo part is kind of true, we're seeing a pretty strong start to this series courtesy of Jeff Lemire and Humberto Ramos. Things may be pretty dire for the mutants but that isn't really anything new. This issue is packed with big action scenes mixed with a heartfelt conversation during the strange meeting of young Jean Grey and Old Man Logan. I'm digging this series more and more with each issue and can't wait to see what's coming next.

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Extraordinary X-Men #4

Dec 23, 2015

EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN has easily become my favorite X-Men title. Despite not being too thrilled with the Terrigen Mist storyline and a villain I don't really like, I found myself glued to every page of the book. Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba, and Edgar Delgado are making this a glorious title as well. Things are looking bad for the X-Men but that's nothing new. This is a book you can just dive into and enjoy. With all the excitement, suspense, and tension, I feel like a kid again reading an X-Men comic.

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Fables #125

Jan 23, 2013

It's no surprise that FABLES has gone on consecutively for then years now. With a new arc focusing on Snow White, Bill Willingham is setting up what could be even more bad times for her. There is a shocking cliffhanger that you won't see coming. The art and colors remind you why this is such a great looking comic that's fun to read. Reading this first part makes it easy to understand why some wait until the stories are collected in trades but it's also something you won't want to wait to read.

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Fairest #1

Mar 8, 2012

This issue didn't feel like a mere spin off story but more like one that could have actually taken place within the regular series. We're off to a great start and it should be interesting to see what happens next.

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Fairest #2

Apr 4, 2012

Fans of FABLES or those looking for a gorgeous adventure with familiar characters should be reading this series. In the tradition of FABLES, we get a modern and more mature take on the fairy tale characters we grew up with. Willingham has created a world rich with characters more interesting than their true counterparts and a wide world full of potential for future stories. Phil Jimenez and Andrew Dalhouse make reading Willingham's great story even better. I really liked the first issue but I can say I loved this one.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #600

Nov 23, 2011

This is what anniversary issues should be about. Often with these over-sized, 100-page issues, we tend to get reprinted/classic material. This is all 100% pure brand new Fantastic Four material. Hickman has been pioneering the characters since he came on board with issue #570 (which I reviewed here in video format). You can see how everything that has happened has been building up to this point. There is a reason for what's been going on and even prior events are still having an impact. The story is not over yet. Don't dismiss this celebration due to the high price tag. It's worth the purchase and there is still plenty more of the story to be told. Try to read this before you discover any of the spoilers. Even if you do, seeing what happens before and after will satisfy your comic reading desires. If Hickman set out to become the premier Fantastic Four writer of this generation, it's safe to say he has achieved that.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #604

Mar 14, 2012

It's great when a writer can stay on a title for a while. It's even better when you get to see them take the book in the direction they wanted and tell the stories they have in mind. Nearly all of Hickman's run has maintained a high quality feel and you could see how everything he's done has been leading up to this point. We can look back now at past issues and see how everything happened for a reason. We sometimes see subplots developed that get lost or forgotten but that isn't the case here. Steve Epting's art makes this explosive issue even better by delivering exactly what we want and expect from him. We may not always get to see Epting and Hickman together but when they are, it's a definite treat. Hickman's run just makes me proud to be a fan of the Fantastic Four. I have no idea how he can top this massive story but chances are he's already busily working on the next big adventure.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #605

Apr 11, 2012

There's been a lot of action in this series lately. Jonathan Hickman (with Ron Garney and Jason Kieth on art and color) give the characters a chance to catch their breath. These types of stories are great to see once in a while as action after action can get overwhelming and possibly monotonous. When it's time for the action to slow down a bit, this is where writers have to show their versatility as well. What begins as a simple trip into the future (only in comic books can you say going to the future is simple), the story soon takes off and Hickman shows us why so many of us have been enjoying his run on the series. His stories often go in directions we're not expecting and his ability to surprise us comes across as genuine rather than feeling forced. I've been a fan of FANTASTIC FOUR since I first started reading comics and I'm loving everything that Hickman is giving us.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #1

Nov 13, 2012

One of the Marvel NOW! titles I've been looking forward to and dreading is finally here. My silly fears can be set aside as you can clearly see the characters are in safe hands. If you're going to relaunch a successful comic series, this is the way to do it. All the familiar elements are still here from the previous series yet the book is pretty accessible to new readers as well. This is a team of superheroes that are also a family. Fraction gets what they're about and is ready to take them all on an adventure they may never forget. Bagley gets to shine as there are so many different characters and settings he gets to draw. Having Mark Farmer on inks and Paul Mounts on colors makes the issue that much sweeter. Just thinking about where this series may go has gotten me excited once again. That doesn't happen too often with today's comics.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #2

Dec 10, 2012

The Fantastic Four are about to leave the building. As seen last issue and in FF #1, Reed is keeping his injury a secret from his family and has planned an extended 'vacation' in order to find a cure. A team of replacements has been chosen and we're seeing the passing of the baton, as started in FF, continue here. Because we've already seen the introduction of the FF team, it feels a little unnecessary to have so much time devoted to the changing of the guard but for those not reading both series, it's an important bit. Mark Bagley has to draw a lot of characters here which is always fun to see. The problem is a couple times the art felt a little muddy possibly due to the inking. Because of Matt Fraction's storytelling and humor, this book manages to put a smile on my face. I can't wait for the action to begin.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #4

Feb 13, 2013

Bravo to Marvel, Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley for releasing this issue in time for Valentine's Day. It's often been questionable just how much does Reed care about Sue. We know he's committed to his wife and kids but there's always a distraction nearby. This issue lays out what exactly Sue means to Reed. Along the way we see the team visit a new planet that contains a pretty big shock. In the overall story about why Reed decided to pull his family away from Earth to find a cure, there aren't huge progressions on the plot but fans of the series and characters will want to pick this issue up. Bagley does a great job capturing the emotion that Reed feels along with the other scenes, such as ones between Johnny and Ben. This series definitely feels like a grand adventure.

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Fantastic Four (2012) #8

May 22, 2013

The idea of the Thing returning to human form once a year is a neat idea. Unfortunately that time feels as if it's come too quickly and passes by even quicker. The action in this story passed by way too fast and it feels like it was just setting things up for the possible big implications hinted at for the next issue. Ben Grimm in Yancy Street was cool but with his 'mission' changing, it just felt like an average story instead of being allowed to have story elements fleshed out. I just wanted more from the issue. But we do have a pretty big twist possibly coming next issue.

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Fantastic Four: Season One #1

Feb 6, 2012

FANTASTIC FOUR: SEASON ONE is a story everyone can enjoy. Seeing what happens beyond the origin and the way the groundwork is laid out gives the characters a refreshing new feel, while feeling like the characters we've known for years at the same time.

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Fantomex MAX #1

Oct 2, 2013

If you're looking for some MAX style storytelling with Fantemex, this will be right up your alley. Not having to play nicely by the X-Men's rules, this story allows Fantomex to get into some stickier situations. The freedom to allow more violence and profanity gives it a harder edge but at the same time, feels a little gratuitous and unnecessary. If you are a fan of the character, hopefully you are mature enough to buy this comic. It's great seeing Fantomex get the spotlight to himself and this is shaping up to be an intriguing story.

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FCBD 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy #1

May 3, 2014

If youre reading Brian Michael Bendis GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, youre going to want to pick up this issue. If youre new to the series or are looking forward to the movie, this will give you a great idea what you need to know about everyone. Venom is joining the team and Nick Bradshaw does a great job illustrating him and the other members of the team. This lets us know why and how he comes on board and sets things up for the regular series. The story did feel short but we also get previews for Jim Starlins THANOS graphic novel and the upcoming SPIDER-VERSE. This is a pretty cool FREE comic.

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FCBD 2014: Project Black Sky #1

May 3, 2014

If you've read CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT or BRAIN BOY, you're gonna dig this book. Seeing these two characters forced to team up is handled perfectly. They're from different time periods and have different outlooks on things. Fred Van Lente does a superb job on the dialogue and bickering between the two. When the action kicks in, you'll be in awe over Michael Broussard's art. They have to fight a giant enhanced gorilla! What more could you ask for? Newer readers will be able to dive into this issue and should get a good taste of what they've been missing. Dark Horse does a great job in showing what their Project Black Sky line of books are about.

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Fear Itself #7.1

Nov 2, 2011

This comic made me happy in so many ways. I didn't think I would care too much for the 'point one' issues of FEAR ITSELF. I was satisfied with the ending and we already had a bunch of 'epilogues' in the final issue. With the creative team of Ed Brubaker, Butch Guice and Bettie Breitweiser, there's no reason to pass this by. Brubaker deserves to be the one to deal with Bucky after his death and it was great to final see it dealt with. Regardless if you liked or didn't like FEAR ITSELF, fans of Captain America and Bucky absolutely must read this issue. With the end of Bucky's story and the new storyline coming up, do yourself a favor and read this before anyone can spoil any of what goes on here. There were a couple moments that should have had me shaking my head but they are far too easy to overlook due to the end results. Bravo to all involved.

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FF #1

Nov 26, 2012

The Marvel NOW! titles are continuing to deliver fun and excitement with each new series. As a fan of Matt Fraction and Mike Allred, pairing the two together is a wonderful treat. There is an odd choice in the four core members but there shouldn't be any doubt that Fraction has a reason for selecting them. Fraction sprinkles in the humor he's know for bringing to the table and Allred's art (with Laura Allred's amazing colors) brings adds another level of life to the characters. For an issue full of set up and introductions, it was still a blast. If you want fun and enjoyment in a comic book, there's this is a series you need to check out.

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FF #12

Nov 29, 2011

Hickman's writing gives you the feeling that he has a massive plan in the works and it's more than enough to keep you hooked. Who needs the Fantastic Four adults when you have all these wacky characters along with Doctor Doom and Nathaniel Richards?

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FF (2012) #1

Nov 26, 2012

The Marvel NOW! titles are continuing to deliver fun and excitement with each new series. As a fan of Matt Fraction and Mike Allred, pairing the two together is a wonderful treat. There is an odd choice in the four core members but there shouldn't be any doubt that Fraction has a reason for selecting them. Fraction sprinkles in the humor he's know for bringing to the table and Allred's art (with Laura Allred's amazing colors) brings adds another level of life to the characters. For an issue full of set up and introductions, it was still a blast. If you want fun and enjoyment in a comic book, there's this is a series you need to check out.

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FF (2012) #4

Feb 27, 2013

Matt Fraction, Mike Allred and Laura Allred make this series a breath of fresh air. Even though the story may not be crammed with intense superhero action, there is non-stop storytelling going on. Fraction is handling a large cast of characters with ease and the Allreds on art and color give life to Fraction's script. FF is a comic that will warm your heart. Often we get the same formulaic stories in mainstream comics but Fraction is able to juggle humor and action in his stories and reminds you why reading comics should be fun and entertaining.

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FF (2012) #6

Apr 24, 2013

This was another great issue from Matt Fraction. There was a strange feeling as if something was missing. The absence of Mike Allred's art may have played a tiny part in it but that wasn't quite it. Fraction does a great job juggling the numerous characters in this title but perhaps we're starting to see a hint of there being too many story plots happening. We do see some great development with some characters but a few others that were absent. Based on the events from last issue it felt a little odd not seeing an actual continuation of their parts. Joe Quinones does capture the feel of the title that Allred has bestowed upon us and the colors by Laura Allred further allows this feeling. This book is a combination of fun and energy yet Fraction lays in some serious elements without bringing you down. You can always expect laughs and entertainment when it comes to reading FF.

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FF (2012) #8

Jun 26, 2013

Action, suspense, humor and a bunch of doom and gloom makes this one of my favorite series to read. Matt Fraction and Mike Allred have created a comic that has just about everything you could want in a comic. You never know what's coming up next. Just when you find yourself in the middle of a fit of laughter, you see the dark elements crawling beneath the surface. There may be a light-hearted feel to this book and all the characters but there is clearly some dark tidings coming along. This is the kind of comic I love to read. It has a great story and great art enhanced with so much variation throughout. More comics need to bring the entertainment, laughs and suspense like this series does.

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FF (2012) #10

Jul 31, 2013

I am in love with this series. It has just about everything you could want. Matt Fraction richly blends humor, drama, action and suspense while discretely sprinkling a dark aspect to the book. Mike and Laura Allred's art and color are a sight to be seen. Each page and panel is so vibrant and full of life. You can't help but smile as you read the story. Each issue contains an unpredictable nature but it never feels forced. We're not seeing wacky and zany elements thrown in just to be goofy. It all just works in a grand fashion. Every time I read an issue with Fraction and the Allreds, I feel compelled to stand up and clap my hands.

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FF (2012) #11

Aug 28, 2013

There's a reason this series is always at the top of my list of favorites month after month. Actually, there's a few of them and they include Matt Fraction, Mike Allred and Laura Allred. From the writing to the art to the wacky characters and situations, you never know what to expect here except for fun times. This book feels like it's allowed to do things that a Marvel Comic shouldn't be able to do. It's full of wit, sarcasm, action and adventure and manages to stand out from the typical comic. It's not just about being funny as there are often heavier aspects sneaking their way throughout the story. FF is a series that delivers. Who would have thought reading comics could be so much fun?

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FF (2012) #12

Sep 25, 2013

Who would have thought reading a superhero comic could be so much fun? While this is a serious book with Scott Lang trying to deal with the death of his daughter and his hatred for Doom, there are still so many opportunities for humor to jump out at you. With Lee Allred taking over from Matt Fraction's notes, he clearly makes a great addition to the team of Mike and Laura Allred. I can't get enough of this book. There are so many characters in this title yet they all get just the right amount of "screen time" to make you appreciate each and every one of them. We need more comics like FF.

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FF (2012) #13

Oct 23, 2013

FF continues to be the wackiest and most compelling comic series on the stands. Lee Allred seems to have taken over the series from Matt Fraction with ease and Mike Allred's art with Laura Allred's colors makes this a joy to look at. There is a wide range of emotion and feeling as we witness Doom's evil and murderous ways along side the fun and goofy scenes involving the Future Foundation children. Things may be taking a slight turn as the story continues to unfold. There's no telling what's coming next but you can bet it's going to be a blast.

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FF (2012) #14

Nov 27, 2013

This issue has almost everything you could want. There's robots, cloning, moral lessons, nude bathing, humor and Doctor Doom. The only thing it's missing is high octane action but everything else makes up for it. Reading this issue is a crazy level of fun and sadness as we face the few remaining issues in the series. This is and will remain one of my favorite all time series. There's so much to enjoy and the story is heating up bigger than a disco inferno.

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FF (2012) #15

Dec 18, 2013

Doctor Doom is such a wonderful villain. FF continues to be a highly entertaining and humorous book while being filled with the vile nature of Doom preparing to do his worst. Lee Allred sets everything up and Mike and Laura Allred knock it out of the park. This is a comic I want to read over and over. The end is near and it looks like the series is going to end with a bang.

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FF (2012) #16

Jan 22, 2014

All good things, etc, etc. We've been trying to prepare for the end of this series. What makes it easier to handle is the fact that it's such an amazing and fun issue. I can't remember feeling this much joy in reading a comic before. Everyone involved has given us such a mix of comedy and extremely dark themes and turned it all into something wonderful. I will truly miss this series and all the characters within. Sure they'll likely pop up elsewhere but it won't be the same. I wish I could personally thank everyone involved for such a fun series. Bravo everyone. Thanks for sixteen truly fantastic issues.

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Fight Club 2 #1

May 27, 2015

The fact that we have a comic book sequel to Fight Club feels incredibly surreal. Before it was announced, I had no desire to see one happen and thought it wouldn't work or be necessary. With Chuck Palahniuk continuing the story of the characters he created along with Cameron Stewart's art, you'll soon realize just how badly you do want to see this sequel happen. Seeing where the story picks up after all these years and with the visual freedom Stewart takes full advantage of, we get an amazing piece of work. If you've never seen the movie or read the book (shame on you), do so immediately. You do not want to miss out on this.

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Flash (2011) #0

Sep 26, 2012

If you've been wondering what Barry Allen's early days were like, this is where we get some answers. There is still a lot to learn about the New 52 Universe but we're getting a clearer picture on who Barry Allen is compared to what we've seen in the pre-New 52. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato seamlessly pull double duty on the writing and art (and color). Not only is this a great look at Barry's early days and childhood but it's simply a beautiful comic as well. Seeing the way they present their stories is like being spoiled. It looks amazing and you can't get enough of the story or art.

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Flash (2011) #1

Sep 28, 2011

DC's 'The New 52' books are meant to be fun and exciting while re-introducing characters to new and old readers. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have succeeded in that objective. Barry Allen is still the same character except some tiny changes have been made. Some of his past continuity may have been wiped out but the energy put in here more than makes up for it. Manapul and Buccellato do a great job making this a beautiful comic. The colors and effects used when Flash is in action is something you'll want to show to even your non-comic reading friends. You'll want to look over this issue again and again. With a new villain and possible new direction in his personal life adds to the excitement of this new series. Don't let this issue race past you to a sell out.

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Flash (2011) #2

Oct 26, 2011

This is what the Flash should be about. We have fast paced action, great visuals, progression in the story, revelations about the villain, new development in Flash's power, hints towards past relationships and a doosey of a cliffhanger. Like many readers, I would love to know where Wally West is in 'The New 52' but Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato are convincing us that Barry Allen is more than just the legend of the greatest Flash. They are convincing us what makes him such a great character.

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Flash (2011) #3

Nov 23, 2011

THE FLASH has a great story, great art and great colors (it's unfortunately not every comic you actual notice the colors). We're seeing Barry Allen develop into the great hero we know he's fated to be. There is an overall feel of fun, action and excitement that makes the fourth week of the month a great time to read comics. Knowing that this issue is coming out has given me something to look forward to each month. No pun intended, but the issues sometimes feel they go by quickly. It could be that you're left on the edge of your seat and wanting more. This isn't to say that the issue is lacking or failing to deliver the story. It's more that you do want to see what happens next. There is a big cliffhanger here. Repercussions from previous issues are addressed. New plot threads are being weaved for future issues. It's a great time to be reading THE FLASH.

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Flash (2011) #4

Dec 28, 2011

No doubt about it, Flash is one of the best looking comics around. Francis Manapul's art and layouts combined with Brian Buccellato's colors are breathtaking. We've seen some attempts by creators taking on the art and writing but there can be a slight distraction as they try to take on both duties. That isn't the case with Manapul and Buccellato. They appear to have a very firm grasp on writing the story and presenting it in a kick-ass way. We get a lot of action along with some flashback information and little updates on the supporting characters. What we don't get a lot of is Barry Allen. It's understandable as he was shot last issue in the head, while attempting to get a handle on his new power. This is really a time I long for the days of half stars in our ratings. I would have easily added this another half star to the score. The story is building up and it looks as if the next issue will bring the story to an explosive conclusion.

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Flash (2011) #5

Jan 25, 2012

THE FLASH continues to be a beautiful and fun read. We're getting to know Barry Allen once again. He's getting new abilities but doesn't have the time to fully explore them due to constantly trying to save lives. We're seeing there is a lot more to the Speed Force than we saw before and Barry has some major decisions and obstacles to overcome. Because many of the "New 52" books have a separate feel in order to allow each to flourish and develop on its own, you also get a sense of isolation from the rest of the DCU. Flash is a part of the Justice League and has appeared in CAPTAIN ATOM and THE DARK KNIGHT but it doesn't feel like this Flash is the same. Manapul and Buccellato's art and colors is so good to look at, it almost makes you cry. You'll find yourself pausing and taking in all the detail on each page and in the backgrounds. There's a lot happening here and the stage is being set for the next arc in big ways.

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Flash (2011) #6

Feb 22, 2012

We had a great first arc and new set of villains with Mob Rule. We have an idea where Barry is in this new established world. Now we can see the return of a familiar foe. Captain Cold is back but it's not quite the same Captain Cold we knew before. Besides the tweak in his powers, he has a reason to really want revenge against Flash. Manapul and Buccellato continue to amaze us with their storytelling and gorgeous art and colors. There is an interesting flow in terms of the way the time goes by in this issue. It was a good way to mix up the story telling but I found it to be a little distracting and that it interrupted the flow. With all the big action, cliffhanger and gorgeous art and colors, there's no way you'd want to miss out on this issue.

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Flash (2011) #7

Mar 28, 2012

I'm not exactly sure where the next issue is going to take us (and Barry) but I absolutely cannot wait to find out. Manapul and Buccellato are giving us a helluva ride.

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Flash (2011) #8

Apr 25, 2012

I had a blast reading through this issue and taking in all the art. It's refreshing to be able to read comics that is simply enjoyable. That isn't to say this issue is all about happiness. There is some dire situations and even some violence and death. And the last page should bring a smile on your face because of the way it was handled and what it means for the next issue.

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Flash (2011) #9

May 23, 2012

You may be buying the book to see Barry Allen as Flash but you'll find yourself getting hooked on the activities of the other characters as well. It did feel as if Barry's priorities could be called into question a little but this can be overlooked due to all the excitement and visuals provided in the comic. THE FLASH manages to pull me away from the rest of the comics in my stack each month. The characters may be part of the larger DCU but you'll find when reading that this comic is all you want to think about.

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Flash (2011) #10

Jun 27, 2012

Flash is on a mission to save his girlfriend. After failing to save Iris West and others, it looks like Barry may have decided where his heart lies. This issue has a different feel to it, in part by Marcus To's art instead of Francis Manapul's. But besides that, we have a pretty violent opening scene and Weather Wizard has a darker touch to him. The story felt like it had a rapid finish which could have been nicer to see fleshed out a little more. We'll have to see what next issue brings along with whether or not Barry will try to do something to save the others that were lost in the Speed Force.

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Flash (2011) #11

Jul 25, 2012

Last issue felt like a hiccup. Now we're getting back on track. Barry is exploring his new status as 'deceased' and it's going to be interesting to see where it takes him along with the new opportunities available. We do get an interesting look at how Captain Cold sees himself compared to how society has changed. We're getting some deep layers here courtesy of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Marcus To's art has a better feel here compared to last issue. The action may have been a tid less than I would have wanted but you can see where this is headed and it's looking pretty good from here.

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Flash (2011) #12

Aug 22, 2012

If anyone has been itching for more action in the pages of THE FLASH, look no further because there is plenty to be seen here. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato look like they went into overtime to deliver this spectacle of a comic book. Having the combination of their art and colors absent from the last couple issues really made you long for their absence. With all the craziness and action here, it almost feels like too much was crammed into one issue. There was plenty of action before but it almost feels like a decision was made to either hold back the action before or crank it up here. Either way, there is plenty to keep Flash busy and Manapul and Buccellato continue to make it a great time to be reading THE FLASH.

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Flash (2011) #13

Oct 24, 2012

If you've been waiting for complete and utter FLASH action, this is where you'll find it. Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul crank up the action and adventure by taking all the Rogues and a bunch of Gorilla Grodd's soldiers and shaking them together. There is plenty of action, flashbacks, suspense and teases and the gorgeous art and colors by the creative duo. It would be shocking to not find this issue enjoyable.

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Flash (2011) #14

Nov 28, 2012

THE FLASH is definitely one of my favorite New 52 titles. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato deliver a great story with plenty of action and it's all wrapped up in superb visuals and layouts and beautiful colors. Regardless of how you feel about talking gorillas attacking a city, you're going to dig the story here and how amazing it all looks. Manapul and Buccellato outdo themselves here. The story continues to move forward, we get a tie in to past events and even updates on some of the supporting characters. Each issue of THE FLASH is an amazing and beautiful trip.

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Flash (2011) #15

Jan 2, 2013

Things are changing for the Flash. Gorilla Grodd's attack is taking its toll on him and the city. There are big things happening here for Flash and others. You almost have to look carefully to see seeds being planted by Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul. We have some great visuals from both Marcus To and Manapul and Buccellato. Unfortunately whenever single issues have art by more than one artist, there is an almost awkward feel to the story. Manapul experiments some more with his layouts and delivers a gorgeous look at what could be happening in the coming issues. Month after month, we are reminded why THE FLASH is such a great comic.

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Flash (2011) #16

Jan 30, 2013

Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have given us another great issue of THE FLASH. We get to see more on the past between Barry and Iris. With his vision from last issue, Barry's trying to figure out what to do against Gorilla Grodd and his invading army. Seeing the Rogues and the different flashbacks along with the gorgeous art and colors makes this a great comic to read and enjoy. There were so many moments in this that got me excited and long for the next issue. THE FLASH isn't just about a guy that runs around fast. There are many layers and Manapul and Buccellato clearly know what the readers want to see.

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Flash (2011) #17

Feb 27, 2013

Barry's battle against Gorrilla Grodd is over and he might have a tiny moment to catch his breath. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato bring the story to a conclusion and treat us with their glorious art and colors. While the story was moving along, there is a small sense that it all abruptly ends here. There is plenty of resolution for the different characters as well as the set up for what's next for them. We also get a big cliffhanger at the end as we see a big problem for the Flash develop.

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Flash (2011) #18

Mar 27, 2013

THE FLASH is a great and fun title in the New 52. Brian Buccellato continues to develop the character and it's great seeing the twists developments from the last arc are adding to his life. We get to see Barry as the Flash and in his civilian guise. Marcio Takara fills in on the art and it's good. It's very good. Seeing his art is just a reminder we need him on a monthly book again. Despite his connection to the Justice League, it's great seeing this title manage to stand separate and guide its own way in the DC Universe.

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Flash (2011) #19

Apr 24, 2013

Get ready to see Barry Allen like you've never seen him before. Brian Buccellato concludes his two-issue solo arc and it's a doosey. With Barry losing his powers last issue, it's a whole new game and the story takes a great and different direction. Marcio Takara fills in nicely for Manapul and this issue just shows that he needs to be put on another ongoing title ASAP. We're on the verge of a new arc for the Flash and get quite the introduction in the final pages. THE FLASH is continuing to pick up speed so you'll want to be sure to keep up with it so you don't miss out on the craziness that's about to be unleashed.

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Flash (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

Who is the Reverse Flash? What the heck does he want and why is he killing those touched by the Speed Force? That's the big question and you'll be glued to the pages as you try to figure out what he's all about. Buccellato and Manapul are back together after two issues and seeing the art, colors and writing reminds you why this is such a refreshing series. There is plenty that happens here but it feels a tiny bit short on action as it sets up the beginning of a new arc in a big way. With the new character and the tease at the end of this issue, it's going to be a long wait until next month's issue.

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Flash (2011) #21

Jun 26, 2013

The Flash vs Kid Flash. Who is faster? What sort of encounter will the two have. If you're a fan of either character, pre- or post-New 52, you won't want to miss this issue. Too much about Bart is still unknown and you'll find yourself hanging onto every word and panel with the two. Brian Buccellato and Francis Manapul's story with the Speed Force killer continues to be a problem and their art and color gives the book such a great look. The biggest problem with this issue is it feels too short. Or it felt like the story went by too fast. That might seem fitting for a book starring a speedster. Perhaps it's simply a longing for more action and story with the Flash.

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Flash (2011) #22

Jul 24, 2013

How often can you say you've read a fascinating story complete with beautiful art? Manapul and Buccellato are a killer team handling both the story, art and colors. You'll want the issue to keep going and will likely find yourself going back to look over everything once you finish. The Flash is determined to stop the Speed Force Killer but it might not be as easy as he thought. You'll be kept in suspense as you turn each page. With a great story and gorgeous art, this is how comic books should be made.

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Flash (2011) #23

Aug 28, 2013

There's nothing like a good mystery full of high octane action. Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have cranked things up in this Reverse-Flash story. We've been wondering who the heck this character is and when we find out, it's in a shocking manner. There are still more questions to find out. Thankfully we only have to wait two weeks for THE FLASH 23.2, focusing on Reverse-Flash. Manapul and Buccellato know how to deliver a great comic. We get a great and compelling story accompanied by stellar art and colors. It's almost like they're trying to spoil us.

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Flash (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Note: I thought the 3D version of this issue was pretty groovy. You gotta love that Manapul art.

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Flash (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

All good things must come to an end. Not only is this the end of the story arc but pretty much the end of Buccellato and Manapul's run on the series. We will see them back in the next issue but this is pretty much their farewell. We get some gorgeous art and colors and it's cool to see the aftermath with the characters dealing with everything. The battle itself between Barry and Reverse Flash felt a little rushed. Manapul and Buccellato do set up Barry's next mission and hopefully we'll see it addressed in future issues.

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Flash (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

This issue marks the end of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato's run on the series. We get an interesting look at Barry before he obtained his powers but it does feel a little weird having a look back to Barry's past be their final issue. The art has it's highs and lows but Manapul delivers on the final pages and we get Buccellato's colors throughout the issue. This may be the end for the two but it also gave us an interesting look at Barry's beginnings.

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Flash (2011) #26

Dec 31, 2013

What can the Flash do when a villain gets away and takes to the skies? Christos Gage puts Barry Allen in a situation we don't often see where running fast isn't always the answer. Gage and Neil Googe give us a self-contained story that can be enjoyed without needing to worry about any previous baggage from any New 52 stories. Unfortunately, at the same time, it feels like if you skipped this issue, you wouldn't miss any major developments in Barry Allen's life. Not all issues need to be huge game-changers and Gage shows us there isn't a case or battle too small for the Flash as a hero.

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Flash (2011) #27

Jan 29, 2014

Even though it's Brian Buccellto back writing, this story doesn't feel like your typical FLASH story. Buccellato is warming up for DETECTIVE COMICS as we see more from the police investigatory angle. Barry has a more serious feel to him as he's determined to figure out what's going on. Patrick Zircher's art is really good here. Along with Matt Hollingsworths colors, there's almost an older, classic feel to the story. Seeing Barry trying to investigate what's going on and being a little more serious sets the story apart from the recent issues, even though we've seen him up against some deadly foes. With the story hitting closer to home in a more credible fashion, this is not a story to pass on. We should be thankful that Buccellato still has more Flash stories in him. This arc is off to a fascinating beginning.

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Flash (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

The Flash is back after the events of FOREVER EVIL. New writers Robert Venditti and Van Jensen show the after effects of a city being overrun during a big comic book event. Things slow down a little to allow us to see more of who Barry Allen is while at the same time, Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund get plenty of high speed Flash scenes to draw. There are some subtle new developments that readers should pay close attention to. The big and overshadowing one will be the introduction of a long missing and familiar character into the New 52. Aside from the obvious change, we have a pretty crazy mystery on our hands that will definitely make you want to come back for more. As clich as it may sound, run out to your local comic shop and pick this issue up.

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Flash (2011) #31

May 28, 2014

Venditti and Jensen are cranking up the action for the Flash and Barry Allen. It's great to continue to see the story develop for both aspects of his life. The story is building as we see more on the murders after Forever Evil as well as more of the 'new' Wally West. I'm always happy to see Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund's art. Andrew Dalhouse's colors makes the art look even better. I'm ready for Wally to lose all his angst but it's just a matter of letting the story develop. Seeing more of the future Flash is interesting and there's no telling where this is going to go. With the way things are building, you won't want to fall behind on this series.

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Flash (2011) #32

Jun 25, 2014

Robert Venditti and Van Jensen are continuing to shake things up for the Flash. We're getting to see more of the future Flash and his cool look but it also means things aren't looking too great for Barry's future. Seeing more from the future along with the develops in the present gives a nice balance and feels like we're getting two stories at once. Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund easily juggle the two different eras and it's always interesting to see what's coming next. All of this plus more on Wally West.

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Flash (2011) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2012

Getting two issues of THE FLASH this month has been a treat. This annual continues the story of the newly reformed Rogues against Flash. This isn't the same Rogues Flash has faced before as their powers have been augmented and we finally get to discover how this came to be. The explanation adds a new layer to the series and it's going to be spectacular when Barry finds out what happened. Francis Manapul does the breakdowns on the entire issue but there are five other (talented) artists that do the pencils and inks. This makes the comic feel a little disjointed but you can feel Manapul's design influence on the issue. This issue is important for readers of the regular series and we get a pretty big set up for the events after next month's 'zero' issue. If you're digging Manapul and Buccellato's THE FLASH, there is no questioning whether or not you need to read this annual.

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Flash (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

There's still so much in the New 52 that we don't know. Seeing a flashback that touches upon the first meeting between Barry Allen and Hal Jordan was a welcomed treat. Brian Buccellato shows he fully gets the characters and does a superb job crafting the dialogue and banter between the two. This story makes me want to see a Buccellato written Flash/Green Lantern team-up book. The characters are so different yet work so well together. Sami Basri's art is great and seeing Cully Hamner's take on the Flash was enjoyable as well. THE FLASH ANNUAL is a comic everyone can enjoy. You can dive right in and get a good comic reading experience. This is exactly what a comic book annual should deliver.

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Flash (2011) Annual #3

Apr 30, 2014

There are some changes coming to Flash's world. With the New 52 introduction of Wally West, we are starting to see the beginning of the next chapter for Barry Allen. With a glimpse into the future, we know things get bad but it'll be up to Future Flash to try to fix things. Robert Venditti and Van Jensen are laying out the groundwork for some crazy things. The art is split between Brett Booth and Ron Frenz. The contrast between the two art styles is a little jarring but it does separate the feel of the two time periods. Fans should be patient as we find out who Wally West will be in the New 52. This is the opportunity to tell new stories instead of repeating past ones.

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Flash Gordon #1

Apr 9, 2014

Flash Gordon is here once again and the adventures are just beginning. With Jeff Parker at the helm, we get a great sense of who the characters are with a nice mix of the classic feel combined with a modern take. Your socks will probably get knocked off when you see Evan Shaners art and Jordie Bellaires colors. Its a safe assumption that a Flash Gordon story written by Parker will be fascinating but the art and color will make sure youre glued to the book.

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Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #1

Nov 30, 2011

Do you know who Flash Gordon is? Whether you're familiar with the character and property or don't know a thing about him, this comic will give you all that you need to get hooked. With a feeling of a grand adventure set in the 1930s, this is what a Flash Gordon story should be like. Eric Trautmann does a great job setting everything up for new and old readers and Daniel Indro's art is something that should be seen by everyone. It's great having a comic you can jump into and not have to worry about loads of other titles having ties to the story. In a sense, it's a great escape. With the first issue at a dollar, it's the perfect opportunity to try something different. Dynamite has done it again with this revival of an old familiar franchise. I can't wait to read more.

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Flashpoint #3

Jul 6, 2011

An action packed issue marking the halfway point of Flashpoint. This issue has some crazy moments, some kick-ass scenes and even a moment of sadness. Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert continue this amazing ride as we see the events of this different version of the DC Universe unfold. Everything is beginning to make sense and all the pieces are falling into place. I had some suspicions before and it's great to get some confirmations (or denials). Readers shouldn't pass on this series in the plans of just picking up DC comics in September with the relaunch titles. There is a lot going on here and some great and fun storytelling.

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Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons #2

Jul 20, 2011

Whether this should be considered an Elseworlds story or if there could be any impact with September's relaunched Nightwing series, there's something about seeing Dick Grayson back at Haley's Circus with his parents. Obviously this isn't just a series about Haley's Circus. With the Amazons on a mission and attacking, the action will heat up. How Dick Grayson will react and survive (if he's able to) in this world without being trained his whole life by Batman is what adds to the suspense of the series. Based on information Nightwing writer Kyle Higgins has revealed and events in Flashpoint #3, I can't help but suspect that there's a chance some elements of this series will carry over after Flashpoint ends. The surprise appearance by another character in this issue ensures that things will get very interesting in the final issue next month.

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Flashpoint: Reverse-Flash #1

Jun 22, 2011

You know that Reverse Flash hates Flash but we never got to fully see things from his perspective. Books focusing on the villain are rare and it's always a great change of pace getting a taste of what is happening on the other side of hero/villain battles. Scott Kolins, being familiar with the world of Flash does a great job portraying the hatred and showing us the extent of Eobard Thawne's plan and how long it's been in motion. Joel Gomez art fits nicely with Thawne's dark nature and Brian Buccellato's colors on top gives it a feel reminiscent of Francis Manapul's art in The Flash. We still don't know what the exact cause of Flashpoint and it's unclear if we'll find out in this series or the Flashpoint mini. Either way, seeing what goes on in Reverse Flash's mind is definitely worth seeing.

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 4, 2013

If you're looking for a big comic book event that is actually going to have things happen, this is one you'll want to check out. Geoff Johns has set out to shake things up and he does full force. If you thought the DCU was safe since we're only three years into the New 52, think again. With one character in particular, we see Johns is not afraid to tear down their status quo. There will be repercussions. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out from here. The story is set in the near future so there may be some slight confusion, especially in how this will relate to the regular series, all of which are taking a sort of break this month with the Villains Month issues. David Finch masterfully captures all the characters required to appear here. There is plenty of action and destruction. Geoff Johns and David Finch mean serious business here. You won't want to miss this.

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Forever Evil #2

Oct 2, 2013

By the time this issue ends, you should have all the reason you need to make sure you do not miss the next issue.

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Forever Evil #3

Nov 6, 2013

Things were looking bad in the New 52 with the Crime Syndicate proclaiming their rule after defeating the Justice League. This issue shows there is still hope as some unlikely candidates will be stepping forward to try to save the day. Geoff Johns gives us more answers and sets the stage for the next part as we find out what happened and who will be playing a bigger role in upcoming issues. David Finch's art nicely captures the essence of the story and Sonia Oback's colors compliments it to create the perfect tone. This is an event where you'll want to follow some of the tie in issues to get the full story. But with so much potential action and suspense, you won't want to miss what happens.

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Forever Evil #4

Dec 24, 2013

The momentum in FOREVER EVIL is building to an explosive level. Geoff Johns is taking the idea of villains 'winning' to another level. We have different levels to sit back and watch as Batman (obviously) survived against the Crime Syndicate and Lex Luthor is becoming more and more of a star. David Finch captures each explosive moment in the comic with ease. There's a great variety in the story and you will want to take the time to see each scene play out. FOREVER EVIL is simply getting better and better.

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Forever Evil #5

Feb 5, 2014

If you're looking for some good old fashioned superhero fighting, well, you're actually not going to find a lot of that here. What we have is actually better. Villains fighting villains! Lex Luthor has gathered an odd group of villains opposing the Crime Syndicate and we get some pretty cool fight scenes. With the series fast approaching the end, it almost feels like we might get an abrupt ending but it should be a pretty explosive one.

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Forever Evil #6

Mar 5, 2014

There's no denying that this series is changing the face of the New 52 Universe. We know Lex has a big future ahead of him, at least for a little bit, and the Bat Universe will feel some affects as well. Geoff Johns cranks up the action and you can feel it all bubbling towards the final issue as David Finch draws fight scene after fight scene. There's still no telling what will happen next but it's a safe bet you're not going to want to miss it.

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Foster #1

Jan 4, 2012

I was sucked in from the first page. The story is grounded in reality with twists and pop out of the shadows in your nightmares. You'll be immediately hooked and eager for the next issue. It's important to take a chance and check out comics that don't rely on characters that have been established for decades. FOSTER is a fresh story with the possibility that anything can happen. Buccellato doesn't try pull anything over on the readers and is straight forward with his storytelling. The world created here is ripe with potential and finding out how Eddie Foster fits in is going to be part of the fun. Tuazon's gritty style fits perfectly with the story and the final pages is just the beginning of the story.

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Foster #2

Feb 22, 2012

Things are changing in Vintage City. Eddie Forster is not your typical hero. He doesn't want to be one. It just happens that there is some good in him and he is compelled to do the right thing. Buccellato and Tuazon's story is meant to exist in a timeless city and they are succeeding in making that happen. With many of today's comics, it's hard to simply jump into a story without needing to worry about what might have or might not have happened before. FOSTER is a new world and we all get to discover its secrets at the same time. The stage is being set up for a big war between the Dwellers and humans. Eddie is going to be caught in the middle, if he can get out of the trouble he keeps getting himself into. You'll want to see what happens next as it's not looking too good for our hero.

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Freelancers #1

Nov 7, 2012

It sounded like a crazy idea but Ian Brill shows that it can work. There is something this other side of L.A. you wouldn't think exists. Kung Fu orphaned bounty hunters going on different missions definitely has a fun appeal. We get to see a glimpse into the past of the two leading ladies. It's not often we get strong female leads without having a ton of sex appeal shoved in our faces. This title has just the right amount to attract all readers with the clear potential for a fun and entertaining series. It's always refreshing to read a new series that surprises you in a good way. We're off to a good start and now we need to wait to see what happens next.

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Fury MAX (2012) #1

May 2, 2012

For those concerned over the end of PUNISHER MAX, we now have another MAX title on the store shelves. Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov join forces again to bring us a harder look at Nick Fury's past. This issue does go along with the atmosphere of what we would expect but it felt as if the crazy Nick Fury action we might've hoped for has been held back a little. The stage has been set. Nick may have spent some time brooding a little here but from the end, it looks like the action will definitely pick up next issue. If you need something a little edgier in the Marvel Universe, this is the book you'll want to check out.

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Fury: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1

Sep 23, 2015

Teaming up Nick Fury and Nick Fury Jr is currently a sort of tricky thing to do. David Walker has no problem setting it all up and making it happen in a brilliant fashion. Seeing the various characters in their roles and having the two Nick's team up is a blast. Lee Ferguson's art and Jason Keith's colors make the great story and action fun and exciting. There are a couple elements that could cause the story to feel dated in a little while. Being a one-shot also means the story has to pretty much be resolved by the end and makes it feel a little constrained. Walker does nicely balance the comic book action with some serious elements from society. If you want some great Nick Fury and Nick Fury Jr action, don't miss out on this. Can we get even more S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary stories?

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Future Quest #1

May 18, 2016

Future Quest is a book for everyone. It doesn't matter if you grew up with the various Hanna-Barbera characters or are seeing them here for the first time. We're given a grandiose story that hits all the right marks. We have an incredible creative team and the book is offering everything I could have asked for. I don't just want to read the next issue, I need to read it. The fact that this series now exists makes me extremely happy.

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Generation Hope #13

Nov 16, 2011

I should point out that GENERATION HOPE has always been a tough book for me. My main problem is I never really cared for any of the characters. I followed the series every few issues and decided it was time to come back with the beginning of Regenesis. James Asmus is off to a great start. He establishes who the team is along with their attitudes towards others. Some of the characters can be annoying but that's because of their personalities. Tension in team books usually moves the story along. We have some interesting additions to the team and their mission towards the end doesn't turn out quite like they'd expect. Asmus managed to get me hooked. I will be back next issue to see what the fate of the team is.

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Godzilla (2012) #1

May 14, 2014

These things are insignificant. People aren't going to a Godzilla movie for the human actors or the detail to the cities that get ravaged. It's all about Godzilla, monster fights, and detailed destruction. That is what you'll get here. There is a story. There is a reason for the destruction. It's not just a shiny glossy movie with giant action scenes. It's a Godzilla movie, pretty much exactly like you want to see. And if hearing Godzilla's first big roar doesn't bring a big old smile to your face, then it's time for you to get to know the true glory of Godzilla.

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Godzilla: Awakening (2014) OGN

May 7, 2014

As with Pacific Rim, Legendary Comics has released a hardcover prequel for Godzilla to get fans even more excited for the upcoming movie. Often movie tie-in comics fall flat but the story here does provide some interesting tidbits about how Godzilla will be interpreted in the movie. We get some cool moments in the comic but with multiple artists, some parts felt a little rushed and hard to follow. Fans of Godzilla and the upcoming movie should consider checking this out. Others could likely get by waiting.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #2

Nov 5, 2014

GOTHAM ACADEMY is quickly moving up the ranks to becoming one of my favorite titles. Brand new series with an entirely new cast of characters can be tricky to pull off, especially with so many other titles on sale. Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher are giving us a new series with a lot of charm. You can't help but be interested in the plight and unknown backstory of the main character. Karl Kerschl's art and colors by Geyser and Dave McCaig make this visually different from the other DC books and it's a nice change of pace. Check the book out if you're looking for something different instead of the same old formula we've seen too many times.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #3

Dec 3, 2014

Were getting some answers and mini-bits of closure with the characters as the story moves forward. This series continues to stand out from other books. We're still getting to know these normal characters and the more you see, the more concerned you become for their safety. There's still a lot we don't know and with this being the third issue, that could be a problem for some. Some answers are starting to come out and you'll find yourself hanging on to see what happens next. The art and color are really bringing the characters and story to life. This series is offering something different in the DC Universe and that's a good thing. Don't miss out on this series.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #5

Mar 25, 2015

GOTHAM ACADEMY has reached the conclusion of the first arc and it's been a great ride. We've learned some of the secrets of the school and Olive Silverlock. This series is like a beacon shining in the Bat-Universe titles, giving us a great different set of characters and stories while still retaining a bit of a connection to Batman. GOTHAM ACADEMY remains at the top of my list of books I truly enjoy each month. It's going to be a long wait until June for the next issue.

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Grayson #1

Jul 9, 2014

Dick Grayson has evolved once again into a different guise in the DC Universe. No longer a superhero, he has now entered the world of espionage as he tries to infiltrate a spy organization. The big question is whether or not this change is necessary. Tim Seeley and Tom King set things up to arouse our curiosity and shows that this could be an exciting time for the character. Mikel Janin's art and Jeromy Cox's colors make this look really good. Dick Grayson as a spy might be a crazy idea but it could just be crazy enough to work. Dick Grayson fans will want to see where the character is going.

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Grayson #10

Jul 22, 2015

I do admire how far GRAYSON has come since we first saw Dick make the move to becoming a secret agent. Seeley and King are pouring in the spy drama and intrigue that keeps us on the edge of our seats. Janin and Cox's art and colors are gorgeous and fit the book nicely. I'm still waiting for a certain female to appear again but I'm completely enjoying each issue as they come. Who wouldve thought the former Robin would be allowed to come so far? If youve been holding onto the notion that Dick needs to be a costumed superhero, you need to see just how much he's changed and grown as a character in this series alone. I can't wait to see what'll happen next.

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Grayson #12

Sep 23, 2015

Grayson is returning to Gotham City. That doesn't mean you can predict what's going to happen within these pages. Many feel Dick Grayson should be Nightwing but Tim Seeley and Tom King's story of Dick infiltrating Spyral has been fast-paced and exciting. With Dick returning to Gotham, there's a complete feeling of not knowing what's going on or coming up and that makes things even better. There are many moments you've been waiting for in this issue and we won't even hint at what happens but it's all pretty dang glorious. And then there's the explosive ending as well. GRAYSON remains one of DC's best comics. If you're not reading GRAYSON, fix that error ASAP.

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Green Arrow (2011) #4

Dec 7, 2011

After four months and now Keith Giffen taking over the writing duties, I'm still not sold on this take for Green Arrow. The idea of Oliver having Q-Core to give him some tech to fight crime has potential but the times where he's sitting around in his office avoiding his responsibilities gives him too much of a slacker feel. There are some good fights here along with the mystery of the Street Knights actually has me a little curious as to who is behind them. I can't say I'm completely sold on Green Arrow yet but I'm starting to get used to this new direction.

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Green Arrow (2011) #17

Feb 6, 2013

Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino have arrived to change everything you know about Green Arrow in the New 52. With a new creative team, this is the perfect jumping on point for all readers. There is mention to what has happened to Ollie so far in the New 52 but with the direction of the story, everything you need to know to move forward is present. Lemire and Sorrentino add a different feel to the character and the action and suspense is remarkable. Things may not be looking good for Ollie as he is now in the middle of something possibly bigger than he's prepared to handle but it's looking great for readers and fans of the character. This is Green Arrow as you want to see him. This is definitely going to be a fun ride.

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Green Arrow (2011) #18

Mar 6, 2013

Great ready for more mystery and excitement. Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino continue to to elevate the status of GREEN ARROW. This is what we should have seen from the beginning. We are now seeing what Green Arrow is capable of. This is the type of character he should be. The tiny details of the Justice League and even Roy Harper are just enough to let us know this series exists along side the other New 52 comics. Sorrentino's art is great for Lemire's story and getting tiny details about the mystery continue to drive the story forward full steam. I can't remember the last time I said it but I cannot wait for the next issue of GREEN ARROW.

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Green Arrow (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

If you haven't been reading GREEN ARROW lately, you have no idea what you're missing. Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino are taking the character and series to new levels. There is a lot going on in this arc along with a lot of characters. While this particular installment in the arc doesn't push the story forward too much, we still have a lot of insanity to enjoy. GREEN ARROW isn't just a good comic. It's a GREAT comic.

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Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

You can count me on board for this new direction for Green Arrow. This is what Rebirth was meant to achieve. Benjamin Percy has captured the essence of classic Oliver Queen and I can't wait to read more, especially if Black Canary continues to be a part of it. Otto Schmidt's are and colors really works for me. I used to just read Green Arrow off and on. I'll definitely be reading it month to month now.

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Green Lantern (2005) #67

Jul 13, 2011

Things will never be the same. We hear that a lot, especially with event stories. The recent issue of Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors may have caused confusion as that should have been released after this issue but based on what happens here, I can totally overlook that shipping goof. War of the Green Lanterns was an enjoyable arc. It did have some low points but overall I dug it. The conclusion here went above and beyond what I was expecting. At the end of the day, that's what is most important. This issue is setting up major changes for the future of Green Lantern and I haven't been more excited. Bravo to everyone involved with this issue and the decision made.

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Green Lantern (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

We have a new Green Lantern and it's a great introduction. We've seen many different Green Lanterns on Earth and from different planets. It's might seem easy to simply create a new one but it's not easy to create a really cool one. That's exactly what we have here. Right from the beginning, you get the sense that this is a different type of Lantern. He comes from a different place and not necessarily because of his race. I'm a huge Hal Jordan fan but I am totally okay with Hal being out of the picture so that we can see more of Baz. It might not make sense that this is an issue 0 since it won't fit in sequentially in the series but as an introduction to a new character, Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke do a spectacular job. There are plenty of other characters missing in the New 52 but as a new character, Baz will definitely earn his spot as another great DC character.

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Green Lantern (2011) #1

Sep 14, 2011

Sinestro is a freaking Green Lantern. It's such an insane idea yet the set up is perfect. Sinestro hates the Lanterns and wants nothing to do with them. Hal Jordan loves being a Lantern yet was kicked out (and now powerless). Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke return to the series in the 'New 52' relaunch but it feels like this could have easily been Green Lantern #68. Long time readers will rejoice to see the events continue along with tiny updates on some of the characters. As for new readers, this isn't the perfect jumping on point for new readers as intended with 'The New 52." It's not impossible to pick up. New readers may know who Sinestro is from the movie and there is explanation through dialogue. Personally, this is exactly what I would want in the series. I have no idea how Sinestro as a GL will work and from what we see here, it's going to be great to find out.

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Green Lantern (2011) #2

Oct 12, 2011

Green Lantern remains one of my favorite 'New 52' titles. Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke continue doing what they've been doing for a while now on Green Lantern. The fact that Sinestro has a green power ring and Hal doesn't really opens the door to new stories. It's a twist that I wasn't sure how it could work. Having the two interact with each other so quickly is a little puzzling as it feels the story is moving too quickly. Then again, people most likely don't want to necessarily read a series focused only on Sinestro with Hal struggle to be a normal human. The issue felt a little short but is jam packed with action scenes that show off Mahnke's talent. We are on the verge of something big happening with some characters and it's going to feel like a long month until the next issue comes out. Johns and Mahnke simply make this title shine. There's no question as to why this was the first DC book I read this week.

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Green Lantern (2011) #3

Nov 9, 2011

Hal and Sinestro are the perfect teammates that can't stand each other. It was interesting when Hal and Guy had to work together but Hal and Sinestro take the hatred to a whole new level. Sinestro is proving that he just might be the greatest Green Lantern there ever was. He's doing things that we and Hal haven't seen or knew was possible. You'll be kept in suspense as you can feel everything is about to explode at any time. Hal and Sinestro make great partners but there's no way it can last. Also the idea of the two of them being able to take on the entire Sinestro Corps is pretty crazy. Geoff Johns makes it all work without a hitch and Doug Mahnke has easily become my current favorite Green Lantern artist. There's plenty of insane action, story build up and an ending you won't see coming.

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Green Lantern (2011) #4

Dec 14, 2011

The Sinestro/Hal Jordan team up continues. The odds are against them and things didn't end too well for Hal last issue. We are discovering that there is still more to Sinestro than we thought. Geoff Johns' decision to turn Sinestro into a Green Lantern once again has been a great ride and we're left with no clue how this can all end. Doug Mahnke's art is the perfect fit for this book. You can feel the contempt oozing from Sinestro as he looks down on everyone. I am totally enjoying the story but I would like the Korugar/Sinestro Corps story to be resolved soon. By having this title not closely connected to the other GL books, there is more of a feeling that anything goes. GREEN LANTERN continues to be a blast to read each month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #5

Jan 11, 2012

Sinestro and Hal Jordan's first team up has reach its conclusion. There were some ups and downs as the battle and story arc end. Geoff Johns continues to sprinkle bits of information leading us to believe that there is far more to the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps than we thought we knew. You are left with wanting a little more at the end, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The arc is over but Sinestro and Hal's story is not. Manke's art with colors by Sinclair and Avina make the book shine. There are plenty of cliffhangers and surprises to keep you on your toes as you read. Johns has plenty of tricks up his sleeves and each month we get to see a little more. That's what makes the book fun and exciting. There is a feeling of purpose present. Big secrets have been kept from us and we may be on the verge of discovering them.

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Green Lantern (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

With Doug Mahnke taking a break, this issue feels a little like a filler. Geoff Johns is still on board and there are some big develops that shouldn't be missed. Mike Choi steps in as guest artist and offers an interesting take on Hal and Sinestro. While his art worked in many parts, Hal looked like a little too young. Sinestro teams up with a character from his past but it was difficult to care about him. There's some big things coming and this issue is setting it up and giving us a chance to breathe before it all explodes in our faces.

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Green Lantern (2011) #7

Mar 14, 2012

The long awaited story is finally here. Since the Indigo Tribe first appeared, they've been surrounded by secrets. The new arc sets up the revelation of what they're about and what their connection to Abin Sur is. Loose ends from previous issues continue to be addressed here but more importantly, we have Doug Mahnke back on the title after his little breather. Geoff Johns clearly has an epic plan for this title and the fun is seeing it all unfold.

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Green Lantern (2011) #8

Apr 11, 2012

This is what we've been waiting for. Since the relaunch, we've been getting tiny bits of new information on Sinestro and the Green Lanterns. There was a slight pause in the action but the series is back on track and we're starting to get some answers. Johns and Mahnke (along with Sinclair) make this a great read with all the details, action and suspense. This is a title I look forward to month after month. The door to a bigger world is being opened and it's going to be great when we see what else Johns has planned for the characters and GL world.

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Green Lantern (2011) #9

May 9, 2012

You want answers? This issue has answers. Hopefully you'll be prepared for them and can handle them all. It's almost crazy how it feels all the stops are bing pulled. There's still one more part to this arc yet big things are happening. The team of Johns, Mahnke and Sinclair (along with an army of inkers) makes this such a great and fun comic to read each month. As if the revelations weren't enough, we also see another crazy move by the Guardians. It's no surprise why this is my favorite Green Lantern title month after month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #11

Jul 25, 2012

There's a storm brewing and it's headed towards Hal and Sinestro. We're clearly in between story arcs and it's a time for readers and the characters to catch their breath before the next big story. Hal has managed to get a firmer grasp on his situation and reliance on Sinestro. Meanwhile, Sinestro continues to show different facets of his personality. He's done some truly bad things but shows he is a way more complex character than the villain he used to be. While there are developments occurring and the set up for the coming story is present, there is a slight feeling that this is just filling the time until after September's zero issue. This isn't to say this is a simple filler issue. Dough Mahnke's art combined with Geoff Johns' story makes even a slower paced issue worth the price of admission. This title continues to make me happy to be a Green Lantern fan.

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Green Lantern (2011) #12

Aug 15, 2012

Dark times are coming. It's always great to get reminders that previous events, such as 'Blackest Night,' still hold in the New 52. Hal and Sinestro continue their unlikely alliance in order to deal with Black Hand. There's more prophecies being revealed and the Guardians are still planning to restructure the universe. While there is a lot going on here, there is a slight feeling that the story is being stalled a bit in order to accomodate the zero issue next month. Although this story appears to conclude in the first GL annual in two weeks. Doug Mahnke takes a break in this issue and we have Renato Guedes and Jim Calafiore on hand. The styles are fitting for the story but slight differences make the presentation slightly distracting. You'll be glued to your seat as you see what develops here and if the last page doesn't make you long for the annual in two weeks, then I'm not sure what else would.

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Green Lantern (2011) #14

Nov 7, 2012

I didn't think I could enjoy an issue this much considering Hal is being shoved aside to allow Baz and the Guardians to get the spotlight. Baz is quickly becoming more and more likable. It's great to see the Justice League understand the possible threat with a new unknown (and wanted) person having possession of a power ring. Johns makes sure the confrontation doesn't go down exactly as we would expect it to. The Rise of the Third Army is progressing and we have to trust that Johns will have an explosive conclusion planned. Doug Mahnke's art is phenomenal as usual. There are many varied locations and characters crammed into this issue, you can't help but pause to appreciate each panel. Johns and Mahnke continue to make GREEN LANTERN a solid title month after month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #15

Dec 19, 2012

Simon Baz is quickly moving up in the ranks as being a great new addition to the Green Lantern universe. Geoff Johns has given us a new Lantern unlike the ones we've seen before. Seeing his story unfold is captivating enough that even the biggest Hal Jordan fans won't mind his taking over the spotlight. Hal and Sinestro haven't been forgotten and their fate is touched on here as well. Doug Mahnke and Alex Sinclair bring the pages to life with their art and colors. GREEN LANTERN remains at the top of my reading list each month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #16

Jan 23, 2013

This arc should be called "Rise of Simon Baz, the cool new Green Lantern." Creating new likable characters isn't an easy task. Geoff Johns made Simon Baz likable from his first appearance. Seeing him here, we really get to see what makes him tick. There may be some questions still as to why he was chosen to be the bearer of the ring but he's showing he truly is worthy of it. Johns and Doug Mahnke make an incredible team in delivering high octane Green Lantern action. This issue is a great mix of action, story development, humor and shocks. Hal Jordan is one of my favorite characters and it'd be nice to see more of him but Baz is making his way to being great in his own way. Whenever we get a new issue of GREEN LANTERN, it's a great week. You'll dig the entire issue but wait until you see the last page...

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Green Lantern (2011) #18

Mar 6, 2013

Looking back at Geoff Johns' recent issues and the seeds and hints he's planted, the anticipation continues to build as you turn each page. As a Wrath of the First Lantern story, because it focuses more on Hal, Simon and Sinestro, we don't get the elements that I personally didn't care for in last month's GREEN LANTERN titles. The art is by Szymon Kudranski, which is a nice fit since the characters are in the Dead Zone. Kudranski does a great job depicting the mood and setting for the issue. Because we have the first meeting between Baz and the others, there is a bit more talking and less action. It could just be we've been getting spoiled lately.

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Green Lantern (2011) #19

Apr 3, 2013

The end is near and it's clear Geoff Johns is going all out in delivering an explosive final issue for his run. Sinestro and Hal are two characters he's spent an enormous amount of time cultivating and you can see he still has plenty more to do with them. The story of the First Lantern may be getting a tad tiresome as it's continuing from the other titles but you'll be on the edge of your seat by the time you reach the end of this issue. There's no telling what Geoff Johns has planned next. That's what makes this series so fun and exciting.

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Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

Is this issue worth $7.99? This is a question I've heard a lot before getting a chance to write this review. We're talking about the end of Geoff Johns' nine year run. We're also talking nearly 60 pages of Doug Mahnke art (with some pages a few pages by incredible 'guest artists'). This is an epic ending and beginning. If you like Green Lantern at all, there's no way you should miss out on this. It's not $7.99 for one issue. It's an important part of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps' history. There's so much that happens here. This is the grand finale and we have to say goodbye and hello to some characters. I personally wasn't crazy about Wrath of the First Lantern but it's safe to say this is my favorite comic of the month. This is not a comic or series I will be forgetting anytime soon. Thanks again to everyone involved. I couldn't have asked for a better finale.

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 5, 2013

There is always concern when a new creative team takes over from a long running one. Robert Venditti and Billy Tan have stepped up to the challenge and there's no sign of hesitation. The series could be headed in a new direction as we're seeing new challenges and responsibilities thrusted upon Hal Jordan. It might be a little weird for fans of the character but it's a great change of pace, rather than seeing a continuation of the type of stories we've seen for years. Despite the frantic action at the beginning, this is setting up the new direction and we'll have to keep reading to see how it all plays out. Billy Tan's art fits nicely with the characters and he easily shows a great variety of alien species within the Green Lantern Corps. The next chapter of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is here and it's clear they are in capable hands.

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Green Lantern (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

The Green Lantern Corps has had a record of usually coming out on top. With Robert Venditti taking over, he's decided to change that. In an interesting change of pace, we're seeing the entire Corps face a deadly battle due to the fact that they've been fighting battle after battle recently. Hal Jordan has been thrown into the fire and trying to lead the Corps and and deal with trying to clean up the mess here. From the looks of things, Venditti isn't finished beating up the Corps. This is definitely an interesting time for everyone involved and I'm almost scared to see what Venditti will throw at them next.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.3

Sep 18, 2013

Black Hand is an intriguing foe for Hal Jordan. Charles Soule has brought him back for Villains Month and has added a pretty interesting twist. This Villains Month story gives a taste of who he was and where he's at now but his return felt a little too soon. It's hard to say where he'll appear next since the Green Lantern titles appear to be crammed with events unless we'll be seeing Black Hand face off against other characters. Being that we're now over half way through Villains Month, this story feels like it would have been better placed at a later date. Soule adds a nice twist to the character and it deserves to be investigated further. It's just unfortunate that the feeling of villains overload is placing a damper on this issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

I wasn't sure if I was ready for another big Green Lantern crossover or if I really wanted one. This issue makes it clear that we are ready and do want this crossover. Robert Venditti is ready to shake things up. There's no tiptoeing around here. When the action starts, it doesn't stop. You will be thankful this is a story that crosses over into the other titles because with the way this issue ends, you won't want to wait a month. Billy Tan and Alex Sinclair have their hands full in the art department and the succeed in making it all look glorious. You've heard how stories will "change everything." This one appears to be actually ready to do just that. Don't miss this one.

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Green Lantern (2011) #28

Feb 5, 2014

wo comics for the price of one. The idea of Supergirl as a Red Lantern is a strange one. It is unexpected and will be interesting to see explored. The Green Lanterns are dealing with a lot and this just adds to the chaos they already have to face. We'll have to wait for some answers about Supergirl but at least we get to follow this story immediately in the pages of RED LANTERN, on the other side of this issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #40

Mar 4, 2015

Is this the end for Hal as a Green Lantern? We've seen him go off in his own direction before and there's no telling what might happen after this. The Green Lantern Corps has been dealing with problems about the way they're perceived by the outside universe. Hal has his some ideas and we're seeing the Guardians have one of their own as well. We may not know what's next for Hal Jordan after Convergence but at least we know Robert Venditti and Billy Tan will return. We get a good sense of an "end of an era" here and that will leave you hanging until June comes along.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

Lights Out came and shook up the Green Lantern universe quite a bit. We'll have to see how the repercussions affects everyone in the months to come. We do get to see some great moments with the different characters but there weren't as many big and crazy changes as you might expect. Sean Chen's art and Andrew Dalhouse's colors is a great way to end the story. Now is the time to pick up the pieces. If you don't read this, you will be missing out.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #15

Dec 12, 2012

It's time for Guy to show us what he's made of. Peter Tomasi has a great feel for the character and month after month it shows. Seeing Guy without a power ring may be reminiscent to what happened to Hal Jordan but the way it's handled is completely different. Because of the nature of the book and the different characters, it's like we have three completely separate stories going on at the same time. It's great to see each character's story develop separately but there is a slight jarring feeling as we jump from character to character. The fact that this is part of the Rise of the Third Army story feels out of place since it's such a small portion of the issue and the least interesting part. We need to see more of Guy and John. Based on how things go in this issue, we're very likely to see that happen in the next issue.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #23

Aug 14, 2013

The times are (a) changing for the Green Lantern Corps. Van Jensen and Robert Venditti are paving the way for a new direction for the Corps. With the Guardians out of the picture, there is a lot up in the air and seeing how the old and new members handle it all is making this a fascinating read. Bernard Chang's art captures the feel of the 'universe' and he keeps up with all the aliens and locales with ease. The only problem is having so many different 'main characters' kind of makes the book feel a little bogged down. John Stewart's situation quickly changes and we get sprinkles of the other characters mixed in. I've always enjoyed this title but things have definitely amped up. This new direction is making a good series even better.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

Lights Out picks up the crazy action from last week and takes it even further. Venditti, Jansen, Chang and Maiolo are delivering the goods here. This is the type of story that makes you thankful we are in the midst of another crossover. It demands immediate follow up so we don't have to wait to see what happens next. It doesn't look good for the Lanterns but that's what keeps us on the edge of our seats. We've heard about things changing or big repercussions before but this story is promising to do exactly that.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #40

Mar 11, 2015

All good things must come to an end. We've witnessed a great run on this series. We've been able to see John Stewart and others shine. This final battle has a really great feel to it with some stellar visuals by the artists and colorists. We may have a tiny idea of what's coming next for some of the characters after Convergence. It would have been nice to see some sort of set up, if even a tiny one. That's not really a fault of this issue though. Jensen does John Stewart and the Green Lantern Corps proud in this issue. Bravo to all involved.

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Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1

Oct 1, 2014

This is how events should start off, with a humongous bang. It feels like we've seen a lot of events and crossovers lately, even in the Green Lantern titles. This one is off to a fantastic start (should I say "Van-tastic' in honor of Van Jensen?). As a big Green Lantern and New Gods fan, holy cow does this deliver pretty much everything I could ask for. Don't let the fact that this is the "first act" fool you. There's a lot going on and if this is indicative of the rest of the arc, we're in for quite a treat. The issue is full of great writers and artists and it shows. Don't miss out on this one.

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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #11

Jun 29, 2011

Guy Gardner gets some alone time after sharing the spotlight with the other Lanterns in The War of the Green Lanterns. Guy has always proven himself to be a formidable hero and seeing him take care of some routine Lantern business (which you know will turn sour) is fun to see. The problem is the issue felt unnecessary. There won't be any lasting repercussions from this. I don't feel I wouldn't missed out on anything besides Guy kicking some butt if I had passed on this.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #1

Jan 9, 2013

This was an issue I really went back and forth with. The beginning didn't feel like a NEW GUARDIANS story at all. The mix of those elements along with setting up the new series, THRESHOLD, made the story feel like a hodgepodge of events. While I started thinking I wasn't going to enjoy this comic at all, things did start to turn around. But with the focus on the new character and "The Game," I soon found myself wondering if I could finish reading the issue. There is definite potential for THRESHOLD and the exploration of a different part of the New 52 universe. I just wish this issue didn't feel like a forced way to get me interested in it. I've always felt this was Kyle's book along with the other Lanterns. That was barely the case. It's a great introduction for THRESHOLD if you plan on picking that series up. Just don't expect too much on Kyle learning how to use the different rings.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Green Lanterns has the potential to be the crazy sci-fi buddy cop superhero book you never knew you wanted. Geoff Johns and Sam Humphries set the stage for what is likely to be a fun and action packed series. Ethan Van Sciver and Ed Benes deliver art worthy of a big Green Lantern story and Jason Wright's colors are top notch. The issue gets a little wordy as it has to bring new readers up to date while also establishing the new direction for these characters. Looks like we have yet another Rebirth title to look forward to.

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Grifter #1

Sep 14, 2011

I was a fan of Grifter when WildC.A.T.S. first debuted and I'm glad to see him make it over to the DC Universe. As part of the 'New 52,' we're seeing his incorporation but the story didn't exactly have a DCU feel to it. The story here could have easily taken place in the Wildstorm Universe. The story is accessible to new readers. Things are happening to the man that will be known as Grifter. He isn't fully aware of what's going on and we don't have to be either. I'm going to be rooting for this series. This issue didn't win me over but based on what I've loved about the character in the past, things should pick up as the story is fleshed out. The art is great to look at. As I read through the issue, I really started digging it more and more. I am still looking forward to the next issue. Let's get ready to finally see Grifter kicking some ass.

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Grim Leaper #1

May 30, 2012

Dying can be a bummer but imagine going through death after death, only to find yourself in a new body. To make it worse, you have no idea why you keep dying and you know it's going to happen again. Everyone loves a good mystery and we can hope the explanation will be just as exciting. I'm definitely curious to find out what the story is. There were a couple moments in the story where the art or situation felt like a bit of a stretch (yes, I understand we're talking about a guy continuously returning from the dead). We're also treated by a cool back up story. Because there wasn't a clearly distinct ending in the main story (at least, in my opinion), I was a little confused in thinking the story had somehow shifted into the main character jumping into another body. You'll definitely be interested in seeing what comes next. Adding in back up stories is a great way to showcase other creators but hopefully there'll be a clear separation between the two.

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Guardians #1

Sep 29, 2014

I never thought I'd be reading a new series with the original Guardians of the Galaxy again. The original team is back and Dan Abnett is setting up a crazy new adventure that will work for both new and old readers. This isn't the Guardians you might now and it's definitely not the Marvel Universe you're used to. Abnett is bringing back the fun of getting to visit the far off future while delivering a pretty intense and action-packed issue. Gerardo Sandoval gives us plenty of over the top action that feels a little extreme a couple times. Whether you're a long time Guardians fan or you're new to this incarnation, you'll love how frantic things get and what the scenario means for the team. Long time readers will love this and newer ones are in for a treat as they get acquainted with the team.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #2

Feb 26, 2014

The X-Men's adventures in space are always fun to see. Throwing in the young X-Men from the past, mixed together with the Guardians of the Galaxy, The Trial of Jean Grey continues to be a fun story arc. There are some moments that feel a little strange but that's part of the charm of the story. We're seeing things happen in unexpected ways. The art by Sara Pichelli and Stuart Immonen combined with Justin Ponsor's colors really makes the pages shine. The story is heating up but we'll have to wait to see what sort of curveball Bendis throws at us next.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW

Jan 29, 2014

Crossing over with last week's ALL-NEW X-MEN (also written by Brian Michael Bendis), this seemed like an odd crossover but you can clearly see how it will work. Brian Bendis and Sara Pichelli are taking these characters to new heights. In an issue that isn't heavy on the action, we get to know them a little better and that gives a connection that makes readers want to come back for more. Pichelli's art is gorgeous and Bendis' combination of storytelling and wit makes the issue a fun read. If you haven't been reading GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY lately, now is definitely the time to start (or should I say "NOW" is the time?).

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #18

Aug 25, 2014

The moment many of us have been waiting for, the secret behind what happened to Nova is coming. The good and bad thing is we don't get all the answers in this issue. As important as this story is to Richard Rider fans, it's not one that we would rushed or cranked out. Brian Michael Bendis takes us back to the in between the pages moment from when we last saw Star-Lord and Nova together and their memorial. Ed McGuinness' art is great to see here. If you're a fan of Richard Rider or have been wondering what happened to him, you'll want to see how it all plays out.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #19

Sep 24, 2014

Brian Michael Bendis and Ed McGuinness are taking us back to the final (?) days of Richard Rider. It's been a fun trip seeing Nova, Star-Lord, and Drax fighting against and alongside Thanos after the moment we thought they all died (even though it's comic books and we knew they'd someday come back). We don't get all the answers here since there's still one more part to the story next issue, but we do see some great flashbacks to fill us in some of the gaps. Bendis' sets the tone nicely and McGuinness' art and Jason Keith's colors make it all look great. We still have to wait one more month to discover Nova's fate but Bendis and McGuinness are cranking up the action.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #20

Oct 29, 2014

We've been waiting for a few years and we finally get an answer as to why Nova hasn't return when Star-Lord, Drax, and Thanos did. The heroes and villain went through some hard times in the Cancerverse and now we know why they never spoke of what happened. Obviously fans won't be happy until Nova is back. The main problem is it felt as if this story went on too long despite only being three issues. It could have been been cut down but now we're left with processing what happened. We have some great fight scenes but other moments of inconsistent art caused some distraction. With this story over, we can now look forward to the next exciting chapter dealing with the Symbiotes. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting over here still waiting for Nova to return someday.

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Guarding the Globe (2012) #1

Sep 5, 2012

Because we can't get enough of the characters from INVINCIBLE, we now have the return of the Guardians of the Globe. Phil Hester and Todd Nauck take over the reigns and we're treated to a great mix of action and character development. You don't have to be fully versed in the backstories of all the characters but there is a benefit in knowing who they are (you can always check out the team page here on Comic Vine). Even if you're not completely caught up on INVINCIBLE (like me), you can jump right in and catch up or get to know the characters. There's a lot of action and plenty more coming. You won't want to miss out on this series.

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Hack / Slash #18

Oct 3, 2012

This isn't your typical HACK/SLASH comic. In a slight departure, we get an entertaining story focusing on Cat Curio and her desire to dive into the world of detective work. Seeing her operate and how she gets by was a refreshing change of pace. As a newer reader, I was able to figure out what her deal was after visiting her wiki page here on Comic Vine. My biggest problem with the issue and series is the way Cassie Hack dresses. Hunting deadly killers while wearing a bikini top and short skirt doesn't seem too practical. It might be her trademark look but gives me the impression that there's only two reasons to read the comic. The character of Cat is a good mix in the story with Cassie and Vlad. The Catalog Killer had a good design and the story has a nice conclusion. I'd like to see more stories like this but someone should get Cassie a jacket before she catches a cold.

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Hacktivist #1

Jan 22, 2014

HACKTIVIST is a story that feels like more than just a regular comic book story. Alyssa Milano, Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly do a great job introducing us to this realistic world and you'll find yourself wondering how this could play out in the real world. Marcus To and Ian Herring provide some great-looking art and colors. Grab yourself a copy and check out the story. You'll thank me later.

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Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra #1

Aug 26, 2015

I can easily say HANK JOHNSON, AGENT OF HYDRA is one of my favorite books for the month. David Mandel crams in a lot of humorous moments and situations that don't make the story feel like a parody of the Marvel Universe. Michael Walsh and Matthew Wilson's art and colors are perfect for the story. You'll find yourself laughing at the funny parts and cringing at the inappropriate parts. It's unfortunate this is just a one-shot. I would absolutely love to see more. The Marvel Universe needs more Hank Johnson and so do we.

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Happy #1

Sep 26, 2012

HAPPY is setting out to be something different and it succeeds in that. Morrison and Robertson hit the ground running and are not holding back in their storytelling. Even with a title like "Happy," the opening pages are as far from that emotion as you can get. We get a close look at the grittiness, violence and mature situations that are often associated with stories involving the mafia. Getting past the opening will bring you to a different type of story once you see who or what Happy actually is. It's hard to exactly pinpoint what we'll get in the rest of this series but there's no denying the interest that has been captured based on Happy's design. If you're looking for a comic that isn't going to hold back, Morrison and Robertson want to make you happy.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 20, 2013

Harley is back in her own series and Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner are setting the stage for her return. We've seen Harley go through a bit of a transformation in the New 52 and this issue shows they understand who she is at her core. As a zero issue, the series blasts off into a crazy and wacky beginning with a party atmosphere with all the artists contributed their takes on her. This issue will make you laugh and it will make it clear you'll never know what to expect in the series. Perfect for a character like Harley.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 18, 2013

Harley can be a fun character. We've seen her portrayed in different ways and thank goodness Amanda and Jimmy have a great grasp on her. This isn't Harley going on missions for the Suicide Squad or Harley pining over the Joker. This is Harley in her own little corner of the DCU. She now has her own place with (gasp) some responsibilities. Throw in the roller derby angle along with Chad Hardin's art and Alex Sinclair's colors, this is a great comic to make you feel warm inside for the holidays. (Even if this has nothing to do with the holiday season). Why not buy two issues - one for you and one for a friend. It's a good time for everyone.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #3

Feb 19, 2014

A Valentine's Day themed issue feels like something that would be simply a novelty. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti show us that they can take the idea and turn it into a great moment in Harley's series. This is the type of story that others would not be able to pull off. Conner and Palmiotti and making this book shine with the moments of absurdity and it makes you let go of any hang ups over continuity and other comic-reading complaints. Chad Hardin's art is top notch and really he manages to capture each crazy moment in the story with ease. This title is quickly becoming one of my favorites each month. It's not often you can dive into a comic and fully enjoy the individual issue without having to worry about the rest of the comic universe. Let's hope this series continues for a long long time.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #4

Mar 19, 2014

HARLEY QUINN is an absurdly fun book. Sometimes you just want a comic you can read and enjoy. Too many comics these days can be grim or so immersed in a quagmire of continuity issues, it's refreshing to be able to read a comic and simply be entertained. My wish is for Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti to have an extremely long run on this title. Stephane Roux's art and Paul Mounts' colors complement the script in all the right ways. This comic may not change the fate of the world but it could just change the way you think about comics and reading enjoyment.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #5

Apr 16, 2014

HARLEY QUINN continues to stand on its own. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are making this a really fun comic, month after month. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we need more comics like this. It's great to have a comic that doesn't take itself so seriously where the readers and creators can have a good time. Chad Hardin's art and Alex Sinclair's colors make it all even better. This comic may not be for everyone but then again, not everyone likes having a fun time.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #6

May 21, 2014

It's another fun and exciting issue by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Chad Hardin, and Alex Sinclair. Just when you think Harley's adventures couldn't get any crazier, she ends up in a helicopter, crash landing, on the way to the zoo. This comic allows readers to escape the other events in the New 52. You never know what you're going to get except you can bet it's going to be a blast to read.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #7

Jun 18, 2014

Harley's story is moving forward. She may get some answers as to who put out a hit on her but that doesn't mean her problems are over. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti have made this a series where pretty much anything goes. It's always great to see Poison Ivy here but we also see another member of Harley's supporting cast step up to offer assistance. If you've been waiting for some answers, you will get them. Chad Hardin's art is fantastic and the colors by Alex Sinclair and Paul Mounts makes it shine even more. Don't miss out on Harley's crazy adventures.

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Harley Quinn (2013) Annual #1

Oct 29, 2014

Every once in a while, comic publishers try something different. With the different cover enhancements and themes DC has done in the past, it's fitting that we'd get a Rub 'N Smell comic. It's even more fitting that it comes from Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner. The rubbing "technology" used here works. You will smell different scents. Some will haunt you and linger in your nose after you've smelled. The story felt like it went on a little too long and having five different artists can be a bit much. But like the regular HARLEY QUINN series, the idea of a Rub 'N Smell gimmick is a welcomed one. Just as long as we don't have to do this again anytime soon.

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Harley Quinn (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 24, 2014

This just might be my favorite FUTURES END issue. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti know how to cook up crazy and fun adventures for Harley. Having them joined by the regular team of Chad Hardin and Alex Sinclair is the icing on the cake. It's a great issue with bizarre situations but we wouldn't expect any less from Harley. Does she actually marry Joker? You'll have to read to find out. You'll be happy you did.

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Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con International: San Diego #1

Jul 16, 2014

There have been several comics that brought in the idea of Comic-Con into their stories. Many fail to really work. Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti deliver a fun and humorous take on the show. The wackiness of their take on Harley works perfectly with the situation they've set up. Joining the two is a long list of talented artists. The downside of multiple art styles is it interrupts the flow of the story. If you've ever been to a Comic-Con or wish you could make it to one, this comic gives you a slight idea what you could expect. It's a story meant to poke fun at the concept and industry in a friendly way. The plot may not be something they'd use in the actual HARLEY QUINN story but it's not meant to. Plus, who doesn't want to see what happens when Harley runs into a Batman cosplayer?

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Harley Quinn Valentine's Day Special #1

Feb 11, 2015

Since the start of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's HARLEY QUINN series, we've been seeing a slight departure in the New 52 Universe. The writing duo is having a blast writing Harley and it shows when you read their books. You sometimes hear from some people that this isn't the Harley they knew. That's what makes the series fun and different. Having a different tone from other New 52 books lets this book stand apart and breath on its own. With a Valentine's Day theme involving Bruce Wayne, you know it's going to be some big time kooky fun. The art by John Timms is great and we also get some dream sequences with art by Ben Caldwell and Aaron Campbell. This is the sort of book that allows you sit back and simply have a good time while you read it.

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Harley's Little Black Book #1

Dec 2, 2015

Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti are still having a blast writing Harley Quinn and it shows. Only these two could come up with such a wacky team up between Harley and Wonder Woman and make it work in this fashion. John Timms' art is great but it's a treat to see Conner's art in the interiors as well. If you're looking for a nice escape and dig what Conner and Palmiotti are doing with Harley, you're going to love this issue.

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Hawkeye (2012) #1

Aug 1, 2012

I had extremely high expectations for Fraction and Aja launching a new Hawkeye series. He's always been a favorite character but hasn't always had the best of luck in comic series. This one will change all that. Fraction and Aja give us more of Clint Barton rather than Hawkeye. This isn't just a guy in purple with a bow and arrows. This is a highly skilled man that can't help but be a hero.

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Hawkeye (2012) #2

Sep 5, 2012

I've never loved purple as much as I do when I read an issue of HAWKEYE. Matt Fraction and David Aja (with Matt Hollingsworth) have created a great little corner of the Marvel Universe for Clint to hang out in. Having Kate Bishop appear is a great mix and adds a different dynamic. I wasn't completely thrilled with the 'villains' in this issue but I definitely welcome the repercussions that will result from this fiasco.

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Hawkeye (2012) #6

Dec 17, 2012

HAWKEYE has quickly become one of my top favorite series. Matt Fraction and David Aja deliver a comic about an Avenger that clearly stands apart from the numerous Avengers-related series. Fraction can take simple ideas, mix them into Hawkeye's world and make it a hilarious treat. David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth do their part to make the issue a feast for your eyes. This isn't the typical Marvel superhero/Avengers comic. That's a great thing. It's a combination of humor, action, suspense and pure entertainment that makes me look forward to each and every issue.

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Hawkeye (2012) #7

Jan 30, 2013

This is a comic reflecting some real-life events that is handled perfectly. Seeing both Hawkeye and Kate Bishop act as heroes during a disaster shows how great of characters they are. Matt Fraction gives a glimpse to what disasters like this can be like. The comic is executed in a way that doesn't come across as too forced or preachy. It's showing what people could do and the reaction to these sort of events. Having it illustrate that even heroes like Hawkeye who has faced incredibly powerful supervillains is still at the mercy of Mother Nature. Along with this heavier tone, we still get some great humorous scenes. If you've been reading HAWKEYE, you know what you're getting here. It's always a great time. We have some different artists filling in since there was a quick turn around to getting this comic made quickly. There are a couple moments where the art isn't perfect but it's a great story that deserves to be read. And it's for a good cause as well.

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Hawkeye (2012) #9

Apr 10, 2013

HAWKEYE is the comic you absolutely should be reading. The team of Fraction and Aja continues to deliver great stories month after month. With a slightly more grounded take on the Avengers world, you get completely pulled into the story and you'll savor every moment of it. We may not get big crazy superhero battles but that's not what this series is about. This is about a guy with a bow and arrow and the people in his life. That may not sound like much but it's all about the execution that Fraction and Aja managed to pull off in each issue. I wish more comics were like HAWKEYE.

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Hawkeye (2012) #10

May 1, 2013

It's Matt Fraction's HAWKEYE. Fraction has been consistently entertaining us month after month. If you're at all concerned over the lack of David Aja art, there's no need to fear, Francesco Francavilla's art, color and layouts adds a great vibe to the story. For a book that many enjoy for the fun and jokes, there are some definite dark times headed our way. There's a downward spiral happening and you won't be able to look away. With the suspense and twists, you just might find yourself applauding Fraction after reading this issue.

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Hawkeye (2012) #12

Jul 10, 2013

Matt Fraction is continuing to shake things up instead of just telling the same story over and over. Each issue manages to contain a great story with superb art. The way Fraction is mixing up the presentation or angle of certain issues keeps you guessing as to what's coming next. What you do know is it's going to be a great issue. Francesco Francavilla always manages to draw great scenes and his storytelling abilities are always evident. HAWKEYE marches to its own beat in the Marvel Universe and that's great. We need more comics that think outside the box and deliver fun and different stories.

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Hawkeye (2012) #13

Oct 16, 2013

HAWKEYE is back! It's enough to make you happy and cheer but then you remember that things aren't going too great for Clint and those in his personal life. Matt Fraction is really giving us a different take on the character and showing us that being a superhero isn't always fun and games. Clint is on a destructive path but there are moments of sunshine. David Aja's art and Matt Hollingsworth's colors are splendid as always. It's great to have the book back. This isn't your average HAWKEYE comic. And that's a great thing.

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Hawkeye (2012) #15

Feb 26, 2014

Hawkeye's fight against the Bros continues. Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth all deserve a round of applause. The way the story has been building up over so many issues has been great. This issue will entertain you. It will make you laugh and it will even surprise you. Bottom line, I love this series so much.

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Hawkeye (2012) #20

Sep 10, 2014

I've always preferred the Clint Barton stories in this series but Fraction, Wu, and Hollingsworth completely sold me on Kate taking the spotlight with this issue. There's a crazy range of emotions going on and things don't go great for Kate, despite her usual upbeat and cheerful nature. This is the sort of comic you want to read slowly to savor each moment. You simply don't want it to end. This issue was well worth the wait and you'll be bummed once you've read it and it's over. But you can always read it again. It's definitely going to be interesting to see what happens next.

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Hawkeye (2012) #21

Feb 4, 2015

HAWKEYE is back and things are looking good for Clint or his neighbors. Matt Fraction, David Aja, and Matt Hollingsworth are wrapping up the series and the suspense and heartbreak is building. With where this issue is headed, there is a feeling of reluctance in finding out what the next issue might have in store for us. Things get pretty heavy. It's been a long journey. There's been unfortunate delays. But the quality and storytelling is exactly what we love and expect.

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Hawkeye (2012) #22

Jul 15, 2015

All good things must come to an end. If anything, the delays have made this last longer in some ways. This is a seres I won't forget anytime soon. It's one I will definitely read over and over. If I were one to applaud comics I read, I would get up and give this a standing ovation. Fraction and Aja (and Annie Wu) did some really great things in this series. Let's hope we can see that magic again someday. Delays-shmeelays. It was worth the wait.

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Hawkeye (2012) Annual #1

Jul 24, 2013

Annuals can sometimes be tricky buys. When you're enjoying a series, the idea of an extended issue is hard to resist. The HAWKEYE Annual takes a minor turn in the formula by not focusing on the actual main character. Kate Bishop is a formidable character in her own right and is worthy of a grand solo story. Javier Pulido's art and Matt Hollingsworth's colors are true to the style of art we've been seeing in the main series. Even though this story stems out of recent events in the series, it's still one that can be enjoyed on its own. If you're looking for a great Kate Bishop kicking butt story, this is the comic for you. Action, humor, twists and suspense -- what else would you expect from Matt Fraction?

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Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #0

Sep 3, 2014

Hawkeye and Deadpool both have successful and humorous comic series. Combining the two is a no-brainer. Gerry Duggan does a great job bringing the two characters into the same story and brilliantly executes comedy and action, as we've seen many many times in DEADPOOL. The art by Matteo Lolli and colors by Christiane Peter also combines the feel of an action-filled and comedic comic book. These two are both loose canons and having them on the same case is a dangerous idea. If you want a story filled with mystery, action, and humor, you won't want to miss this.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe #1

Jul 5, 2012

Something has happened and He-Man is no longer the champion of Eternia. With Prince Adam having no memory of his previous life and no signs of the other Masters of the Universe, it appears that Skeletor may have finally won the battle. He-Man may not put in an appearance but there is some action and familiar faces here. You get the feeling that this could turn out to be really cool. Casual readers or those unfamiliar with the characters might not be completely willing to accept it. It's basically James Robinson's idea and Philip Tan's art that is enough of a hook to make you want to read this.

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Hell Yeah #1

Mar 7, 2012

We've been getting a lot of great new series from Image lately. Joe Keatinge delivers another new and enticing series with a slightly different take on superheroes. It's always great to get a new series that grabs your attention and offers something you haven't seen a hundred times before. For a first issue, we get enough of an introduction to the characters and 'world' but not so much that it bogs things down by being just an origin issue. The art felt a little off in this issue based on past work by the artist but there is enough build up and mysteries to keep you wanting to see where the next issue will take us. With the way things end, there are so many possibilities where this series could go.

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Hellboy: The Fury #3

Aug 10, 2011

If you've ever read a Hellboy comic or even watched either movies, you have to read this arc. This is big stuff in the world of Hellboy and you won't want to miss out. Past story arcs have been great but this is at a completely different level. WIth a feeling that it's been in the works for a while, this story absolutely changes things. Mignola's writing is top notch and you have to see Fegredo's art complimented by Stewart's colors. After reading it, I had to read it again. I can't remember the last time I felt so much over a Hellboy story. Bravo to all involved.

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Hellraiser: The Road Below #1

Nov 7, 2012

If you've been following the HELLRAISER series or have seen any of the movies, the idea of Kirsty Cotton as the new Pinhead is still a shocker. Seeing her first days in her new role is one that will be fascinating to see. This issue sets up the story leading to someone summoning her. It would have been nice if there was a tiny bit more explanation or summary on the credit page explaining who the other characters involved here were. The art is good with a couple moments of exception. We have a nice set up and seeing where this will go to next issue is enough to make you want to come back for more.

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Herobear and the Kid Special #1

Jun 5, 2013

If you have kids in your life or are a kid at heart, you need to read HEROBEAR AND THE KID. Mike Kunkel is back with the characters he created and all we can say is it's about time. This is a book great for everyone. It may be suitable for kids but that doesn't mean it's only for kids. Comics don't have to be full of despair, suspense and terror. Comics can be fun and enjoyable. If you can't appreciate the nature of this comic, you might want to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist to see if there's a cure for your blackened heart.

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Hit-Girl #1

Jun 27, 2012

It's time to get some more of your KICK-ASS fix with a focus on Hit-Girl. Kick-Ass does also appear here and we get to see what happened with Mindy and Dave in between two series. Not only do you get plenty of violence and foul language, there is some character development as well. Millar is showing us that this isn't going to necessarily just be more of the same. The unfortunate aspect of this taking place between the other two volumes is we have an idea how the events will play out. We know which characters have to survive by the end. It's not a major concern but it takes away from Millar's 'anything goes' approach. This is the calm before the storm and if you've been loving the other series, you'll want to be on board for this as well.

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Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D #1

Oct 28, 2015

We're seeing some really good new #1s from Marvel this month and HOWLING COMMANDOS is yet another one those. It's has a great vibe going which gives us something we haven't seen over and over again. If you're looking for something different, this definitely falls into that category in a good way.

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Huck #1

Nov 18, 2015

In a time where we're subjected to a lot of negativity and hatred, HUCK comes in like a beacon of hope. Huck is the hero we've been waiting for. Mark Millar and Rafael Albuquerque have introduced us to a hero unlike any other that is special in many ways. Living a life to only help others, he's placed his biggest secret in the hands of the town he lives in. You might feel a slight need for more in this first issue but everything is set up nicely. You'll get such a warm feeling reading HUCK and will likely fall in love with him before you reach the end of this first part.

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Hulk (2014) #1

Apr 16, 2014

HULK is back but things aren't looking too good for him. Mark Waid continues where he left off in INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK and now Mark Bagley is joining in on the fun. With Banner getting shot, the door is opening for an interesting story and it's going to be fun to see where Waid takes it. If you're looking for Hulk action drawn by Mark Bagley accompanied with a juicy mystery and weird twist at the end, you'll want to check out HULK.

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Hulk (2016) #1

Dec 28, 2016

As this is the first issue, there is some set up. The comic is called Hulk, but we don't actually see Jen hulk-out. For those expecting some rip-roaring Hulk action, there isn't any here. Instead, we see Jen's struggle to keep herself in check as she deals with the recent traumatic events. A first issue needs to set the tone for a series. It's hard to determine what we can expect in later issues here. Seeing Jen like this is an intriguing change and much preferred to the comic relief she somehow became over the years. I'm all for a look at the emotional side of surviving huge galactic threats over a simple punch-fest, month after month. With what Tamaki, Leon and Milla have shown us so far, my attention has been piqued.

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Hunger #1

Jul 24, 2013

If you're a Galactus fan and were not too thrilled with the Gah Lak Tus version we saw before in the Ultimate Universe, this is the series for you. Fialkov has been warming up in ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES but he's about unleash some epic craziness upon the Ultimate Universe. This is just the beginning but you'll get chills when you see the way Fialkov writes Galactus' entrance. Leonard Kirk's art fits perfectly and you can't help but become even more excited for what's coming up. The Ultimate Universe better hold onto their hats because Galactus is coming and things won't be the same.

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Hunger #2

Aug 7, 2013

Galactus is in the Ultimate Universe. That's really all you need to know if you're a fan of either. There is also the great addition of Joshua Hale Fialkov and Leonard Kirk writing and drawing the comic (respectively). It's easy to assume that Galactus can't possibly "win" in this series. Then again, stranger things have happened in comics and especially in the Ultimate Universe. Fialkov is up to something here and with someone like Galactus running around, you're not going to want to miss anything.

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I Hate Fairyland #1

Oct 14, 2015

It's not often books like I HATE FAIRYLAND come along. You'll be both disturbed and entertained at the same time. Skottie Young comes up with some creative and crazy situations for the lead character. The idea of mixing violence with a fairytale vibe may not be new but you likely haven't seen anything like this. Jean-Francois Beaulieu's colors feel brighter than ever and adds a brilliant shine to some occasionally darker moments. With all the set up complete in this issue, the story is just going to get bigger. There's no telling where the series will go from here. This is definitely a book you'll want to fasten your seat belts while reading. The crazy antics Young comes up with will likely knock you off your chair.

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I Love Trouble #1

Dec 5, 2012

For a first issue, this comic does exactly what it's supposed to. We are introduced to a new character, find out who they are, where they come from and what they can do. We also discover the predicament she's in that will establish the direction of the series. All of this is accomplished with just the right pacing and the art style helps give the book a distinct feel. Being that this is the first issue for a new series, it's hard to determine where the title may go but with a bit of a cliffhanger, there is plenty here to grab your curiosity in order to make you want to come back next issue.

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I, Vampire #0

Sep 26, 2012

Each month we get a glimpse at Joshua Hale Fialkov's little corner of the DC Universe. Andrew Bennett is a great character and seeing who he was before is interesting and changes how you look at him today. We've known he was changed centuries ago but you don't really think about just how long he's been a vampire. There is a bit of sadness as well. There is a bigger picture to Andrew and Mary's life. We can only hope that this isn't the last we'll see of their past. Fialkov and Sorrentino continue to deliver a comic that stands out from the rest.

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I, Vampire #1

Sep 28, 2011

If you're looking for something a little different in the 'New 52,' this is a book to check out. Fialkov takes characters that weren't on my radar and re-introduces them to new and old readers. Fialkov is a writer and this is a comic you have to actually read. Too often you can zip through a comic in minutes but you'll want to take the time to breathe in this entire issue.

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I, Vampire #4

Dec 28, 2011

There's a deep darkness present in the DC Universe. An army of vampires is being assembled and we're finally seeing some other familiar characters take notice. Andrew Bennett wants to do the right thing and is finding himself having to make tough choices. The idea of a vampire hunting vampire might sound familiar but the presentation here is top notch. Joshua Hale Fialkov's writing is something everyone should experience. Coupled with Sorrentino's vibrantly moody art, the story is shaping up to be a glorious experience. The world of I, VAMPIRE is a great place to see in comics but not one you'd want to visit. There is a feeling that this darkness could and should spill over into the rest of the DC Universe and Bennett is going to have his hands full. Fialkov and Sorrentino are breathing new life into the vampire genre and elevating it back to where it deservers to be.

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I, Vampire #5

Jan 25, 2012

I want more Dark DC. It's great seeing this darker side and having it seep into the rest of the DCU is fun to see. Throwing Batman into the mix sounded like it would be an odd pairing despite some of the Batman one-shots and minis we've seen but Fialkov makes it work. The vampire war has been going on in secret for too long. Too many innocents have been disappearing and it's time the rest of the superheroes find out. Having Batman be the one to first discover it is perfect. Sorrentino's art is as remarkable as ever. Fialkov and Sorrentino are the perfect team for this book and I wouldn't want to think of anyone else telling these stories. With so many of the "New 52" books so bright and cheerful, it's great to visit this dark corner and seeing it get a little bit bigger.

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I, Vampire #7

Mar 28, 2012

There's nothing like a good crossover to connect the different corners of the DC Universe. This is both a good and bad thing as Batman being here still feels a little forced and you have to read JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK before this issue. Don't let your distaste for vampires stop you from reading this book. This is one of best new titles to come out of the "New 52." Fialkov and Sorrentino are consistently delivering a great book month after month. If nothing else, you'll want to read this for Fialkov's witty dialogue, especially one line Mary, Queen of Blood makes.

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I, Vampire #12

Aug 22, 2012

Have you been reading I, VAMPIRE? If not, I highly recommend you go back and pick up this issue up along with the previous eleven. You can jump in here and figure things out. Your excitement and enjoyment will be greatly enhanced if you have been following these characters. Fialkov and Sorrentino are carving out their own little dark corner of the DC Universe and it's been a great and trippy ride. Originally I had concerns over the lack of involvement by other characters in this title. We have seen some guest appearances and they've all fit in nicely. Where the book shines is the fact that you don't know what's going to happen. Fialkov has no qualms about shaking up the status quo and that's part of the fun. I, VAMPIRE is a comic that you will read out of pure enjoyment rather than out of a feeling of obligation. Head out to your local comic shop and have them add this book on your pull list. You'll thank me later.

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I, Vampire #13

Oct 24, 2012

Have you been reading I, VAMPIRE? Josh Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino knock it out of the park month after month. You owe it to yourself to find out what's been going on. You never know what's going to happen. Characters that were heroes become villains and vice versa. This is a comic that is about the story. It's not your typical watered down comic. What pushes this series over the top is the amazing art. The combination of art and story telling is the perfect marriage in making this a unique comic. It has a separate feel to it from the rest of the New 52 titles and reading it is like taking a dark journey that will take you places you never knew existed. Be sure to wear a belt while reading because it might scare the pants off of you.

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I, Vampire #14

Nov 28, 2012

When it comes to good and bad vampires, you can't assume to know what's coming next. Fialkov has been shaking things up and hitting us left and right upside the head with the twists and turns. You would think that having the comics hero turn evil would disrupt the flow of the series but it's added another layer to the comic and continues to keep you hanging onto the edge of your seat. Andrea Sorrentino's art is wonderful as always and it's unfortunate that this will be his final issue. You'll be haunted by the beauty and chilling nature of his art. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you should be reading I, VAMPIRE. If you haven't been reading it, pick up the early issues and get caught up so you can enjoy the experience.

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I, Vampire #19

Apr 24, 2013

I, VAMPIRE was a series that caught me by surprise. Because of my love for Fialkov's writing, I knew I'd check out this series when it was first announced even though I didn't really want to read another vampire comic. His writing and Andrea Sorrentino's art won me over from the first issue. It's a shame the series has to come to an end. This issue does wrap up loose ends and you won't know what's coming up on the next page as you read. Fernando Blanco shares the art duties with Sorrentino. I did like his style but didn't think it quite fit the vibe of this book. Switching between his art and Andrea's was a distraction. I would have loved to seen more stories with these characters. All good things must come to an end. It's just unfortunate that this is one of them.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #1

Oct 24, 2011

Here we have a series getting relaunched and it makes perfect sense. This is a completely new direction for Hulk. Jason Aaron has quite a task in front of him. Greg Pak was responsible for a great era in Hulk's mythos. With this issue, Aaron's is off to a great start of the next era. Throwing in Marc Silvestri's art and it's almost mind-boggling what we're going to get here. Silvestri draws some amazing epic-style Hulk battle scenes. The addition of a beard gives him a more barbarian-feel and adds to his savage nature. You're going to want to see Hulk taking on big enemies and Silvestri delivers.

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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2

Nov 16, 2011

The build up to Hulk versus Banner is building. We still don't now how they were separated but Hulk has to make a decision in whether or not he will join the secret government agency set to take Banner down. The downside to this issue is the numerous pencilers, pencil assists, finishers and inkers. There were some minor inconsistencies in the art and the difference in inking styles did cause some distractions. I am still on board with this book and do want to see what will become of Hulk and Banner. And we still have the mystery of how they were separated. The direction and motives for Banner and the cliffhanger were enough to make this a fun read.

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Indestructible Hulk #1

Nov 19, 2012

If you like the idea of Hulk but want more than just smashing, this is the Hulk series for you. Mark Waid has made a great decision in taking the fact that Banner has finally come to terms with the Hulk's presence and also wants to use his intellect to try to better mankind. Hulk as part of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems like a crazy idea and that's part of what will make this series so fun. As in the movie, the idea of keeping such a destructive force in a helicarrier is an insane idea. But the idea of using the Hulk's abilities in a positive manner is brilliant and what readers want. Fans rejoiced in seeing Hulk fight alongside the heroes in The Avengers as well as the finale of AVENGERS VS X-MEN. With Leinil Yu joining Waid on this series, you know we're going to get some epic and over the top action scenes. This is a great (new) start for Hulk and Banner and I cannot wait to see what Mark Waid has planned.

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Indestructible Hulk #2

Dec 19, 2012

We're seeing a new direction for Hulk. This is a common theme in some of the new Marvel NOW! series. Mark Waid is giving us a different look at the relationship between Banner and Hulk. In his new setting, we get to see Banner step forward into the spotlight while Hulk is still looming and waiting to claim it for himself. The appearance by Tony Stark is great and builds the rivalry and banter between the two smart guys. Leinil Francis Yu's art and Sunny Gho's colors give this title a distinct feel. We've barely scratched the surface in what's coming up. We get a bit of a cliffhanger at the end so we'll have to wait and see what's next for Hulk.

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Infamous Iron Man (2016) #1

Oct 19, 2016

What are we to make of Doctor Doom becoming Iron Man? It's a good question which will be fun to see explored. Brian Michael Bendis is exploring a new direction for Doctor Doom. As great of a villain as he may have been, we've seen that angle played out pretty much as far as you could take it in Secret Wars. With Maleev and Hollingsworth, this book is a trippy journey with one of Marvel's greatest villains going in a new direction. There's no telling what will happen next. Those last few pages will definitely make you want to come back for more.

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Inferno #1

May 27, 2015

The Secret Wars series are giving us a chance to revisit past story arcs and different versions of characters. We've seen some books continue with the main feel while others have taken a deep departure. Dennis Hopeless shows us a part of Battleworld where the X-Men were forced to retreat during their battle against the demons. Jumping to four years later, we get to see how they've changed and what their mission is. Javier Garron does a fine job capturing the atmosphere of the transformed city. As the action starts to heat up, we get a pretty interesting cliffhanger that will make you want to come back for the next issue. Things might be bad for the X-Men but it's good for those that want an intriguing story.

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Infinity #1

Aug 13, 2013

For those in fear of "another event," the good news is this makes it feel worthy. There is a lot going on. Perhaps too much but you will feel satisfied after laying out your dollars for this comic. There's some huge things coming to the heroes in the Marvel Universe. With a battle on different fronts, it's going to be fun seeing the Avengers fight one threat while a certain other individual takes advantage of their absence. If we have to have events, this is how I want it to play out. There is a grand feel to the story and you'll feel yourself staring at each page in awe over what transpires. Too often comic book events are hyped up and fizzle out but INFINITY delivers in the first issue. You'll definitely want to come on board for INFINITY. It's going to be a crazy and thrilling ride.

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Infinity #2

Sep 4, 2013

INFINITY is shaping up to be a big story. Jonathan Hickman is laying things out and we get to see how much of the Marvel Universe is being affected by the various threats. There is a lot going on as the action jumps from moment to moment. Jerome Opea, Dustin Weaver and Justin Ponsor deliver some epic scenes that convey the scope of Hickman's story. This doesn't just come across as another Marvel event. You get punched in the gut with how big it is.

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Infinity Man And The Forever People #1

Jun 11, 2014

INFINITY MAN AND THE FOREVER PEOPLE isn't a comic I was expecting to see but it is one I'm thankful to see. DC has some great characters at their disposal and it's a joy to see some classic Jack Kirby characters and concept step into the New 52 spotlight. Keith Giffen and Dan DiDio are clearly the ones to handle this task. You can see in the story and art their appreciation and respect for the characters as well as some new ideas that are bubbling under the surface. The tricky part will be getting new readers unfamiliar with the characters to check this book out. Don't miss out on this. If you do, you'll regret it later.

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Infinity: Against the Tide #1

Aug 19, 2013

If you're interested in what impact Infinity arc will have on the rest of the Marvel Universe, this is a great example. You're taken away from the main portion of the action and are treated to an interesting story. Plus, you'll want to see how much butt the Silver Surfer kicks. If you've never read an Infinite Comic, you need to check this out.

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Infinity: The Hunt #1

Sep 11, 2013

The idea of the younger heroes in the Marvel Universe competing against each other in a friendly fashion had some promise. There is the possibility of some interesting confrontations and clashes with some of the characters present. Unfortunately as a first issue, this does not quite sell the idea of this miniseries. The fact that this is meant to be an INFINITY tie in is pretty much not clear in this first issue. That means the direction from what is set up will be drastically changing, again making it peculiar what we're supposed to get out of this issue. I may still pick up the next issue out of curiosity to see where this might go but I'm not quite sold on this miniseries.

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Inhuman #1

Apr 2, 2014

The Inhumans have remained delegated to the shadows of the Marvel Universe for too long. Its interesting to see them stepping forward in such a big way. With the Terrigen Mists released upon the world, we should be seeing many many new characters pop up. For a first issue, you can see the potential in what this series will be. There is a mix of new characters and threats along with the familiar face of Medusa, searching for Black Bolt. Its the new characters that will need to grab your attention to keep you invested in the series. Joe Madureiras art and Marte Gracias colors are nice to see but its a little difficult to really put your finger on where this series will go. Perhaps with some of the delay or restructuring of the series before it launched, well have to wait for the next issue to really get a feel for whats coming up.

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Inhuman #4

Aug 27, 2014

There's a lot going on in INHUMAN. We're seeing the Inhumans build a stronger presence for themselves as New Attilan is being developed. Charles Soule is balancing bringing in new characters along with some familiar Inhumans we would expect to see. The pacing between scenes in this issue feels a little frantic as it jumps back and forth in the middle of the action. Ryan Stegman makes his debut on the series and, along with Marte Gracia, it all looks really good. I'm still not 100% sold on delving further into the world of Inhumans but I am definitely intrigued with what is going on.

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Inhumanity #1

Dec 4, 2013

INHUMANITY has begun. As a result of INFINITY, the face of the Marvel Universe is undergoing a pretty big change. It's not just the Inhumans we know that are being affected. This is definitely not an issue that should be missed. Matt Fraction lays out the groundwork for what we can expect. Even if you haven't read INFINITY, everything you need to know is here. Olivier Coipel's art makes this even better. Matt Fraction has done something I didn't think was possible - I now care about the Inhumans and can't wait to see what's coming next. With the changes coming, if you're reading Marvel Comics, you need to read this.

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International Iron Man #1

Mar 16, 2016

It's interesting how some characters can naturally have multiple comic titles while others almost feel questionable. At first I wondered if Iron Man needed another title. Brian Michael Bendis makes a convincing argument that he does. This book feels completely different from Invincible Iron Man. Joined once again by Alex Maleev, you'll be intrigued by this look at Tony Stark and events from his past. There is now a mystery over the identity of his birth parents. Once you start reading, you'll definitely want to know more. It might not be clear where this book will fully take us, but we're off to a good start. You will want to find out more. This isn't the Iron Man book you might have expected, and that's a great thing.

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Invincible Iron Man #513

Feb 15, 2012

When it rains, it pours. There's a giant poop-storm headed in Iron Man's direction. He's finally becoming aware of how bad things are getting and will hopefully start to sort everything out. Fraction and Larroca continue to tell Iron Man adventures the way only they know how. We get a lot of big action scenes here but are only seeing parts of Mandarin's plan. It's all escalating and Tony better get his act together if he hopes to come out of this in one piece.

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Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1

Oct 6, 2015

Who is Iron Man? Brian Michael Bendis is answering that question for us. Picking up on some previous loose ends along with setting things up for this next phase in the Marvel Universe, this new Iron Man series is off to a pretty cool start. Bendis sets it all up and makes the book completely accessible to readers, regardless of what you have or haven't read before. We get a firm grasp of who Tony is at this point and the story is establishing a new era for Iron Man. David Marquez's art along with Justin Ponsor's colors makes this a thing of beauty. You won't want to miss an issue.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1

Nov 9, 2016

Riri Williams is ready to become the latest new hero in the Marvel Universe. Despite having roots in the previous Iron Man series, Riri is her own character. This isn't the first time we've seen another character step into Tony Stark's shoes. Riri will inspire new sorts of adventures for readers. Caselli's art and Gracia's colors are brilliant and further gives a reason to return for more. This may be a set up issue, but we do have a lot to look forward to. With her excitement and enthusiasm, Riri Williams is the sort of hero we need right now.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #1

Apr 9, 2014

Iron Fist is back like you've never seen before. It's some dark times for Danny Rand and that means we can expect some high octane action and adventure. Kaare Andrews cranks up the intensity while giving us a different take on the usual upbeat Iron Fist we've seen so many times. It's a great change of pace and gives us an enticing first issue. Most of the new All-New Marvel Now! relaunch series have been wonderful and Marvel has another hit on their hands. Iron Fist is a great character that has been underused for too long. This is a great time to get to know him all over again. You'll feel the excitement oozing from the pages.

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Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #2

May 7, 2014

You might think life is fun and sweet for Iron First but that isnt the case. As a character that has gone through some rough and dark times, the tone of this book shouldnt be a surprise. Seeing Iron Fist in action against a horde of ninjas is an incredible visual. Kaare Andrews is hitting all the marks with the script and art. This may not be the most upbeat comic youll read as some of the events are like a punch to the gut. You will appreciate the great storytelling and visuals. This is the sort of comic that makes me thankful Im reading comics.

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Iron Man (2012) #1

Nov 6, 2012

Kieron Gillen comes in and it feels like he's been writing Iron Man for years. This is the Tony Stark we grown to know. He can be a bit of an ass with his arrogant manner and tendency to joke about pretty much everything. There is a new/old threat for Tony to face which leads into the reason he has a newly designed suit here. Greg Land's art adds the right atmosphere when Tony is at a nightclub but the expressions and stances of characters sometimes gets distracting, expecially when everyone has a big grin on their face.

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It Girl and The Atomics #1

Aug 8, 2012

After three years we can finally catch up with It Girl and the Atomics. There was concern over the absence of Mike and Laura Allred but Jamie S. Rich, Mike Norton and Allen Passalaqua do a great job handling the characters and moving their stories forward. I didn't realize quite how much I missed the characters until seeing them again. I realize that under the right circumstances with the right creative team, we can still get the stories we and the characters deserve. Allred has simply created too many great characters to be forced to sit around in comic book limbo as he works on other projects. This series is off to a great start and sets everything up for later issues. We will definitely be seeing some crazy action next month.

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It Girl and The Atomics #2

Sep 12, 2012

I've been missing and craving Mike Allred on MADMAN. The creative team of Jamie S. Rich, Mike Norton and Allen Passalaqua have done what I didn't think was possible. They've taken the characters I've grown to love and are giving us a spectacular series. I enjoyed this issue so much I went back and read it a second time before writing this review. As a huge Madman/Allred fan, I never thought I would be so accepting of another creative tea but everyone involved has won me over. I absolutely cannot wait for the next issue. Comics should be fun and exciting and IT GIRL AND THE ATOMICS is exactly that.

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IvX #1

Dec 14, 2016

Readers have had some concern over the fate of the X-Men. Things continue to look bleak, but Soule and Lemire are making sure the mutants don't go down without a fight. While past events with teams fighting each other have been heavy on the flashy action, the fight here is more subtle and precise. Yu's art shines at moments and gives us something to look forward to in upcoming issues. There is some trepidation among X-Men fans, but we know the ResurrXion titles are coming next year. This is a story you won't want to miss to find out what happens next for both groups.

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iZombie (2010) #21

Jan 4, 2012

I, ZOMBIE has gone through some changes. Often we'll see comic series stay comfortable in their safety zone but after the previous arc, Roberson and Allred have moved the characters out of that comfort zone and we're seeing the story and characters progress in ways you don't normally see. Allred is absent in this issue but J. Bone does a great job filling in. I, ZOMBIE is full of interesting characters and we're seeing more and more development with them. Reading about "monsters" has never been so much fun.

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James Bond #1

Nov 4, 2015

This first issue of JAMES BOND is exactly what you could want in a comic. Not tied to any particular era from the films, this is a story anyone can dive into and enjoy. Warren Ellis throws us right into a typical James Bond chase and introduces us to his take without drawing out the set up. Jason Masters' art is great for giving us a non-specific Bond and Guy Major's colors adds a nice sheen to the art. As this is the first issue, there is some set up for the bigger story. We're off to a great start and Ellis has given Bond some nice little twists to deal with.

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Jem and the Holograms #1

Mar 25, 2015

If you've ever watched Jem and the Holograms or have been interested in them, you need to check this new series. out. Kelly Thompson and Sophie Campbell are bringing the band into the 21st Century with a nice modern feel that doesn't stray too far from the original designs. It's always refreshing to see different sorts of comics on sale and JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS will definitely appeal to a wide audience. Whether you're a new or returning fan, this is a comic you can easily dive into.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller #1

Dec 14, 2011

It's not everyday we get a comic release suitable for all ages. Sometimes all-age books have an almost watered down feel as they have to be safe for younger readers. The tales in Jim Henson's Storyteller manage to capture the Henson feel and feel they'd be perfect for the original television series. There is a wide range of today's top comic creators involved here. Whoever is responsible for gathering all the talent and putting this together should be commended. Everyone involved here has made the comic industry a little bit brighter. Traditional comics are great but it's nice to have something a little different that has such a warm feel to it. Keep an eye out for this book. Ask your comic shop to order it. Visit your local bookstore. If you're looking for some fun, light-hearted tales that the entire family can enjoy, you must track this book down.

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Jirni #1

Apr 17, 2013

Aspen can add another new character to their line up. J.T. Krul introduces us to a new character and whole new world full of action, magic and mystery and suspense. With a debut issue for a dollar, Aspen does a good job arousing your curiosity. With big fantasy action and great visuals, this comic gives us something different compared to the plethora of superhero books on the stands. JIRNI is something you should definitely check out.

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Jupiter's Legacy #1

Apr 24, 2013

Mark Millar and Frank Quitely have successfully created a new superhero universe. We are treated to some new characters and a sense of mystery as we watch the events of the story unfold. Millar is known for not holding back with certain themes or ideas and it's nice to get an almost subdued level of the graphic intensity we've seen in the past. As this is an introductory issue to this world, there is a lot to juggle. We don't get a complete idea of where this will go. With the characters, art and color, you definitely want to find out more. The next issue or two may be the deciding factor of whether I like this series or love it. This could be a fun ride.

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Jupiter's Legacy #2

Jun 26, 2013

If you had any doubts about this series after reading e first issue, this one should put your mind at ease. Mark Millar has created a cast of super-powered characters and they are far from perfect. Seeing failed attempts and problems that could arise from a superhero/celebrity lifestyle is intriguing. This gives the series a feeling that separates it from the average superhero comic. Frank Quitely's art is great to see. It's always amazing to see the detail he puts in as well as how he lays out a scene. There's still some question as to where Millar will take the story but that's also part of the fun - watching the story unfold. Millar and Quitely have created an interesting world and each issue is a fascinating trip.

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Jupiter's Legacy #3

Sep 25, 2013

Mark Millar is not playing around. This new superhero world he and Frank Quitely are building has taken an explosive turn in this issue. There is no way anyone can complain over a lack of story or action. As a conflict between the superhero family unfolds, it quickly escalates in a way that makes perfect sense considering the amount of power these individuals possess. We've all read plenty of superhero comics but this is a world where the creators do not need to hold back. The story and action are allowed free reign, adding to the feeling that things won't always work out nicely. It's great to have a comic that doesn't have to be filtered and doesn't overly cross any lines either. Millar and Quitely have captured my attention once again.

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Justice League (2011) #0

Sep 19, 2012

It's time for Shazam to finally arrive. Geoff Johns and Gary Frank deliver a full size story showing the next step of Billy Batson and his [possible] connection to the power of Shazam. This zero issue might not fit chronologically before JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 but if we are to see more of Shazam in the coming months, this can be easily overlooked. This isn't going to be the Shazam (Captain Marvel) we knew from before but that's what makes this interesting. The New 52 is the time to experiment and make tweaks and that's what we're getting. This is the beginning of a new chapter for the character and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Johns and Frank are definitely putting the magic into this issue.

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Justice League (2011) #1

Aug 31, 2011

The "New 52" is off to a great start. As it's meant to be, this book kicks off the relaunch of everything in the DC Universe. Who are the characters? Where do they stand with each other and the world? What is the big threat that brings them together? These questions are answered or touched on in a subtle way that makes it easy for new and old readers to follow.

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Justice League (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair have delivered a great book. We had a tiny bit of a wait since issue #1 and it was worth it. We're still in the introduction stage, this issue cranks up the action compared to last issue. It's amazing how just adding one more future League member (Barry Allen) can give the book a bigger feel. We're finally seeing the League together, even if there's a lot of inter-fighting going on. I haven't been completely crazy with some of the changes going on in other titles but here I can easily overlook it due to the fun and excitement from the issue. Johns is pushing the story forward and adds lots of nice little touches throughout. Lee's art is always a treat to see. This is what gets me excited about the book. The fact that it was so fun was an added bonus. I did like the first issue but I was a tiny bit concerned. This book makes it perfectly clear how great the Justice League is going to be.

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Justice League (2011) #3

Nov 16, 2011

JUSTICE LEAGUE continues to deliver the epic introduction of the team. Geoff Johns and Jim Lee are the dream team and it's great seeing the two of them introduce us to this new DC Universe. Johns is crafting out who the characters are and establishing what their relationships will be like while Lee beautifully (and gracefully) depicts all the action. I might be a little impatient and while it's understandable that this is still setting everything up, I'm ready for the big action (or maybe I should say bigger action). The Justice League fighting a horde of parademons is fun to see but we all want to see them go up against Darkseid. Johns and Lee are almost teasing us with the suspense and spectacular scenes. It's pretty safe to say that it's all going to hit the fan next issue in terms of action. Let's hope Johns and Lee are on board for the long haul.

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Justice League (2011) #4

Dec 21, 2011

It's starting to feel like the end of the world in the DC Universe, just when the Justice League finally got together. Johns and Lee continue to give us high octane action and with the appearance of Darkseid, we're finally to see even more crazy action. Seeing the big panels with Jim Lee's art is always great to see but it's starting to feel a little like they're coming at a cost to the progress of the story. We are seeing the team meet for the first time and they do need to get a feel for each other but having them fight non-stop hordes of Parademons is getting a little old. This issue didn't have the major revelations seen in past issue but it's still a treat seeing everyone get used to each other. Next issue, for sure should be an explosion of action and story-telling. If seeing the way Johns and Lee introduce Darkseid here doesn't get you amped up, I'm not sure what will.

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Justice League (2011) #5

Jan 25, 2012

We are so close to officially having the Justice League in action. With Darkseid on the scene, there is some major destruction. He's proving to be quite an adversary for the heroes in the "New 52" and he barely has to do anything. Geoff Johns continues to develop the characters in their 'early days' and we're already seeing changes and they try to figure out how to get through this battle. Jim Lee and Scott Williams keep the action going with their amazing layouts that remind fans why they love seeing their work. With so many team members in the book, most of them are left standing around with nothing to say or do. Hopefully this won't be the case in the next explosive issue. JUSTICE LEAGUE is like a treat for the fans and I don't want it to end.

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Justice League (2011) #6

Feb 29, 2012

The new status of the DC Universe has been established. Questions are answered and at the same time, others are raised. Darkseid was an interesting choice as the first big villain for the heroes to face as they gathered together to form the Justice League. His threat level has been raised and his reasons for being on Earth plants the seeds for what's to come. Because we have Johns and Lee, we expect some big moments and they deliver. There are some really great moments with each member showcasing their individual talents that will remind you how much potential they all have as a team. The back-up story was a welcome and long awaited treat. Those seven pages made a great issue even better. If this is just the opening act for the Justice League, I can't wait to see what Johns and Lee have planned for us next.

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Justice League (2011) #7

Mar 21, 2012

JUSTICE LEAGUE has been a source of revelations in setting up traits in some of the characters and the DC Universe since it was set five years ago. This issue does have its share of developments as well that continues to move things forward. We get to see the team in the present day but it doesn't feel like five years has gone by. They have some of the same relationships/traits from the first arc and the public's awe of the team feels too fresh, despite their five year existence. Gene Ha fills in for Jim Lee in the art department. It's always fun to see another artist's interpretation but there were moments the art felt a little rough.

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Justice League (2011) #8

Apr 18, 2012

Last issue was a little rough for me but this issue is quickly reminding me why I've been enjoying the series. New revelations fill the story with why the team still consists of the same original members. Throwing Green Arrow into the mix gives us a different perspective on the team and gives us a version of Ollie that we can actually enjoy reading. As good as it was reading Ollie here, it also gave a slightly strange feeling since it feels like he's a different (and better) character than the Green Arrow appearing in his own book. The art was an improvement. We're waiting for the return of Jim Lee but the action scenes here played out nicely and the back up feature on Billy Batson makes the $3.99 price a sweet deal.

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Justice League (2011) #9

May 16, 2012

Geoff Johns and Jim Lee are back together again. With a set up for a new villain, it's starting to look like the team may soon have their hands full. Johns continues to build up the characters and the relationships between the different members. It's a nice touch but feels a little out of place with the solitary feeling we get from the characters' solo titles. We simply haven't really seen any mention of the League in their books. The bonus of the SHAZAM/Billy Batson back up with Gary Frank continues to be a delight. We're still in the origin stage but it's getting to be fun seeing Billy's character develop, even if it's a pretty big departure from his attitude before the "New 52." The ending is promising that something will happen very soon. JUSTICE LEAGUE is getting back on track in being a book about the team dealing with each other and with big threats. It's going to be interesting to see if we ever start seeing more of a mention of the team in their solo titles.

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Justice League (2011) #10

Jun 27, 2012

We're not sure how many adventures the Justice League has had or how many villains they've faced. They have a new foe that just might have what it takes to defeat them. Graves is an interesting character and it'd be great to see more of his missing years to see what he's all about. Where the frustration comes in is still not knowing the Leagues' full history. We know they don't trust others but it appears they barely trust each other as well. It's hard to grasp that they would know so little about each other during the five years they've been working along side each other. The real glory in this issue is the back up with Billy Batson, building towards the appearance of Shazam. Despite seeing such a difference in his character, Johns and Gary Frank have me hooked and I can't get enough each month. The last page is stellar and if only we could get a full length series with the characters.

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Justice League (2011) #11

Jul 18, 2012

This issue was reminiscent of big action packed movies. There is plenty of fighting and because it's members of the League fighting each other, it's a fun read. JUSTICE LEAGUE with Geoff Johns and Jim Lee is good time reading. Johns crafts the story with tiny bits of detail and Lee delivers the big action scenes. If we're going to have a book with all the big heroes of the DC Universe, it's great to have these two on board. Throw in the fact that Johns and Gary Frank are amping things up in the SHAZAM back up, I couldn't be happier. Comics are supposed to be fun and that's how this was. Graves is shaping up to be a dangerous villain and with Black Adam on the scene, the rest of the DCU better watch out.

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Justice League (2011) #12

Aug 29, 2012

The Justice League have been utterly defeated but what are the chances that this is the end for them? What makes them a remarkable team and the greatest heroes in the DC Universe is that they will be able to overcome their obstacles. It won't be easy and there will be casualties but it's a glorious issue.

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Justice League (2011) #13

Oct 17, 2012

There is some dealing with the kiss between Superman and Wonder Woman here. That's not all we get. Seeing Wonder Woman and Cheetah face off against each other gives a welcomed feeling of what we used to have before the New 52 started. It's interesting to see that even though the team has been together for five years, they still don't know everything about each other or fully trust one another. That is beginning to change as Johns gives the members a little more humanity. We see them trying to break down the walls between them and try to be more than just a team. The idea is they should be there for each other, not because they need to be but because they want to be. It's this kind of character depth that makes this more than just a comic book filled with popular DC characters. Tony Daniel's art manages to show the emotion and changes the characters are going through. The back up focusing on Steve Trevor gives us hints of what's to come in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA next year.

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Justice League (2011) #14

Nov 21, 2012

You can really feel the team starting to come together as more than just being acquaintances. Geoff Johns is adding more character and personality to the members as we get to see a little more of what makes them tick. Having them take one one of Wonder Woman's foes was a great way to show they can be there for each other and some great teamwork was shown in dealing with the threat. The battle does get a little tedious and what happens afterwards with Cheetah as well as Superman and Wonder Woman is great to see. On top of that, we get another great chapter from Johns and Gary Frank with Black Adam and Shazam. If you're looking for action with all the big characters along with further developments, this is the book you'll want to check out.

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Justice League (2011) #15

Dec 26, 2012

The cover claims it's the beginning of a "bold new era" and they're not kidding. Ivan Reis and Joe Prado joining Geoff Johns with Rod Reis still on colors is a great addition to the title. This issue has an epic feel to it. We have a big battle between Atlantis and the surface dwellers. They are going to attack and it's not going to be a light one. The Justice League was formed to take on big threats. It's up to Johns to show us how big of a threat Atlantis can be. The Atlantean War Plans hinted at here will definitely pull you in. Aside from the big action, there is more character interaction being built. We see more on Superman and Wonder Woman as well as Batman's run in with Aquaman and Mera. It's a bit of a let down that DC released only a few comics this week but with JUSTICE LEAGUE and AQUAMAN, what more could you ask for?

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Justice League (2011) #19

Apr 17, 2013

In the beginning I was super-excited for this title in the beginning with the team of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. The series has had some ups and downs but we are definitely back on track. Johns is setting up some big things in recent issues and you can feel the intensity building. Johns continues developing the characters in their presence on the team and touching on more personal matters with the members adds life to them and the book.

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Justice League (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

Geoff Johns is evolving the JUSTICE LEAGUE comic. We're seeing new members, secrets, attacks and developments among the members. While there was something about seeing the core seven members keep a tight nit group, we now have more opportunities that can be fleshed out. The main problem is there were moments the art felt inconsistent. We had a few different pencilers so that adds to the art being a little hectic. We're approaching the end of the Billy Batson/Shazam! story which is great but also sad (that it's coming to an end). You will want to see the revelations that come out of this issue. You can feel Johns has big plans for the title and they are just beginning.

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Justice League (2011) #23

Aug 28, 2013

Just when you thought you knew what was going on in the New 52, we find out there's a little more going on. For a story that's seemingly been in development for some time, everything comes crashing down here. This is where we not only get some more crazy action sequences but we get a score of answers. In some ways, this issue is a game-changer. Too many times crossovers and "events" in comics end with a fizzle but this sets the stage for big things to come. Even if you felt you knew how things would end with FOREVER EVIL on the horizon, there's still moments that should catch you off guard. It's not often a comic actually changes the face of a comic universe. That's exactly what this issue does. Geoff Johns is bringing the thunder to the New 52 and it looks like the Justice League forgot their umbrellas.

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Justice League (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Welcome to the New 52 Lobo. Just when we thought we knew who the character was, we discover that wasn't the case. With new true Lobo, Marguerite Bennett has the task of introducing him to us and showing us what he's about while telling a compelling story at the same time. Ben Oliver takes the redesigned take on this Lobo and makes it work in a cool sci-fi setting. This may not be the Lobo we knew or the one we asked for but Bennett definitely makes the changes intriguing. We'll have to wait to see where this Lobo, or the other one, will turn up next.

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Justice League (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

After four weeks of Villains Month books, we've had a mix of different kinds of issues. This issue does provide an origin for the Outsider and the Secret Society but it also plays a big role in FOREVER EVIL. We may have seen parts of this world in the past but seeing how they exist in the New 52 is pretty interesting. There is a sense of familiarity yet you're still not quite sure what to expect. Szymon Kudranski's art captures the dark tone of the story and really makes you happy you don't have to live in that world. It's unclear whether or not we'll see more of this world or if we need to. Other Villains Month may have told interesting stories but this one makes you eager for the next issue of FOREVER EVIL.

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Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

We know everyone from Earth 3 are big jerks but leave it to Geoff Johns to really drive the point home. Seeing the characters we know in these dark and twisted forms is really disturbing and the more we see, the more threatening the Crime Syndicate appears. This issue acts as a bridge between the previous and next issue of FOREVER EVIL but seeing Ivan Reis' art and Rod Reis' colors will leave you staring in awe. This is a fun ride in seeing the dark versions and you'll be on the edge of your seat as Ultraman traipse around Superman's neighborhood. And the ending is bound to make you hunger for the next issue.

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Justice League (2011) #25

Dec 11, 2013

I've been a little lukewarm with the notion of Forever Evil. The Crime Syndicate has always felt like more of a novelty. Geoff Johns shows another layer to them, specifically with Owlman. We may not have seen too much of what Earth 3 was like but we don't have to since Johns is giving us what we need. We're watching the story and fate of Dick Grayson unfold and also get treated to the return of a character that hasn't been seen in the New 52 so far. Mahnke depicts each scene nicely, including the origin of a familiar character we haven't seen lately. I'm really getting excited to see where this story goes.

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Justice League (2011) #26

Dec 24, 2013

Geoff Johns continues to flesh out the members of the Crime Syndicate. You would think it'd just be a matter of taking the origin we know and turn everything around so it's all evil. Johns does a great job in fleshing them out and making us understand where they're coming from. One member takes the center stage in the 'narration' portion of this issue and it will be interesting to see how things progress for this character. Ivan Reis and Joe Prado do a fantastic job with the art. It's a weird feeling seeing the flashbacks for some of these characters. There are still some mysteries to see unfold and Johns plants some big seeds for the next issue. The story keeps getting better and better.

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Justice League (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

Forever Evil is still happening but Geoff Johns is busy fleshing out other areas of the New 52 DCU. We may be wondering what the Crime Syndicate is up to but we're also discovering there's more going on in the background. Fans of Cyborg will need to check this issue out. It's the dawn of a new beginning in the DCU. Make sure you don't miss a moment of it.

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Justice League (2011) #30

May 21, 2014

It's a new dawn for the Justice League. The League managed to survive against the Crime Syndicate but at the price of Lex Luthor now seen as a hero. Lex on the League seems like a crazy idea but seeing how it works out will add some spice to the title. Who doesn't like seeing tension between team members? Now that FOREVER EVIL is over, we can get ready for what's next. By the look of things here, it's not going to be easy for the team.

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Justice League (2011) #31

Jun 25, 2014

The Justice League is seeing some big changes. Geoff Johns is taking seeds he planted during FOREVER EVIL and making this book evolve into the next level. With the developments of a new Power Ring, Lex Luthor, Captain Cold, and Shazam being on the team, plus Lex's latest discovery, the team is going to have to find time to deal with all that when they're not fighting the villains. Doug Mahnke's art and Rod Reis' colors make this intriguing story even better. I may not agree with one of the developments in particular but I can't deny being hooked to this book.

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Justice League (2011) #33

Sep 3, 2014

The Justice League is going through some changes. Too often team books continue down the same path and can end up feeling a little stagnant. Geoff Johns is shaking things up and having Lex Luthor around is like dropping a live grenade into the mix. While most of the issue focuses on the fighting between the Justice League and Doom Patrol, we get to see more developments for the future of this title. Doug Mahnke is tasked with drawing a huge amount of characters. Andrew Dalhouse's colors are fantastic. Things are changing for the Justice League and you won't want to miss what's developing.

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 18, 2015

The Amazo Virus story might be over but theres some interesting things that will come out of this. Were still seeing the Justice League try to get used to the idea of Lex Luthor and Captain Cold on the team. This issue really puts them to the test and shows what theyre capable of when fighting alongside the team. Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok are delivering a nice juicy series with glorious over the top action and visuals. But its not all non-stop action as we do see some cool character development as well. I cant wait to see whats coming up next in this series. With The Darkseid War coming up, these guys must just be warming up. I have a feeling things are going to get pretty bonkers.

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Often when we read the first part of a big story, there's a lot of set up and the action is often light. That isn't the case here. Geoff Johns has been moving this series towards Darkseid War since the first issue. While we are introduced to some new players, there is plenty of story, character building, and action to keep us glued. Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson's art and colors are phenomenal. There's some big developments and huge twists even though the story is just beginning. Who knows how intense things will get after this? This is like a summer blockbuster movie. Where's my popcorn at? I'll be counting down the days until issue #42.

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Justice League (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

Darkseid War continues to deliver great chapter after chapter. In some ways, it feels like we're getting a nice and slow but steady build up. I have no idea how long this arc will last and I don't want to know. Each chapter cranks up the action just a little more. Although in this issue, things appear to have escalated pretty dang quickly. Geoff Johns is giving us a big comic book event while keeping it contained to a single series. Jason Fabok's art is incredible and Brad Anderson's colors are most impressive. This book is carving out its own path in the DCU. You can easily dive in and become submersed into the story and action. It's not often that a comic story can suck you in and completely grasp your attention. Now when can I read the next chapter?

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 21, 2015

This has been and continues to be an epic story. Geoff Johns is not slowing down. The first act of Darkseid War may have ended but there's clearly so much more to come. Jason Fabok's art is missed but there is absolutely no complaining since we get the gorgeous art of Francis Manapul. I was a little concerned with the upcoming one-shots happening but after reading this, you'll be welcoming them in order to get more of this story. JUSTICE LEAGUE is not a title to be missed. There's so much going on. You'll love being able to dive in and get sucked into the story.

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Justice League (2011) #46

Dec 16, 2015

Geoff Johns' big story continues to deliver. Despite the big death a few issues ago, we're seeing there is still a lot left to the story. Francis Manapul has been doing a great job with the art. We see a lot of seeds planted in this issue. There's clearly set up being done for the rest of the story. The moments are cool but don't quite contain the bombastic caliber we've seen so far. Things go at a steady pace throughout and escalate quickly at the end, leaving us with a bit of a cliffhanger. This is has been an extremely satisfying event. It's not often we can say that. I'm already counting down the days until the next issue.

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Justice League (2011) #47

Dec 30, 2015

The Darkseid War story keeps getting bigger and bigger. With Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok back together, we're seeing more characters introduced into the story and the stakes are being raised. Johns is telling a big story that has been years in the making. We don't often see long-running stories like this in today's comics as they often get wrapped up after a half dozen issues. Let's hope this one keeps going so we can enjoy grand story Johns and Fabok are delivering. There's no stopping the big and crazy ideas they're cooking up in this series.

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Justice League (2011) #48

Feb 24, 2016

JUSTICE LEAGUE features DC's biggest characters and Geoff Johns is giving us his biggest story yet. The long-running story continues and the surprises keep coming. Jason Fabok does an incredible job on the art and Brad Anderson's colors are top notch. This is definitely a story I'll want to read over again. This is what a Justice League story should be all about.

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Justice League (2011) #50

May 25, 2016

Darkseid War has been a great story that's been allowed to be told at its own pace. We get some big payout as Geoff Johns unleashes some things that will play out in big ways in the post-Rebirth Universe. Jason Fabok's art and Brad Anderson's colors make this a gorgeous issue with plenty of rad moments. Despite how long the story's been, you'll still wish you could have more. Johns does a fantastic job with that. The volume ends with a bang. There may be some unanswered questions that will lead into the Rebirth titles, and that's totally fine with me. A big thanks to Geoff Johns for 50 great issues. He's been joined by so many talented artists and colorists. This issue and DC Universe: Rebirth should really get fans excited for what's headed our way.

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Justice League 3000 #1

Dec 11, 2013

Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis have introduced another future time period for the DC Universe. As we see this future version of the Justice League, we discover they're not the traditional future incarnation we've seen before. The team has already been assembled and they don't operate as smoothly as you would think either. This adds a new dynamic as we'll get to see they'll grow together. Howard Porter details the futuristic time period and there's a great mix of grittiness mixed with a sci-fi future feel. There's still a lot to learn from their past and future which makes this a book you'll want to come back for next month.

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Justice League Dark #23

Aug 21, 2013

Pull up a chair and grab some popcorn, it's time to watch the Justice League fight the Justice League while fighting the Justice League. Throughout Trinity War, we've seen some new pairings and interactions as the three different Leagues have combined in different ways as they take on the attacks of the Secret Society as well as the mystery of Pandora's Box. Jeff Lemire coordinates fight after fight while bringing us to the precipice of this big event. We all know it's leading into Villains Month and FOREVER EVIL but you'll want to see the fighting. It's a blast to see.

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Justice League Dark #26

Dec 31, 2013

While a lot of the action of FOREVER EVIL is going on in the main series as JUSTICE LEAGUE, JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK continues to show us that there is more to the story. John Constantine is doing his best to step up to locate his missing teammates and has formed an allegiance with some others. To make things even more dire, they will soon find themselves facing the Sea King, thought dead at the end of Trinity War, as well as a whole bunch of dark magic. This event within an event will definitely leave a mark on this title so don't miss it.

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Justice League of America (2006) #60

Aug 17, 2011

It was a fun ride but this is the end for this Justice League. It was an odd choice to have a team consisting of non-original members (or the big guns) but James Robinson made it work and showed it was a great idea. Some of DC's final issues have felt a little flat but this is clearly a fitting end. We get little nods of what could have been if the series didn't have to face the relaunch and one line in particular clearly sets the stage for them in their next book. The art was a tiny bit inconsistent at times but the team looks great with the darker colors and gives it a feel of elegance. It's a shame to see this team go but next month it will be a whole new world.

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Justice League of America (2013) #1

Feb 20, 2013

It's easy for publishers to put out franchise books, ones that branch out of other titles. These sometimes just give us more of the same thing. Thankfully, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA is not just another Justice League book. This and JUSTICE LEAGUE may compliment each other but they are not the same book with just different characters. Thinking about what is being set up here will have repercussions for both teams as well as the DC Universe as a whole. David Finch's art works well with the story as we see the entire situation being set up. There are scenes of conversation, introduction as well as action. Finch depicts all of them with ease. The hook or direction of this title is a welcomed one and I can't wait to see how this series relates to the other titles.This issue shows the series wasn't what I expected. Johns shows there is more depth to the book and it was exciting to read and think where this will all go in future issues.

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Justice League of America (2013) #2

Mar 20, 2013

This is what I want in a comic. Too often when spin-off titles come out, it's more of the same thing. JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA is not just another Justice League comic. The entire purpose is to shake things up in the DCU. Seeing how this turns out is going to be interesting. Not only do we have a new Justice League team, we're also finding out more about the Secret Society which will definitely make things worse for the heroes. Geoff Johns is weaving a web within the DCU and we're finding out there has been loads going on behind the scenes.

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Justice League of America (2013) #3

May 8, 2013

The new Justice League of America team is seeing some serious action here. The team's agenda may not be known to the actual team but with the discovery of the Secret Society of Super Villains, we're seeing another group for them to try to take on. Hopefully the team will get some actual training before things get really bad. Geoff Johns is giving us an atypical team book. The fact that the members don't even know why they've been brought together adds a different dynamic compared to all the other team books we have. There were some unfortunate concerns with the art this month but the action is heating up and there's no telling what Johns has planned next.

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Justice League of America (2013) #4

May 29, 2013

Each issue of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA has been full of intrigue and excitement. Geoff Johns is weaving a complex and subtle web. With each issue, seeing more of the Secret Society of Super Villains, we're starting to see a different side to the New 52 Universe. The idea of this 'Society' being hidden and operating behind the scenes for the last 'five years' in the DCU is fascinating. Brett Booth's pencils are great and captures the feel and action of each character. The backup on Martian Manhunter continues to add depth to who he is. This is the sort of comic that makes me want to read more.

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Justice League of America (2013) #5

Jun 26, 2013

JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA continues to be a fun wildcard series. There's no telling what will happen with this team. That very idea is illustrated in this issue. It seems this ragtag group of characters couldn't have what it takes to make it, especially under Amanda Waller's strict rules but somehow Geoff Johns is giving them the edge they need to impress everyone. With each issue, the characters grow more interesting and you have to wonder what Johns' long term plans are. Brett Booth does a great job adding his personal touch to each character and makes the action flow across the page. There were some points that felt too sudden or convenient but for the sake of the bigger picture, it makes sense. Each time I read this series I can't decide if I enjoy this or JUSTICE LEAGUE more. Johns knows how to bring the fun and excitement to his stories.

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Justice League of America (2013) #6

Jul 17, 2013

The action slows down a bit but that doesn't mean the story is. A lot is happening and we get to see several developments in the overall story. It almost feels like this entire story/event was sped up to get here at this time. That's not necessarily a bad thing as we get to cut to the chase. The fun is seeing how all these characters interact with each other as well as the tease of what will come up in the next installment. Doug Mahnke's art is always a joy to see and having him deal with the action and emotional scenes was great. If summer is the time for the big blockbuster popcorn movie, this story is happening at the perfect time.

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Justice League of America (2013) #8

Oct 16, 2013

If you've been wondering what happened in between Trinity War and FOREVER EVIL #1, we're starting to get some answers. Matt Kindt takes over the title and puts Martian Manhunter and Stargirl front and center in this big mystery. Doug Mahnke's art is always great to see. I love a good mystery and the idea of these two trying to crack this one sound pretty cool. There are some questions why certain things have happened so we'll have to remain patient to see how everything unfolds.

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Justice League of America (2013) #9

Nov 13, 2013

This title is gearing up to give us the adventures of Martian Manhunter and Stargirl against the villains on their quest to defeat the Crime Syndicate and save the heroes. They are both proving to be more and more interesting and likable. Unfortunately we get more of the same as last issue in seeing the imprisoned survivors going through their scenarios as they are oblivious to where they really are. We has have some inconsistencies between the artists. This issue sets things up for the two heroes to take the next step in their mission and the action should definitely be kicking in then.

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Justice League of America (2013) #12

Feb 12, 2014

It's known that this series will be ending or changing into JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED. You almost do get a sense that not only is the story winding down, but the series as well. There's a slight lack of focus that makes this story feel separate from the rest of FOREVER EVIL. The art is good but with three different artists, there are moments where the difference interrupts the flow of the story. The big question is what will happen next and you most likely won't want to miss it.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #1

Feb 20, 2013

In another surprise, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA'S VIBE is a fun read. Vibe immediately seemed like an odd choice as part of the new JLA series as well as getting his own book. Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg do a great job introducing who Vibe is in the New 52 and we get a full origin on how he got his abilities. If you're looking for more diversity in your comics, there is that angle here but it doesn't have an overly forced feel, which is great. Pete Woods' art is a great fit for this title and he captures everything perfectly. It's hard to say what the next or future issues will be like. This was the set up issue and now that he'll be on the JLA, it's unclear whether he'll have solo adventures (and who he'd go up against) or if the stories will be more aligned with events from JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA.This book was a pleasant surprise. I'm really curious to see what happens next, especially after the huge cliffhanging scene on the last page.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #2

Mar 20, 2013

We're getting to see more of who Vibe is and who he could become. While not as fully compelling as the first issue, there were still moments you can see the potential Vibe contains. He's being set up to become a powerful asset or threat and seeing what direction that could go in will be interesting. Vibe offers a new outlook on the New 52 given his ethnicity and background. It's great to see some variation in today's heroes but hopefully we'll see a firm direction this title will take besides just seeing Vibe being manipulated by Waller. The tease for next issue looks like we can expect fun times.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #3

Apr 17, 2013

There have been those that have questioned the nature of this book due to Vibe's previous portrayal and the title but the series continues to be interesting. With Sterling Gates on board, you know he will give the character the enthusiasm he usually pumps into his writing. Vibe is meant to be a threat against Flash and seeing him 'practice' against Kid Flash is a great angle and also serves to give us some answers as to Kid Flash's origin. With so much deception in the book, you get the sense that things could explode at any moment. That's part of the charm of this book. You don't necessarily know what's coming up next.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #4

May 15, 2013

Vibe's adventures continue and we're starting to see things aren't going exactly according to A.R.G.U.S.' plans. Throughout the story, Sterling Gates is also developing Agent Gunn's character instead of just focusing on Vibe. Manuel Garcia and Fabiano Neves' art along with Brad Anderson's colors really works here. There is some concern with the direction of the book. There's a slight feeling of redundancy with Vibe going on missions for A.R.G.U.S. At least now he's starting to have some doubts. I'd like to assume there is a big overall plan and direction for this title. Vibe is an underdog in the DC Universe. He's a rookie. It's great seeing a 'new' character develop and try to find their place among everyone else. With Sterling Gates now on board, we are seeing more development in the series and I will continue to root for Vibe and this comic.

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Justice League United #0

Apr 23, 2014

Jeff Lemire has delivered a new Justice League team. Having a Justice League team in Canada does help to give this title a different feel from the regular JUSTICE LEAGUE team. There are some nice little references Canadians or friends of Canadians will appreciate. Mike McKones art also plays a part in making this a great looking comic that is sure to be fun to read. We may not have all the answers as to why and how all these heroes have come together but its going to be a blast to find out. You should definitely check this out.

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Kaptara (2015) #1

Apr 22, 2015

Strap on your space boots and get ready for Chip Zdarsky and Kagan McLeod to take you on a space trip with unexpected twists. Right from the beginning you'll see there's a different feeling to this story. We get some fascinating visuals and an interesting set up that makes you wonder what will happen next. Some of the change in the story's direction might give a slight disjointed feeling but it will also keep readers on their toes. It's not your typical sci-fi story and you definitely need to be prepared to expect the unexpected.

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Kick-Ass 2 #3

Aug 24, 2011

We're finally treated to another installment of Kick-Ass 2. This series has been taking Dave in a different direction. He's found others that share his passion of dressing up and fighting crime. His world is almost perfect know that can't last. Mark Millar adds his touch and moves the story along. John Romita Jr's art with Tom Palmer's finishes and Dean White's colors makes the series visually appealing. Romita Jr's art depicting such intense scenes is something to see. If you thought this volume was just going to be Kick-Ass going out on street patrols with his new friends, you will be pleasantly surprised after reading this issue.

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Kick-Ass 2 #4

Sep 28, 2011

If you're looking for a comic that isn't going to hold back...on anything, this is the one for you. The character formerly known as Red Mist has an army and has targeted Kick-Ass and his friends and family. Mark Millar and John Romita Jr continue to push the story into dark territories. You know a giant blood-soaked final battle is coming and it's going to be surprising if anyone can survive. Comic book villains usually come across as silly and pathetic. They are willing to do dark and evil things but they never completely go all the way. Millar is showing us what a truly evil and whacked out individual is capable of. Heroes and villains trading blows with the bad guy going to jail and the hero waiting for their next encounter seem silly compared to this. Just be prepared for some graphic scenes and violence. This comic is not for everyone. The Mature rating makes that perfectly clear. We'll have to see what Millar and Romita Jr have planned for the next issue to top this.

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Kick-Ass 3 #8

Aug 5, 2014

It's hard to believe we've been reading KICK-ASS for only six years. It's harder to believe that this is the final issue. We've seen the characters come a long way. Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl have grown. They've suffered many losses and it looks like they can final get some peace. It's hard saying goodbye to characters and seeing a series end. I wasn't quite sure where the series would go when I read the first issue. It's been a blast seeing the characters grow through their highs and lows. Mark Millar and John Romita Jr give us a great ending. It's been a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end.

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Lady Killer #1

Jan 7, 2015

There are times you need to simply try a brand new comic. LADY KILLER needs to be that comic. With a strange mix of a 1960s wholesome vibe and a some serious violence, this is a refreshing book that gives you something delightfully different. Things do get messy but because of the art and colors, it doesn't really feel gratuitous. Okay, maybe just a tiny bit. This book might not be for everyone but there is something pretty spectacular about it all. This may be just be a five-issue miniseries but I truly hope we can get more. I am so incredibly curious to see everything we can about the world of LADY KILLER.

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Lady Killer #2

Feb 4, 2015

LADY KILLER is the type of comic you haven't really seen before. We're introduced to a new world taking place in the 1960s. Jolle Jones and Jamie S. Rich are creating the perfect mixture of the innocence of the 1960s "wholesome" feel with the deadly world of a killer for hire. Jones' art with Laura Allred's colors are simply fantastic. It's hard to prepare yourself for the glory and gruesomeness of this wonderful book. I can't get enough.

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Legendary Star-Lord #1

Jun 30, 2014

Get ready to discover who exactly the Legendary Star-Lord is. With the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise heating up, it's the perfect time to explore more of who this individual character is. Sam Humphries gives us a great start to a space-western series showcasing the character while also developing new and past events in his life. Paco Medina's art and David Curiel's colors give it all a nice glossy feel. The story feels a little isolated due to the largely self-contained format but we do have a couple big develops brewing and this format does make it new-reader friendly. This is a character we'll be seeing a lot more of and the time is right to jump on board this new series. The legend of Star-Lord is in safe hands with Humphries.

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Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure #1

Dec 31, 2013

If you're a fan of Bill Willingham, Steampunk or any of the characters that will be appearing in this series, you will want to check out this comic. Taking all these characters and placing them in a different time period is a great way for a new introduction to all of them in a new shared universe. Sergio Davila's art fits the time period and captures the action nicely. There were a couple moments the art felt a little flat and I may have greedily wanted to see more characters. The real deciding factor is whether or not you're a fan of steampunk and the idea of these characters in that environment.

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Life With Archie #36

Jul 16, 2014

The time for the death of Archie has arrived. It might be easy to dismiss this as a mere publicity stunt but given the nature of the LIFE WITH ARCHIE series and the fact that it is coming to an end, the story does feel sincere. Paul Kupperberg gives us a nice long reflection over Archie and those that mean a lot to him. The series has always been split into the possible futures of Archie having married Betty or Veronica. In a brilliant fashion, this issue easily fits into both future timelines. For those deeply invested into Archie, it might be difficult to accept or take in this tragedy. It is done in a tasteful way. The only downside is you might have already seen how he dies before actually reading the issue. Next issue's follow up shouldn't be missed either. This is a story many are talking about and you won't want to miss it.

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Little Nemo: Return to Slumberland #1

Aug 20, 2014

Whether you're familiar with the adventures of Little Nemo or not, this is a comic fit for anyone. This is a comic series perfectly suitable for young readers as well as older ones. You'll appreciate the story and gorgeous art that fully respects the original material by Winsor McCay. I might've been a little impatient and ready for full on adventures in Slumberland but this is a great start to the series. It's a feel good comic that you'll want to read for yourself and share with others around you. There's even some extra features in the back dealing with some of the history of the characters along with a look at some of the script pages and pencil work. I can't wait for the next issue. Don't pass on this comic.

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Lone Ranger Vol. 2 #1

Jan 2, 2012

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are back. For those that have never read a Lone Ranger comic, this is extremely accessible. There is plenty of Old West action as the Lone Ranger is determined to hand out justice the way he knows how. In coming in to save the day, we get to see some of the motivation that drives him to be a hero. You do get a sense of the isolation in the Old West. This works in conveying what life was like for some but also gave the book a slightly isolated feel and felt a little convenient when the Lone Ranger managed to show up at the right time. As the first part of a new arc, it's a little difficult to see how it will tie into a bigger story as this felt pretty self-contained but that could be the hook in seeing how it all fits together and ties back to the Lone Ranger's personal life. If you've been interested in the Lone Ranger, here's your chance to jump into the action.

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Low (2014) #1

Jul 30, 2014

Rick Remender has done it again. As if the latest issue of BLACK SCIENCE this week wasn't enough, Remender now has another new series at Image, on released on the same day. Remender takes on the sci-fi genre once again and shows us a world where the surface is uninhabitable. We're introduced to new characters and dangers that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Greg Tocchini's art is glorious and as you read the issue, you'll find yourself eagerly looking forward to more.

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Mad Max: Fury Road - Nux & Immortan Joe #1

May 20, 2015

If you've watched Mad Max: Fury Road and are already having withdrawals, this comic can help feed your hunger. Set as a prequel, the issue is divided into two parts to give the backstory to the two characters, Nux and Immortan Joe. The movie did a great job in introducing the characters but this comic does help to give you a little more. Chances are, if you've seen it, you're already thinking about watching it again. If you haven't seen the movie, as a prequel, the comic is accessible as well. The art is what you've come to expect from a Vertigo book. The vibe and atmosphere from the Mad Max world has been captured. Look for this comic if you need or want more from Mad Max. You'll definitely want to check out the next issue as well. This is how movie tie in comics should be done with this level of quality.

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Marvel 75th Anniversary Celebration #1

Oct 29, 2014

Anniversary issues are often hit or miss. With Marvel's 75th Anniversary special, we get a taste of some of the great things they've given us over the years. While it's obvious so much more could have been included, we get a nice variety of stories, pin ups, historical notes and more. This comic may not change the face of today's comic market but it's a great look at some of the characters we love by several great creators. The opening story by James Robinson and Chris Samnee should definitely win you over. After that, there's plenty more to bring a smile to your face. This is a 'celebration' issue done right. Even if you only just "like" Marvel Comics, you'll want to check this issue out.

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Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #1

Oct 2, 2013

For those wanting to start or get back into reading Spider-Man but aren't sure how far back to go, this is a miniseries you can easily dive into. With the Marvel Knights imprint back, Matt Kindt is allowed to venture off and tell a Spider-Man story that doesn't have to rely on anything else going on in the Marvel Universe. That allows the story to stand on its own. Marco Rudy and Val Staples have a deeply vast and rich playground to cut loose on. Due to the nature of the story, there is plenty of room for them to shake things up and give us a story that doesn't have to play out in normal fashion. This isn't the regular kind of Spider-Man story we've seen for the past fifty years and that's a great thing. This is the time to check out something different in a glorious package. Current, past and future Spider-Man fans will enjoy this.

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Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #2

Nov 6, 2013

This is a great use of the Marvel Knights imprint. We get a slightly darker story presented with a great variety of art style. Matt Kindt has placed Spider-Man in an interesting situation, forced to face numerous enemies while Marco Rudy provides the art in a way we really haven't seen before in a Spider-Man comic. If you've been missing Peter Parker or just want to see a story that doesn't have to be tied to the current continuity, this is a great story to check out. You'll be blown away by the visuals and get to witness Spider-Man fight like he's never fought before.

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Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #3

Dec 4, 2013

With this being the third issue in the series, you know the amazing things you can expect. There's plenty of more fighting going on with Marco Rudy's incredible art and Val Staples gorgeous colors. It is starting to feel like an endless mix of battles but Matt Kindt does throw a couple curveballs at us in this issue. If you're interested in a Spider-Man story not relying on other context and want your socks to get knocked off, you should be reading this series.

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Marvel NOW! Point One #1

Oct 17, 2012

There's a lot of new titles coming under the Marvel NOW! banner. This oversized issue gives us a taste of six upcoming titles. It's a cool look at what we can expect but there is also the $5.99 price tag to consider. It is worth it if you break it down but it might be a little much for some readers to spend on stories where they're not quite sure what they'll get. Some of the characters might not be appealing to everyone. If you do plan on reading any of these series, you would definitely benefit to seeing what goes down here. They may not be absolutely crucial to the enjoyment of those series but it will enhance your reading experience. As the story focuses on taking a look at the future, this does feel like we are doing just that, peeking into what's coming up. This is a great sized comic and will give you a good chunk of material to let you spend some time kicking back and reading. If you're curious what is coming up in Marvel NOW!, you'll want to check this out.

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Masters of the Universe (2012): The Origin Of Skeletor #1

Oct 31, 2012

I actually care about Skeletor's character now. I always felt he was a dorky character but Fialkov and Iriving have made him interesting. This isn't the cackling buffoon seen in the old animated series. This is one with a more vicious nature. It's a spooky and compelling origin. It's unfortunate the story couldn't be longer. It felt as if it had to be rushed a tad in order to be contained in one issue. I now wan to see what's next for Skeletor. I may even go back and re-read the current printed and digital MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE issues since I now look at Skeletor in a different light. If you've ever had the slightest interest in Skeletor or He-Man, you need to check this out.

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Material #1

May 26, 2015

MATERIAL isn't your typical comic book. We often see different books designated to different genres. Ales Kot isn't interested in making this a book about a specific genre. The book takes an ambitious approach by touching on several different and pretty heavy topics. The characters feel real and you get a sense that Kot is really laying it all out as he sees it. Will Tempest's art adds to the feeling by not trying to depict the perfect or ideal versions of the characters as we often see in most comics. You might find yourself wondering what this entire series is about or how the different characters might connect, if ever, but you'll also find yourself taking an interesting journey that only Ales Kot can take you on.

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Midnighter (2015) #8

Jan 6, 2016

Even when Midnighter takes on a lighter mission, Steve Orlando fills it with excitement. A lot of characters follow a certain archetype in comics but Midnighter continues to walk down his own path. He's a great addition to the DCU and this series never skips a beat. The art by David Messina and Gaetano Carlucci fits the story nicely and you have to love the team-up no one saw coming. MIDNIGHTER is a series that should be on everyone's radar. If you haven't been reading it, go back and track down each issue. You'll thank me for doing so.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 11, 2013

We may not need another Avengers title but we do have a fascinating gathering of heroes here. Event tie-ins sometimes feel forced but this gives an interesting twist with all the heroes busy elsewhere. With the Marvel Universe containing so many different characters, it's easy for some to get lost in the shuffle. If you've been missing any of the characters here, you'll definitely want to check this out (except for Spider-Man, since it's hard to miss him with him popping up more and more in the Marvel U). Al Ewing starts off the series on the right foot. We don't have all the players in place but there is a curiosity that will make you want to come back. With a mysterious character right away and more members to come, there's no telling what the next issue will bring us. MIGHTY AVENGERS isn't the series you were expecting but it's going to be the one you're happy to read.

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Millennium #1

Jan 21, 2015

This is a comic for fans of Chris Carter's Millennium and X-Files. With Joe Harris involved, we can expect the same care and attention he's been showing on THE X-FILES SEASON 10. Jumping back to a case mentioned in the pilot episode of The X-FIles, we find Mulder and Frank Black come together. This issue sets up the situation and fans can hope to discover what Black has been up to since he was last seen in the seventh season of The X-Files. New readers or those unfamiliar with Millennium might be a little lost but then they probably wouldn't pick up the series if they were completely unfamiliar with the characters. This is the crossover we've been waiting for and it's clear Joe Harris is the person to write it.

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Mind the Gap #1

May 2, 2012

This is the type of comic you'll want to come back for month after month to see what new developments arise. The fact that this issue is 48 pages for only $2.99 is another reason the issue should be checked out (not that you should need another reason). MIND THE GAP is a breath of fresh air in terms of new comics. It's this kind of variety that continues to make reading stacks of comics each week fun and exciting.

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Mind the Gap #4

Sep 5, 2012

Each month, MIND THE GAP is a nice change of pace. This is a comic that doesn't contain superpowers or superheroes. Jim McCann has a big mystery going on. With the premise that no one is necessarily innocent, you can't help but read each page and panel carefully as you try to sift out any clues. I may be needlessly be getting worried what the payoff will be when we do get some more answers. I'm enjoying the story and would hate to be let down as we often are in movies and television. But McCann has delivered before and is setting up the story nicely. You'll find yourself reading the issues over to see if there's anything you missed the first time. The issues don't have to fall upon using big obvious cliffhangers because the mystery in itself is a big cliffhanger. We got some more clues here and it looks like more are coming next month. If you're looking for a comic that focuses on the story and characters, MIND THE GAP is definitely a book to pick up.

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Mind the Gap #6

Nov 21, 2012

A great mystery is always fun to read and getting a well-crafted one in a comic book format is a treat. Jim McCann has been weaving quite a web since the beginning. What started out as a simple mugging is turning into an elaborate conspiracy that leaves you scratching your head. We still don't have all the answers but that's good because you won't want the story to end just yet. Even though this series is all about the big mystery and this is the sixth issue, you can still easily jump in here but of course you'll want to see how the story started to fully appreciate all the details. If you're looking for a great mystery with great art and colors, this is the series you've been looking for.

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Mind the Gap #10

May 29, 2013

It's great having a comic series like MIND THE GAP. Jim McCann is giving us a comic that falls into the "something different" category. With a story full of mystery, twists and suspense, you never know what's going to happen. This is the type of comic you will read slowly or find yourself reading through again, to try to pick up on hidden clues to the big mystery. Even when we get major revelations, like in this issue, you discover there is so much more left to the story. The art and color make the experience even more enjoyable

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Mind the Gap #15

Oct 2, 2013

MIND THE GAP is more than just a comic book. For the past fifteen issues Jim McCann has been unfolding this epic yarn. While some may feel that's a long period, each issue has added to the overall story, creating an even bigger picture. This issue marks the end of the first act. What it comes down to is people really should be reading this series. There are two trades already with a third due later this month. That gives readers plenty of time to catch up for the beginning of act II in December. It's a wonderful thing to be able to read a comic that is so driven by the story and also contains great art. You don't see this sort of thing everyday.

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Mind the Gap #16

Dec 18, 2013

Jim McCann has dropped some pretty big bombshells throughout this series. Despite the huge ending last issue (which marked the end of the first act), the story continues with even more questions being raised. This is a comic that will keep you guessing and thinking. McCann has carefully been crafting this story often throwing hints at different moments. Rodin Esquejo's art and Jessica Kholinne's colors are wonderful. It's great having a series like this that easily stands apart from other titles and keeps you hooked issue after issue.

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Mindfield #6

Aug 24, 2011

The first arc of Mindfield reaches its conclusion. The way it ends leaves the door open for more. J.T. Krul has created a great new world of telepathic CIA agents fighting the evil forces of the world. The battle sequences taking place in the mind allows for some interesting visuals and a welcome change from the average comic book fight scenes. This is definitely a series that will read well in a collected format. It felt as if the final battle ended abruptly. I would have liked to have seen more and hopefully there will be another miniseries to continue the seeds that have been planted here.

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Minimum Carnage: Alpha #1

Oct 3, 2012

Carnage and crossovers feel like a natural fit. With the new VENOM and SCARLET SPIDER series, it's great to pit these three against each other. The decision not to included Spider-Man here was the right choice as well. It's hard to say what will happen next and that's important to get readers to want to come back for more. There were some issues with the art, in particular the way Carnage himself appeared. We also have some mystery characters that looked a little familiar but will leave you scratching your head. There definitely is the potential for this series to blast off. You'll want to see what happens next to see how the coming encounter plays out.

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Miss Fury #1

Apr 3, 2013

We are off to an interesting start. We get a taste of who Miss Fury is and how she came to be. It's clear she is a very active and capable individual that can more than hold her own against any opposition. We don't get the full story of her origin but enough to keep us invested. The development of the time travel angle adds a different layer to the comic that makes it stand apart from the other 'pulp' revival comics. There were some scenes where the art was catering to those that crave partial nudity and sexual situations. The premise of the book shouldn't have to rely on such ploys and hopefully won't be a factor of future issues. We have a strong and extremely tough female characters involved in a bizarre adventure and I would love to see more. Rob Williams has come up with a great angle on character that will keep you hooked.

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Mockingbird #1

Mar 9, 2016

This may not be the Mockingbird book you expected, but you'll be surprised to find it's the one you secretly wanted. Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk, and Rachelle Rosenberg have given us something different, and it's pretty cool. Mockingbird has gone through some changes recently, but we haven't really seen them explored in other books. This series throws readers into the story, and Cain takes a different and fascinating approach with the character. This book is clearly taking some risks, and they are clearly paying off. It's going to be a blast seeing how all the pieces fall in place.

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Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1

Sep 2, 2015

I was afraid this was going to be just a simple 'anniversary' one-shot featuring a character I really dig. Thankfully I was wrong. Chelsea Cain's story mixed with Jolle Jones' fantastic art and Rachelle Rosenburg's gorgeous colors makes this a fun and visually stimulating read. I would be on board and love it if we had an ongoing MOCKINGBIRD series with this creative team. If you're a Mockingbird fan, you won't want to miss this.

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Mondo #1

Feb 22, 2012

For those always wanting to try something different, MONDO definitely fits that bill. Ted McKeever introduces us to an interesting little world and you can't be sure what is going to happen next. That mystery makes the series fun and exciting but also gives some tiny feelings of doubt. With mutated people, deadly women and a strange chicken, this isn't something you'll want to miss. It's strange enough to grab your attention but not too strange where it feels forced, strange just to be strange. I have absolutely no idea what could or will happen in the next issue but you can bet I will find out the day the next issue is released.

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Monsters Unleashed #1

Jan 18, 2017

Monsters Unleashed delivers a different sort of comic book event. Cullen Bunn, Steven McNiven, Jay Leisten, and David Curiel set the stage across Earth in the Marvel Universe when giant monsters begin attacking. The appearances by the different characters show the scope of the threat without cramming the heroes in each others' faces. Marvel superheroes fighting huge beasts isn't something we everyday. The rest of the monster-fighting issues should be a blast as well. This is a good setup and nice hors d'oeuvre for what's coming next.

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Monsters Unleashed (2017) #1

Jan 18, 2017

Monsters Unleashed delivers a different sort of comic book event. Cullen Bunn, Steven McNiven, Jay Leisten, and David Curiel set the stage across Earth in the Marvel Universe when giant monsters begin attacking. The appearances by the different characters show the scope of the threat without cramming the heroes in each others' faces. Marvel superheroes fighting huge beasts isn't something we everyday. The rest of the monster-fighting issues should be a blast as well. This is a good setup and nice hors d'oeuvre for what's coming next.

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Monstress #1

Nov 4, 2015

MONSTRESS is a heavy book. Don't let the gorgeous imagery on the cover fool you. Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda are not messing around with the heavy themes and situations presented. You'll be captivated by the story that transpires but you'll also feel like you're prying into the personal struggles of the main character. If you're looking for a heavy story with gorgeous artwork along with a big struggle and plenty of action, you'll want to check this out. At $4.99 for sixty-six pages, it's quite a bargain. The story is the kind that will sit with you on your mind and heart well after you finish reading. It's a bleak beginning in a far-from-happy world but you won't be able to turn away.

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1

Nov 26, 2015

You have to love it when a comic publisher gives us something different. Will MOON GIRL AND DEVIL DINOSAUR be for everyone? Maybe. Maybe not. It's just refreshing to get something like this. It's great and important to have a book that represents other readers. What matters to me most is my daughter really got a kick out of the issue as well. Lunella, Moon Girl, is a wonderful new character and who doesn't want to see Devil Dinosaur in the modern day Marvel Universe? You can feel there's something special going on with this series and it's definitely worth checking out.

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Moon Knight (2011) #3

Jul 6, 2011

This series is delivering a lot of questions. The main ones are is Moon Knight crazy and who is the new Kingpin of LA? Bendis shows us some flashback sequences with Marc setting himself up in LA and it's great getting some more information on those around him. Mysteries are fun and this issue continues to set up the story. We do get some action scenes but there isn't as much as in past issues. Fans of Bullseye will either get a kick out of his appearance here or be slightly disappointed. Maleev's art firmly establishes the mood for Moon Knight's wacky world but I can't say I'm crazy about Snapdragon being the other baddie in this issue. How long will we have to wait for the reveal of the Kingpin and what will the payoff be like?

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Moon Knight (2011) #9

Jan 18, 2012

Bendis is cranking up the crazy level with Moon Knight and it's just in time as he faces off against the insanely powerful Count Nefaria. The entire series has been building up to this battle as now the cover to the first issue perfectly makes sense. Moon Knight's relationship with Echo continues to thrive and where the two will go after this is strongly alluded to. Moon Knight is a fighting machine and Maleev's art sets the tone and vibe for the battle. There is the feeling of isolation during the fight as you don't see any bystanders around. Despite this, the action heats up and the unexpected ending could change the direction of the series in a big way. I may have minor issues with the super-crazy Moon Knight but Bendis and Maleev know how to deliver a whopping issue.

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Moon Knight (2011) #10

Feb 29, 2012

Dang it, Bendis, I didn't want to like this issue. The fact is, I loved it. I don't want Moon Knight to be crazy. I don't want these characters to die. I don't want this series to end. I hate that we're seeing yet another Moon Knight series reaching its final issue. It's all building up to a huge climax. Knowing that Bendis had a set story to tell and the series ending gives the feeling that anything goes. This could be the end for Moon Knight. This isn't the happy cheerful comics we often see from Marvel. I don't know where Bendis is taking this series but you can bet I will be devouring every last bit of it until the final issue.

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Moon Knight (2011) #11

Mar 28, 2012

Last issue I was both angry and happy at what Bendis did to Moon Knight and his associates. This issue didn't pack quite the punch as the last. There is still plenty of great action involving Moon Knight and really makes you sad that we won't be seeing more of this in a couple months. Maleev's art captures the feel of the story but there were a couple moments I felt it fell a little. It's hard to say what's going to happen in the next issue. There's a lot riding on it and I have some pretty high expectations. Based on what Bendis and Maleev have been doing, there shoudn't be any doubt that they will end the series with an explosive finish.

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Moon Knight (2011) #12

Apr 25, 2012

I may not have loved every single bit of the series but Bendis and Maleev's issues will hold up as one of the top Moon Knight runs.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 3, 2014

There's been a lot of buzz and anticipation over the new MOON KNIGHT series. I am overjoyed with what Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey, and Jordie Bellaire have delivered with the first issue. New and old fans can easily jump into this series and Moon Knight's past hasn't been shoved aside in order to accommodate a fresh jumping on point. If you've been on the fence over adding another ongoing series to your pull list, reading this will convince completely. Get ready to enjoy a great new series.

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Moon Knight (2014) #2

Apr 2, 2014

In an almost odd-fashion, we get another self-contained story. These days it feels like most stories are written into nice neat story arcs that can easily be collected in trades. We get a haunting story of Moon Knight coming across a sniper. The ending is a little abrupt but this wasn't really a story that would need a second part, perhaps just another page or two. This is a great issue of MOON KNIGHT that anyone can easily pick up. Check it out. You'll dig it for sure.

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Moon Knight (2014) #3

May 7, 2014

Ive waited so long for this MOON KNIGHT series. Its finally time more and more are starting to realize what potential the character possesses. There are different layers to him and Warren Ellis is giving us interesting self-contained stories showcasing what hes about. Declan Shalveys art and Jordie Bellaires colors set the vibe and tone of the series and readers can become immersed in the action. I find myself cherishing each issue and end up hungry for more as soon as I reach the final page. Moon Knight has a very calm but forceful presence in this issue. You can see he can accomplish what he sets out to. Ellis, Shalvey, and Bellaire need to stay on this book for a long, long time.

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Moon Knight (2014) #4

Jun 4, 2014

Ellis, Shalvey, and Bellaire have done it again. Each issue gives us a new and separate adventure for Moon Knight. Ellis' stories are taking the character, and us, to different and strange places. Shalvey's art along with Bellaire's colors are making this an unforgettable run. As with some of the previous issues, there is a slight feeling of a sudden ending but that's part of the charm of Ellis' storytelling in this series. It almost leaves a little to the imagination and makes you think about the possibilities in what happens next. It might be a different approach to what comic readers are used to but we're getting some trippy stories along with gorgeous art.

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Moon Knight (2014) #5

Jul 2, 2014

This comic is pretty much everything I could want in a Moon Knight comic. Warren Ellis delivers another self contained story but it is gloriously brought to life courtesy of Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. If you've ever been curious about what Moon Knight would do against a building full of thugs, this is the issue for you. We get fight after fight and you're going to want it to keep going. This issue really puts Shalvey's storytelling to the test due to the minimal dialogue and he passes with flying colors. Don't miss out on this issue. Reading this will make it clear why I love Moon Knight so much.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 6, 2014

Bravo to Ellis, Shalvey, and Bellaire. Like many others, I didn't this final issue of their run to come. Reading it, you can put down the issue with a smile on your face. It's a great story showing us another aspect of the world Moon Knight lives in. I've been a Moon Knight fan for so long. I cannot express how thrilled and privileged I feel having had these six issues. It's been a joy to read them and I'm even looking forward to the next issue. MOON KNIGHT is definitely the series everyone should be reading. I can't wait to read them all over again.

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Moon Knight (2014) #7

Sep 3, 2014

Brian Wood and Greg Smallwood are continuing the adventures of Moon Knight admirably. Moon Knight has long been an intriguing character that sometimes lacked the proper guidance with the right creative team. Fans can rejoice as the series gives us what weve grown to expect. We have another self-contained story but there is an interesting twist and tie to whats happened before. Smallwoods art along with Jordie Bellaires colors look great and you cant help but want more. Moon Knight is clearly in safe hands.

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Moon Knight (2014) #9

Nov 19, 2014

This series makes me so incredibly happy. I've always felt Moon Knight was a great characters and it brings me joy to have see him with such a great series. Brian Wood and Greg Smallwood are doing wonders with this series. Any doubts readers had over the changing of the creative team should be long gone by now. Each issue gives you something different. Things go in a strange and bad direction (for Moon Knight) in this issue. As soon as I finish reading, I start counting the days until the next issue.

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Moon Knight (2014) #12

Feb 18, 2015

Weve reached the end of the second arc in MOON KNIGHT. This also marks the end of Brian Wood and Greg Smallwoods fantastic run on the series. Moon Knight has had a difficult time lately with his enemies and we get a pretty cool situation with Marc Spector tracking a different approach to things. Wood and Smallwood end their run with a solid issue. Jordie Bellaires colors are phenomenal as usual. Moon Knight fans can be thankful for two consecutive great runs in this series. How does Moon Knight survive this battle? Whats next? Its going to be a long month as we wait for the new creative team to take over.

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Moon Knight (2016) #1

Apr 13, 2016

With many past series that have come and gone, Jeff Lemire is giving us a MOON KNIGHT series that stands apart from the rest. There is an abundant amount of mystery and suspense as we try to figure out exactly what is happening and what is real. Greg Smallwood and Jordie Bellaire's art and colors is a dream come true for Moon Knight fans. We have an intriguing set up with breathtaking visuals. This is the series and creative team Moon Knight fans deserve. I have high hopes for this series. I've had my heart broken before after seeing past series come to an end. There is a lot of set up here in place of pure action, but it's important in establishing the tone and direction. I have no idea where we're headed to next but I am thrilled to be along for the ride.

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Moon Knight (2016) #2

May 4, 2016

I'm oozing with joy and excitement over this current Moon Knight series. I feel a slight tremble inside when I reach the end and am filled with the anticipation of the next issue. I need my Moon Knight fix and Lemire, Smallwood, and Bellaire are doing a phenomenal job. Two issues in, I am completely sold on this volume. It's going to be another epic run. It's a great time to be a Moon Knight fan. This book is so dang good. I need and want more.

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Moon Knight (2016) #4

Jul 6, 2016

It's no secret how much I love Moon Knight as a character. While he's placed in a situation that calls his sanity into question, you can't help but get pulled into Jeff Lemire's story. The feeling of mystery amps up the tension of the story. Greg Smallwood's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors are absolutely gorgeous. This is what I want my Moon Knight comics to look and feel like. I can't get enough of this series.

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Moon Knight (2016) #10

Jan 4, 2017

With this issue, the series feels like it's recapturing the magic we had in the first arc. We still have the struggle and mystery of what exactly is going on, but the addition of new insight into Moon Knight's childhood is a welcome area of exploration. Lemire, Smallwood, and Bellaire are a phenomenal team and a great fit for this title. This book is on fire.

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Nailbiter #1

May 6, 2014

Horror and thriller comics aren't easy to do. Because of the comics medium, they often fail to truly deliver the chills and suspense the creators are trying to convey. Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson show us they have a pretty damn good idea how to do it right. It's a joy to see a dark story make its point without relying on over-the-top or gratuitous scenes. With a big mystery and a killer (or killers) lurking about, you won't know if the main characters will survive for many issues. The tension created in this first issue sets the tone for the series and you won't be able to resist coming back for more. Just be prepared for a cliffhanger that will keep you waiting in anticipation until the next issue.

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Nailbiter #6

Oct 1, 2014

We've seen what Joshua Williamson is capable of so far in this series but with issue #6, he takes a slight departure to show us another layer of creepiness in the town of Buckaroo, Oregon. Rather than focus directly on the story of a serial killer, we witness another aspect in the fascination with the killers as they gain notoriety. Williamson and Mike Henderson know how to deliver a creepy and disturbing tale. You might feel a slight weird feeling in the pit of your stomach but that's just because Williamson and Henderson are doing their job. Pick up the first trade (also on sale today) if you haven't been keeping up. This is a captivating and disturbing comic without feeling gratuitous. You'll find yourself unable to look away.

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New Avengers (2010) #15

Aug 10, 2011

Some of the Fear Itself crossovers have been hit or miss. This one might not have a huge impact with the main series but there's no reason to complain about that. Bendis gives us his usual shining moments of the characters actually being human. This means we get scenes of the team getting to hang out along with the humor Bendis is known for writing. Deodato of course manages to wow us with his incredible art, depicting both the calmer scenes along with the intense action the crossover calls for. Of course he makes Squirrel Girl look pretty amazing. And that's where the issue really shines. We get to see Squirrel Girl in action. If you haven't been able to appreciate her for the fighting skills she possesses, this issue is sure to convince you of how formidable she is. I didn't think I'd give a Squirrel Girl comic a five out of five but I had no choice. The comic was fun and entertained me and that's exactly what I want in a comic.

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New Avengers (2010) #17

Oct 12, 2011

There's some big things coming for the New Avengers. While fighting a giant threat in New Jersey, we find out there more to the attack than there appears to be. Every once in a while it's great to get an issue with over the top action. Having Mike Deodato and Will Conrad draw it makes it even better. We don't always get to see the New Avengers simply cut loose on their enemies but here they simply attack as soon as they arrive on scene. Iron Man's appearance and attempt to direct the team felt odd but seeing the seeds that are being planted for the next issue and arc is enough to get you salivating.

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New Avengers (2013) #1

Jan 1, 2013

This will not be like the New Avengers titles in the past and that's a great thing. If we are going to have multiple Avengers titles, it's great to see each having a different taste to them. There are some moments that might make you scratch you head but this is just the beginning. Minor details should not inhibit the enjoyment of what is to come. Based on Hickman's track record, we should prepare ourselves for a bumpy adventure. Even though this is just the formation of another Avengers team, it feels like we're on the verge of a new horizon. This clearly is not just another Avengers title. There's something more going on here.

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New Warriors (2014) #1

Feb 19, 2014

The New Warriors are coming back, sort of. There's a new mystery developing that will pull together the latest incarnation of the team. It's a great feeling seeing the story develop rather than having the status quo already in motion and being expected to just accept it as the new starting point. Chris Yost and Marcus To are cranking up the fun and energy in their corner of the Marvel Universe. There's a great vibe being established and seeing how all the characters fits together is going to be a blast.

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New Warriors (2014) #2

Mar 5, 2014

Too often we see new superhero teams magically come together. With incarnation of the New Warriors, Chris Yost is taking the time to present a scenario which will potentially bring them all together against a common threat. This might limit some of the interaction we would normally get in a team book but it gives the series a feeling that Yost is looking at the big picture rather than rushing the story along. Marcus To's art is always great to see. He gives his characters a youthful zeal that cranks up their enthusiasm and the tone of the book. It's refreshing to see a relaunch series that truly feels new instead of more of the same. It's time to "get your war on" with the New Warriors.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

Apr 9, 2014

There is so much to be happy about in this new Nightcrawler series. Nightcrawler is back and alive, as he should be. Chris Claremont is back writing in the X-Universe. Todd Nauck is drawing an X-Title. There's a great feel as Kurt returns to the world he left behind and adjusts to the changes. There is plenty of reminiscing, action, and story plots to move things forward. While we see Kurt in different areas, it's not clear exactly where this book will go. But with Claremont and Nauck on board, this title has secured a firm spot on my pull list.

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Nightwing (2011) #0

Sep 19, 2012

This is where we get to see the birth of Dick Grayson as a crime fighter. Despite already knowing his origin, there is plenty to see here to make this a fun and exciting read. Some aspects of Dick's past, abilities and training have been tweaked but this is the time to do it after all. The New 52 is about updating the characters and it's definitely not taking extreme liberties that will earn the wrath of fans. Dick Grayson as Robin was cool but let's be honest, he was something most of us chuckled at. Kyle Higgins and Tom Defalco have added just a tiny bit of spice to push him over the top. I want to see more of Dick in this time period. I couldn't ask for anything more in this issue except for extra pages to keep the story going.

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Nightwing (2011) #1

Sep 21, 2011

Dick Grayson is back as Nightwing and he gets plenty of action testing out his new costume. A great first issue for new readers with mention of his past and time as Batman. Dick has finally settled into who he is and where he belongs. Unfortunately the return of Haley's Circus will add turmoil to his life and give us an interesting story as he now has to decide what he wants. Higgins and Barrows do a great job capturing the action with Nightwing and making it stand apart from Dick's adventures as Batman. The city scenes are full of light and dark that truly describe where Dick is right now. This isn't just a story full of Nightwing beating up street thugs. He will be facing a deadly foe that raises the stakes. Hopefully he'll survive long enough to keep his Nightwing identity. Nightwing was enjoyable and will be at the top of my reading list each month.

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Nightwing (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

I enjoyed this issue better than the first and I have a feeling I'll like issue #3 even more. Nightwing is back to who he's supposed to be and it's great having this series.

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Nightwing (2011) #6

Feb 15, 2012

The mysteries are starting to unravel. Dick's been dealing with a lot since becoming part of Haly's Circus again. With the revelation of the book of names in issue #4 and upcoming solicits for this series, we know signs are pointing towards the upcoming Night of the Owls crossover in the Batman-Family books. Dick has been moving up to becoming a great detective but we're seeing that even he doesn't have all the answers. Kyle Higgins has been laying out a big mystery and it looks like it's all going to come to an explosive conclusion.

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Nightwing (2011) #9

May 16, 2012

It's great to have a crossover that isn't completely reliant on the other issues and able to stand on its own. Dick is being deeply affected by these revelations and it should be interesting to see if he'll bring it up after this story is over"if he survives this issue, of course.

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Nightwing (2011) #10

Jun 20, 2012

I've been enjoying this series since the relaunch but there was something here that really made it stand out. It could be the hints of a bigger past for Gotham City or some closure on recent events and what Dick wants to do with his future. We're also finally seeing more on the investigation into the murders by his escrima sticks. It felt like that had to be put on hold because of Saiko's vendetta and the Night of the Owls crossover. Some of the decisions made here made me happy and seeing a character from before the "New 52" was great. It reassures us that we still have some of the stories that happened before in continuity. Nightwing gets a new villain here but we don't get the background on the character so it's hard to make a judgement on him. There's a lot going on and it's great to see Nightwing in the capable hands of Kyle Higgins. I feel like we're about to enter a new era for Nightwing.

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Nightwing (2011) #15

Dec 19, 2012

The return of Kyle Higgins on this title will bring joy and make you feel sorry for Nightwing. Joker is taking his Bat-Family attacks to a personal level with Nightwing and it's not going to have a happy outcome. The big unknown is how much does Joker know and we may be seeing some answers here. Eddy Barrows heats things up by making each scene work completely. I may be getting too much Joker in all the different Bat-titles but this combination of writing and art can make me easily overlook the Joker-overload. I'm almost afraid to see what Higgins has planned next for Nightwing and Joker.

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Nightwing (2011) #17

Feb 20, 2013

NIGHTWING continues to be one of my favorite DC titles. He's a great character and you can just tell that Kyle Higgins loves the character and understands him. Seeing the aftermath of the Death of the Family issues was great as this sort of thing is often overlooked after the major events. Dick Grayson is a caring and emotional character so this could have some deep impact on who he is and what he does next. Seeing cameos from those close to him was fitting and the conversation with Damian, while a little odd for him, was a great reminder that they went through a lot together after Batman: R.I.P. You can feel that some changes are coming up and we get an interesting tease at the end that guarantees you'll want to return for the next issue.

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Nightwing (2011) #18

Mar 20, 2013

Nightwing's gone through some tough times and everything is about to change. This issue is a great way of looking back over the recent events and reflecting on them while also setting up a huge new direction for the character and title. Kyle Higgins clearly has a plan with what he's constructing in this title and the level of excitement has been elevated to a new level. There were some moments the art became a distraction, which was unfortunate for an issue full of emotion and action. This was an issue containing separate sections but each event flowed nicely into the next without having a jarring feeling. If you haven't been reading NIGHTWING for some reason, this is the perfect time to find out what you've been missing.

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Nightwing (2011) #23

Aug 14, 2013

Nightwing's adventures in Chicago continue and the action is becoming more explosive. Kyle Higgins is claiming Chicago as his own playground for Nightwing and the art by Will Conrad and colors by Andrew Dalhouse are making it all a great trip. There are a couple moments things escalate a bit too much but there's no denying how much of a blast this series has become. We essentially have a "Batman" family book that can easily stand on its own with a distinct feel to it. This series makes me happy to be a Nightwing fan.

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Nightwing (2011) #30

May 28, 2014

Change is in the air. It's not a secret that I'm not super-crazy about the changes coming for Dick Grayson. The idea of Dick joining Spyral is definitely intriguing. Tim Seeley introduces us to aspects of the new direction we can expect when the new series, GRAYSON, debuts. There is definitely potential in what's coming up along with the new interpretation of a character that appears here. Unfortunately this issue was a little all over the place in closing out the previous volume and setting up the new one. It didn't feel like a NIGHTWING issue and that might not have been the intention. This isn't the final issue of NIGHTWING I wanted but I will be checking out what's next for sure.

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Nightwing (2011) Annual #1

Oct 30, 2013

Fans of Dick and Barbara need to check this out. Kyle Higgins does a great job addressing the past, present and future of these two. Having a full-annual-sized adventure gives the perfect way to fully tell this story without interrupting the flow and allowing it all to play out in one sitting. It's stories like this that are needed to explore the situations and backstories of the different characters given the bits of mystery that still exist within the New 52's updated history. There was some distraction having the story's art split between two artists. Seeing Dick and Barbara together and with the conclusion Higgins gives us will leave you wanting more.

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No Place Like Home #1

Feb 22, 2012

I've never been the biggest Wizard of Oz fan but the current Oz books from Eric Shanower and Skottie Young have made me a fan. With this series by Angelo Tirotto and Richard Jordan, it's immediately made clear that this isn't just another take on the story. Tiny elements are taken from the original but from the first couple pages you'll know this is a different story. The main character, Dee, is far from the young and innocent Dorothy we might be expecting and the darkness that is seeping beneath the surface of her hometown will be enough to get you hooked. It's a good thing to take a chance to try a new series and it's great when that series delivers. This isn't The Wizard of Oz and it's a good thing that it's not being presented that way. NO PLACE LIKE HOME is off to a great start. It's hard to say where the series is going but I definitely want to see what happens next.

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Nova (2013) #1

Feb 19, 2013

As a Richard Rider fan, I wasn't thrilled over the idea of a series starring a different Nova. Jeph Loeb does a good job in introducing who the character is and where he comes from. The version of Sam Alexander here is thankfully different than what is seen on the animated Ultimate Spider-Man series. As a first issue, we get the basics, we are introduced to Sam and get an idea how he becomes Nova. What we dont know is if the series will be based in space, on Earth or both. Ed McGuinness' art is great as he always manages to capture and depict big action scenes. We're off to a great start. I was hesitant about actually liking a Nova series with a different Nova but I have to admit I'm hooked so far.

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Nova (2013) #2

Mar 20, 2013

NOVA is shaping up to be a fun new title as Jeph Loeb shapes Sam into a likable new hero. Ed McGuinness' art and Marte Gracia's colors add to the fun factor by giving us great visuals to go with the story. We're still in the learning phase of this new Nova so we get to see him get accustomed to everything. It's not fully clear where this title will go in the future and why it has a T rating. Because Sam is still learning about his new situation, we don't have a lot of major plot development going on just yet. Gamora and Rocket Raccoon appear but don't get the opportunity to make their roles clear to Sam. If things continue, this could easily become one of my favorite titles. Yes I want to see Richard Rider back (I tried to avoid bringing him up) but Sam is on his way to becoming a great new character in the Marvel Universe.

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Nova (2013) #3

Apr 17, 2013

NOVA continues to be a joy to read. We could definitely use more titles that are this fun to read with a good sense of light-heartedness. Jeph Loeb is making Sam Alexander a fun character and you can't help but want to see more of him. We're starting to see how he will relate to the rest of the Marvel Universe. It's not fully clear if this book will focus on the humor angle or if we'll see Sam take on his responsibilities in a more series fashion. The art team of McGuinness, Vines and Gracia make this a visual treat. It would be nice to see Gamora and Rocket Racoon do more but with the visuals we have, you can't really complain. Nova is on the verge of a turning point in this issue. This issue and the next will give us a good idea what sort of hero he will be.

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Nova (2013) #4

May 15, 2013

NOVA continues to be a fun and enjoyable title. Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness are making Sam Alexander into a great character. So many of today's comics have such dark tones and themes, it's refreshing to have a comic with a lighter feel. There are still some slightly mature themes entrenched here but the enthusiasm and design of Sam makes you feel a little warm inside. Sam is a character I want to see more of in the Marvel Universe. I just hope anyone that may work on the character uses the same care and understanding that Loeb and McGuinness currently are. The book has a big epic feel. The only problem is the story feels like it rushes by with too much happening too quickly. This just means we need more NOVA.

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Nova (2013) #9

Oct 23, 2013

You can feel there are changes coming. Zeb Wells continues to flesh out Sam Alexander's character and having Robbie Baldwin and Vance Astrovik sets up the next chapter in Sam's life. While faced with a serious and deadly threat, Sam is forced to fight a battle he can't win. There is a quick resolution to it all as the stage is set for the anniversary issue next month. Paco Medina's art is great for the series. We can only hope that the creative switch coming next month will maintain the vibe of the series while continuing to delivering the fun and exciting adventures of the new Nova.

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Nova (2013) #10

Nov 27, 2013

Fans of Sam Alexander as the new Nova will enjoy this oversized issue that closes the chapter on his introduction and sets the stage for what's to come next. Zeb Wells and Gerry Duggan both flesh out the character and we see where he'll be going after this. It might feel a little odd celebrating 100 issues of Nova with Sam but hopefully this could be a sign that the past and history haven't been forgotten. Duggan sets up an interesting direction for, at least, the next issue. There's even a cute back up with art by Yale Stewart everyone should enjoy.

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Nova (2013) #11

Dec 11, 2013

This is a book you should definitely be reading. The more we get to know of Sam Alexander, the more likable he becomes. Trying to balance the responsibilities of possessing the Nova powers while still trying to get through being a high school student (and big brother), this books strays from the average superhero tale. Despite the strange locales Sam may venture to, there is a lot of humanity here with Sam being such a normal kid in an grandiose situation. It's refreshing having a series like NOVA to read each month.

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Nova (2016) #1

Dec 7, 2016

What could be better than a comic series with Nova? How about a comic series with two Novas? New and old fans can rejoice as the adventures of Sam Alexander continue along side the return another character. Jeff Loveness and Ramon Perez are giving the two characters clear and distinct voices. The art and color creates a good atmosphere and tone for the characters. With the questions raised here, there's definitely plenty of reasons to come back for more.

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Old Man Logan #2

Jun 17, 2015

The story of Old Man Logan continues. This isn't your typical Secret Wars tie-in book. In others, the characters seem fully aware of where they are in terms of Battleworld and the bigger story. That isn't the case for Logan and makes him venturing into another domain more interesting. Bendis is keeping us on the edge of our seats and Sorrentino and Maiolo's art and colors are phenomenal. Old Man Logan is definitely going to have his hands full. This will not be a vacation for him. With the changes happening to the Marvel Universe after SECRET WARS, this could be a very important book to keep an eye on.

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Old Man Logan #3

Jul 22, 2015

It's really starting to feel like this book is setting things up for the upcoming OLD MAN LOGAN series after Secret Wars ends. There's a feeling of the story jumping around from place to place. Logan is making his way across different domains and we can assume he'll eventually arrive in what's to become the 616 world. Bendis is treating us to pitting Logan up against different versions of characters but the brief encounters leaves us wanting more. Sorrentino and Maiolo's art and colors are fantastic and keeps you glued to the issue.

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OMAC (2011) #1

Sep 7, 2011

We have a new universe thanks to the "New 52" and a new O.M.A.C. to go along with it. I thought I knew a little about the character but we have a new feel here. Many creators have commented that we will not be seeing strict origin stories right away. We definitely don't have one here as we are thrown in completely in the middle of the story. O.M.A.C. is on a mission and even he isn't fully aware of why he's doing what he's doing. The art has a retro feel to it and there are plenty of great action scenes which gives promise to lots of excitement in future issues. Because we have new characters in the book, it's hard to become fully invested in them after one issue. The overall mystery of the premise is enough to make you want to find out more.

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Operation S.I.N. #1

Jan 5, 2015

If you're curious about what the Marvel Universe was like in the 1950s, you'll want to check this out. With Peggy Carter and Howard Stark ready to hit the small screen, we get the opportunity to see how their comic book counterparts behaved in a mission tying into a character introduced in ORIGINAL SIN. Kathryn Immonen's story and dialogue combined with Rich Ellis' art and Jordan Boyd's colors really captures the feel of the time period. There might be a couple moments of confusion for new readers but there is plenty of action and suspense to get you hooked. Reading this definitely makes me want more.

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Original Sin #1

May 6, 2014

Who doesn't like a good mystery? Jason Aaron is giving us a pretty big one. The Watcher has played an important role behind the scenes in the Marvel Universe. The idea of him being gone is hard but the idea that his death may unlock deep dark mysteries is pretty fascinating. Aaron assembles an army of characters. Actually we have several different groups being brought together. There is some confusion as to why and who is doing all the arranging but that's just something that will be clear in the coming issues. Mike Deodato's art is always fun to see. His detail and style adds a certain level of elegance to the characters and he has no problem drawing a multitude of different ones. There's bound to be huge repercussions over this. This event won't directly force you to read every single other Marvel title but it's going to be fun to see how the unleashed secrets affects everyone. We're off to a great start.

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Original Sin #2

May 21, 2014

ORIGINAL SIN is off to a frantic start. There's a lot going on and that's what you want and expect in a big comic book event. Jason Aaron and Marvel are unleashing all the big guns to try to sort out this big mystery. Mike Deodato's art and Frank Martin's colors will bring a smile to your face. Having a nice juicy mystery in the Marvel Universe is fun and it's a great feeling not having an idea where things are going to go. Lots of great crazy reveals and the series is just beginning.

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Original Sin #3

Jun 4, 2014

Comic Book events are nothing new these days. But there's something about ORIGINAL SIN that is keeping me captivated. We may be seeing a lot of new secrets come to light with characters in their books but the whole idea of a mystery in the Marvel Universe if just fun to read. Mike Deadato is keeping pace with Jason Aaron's script with ease. The action may be spread all over the place but that's part of the fun. We have strange pairings working for a mysterious boss and seeing these interactions has me hooked. It doesn't hurt when you have a big crazy twist of an ending either. I can't wait to see what happens next. This is the kind of comic book event I want.

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Original Sin #4

Jun 18, 2014

Despite how often we have big comic book events and crossovers, it's not every day we have one that keeps you glued to the pages every single issue. While focusing on the big mystery of who killed the Watcher, Jason Aaron is giving us other mysteries that are keeping us in suspense and making our jaws drop. Mike Deodato and Frank Martin are delivering great art and color. The dark feel of the art really adds to the tone of the story. The worst part is now having to wait for the next issue.

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Original Sin #5

Jul 1, 2014

This issue of ORIGINAL SIN takes a tiny break from the main action. As we discover the true past of a certain character, we get to sit back and enjoy the tale. The information does tie into the overall story but it feels a little disruptive in slowing things down. It is something long time readers and fans of the character won't want to miss. Mike Deodato's art and Frank Martin's colors shine with some minor distractions. What all these revelations mean to the bigger picture and the Marvel Universe remains to be seen. You just might find yourself having to stop and let it all sink in. I can't wait to see what Jason Aaron has in store for us next.

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Original Sin #7

Aug 13, 2014

If you've been wanting some good old fashioned superhero fighting superhero action, you're in for a treat. Most of us have an affinity for Nick Fury and the recent revelations over his status have us all wondering what's next for him. For the time being, we get to see him take on the Avengers. And it's pretty glorious. Jason Aaron is still peeling back the layers as we wait for all the answers and Mike Deodato gives us some amazing pages to stare at. There's only one more issue left in this series. There's no telling what will happen next.

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Original Sin #8

Sep 3, 2014

There may have been some pacing issues during the story but ORIGINAL SIN has been a satisfying read, for the most part. It's a story I'll likely want to read again, especially to look at Deodato's art some more. I'm a little concerned for what happens next for some characters and that's a testament for Jason Aaron pulling me into the story and making me care.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Jun 25, 2014

If you have it in you to take on a dark and disturbing comic, this is indeed the one for you. There won't be any frolicking or cheerful times here but what you get is an intriguing story. Robert Kirkman does a great job setting up this new world and characters. Paul Azaceta's art is perfect for the story and Elizabeth Breitweiser's colors completes setting up the vibe and atmosphere of the story. You'll feel a slight knot in the pit of your stomach even though there isn't anything overly gratuitous about this book. That just shows that they know what they're doing. Read this issue and you'll get hooked. That really shouldn't come as a surprise.

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Painkiller Jane: The Price Of Freedom #4

Feb 5, 2014

It's the end of the miniseries. Who will survive? With the way this series has gone and with Jimmy Palmiotti writing, you never know what will happen next. It's been a crazy adventure with non-stop action and violence. This is the stuff you don't find in your regular comic book. It's been great seeing the return of Painkiller Jane. Check this out to see what Palmiotti is doing when he's not writing about regular superheroes.

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Paper Girls #1

Oct 7, 2015

PAPER GIRLS is jammed with a special kind of innocence but doesn't shy away some slightly mature themes. You'll be hooked from the beginning. The fact that it's an oversized first issue for only $2.99 will make you feel like it's your birthday. This is a great start to a new series. I may not know what's coming up but I know I'm going to love every minute of it.

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Peter Panzerfaust #1

Feb 15, 2012

Peter Pan fighting in World War II. It's a great idea and there's so much that could be done with this idea. We're introduced to the familiar characters but don't fully know how closely they relate to them. Did Peter really hang out in Kensington Gardens and live in Neverland or is this more of a twist on the characters with a more realistic touch? Kurtis J. Wiebe and Tyler Jenkins set up the characters and this world nicely. The only downside of the issue is it feels as if it ends abruptly. It could simply be that I wanted more. I didn't want the issue to end. But it didn't quit quite have the normal cliffhanger feel. Regardless, I will be coming back for the next issue to see how everything unfolds. This is a great take on the character but the sky's the limit as to where this could go.

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Peter Parker, Spider-Man (1999) #156.1

Aug 1, 2012

The 'point one' stories are still coming out. Originally they were meant to be 'jumping on points' but since this series isn't actually in publication, there won't be a next issue after this. We do get a self contained story in honor of Spider-Man's fiftieth anniversary. Part of the story takes place at the old warehouse where Spider-Man confronted the burglar that killed his uncle. It's fitting and a little creepy at the same time. It's a story that doesn't contain any major villains but it does have Spider-Man doing what he does best. If this is meant to be a tribute to his character, what better way than to show him risking his life in order to save others and bring down the bad guys?

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Planet Hulk #1

May 19, 2015

PLANET HULK is a strong addition to the line of SECRET WARS tie in series. Sam Humphries is taking the idea of Planet Hulk to a different level. By mixing some elements from a different region, we'll get to see a gladiator Captain America and Devil Dinosaur enter the story for some guaranteed big action. Marc Laming's art with Jordan Boyd's colors fit the story perfectly. The addition of a back up Planet Hulk world origin by Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa is a great added bonus. Things are really going to heat up next issue. PLANET HULK looks to be a smashing success.

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Plutona #1

Sep 2, 2015

You may know what's going to happen in this first issue but there's no telling what comes next. Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox do a wonderful job setting up the story. As this is the first issue, it's what necessary. We need to find out who the main characters are and they do a remarkable job showing us and making us become invested in what they're about to face. If that wasn't enough, we also get a cool back up written and drawn by Lemire. Don't miss the party on this one. We have a great set up and I can't wait to see the story soar from here.

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Point One #1

Nov 9, 2011

There might be a steep cover price but there is so much in terms of content. Big things are coming Marvel's way in 2012 and this is the perfect sampler to get a taste. You get 64 pages of comic (a little less if you subtract the ads) and there is an incredible line up of creators and characters (I should mentioned how super-excited I am over Chris Yost's Scarlet Spider). It might be hard to part with six dollars for a single comic but this is a great way to get a sense of what is coming and a chance to form a decision on whether or not you'll pick up the coming series. I didn't absolutely love every story here but there are indeed some elements that will make you look forward to 2012.

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Popeye #1

Apr 25, 2012

As a fan of the show in my childhood, I may have been a little harder when looking over the entire issue but the series is off to a great start and I am ecstatic to be able to buy and read a new Popeye series. My thanks go out to all involved in making this series happen.

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Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) #1

Feb 17, 2016

Power Man and Iron Fist is a comic that doesn't try hard to accomplish its goals. We're so used to seeing big gimmicky action or twists to make a comic feel it has an explosive amount of energy. David Walker and Sanford Greene instead focus on telling a story with some cool characters. The interactions and actions have a natural feel to them. This subdued approach really makes you appreciate the storytelling aspect of the book. By the time you finish reading, you'll discover that the fate of the Marvel Universe may not be hanging in the balance, but you will be hooked and want to see what happens next.

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Punisher (2011) #2

Aug 24, 2011

The Punisher isn't usually high on my reading list. He's a guy that kills bad guys with guns. I have enjoyed many many Punisher issues over the years but he isn't someone I'd choose to read about right away. Greg Rucka is doing a great job in making the Punisher interesting. It might be in part that we don't hear Frank talk. He is completely focused and doesn't have a need to say anything. Checchetto's art sets up a chilling mood that fits perfectly with Rucka scripts. This Punisher isn't someone you'd want to mess around with. He's being set up to face a villain that appeared in another character's book and he's not the first villain I'd think of to be paired with the Punisher. That does make it more interesting and gives another reason to check out the next issue. But with Rucka and Checchetto on board, another reason to read this book isn't needed.

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Punisher (2011) #10

Apr 18, 2012

Part one was great and, no surprise, this one is as well. Punisher, Spider-Man and Daredevil have different tactics and views but with all their past run ins, they can easily put them aside when necessary. Rucka and Checchetto have made this a great series and this crossover has been a welcomed and complete surprise. It is unfortunate that each part of the story takes place in a different comic. It's even more unfortunate that this will only last three issues. PUNISHER is a great series and this crossover is continuing to be a blast to read.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 3, 2014

The Punisher is back to continue his fight against crime. Nathan Edmondson throws the Punisher and us in the middle of the action as we see Frank move away from the all too familiar New York City setting. Mitch Gerads is delivering some good visuals and it's safe to say this is going to be a fun and explosive Punisher series.

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Punk Rock Jesus #6

Jan 2, 2013

Reading this final issue was a great way to start off the new year. Get ready for the end. There will be answers, shocks and surprises. We've seen a lot happen over these six issues. Sean Murphy has done a remarkable job on both the writing and art duties. When I first heard about the concept I thought it was a novel idea. Murphy has shown us how well he has thought out and planned the events in each issue. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, a curve ball is thrown at you. The only downside is the printed format sadly makes the art look a little faded. The crispness of the digital format really makes the art shine and lets you appreciate every detail of Murphy's art. This is a heavy series and with the themes, violence and language won't be for everyone. It is comics like this that makes you happy to have a publisher like Vertigo. I loved every bit of this series.

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Quake: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1

Sep 9, 2015

The S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary one-shots have been a welcomed treat. With the focus on different characters, it'd be great if this was a sign of things to come. With renewed interest in the Daisy Johnson character due to Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it'd be a great time to see more solo action stories with the character. Matthew Rosenberg and Patrick Kindlon do a very nice job handling the dialogue for a character that doesn't normally associate with the Avengers. We've been seeing some minor tweaks and changes happening with characters associated with S.H.I.E.L.D. due to the television show but aside from that, we get a really good self-contained story.

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Quantum and Woody #1

Jul 10, 2013

This is where some people will get mad. Valiant has done it again. They have released yet another great comic you'll have to add to your pull list. James Asmus delivers on making this book have a distinct feel. This is not just another superhero book. It's the "world's worst superhero team" book. Getting to know who the characters are gives it a set up feel but this is crucial for anyone to be able to dive in and enjoy the issue. Do yourself a favor and check out what's going to become a new favorite. Plus, how often do you get to see a character pee in a bathtub?

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Quantum and Woody #2

Aug 7, 2013

This comic is so much fun. Reading this comic is like ordering a pizza from your favorite place only to discover they gave you an extra side of cheesy bread. James Asmus brilliantly balances action, mystery and humor in this issue. Having the main characters basically be complete opposites sets the stage for anything to happen. You might not want someone like Woody in your life but you're going to love reading him in this comic. Everyone needs more Quantum and Woody in their lives. And for fans of urination, there is another pee reference!

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Quantum and Woody #6

Dec 4, 2013

There's a reason Quantum and Woody are called the world's worst superhero team. James Asmus makes everything go badly in a wonderful way. Ming Doyle's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors add a great feel to the story and it's great to see a creative team flow together so nicely. Asmus is showing us you never really know what's going to happen next. There's so much humor and awkwardness in this issue, you'll want to read it again and again.

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Quantum and Woody #8

Feb 19, 2014

Is it a spoiler if I say Quantum and Woody have survived another story arc? Defining the meaning of the phrase, "world's worst superhero team," James Asmus continues the mis-adventures of these two heroes. Whether it's the situations they find themselves in, the dialogue, or Woody's actions, there's so much craziness in each issue. Ming Doyle's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors really wrap up the entire package nicely making this a fun book to read with great art and colors to make it a visual basket of joy. I know I just finished reading the issue but I'm ready for the next issue already. Bring me more!

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Quantum and Woody #10

May 14, 2014

QUANTUM AND WOODY is a great and fun read. Valiant is putting out a slew of great books but what James Asmus something else. Not only do you get big superhero action, you get issues packed with humor. Balancing the two can sometimes be difficult but Asmus has a great grasp on it. The art by Kano captures Asmus' script and humor nicely. This was a fun issue but it felt a little like it was just setting things up for the next arc. That's not bad as we can see big trouble is headed their way. If you're looking for laughs and big action, this is the comic for you.

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Rebels (2015) #1

Apr 8, 2015

Who says comics can't be educational and entertaining? Brian Wood is diving into America's fight for independence in 1775. In a comic book landscape full of superhero books, it's great to get something with a completely different feel. Wood's historical fiction makes you want to find out even more about the time period. With art by Andrea Mutti and colors by Jordie Bellaire, everything looks fantastic. This first issue sets up the characters and time period. If you're a history buff or interested in the time period, check out this series to get a taste of what things were like. This is just the beginning of a fascinating comic book journey through historic events.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #0

Sep 19, 2012

Jason Todd's past has been revealed. We get to find out who he was before his death. This is what the zero issues are for. Seeing the life Jason had before let's us know why he is the way he is today. He is far from the perfect character but we can see that he is a product of his environment. His life with his parents and with Bruce offer two completely different inspirations in shaping who he becomes. Joker's appearance here has the potential to change things. We'll have to see how that plays out and it definitely makes things pretty interesting.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #1

Sep 21, 2011

It was fun, it was over the top, a good fresh start with some interesting changes that I will need to see how they play out.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #2

Oct 19, 2011

Red Hood and the Outlaws is shaping up to be a great and fun title. I had major questions concerning Jason Todd's past and we're getting some. That's what really sold on this issue. Seeing a glimpse into his past was what I wanted to see. As Jason moves forward with Roy and Starfire, we're also getting some insight into whether or not he's really a 'good' guy or the jerk we've sometimes seen lately. There aren't any shocking moments (*sarcasm*) with Starfire but something that happens with Jason here makes me question the conversation he had with Roy last issue. Rocafort's art is great even though sometimes characters look a little too pretty. I'll take pretty over ugly art any day of the week. I enjoy this issue more than last (which I also liked) and I have a feeling I'm going to like next issue even more.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #3

Nov 16, 2011

The art is almost too good as it'd be hard to imagine these characters appearing in other titles drawn by someone else. That and their new direction makes it hard to place where they came from before and what of their pre-New 52 histories are still intact. We do discover some bits of their past though. We get some insight that finally begins to let us know who Jason, Roy and Kori are. Behavior from previous issues is starting to make sense as everything is starting to unfold. I'm really starting to care about these characters and combination of art, humor and adventure simply made this a blast to read. That's what I want from a comic. I want to be able to enjoy it and have fun.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #5

Jan 18, 2012

The Outlaws are shaping up to be quite a team. Jason Todd, Starfire and Roy may not have set out to actually be a team but more and more we're seeing how they belong together. Character development continues as Lobdell reveals more of what he's had planned for them since the first issue. Rocafort brings the story alive with his amazing art and Blond's colors make it pop off the page. Jason Todd's past with the All-Caste continues to develop and it's adding more to who he is now but hopefully we won't see too much more inserted into his past and rather have the developments and changes occur in the present, as some do in this issue. This series keeps getting better and better with each issue.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #6

Feb 15, 2012

I've been enjoying this series more and more with each issue. We've seen some minor difference with the characters since the "New 52" happened but the explanations we're being given makes a lot of sense. I'm sure there might be some that won't agree with my score. What everyone needs to understand is we don't have half stars. To me, a five out of five can mean different things for different issues. This issue gets a five because of the characters' portrayal and the fact that it doesn't feel like we're being insulted. Lobdell and Williamson give a feeling that they are committed to the characters. Seeing the flashback was wonderful in that it further acknowledges that the past history hasn't been erased or is being ignored. As great as some of the "New 52" titles are, there's a lot of feeling like we still don't know what has and hasn't happened. With this issue, there simply is respect for the characters which should make new and old fans happy.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #10

Jun 20, 2012

I enjoy reading this series each month but I could do without a reduction in the main story just to get more on a minor character. It feels like it's going to be a long month in waiting for the next issue.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #11

Jul 18, 2012

Jason and the Outlaws are still in space. With the focus on Starfire, we're seeing that there is much more to her than there appeared to be in the first issue. Lobdell clearly has plans for her character. Having the trio go out in space takes the series in a different direction. We're now seeing Starfire take over the leadership role with Jason being more of a supporting character. There were moments where Jason seemed a little different but perhaps it's their surroundings (has he ever been out in space before) or it could be his time bonding with Roy and Kori that's allowing him to grow a bit. With Starfire's origin confirmed, we now know what motivates and drives her. The final page sets up for what will be an interesting conclusion to this arc.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #12

Aug 15, 2012

The Outlaws in space continues. Seeing Jason and Roy partake in Starfire's adventures isn't something I expected to happen when this series first started. Seeing it play out has been fun and you have to love the banter and relationship between the three. We finally have a new artist since Rocafort will be moving on to SUPERMAN. I almost didn't notice it because Blond continued to do the colors and I was focusing on the story. There were some minor issues but the book appears to be in safe hands. The story is getting interrupted by next month's zero issue but stuff like this has happened in other titles before. It'll just serve to build up the suspense. RED HOOD is continuing to be a fun ride in a comic book form.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #15

Dec 19, 2012

There were moments the characters looked good and others they felt a little flat. Joker is proving himself to be one of the most elaborate criminal minds in the DC universe as he continues to have plan after plan and is coming up with contingency plans for every event that would impress even Batman. Seeing some follow up on the events in the zero issue is great and crossing over with TEEN TITANS is going to be fun.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #17

Feb 20, 2013

There's more fallout and follow up in this aftermath issue of Death of the Family. It's great seeing some follow up from the big crossover. Even though BATMAN #17 ended with the Family being separate, you have to overlook that in order to see the interactions presented. This was the opportunity to see details on some of the relationships that weren't able to be seen before the story took place. While the interactions were fun, the art was a little mixed given three different artists which resulted in some noticeable inconsistencies. This may close the chapter on Death of the Family but paves the way for a new direction for the series. Do not skip to the last page.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #25

Nov 20, 2013

I'm still a sucker for seeing the early days of the DC characters since there's some unknown elements in the New 52. Jeremy Haun's art is welcoming and I'd love to see more from him with these characters. James Tynion IV takes the basic element of Zero Year and uses it as an opportunity to explore more of who Jason was and who he could become. There might be some more questions in how this relates to what we've seen already but it is providing some interesting seeds for future stories.

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Red Lanterns #28

Feb 5, 2014

RED LANTERNS continues to shine brighter than ever. Charles Soule is doing a great job taking these odd characters and making them fun to read. He's taken a book and characters I cared very little for and turned it all around. With this issue packaged with GREEN LANTERNS #28, you get two comics for the price of one. It's a great deal and you essentially get a double-sized complete story that will have a big impact on the GL, RL and SUPERGIRL titles.

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Red Skull #1

Jul 6, 2011

Even though Red Skull's past is pretty straight forward, seeing the little details that show him as human with the seeds of evil inside is a trip. Mirko Colak's art adds to the haunting feeling as we discover what life was like for young Johann.

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Robin Rises: Omega #1

Jul 16, 2014

The story that no Batman and Robin fan can miss begins here. Actually, it began a year and a half ago. We've seen Batman try to deal with the death of Damian and the lengths he would go to to try to bring him back. A new chapter begins here. Peter Tomasi and Andy Kubert lay it all out for new and continued readers. We get some big action as things heat up with a new kink thrown into the mix. There's so many characters and a lot of fighting thrown in here. You won't want to miss how this story begins. Thankfully we'll only have to wait until next week for the next chapter.

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Robocop (2014) #1

Jul 2, 2014

Are you looking for a great ROBOCOP series? Boom! Studios and Josh Williamson have just the one for you. Set within the original movies continuity, we have a natural progression with the characters and world that has been established. The comic is true to the tone of the movie as there is plenty of violence and the occasional use of profanity, just as we had in the movie. Carlos Magnos art really delivers some highly detailed scenes. Sometimes its a little too detailed but its refreshing to see Boom! is taking this comic seriously. This comic will satisfy all of your RoboCop wants and needs. Be sure to check it out.

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Robocop: Last Stand #1

Aug 7, 2013

There's no denying the interest in seeing Frank Miller's final Robocop story come to life. With this series, we will be getting that chance. The problem is, as a first issue, it doesn't completely grab you and make you want to commit to this eight-issue series. At $3.99, the sporadic pacing may make you question the purchase but there are some interesting ideas present. If you're a fan of Robocop, you will absolutely want to see this portrayal. This is enough of an indication that the next issue's installment will pick up. Or at least we can hope things will pick up. This could be a really cool series.

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Rocket Raccoon (2014) #1

Jun 30, 2014

This book is an example why we should all cheer for the comics in our lives. Skottie Young's writing and art sets the perfect tone for Rocket Raccoon's solo adventures. Don't assume this is going to just be a fun romp of an adventure featuring the lovable Rocket. You will find plenty of attitude and mayhem Rocket's been known to generate. Many of today's comics have the same feel to them and Skottie Young brings a breath of fresh air to our reading list of comic books. A Skottie Young book about a space-fairing talking raccoon-ish creature with big guns and a bigger attitude may not be for everyone. I would highly encourage those to give this a try. It's safe to say, you're going to have a blast reading this book. I love the fact that this comic exists.

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Rust #1

Nov 30, 2011

If you've seen past releases from Archaia, you know there is some pride and care put into their hardcover books. Rust is a great story with great visuals. Every once in a while you come across a hidden gem and I feel that's what this is. Unfortunately I hadn't heard of this release before it came out but what a pleasant surprise it was. Getting a chance to read 'something different' is always a treat. If you're looking for a fun action-packed story contained in a nice hardcover, be sure to pick this up. Rust will take you to a brand new world and part of the fun will be seeing the secrets unfold before your eyes.

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Rust #2

Dec 12, 2012

This is a great looking book. If you're looking for 'something different,' this is something you should check out. You'll definitely want to read the first volume but you can get by without having read it. This story does continue directly from the first. The use of sepia tones really gives the book a distinct feel and the moments light is involved, the art really pops and shines off the page. Archaia puts out a great printed book but this is also available in chapters on comiXology. RUST is a story you'll want to read and you'll get bummed when you realize you've reached the end of the book.Here's a few preview pages to get an idea what's inside:

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1

Dec 31, 2014

This series may be a result of trying to incorporate elements of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series to comics but that's okay. It's been too long since we've had a proper S.H.I.E.L.D. series. SECRET AVENGERS is doing a fantastic job but that's focused on a smaller group of agents and Avengers. Mark Waid has the freedom to call forth whichever characters are needed for the story. There is a lot of potential in being able to see heroes work outside their comfort zone along with the government agents in order to stop big threats. We'll be getting a different artist for each mission and Carlos Pacheco does a great job with a huge number of characters involved in the story. It's not clear how exactly this series fits in with the Cinematic and established comic continuity based on all we've seen of Coulson in comics so far. This has the makings of a really great and fun series.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #2

Jan 14, 2015

Mark Waid's second issue of S.H.I.E.L.D. is here and there is an interesting change in formula and feel from the first issue. This type of mixed up variation could keep readers on their toes and keep them engage. The first issue had some pretty big action while this issue tones its focus down a little to Agents Coulson and Simmons along with just one superhero, Ms. Marvel. Having this change shows the type of variation we could expect and we won't have to worry about the book following a strict pattern. On the other hand, having the story nicely wrapped up within the issue could be a deterrent to others. Humberto Ramos' art works well with the action scenes and in showcasing Ms. Marvel's abilities. If you're looking for a different view of the Marvel Universe, this book is the answer. We're seeing a good integration of the Cinematic Universe characters and expecting the unexpected gives me something to look forward to.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #8

Jul 29, 2015

Waid executes the merging of S.H.I.E.L.D. with existing Marvel heroes well. The idea of the two combining to head into different and less often seen areas of the Marvel U is something that keeps drawing me back to this series. There's a huge sandbox to play in here and each issue gives us something different.

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Saga #1

Mar 14, 2012

We have something new and something different. It's also something with a lot of potential. There was a lot of hype surrounding this title prior to its release. Some of that excitement stayed with me as I was reading. It is a first issue and has to introduce us to all the characters, situations and locations but the choice was to do so as the story progresses. This could cause a little confusion for some but knowing who is behind this title, we just need to be a little patient and enjoy it all as it happens. Be aware that this is a mature title and your little brother or sister probably shouldn't be checking this out. It's great to get a new series that fills you with awe. This is just the beginning and I'm already looking forward to a long run. It's comics like this that will put a smile on your face.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #199

Oct 29, 2014

Twenty years ago Erik Larsen did a pretty cool thing. He gave us an entire issue full of splash pages. It's something I've never forgotten. To make it different (and better), we now get an entire issue with two-page spreads. Erik Larsen gets to unleash the fury of his pencils with so much room for detail in each scene. It might be a fast read but, for a one-time thing, it's quite a reading experience. This is a comic worth checking out.

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Savage Hulk (2014) #1

Jun 25, 2014

Whenever there's a new comic from Alan Davis, my expectation immediately sore. As a huge fan, I can never get enough. Unfortunately this issue, while it is pretty cool to journey back to a story with Hulk and the X-Men from 1970, I found myself asking if this was really necessary. Sure, you can ask whether any comic is necessary but with the limitations of being set in the past, we know there won't be any major developments for the characters. There is no questioning whether or not fans of Mr. Davis should pick this up. I will indeed continue to read this but sadly my excitement for the series has sunk a little.

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Savage Wolverine #1

Jan 14, 2013

I wasn't quite sure what to expect about a Wolverine series set in the Savage Land but Frank Cho shows us there is potential for the idea. We and Wolverine have no idea why he arrives in the Savage Land but the idea of Wolverine being able to use his claws and earn the Parental Advisory warning on the cover is a nice change of pace. Wolverine is supposed to be the best there is at what he does so we should be able to see him cut loose from time to time. Frank Cho delivers a good introduction to the series in terms of script and art. It's interesting to think that he will be determining exactly what he draws for each part of the story. The question remains whether this current mystery will be the continued focus of the series or if we'll eventually see Wolverine return home and show his savage side elsewhere. For now, as we await those answers and some others, we can enjoy the art and story that Cho is setting up for us.

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Savage Wolverine #6

Jun 12, 2013

Comics do not have to be completely serious all the time. Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira are off to a great start here. By not making this just a Wolverine story, the fun and excitement are cranked up. Seeing Elektra is always great. Throwing in Spider-Man and ninjas makes it even better. We shouldn't worry about continuity here. It might be hard given some incidents in other titles but knowing this is just a story to read and enjoy, it's a bit refreshing. Comics should adhere to some sort of continuity but this allows us to take our shoes off, sit back and just enjoy a fun and suspenseful comic with some really great art. I can't wait for the next issue.

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Savage Wolverine #14.NOW

Jan 8, 2014

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does. One of those is being able to appear in several different comics. In this new story arc, Richard Isanove takes us back to 1933 with a pre-Adamantium Logan. Under the All-New Marvel Now! banner, you can easily jump right into this issue and not have to worry about anything else. Isanove's art is spectacular and makes this a very good looking comic. If you're looking for a different sort of Wolverine story in a different environment, you should check this out.

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Scarlet Spider #1

Jan 11, 2012

Yost and Stegman have managed to convince me, as a diehard Ben Reilly fan, that someone else could take the mantle of the Scarlet Spider. Many of us may miss Reilly's character but there's no need to dwell on that with this title. This is about Kaine working his way to redeeming himself and (possibly) becoming a hero. We have a new location away from Spider-Man (and the rest of the Marvel Universe heroes). Stegman makes sure to set the tone in creating a new 'world' which gives the series a great start. Kaine is a clone of Spider-Man but this book is not a clone of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. There are new characters along with the new location and seeing how Kaine adapts to everything is going to be part of the fun. SCARLET SPIDER is well on its way to becoming one of the first hits of 2012.

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Scarlet Spider #2

Feb 8, 2012

SCARLET SPIDER is not another Spider-Man comic. Chris Yost and Ryan Stegman are shaping Kaine up to be a killer struggling to be a hero. He's trying to do the right thing but also hasn't had the idea of being a hero pounded into his head. His methods will differ from Spider-Man's in a big way and any villain that gets his way won't know what to expect. The new villain we have is a mysterious one that could have some potential but I find it a little difficult to care about him. There is a bit of a twist at the end that could determine the direction Kaine goes in and we'll have to wait and see what he chooses. If you've been worried this is just another Spider-Man comic, you will be pleasantly surprised to see just how different SCARLET SPIDER is.

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Scarlet Spider #4

Apr 11, 2012

This is what I want to see in SCARLET SPIDER. Chris Yost and Ryan Stegman are making quite the creative team in delivering great story and action in a single issue. I applaud Yost for bringing in the Assassins Guild and making it work in a Spider-Man related book. Seeing Kaine struggle to be a hero but forced to be a little more violent at times is an interesting mix. The more I see of Stegman's art, the more of a fan I become. I've been enjoying the sense of not knowing what will happen next but with so many people discovering Kaine is Scarlet Spider, I'm becoming a little concerned as to where the title may go. I do have faith in Yost so I have to believe that we and Kaine are in good hands. There's no way you can compare Scarlet Spider to Spider-Man. This is a completely different book and Kaine is living up to the name he took on. I just can't get enough of Yost and Stegman.

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Scarlet Spider #5

May 9, 2012

Is Scarlet Spider going to stay in Houston? With a giant bomb about to go off, there might not be a Houston for him to stay in. Chris Yost continues to develop the character of Kaine in bringing him closer and closer to actually being an actual hero. The story doesn't quite have the same big superhero feel as past issues and there's also the fact that we know have to get used to the absence of Ryan Stegman. There's also a couple forced cameos that leave a bad taste in your mouth. The fact that we're seeing Kaine's character being built up is what makes this title so good. He hasn't fully embraced being a hero but whether he wants to be one or not, that's what's happening. This struggle in figuring out who he is while also accepting what he's done in the past is the appeal. He's a damaged character and he's doing his best to fix himself.

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Scarlet Spider #6

Jun 13, 2012

This issue was a little bittersweet. Yost and Stegman have made a great team but sadly the day has arrived where Stegman is moving on. His art here is extraordinary as he does his own inks. This adds a new layer to it and you really see the detail explode off the pages. Even with the majority of the action being Kaine out of costume, the scenes are just so dang nice to look at. Yost is making the idea of a Spider-character in Texas work. We've been getting a nice mix of new and familar foes for Kaine to deal with. The notion of him having the Scarlet Spider name thrusted upon him is hilarious and also helps to humanize him. He doesn't see himself as a hero despite all the good hes' been doing. Yost is evolving the character and each month I'm amazed how much I love this series despite Ben Reilly still being dead. It won't be the same without Stegman but as long as Yost is still on board, this series is in safe hands.

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Scarlet Spider #8

Aug 8, 2012

There is no need to compare Scarlet Spider to Spider-Man. Kaine may be a clone of Spider-Man but they are completely different characters. Chris Yost is showing us the evolution of Kaine as a former evil and uncaring person. He's finding himself drawn more and more into actually being a hero. In trying to get away from the superhero community by going to Texas, we're seeing, in comics, you can't escape that sort of life (unless they're condemned to comic book limbo). Khoi Pham has proven he has what it takes to take over the artistic reigns from Ryan Stegman. Kaine's little world in Houston is starting to get bigger and bigger. He may have wanted to avoid the life but we all know superheroes tend to attract supervillain type activities. Scarlet Spider's journey to becoming an official hero is a bumpy journey and Yost and Pham are clearly having fun telling the story.

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Secret #1

Apr 11, 2012

Jonathan Hickman does it again. How many new series can he write? As you would expect, he creates a new world and characters and pulls you in. Because information is such a hot commodity, people will do pretty much anything to get it. Hickman explores the world of private security. There is plenty of mystery and he presents the new world in an interesting fashion. Bodenheim's art and Garland's colors were the right choice for this story. You might not know where the story is going but that's part of the fun. Hickman and Image are on a role and he knows how to constantly give us something different.

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Secret Avengers #21.1

Jan 25, 2012

The idea of the Secret Avengers hasn't always made sense. Actually, there have been times when their actual potential hadn't seemed fully utilized. With a Point One issue, new series writer, Rick Remender, jumps in full force to give us a taste of what covert Avengers missions should and could be about. Focusing on Captain America and Hawkeye, we get some set up for the new direction and Remender writes some very direct dialogue between the two. Some of the villains that appear feel a little out of place but it all works out and we have something to look forward to in the coming issues. Patrick Zircher does a great job and succeeds in making Cap and Hawkeye distinguishable when not wearing their costumes. I was a little sad to hear that Captain America wouldn't be on the team but Remender based on this issue, we're in for a great new direction.

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Secret Avengers #23

Feb 22, 2012

As a big fan of Remender, Hardman and many of the characters, I was a little let down. I do have high hopes for this series and there is so much potential with both this roster and the new creative team. Everyone is getting used to the new situation but some of it is feeling a little out of place. There is too much bickering going on and I would like to see a different set of villains for the team. Remender does do a great job on building up the characterization, especially with Eric O'Grady. Hardman's art adds the perfect tone to the title and whether it's action or characters sitting around, it all looks good. We're seeing both Remender and the team getting warmed up to the this new direction and there's no doubt things are going to get better and better. We have a doosey of a cliffhanger that I refuse to fall for. Remender is adding a lot of team dynamic as well as suspense to this title that has been missed in earlier issues.

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Secret Avengers #27

May 23, 2012

In some ways, this was one of the stranger AvX crossovers. The main thing, there aren't any X-Men (I'm not counting Beast since he's here as an Avenger). Remender's story takes us away from that battle as we see the apparent return of Captain Marvel. Knowing that Carol Danvers is about to get her own series under that same title, you can't help but take in every little bit carefully and wonder how these events will affect that series. Renato Guedes' art is quite the spectacle. There were a couple character designs I felt didn't quite work but I need to see more Guedes art on a monthly basis. It might be a minor quibble but I wish these crossovers flowed better with the main series. The feeling that we're jumping around in this issue and others when put alongside the main AVENGERS VS. X-MEN gives it all a disjointed feeling. Regardless, I want to enjoy this tale on its own because there is so much here worth checking out.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #1

Mar 11, 2014

This new volume of SECRET AVENGERS carries on the tradition of the previous and hits the ground running. Ales Kot has a great feel for the characters and mixes up the action, humor, and adventure. Michael Walsh delivers a great vibe to the story and establishes the tone right away. Reading this series is like getting the best of both worlds. We're getting secret spy missions with some of our favorite Avengers in tow. It's possible this just might become my favorite AVENGERS series.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #3

May 14, 2014

This is my favorite Avengers title. Because of the nature of the team and the missions they go on, there is a nice and separate feel from the rest of the Marvel Universe. That means You can easily enjoy this series without having to worry about what's happening in other titles. Ales Kot gives the series a light-hearted and sometimes humorous tone but when it comes time for the action, he puts Michael Walsh to work. Walsh's scenes are priceless, regardless if the characters are standing around or in the middle of a gunfight. This is a book I look forward to reading every month. I can't get enough.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #5

Jul 16, 2014

I said it before and I'll say it again, this is my favorite AVENGERS series. Ales Kot gives us a great mix of action, espionage, humor, and superheroics all in one comic. Michael Walsh and Matthew Wilson's art and colors always impresses. There's a lot of secrets being kept from the rest of the team and the series is living up to that angle. There's no telling what will happen next and that feeling of suspense is what keeps me coming back for more. That, and M.O.D.O.K., of course.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #7

Aug 20, 2014

Deadpool invades this title and it goes exactly like you might expect. There is a Deadpool and Hawkeye series coming up and this almost feels like an appetizer for it but more so. Ales Kot takes the opportunity to use Deadpool's wackiness and runs with it. It might be a little too much humor for some but you should be able to appreciate the change of pace compared to some comics. The focus isn't just on Deadpool and Hawkeye as we see the other members and continuations on their plots. Michael Walsh's art is always great to see and Matthew Wilson's colors spice it up nicely. If you're looking for a comic that will bring a smile to your face, this is the one for you. I look forward to this series every month.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #8

Sep 25, 2014

SECRET AVENGERS continues to operate on the outskirts of the Marvel Universe. Ales Kot is cooking up some strange and fascinating plot threads. Having an issue with a big focus on M.O.D.O.K. is simply amazing. He is often portrayed as more of a novelty when it comes to his appearances but Kot is fleshing him out in bizarre and wonderful ways. Michael Walsh's is art captures the vibe Kot is setting up. You can feel the secrecy going on and it's always a treat to see how he lays each scene out. There is a slight disjointed feel as we don't see the other main characters from this book but the abundance of M.O.D.O.K. makes up for it. You just might not look at M.O.D.O.K. the same way after this. This is my favorite AVENGERS title. I can't get enough of it.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #9

Oct 22, 2014

The BadWhat has M.O.D.O.K. done? It seemed he was actually defecting to S.H.I.E.L.D. but recent revelations have shown he's been the cause of the team's problems. But then again, maybe he's not as bad as it seems. Ales Kot is giving us a lot of different plotlines and showing different layers to the characters. Michael Walsh's art and Matthew Wilson's colors are like candy for my eyes. It would be nice to have the team come together once again since this is a team book. But with all the different crazy situations happening, you can't help but be hooked. SECRET AVENGERS delivers a great mix of intrigue, suspense, action, humor, and M.O.D.O.K. What more could you ask for?

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Secret Avengers (2014) #10

Nov 26, 2014

SECRET AVENGERS is my favorite Avengers title. There's been some wacky situations from the different missions and Ales Kot is now showing how they're connected. It's a great feeling seeing how the story is being fleshed out into a bigger picture. The unfortunate thing is it gives this issue a jumping around feel. Michael Walsh's art remains consistently superb. He captures the different characters with ease and always mixes up the perspective and panel layouts to keep the issue fresh. If you haven't been reading this series, do yourself a favor and pick up the back issues and trade. The fact that SECRET AVENGERS is so good should not be a secret.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #11

Dec 24, 2014

It's a complicated world for the Secret Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents working together. Ales Kot's story involving M.O.D.O.K. leaves you guessing. With a nice mix of humor, action, suspense, and character development, this book continues to be one of my favorite titles month after month. I wasn't a fan of all the characters in the beginning but Kot is making me love them all. Michael Walsh's art and Matthew Wilson's colors are fantastic. The consistency in this title fills me with joy. I completely appreciate how this book continues to carve out its own little corner in the Avengers and Marvel universe. It's not often these days we can truly read and enjoy a book that is completely self-contained.

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Secret Avengers (2014) #15

Apr 29, 2015

Every so often, we get a pretty amazing series bestowed upon us. SECRET AVENGERS almost felt like it came out of no where. The combination of Ales Kot's multilayered stories and Michael Walsh's fascinating character designs and layouts easily propelled this series into my heart. In many ways it has felt like the greatness of it was a secret to many others. With this being the final issues, there is a slight feeling that the conclusions and aftermath were reached a little suddenly. If you haven't read this series before, I truly do envy you for now you have a complete (brand new) series you can devour. I will miss this series. It was really a fun ride.

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Secret Wars (2015) #1

May 6, 2015

We've been looking forward to this for some time and Jonathan Hickman delivers in a big way. For a first issue, there is no holding back. The seeds have been planted over the last couple years. Now they're coming to fruition. If you've been reading Hickman's Avengers book, you have an idea what's going and that's all you really need to know. Those that haven't, might be a tiny bit confused but it's easy to figure out the basics of what's going on. Esad Ribic's art and Ive Svorcina's colors are gorgeous. The characters are depicted in a glorious and fitting fashion as they put everything on the line to fight for survival. The crazy thing is this is an eight-issue story. With all the action and outcomes from this one, it's hard to imagine what could possibly come next.

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 13, 2015

There's so much to see here. It's not just hero fighting hero. The other areas of Battleworld are being set up but there's a deep story going on here as well. Hickman, like the 'god' character we see here is creating a fascinating story with the idea of Battleworld and how each area relates to one another. The more you see, the more you want to see. Hickman makes it hard not to be excited. Esad Ribic's art and Ive Svorcina's colors gives this a great vibe. If you are craving more big fights, it looks like you'll be getting some of that as well as Hickman continues to set the stage for big things.

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Secret Wars (2015) #5

Aug 12, 2015

I am now at the point where I immediately crave the next issue and dread it at the same time since it means we're one more issue closer to this story being over.

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Secret Wars (2015) #8

Dec 9, 2015

While there are some cool moments and see the story progressing, it doesn't feel like its moving forward a huge amount. Originally the series was set at eight issues. An extra issue was added to fully tell the story. While I'm grateful we get to see some of the moments that occur here, it almost feels like we're not much further compared to where issue #7 left off.

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Secret Wars (2015) #9

Jan 13, 2016

The SECRET WARS finale has arrived and it delivers on many levels. Despite the release schedule of this series with the newer Marvel titles debuting and moving past all the hype, it's a satisfying read. Jonathan Hickman has crafted an epic story that goes back several years. Keeping his run at Marvel in mind, you can see how this is a great ending to the story he started years back. It's not often we see comic book events maintain a high quality throughout. Ribic's art and Svorcina's colors have shined throughout the series. This is a story I will definitely read again.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Jan 30, 2014

We're finally getting some answers. Fans waiting for more on the characters from Firefly and Serenity can rejoice. Dark Horse and Zack Whedon are continuing the story of the characters fans of the series have been missing. The story jumps forwards a tiny bit as we discover a few surprises. Georges Jeanty and Laura Martin's art and colors provide the visuals for so many familiar and new locations. If you aren't familiar with the characters, you won't know exactly what's going on. All the more reason to check out the series and movie. Serenity is back. Let's hope this is just the beginning.

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Severed #1

Aug 5, 2011

Creator-owned series allow writers to go wherever they want. We know from past works by Scott Snyder that he has no problems delving into dark territories. Severed is set to be a dark story that you know can't end well. Unfortunately the first issue isn't full of suspense. That is to be expected as the first issue of a new series has the duty to set up all the characters and settings. What there is here is a lot of potential. With the creation of a seemingly real and natural world, along with the young character and early time period, the idea of something dark lurking lies ready to spring out. I purposely went into reading this comic without knowing a single bit what it was about and that adds to the thrill. Too often these days, stories can get overly predictable. With Snyder on board (along with Scott Tuft), the only thing we can predict is some intense craziness in upcoming issues.

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Severed #4

Nov 16, 2011

Horror comics rarely deliver what they promise. Severed isn't a traditional horror comic as we are experiencing more of a horror-mood. Snyder and Tuft, along with Futaki on art, are crafting a world in which some of the scarier things are those hiding underneath the surface. This is definitely a comic that doesn't have to rely on an established franchise in order to capture your interest. The main character has entered dangerous territory and because it's a creator owned title, no one is safe. You don't know what to expect. The suspense builds up on each page and you almost hesitate to turn to the next page. It's a great read but now that we're half way, it's hard to say where the story will go from here. It almost feels like it could drag on for a couple more issues but it's more likely we're going to get some big surprises.

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Sex Criminals #1

Sep 24, 2013

Remember that time you were saying, "Man, I wish I could read a comic book that was different"? There are many different comics with different angles but, down at some level, they have similar themes or origins. That is not the case with SEX CRIMINALS. For a series that will contain sex, crime and humor, this book surprises you by showing just how deep the characterization of Suzie goes. This is not a book that simply relies on the fact it contains the subject of sex in order to arouse curiosity. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky have created something new and exciting. There are some touching moments that will catch you off guard and you won't know what to expect next.

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Sex Criminals #2

Oct 23, 2013

Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky continue they naughty but funny series. Far from being crude, this issue of SEX CRIMINALS tells the coming of age story of our male lead (the first issue dealt with Suzie's story). There are plenty of humorous moments but also a bigger story lurking behind the shadows. This is not a comic for everyone. It is an entertaining one that is showing some promise for more than just being two people 'doing it.' You'll definitely want to come on board to see where this is going to go.

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She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 11, 2014

As there are many different types of comics, Marvel and Charles Soule are showing us we can get different kinds of superhero comics. Soule includes humor as well as big action while we see a part of Jen's life we don't often get to see, She-Hulk in action as a lawyer. Soule is known for writing several different titles now and he's showing that there is a wide range to the types of stories he can tell. Javier Pulido's art and Muntsa Vicente's art adds to the tone Soule has created and it visually sets the book apart from the average She-Hulk/Avengers stories we've seen time and time again. It's great to see another new book that has a lighter tone to it. A lot of today's comics can be dark and dreary. SHE-HULK is a fun and intelligent book that you'll have a blast reading.

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Sheltered #1

Jul 10, 2013

It's rare when a new comic book series can surprise you. Too often the entire premise is spelled out completely before you get a chance to open the first issue. SHELTERED starts off with a different take on the survival stories we've seen many times. If that wasn't enough, Ed Brisson completely pulls the rug out from underneath your feet. Getting something new and different is such a treat. There's literally no telling where this series is going to go after this issue but I cannot wait to find out.

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Sheltered #2

Aug 7, 2013

SHELTERED is a comic doing its own thing. It could maybe be categorized as a survival story in some ways but Ed Brisson and Johnnie Christmas have set off to give us a fresh and unique story. The rug has been pulled out from underneath us and it's rare to have a comic catch you off guard like this. As we see the story unfold here, it's hard to determine what direction the series will take. It's a little hard to be concerned because there is the need for this series to continue to be so cool. If you're looking for something new and exciting, make sure you're reading this series.

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Sheltered #6

Jan 8, 2014

Have you been reading SHELTERED? Ed Brisson and Johnnie Christmas are delivering the goods with this series. We have the beginning of a new arc and things are about to take a huge turn. If you haven't read the first five issues, do yourself a huge favor and pick up the trade. This is a different sort of 'survival' story and there are so many different ways it could go.

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Silk (2015) #1

Nov 25, 2015

SILK may have had her beginnings spun out of the pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN but she's proving she has what it takes to carry her own title. With a different background and a new direction being a 'bad guy' along side Black Cat, we're seeing some interesting changes which will keep you glued to each page. With her new career move as Silk and the continuing developing of her personal life, we're really getting to know who Cindy Moon is. Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee are on fire. Read SILK and find out why she'll be one of your favorite new characters in the Marvel Universe.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 25, 2014

Dan Slott and Mike and Laura Allred on a new SILVER SURFER comic is fantastic. We are introduced to some new characters and areas in the Marvel Universe but that also requires sitting back and watching it all unfold and shown to us. This may not be the Silver Surfer some have been expected but you can feel the enthusiasm bubbling under the surface. We are going to get to see some new and funky places. This comic is definitely going to be a ticket to fun times.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #2

Apr 30, 2014

Outer space in the Marvel Universe just got funky. Dan Slott, Mike Allred, and Laura Allred are showing us new sights and the Silver Surfer is fighting beings he's never come across before. It's a fun and exciting adventure as we find out more of what's really going on and as we get to know new character Dawn Greenwood. If the zany characters and action we've seen in these first two issues are any indication of what we can expect in the series, we're all in for a great time.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #3

Jun 18, 2014

SILVER SURFER is becoming something special. Unlike past Surfer comics, Dan Slott and Mike Allred are giving us something different. Something that will keep you on the edge of your seat during the action scenes and make you laugh in between. Along with Laura Allred's colors, this is a comic that takes you away from where ever you're at when you're reading. It allows you to get pulled into the story and you can just sit back and have a great time. That's exactly the sort of comic we need from time to time. "To me, my board!" You'll never look at the Silver Surfer the same way again.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #4

Jul 16, 2014

Dan Slott and Mike Allred's SILVER SURFER isn't your typical comic. They are pumping in some humor, mystery, and suspense while allowing us to see the Surfer in a slightly different fashion. For a character that's been around as long as he has, it's a nice change of pace. Slott is known for injecting his humor into titles. It might feel like a little too much at times but can you really complain over having a smile put on your face? Mike Allred art and Laura Allred's colors are something I never get enough of. There's also a mystery that's building and wait until you see that last page. What the heck is going on? I can't wait for the next issue.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #5

Aug 27, 2014

When this series and creative team was first announced, I was overjoyed. With each issue, I find myself enjoying it more and more. I didn't think that was possible. Dan Slott has a knack for writing witty situations while staying true to who the characters are supposed to be. Mike and Laura Allred amp up the visuals and make each issue an exciting experience. The feel of this book stands apart from the vast number of other titles on the shelf and it's refreshing seeing certain titles venture into slightly different areas. This just might be the grooviest book now on sale. When a comic is able to put a smile on my face, what more could I ask for?

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Silver Surfer (2014) #11

Apr 29, 2015

If you think you've seen every type of storytelling in comics before, you haven't read this issue yet. Dan Slott and Mike Allred take us on a visual journey that literally forces you to follow along in the comic in a way you haven't before. Bringing the previous story arc to a close, we are treated to a delightfully new approach to the story that fits in with everything that's going on. It's refreshing to see creators able to try something different. The process might feel slightly like a novelty but it does add some fun and excitement to the story and simply changes the way you read the comic. It forces you to change the way you'd read it. It's a successful experiment that you'll want to check out. Dan Slott and Mike Allred are having too much fun working on this book and that's definitely to our advantage.

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Six Million Dollar Man Season 6 #1

Mar 12, 2014

Were off to a nice start in this series continuing where the TV show left off. Jim Kuhoric captures the feel of the 70s time period and Juan Antonio Ramirezs art ors it justice as well. We have a couple of big problems that the Bionic Man will have to deal with. It threatens everything hes used to and it will be fun to see how things develop from here. Fans of the show should not miss out on this. Even if you haven't watched the show, you could jump in and catch up.

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Snapshot #1

Feb 6, 2013

In the enjoyment of comics, it's important to try something new every now and then. As readers, we can get too comfortable only reading the same books month after month. It's books like SNAPSOT that serve to shake up the comic industry. You can easily go into this series without knowing what it's about. Andy Diggle and Jock have proven themselves time and time again so you know what they are both capable of. The two combined deliver a story full of mystery, action and suspense with a hint of believability that this story could happen in real life. Or at least it could be made into a movie. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to something new and different. Diggle and Jock are onto something here. Put down your other familiar comics and take a leap into the unknown with a new idea.

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Snapshot #2

Mar 6, 2013

SNAPSHOT is the sort of comic you owe it to yourself to check out. We need and deserve variety in our comic. It's especially great when creators like Andy Diggle and Jock show us they can be versatile with the types of comics they produce. Too often readers get comfortable reading the same types of comics so hopefully people will be willing to check out this series rather than let it slip by.

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Sons of the Devil #1

May 27, 2015

I first had the chance to read this a few months ago. Since then, I have read it a couple more times. It's an intriguing introduction that has me hooked to the overall story. Visually stunning. An insightful, yet horrific look into cults and the bonds that connect family. We're just getting a glimpse into the overall story. Brian Buccellato and Toni Infante have created an intriguing new world. You'll hang onto every word and Infante's art pulls you into the story. Simply put, I want more. You will as well.

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Spider-Gwen #1

Feb 25, 2015

Spider-Gwen is here and we can all rejoice. Gwen Stacy may be a classic and beloved character but Jason Latour has taken a great character and made her even more fascinating. Robbi Rodriguez's art and Rico Renzi's colors gives this book a fresh and unique feel that just looks so dang good. Even though this book is full of familiar characters, there is a new take given to many of them. It's like we're new characters yet we've somehow seen them before in a dream. This is a series you'll want to read for a long long time. Make sure you pick this book up. You'll be happy you did.

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Spider-Gwen #3

Apr 1, 2015

SPIDER-GWEN continues to carve out it's little place in its own comic universe. While there are some similarities to the world and problems young Spider-Man dealt with, there's still plenty to keep everything feeling fresh. Jason LaTour is setting up a great set of problems for Gwen and Robbi Rodriguez's art and Rico Renzi's colors give the book the perfect shine. If you haven't been reading SPIDER-GWEN, you need to fix that to discover why everyone has fallen in love with her.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Jul 8, 2014

Spider-Man 2099 is back in his own series. As pretty much the only survivor of the 2099 line of books, it's great to see the character back in his own title. The fact that Peter David is writing makes it even better. The story picks up from arrival in the present in the pages of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN but this series is set up so you can easily dive into the issue without having to worry too much about what happened before. Will Sliney's art style is a great fit for the title. It might not be totally clear what the direction of this book and what sort of adventures Miguel O'Hara will have but we see a few new plot threads to keep us hooked. Welcome back, Spider-Man 2099. It's great to see you back on my pull list.

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Spider-Men #1

Jun 1, 2012

As a big fan of Spider-Man in the 616 and Ultimate universe, I was extremely nervous that this crossover would end up as a mere gimmick. Brian Michael Bendis knows what he's doing as he's mastered telling the story of Ultimate Spider-Man. We have a plausible 'reason' for this crossover to happen. There is plenty of ramifications to this meeting that needs to be explored. Having Sara Pichelli on the art duties is a treat and you will appreciate how distinctly she draws the characters and environments. As a first issue, we do have to go through some set up for this momentous story. Everything can't be and shouldn't be rushed. But with the way Bendis handles it, you'll be wishing for for the next issue as soon as you reach the final page. The SPIDER-MEN crossover is here and neither version will be the same after this. Bendis and Pichelli are just warming up here.

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Spider-Woman (2014) #1

Nov 19, 2014

Launching a brand new series in the midst of an ongoing comic event isn't the best idea. Usually new series seem to arise as a result of the end of events. New readers and those not reading Spider-Verse are thrown in the middle of a pretty crazy story. It is great that Jessica has her own series and a big amount of importance is placed upon her. It's just unfortunate there are issues with the art and too much going on to even become concerned or attached to Spider-Woman. I was looking forward to this series and hopefully things will move in a different direction once Spider-Verse is over. Jessica Drew deserved better than this.

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Spongebob Freestyle Funnies 2014 #1

May 3, 2014

Even though I'm not a fan of the SpongeBob animated series and have only seen bits of actual episodes, I still found this to be a fun comic. I would imagine fans of the show would enjoy this Free Comic and the fact that most of the comic captures the feel of the show. It's also worth noting that this marks the first appearance of a new character, outside the show, with Mermaid Girl. If you enjoy the show or are familiar with the characters, you should dig this comic. If you're not a fan or don't like the, sometimes annoying, voices, this could be a good way to check out what the characters are about. It's a comic that can appeal to everyone.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #2

Dec 30, 2015

SQUADRON SUPREME is clearly one of the surprise All-New, All-Different Marvel titles we're seeing. James Robinson is doing some bold things and there's a big sense of not knowing where he's planning on taking the characters and series. It's always satisfying when you can expect the unexpected. Often the line between heroes and villains is obvious. Within the first issue, Robinson showed us his team is much more complex than that. The art and color by Kirk, Neary, and Martin fits the book nicely. We were expecting a big battle and some repercussions after the events of the first issue but that's put on hold so we can see the individual characters explored a little more. This is a book where anything goes. You won't want to miss what Robinson has up his sleeves.

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Star Wars (2013) #1

Jan 9, 2013

I've also been a little skeptical about Star Wars comics. I have enjoyed some but never got really excited about too many of them. This one definitely has the potential to change that. Brian Wood is doing what is rarely done, he's writing a Star Wars comic taking place during the time period of the original trilogy. He easily displays that there is a definite gap between movies that could be explored and used to further flesh out the characters, give us new stories while still retaining the true essence of the movies. Carlos D'Anda's art is going to a welcomed addition to the stories. Because it is a first issue, there is the obligatory set up. We are definitely off to a really good start. Now that the time period and premise has been set up, next issue is going to be even better. I cannot wait to see what happens next. This is the sort of Star Wars comic I've been looking for.

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Star Wars (2013) #2

Feb 13, 2013

This is a comic that really makes me happy. As a big Star Wars fan, I love reading new stories. With the comics, it's sometimes a mixed bag in terms of the quality of the story and art. This series is refreshing and brings back the hope that we can get really really good Star Wars comics. Brian Wood must truly be a big fan. You can feel the finesse he has when it comes to depicting the characters in the script. They don't appear to be mere carbon copies from the movies. They are allowed to grow a little given the new and different situations they're in. The art by Carlos D'Anda is amazing. I've seen too many Star Wars and sci-fi comics that have made me cringe.As a big Star Wars fan, I highly recommend this series. Find the first issue and gobble both of these up.

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Star Wars (2013) #4

Apr 10, 2013

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Star Wars comic as much as I'm enjoying this one. Brian Wood definitely knows what he's doing with these cherished characters and the art by Carlos D'Anda and colors by Gabe Eltaeb truly do this franchise justice. As we are now in the fourth issue, it would be nice to see a little more progress in the overall story. By having so many characters and having them separated, it divides the story into different sections that interrupts the flow of the issue a bit. Regardless, this is still a highly enjoyable comic. You can't help but want more with each page you turn. We may know what happens next to the characters but there's no telling what will happen in these pages. It's not many comics that could carry the singular title STAR WARS with no subtitle. This one is definitely worthy of that honor.

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Star Wars (2013) #5

May 8, 2013

This is the Star Wars comic we've been looking for. Brian Wood knows and understands the characters. He's able to write each as they should be written. Carlos D'Anda's art gets better and better with each issue. We need to find a way to keep Wood and D'Anda locked onto writing Star Wars comics. The only problem is with the different subplots, the issue is spread and you feel you don't get enough of each. That just means we have to have more. If you like Star Wars in any capacity, you owe it to yourself to read this series.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 12, 2015

There's been a lot of hype around this first new STAR WARS comic at Marvel. Marvel has accepted the challenge of delivering a STAR WARS comic with a lot of high expectations surrounding it and they have succeeded. STAR WARS #1 simply feels like a true Star Wars story. Jason Aaron, John Cassaday, and Laura Martin nail it completely. When you open the comic and see and read those first few pages, you'll likely hear the familiar theme song playing in your head. We've had some great Star Wars comics in the past and this shows the franchise is headed in a great direction. If you're not already excited for the new Star Wars comics, you will will be. This is exactly the Star Wars comic I was hoping for.

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Star Wars (2014) #2

Feb 4, 2015

Jason Aaron continues to find the right mix of action, adventure, and humor while also throwing in some bigger and impressive moments. There are some parts that feel bigger than the movies but Aaron's writing and John Cassaday's art makes it work nicely. Despite any limitations being set between Episodes IV and V, there is still plenty of action, suspense, and even some fun. This series is proving to be a great addition to the characters and events we know and love. This book makes me feel like a kid again.

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Star Wars (2014) #3

Mar 11, 2015

The Force is strong in Jason Aaron and John Cassaday. This STAR WARS series feels like a natural and upgraded continuation of the first Star Wars film we saw. Aaron is doing a fantastic job capturing the feel and voices. John Cassaday keeps getting better with each issue. The action is being amped up and it's becoming so easy to get excited for Star Wars all over again.

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Star Wars (2014) #4

Apr 22, 2015

STAR WARS continues to tell the story of the characters we know and love. It's not just about featuring those beloved characters. We are seeing them fleshed out more, something we were unable to see with the three-year gap between Episodes IV and V. Jason Aaron continues to prove he's able to capture the voice and essence of the characters and is also bringing in other ones. John Cassaday puts in some amazing details in characters and backgrounds that almost make you forget your reading a comic and not watching the movies. This issue does give a slight breather after the intense first arc but we're clearly seeing big things set up for the upcoming issues.

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Star Wars (2014) #5

May 20, 2015

The saga continues with some separate adventures with our heroes. The idea of Luke returning to Tatooine is great and he's being set up for a dangerous situation. Han and Leia are getting the chance to bicker some more, as we would expect. Jason Aaron is pushing the development of these characters in this three-year gap between Episodes IV and V and it's a treat for fans. The action is toned down a little but it allows for the story to grow and for more set up. John Cassaday's are is full of detail as he captures the look of the world and adds in loads of expressions to give all a more live action feel. If you think you know everything there is to know about STAR WARS, you must not be reading this series.

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Star Wars (2014) #8

Aug 19, 2015

With the launch of this STAR WARS series, fans have been on the edge of their seats in anticipation of what will happen next. Jason Aaron has captured the vibe of the franchise and makes it feel like we're experience the adventures of the beloved characters for the first time once again. Just when we thought the series couldn't get any better, we finally get to see Stuart Immonen's amazing take on the characters. This book reminds us why it's a great time to be a Star Wars fan.

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Star Wars: Crimson Empire: III - Empire Lost #1

Oct 26, 2011

Many Star Wars fans know the Imperial Guards were a tough group of soldiers. With the previous Crimson Empire stories, the final surviving guard, Kir Kanos is determined to get revenge against all that had a had in the death of Emperor Palpatine. While many Star Wars comics don't always feature the main cast, this mini-series is bringing Kanos up against Luke and Leia as he prepares the final phase of his revenge. Readers that might have missed the previous Crimson Empire comics (since they came out over a decade ago) can still easily jump into this series as the real action is about to begin. For readers of the novels taking place well after this time period, it's a little hard to worry about whether or not characters will live or die. But it's great to see a new Star Wars comic featuring the characters we are familiar with. And it's really great to finally see the return of the last Imperial Guardsman.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #1

Feb 11, 2015

DARTH VADER is here and this is a series you have to read. Vader can be a complex character especially since he doesn't openly convey what he's thinking. He's definitely a man of little words with his actions speaking volumes. Kieron Gillen does a stellar job allowing readers to connect with the dark figure without compromising who and what he's all about. The art and colors by Salvador Larroca and Edgar Delgado captures the vibe required to push the story and character forward. Gillen is setting up some great story threads. Even if you never thought you needed to know what Vader was up to in between Episodes IV and V, you'll discover that it is something you'll want to see. If you've been wondering if this series will grab your interest, you can almost hear Vader saying, "I have you now." This series is worthy of Darth Vader's greatness.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #2

Feb 25, 2015

You don't want to mess with Darth Vader. We're seeing a moment in Vader's life that hasn't been explored before. After the events of Episode IV, Vader has to tread carefully with the Emperor. Seeing how he deals with his new placement is fascinating even if it feels a little out of character. Kieron Gillen is showing us more of who Darth Vader is and what he's capable of. He doesn't have to Force choke everyone just to get his way. Salvador Larroca continues to squeeze out emotion and characterization in Vader despite being a character wearing a cold and simple mask. We're seeing Vader is willing to make plays for the long run and there's no stopping him from getting his own way. Don't get on Darth Vader's bad side. Be sure to pick up this book.

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Star Wars: Han Solo #1

Jun 15, 2016

Han Solo #1 will hook you from the beginning. With the vast number of comics available and the cost of maintaining a massive pull list, it can be difficult to commit to a new title. Marvel makes the decision easier by putting together the stellar creative team of Marjorie Liu, Mark Brooks, and Sonia Oback. It would be easy to just slap the Star Wars brand on a comic and have the familiar characters running around doing something. Liu convinces you this is Han. You'll believe this story is really part of the character's history. Liu, Brooks, and Oback do a brilliant job making the story feel modern and nostalgic at the same time with a mix of the vibe from the old and new Star Wars comics. This is the solo comic Han and Star Wars fans deserve.

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Star Wars: Kanan #1

Mar 31, 2015

Marvel has released another new comic series. Rather than focus on the period following Episode IV, this one will fill in some of the gaps between Episode III and the Star Wars Rebels animated show. With a focus on Kanan, one of the characters from Rebels, we'll get to see more on the mysterious time period and how a young padawan could have survived the Great Jedi Purge. Greg Weisman is clearly a great choice to tell this story with his connection to the show and Pepe Larraz's art with David Curiel's colors capture the Star Wars feel nicely. This issue is a bit of a set up but once the story is set up, it's clear this series will be moving into the action at light speed.

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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #1

Mar 20, 2013

It looks like Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman have introduced me to a new favorite Star Wars character. Set over one hundred years in the regular Star Wars timeline, the sky's the limit with what can happen. With new characters, you don't have the feeling that you know which characters are guaranteed to be safe. The introduction of Ania Solo makes you definitely want to come back to see more. There is a benefit of having read the first volume of STAR WARS: LEGACY but since it is a Star Wars comic, you can pick up on what you might have missed.

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Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1

Apr 6, 2016

Poe Dameron was a great new character introduced into the Star Wars universe. Because we only got a small taste of who he is, Charles Soule and Phil Noto get to flesh him out more as we witness a mission that leads into the movie. There may be some limitations as to what can or cannot happen because of this time period, but the issue is setting up a rip roaring grand adventure. The BB-8 back up by Eliopoulos and Bellaire is a delightful bonus. If you're hungering for more Star Wars fun after watching Force Awakens, you won't want to miss this book.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #1

Mar 4, 2015

From the beginning, Princess Leia showed she could easily stand up the evil forces of the Galactic Empire, including Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin. Now in her own series, she has to figure out what's next for her after the destruction of her homeworld. Mark Waid picks up the action immediately following the events of Episode IV and helps to establish more to the timeline for the characters. Despite taking place during the original trilogy's time period, Waid makes it exciting by leaving us wondering what will happen next and simply being able to see how great Leia is. The art by Terry and Rachel Dodson along with colors by Jordie Bellaire works wonderfully. This series reminds us why we fell in love with Star Wars so long ago.

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Star Wars: Princess Leia #2

Mar 18, 2015

This book continues to show that Princess Leia doesn't need the likes of Han Solo or Luke Skywalker to take part in dangerous missions. Getting a chance to deal with the loss of her home planet and continue her duty to her people while trying to thwart the Empire's plans at the same time is great to see. Mark Waid is showing the different layers to Leia as well as what she is capable of doing. The Dodsons are really getting into the groove with the art, giving this book it's own vibe while still feeling like it fits perfectly alongside the other Marvel Star Wars comics. With plenty of twists and turns, this books simply channels the spirit of Princess Leia and the feeling of the Star Wars universe.

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Starlight #2

Apr 2, 2014

This series has really captured my heart. Mark Millar has taken the familiar idea we've seen of the hero from Earth saving the galaxy but adds a great twist to it. The story is being taken to a different level I never really thought about. Parlov's art and Svorcina's colors are a perfect match for the tone presented in this series. I'm often extremely picky about sci-fi comics. I love both but they don't often work for me. If I could, I would personally thank Millar for this comic. It's now a series I will highly look forward to each month.

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Starlight #4

Jun 11, 2014

STARLIGHT is the kind of space action adventure story we can all enjoy. Mark Millar takes the space hero from Earth story to a new level that hasnt been played out before. Theres a great amount of charm and bits of innocence as we see our hero jump back into the saddle of trying to stop an evil space tyrant. Goran Parlovs art and Ive Svorcinas colors make the characters stand out from other comics and you cant help but want more. Im usually very hard on sci-fi comic books but this one has easily won my heart.

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #1

Sep 26, 2012

If you aren't familiar with the characters in The Avengers TV show, it's possible you won't be reading this comic. With Mark Waid and Boom! Studios involved plus the fact that this is a first issue, you might be willing to take a chance and try something different. The problem is, this issue begins with a crazy opening. There isn't much of a chance to introduce the characters and new readers will quickly feel lost trying to catch up with all the chaotic elements of the story. This definitely is a game-changer in the world of Steed and Mrs. Peel. There is a big enough of a hook in wondering how the series will continue from here to make you come back. Throw in the appearance of certain characters and the insane development at the end, fans will be sure to return for the next issue.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #15

Dec 12, 2012

It's starting to feel like we're getting too much Joker in all these Death of the Family tie-ins. The idea was for Joker to try to get rid of all Batman's close allies to make him a better Batman. Yet this tie-in issue deals with him trying to mold Harley into what he thinks she should be to be at her full potential. Trying to figure out how and where this story takes place during all the other ones is a little distracting even though we should just focus on this issue. We do get to see some interesting banter between the two and their relationship may have evolved to a different level. Fans of the series will want to witness the other actual Suicide Squad elements sprinkled in the issue.

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Superboy (2011) #1

Sep 14, 2011

New readers can jump in. There is enough mystery that you don't need to know any of the back story and long time readers will enjoy the tiny hints and connections to the past.

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Superboy (2011) #2

Oct 12, 2011

I'm not a fan of the existing DC characters getting major tweaks to their origins but the incorporation of "Red" and Rose Wilson is making Superboy's story very interesting. This is a different Superboy. We have that bit of mystery as we're not quite sure how he'll end up. The last Superboy we knew started out as a jerk and then developed into a hero with a big and noble sense of character. The way Superboy keeps a little to himself and observes and learns from everything gives a sense that he could become extremely deadly. Red and Rose are great supporting characters as we find out a little more about each. Superboy gets to go out in the real world and it might not work out quite as planned. Lobdell's story builds up the action and suspense but Silva's art sometimes felt off to me, in particular the way Superboy is drawn. The more the story continues, the more excited I get.

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Superboy (2011) #12

Aug 8, 2012

This series has had its ups and downs. DeFalco is attempting to humanize Superboy a little more and it's a welcome change. We've been through his origin and have seen his early adjustments to the 'real world.' Trying to connect with 'normal' people is a good idea but hopefully we'll continue to see the struggle as he tries to figure out the proper way to handle things and etiquette required in different situations. The art here was an improvement but unfortunately seems to be just a fill in. During Superboy's efforts to create and maintain a normal life, he is pulled into a supernatural-type confrontation. The 'villain' leaves a little to be desired but hopefully we'll see some payout when the reason for her appearance here is explained. It's going to be good to see where this series will go moving forward but we'll have to wait until after next month's zero issue.

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Superboy (2011) #20

May 8, 2013

Justin Jordan is setting things up for Superboy. We get an interesting first page and then get to see how it starts to come together. You can feel Superboy is trying to find a direction for himself and this story and mission might be what it takes to make that happen. We have a good mix of art as there are four different artists in this issue. But that's also a bad thing as you momentarily get pulled out of the action when you notice the art style change. I've gone back and forth on this title but I am interested to see where this new direction will take the series. If anything, the last page should definitely make you want to come back for more. This could be the beginning of something wonderful.

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Supergirl (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

With this new start, there are a lot of questions that remain for Supergirl and where she's going to fit in with the DC Universe. This version is showing us she clearly has what it takes to survive and I can't wait to see her take on some real enemies.

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Supergirl (2011) #12

Aug 15, 2012

We're finally seeing more interaction between Supergirl and Superman. From the way they met, it's not going to be the smoothest of relationships, at least not yet. This is something I'd like to see explored further as it is Superman's responsibility in some ways. We are getting some answers about Supergirl as well as some interesting new questions (which apparently will be addressed in next month's issue #0). I'm really digging the art on SUPERGIRL but Superman feels like he's being drawn different by all the different artists that have depicted him since the New 52 started. There's the 'return' of a certain character at the end that some may enjoy but I'm simply not a fan of this character. There's plenty to see here and this issue reminded me why I enjoy the idea of having Supergirl in current continuity.

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Supergirl (2011) #13

Oct 17, 2012

SUPERGIRL has been a roller coaster for me. I really enjoyed her first appearance in the New 52 but some later issues started making me lose interest. Things are looking up as Supergirl deals with the transformed Simon Tycho seen in the early issues. She also discovers the truth about her final days on Krypton. It almost feels like it's too soon to give her all the answers but at the same time, it's refreshing to see this not dragged out for too long. Sami Basri does a remarkable job as the guest artist. It's always refreshing to see Basri's name on the credits of a comic. The series has been amping up lately and the upcoming crossover sounds promising.

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Supergirl (2011) #20

May 15, 2013

A comic with both Supergirl and Power Girl may be a wish come true for some. Michael Alan Nelson must have had a blast writing this because you definitely feel that ooze out out of the pages. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun reading a Supergirl issue. If this establishes a new relationship between the two, I'm completely on board. If you're looking for a great and fun read, be sure to check this out.

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Supergirl (2016) #1

Sep 7, 2016

Supergirl is the breath of fresh air we've been waiting for in the DC Universe. Steve Orlando is brilliantly capturing the core essence of her character while building upon what has already happened within the New 52 stories. Brian Ching's art and Michael Atiyeh's colors are a perfect fit as well. Regardless if you're new to Supergirl's world or a long time reader, this is a great place to dive in. You can feel the hope Supergirl's character should inspire. Supergirl is also a less experienced hero than Superman. This gives us a great way to see her develop into an even better hero.

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Supergirl: Rebirth #1

Aug 17, 2016

It feels like it's been a while since we had an ongoing Supergirl series. Kara Zor-El is back and Steve Orlando and Emanuela Lupacchino have made it worth the wait. We're off to a good start as we're introduced a new supporting cast and direction for Supergirl. Similar to other Rebirth issues, there is some set up for the series. Thankfully, this book contains plenty of action and build up in order to appeal to both new and older readers. Looks like it's time to make room on your comic pull list for another new title.

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Superior #5

Oct 5, 2011

Leave it to Mark Millar to take the idea of a child being granted the powers of a superhero to a different level. Millar is taking the dream-fulfillment idea cranking up the volume. As we past the halfway point in this miniseries, it appears as if the story might be going in a different direction. Leinil Yu's art is a treat to see. Each scene he draws shows his ability to capture action scenes, along with different environments and even scenes with no action. Superior is about to face multiple threats and how he'll survive to the end of the miniseries remains to be seen. Despite having a mature rating, Millar doesn't use that as a license to take the comic to extreme levels. There are some moments the comic could tread into questionable territory but Millar treats it just right. Superior is going to new places and each issue offers surprises you won't see coming.

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Superior #7

Jan 18, 2012

This is the final issue of Superior. When a series comes to an end, there's always the fear and anticipation that of it ending incredibly well or becoming a big disappointment. Mark Millar knows how to put on a show. We get an epic battle for the soul of little Simon Pooni while the lives of millions are at stake. Leinil Yu's art is a breath of fresh air as he crams in the perfect amount of detain into each panel, giving the story a realistic feel. When major forces are fighting each other, you expect to see utter chaos and Yu shows it nicely. We do get a satisfying ending. There is a moment of cheesiness right before the end but it can be overlooked just by the satisfaction of the final battle. Is this the absolute end for Superior? It appears so and if that's the case, it's a nicely done job by Millar and Yu.

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Superior Iron Man #1

Nov 12, 2014

Heroes going down dark paths isn't anything new. Tom Taylor does have a knack for bringing out the worst in some of our greatest heroes. With Tony Stark drinking again and unleashing the Extremis app upon San Francisco, this is a title to keep an eye on. Yildiray Cinar's art is great in depicting the changes going on and gives us a nice new look for Iron Man. We have to assume this darker Iron Man won't be around forever so we should just sit back, relax, and enjoy the jerky things Tony has planned. SUPERIOR IRON MAN will definitely keep readers on their toes. We're off to a great start.

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Superior Iron Man #2

Nov 26, 2014

The repercussions spilling out of Axis have turned things upside down in the Marvel Universe. We're getting a mix of different types of stories as a result. Tom Taylor is doing a fantastic job writing Tony Stark's new twisted adventures. It's easy to dismiss him as an almost villain but at the same time, you start to question some of that thinking. Having Daredevil come in makes for an interesting confrontation. Yildiray Cinar's art gives the story a great feel and it's fun to see the action unfolding across the pages. This isn't the Iron Man you're used to. Seeing where this is going will fill you with excitement.

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Superior Iron Man #3

Dec 24, 2014

AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS may be ending this week but there's no sign of Tony Stark going back to his old ways. With a new outlook on life and the way he operates, Iron Man is immersed in a gray area between good and evil. We've seen characters straddle this line before but with Tom Taylor writing the story, we know we'll see different aspects of Tony Stark's personality come to the surface. This may not be the Iron Man we've all known but it it's a fascinating look at the character, flipped a little on the side. The art and color really shine here. It's an exciting time to be reading Iron Man once again. As much as I liked him before, we now have more of an unknown factor in the book. I have no idea where Tom Taylor is taking Iron Man and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Jan 9, 2013

Readers need to have an open mind to find out how this crazy idea could turn into one of the most interesting Spider-Man stories we've seen in years. Just because Otto is in charge doesn't mean the story is over. This change will allow us to explore what exactly made Spider-Man the hero he was along with Otto trying to make himself, and Spider-Man, a better (or superior) hero. Stegman's art is a spectacular sight and Edgar Delgado's colors enhances the entire package to make this a great read that is also a visual treat for your eyes. Whether you like the idea of change or not, you'll want to see for yourself what Dan Slott has up his sleeve this month. This is a great start to a new chapter of Spider-Man and you're not going to want to miss a second of it.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #3

Feb 6, 2013

Stegman is a beast in terms of delivering amazing art. He doesn't just draw Spider-Man with a slightly different costume, you can see by the way he stands and moves that there is a difference here. There may still be some outcry over the changes in this title but Slott (and Stegman) are showing there is more to this than many gave them credit for. We're seeing many opportunities to view Spider-Man in a different light and we know it can't last forever. What's important is to enjoy these stories for what they are as they are giving us something different and it's been a blast reading them. It's almost like reading Spider-Man for the first time.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #4

Feb 20, 2013

The new Superior Spider-Man is continuing his attack against crime. We're seeing more and more that under Doc Ock's control, Spider-Man is making strides in becoming a more efficient crimefighter. The real test will be what happens when he confronts Massacre, an extremely dangerous psychopath. We've seen this Spider-Man take more extreme measures against his foes and this could show us how far he's willing to go. The art in this issue is by Giuseppe Camuncoli. He does a nice job with the new costume and capturing the attitude of Otto. There are some times when character builds feel off. We have more being added to this overall story of the new Spider-Man but it's mainly about setting up the events for the next issue. Seeing the minor details Otto adds to Spider-Man and Peter's life continues to be interesting. You might find it hard not to stand up and cheer when you get to the last page.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #10

May 22, 2013

Otto Octavius may have won his recent battle against 'Peter Parker' but it looks like there's some big trouble brewing. Dan Slott continues to develop the direction Otto is taking Spider-Man and as hard as it is to think about, you can't help but want to see how it's all going to play out. You can see that Otto's arrogance will get the better of him. There's no way the battle with Peter is over. Ryan Stegman makes it all look so good. You'll find yourself pausing to look at everything in the panels. With the return of a certain Spider-Man threat, it's going to be great to see how prepared Otto will be. This may not be the Spider-Man you grew up with but, man oh man, there's just no telling what Slott is going to do next. That's what makes it all so interesting.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #13

Jul 10, 2013

Is everyone over the fact that this isn't the Spider-Man they knew before? Dan Slott continues to charge up the direction he's taking the character. We still have that deep sense of the unknown since this is essentially a different character that we're used to. Being able to overlook the past is vital to enjoying this science experiment of a story. You can't help but sit back in wonder over the extremes that Octavius is willing to take his role as Spider-Man. Action, suspense and surprises. These are great things to have in a comic. Dan Slott never ceases to amaze me.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #16

Aug 21, 2013

Get ready for Superior Spider-Man vs Hobgoblin round 2. Otto Octavius is determined to do things in what he views as an efficient end to crime. The action escalates and Phil Urich, as Hobgoblin, is going to have some fancy footwork to do in order to make it out of this one. Dan Slott continues this wacky (and sometimes deadly) adventure with a different sort of Spider-Man. That means we never know what to expect as there's no telling what SUPERIOR Spider-Man will do. Humberto Ramos pours fun and excitement into the art making the action feel even bigger and more spectacular. There is more to the story than this conclusion. Slott definitely has me hooked for the long haul.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #17

Sep 3, 2013

There's so much fun and excitement here. The recent issue have been great but it's like suddenly this issue got super-charged. The idea of Spider-Man 2099 possibly meeting with SUPERIOR Spider-Man is bonkers but leave it to Dan Slott to make it work wonderfully. Everything makes sense and adds up nicely. We see plenty of repercussions from previous story threads and wait until you see the new developments. Ryan Stegman and Edgar Delgado enhance Slott's story in a great way. The art is just so solid it practically knocks you out of your seat. Dan Slott continues to rev things up in ways you never thought possible. It's great when reading a comic can be so much fun.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #18

Sep 18, 2013

With each issue Dan Slott continues to make SUPERIOR Spider-Man an interesting read. Like others, I would love to see the return of Peter, but there's no denying the opportunity we have in these stories for new and different sorts of stories. This issue is a perfect example in illustrating how different and free from conflict the story would be if it were Peter under the mask. The idea of bringing in Spider-Man 2099 almost feels like a gimmick but it works wonderfully here. With Ryan Stegman's art and Edgar Delgado's colors, it's a visual feast to go along with the fun and exciting issue. Seeing traces of past events play into the bigger picture is always cool. Month after month, Slott and Stegman show us this is a comic not to be missed.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #19

Oct 16, 2013

Dan Slott knows how to set up a good story. Threads can be traced back and he doesn't hold back when it comes to creating situations where serious repercussions will have to be dealt with. We have big action with top notch art. This type of bombastic storytelling is what is making SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN so much fun. We know things will eventually explode but it's the juggling of the grenade that keeps us on our toes. Ryan Stegman's art grabs Slott's script by the throat and he squeezes out every last bit of action and suspense in order to create a comic that delivers the goods. With the changes here and what's being set up, I am so excited to see where this is all going to next.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #20

Oct 30, 2013

Dan Slott is continuing to plant and harvest seeds in Doc Ock's reign as Spider-Man. The action (from the previous arc) slows down a bit but there is a lot being set up to drive the series forward. Slott proves that you should never take any moment for granted. There's no telling what he has planned or what tiny detail will later come into play in a big way. Giuseppe Camuncoli does a good job with the art but there are some moments that cause tiny distractions. And if you thought Slott was making things too easy for SpOck, wait until you see the development at the end. You never know what Slott will cook up next.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #25

Jan 15, 2014

Fans have been wanting a confrontation between Venom and Superior Spider-Man and that's what we get here. This is where you'll find out the fate of Flash Thompson and Superior Spider-Man joining with the Venom suit. It's fitting that this is an over-sized issue because there is so much action and story plots going on. While we have the main story, we also have a lot building in the background. Humberto Ramos captures the excitement required from the script and there's so much to see in each panel. Superior Spider-Man's story is getting bigger and faster but there's still no telling what's coming next. Reading this is just so much fun.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Jan 29, 2014

Dan Slott continues to keep the fuse burning as the events in the series are ready to explode. Slott keeps throwing curveballs and twists at us as the action jumps all over the pages. You can feel it all building and that feeling of not knowing what might happen as you turn the page is a thrilling experience. We get the art from three different amazing artists. Despite the usual distractions as the art suddenly shifts with each artist, we get some cool scenes and you can try to overlook the differences. Dan Slott makes sure you never know what's coming next. That's just one thing that makes SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN so much fun issue after issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 26, 2014

The end may be near for SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN but the fight against the Goblins is far from it. Dan Slott is moving SpOck's story towards its end and you can't help but wonder if we'll be seeing more twists along the way. You will be glued to each page but one big development almost feels like it happens too quickly. This is something we'll have to wait until next month to see how it all plays out. You won't want to miss this issue. This is a big moment for Spider-Man and Doc Ock. This series keeps putting a smile on my face with each issue.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #31

Apr 16, 2014

Sadly, this marks the end of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN. Many may have been waiting for the return of Peter Parker but there is a feeling we could have seen some more SpOck stories to be told. Dan Slott and Christos Gage do a great job in wrapping up the storyline but at times it felt a little too sudden. SpOck will be missed but, of course, we will be celebrating the return of the AMAZING Spider-Man as well. Goblin Nation reaches a satisfying conclusion and there will be repercussions to be dealt with. You owe it to yourself to check out how SUPERIOR Spider-Man's story ends.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #32

Aug 6, 2014

Doc Ock is back as the SUPERIOR Spider-Man. He hasn't been gone long but he has been missed. Now we get to find out what happened when he disappeared during issue #19. Not only does this issue start off SpOck's final adventures as Spidey, it also sets things up for SPIDER-VERSE. You get a sense of how big this story will be and seeing Ock involved is pretty cool. Dan Slott and Christos Gage have their hands full with Doc Ock's return and we get some cool art by Giuseppe Camuncoli and Adam Kubert. It would have been nice to see SpOck focus more on his own adventure but the set up for SPIDER-VERSE makes this something Spider-Man readers won't want to miss.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1

Jul 24, 2013

Superior Spider-Man thinks he has all the answers. Doc Ock is doing all he can to solve things his way. This has made Spider-Man's allies suspicious but he's determined to continue to operate on his terms. Despite alienating everyone, the focus of this title will be on Spider-Man teaming up with others. It'll be interesting to see how long this can continue. David Lopez's art and Rachelle Rosenberg's colors gives the series a nice look. With Superior Spider-Man being such a loose canon, this series will keep readers on the edge of their seats as SpOck's secret is something he'll have to guard closely. That's what will make this series a fun ride.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3

Sep 25, 2013

It's an INFINITY tie-in. Even so, this issue won't add a lot to the overall story. This is more of a tie-in to this month's MIGHTY AVENGERS #1 since the focus is on the Avengers that stayed behind on Earth. We get to see SUPERIOR Spidey deal with a potential new hero. Obviously he has his own motives but it still makes an interesting exchange. Regardless, this two-issue arc interrupts a story I was more interested in with one I can easily do without.

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Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #5

Oct 23, 2013

Chris Yost returns to SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN TEAM-UP and we finally get to see the next phase of SpOck's plan, involving his former Sinister Six partners. With some tight continuity with SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN, we see some immediate follow up to the new developments Dan Slott introduced in Spidey's universe. SpOck is setting himself up more and more for a big fall and it's almost hard to watch. Marco Checchetto and Rachelle Rosenberg's art and colors gives the issue an interesting feel loaded with detail and big action. We are left with a set up for a new problem for Spider-Man and we'll have to stay tuned to see how it all develops.

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Superman (2006) #712

Jun 22, 2011

This is an emotional look Krypto when Superboy died. That's all you really need to know. Kurt Busiek gives the perfect balance of setting up the relationship between Krytpo and Superboy and what happened afterwards. Krytpo is a cute and cuddly superdog but you can't just throw him in an issue and expect it to be a hit. Busiek must have done some sort of mindmeld with a dog in order to capture and convey the true nature of a dog suffering a loss. Rick Leonardi has proven his artistic skills over the years. While I wasn't crazy about the way Krypto looked on page one, the portrayal throughout the issue matched Busiek's script perfectly. I haven't even made a dent in this week's stack of comics but I know I can safely say this is my pick of the week.

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Superman (2011) #0

Sep 26, 2012

Finally we have an issue of Superman that can give us hope. As a zero issue, it accomplishes the goal in showing us some new information about Superman's past (actually about his parents' past) as well as new developments that are fun to see. Rocafort and Gho make everything look nice and pretty. There is still more we need to find out about what's going on here and hopefully this will be addressed soon in future issues. Lobdell has stepped up to the plate in taking on the task in making Superman interesting and is showing he's not afraid to take some risks.

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Superman (2011) #1

Sep 28, 2011

The art was fitting for a Superman comic yet still made it clear that this Superman is a little younger than the one we've been reading prior to 'The New 52.' The first issue is pretty dark (literally as it takes place at night) and Buccellato's colors really enhance Superman's new costume (which I'm still on the fence over). I would have preferred a bigger villain for the first issue but the tease at the end for next issue sounds like it's going to be some old school fun.

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Superman (2011) #2

Oct 26, 2011

The art and color are good to see. In a Superman comic, you have to have a high level of detail and we get it here. Brian Buccellato's colors really enhance the scenes and adds a great layer in showing the city lights reflecting during the night as well as capturing just the right mood when the action goes below the surface.

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Superman (2011) #3

Nov 23, 2011

Superman's been a tough sell for comic readers ever since they started leaning towards the darker and edgier or even funnier superheroes. SUPERMAN has the potential to be a great comic for readers but there's something missing. We're only three issues in and it could be said that we need to give the story a chance but the idea of a big overall threat is wearing thin. We're just getting small attacks by nameless threats. Where are all the major Superman villains?

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Superman (2011) #4

Dec 28, 2011

We're getting closer to finding out what all the recent alien invasions have been about. We're still learning about the new residents and supporting characters in Metropolis and it's going to be interesting to see why new additions were made instead of using past characters. Lois seems to be maturing as she's become more responsible but Clark has a slacker feel to him. This issue finally breaks away from the formula of a strange alien attacking Metropolis and Superman and then being defeated right after spouting alien gibberish. There is more revealed but it's all building up to the arc's conclusion.

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Superman (2011) #7

Mar 28, 2012

I've been sadly losing interest in this Superman title more and more each month. Finally it appears that the sun is coming out. Things are looking up for this series. With the intention of a new direction (or at least new story arc), there aren't huge drastic changes but you can feel that an effort is being made to up the ante for this book. That feeling is much appreciated and having Helspont around the corner is enough to get me excited for future issues (I cannot wait to see what he has planned for the DC Universe). This is starting to feel like the Superman comic I've been waiting for.

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Superman (2011) #9

May 23, 2012

I really want to like SUPERMAN. I was borderline between a 2 and a 3. There are elements I enjoyed but they were just outweighed by the haphazard presentation. Perhaps the cover's focus on a minor part of the issue shouldn't held against the entire issue but unfortunately it's a factor. We're getting different pieces to separate stories, all combined in a single issue. It provides set up for what's to come but it makes the issue lack a cohesive feeling. Jimmy and Lois' appearance feels random or as if they were thrown in just to give them an appearance. Jurgens and Merino's art is really becoming what I think of for Superman in the "New 52." Each month I keep waiting for something to happen. Helspont a couple issues ago felt as if the series was finally going somewhere. I really need and want something to change here so I can enjoy the series more. Superman is one of DC's most iconic character. He deserves more.

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Superman (2011) #13

Oct 24, 2012

Lobdell and Rocafort are ready to take Superman to new heights. After months wondering where this title would be going, Lobdell comes in and throws a lot of developing plot points at us. This is a change from the previous issues where we were left wondering when something would finally happen to Superman. Lobdell is setting up a bit and Superman becomes a pretty busy guy. Rocafort's art makes the book shine and Superman has never looked this pretty in the New 52. This marks the beginning of the upcoming "H'El on Earth" crossover so you're going to want to see what Lobdell has cooking for Superman.

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Superman (2011) #32

Jun 25, 2014

Geoff Johns is back on a solo Superman title and he's brought John Romita Jr with him. This Superman title, in particular, has seen a few changes in direction with the various creative teams. With this marking a new creative change, you get a clear feeling that the groundwork is being firmly planted to drive the title further ahead. Romita's art may be an acquired taste for some but there's no denying what he brings to the big action scenes. This issue is a new jumping on point for new readers. That means existing readers will have to sit through moments of build up but what we're getting is intriguing. Make sure you check this issue out to see what Johns and Romita are laying out for us.

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Superman (2011) #34

Aug 27, 2014

I've often laid out my opinion on Superman in the New 52. He hasn't felt like the character I grew up with but more and more, I'm starting to get interested in him again. Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. have introduced a new character in Ulysses that has been making us look at Superman in different ways as we learn who this new character is. The brash behavior the New 52 Superman often displayed is gone as we see more compassion exuding from the character. We're seeing new characters and mysteries and that's making this title exciting. I didn't think I'd care about Ulysses, but with him, and now the Machinist, I can't wait for the next issue to arrive. This comic brought a smile to my face.

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Superman (2011) #39

Mar 18, 2015

We've seen Superman do some amazing feats but sometimes you need to step back and appreciate the little things. With Superman temporarily powerless, Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. get to remind us that Superman is more than just about a guy with amazing powers. With this slight exploration into who he is and what makes his so super, we also have some more on Superman revealing his identity plus some more Daily Planet action. After all the action and craziness in the last few issues, it's great to be able to catch our breaths and to be reminded how human this Kryptonian can be.

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Superman (2011) #41

Jun 24, 2015

What happened before Superman's life completely changed when his biggest secret was revealed? Gene Luen Yang jumps onto the series and takes the story back a few notches to flesh out the story from the beginning. You'll be glued to every page as you look for any clues that could reveal a bigger picture to the story. John Romita Jr's pre-Truth Clark Kent now feels like the 'classic' version since we currently have Superman with a buzz cut in jeans and a t-shirt. I love a good mystery and that's what we're getting here. We know Clark's life is going to get flipped upside down but it turns out there may be more to the story than we thought.

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Superman (2011) Annual #1

Aug 29, 2012

This Superman annual delivers plenty of action that has been missing in the regular series. With all the guest appearances and the set up of this story, it's almost as if Superman has entered a Wildstorm comic. Helspont has returned and makes up for his last appearance. He's seems more powerful and is definitely going to cause problems for Superman. There are plenty of other guest appearances that gives the impression this is just the beginning of a major crossover with a bunch of other titles. There might be a tiny bit of confusion if you're not familiar with the other characters but you'll get swept up in the action and be able to find your way. Some of Superman's dialogue and actions felt different from what we've been seeing in the New 52 but then again, we have almost had three different versions of him so far. If these events are leading into the regular series, SUPERMAN is going to be getting a lot more exciting.

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Superman (2011) Annual #2

Jul 31, 2013

Knowing Brainiac was involved in the story of this annual left me on the fence over reading this right away but finding out Lois Lane plays a huge part in the story is a glorious treat. Lobdell shows us Lois is a character deserving of the spotlight and is more than capable of carrying a story. Let's hope we're able to see more Lois stories soon. Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund's art gives the story a classic feel but also captures the New 52 look from today's comics. There is a backup from "The World of Krypton" those following will want to check out. If you're craving for some Lois Lane action, don't miss out on this.

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Superman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

We're entering a new chapter in the life of Superman. With the return of the classic (and married) Superman, we're seeing the Last Son of Krypton in a new light. Superman's has always had to juggle his personal life with his superhero antics, but now he has a wife and kid to worry about as well. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are the perfect pair to depict the life of a superpowered father and son. Since this isn't your typical Superman comic, it'll be interesting to see where the series goes. How much superhero antics will there be versus the depiction of a family life. Superman is back, but this isn't the Man of Steel you've seen before.

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Superman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Tomasi and Gleason are heating things up with a bigger threat than we've seen lately. Bringing in the concepts of Grant Morrison's Multiversity is an intriguing move. With Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Marcelo Maiolo, we're in for a treat with the arc. Too often the beginning of a new story ends up being a little slow with all the set up. That isn't the case here. The story hits the ground running. You won't want to miss out on this. This arc has the makings of a definite must-read for Superman fans.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 9, 2013

Superman and Wonder Woman are two of DC's greatest characters and we're finally getting a series devoted to the two together. Charles Soule gives a great mix of action, emotion and character development in this debut issue. It should convince you to stick around for more to come. Tony Daniel's art adds depth to the characters. His layouts make this feel completely different than the regular SUPERMAN or WONDER WOMAN comics yet it feels like this is how it was meant to be. While we do get a mix between the action and quiet times, you will be left hanging and hungering for more, especially when you get to the end. It's a glorious start and let's all cheer for DC's "power couple."

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #2

Nov 13, 2013

Only two issues in and this series has now become one of my favorites. Superman and Wonder Woman make a great pair, at least in terms of starring in a comic together. This book is driven by the story and the fact that these two powerhouses are about to meet some really big threats. With subplots involving their separate supporting casts, it's easy to see where these characters are coming from and it's a nice way to tie this series into their separate titles. Tony Daniel is rocking it in the art department and the book has the big epic feel it deserves. With the facets of the story Soule is laying out and Daniel's art, I can't wait to read more.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #4

Jan 15, 2014

SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN is becoming one of my favorite DC titles. Charles Soule does a great job balancing the incredible feats the two heroes are capable of as well as showing us a more human side to them. Tony Daniel's art just keeps getting better and better. The back up story was a nice addition. It makes it feel as if we really got a bonus story in great issue. SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN is a comic fans of the superhero genre should not miss out on.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #5

Feb 12, 2014

I can still remember when people questioned the validity and need for this series. Each month Charles Soule shows us the different facets to these two great characters. Tony Daniel's art and Tomeu Morey's colors here really do shine. Whether it's Wonder Woman thinking things over on Paradise Island or Superman trying to fight off both Zod and Faora, this issue will grab hold of your interest and smack you in the most loving way possible. Find out who these characters really are and how much action they're capable of.

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Superman Beyond #0

Aug 24, 2011

If you've been wanting more comics from the Batman Beyond world, here it is. Superman comes out of retirement and there are plenty of guest stars here to welcome him back. The choice of a villain for Superman isn't overly spectacular but he provides a good foil for the Man of Steel and helps set things up for his permanent return. The fact that the creative team is the same from the MC2 Spider-Girl series is a nice touch as those gentlemen have plenty of experience in writing future stories. I wasn't completely blown away with this issue but I did have fun reading it and that is what matters when reading a comic.

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Superman Family Adventures #1

May 30, 2012

If you know any young readers or are young at heart yourself, you'll want to check this out. Comic books don't need to be and shouldn't be completely serious all the time. Art Baltazar and Franco have mastered the art of writing all-age comics. It's a shame that TINY TITANS ended but this series will fill that void. We'll have to see how long the Superman characters can hold up this series but my eight-year-old daughter was immediately won over by it. Buy the comic and share it with a young reader in your life or keep it for yourself and return to a time when comics were fun and innocent.

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 11, 2013

Is it any surprise this book is a home run? DC went all out when it came time to set up the creative team for this book. Scott Snyder has already won us over with his writing on BATMAN. Superman is a completely different character. The fact that we get a detailed view of his inner thoughts immediately gives the book a different feel. Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair make this an extremely gorgeous book. This isn't an issue you'll want to zip through. You will want to carefully look over each page and panel to take in all the art as well as carefully digest the mystery pouring over the pages. The addition of an epilogue by Snyder and Dustin Nguyen is like getting dessert after a great meal. This is what I want from a Superman comic. The only problem I had with book this is I want more.

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Superman Unchained #2

Jul 10, 2013

The action is heating up as the threats are forming to give Superman a difficult time. Having more than one threat forming is great as Superman should have more than one problem going on due to his vast powers and abilities. Scott Snyder gives a unique voice to Superman as we get to go into his thinking process during catastrophic moments. Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair wrap up the story in a beautiful package. There's a lot going on and Snyder is setting up multiple threats for Superman. Seeing characters such as Batman, Lois and Lex make it even more exciting. We're still seeing some set up in the big picture but it's shaping up to be a crazy ride, one fans will not want to miss.

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Superman Unchained #3

Aug 21, 2013

This issue was a blast to read. It's not often we can see a new character more powerful than Superman and have it make sense. Scott Snyder is creating an interesting story with this new character and his take on the New 52 Superman fits nicely. With each issue, you can't help but want to see more of Snyder's take on Superman, Lois, Jimmy, Lex...and just everyone. This is a Superman story you can immerse yourself into. We have a new character and new threat. This series just feels so explosive. Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Dustin Nguyen are making Superman so much fun to read.

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Superman Unchained #4

Nov 6, 2013

Scott Snyder and Jim Lee continue heating up their take on Superman. It feels like it's been a while since the previous issue due to Villains Month but we're back and the mysteries continue to unfold. The gang's all here and thankfully we get to see separate stories for Superman, Lois and Jimmy. There's no telling what Lex will do next or what Wraith's motivations are which is part of what makes this all exciting. Now that Villains Month is over, hopefully we'll be back on track and be able to sit back and enjoy the show.

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Superman Unchained #5

Dec 31, 2013

What better way to end 2013 than with a Superman comic by Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Dustin Nguyen? We're getting more answers here about Wraith, Ascension and even another look into Clark's past. The combination of Scott Snyder's script with Jim Lee's art as well was Dustin Nguyen's art in the flashback sequences makes this a great issue to end 2013.

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Superman Unchained #7

Jul 2, 2014

As you would expect, Scott Snyder and Jim Lee deliver another giant explosive issue. There's no holding back as the fighting and action takes the center stage. Lee's visuals are eye-opening and you'll love seeing every panel. It's not just non-stop action as Snyder gives us some more interaction between Superman and Lois that make you long for the old days. The biggest problem with this series is the release schedule. For whatever the reason is, it's deeply affecting the pacing of the story. It's unfortunate because I believe I'd enjoy this even more if I didn't have to keep going back to past issues to remind myself what happened. Regardless, I will stick it out to the end to see what Snyder and Lee have coming in the final two issues.

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Superman: American Alien #1

Nov 11, 2015

Despite already knowing how Clark's childhood story ends, Landis, Dragotta, and Guimares are making this a fascinating read. We all know the story but we're getting to see what it was like for Clark, as a child, to go through the changes of his emerging powers along with the insecurities and fears he had to deal with. If you're looking to just escape and see an early chapter of Superman's life, this is definitely worth checking out. You'll be reminded why you love Superman so much.

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Superman: American Alien #5

Mar 16, 2016

Superman: American Alien is a fantastic Superman story anyone can read. With each issue, I love this series more and more. Each issue is an excellent example as to how great of a character Superman is. Max Landis is doing a remarkable job and Francis Manapul's art is top notch. Some of the moments in Superman's life told here might not completely jive with everything we know or have seen before, but it's been a joy to read. We need more Superman stories like this.

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Superman: Earth One #3

Feb 4, 2015

felt a little lacking. This third volume kicks things up in a nice big way. Straczynski is taking a familiar conflict and adding his touch and the Earth One feel to it. Ardian Syaf handles the art and adds some nice touches with some new character designs. SUPERMAN: EARTH ONE is Superman story anyone can jump into. You dont have to worry about any baggage and its a refreshing way to get a different sort of Superman story.

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Superman: Lois and Clark #1

Oct 14, 2015

If you've been enjoying the current Superman titles but still can't let go to the previous version we had, you absolutely need to check this series out. Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks have brought back the Big Blue and it feels like it was just yesterday we were reading his adventures. While it is still Superman and we have been reading Superman comics since the New 52 change in 2011, there's a clear and different voice going on. Having him on Earth-Prime really opens the door for some potentially crazy stories. If you're a Superman fan, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

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Superman: Lois Lane #1

Feb 26, 2014

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want a Lois Lane ongoing series. Marguerite Bennett gives us a great solo story focusing on how great the character is and can be out on her own adventures. The DCU is a big place and there's plenty for Lois to do. Bennett also shows us Superman doesn't have to be part of equation in giving us a Lois Lane story. The oversized format was nice in giving us more story but having four different pencilers made it a little bumpy. Let us all hope this is just the beginning of Lois Lane in the spotlight.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #0

Sep 5, 2012

As a zero issue, this one hits all the marks. We get to see what happened before issue #1 and what we learn will definitely matter to the series. I'm even more excited for year two of the New 52 now.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #1

Sep 7, 2011

The series is accessible to new readers. Through Holland's inner monologue, conversation and a tiny flashback, you get the full story of Alec Holland and Swamp Thing. Those that have never read an issue of Swamp Thing will have no problem jumping right in. Snyder has expressed his love for the character numerous times and has big plans for Swamp Thing. There's no telling what he has up his sleeve.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #2

Oct 5, 2011

Yanick Paquette's art is a treat here. Everything from the flashback scenes to the times in the swamp and the deadly villain all look great. There is also a nice surprise appearance in the book that hopefully won't get spoiled so readers can witness it and get a big smile on their faces. I loved the first issue but this one was even better. I'm so excited to see what's coming next.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #3

Nov 2, 2011

Unlike most other 'New 52' books, SWAMP THING really has a unique feel in anything goes. Scott Snyder has big plans for the characters and you really get a sense that nothing is holding him back. It's a great feeling knowing that we don't have to worry about other interactions interrupting the flow of the story here. With Snyder's BATMAN, he could be limited with what happens to the characters in the other Bat-books but here, there is so much more freedom. The art fits perfectly with a great amount of detail without overdoing it. There will be some slightly graphic scenes that truly captures just how disturbing this little corner of the DC Universe can be. Each time I read an issue I'm left wanting more, but in a good way. I simply can't get enough. I have to thank whoever's decision it was to bring back Swamp Thing and to put Snyder on it. This is shaping up to be a great and fun ride.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #4

Dec 7, 2011

Scott Snyder has been given the keys to a dark and disturbing world and he's using all his power to make it even darker. Swamp Thing has become a character of high regard over the years and Snyder is the perfect person to be handling the telling of his story. It's amazing how an issue without a lot of major action can still deliver so much intensity. There is suspense. There is violence. You also get more on the background of the Parliament and the Green. We have a major inner conflict going on with Alec Holland and there's no telling how this arc will end. Along with Snyder's story, we treated with art by Marco Rudy that perfectly captures the vibe of the story. Every time I finish reading an issue of SWAMP THING, I have to let out a deep breath. This is more than just a comic book. It's a great story accompanied by some great visuals.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #5

Jan 4, 2012

This is how Swamp Thing should be written. There have been many different writers over the years and some have done amazing things. Snyder has made the character and book his own, taking elements from the past but adding a new and great twist to it all. Even if you haven't followed Swamp Thing before, this series has been more than accessible for new readers. There is a big bad evil coming and you would expect to see more of the DCU take notice. Paquette makes Synder's interesting story even better with his stylistic panel layouts as well as graphic, but necessary, depiction of the gruesome things Alec Holland is finding himself involved in. The threat is getting closer and more dangerous. Snyder and Paquette have made the return of Swamp Thing a treat each month.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #6

Feb 1, 2012

This isn't a Swamp Thing story that we've had before. Scott Snyder continues crafting the story of Alec Holland trying to avoid his destiny while the Rot threatens the existence of the Green as well as the rest of the world. The story is building and you never know what you're going to get. There is a crossover coming up and there is a feeling that we should be seeing appearances by other heroes as the threat gets bigger and bigger, despite the nice self-contained feel to the story. There is a lot happening to move the story forward but there is also a feeling that we don't have a lot of action. What happens at the end should more than make up for it as Snyder sprinkles an extra dose of crazy into the cliffhanger ending. SWAMP THING continues to be in a class by itself month after month.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #7

Mar 7, 2012

This issue is a game-changer. Alec Holland just got his life back and wanted to live a normal existence. His protest in doing what he was meant to do may have resulted in the end for himself and others. There is a lot going on in the background as we discover what the Alec's fate will become. Filled with suspense, the story is crammed with stunning art and colors that give it a vibrant feel, despite the extremely dark and harsh nature. There was concern as to how Swamp Thing would fit once integrated into the DC Universe but month after month this series is showing the characters don't have to be compromised or toned down. I get the impression that everyone involved poured a lot into making this issue. It's a big one and shouldn't be missed. SWAMP THING is the type of comic I want to read month after month. Things will change after this issue but there's no doubt how it will be since the series is in such great hands.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #8

Apr 4, 2012

I have no idea how Snyder comes up with each detail in his stories and part of me doesn't want to know. I just want to keep reading to see what could possibly happen next.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #9

May 2, 2012

This arc may be complete but the overall story is far from being over. There is some closure but there are going to be serious repercussions coming. Now comes the hard part of having to wait another full month for the next issue.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #10

Jun 6, 2012

Each issue of SWAMP THING gets me more and more excited. You can see how much thought Scott Snyder is putting into the character development. With what he's done with Alec Holland, the Parliament of Trees, Abby and so on, you know he gets the characters. You get a sense that he gives it all deep thought before beginning each script. Swamp Thing is in safe hands with Snyder. Yanick Paquette and Marco Rudy have been doing a great job with the art on the series but seeing Franecsco Francavilla's art is a treat. He adds a different level to the story telling and you almost get creeped out despite how great everything looks. I was a pretty big fan of Swamp Thing before but this series continues to make me a bigger one each month.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #12

Aug 1, 2012

The crossover we've been waiting for the past year is finally here. I'm not normally a fan of these sort of crossovers but the worlds that Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire have created have been screaming for this to happen. The core of the crossover will take place in each character's own book but you'll want to follow the adventures of both Swamp Thing and Animal Man. This issue is definitely a game changer. There is quite a cliffhanger at the end that you won't want to believe but we'll have to wait to find out after next month's zero issue.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #15

Dec 5, 2012

Things are not looking good for Swamp Thing. Actually, things aren't looking too good for the entire DC Universe. In the midst of the Roworld story arc, it looks as if everything is pretty much lost. Swamp Thing now has to make his way to Gotham but that won't be an easy trek. Flashbacks to seeing what Abby's fate may be is interesting but you have to wonder how that will come together with Swamp Thing's portion. The art and little glimpses of other parts of the DCU are great but those affected by the Rot just don't work for me. It's a problem I've had from the first time we saw them in the series. Don't try to guess how the issue will end because Scott Snyder doesn't do what you might think. Next issue is bound to get even crazier.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #16

Jan 9, 2013

This is definitely my favorite chapter of this arc. When we first saw Alec arrive in the future, we were teased with what we could see. This is where Snyder and Paquette cut loose and unleash the full fury of the arc. We've seen plenty of apocalyptic dystopian futures but the details they add here really make you feel the pain of what has happened. Just when you think you see where the story is going, Snyder pulls the rug out from underneath. There was a time a couple issues back I was ready for the end of this story but now I want to see more. This is what I want from a comic. We have plenty of action and development mixed with great art and suspense. We know the 'good guys' have to somehow win in the end but there can easily be serious consequences as hinted in this issue.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #18

Mar 6, 2013

As a final issue, it's an absolutely fitting end. I've said before that the battle against the Rot and Anton Arcane felt it went on too long. But that's part of what made this issue have a bigger impact. It's not often a writer can make you truly care about the characters. It's a bittersweet ending in what happens along with this being Snyder's final issue. It's been a great ride. Having Yanick Paquette and Nathan Fairbairn on board for this issue as well was the cherry on top. There are some truly beautiful images here. This issue managed to fill me with emotion. Thankfully it was the last issue I read for the day. I'm left feeling emotionally drained but that's a good thing. Snyder left the series on a great note. Even though he's leaving, I can't wait to see what happens next in this series.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #19

Apr 3, 2013

Change can be a scary thing. This is especially true when it comes to creative changes in comics. What better villain to have Swamp Thing go up against that Scarecrow? Charles Soule takes Swamp Thing on a different route than we've seen in the previous issues. With the Rotworld story finally over, we can see Alec Holland embrace his role as the avatar of the Green and explore the rest of the world, performing the duties the Green needs him to perform. We're off to an interesting beginning but it almost feels a little too sudden to have both Scarecrow and Superman, two non-Swamp Thing characters, show up right away. Soule is setting up things nicely and you can't help but be curious to see where he's going to take the character. Change can be scary but things are looking pretty good.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #22

Jul 3, 2013

There's some serious business going on yet this was a fun issue. I'm still recovering from the end of the previous run and the results that caused Alec Holland to be a little less cheerful. With the pursuit of Seeder, the Whisky Tree and appearance by Constantine, Charles Soule is shaking things up in a good way. Things are getting interesting and with the way it ends here, there's no telling what might happen next.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #23

Aug 7, 2013

Swamp Thing versus a Whisky Tree. This is why comics are great and it's a blast reading what Charles Soule has cooking for the series. Swamp Thing was nearly defeated and has also had John Constantine to deal with. Soule is setting up different storylines and it's great seeing what's coming up. We're getting some great stories with great art that doesn't feel like a typical comic book.

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Swamp Thing (2011) Annual #1

Oct 31, 2012

Think you know everything about Alec Holland and Abby Arcane? Think again. Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft and Becky Cloonan give us a great "lost story" that makes sense and is fascinating to read. Knowing how deeply their past is rooted is what makes them and the 'universe' they reside in that much better. We may be in the midst of the Rotworld story but this has a clear connection yet also stands alone as a great annual-type story. Annuals should be able to stand on their own and seeing this story from the past was a great choice to be featured here. Cloonan does an amazing job bringing the the characters to life and leaves you craving for more.

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents Vol. 2 #1

Nov 30, 2011

The T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents are back. As a new reader, there was plenty to grab my attention as the concept of the story is introduced in a way that doesn't slow down the story for readers familiar with the characters

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Talon #0

Sep 26, 2012

This might be the first Batman spin-off title that doesn't feel like a Batman spin-off. Seeing the origin and a flashback to Calvin Rose, the only Talon to escape from the Court of Owls. Seeing the Court, possibly Batman's greatest nemesis now, is strange and fascinating at the same time. Calvin isn't the typical Batman Universe character and it's going to be great to see what, if any, interaction they have. The idea of Calvin traveling to other areas of the DC Universe as he runs from the Court offers many possibilites.

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Talon #1

Oct 24, 2012

We have a great new addition to the Bat-Family. He may not be an official member just yet but because he returns to Gotham and is connected to the Court of Owls, it's only a matter of time. Calvin Rose has a unique background as he didn't exactly choose the life he has. He didn't have a tragic childhood the way many others had that drove him to become a hero. Calvin is more concerned with his survival and fighting the Court of Owls. We get to find out more about him and his abilities as well as seeing a little more on Gotha City's past. Tynion and Snyder are a get pair to flesh out this new sub-world of the Batman Universe and Guillem March is nailing the action scenes while giving new characters and locations a familiar Gotham-type feel. TALON is definitely a book I now look forward to each month.

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Talon #3

Jan 2, 2013

TALON may be oozing from the pages of Night of the Owls in BATMAN but you can see how easily this book can stand on its own. More and more, I want to see just that. I don't want to see Batman pop into this series just yet even though we all know it has to happen eventually. James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder are carving out a great corner of the DCU and with all the new characters we're seeing, it's definitely earning the right to stand alone. We do see some mentions of Batman elements that feel a little forced but it is understandable and serves to remind us of the world Calvin is in. Guillem March is great at capturing both the big action as well as the scenes of conversation. I can't wait to see what's coming next.

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Team 7 #0

Sep 12, 2012

I was excited for the New 52 relaunch of Team 7 and was a little scared at the same time but this issue is off to a promising start. With the sudden emergence of superpowered individuals, it makes perfect sense that a group would be created to deal with any potential problem that could arise. This is the perfect introduction, even to characters that have had their own titles in the New 52. Things were different "five years ago" in the DC Universe and and it's such a treat to see these stories play out. I'm assuming and hoping the series will continue to run in this time period since characters such as Black Canary, Deathstroke and Grifter all have present day appearances going on. This was close to a five star book for me. I have high hopes for this series and this issue justified me having them.

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Team 7 #3

Dec 12, 2012

TEAM 7 allows us to get a look at the New 52 DC Universe from five years ago. Seeing characters like Deathstroke, Black Canary, Grifter and others before the New 52 started (for us) is pretty cool. Having Essence, a character first seen in RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS is great as it further bridges the titles in the DC universe. The art varies a little here and it could be due to the fact that we have two artists. With the idea of Eclipso here and in previous issues, it's going to be interesting to see how his presence is depicted and what further implications it could have for the DC Universe.

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Teen Titans (2003) #98

Jul 27, 2011

The Teen Titans get a little downtime after the craziness of the last arc. This allows the characters to reflect upon themselves which results in character growth. This peaceful time won't last as Superboy Prime returns with his hatred for Superboy and the Titans. J.T. Krul adds a twist to Prime's attack and the developments we're seeing among the team really makes it unfortunate that everything will be changing in September. It's all building up to the 100th issue and this volume is guaranteed to go out with a bang.

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Teen Titans (2011) #0

Sep 26, 2012

Tim Drake was never called ROBIN. So what. Let's move on. We now see how Tim is worthy of being one of Batman's best partners. The focus on his skills as a gymnast and with computers makes the way Tim becomes Batman's partner easier to swallow. Because of the dreaded five year time period in the New 52, the way Tim becomes Robin/Red Robin and the amount of training he'd need is shortened, especially with it already established that Dick and Jason spent several months out of those five years as well. Tim was always meant to go on to bigger things. We are seeing some changes in Batman continuity now so we can't be sure why exactly he stopped being Batman's partner. We'll have to wait and see what Lobdell has planned in the telling of Tim's story in future issues.

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Teen Titans (2011) #1

Sep 28, 2011

With Lobdell writing this and Superboy, we're seeing some major crossover material that gives the book a bigger feel in this new DCU. It's a different Teen Titans and I still miss the original team but this one is definitely going to give us something different to enjoy.

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Teen Titans (2011) #3

Nov 23, 2011

We are on the verge of finally seeing the Teen Titans together as a team. More focus is given to characters such as Kid Flash and Red Robin. We're introduced to new characters Solstice and Bunker. Wonder Girl also makes an appearance. The gang's all here, now we're ready to see them all together. Having new characters gives the chance to really set this series apart from past incarnations. Part of 'The New 52' was to mix things up and add new life. While characters like Kid Flash have some differences that we're still discovering, the new characters are adding another layer to the mystery. Bunker even manages to lighten up the mood of the book. Once the team is officially together, things will move in a new direction.

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Teen Titans (2011) #4

Dec 28, 2011

This isn't the Teen Titans I'm used to. There have been a few different incarnations over the years and with this issue, Lobdell is really putting his mark on making the team his own. The first three issues have been building up to this one. The team is pretty much all gathered together and we're finally getting some big team action.

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Teen Titans (2011) #6

Feb 22, 2012

The Teen Titans are just about an official team now. They survived their first major battle (barely) and have already gained the attention of the authorities. With Kid Flash's powers going out of whack, we get a little more information as to who he is and where he might come from. Lobdell is planting seeds left and right in building up future threats that should arise shortly. Usually teams get together and everyone is happy but because this book if dealing with kids, it's expected and makes sense that they don't all get along perfectly. Seeing how they will function together is going to be part of the fun. For an issue that seems meant to give a little downtime after a big fight, we still get plenty of action and suspense here.

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Teen Titans (2011) #7

Mar 28, 2012

Scott Lobdell continues to tell the story of a bunch of teenage superheroes. The title gives the members a more realistic take on young heroes as we see their personalities emerge rather than them rush out to save the world each day. Lobdell also doesn't dwell on the teen angst angle that we've seen too many times. There is plenty of action, adventure and fun mixed together as we're seeing the Teen Titans reunite with Superboy on different terms now. You can feel Brett Booth diving into the art duties as each character does their part throughout the issue and Andrew Dalhouse's colors compliment it all. The story involving N.O.W.H.E.R.E. appears to be coming to a conclusion which is what I'm looking forward to. Lobdell does offer some other revelations and teases throughout that gives that extra desire to come back for more each and every month. If that wasn't enough, there's a nice juicy cliffhanger at the end that should do the trick.

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Teen Titans (2011) #8

Apr 25, 2012

The team is together but they are facing their biggest threat yet. They thought they were ready but now all their secrets are in the hands of their enemies. That means readers get to find out some of those secrets of the different members and what that means for their histories in the "New 52." We're also getting a glimpse into the upcoming crossover, "The Culling" which is bound to have lasting repercussions for these characters as well as the ones in LEGION and RAVAGERS. The art was handled by Ig Guara which gave an interesting look at some of the characters but left others looking a little odd at times. Big things are coming for the team, provided they can survive this encounter. One can only imagine what Scott Lobdell has up his sleeve in terms of the future of this series.

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Teen Titans (2011) #12

Aug 22, 2012

The mystery surrounding Wonder Girl's past continues to deepen. We will find out more but will have to wait until after next month's zero issue. With Cassie's struggle over her armor, we get to see Red Robin and Superboy work together to try to help her. This gives a stronger sense to the fact that they are part of a team, even if we haven't seen a full blown acceptance by some of the members about the team. We get to see a new character that will clearly pose a huge threat for the team in the future. This may not be the Teen Titans we had before the New 52 but seeing them work together is making the team more appealing. It was just unfortunate that we had a shortened main story with a back up that continued the story from last week's DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS. At least we know everyone will be talking about this series after the zero issue.

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Teen Titans (2011) #15

Jan 2, 2013

This is the kind of Death of the Family tie in I want to see. The connection to RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS adds credibility to the fact that Joker is taking on everyone at the same exact time. Lobdell and Booth give us a great overall package. The conversations between Batgirl and the Titans is fun and you'll want to see how Joker vs. Red Robin plays out. We're getting more pieces to the puzzle but still have lots of the mystery to what Joker really knows. The surprise appearance of a couple characters at the end (maybe not too much of a surprise) promises that the next chapter of this sub-story will be a blast.

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Teen Titans (2011) #16

Jan 30, 2013

How could you resist a comic featuring Tim Drake, Jason Todd and the Joker? Scott Lobdell sets up some nice moments and Brett Booth provides the glorious visuals. It's not just about being a Death of the Family tie in. We do see some other developments with the other members as well as Roy Harper. We also see the 'return' of a certain pre-New 52 Teen Titan which will be very interesting. If you've ever wanted to see Tim and Jason face the Joker or each other, this is the comic you'll want to check out.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 16, 2014

The Teen Titans have returned after a brief break. Innocent lives are in danger and the team jumps into the action to put a stop to the bad guys. The team comes across as a little cold and calculated but we get to see each member in action in order to fully gauge what they're capable of. This first issue gives us a glimpse at a bigger story. Your curiosity will be aroused as you try to figure out how the pieces will fit together. Kenneth Rocafort does a great job pouring detain into the characters but the backgrounds feel a little sparse at times. It may not be the Teen Titans from before but you should have accepted that by now. This book shows the team is not playing around at being heroes and it should be interesting to see how they continue their fight against evil. The Teen Titans are back and ready to take on the world.

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Teen Titans: Earth One #1

Nov 19, 2014

Here's your chance to dive into a continuity-free Teen Titans story. You don't need to know anything about the characters as Jeff Lemire gets the opportunity to give them all a fresh spin while they still retain some elements of who we know their supposed to be. Terry and Rachel Dodson's pencils and inks look great here, giving the characters new looks that don't completely reinvent them but firmly separates them from any past versions we may have seen. The great thing about this format is getting a complete story. Although there is a slight cliffhanger but that just makes you hungry for more. If you're looking for a new version of the Teen Titans, this is a book new and old Titans fans can enjoy.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1

Aug 24, 2011

The series is off to a great start and hopefully will continue to impress.

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Thanos Annual #1

May 28, 2014

What's going on with Thanos these days? Despite currently being in a sticky situation, we get to visit Thanos' past and get a glimpse at his future, courtesy of Jim Starlin and Ron Lim. These two have delivered so many great cosmic Marvel stories. Having them back here is such a treat. Some of the annual does feel as if it's mainly setting up the upcoming Thanos OGN. That's not necessarily a bad thing since Starlin and Lim do a great job digging into who Thanos is and was (and will be). If you dig Thanos, Starlin, or Lim, there is no question whether or not you should pick this up.

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Thanos (2016) #1

Nov 16, 2016

We see so many comic series telling the stories of superheroes and teams fighting the forces of evil. Thanos sets out to give us something different. The Mad Titan has almost become a one-dimensional villain over the years, but Jeff Lemire is cooking up something new for him. With Mike Deodato's art and Frank Martin's colors, we get a gorgeous story with plenty of intrigue, violence, and suspense. This isn't quite the book I was expecting"it's better.

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Thanos Rising #1

Apr 3, 2013

Who is Thanos? Why is he one of the greatest and most evil villains in the Marvel Universe? That's what Jason Aaron is setting out to show us. It's hard to fully take in what we're seeing. We know that Thanos had to be young at some point. It's interesting to see but almost sheds new light on Thanos in a bad way. A big part of me didn't want to see Thanos as a kid. But I do trust in the vision Jason Aaron must have for this series. I'm more looking forward to what's in the next issue. We can't forget Simone Bianchi's amazing art here either. It might be a rocky start but you can't help but be excited to see what Aaron and Bianchi have coming up.

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Thanos: Infinity: The Infinity Revelation #1

Aug 5, 2014

Thanos is big news these days and what could be better than having Jim Starlin return to the character? Starlin has told many epic stories with the character and it's great to revisit his take on the character. The story obviously doesn't take place during the current timeline but we do get a nice completely self-contained story. This is the Thanos that likes to contemplate things. There is a big massive cosmic journey that only Thanos and Starlin could pull off. Fans of the character, especially during Starlin's time, should definitely check this out. This story might not be for everyone but if you dig Thanos, you'll want to see how this adventure play out.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #1

Nov 7, 2011

Joe Mad's art is a delight to see once again. There's plenty of big action but even seeing someone like J. Jonah Jameson address a crowd looks great. Ferran Daniel's color art really compliments Madureira's art and the books is such a joy to read. Based on the tease of what characters will be appearing in future issues, we're in for some fun times. The caption for issue #2 is "More!" and that is exactly what I want, more AVENGING SPIDER-MAN.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #2

Dec 7, 2011

Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira are two for two with AVENGING SPIDER-MAN. There's plenty of big action with great art and plenty of humorous moments and dialogue. Spider-Man and Red Hulk aren't a team-up you would expect to see but seeing a pairing we haven't already seen hundreds of times makes it even better. This is pure Spider-Man action. Hopefully this trend will continue. There's no need to bring in the Peter Parker side to this series. This should be huge adventures focusing just on Spider-Man and whoever he's teaming with. AVENGING SPIDER-MAN has everything I wanted. The free digital comic was a welcome extra. Since I don't really care about the Moiloids or Subterranea, it goes to show that it just takes Zeb Well's writing and Joe Madureira's art to make this a great Spider-Man comic.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #4

Feb 15, 2012

I've enjoyed the first three issues of this series but this one doesn't live up to the standards we've now developed. It isn't just because we don't have Joe Maureira's art and have Greg Land's instead. The combination of the art and the way Hawkeye is portrayed here comes across as annoying. There were some fun moments but they were out weighed by Hawkeye's attitude and ineptitude. I was looking forward to a team up with just Spider-Man and Hawkeye but sadly, this wasn't how I wanted it to be.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #11

Aug 29, 2012

It's Spider-Man's fiftieth anniversary and we're getting a load of anniversary stories this month. Zeb Wells takes the opportunity to showcase a team-up with Peter Parker and Aunt May. Spider-Man is the hero he is today because of the death of his Uncle Ben. This is something that we all know. While Peter has expressed his guilt many times over the years, we get a touching look at how he is still trying to deal with the burden and his attempt to fully convey this to Aunt May. Steve Dillon is a skilled artist but his style wasn't the best fit for an issue that was lighter on the action and more about the dialogue between Peter and May. It's unfortunate that we've had so many anniversary issues this month as this one could easily get mixed among the others. It's a touching story that shows how important Spider-Man's origin is as well as the need for Aunt May in his life.

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The Avenging Spider-Man #12

Sep 12, 2012

Spider-Man and Deadpool team up inside of Spider-Man's mind. It's a crazy trip and Spidey is at the mercy of Deadpool's guidance. This isn't your typical AVENGING SPIDER-MAN story and in many ways, that's a good thing. This issue won't change the fate or direction of Spider-Man's life but it gives us a different sort of team up adventure. As long as you're not looking for a super-serious story, this should be an enjoyable read with some really good art. And if you are expecting a serious story with Deadpool involved, I'm not really sure what you were thinking in the first place.

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The Bionic Man #1

Aug 23, 2011

As a first issue, it's a little light on the action but this is because the story has to be set up. And to make up for that, we do get a bit of suspense to keep you on edge until the second issue.

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The Bionic Man #7

Feb 29, 2012

This is the issue many have been waiting for. Steve and Jaime are finally reunited. Revelations are made in that situation and Steve even finds out more about himself and the organization he's working for. Hester and Lau continue to be a great team and asset for Dynamite Entertainment. The classic characters have been given a modern twist and seeing how it all unfolds has been enjoyable. Due to the revelations in this issue, the action is cut a little short but it's good to have a little downtime in order to build up the story.

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The Black Bat #1

May 1, 2013

We often go on about trying something new. I have heard the occasional plea or complaint about wanting to read a series but confused over continuity or a vast number of previous stories. THE BLACK BAT is a way to start from the beginning. The character may have existed since the 1930s but Brian Buccellato has revitalized the character. You don't need to know anything before reading this issue in order to be up to speed. This is one of those comics you're thankful exists in its own comic universe. The word "superhero" is used as if it's something that doesn't really exist here. The fact that the way Black Bat operates isn't necessarily black or white gives a nice feel to the story. This is a character that wants to get the job done and isn't going to let others try to break him in order to prevent the accomplishment of his mission. The story has that pulp feel that's rooted inside the character but Buccellato easily brings the character to modern times.

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The Black Bat #4

Aug 7, 2013

Brian Buccellato is crafting a great little universe for the Black Bat. As we find out more of his current mission, we get more to his story in how he became a crime fighter. Ronan Cliquet's art and Mat Lopes' colors fit the story perfectly in establishing the tone of series. There is violence and language but it also fits with the tone that Buccellato is conveying here. Buccellato is making a 'superhero book' feel realistic in terms of the tone and structure of the story. This is the kind of comic I want more of. The book takes the superhero ideas that could seem 'silly' in the real world but Buccellato makes it work and feel realistic in an actual comic. The unfortunate thing is it the four weeks in between issues feels so long.

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The Black Bat #6

Oct 2, 2013

THE BLACK BAT continues to be a fun and action packed series. Brian Buccellato is fleshing out his own little corner with the introduction and continued adventure of the Black Bat. Ronan Cliquet captures the action and switches things around during the action scenes to add to the excitement. There are some moments the art and color feels a little too dark. The story continues to build up to a pretty big cliffhanger. It's pretty safe to say you'll want to read the next issue to see what happens next.

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The Black Bat #7

Dec 4, 2013

Brian Buccellato has taken off the kid gloves with this series. Last issue ended with a bomb going off. As you would expect, there were casualties. Big destructive scenes are common in comics but Buccellato shows the results of what happened rather than have everyone happily move on. The story remains gritty with a more realistic take. The Black Bat may have suffered a blow but he's back on his feet and ready to kick ass in a big way.

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The Black Beetle #1

Jan 16, 2013

If you're looking for something new and something different, you owe it to yourself to check out Francesco Francavilla's BLACK BEETLE. If you're familiar with Francavilla's art, you know what to expect here. His art and colors will amaze you as you witness the dawn of the adventures in Colt City. It's great to be able to jump into a new series and enjoy the adventures of a character without having to worry about what happened before. Because we are used to having answers, not knowing Black Beetle's past is also something you'll find yourself wondering occasionally. BLACK BEETLE is the type of comic anyone can get into. If you like good comics with great art and storytelling, you really need to pick up BLACK BEETLE. Don't miss out on it.

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The Black Hood #1

Feb 25, 2015

Get ready for a new take on an old character. The set up for THE BLACK HOOD is great. It feels like we're reading something new. It's something we haven't necessarily seen time and time again in the past. Duane Swierczynski does a great job in creating a new character in Greg Hettinger and fleshes him out nicely. We know superhero origins often involve tragedy but Swierczynski gives us one with a different perspective. Michael Gaydos' art along with Kelly Fitzpatrick's colors are perfect in topping off the tone of the book. If this is any indication in what we can expect in future Dark Circle comics, we have a lot to look forward to.

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The Bunker #1

Feb 12, 2014

This is your chance to check out what is brewing in the mind of Joshua Hale Fialkov. By creating an interesting cast of characters set in a bizarre situation, you'll find yourself wondering what's going to happen next as you take in all the details. Joe Infurnari does a remarkable job on the art and adding color to this printed edition is like getting desert after you just had desert. This is truly a case of doing yourself a favor if you pick it up. Even though I read the digital chapters, I dug the story so much I just had to read it all over again.

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The Bunker #2

Mar 26, 2014

Note: if you read the first issue, check out the commentary podcast with Josh and Joe HERE.

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The Bunker #4

May 22, 2014

THE BUNKER is one of my favorite current series. Josh Fialkov and Joe Infurnari are cooking up some crazy and interesting things. Whenever time travel or future knowledge is involved, things often get tricky. That's one of the cool aspects of the story. Infurnari's art is breathtaking. Simply put, this is a series you should be reading.

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The Bunker #5

Aug 6, 2014

THE BUNKER is simply a treat to read. Joshua Hale Fialkov and Joe Infurnari are creating a story that is more of an experience. Fialkov keeps things moving and throws twists at you that you won't see coming and Infurnari's art is a wonder. The trade collecting the first four issue has also been released so do yourself a favor and make sure you're reading this series.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Oct 6, 2014

Archie Comics and Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa have given us another comic that shows Archie comics are not 'just for kids.' In a darker telling, we get to find out who Sabrina Spellman is. Whether you're familiar with the character or not, you'll get a slight sinking feeling as you become immersed in this different setting and get a taste of what's to come in the rest of this ongoing series. Robert Hack's art establishes the mood from the very first page. There are a couple moments of inconsistency but the art and colors will let you know you should be prepared to be a little freaked out by this book. Forget everything you know or think you know about Archie Comics. This is a book you should keep an eye on.

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The Darkness (2007) #101

Mar 21, 2012

Readers of THE DARKNESS were saddened by the end of Hester's run. Does David Hine have what it takes to take over? Based on this issue, it's a strong heart-felt yes. I was a tiny bit skeptical when I first heard about Rebirth as a way to softly reboot the Top Cow universe. This issue proves that it was an idea that could work. This is a good jumping on point. Everything is new yet still completely familiar to long time readers. Jackie's making some pretty bold and crazy decisions. THE DARKNESS is definitely a book to keep an eye on. I can't wait to see how Hine will follow up this issue.

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The Darkness (2007) #104

Jun 20, 2012

It's a great time to start reading THE DARKNESS. While we're four issues in, new readers can still get a handle on what's going on, especially with the first page giving a detailed summary of what's been going on. We are witnessing a train wreck about occur. Jackie had to destroy and rebuild the world but took the opportunity to make some adjustments to get what he wanted, specifically bringing his childhood sweetheart back from the dead. Messing with these sort of events must come with a price and we're slowly seeing Jackie's world crumbling around him. The clean slate that writer David Hine has been given allows him to do as he pleases with the characters and we have no idea what could or will happen to everyone. It's rare for a comic to make you a little uncomfortable in a way that you can't help but know something bad is going to happen. THE DARKNESS will easily suck you in each month as you wait to see what could possibly happen next.

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The Delinquents #1

Aug 20, 2014

Archer and Armstrong in the same book as Quantum and Woody? It's the comic book comedy team-up Valiant readers have wanted. Sometimes crossovers can feel a little forced but that isn't the case here. What makes this meeting even better is that it will all be because of an ass map for a hobo treasure. That should be reason enough to get this book. James Asmus and Fred Van Lente know the characters since they are writing the individual titles and Kano's art is the perfect choice for the story. You won't find a comic like this everyday. Don't miss out on it. And again, it has an ass map in it!

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 18, 2014

It's time to reconfigure your comic buying budget as the latest new series from Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Elizabeth Breitweiser is calling out for you. As you would expect, this is a pure story with amazing visuals. It's a great look at this dark time period in Hollywood during the late 1940s and you'll immediately find yourself hooked. You've read any of Brubaker and Phillips' previous series, you pretty much know exactly what to expect. If you haven't read any of their work before, you are indeed in for a treat. Bottom line: buy this book.

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The Flintstones #1

Jul 6, 2016

Whether you were a hardcore Flintstones fan or a casual viewer, there is a lot to enjoy here. Mark Russell's new take on the characters is intriguing. Along with Steve Pugh's art and Chris Chuckry's colors, this is definitely the Flintstones in a way you haven't seen before. A lot of the essence of the animated series has been captured, yet the characters all have a fresh feel to them. As long as you can handle the reinterpretation, you will have a fun time reading this book. Chances are you've grown since you were first introduced to the characters. Russell and DC have allowed the characters and tone of the book to grow along with you. This book is absolutely worth checking out.

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The Green Hornet (2013) #1

Mar 27, 2013

Mark Waid is a man that knows what he's doing. For him to take on a GREEN HORNET comic, you know it's going to be exactly what you would want in a GREEN HORNET comic. If you've never read one before, Waid is reason enough to get you started. Seeing this story unfold in the 1940s is a great way to give it a separate feel from the enormous amount of comics on sale each week. It has a classic feel that the character deserves while not being bogged down as a pure period piece. It does take place in the past but the way Waid tells the story and Daniel Indro's art won't make it feel like you're reading your grandfather's comic. This is a great time to check out GREEN HORNET if you haven't tried the character before.

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The High Ways #1

Jan 16, 2013

There's nothing like a John Byrne comic to lighten up the week. Being a fan from when I started reading comics, it's always a treat to see what he comes up with next. This space story is easily accessible to anyone willing to give something new a try. The set up is well explained and as we get to know the main characters, we start to see there is something else going on in the story, paving the way for the rest of the miniseries. After reading this first issue I'm still not completely sure what Byrne has planned but that is totally alight. I love sci-fi and it's not often I can tolerate the bright colors of a sci-fi comic. The colors combined with Byrne's art works here. Now comes the hard part in waiting for the next issue.

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The Manhattan Projects #1

Mar 7, 2012

Jonathan Hickman strikes again. His work on FANTASTIC FOUR and FF have been great but there is something about creator-owned work where you get to see them really cut loose. Taking historical elements and adding a huge twist is a brilliant twist and offers a great deal of possibilities for future issues. There are plenty of developments that will get you hooked and make you hunger for the next issue. This is something new. It's something different. It's the perfect issue if you need a break from superheroes and tights. It's definitely plot driven but is crammed with glorious art by Nick Pitarra. I simply cannot wait for the next issue. I love when I get to read a comic that gets me this excited.

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 20, 2014

MULTIVERSITY is finally here and it's a trip and a half. Grant Morrison is just showing us the tip of the iceberg of the DC Multiverse. There's a big threat on the horizon and with so many different characters and worlds, there's no telling what might happen next. Ivan Reis and Joe Prado set the stage in a glorious way. This is a comic you won't want to miss. Morrison is setting up some big things here and it's going to be a fun and crazy ride.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Dec 17, 2014

Remember Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr and Doctor Sivana? This issue brings them all back, even if it's just for this one time. If you've been reading the MULTIVERSITY issues, of course you'll want to get this. Even if you have no idea what's been going on, you can easily jump into this issue and enjoy a brilliant adventure with these characters. Grant Morrison captures the essence of the characters and Cameron Stewart and Nathan Fairbairn are the perfect duo for the visuals here. This is a comic anyone can enjoy. Make sure you don't miss it.

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The Multiversity: Mastermen #1

Feb 18, 2015

Grant Morrison and Jim Lee. Thats all I needed to know to pick up this issue. Morrisons exploration of Earth-10 is fascinating. Unfortunately there is way too much of this world to cover in a single one-shot. This causes the story to feel cramped with some missed opportunities. Lees art with Alex Sinclair and Jeromy Coxs colors is great, even if there are some disturbing elements to the characters. I would have liked to see more of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters but we do get an interesting look at how different this world is from the one were used to reading about.

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The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Sep 17, 2014

Pack your bags because Grant Morrison and Chris Sprouse are ready to take you to a different Earth. With the story of MULTIVERSITY continuing, we pay visit to Earth-20 and get to see the heroes of this world. The introductions are brief as some of DC's big villains from Earth-40 have managed to crossover and both worlds are in the midst of a full scale war. The pros and cons of this issue is that it is pretty much a self-contained story. You can dive right in without fully needing to know what happened before. The downside is we don't get an immediate continuation from last month's MULTIVERSITY book and we can't be sure if we'll see any of these characters in the next. Morrison excels at fleshing out new and familiar characters and you can't help but wonder what he'll give us next. It's a grand adventure that leaves you hungry for more.

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The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1

Nov 19, 2014

This is the MULTIVERSITY issue you've been waiting for. Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely are together again to give us a heavy and intriguing story. This is a comic you'll want to read more than once. There's a lot to take in. The way the story unwinds along with the art and colors, it's something you'll want to see more of. With an interesting take on familiar characters, you won't want to miss this one.

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The New 52: Futures End #0

May 3, 2014

Theres no denying this will be one of the Free Comic Book Day issues that stands out. As a lead in to next weeks FUTURES END #1, DCs new weekly series, there is a lot to see here. Future stories often get pretty dark and dreary and we definitely see a lot of that here. Besides just horrific scenarios and heroes getting killed or worse, we do see some of the key players that are supposed to play a role later on in the series. Its a fascinating idea for a story, even if weve seen it play out time and time again. The key will be in the execution. Based on the creators of this free issue, we can expect plenty of excitement.

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The New 52: Futures End #1

May 7, 2014

If you haven't picked up the Free Comic Book Day zero issue, hopefully you can still track one down. While you can still dive into this story, set five years from now, having an idea what the New 52 universe thirty-five years from now looks like and why Batman Beyond time traveled back would help appreciate this issue. As a first issue, those that missed out might find themselves scratching their heads. This can definitely be a fun ride as a weekly series but there's a little too much going on in this issue. Having the cast of the issue consist of different characters whose books have all been canceled is an interesting decision. We shouldn't always see the big guns in comic book events but the reality of it is, that might be more appealing to readers not fully invested in the fate of the entire New 52 Universe. There is a pretty crazy cliffhanger and that alone will make you want to return next week for the second issue. But try to find a copy of the FCBD one.

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The Private Eye #1

Mar 20, 2013

I try to encourage readers to try something different once in a while. This is the perfect candidate. I went into it without knowing what it was about and that amped up the excitement. If you've ever read anything by Brian K. Vaughan or have seen Marcos Martin's art, you know you're in for quite a treat. You don't need me to tell you how great this is. Give it a try. Visit the website and name your price. You'll be happy you did. This is what happens when creators decide to take a risk. You owe it to yourself to take a risk as well and check this out. You can thank me later.

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The Ravagers #1

May 30, 2012

The first issue is off to a strong start. We're seeing Fairchild try to maintain control over the kids that escaped. It would be too easy for the story if they all got along right away. We have plenty of tension and mistrust which is understandable given what the kids have been through. We still have shades of 'The Culling' storyline along with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. here which I am ready to see go away for a while. We could use a different set of villains or problems for the characters to cope with. Ian Churchill excels at drawing the numerous characters, giving each their own look and feel. It's hard to say where this series is going to and how this group of survivors will get along as a team. That's going to be part of the fun in this new series. It's great to see Howard Mackie back in comics. I'm not sure where he's been but I know the series is in safe hands with Mackie and Churchill.

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The Ravagers #2

Jun 13, 2012

We have a team book without really having a team. Normally I would think that this would be more bothersome but I like the fact that it adds an element of mystery to the story. We don't know who will stay or go or even who will survive. The struggle Fairchild faces in trying to keep everyone together and safe makes the story more credible versus if everyone was willing to hold hands and run off together. Howard Mackie pretty much has a clean slate to do as he pleases with these characters and that idea is becoming more and more exciting. Ian Churchill adds his own touch to making the characters distinctive along with the familiar characters having slight updates. Hopefully their nemesis will vary and we won't see more of the same characters after them.

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The Ray #1

Dec 14, 2011

Introducing a new character to an existing comic universe can be a risky move. The fact that we're still in the early stages of 'The New 52' makes it even riskier as we're trying to get to know the existing heroes once again. Gray and Palmiotti do a great job in creating a likable new young hero that doesn't have all the typical clichs you normally see with the teen heroes. Some parts move a little fast as this new Ray quickly becomes comfortable with controlling his powers but because it's a four-issue miniseries, the need for that fast pace makes sense. Jamal Igle's pencils are welcome and we get a good mix in locations and looks for the characters along with great variation in the facial expressions on them. Bravo to Gray, Palmiotti and Igle in creating a new character in the DC Universe. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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The Red Wing #1

Jul 13, 2011

It's hard to commit to a new series based on characters or a premise that is new but often it can be worth taking the chance. Jonathan Hickman has created a crazy scenario with a war that involves time travel. Rather than make things simply, you get the feeling that some of the technical matters have been thought out. The art by Nick Pitarra compliments the story and does a great job in setting up the designs of the ships and technology in this futuristic world. Some of the explanation can feel a little heavy and I don't suggest trying to read it in an office full of people talking. There is a lot of potential here and I am looking forward to seeing how all this is going to play out.

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The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1

Aug 22, 2012

I was happy when it was first announced that Waid and Samnee were taking on Rocketeer and of course they are a great fit here. This is a series new and old fans of Rocketeer can jump into. The familiar characters are here and new readers will soon learn who is who and how they all relate. Waid writes them and the time period in a fitting way for the world and time period Dave Stevens created. Chris Samnee captures the period and action as well and you'll hunger for more. There is a mystery brewing but sadly as you get pulled into the story, the issue comes to an end. You'll find yourself wanting more after reading this issue. That's good and bad. The hard part now is having to wait 30 days until the next issue.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Oct 30, 2013

SANDMAN is back and it's everything you'd hoped it would be. Neil Gaiman is the only one that could pull this off and he does effortlessly. J.H. Williams III art and Dave Stewart's colors are phenomenal. We may have been waiting a long time to return to these characters and world but it feels like it was just yesterday we last saw it all. Gaiman does a great job bring us back into the story and never misses a beat in the storytelling. We get a great set up with the mystery building as the story progresses. It will be hard to wait for the next issue but we've already waited this long. SANDMAN was a great series and Gaiman once again reminds us why with this first issue.

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The Sandman Overture #2

Mar 26, 2014

We've had to wait a bit since the last issue but once you start reading, you just might find yourself willing to overlook the wait. It's hard to say what's more beautiful here between Neil Gaiman's writing, J.H. Williams III's art, and Dave Stewart's colors. It all goes together so wonderfully. It's been hard waiting but this is definitely a comic worth waiting for. We should all be happy a comic like this can be made.

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The Saviors #2

Jan 30, 2014

Leave it to James Robinson to create a new series about aliens in hiding that feels fresh and exciting. By giving us a story with an unlikely main character, it doesn't fall into the typical stories we've often seen in this genre. J. Bone's art compliments the story in giving it a classic feel while also making it stand out from other comics. There's no telling what Robinson is planning for this comic and you'll want to experience it all for yourself.

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The Saviors #3

Mar 5, 2014

It's always great seeing a creator do their own thing in a creator-owned series. James Robinson always has interesting ideas and getting to see his take on an alien invasion-type story has been fascinating. Seeing how he's changing the landscape for our main character (at least for the time being) gives plenty of variety to the story and makes it feel like we're looking at a bigger world. J. Bone's art is great and adds a nice feel to the overall atmosphere of the story. This is definitely a story you'll want to check out now to see what's going on. Robinson and Bone are creating something really cool and fun here.

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The Sensational Spider-Man (1996) #33.1

Aug 8, 2012

It's great to see Marvel celebrating Spider-Man's fiftieth anniversary in a unique way. Resurrecting previous Spider-Man series and giving them a self-contained point one issue is a fun way to see story that doesn't have immediate ties to the current series. Unfortunately there is the question of whether or not the story will 'matter.' This is a story that took place some months ago in Spider-Man's life. It also fails to be a self-contained story as it will continue in the next .2 issue. Fans of the newer Vulture will be happy to see his appearance here and will be in suspense to find out how the story ends. It's not clear how exactly this story celebrates Spidey's anniversary. It has an 'untold tale' feel but whether or not there's any lasting effects of the story remain to be seen.

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The Tick: Free Comic Book Day 2014 #1

May 3, 2014

It's always great to see THE TICK in comics. I'll admit, I haven't read a TICK comic in years because of my stubbornness in the absence of Ben Edlund actually writing and drawing the comics. We do get a fun story here that's fitting for the character. If you're a less strict TICK fan, you'll have no problem enjoying the tale as long as you have an idea what the Tick is all about.

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The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Dec 2, 2015

We have a new Hulk on our hands and reading his story is a blast. We've seen plenty of instances where a mainstream hero is replaced by someone else. That aspect isn't new but it's all in the execution by Greg Pak that makes this feel fresh. Pak knows the Hulk and definitely knows Amadeus Cho. We may be hoping to find out more about Bruce Banner but you can easily see this is going to be a fun book with big action courtesy of Frank Cho's art. I love the Hulk but we've seen so many different takes on him, I'm ready for something really different for the time being. Cho has a perfect blend of being a brand new hero but also has an incredibly brilliant mind to allow him to get out of sticky situations. I'm really intrigued to see where this book will take us.

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The United States of Murder Inc. #1

May 14, 2014

Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming are back together with a new series. I went into this issue without knowing a single detail as to what it was about. The reality is, you don't need to. You're probably familiar with the work from these two and that pretty much tells you all you need to know. Seeing a world with the mob having a big influence in the United States makes an interesting backdrop and we're getting to see a lot of cool new characters. With details being revealed and a great twist at the end, I am definitely onboard this series. You'll want to make sure you jump on this series now rather than try to catch up later.

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The United States of Murder Inc. #3

Jul 9, 2014

THE UNITED STATES OF MURDER INC is one of my favorite new series this year. Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming have proven in the past what they can do together. They're doing it again with a fascinating take on the world of mobsters. There's plenty of action, violence, and suspense to be found. This really is a series you'll want to check out. You'll be happy you did.

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The United States of Murder Inc. #4

Aug 13, 2014

THE UNITED STATES OF MURDER INC. has fast become one of my favorite ongoing titles. The team up of Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming is one we're familiar with and their take on the world of mobsters is full of action, intrigue, and suspense. Bendis keeps the action going while also fleshing out the backstory of this world while Oeming's art captures it all perfectly. The only downside is having to wait until the next issue when you reach the end.

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The Unworthy Thor #1

Nov 2, 2016

For those waiting to find out what the future holds for Odinson, the stage is being set up to deliver them. Jason Aaron is joining forces with Olivier Coipel and Matthew Wilson to put the spotlight on the former Thor as he sets out to regain his worthiness. There may be some that desire his return to glory right away, but this shake up provides some mystery and intrigue to the character. There's a sense of anything goes, and you won't want to miss the next step in the former Thor's road to redemption.

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The Wake #1

May 29, 2013

Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy have developed a following for their work both separately and together. Seeing the two creators reunite is enough to get readers excited. For a new series with a new concept, THE WAKE does a great job in setting up the story and characters. You almost feel as if Snyder and Murphy are teasing you because we've barely scratched the surface to what must be coming up next. The little we do see of the cast of characters is enough to make you want to see more. You can almost envision the possibilities of this crew investigating whatever mysteries are headed our way. We have a great story with great art and color. It's refreshing being able to read a comic that doesn't follow the traditional comic book formula. Don't wait to pick this issue up.

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The Wake #2

Jun 26, 2013

Buying and becoming invested in a new series or miniseries can always be tricky. With Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy (and Matt Hollingsworth), it becomes a lot easier. This is the type of series that shows we can have and enjoy something new rather tan just rely on new stories with existing characters. We've been introduced to several new characters as well as a mystery that will hook you into the series. This is the type of comic you'll want to sit back and enjoy as you devour each issue. We truly are getting something different and it's a blast reading each issue to find out what's going to happen or be revealed next.

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The Wake #5

Nov 20, 2013

With each issue of THE WAKE, it feels less like a comic you read but more one you experience. Scott Snyder has a crazy story cooked up and there's no telling what's coming next. Having Sean Murphy on art and Matt Hollingsworth on colors is like we're getting an extra special treat. There will be a little wait until the next issue but, like they say, "good things..."

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The Wake #6

Feb 26, 2014

What the heck is going on? Scott Snyder is giving us a crazy story that will completely suck you in. We were left with a big cliffhanger last issue only to find the events of the story jump forward 200 years. As we see the far off aftermath of the attack from the sea creatures, we are introduced to a new world that still has a huge threat hanging over everyone. Sean Murphy's art and Matt Hollingsworth's colors makes a great story even greater. It's not often we get an intriguing story accompanied by such beautiful art. THE WAKE is the whole package. With the way Snyder keeps shaking things up, there's really no telling where the story is going to go.

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The Wake #7

Mar 26, 2014

There's so much to see in the latest issue of THE WAKE. Scott Snyder, Sean Murphy, and Matt Hollingsworth are packing it all into these issues. With the slightest hints, we can feel just how big this comic world is and have to wonder how much detail Snyder and Murphy have laid out in their notes. It's crazy to think there are people out there that haven't read this series yet. I have to say I envy them for the fact that they will be able to enjoy all the issues for the first time still. I don't want this series to end but I cannot wait for the next issue.

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The Wake #9

Jun 4, 2014

From the beginning, seeing Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy's name attached to this series should have been all the reason you'd need to dig into this series. It's been a crazy ride and it's both great and sad to see the conclusion to this story. Snyder's vision and Murpy's art have created an incredible world that leaves you hungry for more. We get some answers and a crazy cliffhanger that will make sure you won't miss the final issue. It's great to have comics like this.

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The Wake #10

Jul 30, 2014

Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy's THE WAKE has come to an end. This is the sort of book you'll want to read over and over. There is an interesting feeling reading a comic with a finite pace. That still doesn't quell the desire to see more from this amazing new comic world. Snyder and Murphy make a phenomenal team. We've had an amazing story, we get plenty of answers, and Murphy's art is enough to make you drool. Hopefully we will see more from this world in the future. There's plenty more in to explore in this world. Bravo to Snyder and Murphy.

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The Walking Dead #87

Jul 20, 2011

I can't really recall many issues of The Walking Dead that I didn't enjoy. There is always the feeling of not knowing what to expect and that nobody is safe. With the main characters surviving the recent zombie attack, we're left seeing everyone pick up the pieces. It's great to see what happens in the aftermath but that also means less in terms of action. There is some progression in side plots and we do find out a little more about the fate of Carl. Whether this is the calm before another storm remains to be seen.

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The Walking Dead #88

Aug 17, 2011

Has there ever really been a bad issue of The Walking Dead? This issue continues to give us a little downtime. That is essential in building up the characters and allowing them to grow and evolve. We had one character greatly wounded. Could this be the issue we find out their fate? Kirkman always sets up bad things for the characters we get attached to. Normally we get a big shocking moment in each issue. I don't feel we really had one here. Is that enough to complain about? Not really. Having too many shocking moments month after month could be too much. Even though this is a calmer issue, obviously that can't last long.

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The Walking Dead #89

Oct 5, 2011

The Walking Dead is still great. That's not a newsflash and should not come as a surprise. We're approaching one hundred issues and the story continues to stay fresh and compelling. Even though it's no secret that Kirkman knows how to tell a great story, we are talking about a long-running story about zombies. There's always a new twist or development to worry about and this is yet another for Rick to deal with. With his being distracted after recent events, the suspense is building up and there is a great last page, which again, is no big surprise. Sit back and great ready for another chapter of The Walking Dead with the craziness about to get amped up even further.

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The Walking Dead #94

Feb 29, 2012

This series continues to rock month after month. Because we're in the beginning of the arc, it feels like the calm before the storm. There is some action but we're just getting a taste of what's to come. The story is being set up and at times it can be hard not to be skeptical (just as Rick is in the story). Kirkman has been telling this story for over 90 issues and it's bound to be another stellar story but after so many great stories, there's the fear of things going the wrong way. The possible outcomes of this story are both scary and exciting for readers and the characters.

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The Walking Dead #95

Mar 28, 2012

We're getting closer to discovering some of the answers in the "Larger World." The idea of other survivors besides Rick's group could mean more allies or more conflicts. After all the disasters they've suffered through, there's no surprise that they would be extremely cautious. It's hard to say where this story will got as Kirkman always manages to pull the rug out from beneath our feet. The action does slow down a little here but you get a strong sense that something big is about to happen (again).

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The Walking Dead #97

May 9, 2012

Everything is changing in the WALKING DEAD world. We no longer have Rick Grimes and a small group of survivors. Not only do we have one community of survivors but instead we have three. A big war is coming and with the 100th issue also looming, we can expect some major bloodshed and the loss of major characters. Of course this is all an assumption but it's difficult to think otherwise. Now that this bigger world has been revealed, there is the question of what will happen after this story. While it's wouldn't be impossible, it would be hard to go back to the simpler times of the survivors just surviving against the zombies. THE WALKING DEAD remains a consistently great read. Robert Kirkman hasn't let us down yet and now has high expectations to live up to. We shouldn't worry as he's proven he can live up to them month after month.

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The Walking Dead #98

May 30, 2012

While I have been immensely enjoying the series, I've been a little let down lately over the lack of anything really major happening. We get the feeling that something big is going to go down, especially with the shadowed figures on the cover and the approach of issue #100. Kirkman cranks things up here. There is a death and it isn't expected, in typical Kirkman fashion. A lot does happen here. We get to see plenty of action and you have to wonder how things will (most likely) get worse next issue. This issue elevated my excitement for the series once again and I can't wait to see how this all plays out.

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The Walking Dead #103

Oct 17, 2012

The game of survival in the zombie-infested post apocalyptic world is going in a different direction as Rick and the survivors are faced with a cruel and deadly human threat. It may seem as if Rick and the others are stuck lying down and taking their abuse but we know it's all building up to something big. Regardless, sitting back and watch everything unfold will leave you with a sick feeling in your stomach. It's hard to watch this sort of violation. It also means a little less action than what we're used to. It's more on a psychological level. It's a great change of pace but you'll be eagerly waiting for the action to be unleashed.

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The Walking Dead #105

Dec 12, 2012

I was a little unsure last issue over Carl's actions in trying to invade Negan's community but the sheer amount of suspense this adds to the story is a welcome treat. We don't want to see more bad things happen but that's just what this world is about. The great thing about this series is having no idea what's going to happen, who will or won't survive and all the twists and turns Kirkman throws at us. Month after month THE WALKING DEAD is a fun ride but every now and then we get issues that truly stand above the rest. You think you've seen the best/worst Kirkman can throw at the characters but he always manages to come up with something else to knock us off our feet.

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The Walking Dead #106

Jan 9, 2013

Life in the Walking Dead universe seems like it will never get better. Robert Kirkman continues to tell his compelling story and never ceases to catch us off guard, even when we keep expecting things to go from bad to worse. As if Rick didn't have it bad enough trying to survive the zombies, he now has to figure out if he can find and save Carl, deal with the threat of the vile Negan and possibly another set of problems that appears to be developing. Charlie Adlard never ceases to amaze either. Whether it's scenes of brutal zombie fights or suspenseful scenes between the characters, each page keeps you glued. We're constantly seeing big downer moments at the end of each issue. We should be used to them but they continue to kick us in the gut. And to make it worse, the image for the next issue looks pretty ominous as well. I just don't understand how some people just aren't reading this series.

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The Walking Dead #115

Oct 9, 2013

In THE WALKING DEAD, we've come to expect the unexpected. With the beginning of a twelve-issue arc and the idea of humans going to war against each other, we know this is going to be a bloodbath of a different nature. It shows how the series has evolved after ten years. As this is the first part, it sets up the craziness that's to come. We might be used to the shocks and cliffhangers which we don't see much of here but this is a big moment for the characters. This is not something readers will want to miss.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #1

Jun 19, 2013

I've struggled through X-Files comics in the past and if this first issue is an indication of what we can expect, I couldn't be happier. Joe Harris has the task of taking these characters beyond where the television series left off. With Chris Carter on board, you know the characters and stories will go in the direction they are supposed to go. Michael Walsh's art is great and establishes the perfect mood for the series. As a long time X-Files fan, I am ecstatic for this series and cannot wait to see what's next. You will believe an X-Files comic can be a great read.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #2

Jul 17, 2013

This is a must read for anyone that has ever watched an episode of The X-Files. Joe Harris and Chris Carter are doing what every fan of the show has been craving, extending the story with the characters. So much is being thrown at us and it's amazing how much we're seeing happening in just these first two issues. Michael Walsh's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors creates a great vibe for the story. You will be amazed at what happens in this comic. Things are definitely changing and we're seeing some great surprises here. There's no telling what might happen next and that's a great feeling - knowing that there are loads of twists and turns awaiting in the next issue.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #3

Aug 14, 2013

If you've ever watched an episode of The X-Files, this series is a must-read. Series creator Chris Carter and Joe Harris have brought the characters back with a vengeance. We're seeing many familiar characters return (some in shocking ways) and the story continues to build the excitement with each issue. Michael Walsh has captured the essence of the characters and is bringing them to life along with plenty of X-Files action that we would expect. Bottom line, if you enjoyed the show, you're going to love this comic. Don't miss out on it.

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They're Not Like Us #1

Dec 24, 2014

Reading a brand new series can be thrilling. You're never quite sure what to expect when you're about to be introduced to new characters and a new comic book world. THEY'RE NOT LIKE US starts out with the similar concept of a person discovering they have special abilities and someone coming in to take them away and save them. You'll soon discover that this is not the story you've seen before. Eric Stephenson takes the idea of people being different and explores where their motivations might lead them. With Simon Gane doing the art and Jordie Bellaire, there is a really nice feel to the book that separates it from all the costumed super-hero books on the comic store shelves. While we do get a good introduction to the very large and very diverse cast, there is still a lot we don't know. This is the first issue after all. There is enough of a hook to make you want to come back to see where exactly all of this will lead. I'm definitely intrigued with this series.

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Thief of Thieves #1

Feb 8, 2012

I really wanted to like this issue. With Kirkman and Spencer on board, we can only expect great things. The first issue doesn't quite showcase what we can expect. It is well written and there is some interesting developments but what we get doesn't match what the issue's solicit tells us will happen. For a first issue, the right balance has to be present that introduces the concept while grabbing and pulling in the new reader. This issue doesn't quite grab you with a firm hand. It's only because Kirkman and Spencer are attached that I will check out the next issue. Hopefully that will be the one to win me over and have me praise this new series out on the streets.

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Think Tank #4

Nov 14, 2012

Here I thought this was only a four-issue miniseries but surprisingly and thankfully there's more to come. Matt Hawkins has created a great character with David Loren. There's something about a character than has a high intellect and can use it on the fly. We have a cool new character and world. Originally meant to be a four-issue miniseries (a trade is due soon), but the story is not over. With a bit of a cliffhanger ending, there's room for more to be told. Rahsan Ekedal's art fits nicely and despite the predictable love angle (that we often see in action films), you'll find yourself rooting for the character and wanting to find out what happens next.

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This Damned Band #1

Aug 5, 2015

I can't really say I can predict where the story will continue from here and that's a great thing. I look forward to seeing what Cornell and Parker have planned for us and the band on this rock and roll journey. THIS DAMNED BAND isn't like other comics currently on sale. Don't miss out on your chance for a front row seat to a fascinating production.

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Thor (2014) #1

Sep 29, 2014

This isn't the THOR you're used to. Besides the fact that a new female character will be taking over the power of Thor along with Mjolnir, the Thor we've known for years is still here. We're seeing him in a new struggle and Jason Aaron is cooking up an interesting story readers will want to check out. Having the status quo shaken up can be difficult for diehard fans but we're witnessing some intriguing new ideas rather than getting more of the same stories we've seen for years. Russell Dauterman's art and Matthew Wilson's colors make this a gorgeous book. If you've at all been curious about the changes coming to this corner of the Marvel Universe, there's no way you'll want to miss this series. It's a great time to jump in if you haven't been following along as well. Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman are ready to knock your socks off.

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Thor (2014) #2

Nov 12, 2014

The more I see of this new THOR, the more I dig it. Jason Aaron did an amazing job on the previous THOR: GOD OF THUNDER series and is now taking it to a completely different place. We don't often get big mysteries in comics, especially concerning the lead character. I'm intrigued with who the "new" character could be, but part of me doesn't want to find out right away. Russell Dauterman's art and Matthew Wilson's colors give the book a great look. Even though there's a lot of blue from the Frost Giants, it all looks amazing. Once the battle begins, I was simply in awe. If you're a hardcore Thor fan, do yourself a favor and check this out. Thor will still be in the book and we all know big changes aren't forever in comics. I'm really loving this book, but with this amazing creative team, it should be much of a surprise.

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Thor (2014) #3

Dec 10, 2014

Who is this new Goddess of Thunder? Does she have what it takes to take on a room full of Frost Giants when separated from Mjolnir? Jason Aaron continues to move the story along and the hanging sense of the unknown is a refreshing feel to a character we've been reading about for so many years. This series has it all--great writing along with superb art, color, and lettering. Despite what goes down, I did feel like something was missing and this issue was just filling the time to set up the final page (and next issue). Regardless, I am once again excited about a THOR series. This is one of the comics I most look forward to each month.

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Thor (2014) #8

May 13, 2015

The answer is finally out but the story is not over yet. Jason Aaron has carefully laid out the groundwork for this mystery. There may have been clues and signs along with some misdirects but now readers can digest the information for themselves. There is still more to discover with this character in this role. There will be some consequences from the actions in this issue and now we have to patiently wait for the next issue to see where things go from here. Russell Dauterman's art and Mathew Wilson's colors are fantastic. There is a lot of fighting and it looks great but it felt like it was mainly to fill some time until we get to the moment between the new Thor and Odinson. Regardless, the more I read of this new Thor, the more fascinated I become. Now with the revelation out of the way, we can focus on what this all means and where Jason Aaron is going to take the story next. This book is a blast to read.

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Thors #1

Jun 16, 2015

If you're looking for a crime drama story mixed with different versions of Thor, this is the book for you. Jason Aaron takes the idea of the Thors as a police force and fleshes it out to a different level. This police procedural gives us a different look at the Secret Wars Battleworld as we discover crime and murder exists even on this world. Chris Sprouse is tasked with depicting the different Thors each with a unique feeling and succeeds brilliantly. The story is a little slow in the build up but soon becomes a fascinating look at a mixture of concepts that will grab your attention. The Thors have been almost overlooked in the background of the other Secret Wars books. You'll want to take advantage of this glimpse at how they operate. You may have the right to remain silent but you also have the right to enjoy the heck out of this book.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #172

Apr 4, 2012

There's been a lot of time travel stories lately at Marvel (in this series and others). I am ready to see the end of the team traveling through time but having them up against the original members of the Thunderbolts is looking to be a fun ride. It's hard to believe it all started fifteen years ago and it's great to see the old familiar costumes once again. The time travel here is handled well as things can easily get sticky. Declan Shalvey does a great job in capturing the look of the original members. This issue is the beginning for a three part arc and you get a sense that some big things are coming. It's going to be interesting to see what happens over the next few months in THUNDERBOLTS.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #1

Dec 3, 2012

Get ready for a new incarnation of the Thunderbolts. Having Red Hulk lead this team may seem like an odd choice but the fact that General Ross' nickname is "Thunderbolt" is a brilliant twist. Ross is gathering up a group of very unlikely non-team playing individuals. It will definitely make an interesting dynamic but also brings a little hesitation over how this book will be executed. We get a bit of set up here as the team is slowly brought together. Steve Dillon comfortably slides into the art duties and you know you can expect a bit of carnage and mayhem with him and these characters involved. The big question will be how this title will fit in with the other titles such as VENOM and the Avengers comics. Daniel Way is off to a good start and it's going to be a blast when the action fully begins. We'll be seeing poop and likely assorted body parts hitting the fan once the team is fully together.

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Thunderbolts (2016) #1

May 4, 2016

Jim Zub has a lot to set up and deal with. Midway through this first issue, you do start to feel the pieces falling into place. Jon Malin's art and Matt Yackey's colors do give it a throwback vibe. It took a little getting used to at first but it does capture the feel of the team. Winter Soldier is a great character with an interesting agenda and the idea of the Thunderbolts has always been intriguing. You can see the potential here, and I'll definitely be back for the next issue.

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Tiny Titans: Return To The Treehouse #1

Jun 4, 2014

Everyone needs to get this book. This needs to be an ongoing series. Everyone needs more TINY TITANS in their lives. We need some comics that are on the lighter side and also pure fun. Art Baltazar and Franco have a knack for making comics that kids can read with jokes that older readers can appreciate as well. Do yourself a favor, read this comic and share it with a younger reader in your life. Or better yet, buy two, one for yourself and one to give away. This is a comic that can easily brighten the dark shelves at comic shops.

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Titans (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

Titans is an absolute breath of fresh air in the DC Universe. Dan Abnett has brought back the essence of these characters. Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse are keeping pace with energy being generated by delivering on the visuals that capture the vibe of the book. This is a book anyone can jump into, even if you haven't been reading DC books the past few years. If you're invested in Rebirth and the mystery of how and why everything happened, this is a series to keep an eye on. With the return of a missing villain and the declaration made, there appears to be some crazy and exciting things headed our way.

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Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 15, 2016

Fans of the original Titans and Wally West will be overjoyed to see how the events unfold. Dan Abnett is continuing the seeds he started planting in Titans Hunt. Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse crank out the action scenes and spice up the quieter moments as well. This book has the potential to be one of the most important titles in the post-Rebirth DCU. You won't want to miss out on this. Just a warning, you might find yourself compelled to get out of your seat to cheer as the Titans are reunited once again.

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Tokyo Ghost #1

Sep 16, 2015

There are many layers present in TOKYO GHOST #1. I found myself re-reading the issue a couple times and each time I looked at it a little differently. You could say that Rick Remender and Sean Murphy have something for everyone here. There's some big and crazy action scenes. Murphy cuts loose and it doesn't look like he's really holding back. Matt Hollingsworth's colors gives it a stellar look. It's not all mindless action as the message of how our obsession with technology is present without being shown in too preachy of a fashion.

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Transformers Spotlight: Megatron #1

Feb 6, 2013

I may not know what's been going on in TRANSFORMER comics lately but this issue makes me want to. As a one-shot, you can easily jump in and figure out what must have gone on before. With Megatron returning after a three year absence where he was destroyed, seeing how he adjusts to his new form and the status of the Decepticons is fascinating. We get a lot of inner monologue from Megatron. It feels a little strange at times but serves to establish his motives and what we can expect in future issues. The art worked for the story. Seeing damage happen was great but there were moments the color felt like too much. This issue isn't just focusing on Megatron as it's really a major confrontation between him and Starscream. If you've been reading TRANSFORMER comics this is a great place to see the return of Megatron and what he plans to do next. If you haven't been reading, you just might want to start after this issue.

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Trees #1

May 28, 2014

TREES definitely falls into the and now for something different category. Warren Ellis delivers a strange alien invasion story that catches you off guard. Its hard to tell what this story will be about or where its going to go but thats the charm of the book. It allows you to relate to the characters as they are left wondering as well. Jason Howards nicely creates this new world and gives loads of detail that really fleshes everything out. I may not know where this story is going to go but Im definitely hooked.

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Trinity (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

Francis Manapul has a big task in front of him. Besides handling the writing and art duties, he has to drive a book featuring Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. This first issue shows how this isn't simply another Justice League book. There is some heart as well as we see Bruce and Diana get to know a Superman they're not familiar with. Manapul's art and color is as fantastic as you would expect. With a strange cliffhanger, you'll definitely want to come back for the next issue.

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Trio #1

May 9, 2012

As a huge fan of Byrne's art, it's great to see it but there are moments where the action feel a little empty. The coloring is nice but the overuse of blue and a lighter blue for the sky makes the art sometimes look a little bland. That's not something I normally associate with Byrne's art. Because the characters were all created by Byrne, he can do whatever he likes with them. That adds more suspense, especially when we see one member of the team injured. I now have high hopes for this series and want to be won over even more in the next issue. New and different is good and this is our chance to have more comics from Byrne. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #160

Jun 22, 2011

If you have been reading this arc, you already know that Bendis has been delivering a young Peter Parker at his heroic best. We've had months to prepare and now the final issue of the arc is here. Bagley and Bendis deliver a fitting end but it's unfortunate that the outcome was spoiled. Realistically, we all have an idea how it will end. This entire story has been about the journey, as all stories should be. Maybe you'll know how it ends before reading and maybe you don't. What matters is what happens on the way there. We get an epic fight showing what this version of Spider-Man is all about. And that is exactly what I want. I could do without the death of characters though. But that's the nature of the beast.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #1

Sep 14, 2011

The new Spider-Man is here and it looks like the mantle is in safe hands. Bendis and Pichelli give us a great introduction to who Miles Morales is and how he gets his powers. As in the first volume of Ultimate Spider-Man, the story doesn't rush into the spider-action. We do see the background and there are enough differences between Miles and Peter (besides the obvious skin color) to make this truly feel like a new character. We don't just have a new kid trying to be Spider-Man. From the set up, there will be different problems Miles will face along with some potentially different types of powers. What matters most is Miles' introduction doesn't feel forced. I may not be 100% sold on how he got his powers but it does make sense.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #3

Oct 12, 2011

With each issue Miles is becoming more and more likable and I can't wait to see what happens once he finally dons the costume. Bendis and Pichelli have consistently been knocking 'em out of the park with each issue.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #5

Dec 21, 2011

The first arc of Miles Morales reaches its conclusion. There is still more to his story but we're finally seeing what others in the Ultimate Universe think of him having powers and wearing a Spider-Man outfit. Other questions are answered and the future of Miles is determined. Bendis once again proves he can capture the voice of a young Spider-Man and does so in a way that isn't just a rehash of what he already did. Miles is a different character and you can't help but like and root for him. We may not be over the death of Peter Parker but Miles has earned himself a spot as a great character in the Ultimate Universe.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #7

Feb 22, 2012

Miles is getting more comfortable in his new role as Spider-Man. There's still a lot he doesn't know and part of the fun is seeing a hero not master his new powers right from the beginning. It's the little details that we can count on Bendis to deliver. He always manages to put in those little doses of reality when it comes to what must go through the mind of a superhero. It does seem like Miles should receive some official training since Nick Fury discovered his identity a couple issues back. For now we get to enjoy Miles experiment with his power. Seeing more Chris Samnee art is a treat as well. Bendis is setting up some big things in the coming months and Miles is going to need all the experience he can get in order to survive being Spider-Man. It didn't seem possible that Ultimate Peter Parker could be replaced but Miles is shaping up to be a worthy successor.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #10

May 2, 2012

Bendis and Marquez deliver another great issue of the adventures of Miles Morales as Spider-Man. Bendis puts the action off to the side as we see Miles deal with his shady uncle, further illustrating the complete opposite relationship that Peter Parker had with his uncle. It's an interesting angle but it does make you long a little for some regular Spider-Man action as well. It was hard to believe that Peter Parker could be replaced. Bendis is continuing to show us that life in the superhero world can move on. Marquez's art fits in perfectly with the action in the book. ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN continues to consistently remind us how fun and fresh the Ultimate Universe can be.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #11

Jun 6, 2012

It's hard to believe it's only been eleven issues with Miles as the new Ultimate Spider-Man. Bendis is doing a great job establishing him as this universe's Spider-Man and you can't help but like Miles as a character. Bendis also ensures that these are different sorts of Spider-Man stories. The angle of Miles' shady uncle knowing his secret is fascinating. We also have an interesting development at the end of the issue. David Marquez is killing it on the art and continues to show he's earned the right to draw these stories. I continue to be amazed each month that I can enjoy this series without Peter Parker around but since Bendis has succeeded throughout the entire previous series, it's really no surprise he would continue to make this such an enjoyable series.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #15

Sep 19, 2012

Miles is just getting used to being Spider-Man but with 'United We Stand' seeping into these pages, the possibility of big changes are looming on the horizon. This weighs down the issue a little and takes away from the usual fun and storytelling Bendis has been giving us month after month. David Marquez continues to handle the art duties with ease, making this little corner of the Ultimate Universe more vibrant. Ending on a cliffhanger will make you rush to your calendar to count down the days until the next issue. I continue to be amazed at how easily Bendis has made me forget about Ultimate Peter Parker. Miles Morales is Spider-Man.

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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #12

May 23, 2012

It's always great to see the return of interesting characters. The Ultimate X-Men stories have been fascinating but they almost feel as if they've been all over the place. We've seen the death of many characters so having Havok return was a pleasant outcome. Because of the different storylines/characters that are featured, this issue doesn't pick up where last issue left off. You can easily jump in here without having read the last few. There could be some confusion as what the full intentions are for Havok but this is something that might not be picked up right away. This issue got me both excited and a little confused but I can't wait to see what the future holds for the X-Men in the Ultimate Universe.

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Ultimate Fallout #1

Jul 13, 2011

You can't (or shouldn't) have a comic book death without seeing the reactions of those close to the character. I highly enjoyed the Death of Spider-Man story arc despite being tired of the numerous comic book deaths we've been seeing. Bendis simply made it work. He should us how heroic his version of Spider-Man could be and made his death matter. Because this is the Ultimate Universe, death here isn't the same as it usually is. If Ultimate Peter Parker does somehow return, he's going to do some tricky maneuvering to make his return work. Brian Bendis made me get emotionally attached. You might have an idea what type of reactions you'll see and how they play out but that doesn't lessen the impact. Combined with Bagley's depiction of the emotion on each character's face, this truly was a touching issue.

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Ultimate Fallout #6

Aug 17, 2011

Ultimate Fallout had some high and low points. For the most part, it did succeed in showcasing everyone's reaction to the death of Spider-Man. Because Spider-Man has been made into the heart and soul of the Ultimate Universe, his death has been shown to have an affect on everyone. This is the end of an era and the upcoming Ultimate Comics Reborn will show us the next chapter. Despite being the end of this story, it also manages to set the stage for many characters. Things won't be the same and that is what you would want from a comic book death story. You get the feeling his death does matter. The team of writers and artists have excelled in convincing us it's real...or at least as real as it can be for fictional characters.

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Uncanny Avengers #1

Oct 9, 2012

It's a new beginning in the aftermath of the battle between the Avengers and the X-Men. It makes perfect sense that we're finally seeing this marriage between two of Marvel's biggest franchises. The potential for the formation of a new team of Avengers with members from both teams is going to be interesting and Rick Remender is definitely the man to pull it all together. There is a new level of tension in the Marvel Universe that won't make being a hero easy. The idea of who this squad will face right away is intriguing. There may be elements that make this team feel a little too cookie cutter-ish but I can't wait to see how it turns out. There were moments where John Cassaday's art was off a little but the idea of him drawing all these characters is something to get excited for.

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Uncanny Avengers #3

Jan 23, 2013

We're seeing a different type of Avengers story and that's the whole point of this series. Rather than give us more of what we've seen many times, Rick Remender is mixing up different concepts from the Avengers and X-Men. Some of these are a little hard to get used to but that's what gives this book an edge. You're not quite sure what to expect. John Cassaday's art has its moments where it shines but there are many scenes that fall a little flat. We also get too many brightly colored plain backgrounds. With the chaos and destruction, it should have a darker feel to it. It's great seeing this new team try to function together. If they survive, this will definitely make them stronger but seeing them try to mesh together is what sets this apart from the other Avengers (and X-Men) titles.

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Uncanny Avengers #14

Nov 27, 2013

Get ready for some crazy stuff here. Rick Remender has been building up the story throughout this series and he does not slow down here. We're seeing more being added to the overall story and Remender does not shy away from the action. Big things happen which will lead to some interesting repercussions. Seeing how everyone deals with this, if they're given the chance amidst all the action, will be intriguing. Steve McNiven's art is a welcomed sight as he gets right down the gritty detail required in the scenes. What it comes down to is, you should not miss this issue.

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Uncanny Avengers (2015) #5

Feb 3, 2016

Gerry Duggan continues to bring the action, suspense, and humor to this title. With Carlos Pacheco coming on to handle the art, we get an exciting issue with a smaller group from the team going on a mission to find the Red Skull. Of course things don't go quite as planned and this makes the story intriguing but also a little frustrating. Uncanny Avengers is now a series where you have to expect the unexpected.

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Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 #1

Jan 28, 2015

There's a new team in UNCANNY AVENGERS spilling out of the pages of the Axis event. We have an interesting dynamic going on here and it's going to be fun to see how the team manages to work together despite their differences. We do have some big threads to watch unfold including the parentage of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as well as seeing Sabretooth as more of a hero once again. Remender and Acua are setting up a nice groove with this title and I find I can't look away, even if I wanted to. This isn't your regular Avengers or X-Men book. And it doesn't have to be either.

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Uncanny Inhumans #0

Mar 31, 2015

Charles Soule and Steve McNiven have wowed us once again. Seeing the way they set up and execute Black Bolt's story, you'll ask why we haven't had a Black Bolt series before. Adding to current mythos for the Inhumans, we're getting to see more of the pieces fall into place. If you're not sure what Black Bolt or the Inhumans are about, be sure to pick up this oversized issue. Soule and McNiven give us comic book gold with this issue. If this is just a taste of what we'll be getting in the regular series, it's going to feel like a long wait until we can get our hands on issue #1.

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Uncanny Inhumans #1

Oct 21, 2015

The Inhumans are making their presence known in the Marvel Universe. Charles Soule is bringing them to the center stage with Steve McNiven. For characters that have long had a deep history in the Marvel Universe, it's fascinating to see them brought front and center. It goes to show you that Marvel has a bunch of great existing characters along with some great new ones created by Soule. I've said many times before that I wasn't the biggest Inhumans fan. Charles Soule is easily changing that. Having McNiven's art here is big plus as well. Now is definitely the time to jump on board to see the Inhumans' story play out in the Marvel Universe.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #19

Dec 21, 2011

The Dark Angel Saga is over and while this isn't an official 'aftermath' issue, there is some fallout addressed. It's great to see mention of everything that just happened rather than immediately moving on to the next arc. The trade off is we don't have the extreme action we've been used to for the past...18 issues. There is a lot to see here. This is almost a turning point for the series and characters as they need to take everything that happened along with Regenesis and figure out what happens next.

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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #35

Dec 19, 2012

This is how you end a series. After all these issues, we have grown attached to the characters in the way that Rick Remender has guided them. He has had a knack for doing the unexpected and even some cruel things from time to time. It's bittersweet to see the series end but Remender ends it in a truly fitting way. Having Phil Noto here as the artist makes it that much easier to say our goodbyes. It's been a great thirty-five issues. The ride isn't completely over as we will still see many of the characters in other series. Bravo to Remender, Noto and Frank Martin Jr.Can we get a Rick Remender UNCANNY X-FORCE complete omnibus now?

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #2

Feb 27, 2013

Sam Humphries and Ron Garney continue to pour the mutant action in our faces. We get some great scenes with Psylocke fighting a horde of possessed individuals and you can't help but enjoy seeing Storm and Puck face Spiral. Garney's action scenes are enhanced by a variety of color that adds a different flavor to each environment in the story. There are still questions and we're getting more before seeing some concrete answers but there is a definite hook keeping your interest attached. We may not know why these characters will operate as an incarnation of X-Force but the chance to see them in a separate corner of the X-Universe definitely is appealing.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #3

Mar 27, 2013

With each new incarnation of X-Force, the writers manage to make us get over how much we loved the previous series. Sam Humphries is carving out a nice little corner of the X-universe for himself and Ron Garney is doing a great job in establishing the look of it all. We're still waiting on answers about Bishop but we are seeing more pieces of the puzzle. If you've ever been concerned about not being able to keep up with the multitude of X-titles, UNCANNY X-FORCE is a book you can easily slide into. The action is heating up with each issue and there's no telling what's coming in the next.

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Uncanny X-Force (2013) #5

May 29, 2013

Sam Humphries is carving out a nice little corner of the X-Men universe in this title. The two-fronted battle with Spiral and Bishop is over but there are still pieces they need to sort out. We get some answers as to what's been going on with Bishop since we last saw him and there's a nice cliffhanger teasing us as we have to wait for the next issue. Normally having two artists is a pet peeve but it works perfectly here as the story takes place on two fronts. The method and location where Psylocke and Storm decide to keep Spiral and investigate the inner workings of Bishop's mind is a little odd but for the sake of the events that follow, it works. As we see more and more of these characters together, I can't wait to see what else Humphries has planned.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #538

Jun 15, 2011

If you're looking for any loose ends to Whedon's Breakworld story, you will get them here. There were some shockers last issue but everything that happens here, happens very quickly. We know that Uncanny X-Men is coming to an end soon and this issue made me feel like it was meant to be that final issue. Lots of need and tidy endings. We do get to see other X-Men called in. It makes perfect sense that if their home is invaded, anyone with an X-symbol on their costume in the area should come running. The fate of another character was resolved. While I am pleased with the results, I felt a little confused at first but it's something I can happily live with.

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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #544

Oct 19, 2011

Schism had its ups and downs but the end results in splitting the team is setting up an interesting new direction, two in fact, for the X-Men. The final issue of that mini along with the Regenesis one shot seemed to tie up all the loose ends yet this 'epilogue' issue is also dealing with all that. As a final issue (until November's relaunch), this didn't really deliver anything really important. The return of a certain villain is a good set up for possible future conflicts and seeing Cyclops come to terms with the schism were nice touches. Having read Uncanny X-Men for so long, I would've liked a bigger send off if a big deal is meant to be made out of this "final issue" (as splashed across the cover). Greg Land drew some interesting scenes with the villains but everyone else spent too much time smiling. Regardless, I'm still looking forward to November's Uncanny X-Men #1.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1

Nov 1, 2011

Uncanny X-Men ended last month but is back with a new #1. Cyclops has quickly recovered from half the mutants leaving Utopia to side with Wolverine and is making plans for a new mini 'team.' That decision was made just in time as the deadly return of a villain is going to require their immediate attention. Kieron Gillen shows he has a great grasp on the characters. It's always nice to see little scenes between Scott and Emma. Where would Scott be without her? This issue sets up the new direction but also delivers plenty of action. Pacheco's art captures the vibe of the story but there were moments where the colors felt a little flat and Emma's lack of pants and quick change of her top were a little distracting. We are left with a pretty crazy cliffhanger and we're off to a good start with this new Uncanny series. It's time to get on board the Uncanny X-Men train and enjoy the ride.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #2

Nov 30, 2011

If you're a Cyclops supporter or a Cyclops hater, you're going to dig this issue. Cyclops may have formed a powerful new squad but the new and improved Mr. Sinister gives the team a great new challenge. Some of the members are used in ways to give a new appreciation while others don't get a proper chance to show us what they can do. Kieron Gillen gives a lot of variety with his writing. We have intense situations with enough humor squeezed in to bring a smile to your face. Sinister's new look is great but I have to wonder how long this incarnation can last. He's proving to be a formidable foe but we have to assume he'll be defeated in the end of the arc. I'll remain hopefully that the X-Men will be able to save the day and Sinister can slink off without losing his new direction. If this new Mr. Sinister isn't enough to keep you hooked, the way the issue ends along with the coming of the Celestials should be plenty to keep you on board for this relaunch.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #9

Mar 21, 2012

UNCANNY X-MEN continues to be a solid book. More and more, I'm digging the team that Cyclops has gathered as his Extinction Team. I'll admit, I did enjoy the first arc but the second didn't hold up as much for me. The level of the dangers in this story gives it a bigger feel and incorporating various threats and heroes solidifies the title's place as a major player in the Marvel Universe. There are also some interesting details on the inner workings of different characters but I fear some of that will be pushed aside or lost when the AVENGERS VS. X-MEN crossover begins. And with that, this story almost feels like a filler, waiting for the crossover to begin. This book has a big feel to it and there's some moments that will knock you on your rear when you read it. Be prepared.

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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #20

Oct 17, 2012

It's the end for UNCANNY X-MEN and Cyclops' Extinction Team. This clearly feels like a final issue as we see several story points resolved nice and neatly. Cyclops and Colossus get some big surprises while the resolution of Unit and Danger's story wasn't too fascinating. It's a shame that this series had to end and I felt it got overlooked at times (by myself included) due to the fact there are/were so many X-Men titles. There are the unfortunate continuity questions with this being tied to AVENGERS VS X-MEN and the CONSEQUENCES weekly title. This issue may be the final issue but it definitely opens the door to new possibilities we'll have to wait to see explored. It was a great run. Let's see what Marvel NOW! holds for these members of the X-Men.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1

Feb 13, 2013

Brian Michael Bendis' second X-Men title is here and he's showing that he won't simply be repeating what he's doing on ALL-NEW X-MEN. With the current view of Cyclops and the way he's handling himself in public, this volume of UNCANNY X-MEN will definitely have a different flavor from the past ones. Bendis is showing that while it might be easy to simply release yet another X-title, there is a definite meaning and direction in this one. As the first issue of a new (Marvel NOW!) volume, it has a slightly odd start. We don't fully get a direct feel for the characters but instead are introduced to them through another person, giving a sort of narrated feel. There is a crazy twist that will ensure you run out to the comic shop when the second issue is out. Bachalo's art is fun and frantic, capturing the lively action scenes as well as the more subdued interrogation scenes.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2

Feb 27, 2013

Brian Michael Bendis continues his flipside take on the X-Men. It's great to see a writer apply different takes to the same franchise. ALL-NEW X-MEN and UNCANNY X-MEN are not and should not be similar titles. The first issue gave us an outside look at the characters but with the more direct storytelling here, we get some insights into their current status after having their powers messed up at the end of AVENGERS VS. X-MEN. Seeing Emma Frost in a slightly vulnerable position was surprising and provided more insight into her character. Chris Bachalo does a great job depicting several scenes of conversation. There is some action here but as things are still being established, it's important to see how this series will move forward. Bendis is delivering questions and mysteries to this series and that's adding to the excitement that has been much needed in the X-Men franchise.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #3

Mar 13, 2013

I've been enjoying this series quite a bit but this one really cranked up the excitement. Just as Bendis' ALL-NEW X-MEN has that sense of unknown because it's hard to say how long the characters from the past can stay in the future, this one also leaves you wondering how long can Cyclops operate with his new extreme way of thinking. The argument he makes gets you thinking and it's really hard to determine if he's right or not. Chris Bachalo's art is fun to see and the way he lays out each scene really adds to the feel of the story. With a final scene that will make you stare at Cyclops in awe, Bendis is taking it to the next level. For those that wondered if he could do the X-Men justice needn't worry any longer. Bendis is completely shaking up the X-Men Universe and it's become an exciting time to read X-Men comics once again.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #9

Jul 31, 2013

I'm loving what Brian Michael Bendis is doing here and how it has such a different feel from the other X-Men titles. Seeing Cyclops' team and the gathering and training of new mutants along with SHIELD's perspective on the threat they pose is fascinating. Chris Bachalo's art just makes me happy. His colors as well just make everything look so vibrant and cheerful, even when things get a little darker. This title is like a powder keg about to go off. You won't want to miss any of it.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #12

Sep 18, 2013

After reading X-Men comics for so many years, I thought I'd almost seen it all. Brian Michael Bendis' story with the young X-Men from the past has amped up my interest and excitement once again. With the further complications in this event, I've become more intrigued with where the story will go. Even in an issue that's lighter on the action, having Chris Bachalo's art with Marte Gracia's colors brings a big smile to my face. This is the sort of story I want to see in an X-Men event - big, crazy and fun action and that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the next chapter.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #13

Oct 16, 2013

We are fast approaching the conclusion of this event. Brian Michael Bendis continues the big action with the help of Chris Bachalo and Marte Gracia. We are getting more on the revelations from the X-Men from the future. There are still some facts to be discovered and the action picks up with some brutal encounters. It's possible this arc didn't need to be told in ten chapters. Some parts feel like they're dragging on while other areas are being completely turned around. It's a really fun issue but we're ready for the end. Bendis is setting things up nicely. With the different twists we've seen so far, we'll be waiting to see if he can throw even more at us.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #14

Nov 20, 2013

Remember all those new X-Men Brian Michael Bendis introduced in this series? They may have been shoved into the background slightly during Battle of the Atom but one character in particular gets the spotlight. The action slows down a little for readers (and the X-Men) to catch their breath and we get a fun look at what this character can do and the potential he has. Chris Bachalo's art and colors are always a plus and adds to feel of the story. If you were worried about the original X-Men jumping onto Cyclops' side this issue shows that Bendis will not forget those that have already been introduced. Seeing the next stage begin is off to a great start.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #24

Jul 30, 2014

Brian Michael Bendis is still laying out the groundwork for some shocking twists in the lives of the X-Men. This is billed as an ORIGINAL SIN tie-in but it's refreshing that the revelations coming actually don't have anything to do with that story. Bendis gives us a look at the characters and their relationships with each other (including having to deal with Cyclops) but we also see a new storyline being fleshed out with a new character having been introduced. Kris Anka's art is great. It's exciting to see the characters and you really hunger for more. We may not get all the answers in this issue but you'll definitely want to see the bombshells being dropped here. There's no telling what sneaky ideas Bendis has cooking for this series.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #25

Sep 3, 2014

As an indirect tie to ORIGINAL SIN, we're discovering some secrets from Charles Xavier's last will and testament. While there was a bit of a shocker, what Brian Michael Bendis focuses on here is an intriguing moral dilemma. What Xavier reveals is going to open some debate among the X-Men, if it's not already too late to do anything about it. Chris Bachalo does a superb job on the art and colors. There's a lot of emotion going on and we get some amazing two-page layouts showing a new mutant's in action. The reading of Xavier's will may have been going on for several issues now but this was a nice and surprising twist. You never know what Bendis is going to throw at us (or the X-Men) next.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #26

Sep 18, 2014

Life's never easy for the X-Men and Brian Michael Bendis is doing a great job reminding us of that. This almost feels like the first time we're really seeing some of the X-Men deal with the death of Professor X despite it having happened a little while ago. Bendis does a great job in showing the anger or guilt some are feeling. Kris Anka's art is fantastic here, capturing each moment nicely. The art is accentuated with bold colors that practically jump off the page. We don't have all the answers to Xavier's last will and testament just yet but there's plenty of action going on. This book is jam packed with action and emotion topped with amazing visuals. What more could you ask for?

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) Annual #1

Dec 10, 2014

Fans of Eva Bell, aka Tempus will love this issue. While I was simply lukewarm to her character before, this issue has opened my eyes to who she is and who she has the potential to be. The idea of Eva spending some years in other time eras is a fascinating one. Others may cry out, "called it" but I didn't see the events from this issue coming. Andrea Sorrentino's art is a welcomed treat here. He captures the essence of the story perfectly. The only downside is we have to wait for ALL-NEW X-MEN ANNUAL #1 to find out what happens next.

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Uncanny X-Men (2016) #1

Jan 6, 2016

UNCANNY X-MEN establishes that life for the X-Men is headed down a darker path. Cullen Bunn continues to the adventure of Magneto he started in the last series and we have an interesting choice of other mutants joining him on this team. With two other X-Men titles on sale, it's great seeing them each have a completely different tone and feel. Greg Land's art works well at times but we do see some of the usual moments with characters smiling profusely and standing in poses that tend to distract readers from the story. I'm curious to see if there will be any follow up in the actions and decisions Magneto makes. We also have a great group of characters for them to fight next issue. This is the X-Men like you've never seen them before.

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Uncle Scrooge (2015) #1

Apr 22, 2015

UNCLE SCROOGE has been missing from comic shelves for too long. With a return to a monthly series, new and old readers and revisit the world of Duckberg with Uncle Scrooge, Donald, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie. If you're familiar with the classic characters, you know what to expect. This oversized issue is full of wacky fun and adventure. Those unfamiliar are in for a world of surprise as they get acquainted with characters that should be part of everyone's upbringing. Whether your a kid or a kid at heart, you owe it to yourself to read UNCLE SCROOGE. I dare you read this and not have a smile on your face.

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Unity #1

Nov 13, 2013

You can't walk into a comic shop without seeing issues containing crossovers. They're all around but Valiant gives it a different approach. This is a story that anyone can easily jump right into. The stakes are high and it's made perfectly clear within the first few pages. Matt Kindt builds up the action and suspense as the story progresses and Doug Braithwaite's art is top notch. Many comic book crossovers have an almost flamboyant feel. UNITY is a more than just an event - it has the makings of a great story. There's no flashy gimmicks necessary. With a focus on that story and the characters, you know we'll be treated right with what is delivered. Do yourself a favor and pick up this issue to find out what you've been missing.

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Velvet #1

Oct 23, 2013

This is a series that will make you want to personally thank Ed Brubaker for coming up with. It's always great to have a comic series that stands apart from the others on the shelves. Getting some variation in our reading is crucial and Brubaker gives us a different sort of spy story. Rather than focus on the unstoppable secret agent, we actually see someone else in the organization take the spotlight. It might be easy to think that just because we have a new espionage series with a female lead that things would get overly sexual. Brubaker shows that isn't the case. Velvet is not your typical female comic character and in just a few pages, she shows she can kick all sorts of ass. Steve Epting's art and Elizabeth Breitweiser's colors put this over the top. You can tell right away this is going to be a great series to read and enjoy. It's time to make room on your pull list because this is one that deserves to be on it.

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Velvet #2

Dec 4, 2013

Should you be reading VELVET? We often see people complain about buying/reading the same thing over and over again each month. Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting and Elizabeth Breitweiser are giving us something different. As a spy thriller with a female lead, we're getting plenty of action and intrigue as we discover what Velvet is all about. This comic delivers a great story with great art and phenomenal colors. The question shouldn't be should you read it; the question is why aren't you reading it?

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Vengeance (2011) #1

Jul 6, 2011

Not every mini-event in comics should be the major focus in that comic universe. Vengeance feels like it sprung out of no where and that's a good thing. We're seeing several characters that haven't been seen in comics lately as well as others in little cameos that gives this book a realistic feel. This feeling of the unknown makes me want to find out what this mini-series is about. Joe Casey and Nick Dragotta do a great job in setting up the story and pulling you in. Magneto feels a little off and Red Skull's flashback isn't fully explained but that's what adds to making me want to come back for issue #2.

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Venom (2011) #4

Jun 29, 2011

Flash has a lot of explaining to do to his superiors. Before that can take place, Flash has to fight Spider-Man while wearing the Venom suit. Ever since Flash was revealed as the new bearer of the suit, I've been waiting for this fight? Will it be the end-all fight we all crave? Of course not. Something needs to be left for round two. Rick Remender is continuing to build up Venom's new enemies and each appearance makes me wonder what they will do next. Tony Moore's return sweetens up the issue giving the glorious green-Venom spittle and detail I enjoy seeing. A nice ending to the arc and I'm curious what the next issue will bring.

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Venom (2011) #5

Jul 27, 2011

We are reminded here that we have a completely different host for the Venom suit. Flash Thompson is a character with a deep history that has drastically evolved over the years. Rick Remender allows Flash to take a little time off from being Venom in order to show us the other issues in his life. Wearing the suit is taking a toll on Flash and with everything he's dealing with, being a hero won't be easy. We have some great Tony Moore art and get to see Venom fight a villain that is fitting. The majority of the issue's art is by Tom Fowler which gives a different feel to the issue but the way the sections are split apart doesn't interrupt the flow of the story. We get a tiny bit of a message in this story but it serves to show who Flash is and everything he has to deal with. Venom with a gun is cool but Remender gives a great reminder that being Venom (or Flash Thompson) isn't easy.

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Venom (2011) #9

Nov 14, 2011

Remender took what seemed to be a calm issue and cranked up the action and suspense. I thought I knew what was coming but actually found myself gasping a little in surprise. If this is just a warm up for the a "new beginning" next issue, I can't wait to see what Remender has cooking.

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Venom (2011) #10

Dec 7, 2011

Flash Thompson is beginning a new direction. Having to leave the comfort of his controllers and going AWOL isn't going to make his life easier. This will give us more of a chance to see his character grow even further. Rick Remender has evolved Flash beyond what was thought possible. As Venom is now known to more of the heroes after Spider-Island, the fact that he's on the run paints a bigger target on him. The reason for him being on the run makes sense even if it feels a little forced for the sake of generating the story. But the door is now open to take him to other places and to interact with other characters in the Marvel Universe. Lan Medina is a welcome addition on pencil duties and I just might not have to complain (to myself) about the lack of Tony Moore's pencils on the book. You thought you knew what Rick Remender had in store for Venom but everything is now changing and the excitement is building.

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Venom (2011) #13

Jan 31, 2012

Four superheroes meet up in Las Vegas. You can imagine what kind of a mess this will be for the city. When heroes meet up either there is a misunderstanding and they fight or they immediately band together to take on the common foe. With four different heroes getting together, you get both. Rick Remender sets the stage for this six part story and, in a surprising fashion, makes these characters getting together work. Venom, Red Hulk, X-23 and the new Ghost Rider don't have anything in common but Remender easily pulls them together to fight a common threat. It's great to see Tony Moore's art again on Venom. There is plenty of action and surprises that makes this arc begin on the right foot. Seeing how it all plays together is going to be a blast.

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Venom (2011) #23

Aug 22, 2012

Venom vs. Hellstrom. This isn't something I can get excited over due to my lack of interest in Hellstrom. There is some interesting little developments thrown about that could change things for Venom. Of course there's a doosey of a cliffhanger as well. Hopefully Venom can solve this mission without the Secret Avengers rushing to his aide. This is meant to be a solo book and we need to see that Flash still has what it takes to wear the suit and complete his missions. Hopefully he'll be facing villains I find more appealing in later issues. There still is a lot of potential to Flash Thompson being Venom. It almost feels as if he needs to find a new direction in the aftermath of his battle with Crime-Master.

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Vision (2015) #7

May 11, 2016

Reading Vision has quite an effect on you. Tom King's take on the character is both joyous and heartbreaking at the same time. King is delivering and creating multiple layers on the book and character which are fantastic and surprising. You almost have to stop and catch your breath after reading, as if you just got done running a marathon. Michael Walsh's art along with Jordie Bellaire's colors are absolutely brilliant. They capture every beat of the story in a glorious fashion. This is easily my favorite book of the week. I need more.

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Vision (2015) #12

Oct 26, 2016

This is an absolute must-read. It's not often a comic can deliver so many emotions. This book has been an eye-opener and has become one of my top-recommended series.

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Voltron #1

Dec 7, 2011

Voltron is back. Readers new to the franchise might not completely understand what's going on as the issue begins with full-on action. The characters are all introduced as they appear on each page but the fact that they are not in their individual lion/ships while Voltron is assembled was a little odd. There is a pretty strange twist thrown in (that I don't think ever came up in the show) and it has the potential to take the series to a new and strange place. My curiosity has been aroused and I will definitely be back for the next issue to see what's going to happen next.

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War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #2

Aug 10, 2011

The war is over but it's not quite time to celebrate. The first issue let me down a little but this one got me even more excited for the September Green Lantern books than I was before. We see what is needed to be done in order to pick up the pieces after Krona's attack. Even though there are still a couple more Lantern books before the relaunch, this issue feels like it would be the perfect ending of this current chapter. We don't get all the answers we might want. Hopefully that means that these books will seamlessly flow into the new books and we'll find out more in September.

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What If? AVX #1

Jul 3, 2013

This is going to get ugly. I mean that in a good way. WHAT IF? stories give writers free reign over telling whatever kind of story they want. While the original AVX was seemingly meant to be a big epic story, there were some areas where it fell flat. In the WHAT IF? format, plus the fact that this is a four-issue miniseries instead of a one-shot, Palmiotti will be able to dig deep and really cut loose on the Marvel Universe. That alone is reason enough to check this out.

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What If? AVX #2

Jul 17, 2013

WHAT IF? stories can often be tricky to pull off. It's easy for them to feel as if it's simply an opportunity to tear apart the Marvel Universe and create extreme situations for the characters. Jimmy Palmiotti is giving us a well crafted story which thankfully is getting four issues rather than the usual one. Even in this format, you can feel the events speeding along as the action has already kicked in in big ways. One of the best things about this is not knowing how it will end. That may have been the case originally but with the freedom of the WHAT IF? format, anything can happen. With Jimmy in control, it's a fun ride seeing what he has cooking for all the characters involved.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #1

Jan 30, 2012

Ed Brubaker laid out the groundwork for this new direction for Bucky. Getting "killed" during FEAR ITSELF was the best thing that could have happened. His time as Captain America was a great read but after his years as the Winter Soldier, espionage should now be where he excels. With a story that started in the pages of CAPTAIN AMERICA, Bucky (along with Black Widow at his side) are on the hunt for other sleeper agents he helped train. The colorful costumes are gone and now it's time to go undercover. We should be visiting new and different areas in the Marvel Universe. Brubaker is joined by the perfect creative team with Butch Guice and Bettie Breitweiser perfectly capturing the mood this book deserves. The series is off to a great start and if you're not already sold on this direction, you will be by the time you finish the first issue.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #2

Feb 15, 2012

People buy comics for different reasons. If you dig Bucky and Black Widow, you need to get this issue. If you follow creators and love Brubaker's writing, Butch Guice's art or Bettie Breitweiser's colored art, you need to get this issue. If you love stories with an element of espionage mixed with superheroes, you need to get this issue. Bottom line, if you enjoy quality comics filled with fun and excitement, you're going to find that WINTER SOLDIER will easily rise to the top of your reading list. This is the story that Brubaker's been setting up for years. We've seen the seeds of the hidden sleeper agents back in the pages of CAPTAIN AMERICA and now Bucky (and Black Widow) are on the trail. Bucky feels responsible for having helped train them (while he was brainwashed) plus the safety of the world is at stake. If you haven't already, track down the first issue (it was on sale two weeks ago). WINTER SOLDIER is the perfect meshing of the superhero and spy genre.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #5

May 16, 2012

It's the end of the first arc but the story's actually not quite over yet. The creative team of Brubaker, Guice and Breitweiser makes this a great and fun read while looking amazing each month. The opening scene with Doctor Doom, Nick Fury and Bucky was a joy and Brubaker delivered plenty of action for this team-up you never thought you'd see. As much as I've enjoyed this series so far, I've never been a fan of the Red Ghost and Lucia Von Bardas hasn't won me over yet either. Besides the action, there's also plenty of set up to see the consequences of the events that occur here. WINTER SOLDIER impresses me each month. It has a great disconnected feeling while still being heavily rooted in the Marvel Universe. This is the perfect atmosphere for a comic featuring Bucky as the Winter Soldier and while the world believes he's dead. It's no surprise that this title has remained at the top of my reading list each month.

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Winter Soldier (2012) #6

Jun 6, 2012

The more Brubaker-written issues I read of Bucky, the more I love the character. I could not imagine anyone else attempting to write this story right now. Brubaker's stories always feel like they've been brewing for months, if not years. It was way back in CAPTAIN AMERICA #619 where the seeds of this story were first planted. What makes it all even better is Brubaker manages to get a great creative team to help him tell the story. Michael Lark was the perfect choice and I can never say enough nice things about how much I enjoy Bettie Breitweiser's colors. It's no surprise that WINTER SOLDIER continues to be one of my favorite titles month after month. Brubaker has me hooked and I can never get enough.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1

Feb 12, 2014

This particular issue may not be completely focused on Winter Soldier (just yet) but we do get the opportunity to see Nick Fury and Agent Ran Shen (who is playing a big role in the current CAPTAIN AMERICA series) back in the 1960s Marvel Universe. It's great and sneaky the way Rick Remender is tying this and CAPTAIN AMERICA together while showing us another page in Bucky's history. Roland Boschi and Chris Chuckry's art and colors fits the vibe of the book nicely. If you're a fan of the Winter Soldier or good old fashion spy stories, you're going to want to check this out.

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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #2

Mar 19, 2014

If you're looking to see the Winter Soldier in action before Captain America became aware of his existence, this is the series for you. Rick Remender is fleshing out his past along with S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Ran Shen, who has a big role in the current CAPTAIN AMERICA series. Roland Boschi is setting up the landscape Rememnder's script requires for the Marvel Universe in the 60s. While it makes perfect sense to not have the series focus on Winter Solider's viewpoint, it would be nice to see more of him in the comic. If you're a fan of the Winter Soldier arc, you won't want to miss seeing this action.

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Witchblade (1995) #170

Oct 30, 2013

It's time to get back into WITCHBLADE. Ron Marz returns and you won't' be ready for what he has planned. If you haven't read in a while or at all, you can easily start here. We get a nice summary and Marz establishes that time has passed with some mystery as to what has recently happened. As we start to get the pieces to the puzzle, Marz whacks us in the head with an ending that should catch you off guard. If you've ever been curious about WITCHBLADE or haven't read it in a while, this is a good place to start. Ron Marz knows the character, having written her for so long. It's been too long since I've read WITCHBLADE and I thank Marz for giving me a reason to come back.

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Wolverine (2010) #310

Jul 5, 2012

I'm really torn with this story. I'm not a fan of the death of characters only to see them return later. At least with Sabretooth, it's technically been close to five years (if you don't count his appearance in the Wolverine Goes to Hell arc). Wolverine needs Sabretooth as one of his villains. He's too evil of a character and thorn in his side to be killed off. The explanation as to how he died and is now returning isn't fully explained just yet. What we do see raises some questions, at least for me. The inclusion of Simone Bianchi's art gives the story the atmosphere needed to make this feel like it's going to be a big and gritty story. We also see the return of another deadly villain that gives this title the darker tone you would expect in a Wolverine comic. WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN is a great read and I absolutely love it but there are times we need less fun and more doom and gloom in a Wolverine story.

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Wolverine (2010) #312

Aug 22, 2012

A pretty big bombshell has been dropped in this issue. The sensible part of me wants to immediately dismiss it, as I did the Homo-Lupus angle told before. We may find out next issue that this new development is just a lie or it could become a new fact in Wolverine's past. At this point, I'm ready to give up trying to figure out what really happened in Wolverine's past. Having years of mystery is one thing, getting misdirection every few years is another. At least Bianchi's art gave us a visual treat and seeing the appearance of Cloak and Dagger was nice (even if they didn't have any speaking scenes). I'm not sure what is going to happen in the next issue and I haven't decided if I want to know.

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Wolverine (2013) #1

Mar 12, 2013

We're used to seeing a lot of Wolverine but having Paul Cornell and Alan Davis on board sets this comic apart from the others. In what appears to be a pure solo Wolverine title, we get to see Wolverine take a beating in a way only he can. Cornell and Davis through us right in the middle of the action and we have to sit back and watch the story unfold to figure out what's going on. Not even Wolverine is fully aware of what he's up against. That sort of mystery in storytelling can be enticing but also could cause some to quickly lose interest. The greatest part was seeing Davis' detailed art and character designs and we get to see him draw Wolverine in a more violent setting. It appears that Nick Fury Jr. is appearing in the third issue but if this title can keep the focus of pure solo Wolverine stories, this could become a great Wolverine title.

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Wolverine (2014) #1

Feb 3, 2014

You think you know who Wolverine is? Paul Cornell and Ryan Stegman might argue with you. After his brutal defeat and loss of his healing factor in the previous WOLVERINE volume, this is where we get to find out what's next. This isn't the Wolverine you're used and that's a good thing. Change is always welcome and we are now left in suspense, waiting to see what the next move will be. Stegman's art is phenomenal and you'll love seeing all the brutal details he puts into every page. People will be talking about this issue and you don't want to miss out.

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Wolverine (2014) #2

Feb 26, 2014

Paul Cornell is delivering a different sort of Wolverine story. We've seen so many over the years and seeing the details unfold over his new alignment is fascinating. It's still a little difficult to accept Logan in this new status quo but that's part of what makes this new series different from past ones. Ryan Stegman's art is a joy to see. He captures the gritty nature of Wolverine's world perfectly and getting to see SUPERIOR Spider-Man felt like a treat. There's no telling where this series will take Wolverine next and that's what makes it so interesting.

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Wolverine (2014) #3

Mar 12, 2014

Were in the midst of a different sort of Wolverine story. Weve been seeing a lot of the same thing over the years and Cornells take is making Wolverine and readers accept and adapt to the changes. Ryan Stegman is a great fit for handling this rugged and more vulnerable Wolverine. Its always a treat getting to see him draw different characters. If you think youve seen everything a Wolverine comic has to offer, its time you check again.

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Wolverine (2014) #4

Apr 16, 2014

Paul Cornell is shaking things up with Wolverine. Many have questioned Wolverines action as well as become outraged but with each flashback scene, we find out more and more of why Wolverine has done the things he did in past issues. Its fun to look back and see why everything has happened and how they fit together. Ryan Stegmans art is a joy to see. He makes each scene with Wolverine nice and gritty, reflecting how hes feeling. Despite how much I like Wolverine, there have been times recently where Ive grown a little complacent with his escapades. Cornell and Stegman are making Wolverine fun and exciting.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Oct 25, 2011

I wasn't sure if I needed another X-title to read but Aaron and Bachalo have convinced me with the first issue that this will easily rise to the top of my reading list each month. I was caught off guard by how much I enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next issue.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #3

Dec 21, 2011

Is this the greatest X-Men comic in the history of...comics? Not necessarily. Did I have a helluva great time reading it? You bet. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo are bringing back the fun times to the X-Men. There's been so much drama and hatred the mutants have had to face that it's great to read a series where you can actually smile when reading. That isn't to say this issue is all about having fun. There is still the attack by the new Hellfire Club they have to deal with but with multiple humorous moments and dialogue, you'll have a blast reading it. Wolverine is showing that he does have what it takes to run a school and deal with the consequences of attacks in a nature that he isn't known for. There may be a bunch of different X-Men books on sale but this one makes me happy to be reading comics. Action, humor, great art and story...what else is there to ask for?

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Wolverine and the X-Men #4

Jan 11, 2012

How often can you read a comic and actually have fun? Many superhero comics these days are full of gloom and doom. The X-titles have made life for mutants dark and dreary. That is far from the case with WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN. Jason Aaron is taking the absurd idea of Wolverine running a school and making it work completely.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #6

Feb 22, 2012

It's another winning issue for Jason Aaron. Since this title's launch, each issue has been consistently great, funny and full of action. The story takes place in three different places and switches between each with ease that creates perfect pacing. For too long, the X-Men titles have been packed with dark times and deadly threats. Now we still have deadly threats but Jason Aaron manages to cram in a slew of humor as well without it feeling artificial. We have a lot of X-Men titles right now and many of them are fun to read but WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN simply stands out. You always know what you're going to to get. It's a great read and you'll be happy you picked the issue up.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #7

Mar 14, 2012

There's no questioning the fact that this is my favorite X-Men title. It's not like the others. It has a completely light-hearted feel even when the dangers arise and the chaotic action errupts. I've seen some question the direction Jason Aaron is taking this title but I don't get the complaints. Simply put, this comic is pure fun. This is exactly what I want in a comic book. There's plenty of action, suspense, humor and plot developments. We've seen a lot of new characters and they're winning me over a little more month after month. I can only hope that the upcoming AVENGERS VS. X-MEN won't have a huge impact on the feel and tone of this title.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #17

Sep 25, 2012

Aaron's story and Allred's art show us that comics don't have to be all doom and gloom (something we've had a lot of lately during AVENGERS VS. X-MEN). This comic won't change the fate or direction of the series but it's not meant to. There might be those that don't get the point of this issue and that will be unfortunate. It's great being able to read a comic that knows how to deliver a fun and entertaining story.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #31

Jun 12, 2013

If you've ever felt school was a pain, you've never experienced the new Hellfire Academy. We've seen a big focus on the craziness of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, run by Wolverine. In this issue, Jason Aaron shows us Wolverine's school is as safe a walk in the park compared to the Hellfire Academy. Nick Bradshaw's art and Laura Martin's colors are great to see, as usual, and helps to establish the look and feel of the school and the students. The Hellfire Club has been a problem for Wolverine since the beginning. With this arc focused on them, we're only going to be getting more of them. This was a fun look at a darker concept of a mutant school. Jason Aaron continues to make this X-Men title feel different from the others. You can never tell what's coming next and with the cliffhanger at the end, it appears it's only going to get crazier.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #36

Sep 25, 2013

We've had a lot of crossovers this year. Or at least it feels like it in the various different comics. Battle of the Atom is one I am deeply enjoying. It feels a little odd for the story to crossover into this title but given some of the characters involved, it does make sense rather than to have them strictly involved in a separate series. The overall story takes a bit of a turn here and you definitely will want to know what happens next.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #37

Oct 23, 2013

We are close to the end. Those hungering for more action will indeed get it in this issue. The stakes have been raised. We get a big cliffhanger and there's no telling what will happen in the final chapter next week. The entire arc has been a bit of a roller coaster ride and it almost feels like a lot is being crammed into this second to last issue. The art feels a little rushed at times but then again, there is a lot of action and characters crammed in. We may know (from future solicits) the fate of most of the characters but there's still the chance of some casualties in the final chapter. There's no questioning if you've been following along this arc, you'll want to read this issue. We are ready and waiting for the story to end to see what's next.

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Wolverine and the X-Men (2014) #1

Mar 3, 2014

We may have seen the end of the previous volume and some of the students graduating but the story's not over just yet. Jason LaTour takes over and while changes the vibe of the series a little, is still retaining the overall feel. Addressing some of the plot lines created before makes for a smooth transition as well. Mahmud Asrar's art fits nicely with the tone of the book. He dives right in and puts his mark on the characters and settings. There will be some interesting explorations with some of the characters so you'll want to enroll for another semester (or volume) of this series.

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Wolverine: Debt of Death #1

Sep 7, 2011

A timeless story featuring Wolverine that isn't just another of the numerous one-shots we've seen over the years. With Nick Fury as the only other character we know, there aren't any other relationships or storylines that you need to worry about. The story dealing with Wolverine trying to repay a debt captures the essence of who he is. As we all know, he will go to any means to hold true to it. The art and colors enhance the feel of the story, truly making it fit in the 70s era in which it takes place while also keeping it a timeless story that can be enjoyed at anytime. The only complaint is that this is a one-shot. It would be great to see more from this creative team. This is what one-shots should be about. An entertaining story with amazing art and colors. This may not change anything in Wolverine's mythos but sometimes you just have to treat yourself to an enjoyable comic.

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Wolverines (2015) #1

Jan 6, 2015

Marvel's first weekly title is off to a good start. Charles Soule has brought in an interesting mix of familiar and new characters from the recent DEATH OF WOLVERINE miniseries. Readers that haven't read those might find themselves a little confused as to why everyone is working together. Nick Bradshaw's art and FCO Plascencia's colors look great but don't quite feel like the right fit for the tone of a book full of deadly killers. You'll definitely enjoy the visuals but it won't feel as heavy as it should. I am intrigued with the direction of this title so I am on board to see where the next few issues take us. Fans of the Death of Wolverine storyline and familiar characters should check this out. You'll just have to make the decision whether or not you can commit to a weekly comic.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

There will be some having difficulties adjusting to the creative change. It is important to go into this new direction with an unbiased outlook. Meredith and David Finch do a fine job setting up the hectic nature of Wonder Woman's life. There are moments where the edge Wonder Woman usually had previously and in other books is diminished. Showing a softer side has its merits but it's a fine line to make sure she doesn't appear to weak or lost. Still, there are some interesting aspects being introduced here to make you come back for more next month.

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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Jun 8, 2016

If you've ever been curious about who Wonder Woman is and where you could start reading her stories, this is a great place to begin. Like the other Rebirth titles, this issues serves to accommodate new and returning readers. There is a little something for everyone. The way Rucka has Wonder Woman question everything she thought she knew lays down some great groundwork for where this book can go. We have some really nice artwork but the difference in styles is a little distracting. There's no need to wonder if you should be reading Wonder Woman. Jump on board and get ready to find out where her journey will take us all.

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World's Finest (2012) #10

Mar 6, 2013

WORLDS' FINEST is a book I keep rooting for. There are some good elements in this issue but the series continues to feel like it's not really going anywhere. Power Girl abusing her powers is interesting and hopefully there will be some more repercussions over what she did. You have to wonder what Superman would think if he knew what she was doing. Huntress displays her own prowess but that is cut short as we see some fallout from BATMAN INCORPORATED. It raises some interesting questions but the way it's presented almost gives a forced feeling in the middle of this comic. We definitely need to see more between Huntress and Batman. It may not be essential reading but hopefully will set the stage for future stories. The 'shock' at the end just might make you scratch you head as well.

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Wytches #1

Oct 8, 2014

If you're a fan of Scott Snyder and Jock, getting this new series is a no-brainer. This is a great first issue that introduces us to new characters and clearly establishes what horrors we can expect to see. This is the sort of comic you'll want to read during the day. There are some definite creepy moments without it ever crossing the line into graphic or grotesque imagery. Be prepared when you pick this issue up. Let your comic shop know to order you a copy. Orders are due by Monday. You don't want to miss out on this one.

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Wytches #2

Nov 12, 2014

Comic can't always be bright and cheerful. Scott Snyder, Jock, and Matt Hollingsworth are taking us down a dark path while introducing us to a different world of witches. It's not often a comic can reach inside you and affect your emotions. We have the feeling of some really bad and gruesome things coming even thought this isn't a super violent or gratuitous comic. If you want a comic that's going to take you to a darker place, you'll want to read this. We are becoming immersed in the lives of an innocent family and it's been so easy to actually care what happens to them. If you're looking for a book that will give you goosebumps or fill you with dread, get on board with this one. Each month I feel hesitant to open the book and turn the pages but at the same time, I can't resist. Just try not to read it alone at night.

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Wytches #4

Feb 4, 2015

WYTCHES is more than just a comic, it's a journey. Scott Snyder, Jock, and Matt Hollingsworth are taking us down a dark and slightly disturbing road. We're being presented with some dark and twisted ideas and visuals. That makes this the perfect comic to creep you out without any gratuitous moments. This is a comic you'll find yourself slowly reading as you take in each moment and all the detail in the art. I've said it before and I'll say it again, don't read this comic when you're home alone.

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Wytches #5

Mar 25, 2015

It's not often a comic book story leaves you with a disturbing sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. That's what happens with WYTCHES. Scott Snyder and Jock are keeping us on the edge of our seat as we see the events unfold. Horror comics rarely capture the atmosphere needed to properly cause chills but WYTCHES hits you in the right place. You're sucked into the story but you become almost afraid to turn the page. The first arc is almost over and who knows what horror the next issue will bring.

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Wytches #6

May 20, 2015

It's hard to digest the ending of this first arc. This ending has definitely given the series a pretty big turning point. Twists in stories, especially horror stories, are common. Scott Snyder manages to pull one that punches you in the gut. Snyder, along with Jock on art and Hollingsworth on color, have taken us to a dark and creepy world. With a surprising and satisfying conclusion to the first arc, we can't help but wonder how we'll managed until the next arc begins. Be sure you have a happy place to go to after reading this book.

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X-Factor (2005) #230

Jan 11, 2012

Regenesis has spilled over into X-Factor's little corner of the Marvel Universe and that means some changes for the team. We know that Havok and Polaris are returning (courtesy of Wolverine personally delivering them to the X-Factor office). Their return is not the main focus of the issue as there is still plenty of fallout to deal with concerning the "death" of Madrox and the revelation of what happened to Strong Guy. You can expect the typical (and wonderful) humor that Peter David brings to the title each issue. I actually laughed out loud when reading. That isn't something that happens often when reading a comic.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Aug 27, 2013

Is the end near? Time travel has often been a big factor in X-Men storylines and this one is about to erupt in a big way. Brian Michael Bendis has been setting up this story since taking over two X-Men titles. We are treated to some great art and action is cranked up to get us hooked from the beginning. Some of today's readers may feel on the verge of crossover overload but it's stories like this that make it worth it. As soon as you finish, you'll wish to see another chapter ASAP. I am fearful of what could happen to some characters. But that's just a sign of good storytelling. Bendis has made me care about some of the X-Men in new and different ways I didn't think could be possible. Reading this, I found myself letting out a big sigh while a smile formed across my face. I cannot wait to see more.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2

Oct 30, 2013

It's the end of Battle of the Atom. As expected, there are some big changes. If you've been enjoying the story of the original X-Men brought to the present, there is no way you'll want to miss this conclusion. Not only will their story be affected, so will those of the other X-Men in the present. The entire story could have been trimmed a bit but we are treated to a nice epic battle and, of course, that big shock of an ending. The lives of the X-Men have reached another turning point. Let's see what happens after this.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #254

Aug 24, 2011

What have Havok, Polaris and Marvel Girl been up lately? The word of their return should be enough to get you to read this issue. Rogue, Magneto, Gambit and Frenzy travel across space in order to find them and jump right into the middle of a big mess. The characterization of everyone is spot on and you really get a sense that the X-Men might be in over their heads. The fact that this story arc is contained in the pages of this series and isn't spilling into other X-titles. Because this is the first part of the arc, the story needs to be set up which takes away from the action. There is a nice cliffhanger that will ensure that you return for the next issue.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #259

Nov 30, 2011

Even though this sports the Regenesis banner, it's still taking place before the full split of the team. Some members we know will be leaving Utopia are still here as a new and interesting plot twist arises with the return of the mutants from space. It's great to see some of the interaction between characters such as Cyclops and Havok but we don't get enough. There simply isn't room here (or elsewhere) which is unfortunate. There is the return of a character that I hadn't heard about and that made this an exciting read as I read through to see who it would be. This issue should have happened a couple months ago but it's just one of those things you have to let go while enjoying the story. The story combined with the art makes this a great X-title that should stand out apart from the other X-titles. I'm getting more and more excited for where this series is going to go.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #261

Jan 25, 2012

X-MEN LEGACY is establishing its place in the post-Schism X-Men universe. Rogue is continuing to develop and we're seeing how this book will fit in alongside WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN. The setting may be a school but now we're seeing that contingency plans are in place if the school is attacked. Christos Gage's writing feels as if he's been writing these characters for a while and the mix of emotions, battles and humor is welcome to the series. The X-Men books feel like they've been too dark lately. Gage is on his way to making this book his own.

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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #269

Jun 27, 2012

The AVENGERS VS. X-MEN tie-ins have been a mixed bag. Christos Gage and David Baldeon give us a nice detour in the main event with a focus on Rogue and Ms. Marvel. The entire AvX story is feeling like a car accident and you can't help but look. Issues like this give us more of a focus on the characters. We get to hear what Rogue thinks of everything and its that insight that provides more substance over fight after fight, even if there is a pretty cool one here.

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X-Men: Regenesis #1

Oct 12, 2011

This is where it all begins. The X-Men will never be the same least for now. This serves as a great jumping on point and reminds us of some of the really great X-Men characters, many that haven't been seen too much lately. Regenesis is off to a great start and I'm excited over the X-Men once again.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #4

Sep 21, 2011

It's been great seeing all the different X-Men working together for what might be the last time for the foreseeable future. It almost felt a little too convenient for the lack of X-Men during Cyclops and Wolverine's talk but that was needed for the events to escalate. With one more issue left, it's time to pull out all the stops. The conclusion to Schism is an issue that shouldn't be missed.

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X-Men: Schism (2011) #5

Oct 3, 2011

The new direction the X-Men face and the choosing of sides will give the franchise a nice little boost in keeping the stories fresh, rather than have everyone safe and sitting around Utopia. There have been some parts to the overall story that came and went too quickly. The introduction and use of the new Hellfire Club is questionable and I would be okay with not seeing them again anytime soon. It's a good end to an era. The X-Men have gotten too comfortable on Utopia. Now we have the next era about to unfold before us.

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X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1

Jan 6, 2016

X-MEN: THE WORST X-MAN EVER is an X-Men comic unlike any we've seen before. Max Bemis gives us a different take on what it's like to discover you're a mutant. There is plenty of twists, action, and humor all contained in this first issue. Michael Walsh's art is fantastic, as always. It may be separate from the current continuity but that's part of what makes it so enjoyable. This is the sort of comic you can just dive into and enjoy. I'm still laughing over Beast's explanation of Bailey's powers. This comic put a great big smile on my face. I can't wait to see what's next.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #1

May 2, 2012

I have vague recollections of X-O Manowar. I wasn't the biggest fan of the character but was happy to hear Valiant was bringing him back. This issue is the perfect jumping on point. We're seeing everything from the beginning. The story starts off as a surprise, set in the past during a Roman battle. The art and pacing serve the story well and it was enough to win me over. I wasn't sure if I could become invested in this series but I do want to see what happens next. This is just the beginning and if the action here is any indication of what's to come, it's going to be even crazier once the character is fully established.

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X-Treme X-Men (2012) #1

Jul 25, 2012

X-Men fans can either rejoice or cringe because there is a new X-Men title on the shelves. Greg Pak is taking some of the characters he introduced in his recent ASTONISHING X-MEN arc and with Dazzler thrown in, the party's about to get started. This book is separate from the other X-titles as it seems to have more of an EXILES feel with the team having to go out to different worlds to complete their agenda. This is a good and bad thing since I'm not sure if that's something I want right now. Greg Pak sets up the series and I will return next issue to make a better judgement on my opinion overall. I love the inclusion of Dazzler but we'll see if that and the 'anything goes' direction will be enough to win me over.

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X-Treme X-Men (2012) #2

Aug 29, 2012

I was a little unsure how this series would separate itself from the idea of being a different version of EXILES. There is a different hook and goal for the characters. We do get that familiar mysterious feeling of not knowing what a new world might bring to the team. Greg Pak is setting up a deeper story that will hopefully continue to be fresh as they travel from world to world. Segovia has the task of creating the visuals for Pak's different worlds along with new and different versions of the characters we know. With so many different X-titles it might be easy to question why there is a need for this but because it is so separate from the others, you can easily just focus on this series and not have to worry about a ton of other X-MEN books. If you're looking for a fun ride through the multiverse this comic is your ticket.

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Young Avengers (2013) #1

Jan 22, 2013

The Young Avengers are back...sort of. Kieron Gillen takes over and shows the characters are allowed to change a little. It's a natural development and it's great to see Gillen add his own spin rather than try to deliver more of what we've seen in the past with the characters. McKelvie and Norton add to this by giving this series a separate feel from past stories. One of the things you'll notice is the expression and emotion on each character's face. This issue is setting up the series but there are some big developments that happen. It's not completely clear where the story will go from here but that's part of the fun. We're off to a great start and you'll definitely want to stick around to see what happens next.

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Young Avengers (2013) #2

Feb 27, 2013

After enjoying the first issue, my hopes may have gotten too high for this one. I really want to enjoy this series but the main focus of the 'villain' didn't quite do it for me. The way Wiccan and Hulkling try dealing with the situation is great even if it doesn't get a chance to go too far. The lack of other characters seen in the first issue makes this second issue of a new series feel like quite a bit is missing. While we can't expect all members of a team book to always be present, there should be more development on the characters for new readers to the series. The art is great and the way the issue ends makes you want to see the next issue. It's just unfortunate we didn't have a little more in this issue.

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Zero #1

Sep 16, 2013

When Image launches a new series, there's often a great chance it's going to be another great one. Ales Kot has given us an intriguing story that takes the spy genre to a new level. Michael Walsh's art rips into the action and you'll need to hang onto your seat to make sure you don't fall over while reading. Jordie Bellaire's colors highly complement Walsh's art as each panel has the right focus on attention. The fact that the next issue will focus on another mission makes it all the more compelling to want to come back to find out what's next. Just be sure you can handle all the content contained here. If you're looking for a different type of comic with a great story, art and colors plus loads of action and intrigue, this is the one for you.

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Zero #2

Oct 16, 2013

Ales Kot delivers another look a passed mission of secret agent, Edward Zero. We've seen agents trained from childhood before but Kot adds little touches that make you curious about what happens next. We've seen him as an adult and by showing us this time period, we know have more questions and a deeper hunger to see more of the time in between. Each issue features a different artist and Tradd Moore steps in to showcase a different time in Zero's life. Jordie Bellaire's colors are the glue that makes it easier to jump from one artist to the next. Zero has become more human in this issue and there's no telling what is going to happen next.

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Zero #5

Jan 21, 2014

ZERO continues to tell the story in a way only Ales Kot can. We've been seeing the story of Edward Zero unfold and having a different artist tackle each issue/mission. Kot shifts gears a little by easing back on the action as we find out more of Zero's status after the brutal events of the last issue. You'll find yourself pulled into the atmosphere of the story. There's no telling what Kot has planned next.

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Zero #6

Mar 19, 2014

ZERO continues its frenetic and in-your-face pace. Ales Kot keeps the action flowing and adds more pieces to the story. Vanesa Del Rey's art style fits the story nicely and delivers a great sequence of action and violence, showing what Zero's world is all about. There are a couple slight moments of confusion but provided you're invested in the story and have been paying attention, you'll be hanging onto every page and panel. ZERO is a series where you'll find yourself wanting to re-read each issue over and over again. With each new issue, you'll find and appreciate the hints and bits of information that you only just discovered.

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Zero #7

Apr 23, 2014

Have you been reading ZERO? If not, you owe it to yourself to pick up the first trade and last issue. Edward Zero is a strange and complicated character. As we see the different missions in his life, you never know whats going to happen next. This issues ending is a prime example of that. Matt Taylors art fits this particular story nicely. He captures the mood and delivers the final scene perfectly. ZERO is the comic people should be talking about.

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