World's Finest #10

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 6, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 2
6.6Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

• After being attacked by a group connected to the missing Mr. Terrific, Power Girl and Huntress take the fight to Holt Industries, where they make a shocking discovery!

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 12, 2013

    So another good issue in a title that I feel is really getting its legs under it and moving forward. I really look forward to this book each month, a guilty little pleasure. Now with Maguire leaving, who do you want to take over? I have been impressed with CAFU's efforts on this book the last couple of issues. He gets my vote. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 7, 2013

    Kevin Maguire may be remembered for his "bwa-ha-ha" days on Justice League International, but I love seeing what he can do when he's playing things straight. Case in point"Worlds' Finest #10, in which he lends power, strength and expressiveness to Huntress and Power Girl's respective personal issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 13, 2013

    After missing for several months Kevin Maguire is back, and for the first time in the series' near year-long run he's the only artist on display giving the comic a much more cohesive look than usual. I like the idea of Power Girl being far more hot-headed and mischievous in using her powers than either Superman or Supergirl while pointing out what the ramifications of that would look like. The scenes with Huntress grieving over Damian are also handled with care. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Melissa Grey Mar 6, 2013

    While the main storyline of World's Finest leaves something to be desired, Levitz does set up an interesting dichotomy between Huntress and Power Girl's wildly different personalities. Huntress is the head and Power Girl is the heart and that's why they make such a good team. My only wish is that these two opposing yet complimentary characters see their differences better utilized in a storyline that situates the dynamic of the partnership as an integral part of the narrative in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Mar 6, 2013

    So, with Maguire's style giving the book a visual boost and Levitz doing solid work on most of the script this issue continues to improve the quality of the title. However the scene at Damien's graveside is misguided and doesn't sit well with the rest of the issue's tone. But aside from that problematic aspect the rest of the book is quite a fun read. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Mar 14, 2013

    Maybe if I was still reading the series, I'd have appreciated it more, but judging by just this issue, it didn't do it for me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 6, 2013

    WORLDS' FINEST is a book I keep rooting for. There are some good elements in this issue but the series continues to feel like it's not really going anywhere. Power Girl abusing her powers is interesting and hopefully there will be some more repercussions over what she did. You have to wonder what Superman would think if he knew what she was doing. Huntress displays her own prowess but that is cut short as we see some fallout from BATMAN INCORPORATED. It raises some interesting questions but the way it's presented almost gives a forced feeling in the middle of this comic. We definitely need to see more between Huntress and Batman. It may not be essential reading but hopefully will set the stage for future stories. The 'shock' at the end just might make you scratch you head as well. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Jason Motes Mar 9, 2013

    The art and dialogue push this past the average mark, but it's far from perfect. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 8, 2013

    Another disappointment in the light of the death last week, and I just can't see this being a strong enough series to warrant buying every week. So for now I'd say leave it alone and pick up something better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 8, 2013

    In the end, when the back cover is closed, "Worlds' Finest" #10 just feels like a collection of set-up scenes, but the impending payoff just isn't that interesting. Power Girl and Huntress have a bone to pick with someone at Holt Industries and Batman caught a glimpse of Huntress (are we truly expected to believe Huntress was that successful in flying under the radar?). This isn't quite the stuff of thrilling comic books. Thankfully we had some issue saving art from Maguire and Cheetham. Read Full Review

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