Scarlet Spider #6

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: Ryan Stegman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 13, 2012 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Kaine goes from hunter to hunted as the daughter of Kraven the Hunter takes on the Scarlet Spider! From the pages of SPIDER-ISLAND, Madame Web crashes into Kaine’s life – with dark visions of his road ahead!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 13, 2012

    This issue was a little bittersweet. Yost and Stegman have made a great team but sadly the day has arrived where Stegman is moving on. His art here is extraordinary as he does his own inks. This adds a new layer to it and you really see the detail explode off the pages. Even with the majority of the action being Kaine out of costume, the scenes are just so dang nice to look at. Yost is making the idea of a Spider-character in Texas work. We've been getting a nice mix of new and familar foes for Kaine to deal with. The notion of him having the Scarlet Spider name thrusted upon him is hilarious and also helps to humanize him. He doesn't see himself as a hero despite all the good hes' been doing. Yost is evolving the character and each month I'm amazed how much I love this series despite Ben Reilly still being dead. It won't be the same without Stegman but as long as Yost is still on board, this series is in safe hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 13, 2012

    The only strange quality to this issue is that so much of it is devoted to epilogue sequences. There are no less than four epilogues present, meaning that the climax is over and done with roughly midway through the book. Make no mistake -- these epilogues seed a lot of interesting new material for the future, but they really throw off the pacing too. No doubt this issue will read better in trade format rather than on its own. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jun 14, 2012

    It's $2.99 making it the cheaper side of comics on MARVEL's side so the money is the issue and you're reading the main Avengers book which is $3.99 drop that and buy this. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Jun 15, 2012

    With both Kraven and Madame Web making appearances in this issue, this story seems like it's being set up as a sequel to Grim Hunt. This is fine by me as that is one of the few recent Spider-Man stories I've actually liked, even though I don't thnk bringing Kraven back to life was a smart or worthwhile move on Marvel's part. The idea of him going up against Kaine is a fun one, though. I just hope Yost will do a better job of making readers who haven't read the story feel welcome. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jun 14, 2012

    This wraps up Ryan Stegmans incredible run on Scarlet Spider and I had a blast with every issue. From one red super hero to another, Khoi Pham & Tom Palmer from Daredevil take over the pencilling duties starting with issue #7. See you in thirty. From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 17, 2012

    Another good issue that give us a big throwdown between Kaine and Ana in a burning church as well as some humorous moments between the frustrated hero and Aracely and some contemplative moments about as Kaine gets used to his new role and place in the world. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Jun 19, 2012

    Man, this issue flew by. This, like the last issue, seemed to be more of a set up issue than anything, but it did set up a lot. We've got Kraven and Ana coming for Kaine, Kaine's questioning of if he can live up the Ben Reilly is an interesting turn, plus giving Kaine a love interest in Annabelle. Add in the fact we've got the mystery of Aracely and the Mexica and we should have some great stories down the line. Oh, and Chris Yost, don't be an ass and name a wine after yourself in a comic. Or do, do whatever you want as long as you keep Scarlet Spider better than your Red Robin run. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 15, 2012

    Hopefully this was just a temporary matter as Yost tries to move some pieces around his chest board. I fully expect a stronger, tighter, more focused story to come. And can we do something about the love interest? Read Full Review

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