Avengers #1
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Avengers #1

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Jerome Opena Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 5, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 38 User Reviews: 31
8.3Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The greatest heroes in comics together on one unbeatable team! Now shipping twice a month, the Avengers “go large,” expanding their roster and their sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call - who will answer? Big threats, big ideas, big idealism - these are the Avengers NOW!

  • 10
    Comics Crux - Wesley Messer May 12, 2012

    I didnt expect that Avengers #1 wouldnt just meet my expectations, but end up exceeding them. The Avengers feel like a prestigious team, Hickman elevates them to that level in one issue. One of the brightest successes of Marvel NOW! to date, dont hesitate in buying this, Avengers  #1 wont let you down. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Flip Geeks - Kyle Francisco Dec 10, 2012

    This is good stuff. A thrilling story coupled with gorgeous art can only mean a comic book well worth every peso…and an ongoing definitely worth following. I'm definitely answering the call – you should, too, your feelings about AvX notwithstanding. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Dec 5, 2012

    When it comes to first issues it's all about meeting expectations. I'm not sure what more someone could want from this debut that isn't already here. Hickman and Opena have met, or exceeded, my every expectation for this book. As far as I am concerned this book is flawless, I couldn't have asked for a better opening issue, and that's why I'm giving this book a “must-read” recommendation. This is an incredible opening chapter and Avengers will soon become the best team book on the market. Bank on it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Dec 11, 2012

    If and when Hickman and crew go back to tried and true threats and obstacles, will the audience for this new series be happy with returning to familiar old villains with human origins? The bar is set high, and there's a saying that could temper expectations " At the top, the only way to go is down. But who's to say this is the peak of this creative team's potential? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 3, 2012

    What could be better than Jonathan Hickman on AVENGERS? Add in Jerome Opena, Dean White and a strong roster and you know we can expect great things here. The Avengers comics have a history of big things happening but lately there has been moments where the stories have been hit or miss. Hickman hits the ground running. The idea of 'going bigger' is a great concept and fits with the changing nature of the Marvel Universe. We need to see some changes otherwise the stories will become stagnant. We're not seeing a relaunch or reboot of things but a nice ambitious start to a new chapter. I have no idea where Hickman is going to take the team and series and I can't wait to find out. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 3, 2012

    The flagship book of the Marvel Universe is finally upon us, and believe me when I say that it doesn't just meet expectations " it shatters them. Gods, super-soldiers and men of steel unite against a common foe no single super hero could withstand. It's a simple formula: World's biggest superheroes. Comics' greatest talents. The industry's biggest book. A perfect launch. Time to assemble, Avengers fans " your new favorite series has arrived. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Dec 10, 2012

    To put it simply, reading 'Avengers' #1 almost feel s like becoming a fan for the first time all over again. There's so much newness that will excite the reader to want to find out more and Jonathan Hickman has big plans for the Avengers which is evident in this first issue. This is definitely one of the best Marvel NOW has to offer. A whole new world has been awoken and it deserves a good look. Read Full Review

  • 10
    A Comic Book Blog - Daniel Cole Dec 5, 2012

    So, this is the dawning of a new chapter in the Avengers franchise. One that has looked at the past few years and decided on a aggressively different path. Its big, bold and full of character, but whilst it moves forward it never forgets what the Avengers are about. Hickman Delivers a succinct take on the concept, which looks gorgeous due to Opea's art work. This is the blockbuster title Marvel Now! has been waiting for and is the perfect jumping on point for any new reader. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson Dec 6, 2012

    Long story short? Avengers #1 is brilliant. I love it. It's even better than I expected, presumably because with Jonathan Hickman you never really know what quite to expect. While the bold direction he's chosen may alienate some, I'm sure it's bound to excite many more, and there's little getting around the fact that this is exactly the shot in the arm that the series needed. And we only have to wait two weeks for the next instalment? Christmas has come early my friends"Santa Hickman has made it so. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 6, 2012

    Hickman specializes in big, sprawling stories, and that's exactly what we're getting here. I love it! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Dec 11, 2012

    Overall, this was an absolutely fantastic setup issue for what I am sure is going to be a very exciting series to keep our eyes on. I am desperate to learn more about the bad guys along with their powers, as well as seeing how our heroes escape from the predicament they have found themselves in. It is clear that Hickman is creating something here on an epic level, and it is something that I am desperate for more of. I have finally found my Avengers book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Dec 6, 2012

    Openas art is absolutely stellar and carries the issue with grace and sensibility. The perfect balance of bigger-than-life heroism and emotional resonance, I cant find a bad panel in the book. With amazing pencils and intriguing groundwork, this title looks to be one of the biggest Avengers stories ever told. And for once, bigger might actually be better. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Dec 5, 2012

    If Avengers succeeds the most in one area, it is scale. The book is big, it feels big, with a nice set up, familiar characters, newer characters and it's epic presence. In terms of an introductory issue, it also succeeds in every avenue, finding a way to gain new readers, while also keeping the older ones hooked at the same time. Balancing both the movie and comic ideas, while also crafting a smart story. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Dec 5, 2012

    The Avengers #1 is everything a fan could hope for, and a perfect beginning for any newcomer. It's got impeccable delivery, a clear long-term plan and a storyline that promises plenty of popular faces answering the call to assemble. Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain Marvel, among others, are poised to join the fray, so pick this issue up and don't miss the next one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Dec 6, 2012

    Suffice it to say, “Avengers” #1 is a very strong start. Hickman's Bigger and Bolder take is staggering to behold at first but refreshing, and Opena's illustrations fit perfectly with the grandiose vision of the series. Marvel's NOW! initiative is so intently focused on delivering a shake-up of ideology, and “Avengers” is strong proof that the plan worked. Given all that is potentially in store it's certainly a great time to be a Marvel fan, and if his “Avengers” is even half as densely plotted as “Secret Warriors” or “Fantastic Four,” it's rather difficult not to expect great things down the road. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Super Hero Hype - Spencer Perry Dec 5, 2012

    Hickman is starting off his run on Avengers strong. While he takes a less is more apporach in the writing and a bigger is better in terms of the cast, they both have their advantages and work in favor of each other. Opea's art is the main selling point though, because it is without question the best artwork from Marvel NOW! If you want to get into the Avengers, you need look no further than this and it helps that it's a great read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Christof Bogacs Dec 6, 2012

    This book is easily the best thing to come out of Marvel Now, and deserves every piece of hype it gets. Hickman and Opena simultaneously bring the team back to its roots while charging forth in a new and unique direction. There is absolutely no doubt that the Avengers are in good hands. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Dec 7, 2012

    Avengersis the book for everyone. Chances are youve already seenThe Avengersfilm more than once. You may not know who everyone is at the end of the book, but neither do I. The important part is that you know who the Avengers are, and what they stand for. And that is why Hickman and Opea madeAvengersinto a stellar masterpiece. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Dec 5, 2012

    Hickman is a writer of unmatched ability and Opeña’s art is staying with him every step of the way. Avengers #1 is bold, exciting and instantly addicting. Jonathan Hickman is taking The Avengers down a whole new path. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Dec 6, 2012

    You want to know how good Marvel NOW! should be? This is the book you can judge all others by. The best debut so far of the bunch. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Dec 5, 2012

    This is a solid relaunch issue with an intriguing storyline that will definitely have me coming back. The Hickman era is here, Avengers fans, and if it keeps up with the pace set in issue #1 we are all in for a treat. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 3, 2012

    Little about Opena's approach has changed from his Uncanny X-Force arcs, other than the fact that he alters his style with a smoother, more organic approach for the brief flashback sequences. The question is how well the series will transition visually from arc to arc. Opena, Adam Kubert, Dustin Weaver, and Mike Deodato all have distinctly different styles. Will this even feel like the same book five issues down the road? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Dec 7, 2012

    As is typical for a debut issue, I try to balance my grading between what's actually contained within the book's covers, and what expectations are created by the creators' track records, and what they offer for openers; given that, I'm expecting some great things. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 5, 2012

    All in all, this reminds me of the Grant Morrison relaunch of the Justice League in the 1990s, where the characters were treated as a pantheon of incredibly powerful types, each with their own strengths, and the focus was on the epic tales and legendary feats. Avengers #1 is at least different, and sometimes that's half the battle, but it's interesting enough to get me really wondering where ithings are going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Dec 11, 2012

    Avengers is off to a good start, but I never doubted that for a second. Marvel NOW! keeps bringing more hits. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Alex J. Dec 8, 2012

    The company has stated that Marvel Now was not going to be a reboot, but merely a jumping-on point for new readers. The idea is that, while prior knowledge will prove to be a benefit, it will not be necessary to enjoy these issues. Avengers #1 has so far proven this to be true, and should the following issues continue in this fashion, this series will become one worth reading for any comic fan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Dec 4, 2012

    On the whole, this is a great start for both Marvel NOW! and for The Avengers in general. "Avengers" #1 feels like a book that both longtime fans of comics (and specifically the Avengers) can sink their teeth into, while speaking to a much larger film audience that might be interested in trying on this book. Blending and balancing those two ideas and audiences is no small feat and if Hickman and Opea can keep it up, we may indeed have something really interesting on our hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Dec 6, 2012

    Jonathan Hickman's Avengers is off to a fantastic start, and if there's any book that's got high ambitions, it's certainly this one. I know this series is going to go places, and so should anyone familiar with the way Hickman writes stories in the long form, but I found myself wishing there was a bit more substance to this first issue. However, I then remembered it's biweekly, so I won't have to be waiting quite as long to get my mitts on the next installment of the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Dec 7, 2012

    Avengers #1 is what the entire Marvel NOW! initiative has been building to from the very start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 8, 2012

    Avengers is a hot property and this book is matching that status perfectly. While the book has some flaws and feels like it isn't attached to the greater Marvel Universe, this comic book is entertaining nonetheless. I enjoyed this issue and definitely recommend checking it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Dec 8, 2012

    The Avengers #1 isn't a complete home run, though I think it came  pretty darn close. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Dec 13, 2012

    Avengers #1 is a great start to a fresh new beginning for this franchise. It is great to see the Avengers being restored to their proper glory. For any Avengers fans who dropped this title during Bendis' run this is the perfect time for you to come back home. I think you will like what Hickman is delivering. Also, any new readers who liked the Avengers movie and were curious about the Avengers comic then this is also an excellent time for you to start reading this title. Lastly, Avengers #1 is a good issue for any super hero fan looking to pick up a new title. This is well crafted issue that appears to have a wild, exciting and grand ride in store for the reader. MarvelNOW hits another homerun with this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Dec 6, 2012

    Hickman is obviously taking some cues from the successful Avengers movie here (or he's taking directives from higher-ups who are ensuring cues from the movie are incorporated into the comic), given his choices for the core lineup of the Avengers: Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye are the primary team. It really makes little sense that the latter two heroes are dispatched to Mars to deal with otherworldly threats. In the movie, they were plunged into a war; here, they're handpicked for an off-planet mission, so it feels a little forced. Of course, the premise that reveals itself at the end of the book is the Avengers needs to have a broader array of members, with specialists available for specific and unusual missions. Hickman's take on a larger Avengers team actually reminds me a bit of the broader scope that formed the basis of the highly enjoyable Justice League Unlimited cartoon a few years ago. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 8, 2012

    I like the general idea of Avengers World. Bendis broke the mold when it came to Avengers membership. So it makes sense, I think, to expand upon Bendis' ideas by making Avengers membership available to all superheroes! Make the Avengers a world-wide organization of superheroes, not just a team of specific figures who hang out in their clubhouse. That's a good idea. But Hickman doesn't go far enough with it – at least not yet. I want to see what happens next, even if this issue was a total let down. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Dec 6, 2012

     Well, this was what I feared...  Hickman seems like he wants to be Grant Morrison, but he actually makes LESS sense than Morrison!!!  It's awful.  After reading this issue, I'll be dropping new Avengers from my pull list(before it even releases!) and will put the series on a VERY short leash.  I have a terrible feeling within a few months the unthinkable will happen and I'll be longing for the simpler days of Bendis as the Avengers writer...  Naturally, if you were a fan of Hickman's work on Fantastic Four and FF, I have no doubt you'll enjoy this, because he's moving in the same direction here.  If not?  Good luck... Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Dec 5, 2012

    If anything, this issue may have been a decent enough zero issue of some sort but as a first issue launching point for a new series it is a disappointment on almost every level. From the lame central story to the way the heroes were defeated to the now stereotypical last page this is Marvel at its worst. Last week saw more great “Marvel Now!” titles hit the shops which built up the excitement for this issue but they only made this title look worse by comparison. Its a shame that potential new readers picking this up will probably never come back and it is a wasted opportunity from all involved to expand the readership base. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Dec 7, 2012

    This series has a ton of potential with Hickman on board, but honestly I was worried about this book from the start. Sure it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was not a hit in my opinion. This is a refreshing change to the series and is actually pretty perfect for fans of the movie since it will have the characters they’re familiar with, at least in this issue. For me though, I wanted something magical. Something like The Nightly News or even FF. Instead I felt like I was reading Thor again, but with better writing. Hickman's first issues usually amaze, but this one had me wondering what else I had to read this week. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 10, 2012

    The first comic certainly teases big, epic-size adventures to come, with what looks like may be a rotating roster of reserves. Far less talky than Brian Michael Bendis‘ take on the characters, I've got to admit I kinda want my money back for how little Jonathan Hickman delivers, compared to the epicness which is promised in the first few pages. And I'm sure as hell not going to spend $4 more in just two weeks to see where he goes from here. Pass. Read Full Review

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