1872 | 2 issues |
1872 #1
Jul 11, 2015 |
"1872" is some of the Marvel characters in a small town in the old west. The comic plays around with old ideas, like the crooked mayor and the one-good-sheriff-trying-to-fight-him, but the book is presented in a crisp fashion that will keep the reader engaged. The cliffhanger promises more excitement in the next issue, which is also a big plus. If you like westerns then this is a great book to pick up. |
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1872 #3
Sep 26, 2015 |
"1872" continues to tell a fast-paced story where the battle for an old west town is coming to its bloody conclusion. The comic has a lot of action and a couple of good plots going at the same time as the mini-series heads into its final issue. This issue has a couple of strange insertions and leaves some odd holes in the narrative flow and the action. Overall, this series a good read and might become a must-read as one of the lead characters, Red Wolf, will be sticking around in the new Marvel Universe. I recommend giving this a look. |
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A-Force | 1 issues |
A-Force #1
May 23, 2015 |
"A-Force" may or may not be on your radar. With so many tie-in comics for the Secret Wars event it is difficult to know which to pick up and which to pass on. This is definitely one to pick up. The comic is focused on the female characters, but provides nice characterizations and interactions that it feels more like a team book about super-heroes than a gimmick about female characters. With surprises left and right and great visuals you will be entertained from the beginning until the end. I recommend picking this up. |
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Abe Sapien (2008) | 1 issues |
Abe Sapien (2008): The Devil Does Not Jest #1
Sep 30, 2011 |
Abe Sabien is a good character because he isn't as invincible as Hellboy appears to be. Abe is a more sensitive character and seems to relate to humans better than most in BPRD. All of this comes out in this book to help establish just how serious the trouble is that Abe finds himself in by the end of the book. This was just an all-around excellent comic. |
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Abe Sapien (2013) | 1 issues |
Abe Sapien (2013) #1
Apr 6, 2013 |
While the comic doesn't reveal the complete threat, it does tease it well enough to get me back for more. Abe is a compelling character and while he is obviously tied to Hellboy, he can and clearly does do just fine on his own. I definitely recommend checking this comic out. I like where this comic is heading. |
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Action Comics (1938) | 1 issues |
Action Comics (1938) #900
May 2, 2011 |
Overall this was a good book. I did miss that Dan Jurgens wasn't involved in some capacity and that the book lacks a satisfactory amount of Lois Lane content. I hated the six dollar price point, but ultimately, I got what I was looking for about of the issue and then some. If you do pick up the issue solely on the story where he leaves his US citizenship behind then I hope you read the rest of the issue because it is a good look at the character, and that particularly story may be the worst of the bunch. Basically you get a great book with only a couple of mediocre stories in the lot. I definitely recommend picking this issue up. |
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Action Comics (2011) | 3 issues |
Action Comics (2011) #1
Sep 9, 2011 |
In some ways the worst part about this comic book is that it just doesn't feel like All-Star Superman and that comparison just isn't fair. However, the regular, day-to-day Superman stories have been done to death. I'm not sure this brings anything new to the table and even if it did it seems like it just won't be able to sustain it over the long haul. I'm sure Morrison will deliver a big payoff for those that will be patient with the book, but unfortunately I just didn't find enough in here to justify spending more money on yet another Superman versus Lex Luthor story. I am sure Morrison fans will be thrilled with the issue but will people on the fence about the character? |
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Action Comics (2011) #23.2
Sep 13, 2013 |
Zod is a good comic book. It's an origin and it's nothing fancy. If you think you know everything there is to know about Zod then this issue could add more to your knowledge but it might also trample what you think is continuity. The book is a chilling story by the end and taking that by itself makes it a worthwhile book to pick up. Plus, it has a cool 3-D cover. |
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Action Comics (2011) #41
Jun 6, 2015 |
The comic is a dull read that is more because the character is lifeless than because the book lacks action. A de-powered Superman living in a world where his identity has been exposed sounds interesting but it actually isn't. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) | 1 issues |
Adventure Comics (2009) #4
Nov 21, 2009 |
The good news with this comic is that many stores offer you one of the colored rings with this issue's purchase. More good news is if you are a hardcore DC fan and know all of the ins and outs of the DCU then you might love the satire and the heavy handed jokes as Superboy gets kicked around by Earth Prime (or is it Earth-2?) characters. However, I found this issue to be confusing at best and a wasteful mess at worst in the story department. I'm simply baffled that this issue hopes to gain some new readers with this type of material. |
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Adventures Of Superman (2013) | 1 issues |
Adventures Of Superman (2013) #1
Jun 1, 2013 |
Overall, this is a good comic book. Honestly, at this point this is the only book that Superman is currently appearing in that I might consider purchasing in the future. At least the character appears to be more in line with what a traditional Superman book might be like and I think there is an audience for that out there. If the creative talent and their output stays at this level then I think this book can be a success. It is certainly off to a good start. |
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Afterlife With Archie | 1 issues |
Afterlife With Archie #3
Jan 7, 2014 |
Afterlife with Archie sounds like it shouldn't work. Zombies in Riverdale? Beloved characters dead? However, the writing, the characterizations and the art form a very entertaining story that reads well and seems to fit in line with a regular Archie story. Granted, it's darker but it doesn't overwhelm with horror elements. This is a pleasant surprise. |
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Age of Apocalypse (2012) | 1 issues |
Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1
Mar 11, 2012 |
This book is very close to being something I would normally read. This issue is very much a world building issue but it also puts on a ton of layers to an already complicated situation. It's hard to tell from this issue if the book is going to be an all-out war series or something that is much more cloak and dagger. I'm willing to give this book a couple of issues, but I found the first one to be a very mixed bag. I'm not even sure if fans of the initial Age of Apocalypse would like this because so much has changed. If you like mutants and universes where anything can happen then I suggest trying this out. |
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Age of Ultron | 11 issues |
Age of Ultron #1
Mar 8, 2013 |
It's way too early to tell what this book really is going to become. For now, it feels like a dystopian future book that you've probably read a different flavor of a dozen times. Somehow this book jams itself into existing, NOW!, continuity but that really isn't explored at all here. It seems like this book caters to the diehard Ultron or Avengers fans. Perhaps I am put off because I already read the Maberry story, but this book really left me cold. The comic has an awesome cover though. |
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Age of Ultron #2
Mar 16, 2013 |
Age of Ultron is billed as an epic. It reads like an epic with big scenes and powerful dialogue to punctuate the end of scenes. However, the story feels overrun with hollow characters and ill-timed mysteries where opportunities present itself to inform the reader of something useful. When you write for the collection the single issue suffers and this is a prime example of that. |
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Age of Ultron #3
Mar 30, 2013 |
This event is a mess so far. It can and will pick up. Once collected it will probably be a really tight and interesting story. Told in single issue format it appears to be slow and fragments of a comic book. Thankfully there is a little plot movement in this issue. I still can't recommend this comic yet but I am hopeful that will turn soon. |
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Age of Ultron #4
Apr 6, 2013 |
Age of Ultron is shaping up to be one of the worst stories I've read in years. I simply can't believe how slow the story is moving and, yet, it still manages to not make sense. Characters are talked about as being dead when they are clearly showing up on panels in previous comics. The examples are too numerous as to why you should not read this comic book. I truly believe this book will redeem itself and read better in collected versions, but as a single issue story it's dreadful. Hitch can't save this by drawing destroyed cities every fifth page. |
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Age of Ultron #5
Apr 12, 2013 |
Age of Ultron is a very tough sell. I'm not sure whom this is geared towards. I can't see a casual reading getting jazzed up for this kind of a book and the seasoned reader is going to poke a lot of holes in it. I suppose this book is for the die-hard Bendis fan. We'll see how this all shapes up but this is a completely average comic book. |
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Age of Ultron #6
Apr 18, 2013 |
Age of Ultron is starting to get to the heart of the event it seems. After five drawn out issues things pick up in what is by far the most entertaining issue of the entire event. Hopefully the final four issues will keep the tempo up. This was a good read. |
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Age of Ultron #7
May 3, 2013 |
Age of Ultron is shaping up to be among the worst series I've ever read. Ten issues is a tough sell for this directionless, limited plot of a book. This issue highlights how Bendis put such a low effort to analyzing the impacts of time travel. The book might give you a few minutes of amusement but this is not one to seek out. |
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Age of Ultron #8
May 16, 2013 |
This event is going to read very differently when collected or when read in one sitting. As individual issues goes it's about as bad as they come across the whole series. This individual is good because it provides an argument that is sound from both points-of-view where both see the opposite side as "what if". The comic had the potential to be excellent but was halted by the battle at the end. This was an average to good read. |
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Age of Ultron #9
Jun 7, 2013 |
I'm not sure who this is aimed at. I can't see this having any sort of memorable piece coming out of the final issue. The nine issues have been plotted out poorly and the mistakes with time travel are glaring. Does anyone remember Nick Fury? How many issues has it been since that thread has been explored? Proceed with caution. |
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Age of Ultron #10
Jun 23, 2013 |
The final issue did not need to be bagged. There is nothing in here surprising or even noteworthy. The book is a simple enough comic book with an interesting explanation and some nice action. The comic book isn't worth the hype and will probably have limited appeal. You might find something in here to like if you are willing to forget plot points and you don't like everything to make sense in the end. |
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Age of Ultron #10AI
Jun 29, 2013 |
Age of Ultron was a mess. However, if the fallout results in a re-invention of Hank Pym and a revitalization of the character then it almost makes it all worth it. This is a step in the right direction towards making Pym a dynamic and important character in Marvel Universe. This is worth picking up, especially if you are looking for good baseline for Pym and an entertaining transformation story. |
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Age of X Alpha | 1 issues |
Age of X Alpha #1
Jan 29, 2011 |
Carey is taking a gamble by giving no background to this story in terms of how it got this way versus the normal Marvel Universe. He promises a payoff at the end, but what he's giving the reader here is enough of a start to make an interesting comic book and a fun read. Thirty plus pages of story for four bucks is a decent deal for the content here. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Age of X: Universe | 1 issues |
Age of X: Universe #1
Apr 2, 2011 |
Ultimately comic books are all about expectations. I was hoping this mini series would either provide some context to the mutant situation or give some recognizable mutants for the characters in these stories. This book doesn't do either and becomes a throwaway for the crossover. Priced at $4 I am thinking this is a book that can be skipped unless you absolutely must have the entire crossover. Don't be fooled, though, the creator's work within the covers is good and enjoyable. It's the book's direction and price point that makes it something you can miss. |
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All-New Hawkeye | 1 issues |
All-New Hawkeye #1
Mar 7, 2015 |
Hawkeye isn't your normal super-hero book. The first issue is about the main character interacting with other characters that help shape who he is and the decisions he makes. The primary plot is unraveling a mysterious weapon and that ball gets rolling at the end of this issue. It's a good setup and a surprising cliffhanger. The book looks to be one to add to your pull list. I recommend checking this out. |
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All-New X-Men | 3 issues |
All-New X-Men #1
Nov 17, 2012 |
There are a lot of X-Men books out there and it's tough to tell which ones are worth picking up. This one has the time travel aspect to it, which may not sound appealing, but the delivery is what makes the book special for this particular issue. We will have to see if the premise has enough story to keep the book interesting, but the initial issue is worth picking up. |
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All-New X-Men #2
Nov 30, 2012 |
This comic book is driving towards a very compelling story. It will be interesting to see how this storyline gets resolved when it's all said and done. This means the comic book is working because as a reader I am planning to stick with the book long term. I recommend checking this out. |
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All-New X-Men #3
Dec 8, 2012 |
The All New X-Men looks to turn in a better issue based on the cliffhanger here. I liked the character interaction and the long term potential for the power reduction of the mutants. I couldn't find the characters voices to be in-line with how I think of them, which was a major turn off. Overall the book was good but not nearly as good as the previous two issues. |
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All-Star Section 8 | 1 issues |
All-Star Section 8 #1
Jun 13, 2015 |
"All-Star Section 8" is a strange collection of characters for a comic book. The creators are perfect for the comic book as they keep the book light, even when dealing with Batman. The artwork is fantastic as it is detailed and extremely vibrant. The book stumbles towards the end as the Batman subplot gets some action but doesn't see a resolution. Overall, this is a good read that will cater to a select audience. I would have liked to see a more powerful ending to set things up for the next issue. This is an average to good read. I look forward to the rest of the mini-series to see where this is heading. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) | 1 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700
Dec 27, 2012 |
I drop into Spider-Man books once in a while. This is one of the worst ones I've read under Slott and I really don't care about the outcome as much as the trip to get there. This trick ending needed to be sold and it simply wasn't. Glossing over an ending where there is so much attention is simply a bad idea. Skip this one, especially at the hefty price point. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) | 1 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #2
May 24, 2014 |
Amazing Spider-Man is a great comic book to pick up. The comic has a couple of longer term stories running while still cooking up a smaller plot that will probably end up being contained to the arc. The book has plenty of action and a lot of character work. I definitely recommend checking this comic out. |
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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows | 1 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1
Jun 6, 2015 |
"Renew Your Vows" may feel like a comic book that is twisting the knife for those readers that opposed the undoing of the marriage. While the comic reads a lot like a "What If?" story, the book explores an interesting theme. If you are looking for deep insight into the marriage then this will be a letdown. This is a super-hero comic book with plenty of action where the lead character happens to have a wife and kid. The story components that get the comic from A to B are rushed, which leaves too many unanswered questions. However, overall the comic book is worth checking out. I recommend it. |
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Amazing X-Men (2013) | 4 issues |
Amazing X-Men (2013) #1
Nov 8, 2013 |
There are a lot of X-Men books on the market to pick from. This particular one seems to overlap a lot with Wolverine and the X-Men. As far as I can tell the key difference is this one contains Nightcrawler and Firestar and it has McGuiness on art. If you are enjoying Aaron's work on Wolverine and the X-Men then I am sure you will like this book as well. I would think if you like Nightcrawler or McGuinness then you will want to pick this book up. It's not clear what the plot is going to be to get Nightcrawler back from the dead as this issue simply introduces the characters, but I like the start for the story. This is worth checking out. |
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Amazing X-Men (2013) #2
Dec 7, 2013 |
Amazing X-Men is still building up the overall story. While it's no secret to the reader that this story is bringing Nightcrawler back from the dead, the execution is proving that there is a story to be told in the process. This issue is a fun read and should be checked out. The excitement appears to be just getting started. |
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Amazing X-Men (2013) #3
Jan 17, 2014 |
Amazing X-Men is a fun comic so far. It remains to be seen as to how this title will fit in and differ from the other X-Men books but for now this is the comic that brings back Nightcrawler. So far, the arc is a good one and is bringing something different to the table. This is worth checking out. |
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Amazing X-Men (2013) #4
Feb 22, 2014 |
Amazing X-Men is a comic that is bringing together a lot of A-list named X-Men to rescue Nightcrawler from the afterlife. It turns out, in this issue, that he is rescuing them. It's a fun ride and is definitely a book to check out. You will find some sweet moments, some fun moments, plenty of action and a lot of big time visuals. Give the book a shot if you are looking to kick back and just be entertained for a change. |
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American Vampire | 12 issues |
American Vampire #7
Oct 9, 2010 |
I enjoyed this issue as much as any other in this series. Sure you could make the argument that the book is about Sweet and all of the rest of the characters are dispensable but you would never know that to read this comic book. I found myself caring about the new characters and that is a credit to the writing. If you aren't checking this book out because vampire books aren't your thing you are missing out. This is a strong comic book from a talented team. I definitely recommend picking this up. |
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American Vampire #9
Dec 4, 2010 |
The beauty of this comic book is that there are no good guys. There are some innocents and some characters you might cheer on but for the most part the characters all have some level of sleaze to them. The other idea I like a lot in this book is the vampire hierarchy. Snyder has created a class system for the vampires that also takes into account nationality which is quite clever. With another city and another decade having been explored in this series I'm anxious to see where things go from here. This issue has all the action and deception to keep you well entertained. This is worth picking up. |
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American Vampire #10
Dec 24, 2010 |
I enjoyed the duel storytelling style of this issue. I think the two characters really show exactly what makes them tick in this issue which helps to connect with them. Besides the character work the issue itself is an enjoyable read. This series is turning into something special as yet another arc starts out very strong. This is a series to begin reading if you are not onboard already. |
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American Vampire #11
Feb 4, 2011 |
This issue of American Vampire has a lot to offer to a wide range of fan's interests. Sure, there are the elements of vampires and horror, but there is also a couple's struggle and a shattered friendship resulting in revenge. The comic book even has some parts that I found chuckling at despite the horrifying images. The book is simply strong in a lot of directions. Now that the book has been dropped to the $3 price point there really isn't much reason not to pick this book up and give it a try. Even if vampires aren't your thing I think this book is worth giving it a shot. I definitely recommend this book. |
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American Vampire #18
Aug 26, 2011 |
American Vampire is one of the very best series month in and month out. The comic book has a wealth of characters and it presents storylines that cross generations. I'm not sure how this will all play out if one of the main characters dies but we may find that out after this issue. This issue is very good but if you were hoping for a big vampire fight you'll find yourself a little disappointed. Don't be mislead, this is a must read issue and series. |
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American Vampire #20
Nov 4, 2011 |
American Vampire never has a down issue. Sure, some issues throw me for a loop that I was not expecting and not always in a good way, but this issue is right on the money. Though it contains little action it sets up a tremendous hook for the final issue in the arc. I can't recommend a book or series more than this one. |
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American Vampire #22
Dec 31, 2011 |
American Vampire is not a book just about vampires. It's about characters that usually play government (or military) roles in a world that happens to hold various covens of these creatures. The encounters are deadly and this book captures snapshots of them here and there. If you like a little bit of horror mixed with some noir and intrigue then this is the book for you. |
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American Vampire #23
Jan 28, 2012 |
Perhaps the best part about this series is that the characters drive the story. At the heart of the story we have vampires and those that kill them. It seems so straightforward. However, Snyder plugs in complex characters and unique situations to help tell the stories. This issue is no different than the other twenty-two in the series. It's got a fast-paced story filled with drama, mystery and action and is backed up with excellent artwork. This arc is only going to get better. I can't recommend this issue and series enough. |
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American Vampire #24
Feb 28, 2012 |
American Vampire is probably the best comic book I read each month. It's in that Walking Dead, Chew and Elephantmen class of books that pushes the envelope and takes the reader to places most books don't even try. This issue is building to a huge conclusion and I suspect, yet another, big reveal. I simply can't wait for the next issue to drop. I highly recommend checking this book out. |
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American Vampire #25
Apr 1, 2012 |
I felt this arc was too long while reading the first few issues and I stand by that feeling. However, the ending definitely delivers an excellent ending to the arc and bucks most of my assumptions about the characters and the storyline. This series is one of the very best I read month after month and this issue stands among the best of the entire run. I definitely recommend reading this issue. |
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American Vampire #28
Jun 30, 2012 |
American Vampire is one of the very best books out there today. You really don't have to be a fan of vampires to enjoy this story either. The book's strength is in the characters and how they react or interact with those that are vampires. It's a creative world that is written to exist in the regular world. It's a good book and as it dances towards the current times I can't help but wonder what Snyder has in store for these characters down the road. This is a very good start to this arc. I definitely recommend picking it up. |
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American Vampire #33
Nov 30, 2012 |
American Vampire is Skinner Sweet's story, but Pearl has definitely been a character of prominence throughout this book. She is a great character and this ending is a good one, but I do hope there is more to her story than what we see here. This is definitely one of the best books to read month in and month out and it will be sorely missed after it goes on hiatus after next issue. |
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American Vampire Anthology | 1 issues |
American Vampire Anthology #1
Aug 29, 2013 |
A great read. This series has been absent for far too long. This is going to be a great read for the hardcore fans and perhaps some new readers will jump on. This is well worth the big cover price. I recommend picking this up. |
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American Vampire: Second Cycle | 2 issues |
American Vampire: Second Cycle #1
Mar 22, 2014 |
The first issue of American Vampire provides the reader, new or old, with the introduction of two of the main characters. While letting the reader get to know the pair we also get a bit of a taste of the threat surrounding the characters and the time period. The book is usual level of stellar storytelling and amazingly detailed artwork. Welcome back American Vampire. You've been missed. |
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American Vampire: Second Cycle #10
Oct 3, 2015 |
"American Vampire: Second Cycle" reaches the penultimate issue with a tension filled, dramatic, action-packed story. The comic has alternating sequences that deal with the two plots. The book puts the characters in a tough spot but then pulls them out, only to have them drop into a meat grinder by the end. This is a very good comic book. The gaps in the series make going back and re-reading the previous issues in "Second Cycle" kind of required but that's not that tall of an order. I recommend checking this out as the ending appears to be a classic in the making. |
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American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest | 1 issues |
American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #5
Oct 15, 2011 |
American Vampire is an exceptional universe. Each comic adds more and more layers to the larger tapestry. Snyder has set up a title where going back and re-reading previous issues will reveal more information than it seemed upon the first read. When you consider I have never liked any comic book or novel variation of vampires and this title has me hooked I would say that means that this title has a chance at appealing to everyone. I urge anyone who likes deep and well thought out stories to check out this series. |
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Angela: Asgard's Assassin | 1 issues |
Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1
Dec 6, 2014 |
Angela has already appeared in several comics this year. This issue serves as a re-introduction. This is helpful because the character has a complicated place in the Marvel Universe. This first issue is different from a Thor comic book and proves to be a good companion in the Thor universe. I enjoyed the issue but felt it could have been reined in a little bit. The issue definitely has a great cliffhanger. I recommend checking this out. |
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Animal Man (2011) | 1 issues |
Animal Man (2011) #1
Sep 9, 2011 |
I think fans of Lemire will enjoy the book. I'm not sure if Animal Man fans will enjoy it though as it seems the hardcore ones had high hopes for the book and I'm not sure this is what they were looking for. For the horror element I will be back for another issue. If you were looking for a super hero drama I think you only got half of it. Proceed with caution on this one. |
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Annihilator | 1 issues |
Annihilator #1
Sep 13, 2014 |
Annihilator looks to be a strange journey. However, as an unknown publisher you have to wonder if issues two, three, four and beyond will ever see the light of day. As a single issue, there is certainly enough here to sit back and enjoy the read. I recommend picking this up. |
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Ant-Man (2015) | 1 issues |
Ant-Man (2015) #1
Jan 10, 2015 |
Ant-Man is a fantastic comic book. I'm not sure it renders a five-dollar price tag but Marvel wants to test out the appetite for the market at five bucks and they are picking the irresistible ones to try it on their customers. This book is charming, fun and a little heartbreaking. You get the history of the character, a solid self-enclosed story and direction for the future issue, all in one comic. What more can you want? I highly recommend checking this book out. |
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Archie Vs Sharknado | 1 issues |
Archie Vs Sharknado #1
Jul 25, 2015 |
Archie versus Sharknado is a very good one-shot comic book. Archie fans will probably enjoy the read as the book weaves the various characters into the plot. Sharknado fans probably are getting what they would expect, but may have been hoping for more of the movie characters instead of just the Archie ones. The comic has nice artwork and tells a gory, but all-ages-like visual story. At forty pages for five dollars you will definitely get your entertainment value. I recommend checking this out. |
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Archie vs. Predator | 1 issues |
Archie vs. Predator #1
Apr 18, 2015 |
Archie versus Predator is a mild comic to start the mini-series. It explores Archie and his friends and their personality dynamics. While the Predator shows up a little bit, there isn't much to go on. While a couple of characters do meet their doom, it occurs off-panel and without the core cast finding their bodies. This comic book is something to check out, but set your expectations low if you think there is a big showdown or confrontation within this issue. I recommend giving this comic a look. |
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Astonishing Ant-Man | 1 issues |
Astonishing Ant-Man #1
Oct 24, 2015 |
"Astonishing Ant-Man" is a fun read. The comic is a character-centered story where Scott Lang and his personal life are the primary focus. The plot in this comic is hatched from the angle where old grudges come back to haunt Lang. The book has some interesting ideas in here as well, such as the villain-finder app. Overall, if you like books that are character focused and you don't mind some sarcasm and snark then this is the book for you. I recommend checking this out. |
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Astonishing Spider-Man And Wolverine | 1 issues |
Astonishing Spider-Man And Wolverine #1
May 8, 2010 |
This issue provides about twenty-five pages of story and a bunch of pin ups for $4. You get top-notch artwork and some great character work from Aaron. The story is a good science-fiction romp but does it fit in with the characters? I suppose it could, but it is very hard to see someone picking this up that aren't targeting the creators or characters. However, I'm willing to guess that if someone does sample this issue that they will thoroughly enjoy the story. |
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Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension | 3 issues |
Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #1
Feb 27, 2010 |
After one issue I can see what all the buzz is about with Atomic Robo. It's funny, fast-paced, clever and fresh. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #3
May 22, 2010 |
Atomic Robo probably isn't the comic book for everyone. It's silly, but in a smart and sarcastic way. It's got elements of science fiction and the supernatural, but in a tongue in cheek kind of way. However, I challenge someone to pick this issue up and not find it to be entertaining, amusing and a fun read. You won't find an easier comic book to read with no prior knowledge of the characters that will give you this much bang for your buck. I can't recommend a comic book more than this one. |
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Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #4
Jul 3, 2010 |
With the fourth volume of Atomic Robo wrapping up, this issue might scare off new readers. I'm here to tell you to fear not. Jump in if you are new because this issue is very much a standalone issue. It might reference the previous couple of issues from this volume but they aren't essential stories for this story. Robo has a new villain and he's one that everyone is familiar with, even if they never thought of this person as a villain before. This is a fantastic issue. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science | 2 issues |
Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #1
Nov 13, 2010 |
Atomic Robo is a different kind of comic book. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but manages to keep its finger on the pulse of science fiction. It has just enough adventure to keep the story moving but is, at its heart, a character driven story. The result is a fun and intelligent story. I definitely recommend jumping on board with this issue. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #5
May 8, 2011 |
With the return of Doctor Dinosaur coming to Atomic Robo for the Free Comic Book day edition this week, this is a perfect time to get into this series. While you are in your shop you should pick up any of these back issues. Even if you just get this one I would be surprised if you are disappointed. There aren't too many comic books out there that have the wit, charm, action and character depth as this one. And how many comic books cast Thomas Edison as the main villain? I definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for something fun to read. |
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Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils Of The Pacific | 1 issues |
Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils Of The Pacific #1
Jun 30, 2012 |
Atomic Robo is a great character and his stories are the perfect mix of humor, action, science and sarcasm. This issue launches a ton of new characters and new threats for Robo to tangle with. This comic is a solidly written and a well drawn book. I'm sure this story is going to ramp up to usual Robo chaos in the comic issues. This is definitely worth a look. Atomic Robo represents everything that is great about comic books. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis | 7 issues |
Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1
Oct 11, 2014 |
The opening issue of Axis gives the reader page after page of story. A lot of it seems to have such deep roots in other books it might lose its punch with the new reader. The comic has an enormous cast that almost seems too big for the comic to handle properly, but it makes a good effort. The book is on the cusp of something great, it just needs to focus on this story and not the last story more and it needs a major re-tooling of the art. The comic might be overpriced but if you are curious enough you probably won't be disappointed. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2
Oct 18, 2014 |
Axis is an event that is hatched out of Uncanny Avengers but is slowly breaking away from that book. The comic book contains action and a nice character focus but can future issues continue to juggle this huge cast while sticking with one and only one character? The book is slowed down severely by artwork, in flow, rendering and details. This is an okay read, even for the casual reader. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3
Oct 25, 2014 |
Axis is a strange event. This particular issue has a lot of action and some snappy dialogue. Perhaps too much. The book looks rushed in the art department but at least puts on a spectacle in the nonstop action scenes. The ending feels a little bit out of nowhere, but provides a couple of interesting unresolved plotlines. This is an okay comic book but far short of the hype surrounding it. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #4
Nov 8, 2014 |
Axis is reaching its mid-point and there are plenty of problems with the book. However, the ideas presented in this issue are good and could help to save this event. Unfortunately this issue is just another average issue. There isn't anything in here that is too memorable and there isn't anything in here that will make you cringe at the execution. It's mostly set-up for what's to come. This is an okay read but not worthy of the billing for this event. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #5
Nov 15, 2014 |
Axis could turn out to be something awesome before this is all over. I can't say I have enjoyed any particular issue but this one sticks out because it at least explains some plot ideas and sets up some interesting dynamics for the next comic. This isn't an event I can recommend but this issue tries to provide some entertainment and manages to do so. At least it isn't a five-dollar book. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6
Nov 22, 2014 |
Axis is an event with excellent ideas and creators. The story has had some ups and downs but always seemed to get where it needed to go, albeit painfully. This issue is a downer. The art doesn't help a story that is nothing more than a collection of character interactions. No mention of Red Skull's body. No mention of the missing heroes. Apocalypse barely appears. This would have been a great teaser issue for the event, given away as a freebie back in October. This is a poor comic book with little redeeming qualities. |
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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #9
Dec 30, 2014 |
The creators on this book deserved a better chance to show their talents. Having read much of Remender's work I can't believe he left this book that riddled with holes. This can't be the story he set out to do. In hindsight, the first act was fairly good and can be read alone with a decent level of entertainment. This issue is the low point. There must have been a more creative way to get a handful of characters to switch sides than this comic book event. Avoid it. It's not even worth the action. |
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Avengers (2012) | 1 issues |
Avengers (2012) #1
Dec 8, 2012 |
Avengers is a hot property and this book is matching that status perfectly. While the book has some flaws and feels like it isn't attached to the greater Marvel Universe, this comic book is entertaining nonetheless. I enjoyed this issue and definitely recommend checking it out. |
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Avengers Assemble | 1 issues |
Avengers Assemble #1
Mar 16, 2012 |
I have no idea how many issues we need to read before we get something of a plot or an understanding of the villains. Without it, there is simply nothing to separate this book from the many other books that have come before. If a newcomer is patient enough they may end up enjoying this story immensely. However, this book is not the best these creators are capable of and it's a shame because the concept was a sound one going into the movie and its hype. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men | 14 issues |
Avengers Vs. X-Men #0
Mar 29, 2012 |
I guess I will need to buy the next issue to figure out if this series is worth hanging with for twelve issues. This issue really should have been a giveaway. Six of the pages have already been in the back of every Marvel book since January as it is. Maybe Marvel should have serialized it instead of only giving the same few pages. You get two stories that could, potentially matter down the road. I understand that those that know they are picking this up regardless of the contents of any one single issue is going to find this all very exciting. It's a slow build up to something that probably has a cool payoff. However, my event patience is paper thin and I need something more substantial than two stories that could easily have appeared in Marvel Comics Presents or as a fill-in one shot that was left in the drawer for a rainy day. Let's see what the first issue has because the zero issue is fairly empty. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #1
Apr 5, 2012 |
The hype is over and thankfully this issue has absolutely nothing to do with the dreadful #0 issue from last week. The book sets the stage perfectly and it appears the fighting is going to be full-on in the next issue. This issue is definitely worth checking out if you are at all interested in this mega-promoted event. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2
Apr 19, 2012 |
I think this event is off to a decent start. If this were an else-worlds story it would be awesome. However, this is in-continuity and therefore you need to play the characterizations straight and that was not done here. The fight has not been "sold" to me. I plan to stick with this for now though as I did actually enjoy reading the "fun" aspect of this comic. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2
May 17, 2012 |
This issue is slightly less interesting than the first issue, which was very average as well. Perhaps if you like the characters you might like this. I'm not even sure this issue stands on its own without reading the main series. McNiven's art is very high quality which is a plus and McNiven knows how to showcase Gambit very well, and Gillen provides some decent Spidey dialogue, but the rest of the issue isn't too inspiring on any level. This issue is not essential reading. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #2
Apr 28, 2012 |
I liked this issue. I think if I had a particular affection for any of the characters I would have enjoyed it that much more. It seems like these comics will be entertaining and will "matter" if you like the characters in them. If you are curious about how the fighting plays out or you feel the main book is just too light on the fighting then I recommend picking this up. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #3
May 6, 2012 |
I can't wrap my head around how I feel about this event. I liked heroes punching other heroes, but I want there to be some sort of sensible story and I feel like there isn't. I guess I want to have my cake and eat it to. Is that too much to ask? If you like Wolverine fighting Captain America then this is the comic book for you. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
May 17, 2012 |
This event is shaping up to be okay, but nothing special. This particular issue seems to send the event into a direction that might make the remaining eight issues more interesting. Not a lot happens in this issue with the plots from the previous ones, but the turn of events within this issue (there's a spoiler I am eluding to) seems out of character, not once, but twice. This was a solid, but average read. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5
Jun 8, 2012 |
I didn't like this issue. I do think it has its audience though. Since the issue is so light on dialogue it might be a good gateway for kids to get into comics too because it does look pretty cool. I haven't even scratched the surface on so many other flaws (like Tony Stark already being on the moon preparing for the Phoenix or all the random snapshots of characters in other locations), but the flaws I have highlighted should sent off some big warning signs about the rest of the series. Proceed with caution. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #6
Jun 23, 2012 |
This event is a strange one. Hope is the centerpiece and at this point it doesn't seem to fit anymore. I wouldn't have guessed that the Phoenix Force would be on Earth for more than half of the mini-series, but that's the case. I certainly wonder where this is all going and that is one of the high points to the event: I haven't been able to predict what will happen next on any level. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #7
Jul 7, 2012 |
This event is really a dud. The issues so far have all been average, but the sum of the parts are just not adding up to a consistent and satisfying story. Some of the strange things in this book really amplify that feeling, such as Namor and Emma Frost kissing. Why? I don't know and it isn't explained at all. So many comic book pages and so little explanation make for a frustrating read. This story at least has some good fighting moments and some nice bickering. This is a really average book. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #8
Jul 21, 2012 |
This issue may be the one I have enjoyed the most in the main series. The whole premise of the event has many flaws, in terms of story and continuity, but when an issue hits that is mostly just fun I find entertainment value. This issue is one of the fun ones. I think picking this one up is a good idea. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #10
Aug 17, 2012 |
This book is a strange one. Iron Man gets crushed in one panel and then a couple of pages later he is standing up looking fine inside their hideout. Hawkeye, who I believe has no powers, gets a full-on eye blast from Cyclops. Shouldn't he be dead? Still, there are things to like in this comic book if you are a fan of some of the X-Men characters. Iron Man also has some good dialogue. I am really struggling to find good things to say about this event as a whole and I actually wish I could turn off my brain while reading some of these issues. I might find them more enjoyable. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11
Sep 14, 2012 |
The mini-series moves into the big finale. There is now a clear bad guy. It's completely unclear what role, if any, that Hope will play in the ending. She was almost entirely absent in this issue. If you like action and don't really care much for a story that makes a whole lot of sense logically or plot-wise then you should check out this issue. This was a decent to above average book. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12
Oct 5, 2012 |
I've spent a great deal of this review crushing this comic book. However, the comic book, when you remove the hype, isn't that terrible. There is some action, infighting and then a team-up. However, it's a book that just doesn't live up to the billing. The book just doesn't tie things up and it's not just little things. This comic book feels like it put characters into positions because the staff felt they should rather because it made logic sense and this drove me nuts. It's tough to beat Kubert's pencils, but at a $5 cover price it's a lot to shell out for so little in return. |
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Avengers World | 1 issues |
Avengers World #1
Jan 10, 2014 |
This issue is a good read. It's not great but it is first-step good. There is certainly enough here for any reader to want to pick up the next issue and that should be all that any comic aspires towards. |
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Avengers: X-Sanction | 1 issues |
Avengers: X-Sanction #1
Dec 16, 2011 |
Cable gives a good chunk of where he has been and why he is back in this book and it all makes sense. Marvel has teased the importance of the character of Hope for years and years and this book may not answer the question but at least it adds a new twist to the story. Cable trying to take down the Avengers one at a time is a good idea that will only get better as he meets the likes of Hulk and Wolverine. This is a fun read. |
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AVX: Consequences | 3 issues |
AVX: Consequences #1
Oct 12, 2012 |
I was hesitant about picking this issue up. I tend to not like the whole post-mortem series for an event and this one didn't really change my mind but I did like the direction that this series is taking. I definitely wanted to know how the rest of the mutant brain trust was going to be handled in the aftermath and this comic lays that framework. This was a decent start to this series. |
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AVX: Consequences #2
Oct 20, 2012 |
Three issues to go and I think this mini-series has high hopes for establishing an interesting new baseline for Cyclops as a character. It will also help to clarify the post-event feelings for a number of characters, as we saw with Wolverine in this issue. I recommend picking this up, even if you disliked the main event. I can't wait to see how Iron Man plays into this for the next issue. |
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AVX: Consequences #3
Oct 27, 2012 |
There are a lot of unknowns as to the end point for this mini-series. Even if this all ends exactly where it started (a common tactic for these post event mortems) the book is still an entertaining read. It's providing character exploration for one of the key characters and those he interfaces with. Plus, the book gives a good look at the "what happens next" aspect of the Avengers versus X-Men crossover. This is an enjoyable book. |
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AVX: VS | 4 issues |
AVX: VS #3
Jun 15, 2012 |
Two decent fights that make the best of the odd matchups and venue. The book could have easily been raised to a higher level without the ridiculous translation stunt. The Loeb story is the better of the two but both rate among the best in the series so far. This is a good, old fashioned, comic book fight and its tremendous fun. |
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AVX: VS #4
Jul 16, 2012 |
This issue gives me some hope that more issues will come out that will rise above being average. However, both fights in here are clever, well-written and with great art. This is what I was looking for in this event. |
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AVX: VS #5
Aug 31, 2012 |
This comic is what it claims to be: a fighting comic book. There is no context, no story, no continuity and very little dialogue. Unfortunately, in order for this to be a success it has to bring some different to the table and with fighting as a staple of super hero comics these fights have the been-there-done-that feel to them. This is a very ordinary issue. |
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AVX: VS #6
Oct 5, 2012 |
Marvel had a chance to really do something cool and different with this mini-series. Instead they gave a bunch of high end talent a lot of generic fights and they ended it with one of the worst jokes of the event by making light of the finale. I can't believe I spent four bucks on this comic book. |
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Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth | 1 issues |
Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth #1
Mar 13, 2011 |
There's a letter in the back from the older Nicolle explaining the genesis of the character and the inspiration for the book. Based on the description it just sounds like this creation was a blast, made a couple of people that were just being themselves. Really, this is all that a comic book should be about in order to be enjoyable. |
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Axis: Hobgoblin | 1 issues |
Axis: Hobgoblin #1
Oct 25, 2014 |
Hobgoblin is a niche character and solo comic book. This mini-series will be interesting to read to see just how it ties into Axis, if at all. The character background is built up in this issue and the plot for the future issues is introduced but not expanded upon. This is a decent read especially if you like the character. |
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Batgirl (2011) | 11 issues |
Batgirl (2011) #1
Sep 9, 2011 |
Simone has done a good job at introducing the Batgirl character and bringing the die-hard fans up to speed with regards to the wheelchair question. Some fans may not be happy with the answer, but Babs is younger and was probably never the Oracle of the DCU the last twenty years or so. However, this was probably the best of the reboot that I have read so far and I am definitely looking forward to the next issue. Simone definitely knows this character well and is bringing the fun Batgirl (like from the 1960s TV show) to life in the comic book. I definitely recommend checking this one out. |
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Batgirl (2011) #2
Oct 15, 2011 |
Batgirl is exactly what I expect it to be: fun but with a hint of danger. Simone is putting across a fun version of the character who is smart but still learning the ropes. She's up against villains that are out of her league but probably wouldn't show up on Batman's radar. Overall, the issue is good and the arc is setting up to be a good introduction into the character. Generally, that seems like a recipe for a good series. |
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Batgirl (2011) #3
Nov 11, 2011 |
I want to love this title. Barbara Gordon as Batgirl. A flawed and fresh hero that mixes some fun and some brains. The book isn't quite there but it is showing flashes of it. Outside of the opening of the book I found the issue to be a miss but it still might be worth a look. |
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Batgirl (2011) #8
Apr 13, 2012 |
Batgirl has seemed like a book going through the motions. Simone opened with an arc that was trying to establish a villain and introduce the readers to a new version of the character. The book seemed to be lifeless. However, this is the issue that Simone shows the events that shaped Barbara Gordon up to this point and provides some earthshattering changes that will alter her from this point going forward. This is a good issue. |
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Batgirl (2011) #15
Dec 16, 2012 |
Batgirl is an entertaining book and it has been for the entire run. However, the book is close to greatness and small things are keeping it from getting there. Sadly, with Simone's run coming to a close it is unlikely we will see the book mature to the greatness level I believe Simone would have guided it towards eventually. This is a creepy comic book but is the kind of thriller that you probably won't be able to put down. |
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Batgirl (2011) #16
Jan 19, 2013 |
Batgirl is fitting in very nicely in the Death of the Family arc. You wouldn't know it to read this comic book, but this actually isn't even the main storyline in the crossover, but Simone sure makes it feel that way. I am enjoying this arc and can't wait to see what Simone has in store for the ending. |
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Batgirl (2011) #19
Apr 12, 2013 |
Batgirl has had some ups and downs. The fill in issues all but killed the character development of the lead character in hopes of building up her brother's but it just made for bad storytelling. With Simone back in the driver's seat she sticks the landing for this long running arc in a very good effort all around. This is worth picking up. |
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Batgirl (2011) #21
Jun 15, 2013 |
Batgirl has been an up and down ride so far. I liked this arc and I really enjoyed the ending. Hopefully this comic book is heading into great territory. It's nice to see Batgirl gets herself some confidence once in a while. This is worth picking up. |
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Batgirl (2011) #35
Oct 11, 2014 |
Batgirl: is she dark and depressing or fun and light hearted? She probably needs to be somewhere in the middle but this sudden shift will probably generate some buzz with those that didn't care for the old run and might shake off some readers from the previous run. It might be the best way to go. Either way you look at this is an entertaining read and a good direction to send the character. It's too bad the book can't bridge the gap a little gentler. |
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Batgirl (2011) #36
Nov 15, 2014 |
Batgirl is in uncharted territory. She is out from Batman and all the crazy villains she normally squares off with. In some ways this is a reboot of the character. This one is making her way through everyday life while turning into Batgirl when a real problem arises instead of trying to watch the streets every night. This is a fun comic book and a nice take on the character. This is one to pick up. |
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Batgirl (2011) #44
Sep 26, 2015 |
"Batgirl" turns in an average issue. The detective work and the deep plot make the comic a nice read. However, the shift at the end to get Babs a boyfriend feels forced. The comic also struggles with one of the scene transitions as it appears to leave too many unanswered questions when the one scene ends. Overall, the book is a decent read but nothing close to the level of more recent issues. |
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Batgirl (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
Batgirl (2011) Annual #3
Aug 1, 2015 |
The "Batgirl" annual is a nice trip through four of the Bat-verse titles. Batgirl is continues through the book trying to solve the same case, but she runs into a new character in each phase of the comic. The book is a fun read and brings out the best in Batgirl's characterization and provides a nice introduction to the supporting characters that make appearances. I highly recommend checking out this comic book if you have any interest in Batgirl, Grayson, Batwoman, Spoiler or Gotham Academy. This is a great read. |
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Batgirl (2011) One Shot | 2 issues |
Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1
Sep 13, 2014 |
Batgirl has been an interesting run. Simone did some great things, some not so great things and DC pulled the rug on her a couple of times to make the ride interesting. This comic presents the best of what she does: provides great character voices to female leads while squeezing every last bit of drama out of the story at hand. If you like a very different take on Batgirl and you like the fun times Batgirl then you are going to love this issue. Don't let the gimmick cover fool you, there is a good story in here. |
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Batgirl (2011): Endgame #1
Mar 21, 2015 |
Batgirl Endgame is for the Endgame completists. I do not recommend this comic book for those that follow the Batgirl title. You may be left wanting more. If you are not following Endgame at all then this issue is completely avoidable. It's confusing and adds nothing to the character unfortunately. This comic book is a decent read but is loosely relevant to Endgame or Batgirl. |
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Batman | 2 issues |
Batman #700
Jun 12, 2010 |
DC could have made this issue really special with more story or even short stories. Even if guest writers were telling short stories that were out of continuity it would have made the issue feel more special. Instead, this issue felt like an excellent annual. I would imagine a lot of folks will pick this issue up for the sake of the number. I wonder how many will disappointed when they find the material quantity lacking compared to Spider-man or Captain America. I know I was. |
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Batman #702
Aug 28, 2010 |
Let's be honest, if you read Final Crisis then this is a must-have issue. You are going to love it. If you are the rare person that followed Morrison's run on Batman but not Final Crisis, like me, then you will be entertained but frustrated. DC is weaving such a complicated web where their titles are too interconnected over too long of a period of time. It's frustrating and it's making me question how I can continue to read the few characters I still follow in their universe. |
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Batman '66 | 1 issues |
Batman '66 #1
Jul 18, 2013 |
For the most part this comic is a complete hit if you have ever watched the show. I will say that I was disappointed that Batman and Robin weren't ever in the typical cliffhanger as seen so many times on the show, such as them being lowered into lava or attached to a giant band saw board. However, the characters, dialogue, wit and plot are all in line with the TV show. If this book can deliver like this for each installment then this might become one of the biggest hits from out of nowhere DC has ever had. Who says old ideas can't be recycled and dusted off? |
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Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet | 1 issues |
Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #1
Jun 7, 2014 |
With five issues to go it is hard to imagine what will happen next, but the opening issue provides a comprehensive and entertaining read. Batman gets a lot of panel time and all of it is right out of the TV show. The book struggles a little bit to bring the Hornet into the book in a unique way but there may be more for him down the road. This comic book is fun and definitely is worth checking out whether you've seen the old shows or not. Obviously, if you are only familiar with the Nolan Batman then you might get your world rocked. Check this comic out. |
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Batman (2011) | 45 issues |
Batman (2011) #0
Sep 14, 2012 |
This comic book was a fun read. I recommend reading the backup first because I think it packs more of a punch when you read the book in that order. I definitely advise skipping the "First Appearance" box as it is purely garbage as it tries to make sense of continuity in New 52 terms and fails at it miserably. Snyder knows how to tell a good story and that is the case here. I recommend checking this out. |
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Batman (2011) #1
Sep 23, 2011 |
I haven't enjoyed the start of a Batman story this much since the first issue of Morrison's Batman and Robin. This issue has just about everything. It's got character introductions, action, looks at the character of Bruce Wayne and as Batman and even some mystery. Snyder juggles a couple of threads and manages to show a few surprises in this issue. About the only thing I don't like about the issue is the logo. Beyond that I can't recommend a book more highly than this one. |
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Batman (2011) #2
Oct 21, 2011 |
Snyder is putting together an outstanding look at how the city makes what Batman and his villains are relative to each other. He's rolling out a comprehensive story that contains just about every aspect of the character that I look for in a Batman book. I think the only thing this book is missing is more Alfred. Overall, this is the class of the DC reboot/relaunch as far as I'm concerned. |
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Batman (2011) #4
Dec 24, 2011 |
Batman may very well be my favorite book of the re-launch. Snyder is proving that there are still aspects to Batman that haven't been defined in the decades that the character has seen print. The Owl story is building to something special and it looks like a payoff could be coming in the next issue based on the cliffhanger. It isn't too late to jump on this book. I definitely recommend doing so. |
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Batman (2011) #5
Jan 20, 2012 |
Snyder is treading in some dangerous waters at this point. He's delving into territory that is occupied by the elite writers of the character. It's a high risk, high reward situation. Some are going to find that this book is brilliant and helps solidify Snyder's mark on the character. While others might find this to have a been-there-done-that feel from the Morrison run. I find myself in the middle but don't be misunderstood; this is an entertaining issue with fantastic artwork. I'm fully charged to see where this is heading. I definitely recommend picking this book up. |
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Batman (2011) #6
Feb 18, 2012 |
Snyder is mastering Batman in ways I didn't think possible. He's got a new villain and a new angle on the threat. You add in that Capullo is telling a stunning visual story and you have one of the best Batman stories I've read in the last 25 years. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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Batman (2011) #7
Mar 23, 2012 |
Batman is really in trouble. This issue gives him a breather and allows him to piece together what his new adversary is all about. Armed with this knowledge does he realize what he is up against? We shall see. Snyder and Capullo represent the best of the New DC and this issue is no exception. I can't emphasize this enough: if you want in on this title then this is the issue to jump on with. I definitely recommend reading this comic book. |
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Batman (2011) #8
Apr 20, 2012 |
This issue may not have a lot plot movement or even that much violence. However, what Snyder does do is present Bruce Wayne in a state of weakness that is believable and presents a situation where you can see Batman getting taken down. When you consider the villains are literally no-names I found this to be a great strength to the overall story that Snyder is telling. The big crossover is here so if you plan to sample the books then you need this as a primer. Even if you just like Batman getting his house invaded I recommend picking this up. This book was a ton of fun and visually perfect. Don't let the price increase scare you off. |
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Batman (2011) #9
May 10, 2012 |
Batman is DC's best title. I can say that confidently and absolutely. It stands out much like Green Lantern did for so many of the previous five or six years. Snyder is creating an enormous storyline with a character that seems to have had everything already done. This book is one not to miss. Don't be scared away by the crossover. If you get one book this week get this one. |
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Batman (2011) #11
Jul 16, 2012 |
Does Bruce have a brother? Well, when you consider the owls can revive the dead then doesn't it seem reasonable that the owls raised the infant as their own after the Wayne's presumed he was dead? I'm sure this going to come back down the road. For now, this is a good arc to read and the conclusion is in line with how the best Batman comics end. |
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Batman (2011) #14
Nov 17, 2012 |
Batman is the best book DC has going and it's not even close. If you only pick up one super hero book this should be it. If you only pick up one DC book then this should be it. If you only pick one book, period, this should be it. I can't wait to see where this all going. |
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Batman (2011) #15
Dec 16, 2012 |
Batman is the complete read each and every month. The backup just helps to fill in some of the back-story of this arc and it is exceptionally done as it captures the interaction between the Riddler and the Joker exactly how I would imagine it to be under the circumstances. Slip up with the gloves aside, this comic book is a fantastic read. The last page, the last line is particularly exceptional and it may be the most memorable line written by Snyder throughout his fantastic run on Batman. A great read. |
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Batman (2011) #16
Jan 19, 2013 |
Batman is a tremendous read. This story is definitely more familiar than the Court of Owls and the threat feels more realistic. Sure, it's a little weird, but not quite Silver Age weird. The book is a great read and the conclusion is something I am anxiously awaiting. |
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Batman (2011) #17
Feb 16, 2013 |
Batman is simply the best DC title on the stands and it has been this way since the reboot. This particular issue is just as good as all the rest. However, there are elements in the book that made it fall well short of brilliant, which is the category for many of Snyder's Batman issues. A good but not great ending to a very good crossover. |
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Batman (2011) #18
Mar 16, 2013 |
Batman probably isn't the kind of character to apologize. Yet, he does in this story. It felt partly cheesy, partly unrealistic and partly forced. It worked to bring Harper and Batman to a level of common ground but the book just doesn't click as something in line with Batman. Is Snyder setting up the next Robin? Maybe, but this is not the best showcase for the character. |
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Batman (2011) #20
May 11, 2013 |
Capullo delivers excellent art as always. The Clayface in this comic is a departure from the previous versions and I like the way Capullo illustrates the transformations. I particularly like the expressions he gives Clayface when he is completely switched to some other persona. It's a very good illustrated comic book. |
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Batman (2011) #21
Jun 15, 2013 |
Snyder launches a very ambitious arc with this issue. It's a long story and it really seems to trample a lot of continuity in the process. If you can look past that and just sit back and relax you will probably end up with a really entertaining storyline. This is a good opening issue. |
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Batman (2011) #22
Jul 13, 2013 |
Year One is a slow burn but this issue feels very dense and that helps make the issue feel fulfilling and entertaining despite only being Part Two of the story. I like the idea of Bruce running around fighting crime as something other than Batman and that is what we have here. If only Snyder can work through the characterization growing pains and we will another classic on our hands. I recommend picking this issue up. |
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Batman (2011) #23.1
Sep 5, 2013 |
DC editorial couldn't have created a bigger mess if they tried. This comic book manages to snub its nose at any loyal follower of the Snyder/Capullo book while chopping Kubert and Clarke at the knees by putting their story in the flagship book. How DC editorial allowed this incarnation of the Joker into the main Batman book is completely unreasonable. This story hidden away in some other Batman book would have been a decent effort but jamming it in here gives it no chance of surviving. If you've missed all Batman books for the last 20 years then you might like what you find in here. |
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Batman (2011) #23.2
Sep 13, 2013 |
The Riddler isn't the type of villain that seems to have a crime syndicate or bag of tricks to play on Batman, but when done right, this character is every bit as interesting any other Batman villain. This comic book is worth picking for the story as well as the cool looking cover. Check it out. |
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Batman (2011) #24
Oct 10, 2013 |
Batman is a great book. This individual issue is a great read because it takes the reader on the journey that transforms Bruce Wayne into Batman. It's not a holistic victory and the novice Batman probably should have some subtle failure early on. The book is simply a great read and I recommend picking it up for anyone that has any interest in the character. |
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Batman (2011) #25
Nov 16, 2013 |
Batman is consistently one of the very best reads each and every month. You never get a bad issue. And even the average ones are simply better than just about every other book on the stands. This issue is actually a great place to start reading this book if you have been shy about picking this up. I urge everyone to give this comic a shot. |
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Batman (2011) #26
Dec 13, 2013 |
The series is great. This issue is great. Even the most hardened, anti-super-hero comic book reader I feel would enjoy this comic book. This issue reshapes relationships, fleshes out a new villain and provides powerful and boundary breaking visuals. It's a great comic book. Give this a try. |
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Batman (2011) #27
Jan 25, 2014 |
Batman continues to be a compelling read every month. This is the comic book series to pick up even if this issue isn't up to the usual high level of storytelling all the way through. This issue has too much focus on other's lecturing Bruce. It's good stuff, but perhaps split up would have made the difference. There's something to be said for pacing I suppose. Anyway, you can't go wrong with this comic book. |
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Batman (2011) #28
Feb 15, 2014 |
Why DC didn't just make this a flipbook with the regular Year Zero storyline I have no idea. To completely remove the Year Zero story that's been running in this series for months is a cheap move. The contents are good and I think some of the fans will be thrilled but there isn't enough in this issue to make me want to run out and buy Batman Eternals. This is a decent read but if you are looking for that groundbreaking level of Batman storytelling you normally get in this comic series then skip this issue. |
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Batman (2011) #29
Mar 15, 2014 |
Batman is one of the best books out there today and is DC's strongest book by far since the inception of the New 52. This particular issue ties up a lot of the Year Zero storylines that have been cooking for a while now. The comic doesn't reinvent anything in the Batman mythos but augments some adventures to his already rich history. This is a very good issue and is one I recommend checking out. Where does Snyder go from here? |
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Batman (2011) #30
Apr 19, 2014 |
Batman is the best book on DC's schedule and has been for some time. The book has a consistent story that jumps around the timeline but holds true to the character and puts the pieces in place of a bigger story that keeps Snyder's overall theme in mind perfectly. This particular issue puts Batman and Gotham in one of the worst positions possible but the joy will be watching Batman pull himself and the city out of it. It's a good issue and is one of the best reads month in and out. I recommend checking this comic out. |
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Batman (2011) #31
May 31, 2014 |
Batman is a great book under Snyder and Capullo and it has been the entire time under the New 52 banner. This particular issue stands out as a great one. I can't find any flaw in this book and this is the kind of issue you file in a spot where you can pull it up and re-read from time to time to get a charge of Batman. Great, great comic book. |
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Batman (2011) #32
Jun 28, 2014 |
Batman is DC's best comic book. There is no question about it. This issue brings the long storyline closer to a finale but each issue has been as great as the next with all the drama, action and surprises that you want in a Batman book. I recommend this title very highly. |
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Batman (2011) #33
Jul 26, 2014 |
Batman is a fantastic read. It's no surprise that each issue manages to build a story in a way to provide a payoff at the end. This issue is the payoff and it delivers everything and more. This is the comic book to pick up this week. It captures much of what makes Batman and his supporting cast so special. |
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Batman (2011) #35
Oct 11, 2014 |
Batman is DC's very best comic in their publishing line. This issue kicks off the next big arc and it brings the action first. Batman uses his brains to defeat many of DC's best heroes. It's a fun book that obvious leaves the reader wanting more, especially after the cliffhanger. Well worth the price. |
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Batman (2011) #36
Nov 15, 2014 |
Batman finds himself in a very tough predicament as the book wraps up. Snyder manages to up the ante in this issue, which is a good thing. This makes waiting for the next issue all the harder. Isn't that all you can ask for from a comic book? I definitely recommend picking this issue up. |
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Batman (2011) #37
Dec 20, 2014 |
Batman is the strongest comic book in the DC stable since the reboot. This issue just brings another level to the Joker-Batman dynamic. I recommend checking this comic book out. I believe you will find yourself seeking out the back issues once you've read this issue. |
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Batman (2011) #38
Jan 31, 2015 |
Batman is the best book DC publishes. The stories are all epic. The characters are all A-list. The details are all clever. This issue is no different and brings the same high level of storytelling we've come to expect. The comic includes a backup story that sort of ties into the main story but isn't essential reading. It will be interesting to see how Batman gets out of this one. |
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Batman (2011) #39
Feb 28, 2015 |
Batman is the best book DC publishes and there is no question about it. Snyder and Capullo have built something special together that won't be around forever. Whether you like the take on the character or the general direction that DC is taking Batman in, these stories are classics and you would be hard-pressed to find a better Batman book over the last decade. This is worth picking up. |
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Batman (2011) #40
May 2, 2015 |
Batman fights the Joker. Yet, this comic is so much more than that. Snyder puts some misdirection in this issue to keep the reader on the edge of their seats. The final few pages are as surprising and dramatic as the final bloody confrontation between the pair. If you can spare five bucks this week I recommend checking this issue out, regardless if you have read any of this arc or title of late. Don't miss this issue because it may turn out to be a classic. |
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Batman (2011) #41
Jun 13, 2015 |
Batman is still a man in suit, but now a man in a suit inside a huge robot. This comic book explores the origins of finding the right man for that role. While the argument for picking the man is extremely weak, the book looks great and the idea has potential. Hopefully Snyder will explore the reasons behind getting this individual in the suit, instead of it seeming like someone said, "hey, let's do a story where character XYZ is Batman" but never really thinking through why that character would do it and under what circumstances would that be the right fit. This is an average comic book as things start out for the new direction for Batman. |
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Batman (2011) #42
Jul 11, 2015 |
As far as "Batman" standards go this issue is fairly average. Gordon continues to polish his Batman game while he tries out some new toys. A new villain is introduced as Gordon continues to use some detective skills to figure things out. The comic book is backed up with fantastic artwork, especially during the big fight. The missteps in Sawyer trying to convince Gordon to throw in the towel don't quite add up. Perhaps Snyder is going with the theme that Gordon is full of self-doubt and hesitation? It's unclear where this subplot is going at this point. Overall, this is a good read but nothing near the high standards that this team has set for to this point. |
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Batman (2011) #43
Aug 15, 2015 |
"Batman" provides a lot of information about what happened to Bruce Wayne. Using Jim Gordon, Clark Kent and Alfred makes this issue strong because some of the more important relationships in Bruce's life are looked at. The comic book struggles with transitions and jolts the reader in the back half of the book as it switches over to the latest villain and the brewing plot. Perhaps this issue would have been better served staying more closely focused on Bruce for more pages. The artwork is stellar as always. This is a decent read as Snyder and Capullo never fail to entertain. |
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Batman (2011) #44
Sep 12, 2015 |
"Batman" tells a one-shot set outside of the Snyder-Capullo narrative. Snyder, Azzarello and Jock put the Dark Knight in a situation where he is investigating a murdered fifteen-year old. The comic book contains stunning visuals that make this story a memorable one. However, the book is slowed down by the lack of detective work on the part of Batman. He seems to simply ask questions or beat people while Gordon runs police tests on evidence rather than connecting his own dots and working things through on his own. The comic also tries to jam in real-life social topics to create a more tragic victim and this tactic doesn't fit the story. The comic is worth a look but there are plenty of other Batman one-shots that are better and cheaper than the five dollar price tag that this one carries. |
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Batman (2011) #45
Oct 17, 2015 |
"Batman" provides an entertaining and compelling read this month. Gordon finds himself in hot water with villains and with his boss. Things seem to be going poorly for Gordon, while the life of Bruce Wayne couldn't be going better. This comic is one of the strongest reads month after month, but that is as much because of the artwork as it is for the storytelling. I highly recommend checking this issue out. |
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Batman (2011) #46
Nov 15, 2015 |
"Batman" continues to explore a number of plots in the current issue. The primary one has Gordon taking on Mr. Bloom in a strong confrontation with a very weak setup. The comic struggles to provide convincing arguments or explanations for decisions the characters make and that hold this issue back. The artwork helps to deliver a strong visual story to balance out the weaker script. Overall, this is a very average read in what is proving to be an average arc. They all can't be blockbusters. |
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Batman (2011) #47
Dec 12, 2015 |
"Batman" seems to wrap up the Bloom plot and the Wayne amnesia subplot in this issue. The comic has a lot of action as Bat-Gordon takes on Bloom, but it also has some very symbolic moments as Wayne regains some of his memories. The comic is backed up with terrific visuals from Capullo. The comic doesn't quite sell how Wayne recovers his memory and it also suffers from a very poorly constructed villain in Bloom. This is a decent, but average read in the series from this creative team. I mildly recommend it. |
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Batman (2011) #48
Jan 23, 2016 |
"Batman" continues the story where Bloom is defeating Gordon while Bruce struggles with his memory and his destiny. The comic has an excellent component where the story alternates between Bruce coming to terms with who he really is while Gordon is losing the battle against Bloom. The comic is backed up with fantastic artwork and provides an excellent final page. The comic's drawback is how Bloom's role in the plot just seems so secondary to getting Bruce back into the Bat suit. The villain just seems too odd with too strange of a means to destroying the population of Gotham for a Batman story. It will be interesting to see how this ends. This is a good comic and one that is worth a read. |
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Batman (2011) #49
Feb 13, 2016 |
"Batman" brings Bruce Wayne face to face with Alfred with the Batman identity hanging in the balance. Bruce wants Batman back at any cost while Alfred simply can't let the new Bruce Wayne go. It's a touching issue that reveals a lot about what the pair think of Batman and each other. The comic book has guest art that is gorgeous but doesn't provide the same epic feel that Capullo has the knack for doing. This is a very good comic book to pick up. Especially if you are interested in hearing how Bruce Wayne defines the meaning of Batman to the city of Gotham. I enjoyed the comic. |
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Batman (2011) Annual | 4 issues |
Batman (2011) Annual #1
Jun 1, 2012 |
This story is a good one. However, it doesn't rise to great because of the strange lecturing that Batman and Bruce Wayne do in a couple of spots in the issue. Freeze is also not a sympathetic character anymore which makes the effectiveness of the heart-string pulling a little tougher to pull off. This is a very entertaining read with a couple of characterization flaws. |
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Batman (2011) Annual #2
Aug 2, 2013 |
The Batman annual is a good read. I liked the setup even if it isn't too original. I think the issue would have worked better if the villain didn't have this phasing power that she seems to possess but it did make for a different read in the Batman world. Overall, this was a fun read and that's what its all about. |
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Batman (2011) Annual #3
Jan 1, 2015 |
If you like a good Joker story then here is a good one for you. It actually does have Batman in it, but not much at all. Even without Batman there is a good character study of The Joker and how he might twist a regular person. It's a chilling read by the end of the comic book. I recommend checking this out. |
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Batman (2011) Annual #4
Oct 3, 2015 |
The "Batman" Annual is a decent idea executed horribly wrong. Alfred's missing hand appears and disappears several times and the climatic scene is missing the 'show' aspect of what Wayne is doing as the artwork doesn't hold up to its end of telling a story. Editorially the comic book has nothing to do with the top selling "Batman" title but seems to be an extension of "Arkham Manor" which last so the light of day in March with one sixth the readership as "Batman." A reader of only "Batman" will be lost in the shuffle as to how Wayne lost his house and how it was turned into an asylum. When you charge five bucks for a comic book you need to make sure the top effort is there and not just the page count. This comic book is a mess. Avoid it. Whatever Tynion was hoping to do with this issue was simply not supported by the rest of the team involved. |
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Batman (2011) One Shot | 1 issues |
Batman (2011): Futures End #1
Sep 13, 2014 |
Futures End Batman is a good book. It misses in a lot of spots, but it works well for the individual story it needs to tell. I would have preferred a little more explanation as to how Bruce Wayne aged so much in just five years but it's a personal preference. The cover is among the worst in this 3D event but that's just a gimmick. Overall, this is a good comic book to pick up. |
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Batman / Superman (2013) | 2 issues |
Batman / Superman (2013) #1
Jun 29, 2013 |
I was hoping for a great plot and some character definitions in this book. Instead Pak sort of establishes what the character's origins are and how they stand in the DCU now, which is fine but it doesn't put a personality on them. However, Pak brings a nice mystery and there seems to be a great plot cooking up for future issues. I am definitely interested in where this is heading. This is a good start. |
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Batman / Superman (2013) #2
Jul 27, 2013 |
Let's face it; we've seen plenty of stories where super heroes are lost in another time dimension or stories where they meet up with alternate versions of themselves. This is nothing new. However, Pak is injecting new ideas and energy in this story type that makes the story engaging and entertaining. I am finding this story to be highly enjoyable. I can't help but wonder if this is the next sprawling epic on the scale of Planet Hulk that comes out of nowhere to be a big hit. Either way Pak and Lee have my attention. I am eager to see where this goes. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) | 8 issues |
Batman and Robin (2009) #5
Oct 10, 2009 |
This is a comic that doesn't go to the depths of creepiness that we've seen in previous issues. However, Batman and Robin are put in over their heads, as a team, for what appears to be the first time. The cliffhanger is good because it reminded me of the 1960s show's cliffhangers without the campy delivery. This comic continues to be one of the best reads month in and month out. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #6
Nov 14, 2009 |
This issue contains three points that are worthwhile: Batman and Robin's dialogue in the beginning of the issue, Jason's confrontation of Dick and the surprise ending. Beyond that this issue doesn't really shine as the others have in this series. I have extremely high expectations for this series and this issue fell short of even the most modest ones. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #8
Feb 13, 2010 |
This is a good comic book. I may not understand the Batwoman piece but there is a lot to like in this issue. Without the word balloon gaff this would be a four geek goggle comic book. I hope next issue doesn't have any more errors as I look forward to another great fight with Bat-clone. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #10
Mar 13, 2010 |
Batman and Robin has launched the apparent return of Bruce Wayne in this issue. I can't say this issue is essential to the storyline but it certainly was an entertaining read. There is a lot going on in this comic that will be discovered upon subsequent reads. Really, that's all you can ask for from a comic book. This is definitely recommended. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #11
Apr 10, 2010 |
Batman and Robin is a title that is mixing in a lot of mystery and building several stories to a much larger climax. This isn't all just about Bruce Wayne being missing. I like this comic book and I definitely think it's as good as some of the previous ones in this series. I do think someone coming in cold would be a little lost but it is only the second issue of the arc so there isn't much to catch up on. I highly recommend this comic. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #12
May 8, 2010 |
Morrison has brought a close to his first year on the Batman and Robin title in true grand finale fashion. He's also kicked off the major storyline about searching for Bruce Wayne and he's planted no fewer than three huge seeds for future stories. I was thoroughly impressed with this effort and it is issues like these that make you glad you sat through some of the stranger issues in this run. This is your payoff issue. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #14
Sep 11, 2010 |
The Joker takes control of the comic book, the arc and the Morrison run in this issue. What's not to like? This is the comic book where the bulk of Morrison's run becomes very clear. I enjoyed this issue probably more than any other in this series. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #16
Nov 5, 2010 |
When did the Morrison run really start? Was it with Batman and Son? Was it with issue #666 or the start of R.I.P? Wherever you believe it actually began you will find that you can relax your mind at the conclusion of this issue. Most of your questions are answered and a very different and new beginning is launched. I can't wait to go back and reread this whole thing….but I guess I need to wait for Return of Bruce Wayne #6 to ship. I highly recommend this comic book. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) | 4 issues |
Batman and Robin (2011) #21
Jun 22, 2013 |
The comic book entertains and drives home the key points well. Batman is in pain and he is using anger to express his feelings. Batgirl is losing her grip on her costume life and is looking for some sort of reconciliation with anyone willing to listen. The book is a good read and I think it brings the two worlds together nicely. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.1
Sep 6, 2013 |
The DC one-shots have not been that good thus far. However, this one proves that when a story is done in a manner that is accessible but still appealing to those consistent readers then you will have a comic that has the potential to reach a broader audience. This book definitely is one to pick up if you are a Batman fan, a Two-Face fan or if you just curious about the cool covers. I recommend tracking this one down. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #24
Oct 18, 2013 |
My hope is that the McKillen thread will see more usage in the coming issues and that this Two-Face origin will be straightened out a little more as well. If you don't look too closely at the Two-Face origin then hopefully you will find the issue more enjoyable than I did. The book shifts gears too violently in this comic and the shift is not a good one at all. If the book's focus stayed more on McKillen and the present plot I think it would have been a great read. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #25
Nov 23, 2013 |
Batman and Two-Face seem to take a bit of a backseat with Erin McKillen and I think that is a good thing. I almost prefer that Two-Face fade into the background for the rest of the arc as it seems she is a good match for Batman. This issue is a solid read and one to pick up if you are interesting in seeing a different, non-costumed, Batman villain. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual | 2 issues |
Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #1
Feb 2, 2013 |
This is a near perfect example of a self-enclosed, entertaining and fun comic book. While the "real" Batman doesn't really factor in to the book, the story is a lot of fun and showcases a lot of aspects of the key characters that readers might usually not see. This is a great read and shouldn't be passed up. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #2
Jan 31, 2014 |
Batman and Robin is a fun read. It's a one-shot that really helps to juxtapose Dick's attitude when he took on being Robin versus Damian's general superiority complex. The book gives enough character work to make it worth reading but it also provides some action to help push the book along at a nice pace. This is definitely worth reading despite the problems with the artwork. |
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Batman Incorporated (2012) | 1 issues |
Batman Incorporated (2012) #8
Mar 1, 2013 |
Death in comic books is sort of silly. I doubt Robin will stay dead and that makes the issue really miss if, in fact, there is some permanence in this death. It also doesn't help that a Robin has already died (albeit 25 years ago). The book is a good read and those following Morrison's run will love it. If you are curious about what happens you probably aren't missing very much. The good news is that another comic book character will probably die next month anyway. |
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Batman, Inc. | 1 issues |
Batman, Inc. #1
Nov 19, 2010 |
Morrison brings some fun into this book and provides a level of mystery that will require some of Batman's detective work. It's nice to see the Morrison Batman book take a break from the science fiction aspect of storytelling. I think this issue is a very good frame for the relationship between Batman/Catwoman and Bruce/Selina. Batman Inc is looking like it will be a fast and entertaining book to read. This was a good first step. |
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Batman: 80-page Giant | 1 issues |
Batman: 80-page Giant #1
Dec 19, 2009 |
Finally, the one page story by Niles, Buscema and Hill is a little story about Batman hunting down some bad guys. It's short and funny. It's not clear if it's Wayne under the cowl though. I liked this short one a lot. |
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Batman: Eternal | 6 issues |
Batman: Eternal #1
Apr 12, 2014 |
Batman Eternal seems to be a comic that is catering to the broadest of fan bases. This is the comic to sample if you are curious about Batman but don't have a lot of strong ideas about what the characters stand for and are about. The Batman fan that knows these characters inside and out are going to struggle with a lot of small things, like Batman's very un-Batman-like dialogue. This is a series to watch and an issue to try but it's nothing special yet. |
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Batman: Eternal #2
Apr 19, 2014 |
Batman Eternal has the luxury of moving the story along quickly because of the weekly schedule. However, the components showing in the first two issues don't really seem to warrant a weekly comic book. The ideas just don't feel that special. We'll see where all of this is heading. This will entertain you but will it entertain enough to keep your interest weekly? I'm not sure about that. |
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Batman: Eternal #3
Apr 26, 2014 |
A weekly Batman book has the potential to be a disaster but this one is shaping up to be a very good read. The comic is introducing some old characters to keep the reader happy that things are changing while giving the overall story a believable villain to keep Batman and Gotham in dire straits for a few issues. If you like a good Batman story then strap yourselves in because it appears you will get it in this comic book. |
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Batman: Eternal #4
May 3, 2014 |
Batman Eternal is the pretty much the only "current" timeline Batman book out there now. The book seems to be ambitious in its plot scope but that seems fitting for Batman. This individual issue doesn't quite hit the mark as it reads very disjointed in of itself and doesn't seem in line with characterizations already established. This might be the dud in the bunch unfortunately. |
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Batman: Eternal #5
May 10, 2014 |
Batman Eternal is the book to be reading if you want "current" Batman books. Unfortunately Batman is barely in this one and the plot that just started jumping off the ground is barely touched. It feels like editorial is barely linking these crossover books together and just hoping the ending ties it all out and the reader is satisfied. As an individual issue this is forgettable and uninteresting. |
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Batman: Eternal #6
May 17, 2014 |
Batman Eternal is drifting. It burst on to the scene with four strong issues and has since fallen into crossover-like, unfocused issues. The past two issues feel like they are trying to force storylines simply to bring in other characters. While that might payoff down the road they make for an uneven read that puts some doubt about how well this series might hold up for six months or longer. Combine that with generally poor issue construction and the individual comic book is utterly forgettable. Hopefully this series will pick up and soon. |
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Batman: Europa | 1 issues |
Batman: Europa #1
Nov 21, 2015 |
"Batman: Europa" kicks off the four-part mini-series with a classic rendering of Batman and The Joker. The pair are infected with a deadly disease and appear to need each other in order to solve the case. The comic book has a painted, but classic look to the artwork as the book has a timelessness to it. The comic book doesn't break any story barriers and does feel like any number of other Batman stories that have come before it. If you are looking for a more classic version of Batman that is continuity free and involves The Joker then this comic is one to check out. I recommend giving it a look. |
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Batman: Joker's Daughter | 1 issues |
Batman: Joker's Daughter #1
Feb 8, 2014 |
Joker's Daughter gives some details into the character's past but is mostly a book that brings the character to the next level of evil. She's a character that wants to be villainous, that wants to be a big player in the underworld but clearly doesn't have what it takes. However, in this issue she turns the corner and starts on the path that can lead to being a viable Batman villain. If DC continues to push this character then this comic book is going to become essential reading. I urge you to give this one a shot. |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) | 2 issues |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.1
Sep 6, 2013 |
The character of the Ventriloquist is an interesting one. She's a bit deeper than the previous incarnation and Simone knows how to build up a villain well. The comic book has a lot of strange turns in the storytelling and that holds it back. Overall, as a throwaway comic this one is pretty good and those readers of Batgirl definitely need to pick this up because of the character development. I mildly recommend this book for the casual fan, but the hardcore Batman or Batgirl fans will want to track this down. |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.3
Sep 20, 2013 |
Clayface is a C-list Batman villain. He will never rise above that classification. Layman embraces that and brings him down to the dumb level, which seems more fitting than the variety that can fool Batman with his shape shifting. If you like an entertaining, throwaway read with a really cool cover then pick this up. |
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Batman: The Return | 1 issues |
Batman: The Return #1
Nov 19, 2010 |
Morrison sets up nicely the next big Batman story in this concise and direct issue. There isn't a lot of hidden goodies in here, though he does hint at the future once or twice. Instead Morrison creates a fast-paced, wild ride that brings Bruce up to full speed so the real action can start. You could argue that Batman is already incorporated because he has a small army of comic books out there. If you plan to only pick up one then you might want to grab this one because it will point you in the direction of which series to follow long term. Don't let the five dollar cover price scare you off. This was a great read. |
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Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne | 1 issues |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1
May 15, 2010 |
Bruce Wayne is alive and stuck in a time loop and this is the first issue of his adventure. Bruce isn't fully Bruce so he needs some help and in this comic he gets some. However, others are in pursuit of him to make the comic book have a nice cliffhanger. You get thirty eight pages of a great artwork and a very cool story. I am definitely looking forward to the next issue to see how Bruce fairs in a different time period. |
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Batman: The Unseen | 4 issues |
Batman: The Unseen #1
Oct 10, 2009 |
Ultimately this comic book has a niche audience. Those that collect every single Batman comic will be picking this one up. As will fans of the creative team and fans of the 1990s comic book stories. However, this story sets up an interesting story that could have done just fine in the regular Batman titles if Bruce Wayne were still around. It's definitely worth checking out if you have some wiggle room in your budget. |
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Batman: The Unseen #3
Nov 8, 2009 |
While on the surface this comic seems to be just another Batman mini series, one that probably has a target audience that likes this creative team. The comic is an enjoyable story that has its own niche with the villain and construction of the villain. It's a good story and has some terrific artwork. This is worth checking out. |
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Batman: The Unseen #4
Nov 21, 2009 |
Batman just can't seem to get a hold on the Meat Man, but nobody can track an invisible man like Batman. The question now is about whether or not the Meat Man has any other victim on his list. Is the Meat Man now just a villain on the run or does he even have a next step for Batman to solve? The finale should be a good one. |
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Batman: The Unseen #5
Dec 6, 2009 |
This comic isn't a deep study of Batman or any sort of amazing detective story. However, it's a solid story that is something to take a look at. It's not often we get Batman a bit vulnerable and filled with doubt to the point he's willing to cross some of the moral lines he seems to usually have. This is a story that is well told with fun artwork. Seeing Batman work from Moench and Jones of this caliber only makes me want them to return for another mini series. Oh well, I still have plenty of their work from nineties to re-read. |
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Before Watchmen: Comedian | 3 issues |
Before Watchmen: Comedian #1
Jun 23, 2012 |
This book has dug itself into a tremendous hole. I am anxious and hopeful that Azzarello can dig himself out of it. However, I am skeptical. If you are looking for a reason to hate Before Watchmen here is a good example. If you haven't read the original and are looking to get into Before Watchmen you might want to hold off on this one. |
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Before Watchmen: Comedian #2
Jul 28, 2012 |
I'm not sure where this series is going. I assume we will eventually get to Blake blowtorching people in Vietnam, but I really don't see how the character's action will line up with how these first two issues present him. I am not recommending this book, unfortunately, not even for the backup, which is getting fairly interesting at this point. |
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Before Watchmen: Comedian #3
Sep 14, 2012 |
This comic is a nice snapshot of a story for The Comedian. However, the story is very difficult to place in the larger context of the character in other comics. It's difficult to pull off a character that is so blatantly against rules and yet takes orders from Senators and has deep emotions when he sees a familiar face. The book is just not the best effort editorial nor in its execution. |
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Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan | 1 issues |
Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #1
Aug 25, 2012 |
Doctor Manhattan was always going to be a tough sell. There just isn't a ton to go on here. To be honest, his personality lends itself to less and not more. I appreciate the detail that Straczynski put into the voice of Manhattan as it is seamless from the original. Couple that with the tremendous art and you have a decent read. However, DC would have been better served letting Straczynski launch immediately into the "What If?" story and printed a reprint of the original issue number four. If you want in on the ground floor then this is the issue for you. |
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Before Watchmen: Minutemen | 2 issues |
Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1
Jun 8, 2012 |
Written for trade, this first issue is nothing to be excited about beyond the art. Once Cooke gains some traction on the characters I would think the story is going to really take off. However, for now, this is all set up with terrific pencils. |
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Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6
Jan 25, 2013 |
Before Watchmen is a controversial idea with a lot of great creators attached. Cooke is a huge name to add to the mix and he delivered on artwork just as he has in so many of his projects. However, this comic is a bad ending to a poorly told story. This is not Cooke's finest hour and he had the largest, most unexplored area of continuity to leverage. This is a big disappointment on a lot of levels. |
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Before Watchmen: Nite Owl | 1 issues |
Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #1
Jun 28, 2012 |
I can't say there is much here to warrant a look at this book. If only this was the "Untold Team-Up Tales of Nite Owl and Rorschach" then I think the book would have had something. Instead, this is a disjointed origin story that ends with a flutter instead of a cliffhanger. |
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Before Watchmen: Ozymandias | 1 issues |
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1
Jul 7, 2012 |
If you like character background then this is the issue for you. I'm not sure we get to know why Ozymandias turned bad, but this issue at least lets the reader understand why he put on tights. This is a very average origin story about a character that probably deserves something more special to be written about them. |
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Before Watchmen: Rorschach | 1 issues |
Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1
Aug 18, 2012 |
The reason to pick up this book is the artwork. The story feels like any super hero character could be in Rorschach's place and we would have the same story. At the same time, much of actions that Rorschach takes don't feel like they fit in with the character. However, the book is a fun read and definitely takes me to the kind of story that I imagined but never saw while reading the original Watchmen. This is worth checking out. |
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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre | 3 issues |
Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1
Jun 16, 2012 |
This series is off to a great start. I'm sure there could be some critics that might say that these characters are simply too different from how they appear in the original. However, it certainly works for Laurie because she still has some level of youthful optimism in this series and it appears we will watch how that gets washed away. This is one to pick up. |
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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #2
Jul 21, 2012 |
This is the first issue of Before Watchmen that I felt has broken away from the original work. We are getting a solid adventure for one of the characters that doesn't constantly draw on weaving the story into the original one. This comic book is a completely different adventure and it is an entertaining one. You get your money's worth from the art alone, but this one has a good little story in it as well. I can't wait to see how this one ends up. |
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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #3
Sep 7, 2012 |
This issue represents the best single issue in the Before Watchmen launches. It's a great look into the moments where Laurie decides she can't pass up what she was meant to be and she also realizes she really doesn't want to pass it up either. The story does a fantastic job of showing the transformation of her thoughts, but the events also play out in a logical fashion. This was a great read. |
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Big Trouble In Little China | 2 issues |
Big Trouble In Little China #1
Jun 7, 2014 |
I had no idea what to expect with this comic book. Having not seen the movie in years I probably couldn't have summarized the plot with any accuracy, but I don't think that matters at all. The comic is loads of fun and provides plenty of entertainment. Boom has a potential hit with this one. I urge you to check it out. |
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Big Trouble In Little China #2
Jul 5, 2014 |
Big Trouble continues to be a tongue-in-cheek, fun and wild ride. This issue adds some clarity to the task at hand and launches Jack and company into the plot. There's plenty of action and a lot of quick-wit dialogue that helps to keep the issue moving at a nice pace. Generally speaking this is a fun read. It's not going to blow your mind, but it is the kind of read where you can kick up your heels have a laugh or two. You know, kind of like reading comics should be like from time to time. I recommend checking this out. |
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Birthright | 1 issues |
Birthright #1
Oct 11, 2014 |
Birthright starts off with a bang. The first issue is padded with plenty of story and it doesn't stop to let the reader catch their breath. The comic has a wide appeal to anyone that ever had an imagination as a child about far-off lands but it will also appeal to those that have children and perhaps this storyline digs into their deepest fears. There is no reason to skip this comic book. This is why people read comics. |
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Bitch Planet | 3 issues |
Bitch Planet #1
Dec 13, 2014 |
Bitch Planet is a good first step. The book needs room to breath and fold in all of the themes that it seems to want to tackle. What I wonder about is if there will be a character that can rise above the others that will help push this book over the top to become a must read. This is a series to watch. I recommend checking this out. |
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Bitch Planet #2
Jan 31, 2015 |
Bitch Planet is proving to be a good read. It has a lot of elements that feel similar to that of Hunger Games but it has a sharper edge so far. This is a comic book worth picking up and checking out. It won't be for everyone but you will be entertained if you read it. I recommend checking this out. |
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Bitch Planet #3
Feb 21, 2015 |
Bitch Planet is an ambitious book. I know this because of the back matter and not necessarily from what I read and see in the comic. I'm expecting some more character development and world building to help put this book's puzzle together. This issue is an okay read for those that have read the first two issues. New readers probably won't see anything in here that they haven't seen before. Give it a look regardless. |
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Black Canary (2015) | 1 issues |
Black Canary (2015) #1
Jun 20, 2015 |
"Black Canary" is off to a decent start. The opening issue is bogged down by some very rushed and clunky dialogue as book rushes to have the supporting cast suspect that DD has a shady past. The comic is definitely trying to capture the character-driven feel that "Batgirl" has achieved. However, this comic doesn't take the time to lay out the setup in the same way "Batigrl" was so successful at doing. The comic is backed up with terrific, noir artwork that helps make this comic stand out from the everyday comic book. This is a comic book worth checking out by is a very average read. Hopefully the kinks in the character work will be worked out in the coming issues. |
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Black Magick | 1 issues |
Black Magick #1
Oct 31, 2015 |
"Black Magick" is a great first issue. The comic book introduces an extremely strong lead character backed up with incredible artwork. The comic's plot is a hostage scene that brings a tense situation to a dramatic conclusion in the same issue. The comic is a complete read with a ton of back matter about the series and the universe that the creator's are establishing. This is an issue to pick up. |
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Black Science | 2 issues |
Black Science #1
Nov 30, 2013 |
Black Science looks to be a wild ride that involves tearing down a character to his very core. This will be an interesting examination into what makes a character tick when he continually trades all that is important to him for gambles that seldom seem to payoff. Black Science is exactly the kind of comic I've been looking for and I urge you to check it out regardless if you enjoy science fiction or not. Awesome comic book. |
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Black Science #2
Dec 21, 2013 |
The second issue of Black Science is a step back. The issue gets away from the science fiction and moves into more of a standard team of characters arguing over who is in charge and how to get out of a predicament. The story groundwork has been put into place so perhaps the next issue will get back to the pace of the first issue. The characters are still being fleshed out so there is some hope there as well for growth. Proceed with lowered expectations but this is still worth picking up. |
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Black Widow (2014) | 1 issues |
Black Widow (2014) #1
Jan 10, 2014 |
The first issue is a good start to the series. I look for more complicated plots from a spy book but it seems that those will come down the road. The aspect of the book that is made clear is that the reader and the titled character's interfaces don't know the Black Widow character at all. I'm hopeful that this is true and we will see this in the coming issues. This is worth checking out. |
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Blackest Night | 4 issues |
Blackest Night #4
Oct 31, 2009 |
This comic is a Flash vehicle and to a lesser extent, a JLA tie in. If you are looking for the meat of the war of light or the plot behind the Black Lanterns then absolutely skip this issue. Just because the master is revealed in this issue doesn't mean this issue is a must for the storyline. If you like Barry Allen, Mera, The Atom, and some others like Atom Smasher then you might like this issue. Otherwise there just isn't much in this comic book to justify the price tag or hype. |
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Blackest Night #5
Nov 28, 2009 |
Blackest Night found its way into a story that's now unpredictable thanks to this issue. This is definitely a comic book worth checking out as most of the main heroes of the DCU have some piece of representation here. Maybe if so many of DC's characters hadn't died over the years this new plot twist wouldn't be such a problem. Oh well. There must be someone who can help them out, right? |
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Blackest Night #7
Feb 27, 2010 |
This comic book contains some terrific dialogue whether it's from Lex Luthor, Sinestro or Ganthet and this makes the comic flow very nicely. The artwork has all kinds of surprises on various pages and makes the comic book worth a read. The story is strange because the comic book gives no reason to feel that the villains are anything to fear or even that they would be difficult to defeat. This is what prevents the comic book from achieving a "can't miss" status. One other item of note is that the letter at the back of the issue points readers towards a website called inblackestnight.com for character bios. This is something DC should have advertised much earlier as it would have made following the obscure tie-ins much easier. This is a decent comic book but it is not worthy of the blockbuster event tag it's been given. |
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Blackest Night #8
Apr 1, 2010 |
I can see how a lot of people are going to love this comic. It has a lot big speeches and lots of flashy artwork. No one knows how to build up his pet characters like Geoff Johns. However, as a story, this comic book really only ends the Nekron threat that, to me, never felt like a threat in the first place. I look forward to getting back to basics with the core Green Lantern titles. |
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Blackest Night: Batman | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: Batman #3
Oct 18, 2009 |
Overall, this arc is worth picking up because it doesn't simply really on Batman, Robin and Red Robin. The usage of Deadman and Etrigan make this story so much more enjoyable. You would expect Batman to try to outthink the dead and to do that you need to enlist characters like them. The comic probably tries to jam too much in it with the Commissioner and his daughter, but at least Damian has the chance to scoff about having to save Dick's ex-girlfriend. Overall, this was a fun read. |
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Booster Gold (2007) One Shot | 1 issues |
Booster Gold (2007): Futures End #1
Sep 27, 2014 |
Booster Gold has had his own ongoing before. It was a good comic book. He's got a large following. There is no reason why this couldn't be given a try again. Perhaps DC isn't ready to break down the New 52 barrier in an ongoing series the way it was done here for this one-shot. However, this comic reads too much like a tease if this doesn't get tied to something in the works or out there now. I enjoyed this book but I think a new reader to the character might be a little lost as to what the character's purpose is. Give it a try. Hopefully there will be more of this coming down the pipe. |
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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing | 1 issues |
Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #1
Jun 25, 2011 |
I am a huge fan of Swamp Thing and his legacy. This story brings a lot of that history into the issue and I wonder if those that have never read Swamp Thing would be lost, intrigued or overwhelmed. However, the comic book seemed to be in a rush to have Constantine telling jokes with Batman rather than laying out a story in a logical fashion. The elements are all here, but perhaps things will gel better in the next issue. |
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Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier | 1 issues |
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1
Oct 4, 2014 |
Bucky is a great character. This is an incarnation that is much different from how Brubaker wrote him in Captain America. At the very least Marvel is trying to tell a different kind story with this series and that is a good thing. This comic might be a little out there for some but it might be a welcome change for others. You definitely need to think outside of the box while reading this comic but I recommend checking it out if you are curious. |
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Caliban | 1 issues |
Caliban #1
Apr 5, 2014 |
Caliban looks to be epic in nature, but in the confined space way in the tradition of 2001 or Alien. The comic is off to a great start as Ennis provides a strong core cast and a good mystery for the reader to ponder. If this is turning towards a horror comic then Ennis isn't giving that away in the first issue. This is a book worth checking out. |
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Captain America (2012) | 6 issues |
Captain America (2012) #1
Nov 23, 2012 |
Captain America is a very good start to what will hopefully be a fantastic run. If this book follows the pattern that Remender has put out with Fear Agent and Uncanny X-Force then this issue is going to prove vital down the road. I suggest giving this a shot and settling in for a Captain America you probably haven't seen before and didn't know you ever would. |
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Captain America (2012) #3
Jan 19, 2013 |
Captain America feels like a slow read and that might be because this book is monthly whereas things like All New X-Men ship every other week. Remender is building up his characters and supporting players. I suspect things are about to pick up in a big way. I'm sticking with this book because I am fan of the direction, but as far as individual issues go, this one is slightly above average. |
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Captain America (2012) #5
Mar 24, 2013 |
Captain America is being taken to places he's not seen in a long time. The book has all the right parts to make for an epic story but it just isn't firing. It's a perfectly decent story but is missing the mark from being something special. Perhaps the reason is the book feels too much like an elseworld's story. Whatever the reason, I expect greatness from this creative team and we haven't reached it yet in this title. |
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Captain America (2012) #6
Apr 21, 2013 |
Captain America, the title, has some challenges. The long story that Remender is telling requires a leap of faith because the book appears to be out of continuity. However, his character work can't be denied and that has helped to make the comic enjoyable. This particular issue is one of those pay off issues where the drama comes to a head. This is a good comic book. |
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Captain America (2012) #9
Jul 27, 2013 |
Captain America has been in Dimension Z for nine issues. It was overdue that he returned to Earth. He's going to be a very changed man as a result and hopefully those stories will make use of the turmoil from these issues. This is a straightforward super hero story that puts down a foundation for a very mentally spent Cap to return to Earth. Hopefully this series will use this issue as a springboard to bigger things. |
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Captain America (2012) #10
Aug 30, 2013 |
Captain America leaves Dimension Z with an awful lot of baggage. This is going to give Remender plenty to play with in the coming arcs. While the issue is a science fiction delight the overall story felt too much like an 'alternate worlds' kind of book. The danger seemed too fictional (even for the characters) making the read feel in a way ordinary. I recommend picking up this issue and the entire run if you really like some Captain America/science fiction stories. I enjoyed this and I can't wait to see where Remender takes Cap from here. |
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Captain America: Reborn | 1 issues |
Captain America: Reborn #6
Jan 30, 2010 |
The return of Captain America was an eventuality and this was the mini series that brought him back. In years to come no one will remember that the return was spoiled in other titles weeks before the mini series completed. However, what will be out there for all to see is how this mini series, this issue in particular, was such a big departure from the entire Brubaker run on this character over the last several years. If you haven't read the Brubaker run then you might find this to be a marginally decent return from death story that was a little odd with some mixed results in art. However, if you loved the Brubaker run and how deep the conspiracy went then this is simply a letdown in terms of a payoff. Rogers should have stayed dead. It was a more interesting story apparently. |
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Captain Marvel (2014) | 1 issues |
Captain Marvel (2014) #1
Mar 14, 2014 |
Captain Marvel is a terrific first issue. The direction for the series is set and this issue moves those pieces nicely into place. There isn't anything complicated to understand or some world threat to deal with. It's a person that decides for herself to break away and doing something she needs to do. Great start to a series and one everyone should keep their eye on if they aren't already picking this book up. This one has "Hawkeye of 2014" written all over it. |
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Captain Swing and the Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island | 1 issues |
Captain Swing and the Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island #1
Mar 6, 2010 |
Generally Warren Ellis comics have a select audience. This comic isn't as heavy on the science fiction, though it contains some elements of it. Instead it's more of a historical look at what might have been using actual facts to help drive the offshoot part of the story. The comic book is worth checking out if you like a period piece where some science fiction seems out of place, but not impossible. I'm looking forward to the next issue. |
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Catwoman (2011) | 1 issues |
Catwoman (2011) #1
Sep 22, 2011 |
Catwoman is a tough character to embrace. She has fans that seem to see her any number of ways. There seems to only be gray areas with regards to the character. This first issue might not have the punch to keep a brand new reader coming back but if you like a highly sexual-sometime-bad-ass version of the character then you have it here. For me, it misses as something I want to see more of. |
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Chew (20090 | 12 issues |
Chew (20090 #9
Mar 7, 2010 |
Chew is on a roll and this arc looks to be another winner as it enters the finale. I definitely recommend this comic book for someone looking for something different that has a little cops and robbers mixed with some science fiction, and, apparently, vampires. If you are reading this review you are probably already very informed about this series so just add this to the rest of the praise the series is receiving. |
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Chew (20090 #11
Jun 13, 2010 |
By now this series has left its mark on being different. However, each issue manages to tell an entertaining, distinct and funny story. With the start of a new arc you won't find a better jump on point or a better issue to fall in love with the series over. |
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Chew (20090 #13
Aug 21, 2010 |
The series wins awards and high praise at every turn and it really isn't a mystery as to why. This issue takes a simple task, like adding a couple of characters and having a couple of fights and wraps it into an entertaining, funny and amazing display of art. I find myself laughing at each read and still wondering how things will shake out in the next issue. This is one of the best comics out there these days and this issue is a good example of just that. |
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Chew (20090 #14
Oct 2, 2010 |
Chew is still building its overall story and its cache of characters. This issue is just one more step in that journey. This book shouldn't be missed and it definitely isn't too late to jump on board. There are plenty of great books on the market today but few combine humor, action, unique and compelling art along with a great story and interesting characters. This book has it all and this issue is a perfect example of everything that makes the book great. |
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Chew (20090 #15
Nov 13, 2010 |
Chew is at the top of list to read each time it ships. It seems that each issue contains surprises and that each issue builds the puzzle out making the overall story more layered and worthy of a complete series re-read. I can't recommend this issue and series any more. |
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Chew (20090 #16
Dec 24, 2010 |
I enjoyed this issue of Chew as much as any other. You never get a bad one. As is the case with most opening issues to an arc there is a lot of set up and quite a bit of unanswered questions. This issue felt like it ended just as the steam was picking up but without the aid of a cliffhanger. It's a fun read and I'm sure the arc is going to be outstanding once it's completed. |
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Chew (20090 #17
Mar 6, 2011 |
The bar on this series is ridiculously high and, thus, I grade this book on a different scale from the normal books that come my way. It's an excellent issue and in many ways it reads like a one-shot so if you are new to the world of Chew you may want to pick this up and give it a try. You get a very entertaining read here that is literally different from everything else out there. I definitely recommend this book. |
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Chew (20090 #22
Dec 10, 2011 |
Chew is one of the best books I have ever read. Each issue brings me back to the magic I felt in the first issue and this one is no different. Layman is building an excellent cache of characters and keeping the story elements fresh and interesting. Guillory continues to put his own stamp on this book in a way you seldom see. I know a lot of folks prefer this series in trade format but this is one of those series that really is something I can't wait on. Plus, the letters column contains cat pictures if you are in to that. |
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Chew (20090 #23
Jan 21, 2012 |
Chew is a title that should be read from the very beginning. However, I truly believe that anyone could pick this issue up and be highly entertained. It's got great writing, a fast and entertaining story and distinctly amazing artwork. There is no reason to not pick this book up, unless you simply will only read comics with capes in them. |
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Chew (20090 #26
May 25, 2012 |
Chew is a fantastic book. Sometimes you have amazing issues and sometimes you have ones that are less amazing. All are great reads and all of them are fantastic entertainment. This issue is a focus on a character that really hasn't gotten too much attention and her story provides a compelling read. This is a fun one-shot to sample if you are new to Chew. Whatever your exposure (or lack of) to the book you won't be disappointed. |
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Chew (20090 #30
Nov 30, 2012 |
Chew is a terrific read. This issue really takes a somber turn but it still does it in a very Chew way. The book still has thirty issues left from here but it certainly seems we will be seeing more of these types of depressing issues. This represents doing "death" right in comics. It's emotional and it fits the story. It certainly doesn't seem to be done simply to shock the reader, though it definitely did do that. This is a comic not to be missed. |
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Chew (20090 #55
Feb 27, 2016 |
"Chew" wraps up its penultimate arc, "Last Suppers" with a surprising and emotional read. The fallout is going to have a big impact on how the final arc plays out. This is one of those powerful issues that only "Chew" seems capable of pulling off regularly. The comic is made more dramatic with the exceptional artwork as Guillory continues to churn out issue after issue of some of the best artwork in the business. This is a great issue in a great series. It will be a sad day when this comic comes to a close. |
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Chew / Revival | 1 issues |
Chew / Revival #1
May 31, 2014 |
Chew and Revival are two comics that are great long form reads. They have deep characters and mysteries that are vastly different but equally as intriguing. When they are brought together the differences may seem jarring but the heart of the stories have a lot in common. There is no real recommended reading order to this book, though the Chew book pokes fun at this. However you slice it, this comic is a great read and a great introduction into two great series. Give it a try. |
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Chew: Secret Agent Poyo | 1 issues |
Chew: Secret Agent Poyo #1
Jul 16, 2012 |
If you haven't read an issue of Chew this your chance. If you have, then you already know this comic book is going to be great. The only thing that is missing are the cat pictures that usually adorn the letters column. |
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Chrononauts | 2 issues |
Chrononauts #1
Mar 21, 2015 |
Chrononauts is a great read if you turn off your brain and don't question much of what you read. If you sit back and look at the art and follow along with the basic story you will get the bang for your buck. This isn't anything terribly original but it entertains and that's probably what most comic book readers are looking for. |
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Chrononauts #2
Apr 18, 2015 |
Chrononauts #2 is a strange book. The comic is basically twenty pages of showing off Murphy's art throughout history. The story idea is that one characters is trying to convince the other to live like he does, as the ruler of various time periods scattered throughout history. It's an okay read but there isn't much story wise. You won't find a nicer looking book though. I recommend giving this a look. |
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Clean Room | 1 issues |
Clean Room #1
Oct 24, 2015 |
"Clean Room" marks the first ongoing Gail Simone series at Vertigo and it is off to a great start. Simone introduces a cache of interesting and well-defined characters while setting the stage for a super-natural story that cloaks itself in a religious cult. The comic provides some detailed pencils that hit the mark particularly well in two terrifying images. Overall, this is a fun, but in a chilling way, read. "Clean Room" is not a comic book to pass on. |
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Clone | 1 issues |
Clone #1
Nov 23, 2012 |
Clone has a lot of promise. The opening issue establishes a couple of characters very nicely and introduces a very fast paced plot. The book's direction of the characters is still a bit of mystery but that isn't a bad thing at this junction. I definitely enjoyed this read and recommend giving this a try. I plan to stop back in for a second issue. |
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Collider | 1 issues |
Collider #1
Aug 2, 2013 |
The comic is a great start. The book sets up the concept and introduces the characters but there isn't a ton in here to really blow you away by issue's end. This is perfectly fine for the long form but it does make for a mild launch. The science fiction fan or those looking for something out of the ordinary should get ready for what's looks to be a great ride. |
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Comeback | 1 issues |
Comeback #1
Nov 23, 2012 |
Comeback is a very intriguing idea. Obviously written for the collected edition, the opening issue struggles to establish the characters as well as the premise. Where it excels in one, it falls a little short in the other. I think the book could end up being great, but this issue provides a slower start. This is one to keep you eye on even if you don't pick up the opening issue. |
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Conan And The People of The Black Circle | 1 issues |
Conan And The People of The Black Circle #1
Oct 25, 2013 |
Conan and the People of the Black Circle is off to a good start. The plot is put out there early and Conan seems to have gotten himself in over his head all by the end of this issue. The book might be better served with the narration as seen in Truman or Wood's Conan but this is a nice change of pace. This is definitely a book to look for. |
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Conan the Barbarian | 2 issues |
Conan the Barbarian #1
Feb 11, 2012 |
Conan has never been a character or a genre that I could get into. However, Wood is showing me that there is more to the character than a simple sword and sorcery comic. I would have preferred a lit more action and blood in this issue but there is room for that to come. I liked this issue and if you have ever looked for a reason to pick up a Conan comic then you won't find a better opportunity than this one. |
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Conan the Barbarian #24
Jan 25, 2014 |
Wood's run on Conan has been very good. The long view is one of a love story. This comic closes the book on the love story and unleashes a bloodbath of rage as Conan makes the decision to survive. Even it means carrying on alone. This is such a great read. |
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Conan: The Avenger | 1 issues |
Conan: The Avenger #21
Jan 2, 2016 |
"Conan The Avenger" tells a self-contained story about Conan getting crucified. The comic excels on taking the reader through the trials of facing death. The book digs into the character's head as he comes up with an idea for escape, battles through the pain, only to find failure staring him in the face. The comic book is as good as it gets for going for a punch in the gut. This is a read that requires no previous knowledge of the character or the story line. I recommend picking this up to find out what Conan is all about. |
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Concrete: Three Uneasy Pieces | 1 issues |
Concrete: Three Uneasy Pieces #1
Jul 21, 2012 |
There you have it, three stories in one comic book. Twenty four pages of entertainment with not a dud in the bunch. If you have been curious about Concrete then this is the issue to pick up. I enjoyed this read very much. |
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Constantine (2013) | 1 issues |
Constantine (2013) #1
Mar 24, 2013 |
Obviously, the fans that hated the idea of a DCU Constantine aren't going to like this anyway, much like the Before Watchmen (creator rights issue aside) debacle. However, unlike Before Watchmen, this comic is looked to set a direction into the future of the character and not connect the dots to something that already exists that people love. If you are new to Constantine or indifferent to the idea of a DCU version of the character then you probably will find just enough to come back for more, especially if you like jagged lead characters or elements of magic. This was an average comic book with some glimpses of future promise. |
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Contest Of Champions | 1 issues |
Contest Of Champions #1
Oct 10, 2015 |
"Contest of Champions" delivers a very average first issue. The premise of having characters fighting either against their will or for some carrot being dangled in front of them is an old one. This issue doesn't bring anything new to the table for that idea. This comic takes a few obscure characters and focuses on them while some of the better known characters make appearances to keep things interesting. The usage of caption boxes to both provide character insight as well as describe action is awkward. The artwork is very strong for a comic that is supposed to look and feel epic. Overall this is an average comic book with some minor potential going forward. At five dollars you might want to look elsewhere. |
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Convergence | 4 issues |
Convergence #0
Apr 4, 2015 |
Convergence is pretty much a way that DC will flush away the New 52 and introduce the new status quo. This opening comic makes this seem like it will be a very bumpy road. If you are looking to take a breather from DC then this might be the time to do it. Maybe check back in when the new books hit in June. If you like New 52 Superman then this is your comic book to pick up. If you are looking for a sensible start to a big event for five bucks then this might not be it. Maybe this issue would have been better served as a freebie. |
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Convergence #1
Apr 11, 2015 |
Convergence is definitely schedule filler. The old time DC fan might find a lot to enjoy in this comic book. They might even fall in love with the event. If you aren't up on your DC events and characters from twenty to thirty years ago then skip this. At five bucks you can easily find something else to check out. This one is for the die-hard fans only. |
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Convergence #2
Apr 18, 2015 |
Convergence is definitely a mini-series for the die-hard DC fan. The reader that knows all of the characters from all of the universes and that's kept up with all of the major events through the years. If you are one of those readers then you will know how these characters should act and how the plot fits together. If you pick this up on a lark and are a casual DC reader then you are left to your own devices. You won't find a recap page or footnotes or any information to help you understand what's happening or the characters that are involved. You are left to sink or swim based on the material in the panels. Quite frankly there isn't enough for my entertainment. I can't recommend this book. |
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Convergence #3
Apr 25, 2015 |
Convergence is an okay story with obscure characters. The plot is fairly thin but the action is heavy. The comic puts familiar names with unfamiliar faces into a tough situation. The comic struggles to make sense to the unseasoned reader but will probably be a great read for those that know the ins and outs of these characters. This is an okay comic book. |
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Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle | 2 issues |
Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #1
May 2, 2015 |
Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle represents my favorite book in the Convergence cache to this point. This is the kind of characterization the DC could use more of in their comics. Plenty of action, a surprise or two, all while injecting the Convergence story line. If you know and love these characters then this is a comic to pick up. |
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Convergence: Nightwing / Oracle #2
May 9, 2015 |
Nightwing and Oracle is a great comic book. Forget Convergence. Forgot the New 52. If you know Barbara Gordon as Batgirl or Oracle and you know Dick Grayson as Robin or Nightwing then you will find as solid as a comic book relationship as you'll find. Simone's command of these characters endures after all of these years. This is a great comic book that looks at what makes characters tick as they interact with each other. This is a great read. |
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Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) | 1 issues |
Criminal Special Edition (One-Shot) #1
Feb 28, 2015 |
Criminal is a solid idea. The success of the book lies in the character work and the grittiness of the world. It's an unforgiving world with murder, deception and mistrust. If any of those things interest you then I would pick this up. If you enjoyed a good Conan magazine back in the day then you will love this comic book as well. It's amazing just how similar Conan-like Lawless actually is in this story. Fantastic comic book. One of the very best you will find. |
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Criminal: The Last of the Innocent | 1 issues |
Criminal: The Last of the Innocent #1
Jun 4, 2011 |
Criminal is a series where each arc is its own jumping on point. However, this arc is different than all the rest because you don't have to be a hardcore noir or crime fan to enjoy this read. This book manages to present a different kind of story that should hopefully be more appealing to a wider audience. I enjoyed this book thoroughly and highly recommend it for anyone looking for something a little different than the usual capes and cowls book. |
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Criminal: The Sinners | 4 issues |
Criminal: The Sinners #1
Oct 10, 2009 |
There is a lot to like about the comic. The character development is rapid and deep. The artwork is dense, dark and moody. The story is straight forward, but with twists in the plot are looming. The comic provides real extras, not just cover galleries or pencils. This is truly a comic book worth checking out if you have any interest at all in crime dramas that are told in a character driven setting. This was an excellent first issue to this arc. |
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Criminal: The Sinners #2
Nov 29, 2009 |
Criminal is still on the climb upwards in the current story, but this is a great comic. You really can't spend your money on anything better than this issue if you like crime dramas that make you think as you're reading. This is definitely one I recommend highly. |
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Criminal: The Sinners #3
Dec 28, 2009 |
Criminal is the kind of story that you keep up with or get left behind. That isn't to stay its fast moving or some convoluted that it's boring. No, its got more than just a plot and some ancillary characters. It's a story that shows the underworld to be a place where no one is worthy rooting for. It's a comic that takes you to the dark places of these character's minds in subtle ways. It's a terrific read in an art form that is under utilized today in movies, TV and comic books. |
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Criminal: The Sinners #4
Feb 6, 2010 |
This chapter of Criminal saw Tracy Lawless gets pushed to the brink of death. So much so that I can't believe he's going to survive this series. In true noir fashion though, should it even surprise me if he ends up dead? We'll see how this all ends up next issue. This is one of the best issues Brubaker has ever put together. |
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Curse | 1 issues |
Curse #1
Jan 16, 2014 |
Curse is off to a promising start. The initial issue wastes no time by giving a personality to the lead character, showing the capabilities of the werewolf and getting down to the blood. The plots that are introduced don't mature in this issue but the setup seems sound enough to check out the rest of the series. This is a good first comic to what looks to be a promising mini-series. |
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Cyber Force (2012) | 1 issues |
Cyber Force (2012) #1
Oct 20, 2012 |
Cyber Force is a concept that has been around for a couple of decades and yet I have never ventured into the water. This freebie was too good to pass up and I was glad I picked it up. The story was slow and it took a couple of reads before I understood what was going on, but I liked what I saw. Long time readers might find it easier to pick things up, but I hope they find the same level of enjoyment. This is too good to pass up. |
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Cyborg | 1 issues |
Cyborg #1
Jul 25, 2015 |
Cyborg is a good read. The comic gives some background on the lead character, establishes his personality and presents his relationship with his father. The book doesn't have much action and is a slow read. The comic does introduce a villain that seems to be a slower building, but very intriguing one. Backed up with excellent artwork, you have a good, but no perfect, initial issue. I recommend checking this comic out. |
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Cyclops (2014) | 1 issues |
Cyclops (2014) #1
May 10, 2014 |
The question about this series is whether or not you care enough about the fractured, but nurturing relationship between Cyclops and his father. If that interests you then a Greg Rucka written book is going to be a potential classic. If that sort of book leaves you cold then it doesn't matter how interesting the future plots are, this comic isn't going to entertain you. I like the set up and now we'll wait to see what Rucka has in store for the pair. |
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D4VE (IDW) | 2 issues |
D4VE (IDW) #1
Feb 28, 2015 |
Yes, you've seen these types of stories before. Typically they are of the Terminator sort where the world is either inhabited or getting taken over by the evil robots. These robots may have slaughtered the human race but they are finding themselves struggling to find a purpose now. It's a clever twist on the idea and it is executed in an intriguing way. I definitely recommend checking this comic out. |
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D4VE (IDW) #2
Mar 28, 2015 |
D4ve is a strange comic book but it is definitely a fun read. Robots occupy Earth. But they've become complacent and bored with everyday life. If you like your comic books to have terrific characterization then this is one to pick up. This book is good fun, in a very odd way. D4ve is someone you want to see come out of this fog and kick some butt, even if it is just his oddball son that he knocks some sense into. I'm anxious to see where this is heading. |
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Damian: Son of Batman | 1 issues |
Damian: Son of Batman #1
Nov 1, 2013 |
Damian is a hollow character made worse in this issue. The uninvolved characters that are jammed in this issue makes it read like pages are missing or were left on the cutting room floor. The comic is not terribly entertaining and I think even the biggest Damian fan is going to be disappointed. |
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Dark Engine | 1 issues |
Dark Engine #1
Jul 19, 2014 |
The comic book is fantasy and horror blended together. It has elements of Dark Crystal, Legend, Lord of the Rings and many other movies or novels in it. That helps because you can't sum up those stories in one issue either so this has some room to get some traction. I was hoping to at least like the characters coming out of this but that didn't quite happen. This comic needs some work in the next couple of issues if there is to be any kind of interest in the long run. This is a decent start story-wise and a visual masterpiece in the art department. Check it out. |
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Dark Knight III: The Master Race | 3 issues |
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1
Nov 28, 2015 |
"DK III: The Master Race" kicks off with a thirty-page comic with a twelve-page mini-comic for six bucks. The issue is mostly setup as it provides the dilemma at hand and rolls out some of the key players. The artwork tries to replicate the original "Dark Knight" look but doesn't quite rise above the normal dark Batman comic book. The comic is a decent read but doesn't measure up to the hype yet. You should still pick this up because it might become a classic even if it isn't there just yet. |
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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #2
Dec 26, 2015 |
"DK III: The Master Race" is a very good read. The comic answers some questions about what happened to Batman and it brings the master race aspect of the story into clearer focus. The comic does a good job balancing the three character's story lines as they start to come together. The artwork and the comic's presentation are fantastic as everything from the weight of the paper to the mini-comic are of the highest quality. The third installment of the Dark Knight saga is shaping up to be worthy of the hype. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3
Feb 27, 2016 |
"Dark Knight III: The Master Race" raises the stakes in terms of tension and plot in the third issue. Once again, the comic provides a mini-comic and heavy paper for the cover and interiors to help give a little more bang for your six bucks. The comic goes over familiar territory where old heroes dust off their gear to save Earth one last time. However, there are a couple of interesting twists as things begin to heat up to set this story apart from previous ones. The artwork is good, but the presentation with the heavy page and mini-comic and big splash pages help to make the comic seem closer to epic in nature. This is worth a look if you don't mind paying the six bucks. It looks like this is going to be a mini-series that you don't want to miss. |
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Dark Reign: The List (2009) | 3 issues |
Dark Reign: The List (2009): Amazing Spider-Man #1
Nov 21, 2009 |
The comic book doesn't do anything crazy like resolve the Dark Reign conflict, but it does provide the face-off that you would expect to get from these two characters. It's an oversized story with a decent reprint of a Bendis and Bagley comic from a few years ago. There is a lot to offer in this comic book for $4 which is not a common thing to find these days. |
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Dark Reign: The List (2009): Punisher #1
Nov 1, 2009 |
While I can't say I am thrilled with the direction the Punisher seems to be taking, it was nice to see a fight actually have a conclusion for a change. What makes this comic work though isn't the storyline or the direction of the character, but the entertainment within this comic. From a strict entertainment standpoint this comic has an excellent fight, terrific artwork and a fascinating setup to reach the ultimately odd conclusion. I enjoyed this comic book very much and I definitely recommend it. |
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Dark Reign: The List (2009): Wolverine #1
Oct 31, 2009 |
Obviously this is not essential reading, but the sketch pages, reprint of Jason Aaron's first Wolverine story and the two entries from the Marvel Encyclopedia help justify the $4 cover price. The story is very good and opens up the potential for a greater cast and storylines to come. If you appreciate a good, but different Wolverine story that has some humor in it and is light on the assassin stuff then this story is for you. You even get some laughs out of Norman Osborn's scenes. This is a great one shot and Wolverine story. |
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Dead Body Road | 1 issues |
Dead Body Road #1
Dec 13, 2013 |
Dead Body Road rockets out of the gate with a great issue. We have a good plot, deeply defined characters and some grizzled artwork to put together the perfect crime-gone-wrong/revenge story. I am waiting for the second issue in hopes of more action, death, torture and backstabbing. This is a great book. |
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Deadly Class | 3 issues |
Deadly Class #1
Jan 24, 2014 |
Deadly Class offers up an issue that is mostly origin story but it helps to fully introduce the lead character. The comic book has a lot of background so that the reader gets a good idea what the lead character is all about. The book has some action and advances the overall story to the next phase very nicely. This book is one to pick up without a doubt. |
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Deadly Class #8
Oct 18, 2014 |
Deadly Class is a gem of a book. It's a bit of a period piece as it takes place in the 1980s but it relies on emotions that are timeless. This origin issue pulls on the reader's strings and delivers a great ride even if the reader knows how it's going to end. This is one to pick up. |
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Deadly Class #11
Feb 21, 2015 |
Deadly Class is an enjoyable read. The characters all have a way of shunning perfection. The characters display their flaws often and they become part of the storyline. While this issue may seem like a revenge story or tying up loose ends story, it really is a drama that is the result of a love triangle. The comic book has plenty of action and wonderful visuals to round out the reading experience. This is definitely something to pick up. |
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Deadpool (2012) | 4 issues |
Deadpool (2012) #1
Nov 10, 2012 |
Deadpool is a good read. It's not great, but it does a nice job of keeping up a brisk pace and throwing something interesting into the mix with the zombie Presidents. Priced at three dollars you could do a lot worse for your entertainment value with all the overpriced books on the market. I recommend checking this out if you are looking for something fun to read and this book just might offer enough to come back for a second issue. |
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Deadpool (2012) #13
Jul 19, 2013 |
This issue of Deadpool provides a nice one and done story. Obviously the groundwork here will lead to more stories down the road, but for now, this issue is a good standalone story. Obviously the book is a "period piece" especially in terms of references, but it's done very well. If you like your comics to be standalone or your stories to be a little tongue-in-cheek then check this out. |
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Deadpool (2012) #20
Dec 6, 2013 |
Deadpool time travels and finds himself on an adventure that requires some detective skills. The comic book is a great one shot that creates a Silver Age comic in the modern age. The character and the storytelling is an acquired taste but I bet if you pick this up you will be entertained and you close the cover with a smile on your face. These types of comics are pure fun. |
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Deadpool (2012) #27
Apr 12, 2014 |
If you are willing to drop ten bucks on a comic book about Deadpool then you probably will like this issue. If you are a fan of the character and loved some of the character's creators over the years then this book is probably a dream come true. To me, it's a little bit too much Deadpool, but I was still entertained for a good stretch of time. At the very least, pick this up off the shelf and look at the cover for a while. |
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Death Of Wolverine | 4 issues |
Death Of Wolverine #1
Sep 6, 2014 |
So Wolverine is apparently going to die. This comic starts the reader down that path. There are a lot of faceless assassins gunning for him and a C-list villain, which oddly fits. The book is a nice setup of what's to come presumably, with some fantastic artwork and plenty of back matter. It's worth checking out but doesn't quite reach anywhere near a classic reads category. Give it a shot. |
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Death Of Wolverine #2
Sep 13, 2014 |
Death of Wolverine is a touchy subject among many of the fans. The character deaths do feel out of control. However, the individual book is a decent read with fantastic artwork. From the setup in this comic book wouldn't you think this is like every other mess Wolverine has gotten himself into and then out of? Why would you think he won't find a way out of it? We'll find out in a couple of weeks as I see the third issue is delayed until October it appears. If you love McNiven then this is a must have. As far as stories go the comic is average. |
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Death Of Wolverine #3
Oct 4, 2014 |
Death of Wolverine is an okay mini-series. If you love the character then seeing this thing through to the end is a necessary evil. McNiven's art makes this more than tolerable but the story and plot just are not there. Combine that with the $5 price tag and you have something that you can probably take a pass on. |
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Death Of Wolverine #4
Oct 18, 2014 |
Wolverine is dead. He deserved a better send off. I'm not suggesting the story needed to be dragged on for twelve issues but the with four issues, Soule could have easily presented a tight character arc that brought out Wolverine's final lap through his struggle to become a man above an animal. Perhaps an arc to finish the idea that everyone he has loved ends up dying. There were plenty of ways to put a nice cap on one of the long running themes from Wolverine's complicated past. Instead, Soule provides a mediocre story that doesn't seem to build any danger or allow the reader to believe that Wolverine is in any kind of internal struggle. Without McNiven this book would be totally avoidable. |
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Death Of Wolverine One Shot | 2 issues |
Death Of Wolverine: Life After Logan #1
Nov 8, 2014 |
This anthology hits all the right notes with the Cyclops story. It struggles with the other two stories, but for different reasons and it is not universally a miss for either one. The comic at least addresses that the X-Men are hurting and they are trying to deal with their grief and anger. This comic highlights a couple of those characters. The book is over-priced at $5 so it's easy to pass up. However, if you like these characters and you should pick this up you probably won't regret it. |
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Death Of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1
Nov 1, 2014 |
This is the kind of one-shot that will sneak up on you. You probably pass this by on the rack but this comic is well worth stopping and at least looking at the first few pages. This is a very good self-enclosed story that definitely captures the best of the Captain America-Deadpool-Wolverine dynamic. I suggest giving this a shot despite the price point. |
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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy | 3 issues |
Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #1
Oct 18, 2014 |
I'm not sure sending Wolverine's enemies/sometimes allies, on a quest together is all that appealing. The one interesting thread was that Dark Wolverine learned that Wolverine was being sold - in pieces - in some market in some distance land. Beyond that, this book doesn't give me much to get excited about. It's an okay book that would have been far better served as a freebie teaser for the rest of the mini-series. You really need to be a complete-ist to pick this one up. |
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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #2
Oct 25, 2014 |
The Logan Legacy doesn't appear to be much more than a series of one-shots that have some loose connection together. Based on the previous issue I assumed there would be more of a quest that the group embarks on. However, a one-shot dealing with Laura is probably appropriate and this comic does a great job of giving her perspective on the death of wolverine, short of her visiting a shrink. This is a good book. |
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Death of Wolverine: Logans Legacy #3
Nov 1, 2014 |
I don't know how this comic could have been better. Perhaps if the jealously led Sabretooth to someone related to the killing of Wolverine? Or maybe if he found someone that was as jealous? I'm not sure but this direction took the things that make Sabretooth great and threw them into a very strange book. I wasn't into this comic book at all. |
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Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program | 2 issues |
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1
Nov 8, 2014 |
This comic runs side by side with the Death of Wolverine story. I like the idea of a parallel track, such as this, and the plot threads could have some interesting results down the line. The characters are also nice additions to this event fallout. The comic could have used some work making this book a tighter read, but overall this is a good start. I recommend checking this out. |
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Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #2
Nov 22, 2014 |
This Weapon X mini-series isn't bad. It's a good idea. I'm not sure this issue was necessary or accomplished much and that is a problem. The series isn't a lost cause. Not yet anyway. This is a below average comic book. |
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Deathlok (2014) | 1 issues |
Deathlok (2014) #1
Nov 1, 2014 |
Deathlok is a comic book you had no idea you wanted. However, if you like spy comics or comics with government cover-ups and conspiracies then this is a book to pick up. This is an action-packed first issue that provides just enough information to give you an idea of what's going on with the plot and characters. I recommend checking this out. |
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Deathmatch | 1 issues |
Deathmatch #2
Feb 4, 2013 |
Deathmatch sounds like a hollow comic book concept. This issue proves it is not. Jenkins has a bunch of plots running here as he appears to be pulling threads out in various directions to join them back up at some future point. The fighting isn't nearly as central to this book as the title suggests. To round out the book the comic has a bracket and bios in the back making this comic book a true experience. I definitely enjoyed this comic book. |
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Demon Knights | 1 issues |
Demon Knights #1
Sep 16, 2011 |
Perhaps if you know about characters like Sir Ystin, Vandal Savage or Exoristos you will love this issue and the situations they have been put in. Or maybe you have faith that in time the plot and story will kick in and the book will really get rolling. As an added bonus, Cornell has promised that future issues will have dragons in them. But as a first issue this comic just doesn't do enough to grab my interest. It feels too much like chapter one instead of a self-contained story in its own right. |
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Descender | 1 issues |
Descender #1
Mar 7, 2015 |
Descender is a comic book that throws a lot at a reader in the first issue. It's not often you find a first issue that establishes a baseline then completely changes it, establishing a new baseline in the same issue. The comic book is beautiful to look at and if the story can continue to engage and surprise then this will be a big hit. So far, so good. This is worth giving a look. I recommend it. |
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Detective Comics (2011) | 8 issues |
Detective Comics (2011) #13
Oct 5, 2012 |
Layman comes out of the gate flying. His style is very different from what you find in Chew, but he keeps a lot of his tricks intact. I found the dialogue to be every bit as bouncy as you would find in any issue of Chew. Couple that with the plot and story execution and artwork and you have a great start to a run that I have high hopes for. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #18
Mar 9, 2013 |
Detective comics is building with each issue towards something special. This issue is another good read as it pushes along more of the plot and introduces an interesting threat for the next issue. This comic book is quickly becoming one of the more solid reads each month and it is becoming one of DC's strongest titles in their publishing list. I recommend checking this out. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #19
Apr 6, 2013 |
Sixty pages of Batman for eight bucks isn't the best value in the world, but at least it was entertaining. Layman knows how to tell a good story and this issue is loaded with them. I'm not sure this was the big celebration I was expecting for the 900th issue and "900" mystery but I guess Layman will pick up the Emperor Penguin later on again. This was an entertaining and good read but nothing special. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #21
Jun 9, 2013 |
Detective Comics has sort of been operating out on its own up to this point. Layman has been able to bring in a new villain to the mix, Emperor Penguin, while playing with an old one, Penguin. It's been fairly self-enclosed to this series. However, now we see a story that is bringing in a new character but building up a subplot involving a character that crosses into multiple Bat-books. This comic really is much more grounded to the greater DCU and it looks like Layman is digging in for the long haul. This is a good thing. I can't wait to see where Layman takes this comic. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #22
Jul 4, 2013 |
Detective Comics is a great Batman book to pick up. It doesn't have the deep look at the character that you might find in Batman Incorporated or Batman. Instead the comic book is giving us the day-to-day Batman dealing with the regular problems that he faces in Gotham all the time. It's basically the Batman book to pick up if you like your Batman to stay away from the sprawling epics. It's a consistently good read. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #23.3
Sep 21, 2013 |
Scarecrow is a good read. It's a professional effort from an old pro like Tomasi. There seems to be more he could have done with this issue but for a throwaway he does a good job of balancing the latest event with simply telling a self-contained story. This is one of the better 3D comics this month. You might want to check it out. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #24
Oct 5, 2013 |
Detective Comics is a very consistent read under Layman and Fabok. The book provides a good ending to a good arc. The book allows room for future stories while bringing this one to a satisfactory conclusion. This is simply another good Batman story that will entertain and engage a reader and there is something to be said for that level of consistency in this market place. |
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Detective Comics (2011) #27
Jan 9, 2014 |
Detective Comics #27 is a true celebration of the character and is definitely a great pick-up. You get ninety pages of story and there isn't a dud in the bunch. The long story from the main creative team feels slightly out of a place but the content of the story is of high quality. This is definitely something to check out. |
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Detective Comics (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
Detective Comics (2011) Annual #2
Aug 3, 2013 |
Annuals are a tough sell. They cost more than regular issues for not a lot of content. They are typically throwaway type books that don't tie in to the regular stories in the series. And the comics typically aren't by the main creative team. However, this annual is an entertaining and one-and-done comic book and there is something to be said for that. I like the mystery in the comic and I liked the new villain in the comic, even if it is not terribly inventive, Layman writes the character with a new freshness to it. This is worth checking out if you are curious about Layman's Batman work. |
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Devolution | 1 issues |
Devolution #1
Jan 23, 2016 |
"Devolution" is the latest flawed-future comic from Rick Remender. Life has returned to the days of cavemen except for a precious few that are fighting to survive and live by their own rules. The comic is a great start to the high concept, but does use heavy narration to explain the current state of things. The artwork is also good, but seems to be so heavily inked. Overall, this is a book to pick up and a series to keep your eye on. Remender has a history of ripping apart his characters and I suspect this comic will be no different. |
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Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird | 1 issues |
Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird #1
Jan 18, 2014 |
Seekers of the Weird is probably a niche book. Fans of Disney and of the attractions might be curious enough to check this out but generally speaking those readers that like adventure and mystery but nothing over the top might find something to like here. I plan to check out the series to see where this is headed. This is a good start. |
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Django Unchained | 1 issues |
Django Unchained #1
Dec 20, 2012 |
Django Unchained looks to be a real labor of love. This comic book series promises to be faithful to the original draft of the movie. If that is the case then I expect each issue to be very dense and very entertaining. I found this issue to be a very good comic book with a few flaws here and there. I recommend checking this out. |
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DMZ | 7 issues |
DMZ #57
Sep 18, 2010 |
This is definitely an accessible issue as a one-shot. It's a profile piece but it attacks the most basic human emotions. If you have any interest at all in this series you may want to check out this issue to get a glimpse of the kind of stories this series is yielding on a consistent basis. I definitely recommend this issue. |
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DMZ #59
Nov 27, 2010 |
To read this issue you might be confused as to how there could possibly be more to this series. I mean, everything gets leveled. Matty's character is completely broken down and the rebuilding begins here. Is there enough time left in this story to bring him back? Is he meant to be brought back? I recommend this issue because it makes for a very bleak character study as we see into the heart of the main one. This was a very good read. |
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DMZ #60
Dec 18, 2010 |
DMZ begins its final year of stories and I am eager to see how it all ends. This issue gives some of the background of the very beginning. It's a somber read to watch a country become torn apart. However, it's only going to get worse once the fighting really starts. This was a good but not great read. |
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DMZ #63
Mar 19, 2011 |
DMZ continues to be a good read. Wood is moving the pieces into place for an unpredictable ending. I recommend sitting down and reading this series if you haven't checked it out yet. I think if you are reading it then you know the quality and understand that this issue is one more step in building the tension for the grand finale. |
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DMZ #65
May 21, 2011 |
DMZ is a comic book that doesn't deal with anything in a straightforward manner. Characters you like end up letting you down and assumptions you make end up being fake. Deals are made to save mass murderers in the hopes of saving lives down the road and yet still many, many characters die. The comic book is complex and very entertaining. I have no idea how this will all end but I can tell you that based on this issue I would say anything is possible. |
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DMZ #71
Nov 26, 2011 |
Wood is closing out a long running series that has had a lot of terrible things occur in it. This issue doesn't dismiss any of it and it certainly doesn't clear one of the main players in the middle of it all. Roth may not have fought on either side of the war but he certainly had a hand in a lot of death and he takes the blame for it in this issue. This is a powerful comic book to read. |
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DMZ #72
Dec 30, 2011 |
DMZ has been a very good series. Like a lot of long series, it has had some lulls in it. However, the ending is a clear reminder of how great this series was when it hit the right notes. This issue is one of those right notes. I can't recommend checking this issue out enough. It is one of the best issues I have read all year. |
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Doctor Strange (2015) | 1 issues |
Doctor Strange (2015) #1
Oct 10, 2015 |
"Doctor Strange" launches with an average first offering. Strange is characterized too much like Tony Stark with his sarcasm and woman-chasing antics. The comic hatches an interesting plot near the end of the comic that might allow Strange to interact more with the commoner and use some detective skills along the way. The artwork doesn't do much to segment the radically different scene shifts in this comic book, but provides a decent look when dealing with Strange's day-to-day life. The comic book is worth a look if you want a character-driven story. If the characterization becomes more unique and the idea of magic coming at a price comes to the forefront then this book could be a winner. This title will be worth keeping track of down the road. |
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Dracula vs. King Arthur | 1 issues |
Dracula vs. King Arthur #1
Aug 10, 2012 |
Arthur and Vampires seem to both be very niche genres. However, this book is simply a classic. The love story is excellent. The drama that builds until the ending is perfect. The match-ups are epic. The ending has plenty of heroics. And something that I love about stories is that the door is left open for more when the final curtain comes down. I've read this story several times and I find myself enjoying it more and more. This is something to pick up if you come across it sometime. |
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Dracula World Orde | 1 issues |
Dracula World Orde #1
Jun 11, 2012 |
Dracula might be everyone's cup of tea, but if you are looking for some reason to break out of super hero comics then this is as good a starting point as you will find. I can't remember getting this jazzed up over a first issue book since Chew and that was a completely original idea whereas this is a property I thought I knew very well. Turns out I didn't and Brill is showing me the light in this unexplored tunnel. Find this book and see if drags into the same place. Fantastic comic book all around. |
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Drax (2015) | 1 issues |
Drax (2015) #1
Nov 7, 2015 |
"Drax" starts out with a very solid first issue. Drax finds himself on a break from the Guardians and decides to embark on a quest to find and kill Thanos. This comic provides some action, good characterizations and launches the plot for the book. The artwork helps to round out the reading experience nicely. This series is off to a good start. |
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Drifter | 1 issues |
Drifter #1
Nov 15, 2014 |
Drifter is a good start to a series. What the book does from here is anyone's guess but the first issue at least establishes a good core cast and a decent mystery. The book is backed up by stellar artwork and has few downsides to the comic book. This is a good book to check out if you are looking for something different on the racks these days. |
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Drumhellar | 1 issues |
Drumhellar #1
Nov 9, 2013 |
Drumhellar is an odd book. It's a character book and that works well. However, this issue read too much like the opening to a trade collection and it drops too much of a mystery in the process. I'm not entirely sure what the book is about and that could be a problem. I'm in for another issue to see where this is headed. |
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Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms | 1 issues |
Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms #1
May 12, 2012 |
I wish I could say if this book lives up to the game and/or novels but I don't know if it does or not. What I can tell you is this book is more of a caper than a sword and sorcery book. They aren't even really chasing an object as much as a person and general adventure. Perhaps there will be magic, dragons and swords down the road but this book is a suspenseful mystery and it was not was I was looking for sadly. |
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Ei8ht | 1 issues |
Ei8ht #1
Feb 21, 2015 |
Ei8ht is a very solid read. With an easy to follow plot but put together like a puzzle, the book was a fun read. The characters have some grit to them and definitely leave an impression. The visuals are a match for the story and the universe it resides in. Overall, this is a comic that is worth picking up. |
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Elektra (2014) | 1 issues |
Elektra (2014) #1
Apr 26, 2014 |
Elektra is a tough character to get behind. In some ways she is too much like Wolverine, she is too many things and master of none, but a really cool character nonetheless. This issue has the right idea for the first three quarters of the book. It provides a clunky, but effective information dump of the character's background. Then, it launches into a plot while providing motivation and an intriguing mystery. But then the book falls into an odd transition to another character that doesn't quite flow with the rest of the issue. The artwork is pitch perfect that is the big plus. If you aren't a fan of the character there probably isn't much in here to rope you into the series. However, it does read fairly well overall. |
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Elephantmen | 17 issues |
Elephantmen #22
Oct 24, 2009 |
Elephantmen is beginning to ramp up to something big. This issue is a step in that process as the pieces are moved around. We have several characters who receive a good push in their profile as we begin to see how this might shape out. The series is excellent and its issues like this one that just proves the real strength is in the character development and not just the battles and the psychological warfare that the Elephantmen seem to carry in every day life. This is a very good comic book. Don't miss this issue. |
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Elephantmen #23
Dec 19, 2009 |
Another stellar effort for the Elephantmen this month. If you pick up this issue I don't know how you could not continue based on the cliffhangers contained in this bad boy. The comic book is about to get really crazy and that's a good thing. |
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Elephantmen #24
Mar 13, 2010 |
Another incredible issue of Elephantmen officially begins the next big arc. This issue is definitely a great jump on point for the new or returning reader. There is no question that this is the new science fiction benchmark that I measure all others against. And not to be missed is another backup story about Brickman (oh yes, Brickman). This arc feels like its going to be a game-changer and I'm extremely anxious to get on the Starkings-crazy train. I definitely recommend this issue, this series and any Elephantmen paraphernalia you can get your hands on. |
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Elephantmen #26
Jul 4, 2010 |
Elephantmen is consistently one of the best reads out there every single issue. This issue takes a bit of a deep breath as it appears to be ready to explode very soon. I liked the new character introduced but want more of her. I also liked the expansion of Sahara and the complication thrown in there about what the SIMMs are capable of doing. Elephantmen continues to push the boundaries of the strange mixture of war, humanity and science fiction. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Elephantmen #27
Sep 25, 2010 |
I feel like we've been waiting for things to really start to explode for a while now and this issue certainly delivers some action and blood to go along with it. I'm finding myself unraveling one strand of the mystery only to discover two more await me. I simply can't wait for the next issue. This issue and series are a fun romp down the science fiction lane. I definitely recommend this issue. |
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Elephantmen #29
Jan 2, 2011 |
One thing that this issue seems to unfold is a setup to bigger things to come based on the next two issues teased in the back of this one. It made me go back and re-read this issue immediately to see if I missed some subtle hint as to what is coming. When a series has you clamoring that much for the next issue you know you have found a winner of a series. I definitely recommend this issue and this outstanding science fiction series. |
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Elephantmen #30
Mar 13, 2011 |
This title is a lot like The Walking Dead in that there is never a bad issue. That also means the great issues need to be one of the very best the series has ever seen. This one pretty much cracks that plateau. I just can't imagine a reader picking up this issue for the first time and not wanting to pick up another one. This is an excellent read. |
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Elephantmen #31
May 14, 2011 |
Elephantmen is a series that rewards the long time reader with tiny little reveals here and there but it also makes each issue extremely accessible to the new reader because of the recap page and the jumping around the timeline. You simply won't find a book that is as deep into science fiction but telling a noir crime story at the same time on the stands today. The book is filled with raw emotions and you may find yourself cheering for the Elephantmen just as easily as you might yourself damning them. While the women play the role of damsel in distress with an agenda that can't possibly be good for their men. This book is fantastic and I urge anyone to check it out. |
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Elephantmen #32
Jul 9, 2011 |
Elephantmen has transformed into a full magazine with the back matter making the read a full one, much like Brubaker's Criminal comic book. The main story steals the show but the back matter reinforces and educates the reader on the source of the story. It all adds up to one of the best reads you'll find on the stands. Starkings continues to corner the market on science fiction and here he seems to be making his bid for the sorcerer genre as well. This is a "can't miss" book. |
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Elephantmen #33
Jul 30, 2011 |
This comic book is science fiction at its best. It blends elements of horror, fantasy and replacing body parts into a comprehensive and extraordinary tale. This is a terrific book and shouldn't be missed. |
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Elephantmen #34
Sep 3, 2011 |
I'm not sure I can recommend a series more than Elephantmen. Now that the book is back on schedule I find myself getting more impatient waiting on the next issue. However, when you throw an issue out there with Yvette and War Toys I can't help but curse Starkings for not bringing this character back sooner. War, science fiction, horror and strong character work, to me, makes for a must read comic book and that's what this one is. |
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Elephantmen #35
Oct 1, 2011 |
Elephantmen has many faces to it. This particularly issue gets down to war and blood. There isn't anything subtle about the issue and Starkings makes sure no one is safe. The issue contains a very good back up that helps round out this issue. The series is excellent and whether you are looking for science fiction or war you have the mix right here. I highly recommend this book. |
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Elephantmen #37
Jan 28, 2012 |
Elephantmen is a saga. Often issues call on events from months or years ago, which is really taxing on a reader's memory. On the other hand sometimes issues will make you have random questions that seem to be unrelated to the story as your brain tries to piece together the timeline and the flow of things. The only sure thing is that Starkings is not taking the reader on a wild goose chase. Can geese be Elephantmen? I definitely recommend checking out this series and issue. |
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Elephantmen #38
Apr 1, 2012 |
This is a classic issue of Elephantmen. I can't recall a single issue that reveals this much information in such a shocking fashion. It's a brilliant book. Add in that this comic book includes backup stories, pinups and an extra-long main story and you have a ton of value for your money. I can't wait to see where this is all going. This is a terrific comic book. |
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Elephantmen #39
May 26, 2012 |
With the backup story by Roshell, Bautista and Rouleau we get forty-four pages of comic for four bucks. You can't beat the price and you certainly can't beat the contents. Starkings is cementing his legendary status in this series with this epic issue. Science fiction, politics, drama and suspense fans shouldn't miss this comic. |
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Elephantmen #41
Jul 28, 2012 |
Elephantmen seems to tell a story or answer one question and then open up two more. I want to know more about the creep in the hat now, as well as more about Kubec and which Elephantmen he took under his wing and what they know. The best books always leave you wanting more and this comic is a prime example. This is a terrific investment in your time and money. |
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Elephantmen #51
Oct 5, 2013 |
A new beginning is definitely how I would bill this book. It doesn't erase anything that's come before but just puts one of the main characters in a different corner of the universe. If you love science-fiction mixed with some hard boiled characters and some strong character work then you should pick this up. I am pretty sure you are going to love what you find and I know the visuals and the story is going to entertain you. Come on in, the water's fine. |
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Elephantmen One Shot | 1 issues |
Elephantmen: Man And Elephantman #1
Apr 2, 2011 |
Starkings has created an amazing set of characters and an incredibly creative universe, but he can still bring the goods by just telling an old fashioned, interesting story as he does here. While I think this issue is geared towards the new reader, I don't think the long time reader is going to be disappointed. The character of Hip has been expanded in a big way with the last few issues and this is the cherry on top. If you are looking to get into this series then pick this issue up. I am fairly certain you will be hooked. This is well worth the price of admission. |
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End League | 1 issues |
End League #9
Nov 7, 2009 |
I enjoyed this comic immensely. Rereading this run will be more interesting now knowing the complicated conclusion. It's not the Watchmen, but the comic is certainly something to pick up and read. It's got a lot in it for people looking for a blurry line between good and evil and for those looking for a story that doesn't just upset the status quo, but destroys it. I highly recommend this comic. |
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Epic Kill | 1 issues |
Epic Kill #1
May 6, 2012 |
This comic has great potential and I liked what Ienco had to say at the end of the book. It seems like this series is going to be a lot about death which is nice to see a book live up to its name. If you like female assassins (with a cool twist at the end) then I definitely recommend picking up this book. I am interested to see where Ienco takes this story next and that is all you can ask for from a first issue. |
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Escape from New York | 1 issues |
Escape from New York #1
Dec 6, 2014 |
Escape From New York is nearly thirty-five years old. Can there still be an audience for this movie to support a comic book? Based on the contents of the comic, it might not matter because this is an action packed issue that leaves the film behind immediately. It stands on its own, making it extremely reader friendly. I enjoyed this issue and definitely plan to check out the future issues. |
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Evil Empire | 1 issues |
Evil Empire #1
Mar 8, 2014 |
The comic book is a great read and really has a fantastic pace to it. Obviously the cliffhanger is an attention grabber but all that came before is enough to jump on board with this series anyway. The comic book is on the way to becoming something special and I recommend getting in on the ground floor. This is your chance. |
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Evil Ernie | 1 issues |
Evil Ernie #2
Nov 14, 2012 |
Evil Ernie is a series to watch. The character building, along with the artwork are strong points in this issue. If the story can take shape with a solid plot both long and short term in the next couple of issues then I think this series is looking at a very bright future. This is definitely a comic book worth looking at. |
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Exile On The Planet Of The Apes | 1 issues |
Exile On The Planet Of The Apes #1
Mar 12, 2012 |
Planet of the Apes is generally thought of as a niche genre. I'm not sure I can convince a non-fan to pick this up, especially if they aren't some level of science fiction fan. However, this story definitely sets up like a politically driven prelude to war comic book. And I think anyone that likes these kinds of stories, regardless of their background in the Planet of the Apes universe, should give this issue a try. |
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Existence 3.0 | 3 issues |
Existence 3.0 #1
Nov 29, 2009 |
This comic book opens the arc with a nice initial chapter to the crime drama. It's establishing the characters and providing a foundation for a good story and buildup. It doesn't have the crazy twists from the first series as we seem to be getting back to storytelling basics. It's a great opening comic and if you are into crime dramas, like Criminal, then this is definitely worth checking out. This is shaping up to be a very good mini series. |
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Existence 3.0 #2
Feb 6, 2010 |
The second issue puts all of the main characters in difficult positions. It seems clear now that not everyone is going to live. However, some questions remain unanswered that will surely provide more twists in the comic issues. This series might have started off slowly but it has wasted no time in ramping up the story in the second issue. I definitely recommend this for the crime fans out there. |
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Existence 3.0 #4
Jun 5, 2010 |
Existence throws virtually everything but the kitchen sink at you in this issue. Characters seem to die and don't. Characters switch allegiances and then double cross back. There are explosions and sword fights and plenty of other action. It all adds up to a very entertaining read. I enjoyed the comic book a lot and if you are looking for something in the crime-science fiction-drama-strange category then this is something to check out. |
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Extermination | 1 issues |
Extermination #1
Jun 9, 2012 |
Extermination is probably an acquired taste. Luckily the character work is strong enough here that you don't have to be a science fiction or horror fan to enjoy the book. Sure this issue presents a lot of unanswered questions, but the set up is good enough to get me to return for a second issue. Priced at a buck, why wouldn't you give this a try? |
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Extraordinary X-Men | 1 issues |
Extraordinary X-Men #1
Nov 7, 2015 |
"Extraordinary X-Men" is off to a very slow start. The comic focuses on rounding up X-Men veterans while peppering in rescue missions of newer characters. Storm leads the team and she gets a lot panel time in the comic but she isn't established in any unique way. The pencils are great in some sequences and lacking detail in others. The comic is priced at five dollars for thirty pages of story and it really isn't worth it. I would sit this out and wait to see if the story gets off the ground in any meaningful way. |
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Fairest | 1 issues |
Fairest #1
Mar 11, 2012 |
It all comes down to expectations I suppose. I had heard so many positive things about the title book that I was probably expecting something that couldn't match those heights. However, I don't doubt that a fan of the Fables books won't absolutely love this book. I'm going to have to see where this goes but I found the opening issue to be just above average. |
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Fairy Quest: Outlaws | 1 issues |
Fairy Quest: Outlaws #1
Feb 9, 2013 |
I am not sure the long term plans for this book. The "Outlaws" title seems to imply more than one mini-series and this one is only two issues so I doubt the second issue will resolve a whole lot. Hopefully the series will continue but as far as this issue goes it's a good comic book that is equal parts fun and unique. I highly recommend checking this comic out. |
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Fall of the Hulks | 2 issues |
Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1
Dec 6, 2009 |
Now that we understand who is behind what will be the Fall of the Hulks and we seem to understand why they want to take them down it will make picking up the second issue of this event a little easier. When you consider some of the Hulk stories have felt so directionless over the last two years or so this was a breath of fresh air. I definitely recommend picking this up for someone interested in following this crossover, especially if you like Doctor Doom or some of the other villains as they portrayed flawlessly. |
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Fall of the Hulks: Gamma #1
Dec 27, 2009 |
Obviously the Hulk is a bit of a niche property. This Fall of the Hulks event isn't shaping up to be a cant miss mini event but does seem to be bringing a good story with a high level of execution, I would think, for the Hulk enthusiasts. This was a good comic regardless of whether you believe Ross is really dead or not or if you believe in the alliances. Things shaped up nicely in this comic book to deliver a good story. |
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Fanboys vs. Zombies | 3 issues |
Fanboys vs. Zombies #1
Apr 6, 2012 |
I realize this book is not going to be for everyone. It's got a snarky tone and it plays up on making fun of geeks. The characters could be facing any sort of disaster and still behave the exact same. They just so happen to be facing off with zombies. If you are looking for something fun to read and maybe laugh a little then I recommend checking this out. Plus, the issue is only a buck, so what do you have to lose? I know I am in for the long haul. |
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Fanboys vs. Zombies #3
Jun 9, 2012 |
Fanboys and Zombies is the kind of comic book that takes you someplace familiar but adds a new twist. I like the premise and the characters and the story behind some of them definitely makes the book feel that much more unique. I believe there is only one issue left in this arc and I know I am ready for it and what this title holds beyond it. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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Fanboys vs. Zombies #4
Jul 7, 2012 |
FvZ ends with some death, which was expected but still a little disappointing. I found myself getting attached to these characters. However, the ending is a terrific cliffhanger to get the story into the next arc, which looks to be bigger in scope. I think this title has its place among the more energetic reads I pick up month to month and I look forward to the next issue to see where it is all heading. I recommend checking this out. |
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Fantastic Four (1998) | 2 issues |
Fantastic Four (1998) #587
Jan 28, 2011 |
The only downer with this issue was the fact that the plastic was impossible to open. It was as if Mr. Fantastic himself wrapped around the issue. That aside I enjoyed the contents so much that I will most likely stick with the series (and relaunch) beyond this issue. This entire arc has been a fun story and if you couple that with the great things I've heard about Hickman's run in general I'd say this is an issue you don't want to miss from a creator who is at the top of his game. |
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Fantastic Four (1998) #600
Nov 27, 2011 |
Overall, I was entertained with the issue. However, because of the price tag I was a little put off that this issue seemed like a turning point in the larger story and not an ending (and certainly not a beginning). This issue is by no means a waste of money, such as the Point One issue was, but the book is going to cater to those that have read the Hickman run all along, which I am not. This might be the rare anniversary issue that actually matters in the storyline in recent times. If you are curious and you have the cash I think you will be entertained with what you find and you may even track down the previous issues and continue to read on. |
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Fantastic Four (2014) | 1 issues |
Fantastic Four (2014) #1
Mar 1, 2014 |
The Fantastic Four is a book that has seen some epic runs, two notable ones in the last 10 years. This issue shows that the book is returning to basics but is setting up something epic. The issue is a great point for a new reader to jump on. There aren't a lot of references to previous issues but there is some nice backstory. The book has some action and has some nice character defining moments for a reader to get comfortable getting to know them. This is a comic to pick up. |
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Fantomex MAX | 1 issues |
Fantomex MAX #1
Oct 5, 2013 |
I wanted to love this book. Fantomex is a great character and Remender put new life in him during Uncanny X-Force but this first issue isn't what I was looking for. Hopefully the plot will carry the rest of this series in a better direction. You might want to give this book a try. |
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Faster than Light | 1 issues |
Faster than Light #1
Sep 12, 2015 |
"Faster Than Light" brings horror to science fiction. The first issue builds up the plot, introduces the characters and sets the stage for what looks to be an exciting series. The initial issue is a slower read as the plot is put together with a lot of characters and with careful placing of dialogue. This is a good beginning to what appears to be a series worth watching. |
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Fatale | 3 issues |
Fatale #1
Jan 7, 2012 |
Fatale has the makings a truly great horror comic book. Fans of Criminal may be a little hesitant that the noir style isn't conducive to horror but up to this point he noir elements are driving the story and the horror aspect is sitting in the background. I am excited to see where this is all going. |
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Fatale #13
Mar 30, 2013 |
Fatale is a great book. This particular issue is a perfect example of what this series is about. This issue has a stranger essay in the back than normal, but it still rounds out a great magazine-like package. If you like horror stories, western and femme fatales then you should give this book a try. At the very least you get an intelligently written and beautifully drawn book. Give it a shot. |
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Fatale #19
Jan 14, 2014 |
Fatale is a great series. Not every issue reads individually great as they are all a part of a larger tapestry. However, this issue is simply pulse-pounding. The book is eerie and evil. The comic book leaves the reader feeling exhausted emotionally after completing this book because of the torture that Brubaker drags his cast through. Even if you aren't reading this series or aren't up on this particular arc I urge you to check this out if you like good old fashioned thrillers. |
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Fear Agent | 4 issues |
Fear Agent #28
Jul 30, 2010 |
Fear Agent is an excellent science fiction comic book. It's different from Elephantmen because it really doesn't try to ground anything in a realistic setting. It keeps you guessing because you never know when at a given moment a character's head will explode or tear off their skin to reveal they are an alien in a human suit. The comic book is outstanding if you are into this genre at all. This looks like the beginning to a terrific arc. |
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Fear Agent #29
Sep 11, 2010 |
Fear Agent is racing towards a conclusion and I have no idea, none, of how this series will be ending. I was thrilled with the first issue and this issue tops it. I'm not sure what else this series could possibly come up with next but I'll be there for sure. |
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Fear Agent #30
Oct 29, 2010 |
Heath is about to go to war. This issue is the big setup to the finale and a final punch in the gut as we all learn just who's been pulling the strings along the way. It's an amazingly structured story. Add in that you get a terrific backup story about Heath by Barta and Buniak and you have excellent bang for your buck. I definitely recommend this issue and this series. |
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Fear Agent #32
Nov 4, 2011 |
Fear Agent is a series that probably won't be remembered as the best science fiction work or even the best Remender work. However, for me this series clicked each and every issue. I found the character to be fascinating, right down to the end. I definitely recommend picking up this series and reading it. When you get to this last issue I think you will find as I did that Remender had a fitting ending in mind that he was setting up all along. This is an excellent book. |
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Fear Itself | 1 issues |
Fear Itself #1
Apr 8, 2011 |
The question is: are you ready for another event? If you are then this one seems to be taking things in a different direction than Secret Invasion or Civil War and it seems to have a solid handle on the story elements. If you are lukewarm to the idea then I am not sure this issue will be enough to ramp you up. I didn't come away sold on the Thor mythos and since this story is heavy on this arena I am thinking this just isn't the "event" for me. I do give Marvel props for making this issue oversized and not padding it with reprints. I would think if you are a fan of Thor or the Avengers then you will be thrilled with this issue. |
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Five Ghosts | 1 issues |
Five Ghosts #1
Mar 23, 2013 |
Five Ghosts originally was kickstarter funded but it is now in print. Whether you've read this or not I believe the paper copy is something to check out. It's a good story with good character work and looks fantastic. Action, suspense, science fiction and little bit of espionage makes for a great comic package. Check it out. |
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Flash Gordon | 1 issues |
Flash Gordon #1
Apr 12, 2014 |
Flash Gordon is the kind of series that should be equal parts strong characters, science fiction and plenty of action. This opening issue dabbles in all of those areas but they aren't strong enough to lure me in for a second issue. If you are fan of Parker but haven't gotten into Flash Gordon before then this series might be something to check out. I'm not sure the long time Flash Gordon fan is going to find what they are looking for in here though. |
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Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist | 1 issues |
Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #1
Dec 2, 2011 |
Dynamite has a tendency to tell very slow stories. This appears to be of a similar style as Flash and company don't officially land on Mongo in this issue. I'm willing to give the second issue a try, mostly on the strength of the final page's twist. For a dollar you should give this book a shot because you might enjoy this take on the Flash Gordon story. I found the book to be a fairly average comic, though. |
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Fly | 2 issues |
Fly #1
Jun 10, 2011 |
Fly is actually a comic book that is different from many of the others on the market. The super powered aspect of the book is a façade behind the real life problem of drug addiction. This issue presents three interesting characters with a good story hook and terrific artwork. This is a good first issue and I know I am looking forward to the second one. This is definitely worth checking out. |
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Fly #3
Aug 14, 2011 |
Fly is shaping up to be a good story. It's not just a paint-by-numbers story where regular people stumble into getting powers. There are a couple of threads here that will presumably dovetail into a great story. I know I will be there for the next issue. |
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Forever Evil | 1 issues |
Forever Evil #1
Sep 5, 2013 |
Forever Evil seems to rely heavily on previous stories. If you like your DCU then this is probably right in your wheelhouse. The comic book is a nice opening chapter to something that might be promising. As an individual comic it is not a satisfying read and definitely leaves a lot to be desired. As a casual reader I'm not sure I can pick up another issue though. |
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Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane | 1 issues |
Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane #1
May 3, 2014 |
Batman against Bane seems like something we might see a lot, but that probably isn't really the case. This is a good one-shot to pick up and check out if you like a good fight. I can't say the book is anything above average or even memorable but it does provide a level of entertainment. Proceed with caution the four dollar book. |
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Forever Evil: Arkham War | 1 issues |
Forever Evil: Arkham War #1
Oct 11, 2013 |
I think this mini-series has potential. The opening issue doesn't instill a lot of confidence to follow it for another five issues though. I like the characterization and motivation of Bane but not a whole lot else. Hopefully Tomasi will put it all together in the next issue. This one is a leap of faith. |
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Forgetless | 1 issues |
Forgetless #1
Dec 13, 2009 |
This is a series worthy checking out, as it seems like the kind of story that could take off out of nowhere. I enjoyed the first issue and its not because I identify with teenagers, but I like that the story makes me pay attention and hides pieces of the story within things like tweets and by telling the story backwards. This is a fun comic book to pick up. I definitely recommend it. |
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Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. | 1 issues |
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #1
Sep 16, 2011 |
Overall this is a very good first issue. We get some plot, character introductions and a decent story. Needless to say, this book is just not going to be everyone's cup of tea, mostly because it is not a super-hero book at all. However, Lemire writes a good story and when you allow creators room to stretch out like this the results are usually favorable. I like the long-term prospects for this book. I recommend picking this up and I think this could be a classic series in the making. |
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Fury MAX (2012) | 1 issues |
Fury MAX (2012) #9
Feb 16, 2013 |
Fury MAX may not be the greatest of Garth Ennis books but it sure is fun to see him play with these characters in new ways. This book has had slow moments but it really hits its stride in this issue. I enjoyed this book tremendously. |
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Future Imperfect (2015) | 2 issues |
Future Imperfect (2015) #1
Jun 6, 2015 |
"Future Imperfect" is a comic book that caters to the long-time Hulk fan. There really isn't a strong tie to Secret Wars and there isn't a ton of characters that overlap with the regular Marvel Universe (however that could change). The comic has a decent enough story that sets up the identities of the main players but doesn't really explore any of their personalities. The artwork has a lot of odd facial expressions but provides a couple of nice splash pages. Generally this is a decent comic book that is worth a look through. |
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Future Imperfect (2015) #5
Sep 5, 2015 |
"Future Imperfect" takes an old story, dusts off the characters and tosses them into "Secret Wars." The comic book manages to become relevant to the crossover as the plot to kill Doom brings Doom into this issue. While this comic book is mostly action, the book manages to throw in some good storytelling as Rick Jones takes some verbal shots at the Maestro and David throws in a surprise at the end. Overall, I enjoyed this series and the ending a lot. I definitely recommend it for fans of the original series and for "Secret Wars" fans that are looking for something that ties into Doom a little more closely. |
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G.I. Combat | 1 issues |
G.I. Combat #1
May 6, 2012 |
As a package, this book has two, fourteen page stories for $4. It's a good value for the stories within. I'm not sure this book was going to ever be in everyone's wheelhouse, but I do think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised at what they find. You get an all-out, action, science fiction, army story on one side and you get a tragic, revenge-driven, complex character, army story on the other. Pick it up and give it a shot. |
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G.I. Joe | 3 issues |
G.I. Joe #9
Sep 26, 2009 |
As GI Joe continues through the discovery of Cobra the stories get more and more tense but when I look back at this issue there just isn't anything that happens that's memorable. In a recap box I'm not even sure this issue would warrant a sentence that wasn't already in there from the previous issues. That generally isn't a good thing. For the most part it's a good comic with some action and some nice artwork but there just isn't enough in here to jazz anyone up unless they are collecting the series already. |
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G.I. Joe #10
Oct 24, 2009 |
As a whole this issue isn't that good. It could have been awesome. Instead it makes me question how long I can keep paying $4 an issue for a story that seems to be going nowhere I care about. I just want some action already. |
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G.I. Joe #159
Oct 23, 2010 |
I'm sure the ending might get some eye-rolling from the long time fans but I found it to be very good. I like that the first four issues are doing something instantly with these characters even if it seems like this has already been done before. For me, GI Joe should be adventurous, colorful and entertaining and this issue fills that quota and then some. I definitely see this book hitting its stride now and I'm finding myself highly anticipating the next installment. I recommend jumping on board. |
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G.I. Joe (2014) | 1 issues |
G.I. Joe (2014) #1
Sep 27, 2014 |
GI Joe is a tough franchise to find something new to cover. Over thirty years the stories have run the full array. IDW continues to try to set the Joes in a real world setting but the cornerstones that made this franchise appealing are action, characters and ninjas. You can wrap the politics around those cornerstones but when you lack them you have to wonder why this is a GI Joe comic book. We'll see where this is all heading. Not a great start but there are some items in here that have potential. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) | 6 issues |
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #156
Jul 24, 2010 |
I'm not thrilled with the four dollar price tag but if the series continues with this high of a quality of story then I will plunk down that amount for it (one of the few series I would consider paying four bucks for). To me, GI Joe is action, surprises, strategy and military espionage. This comic book has it all and I can't imagine the long time fan being disappointed with it. I definitely recommend the issue. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #157
Aug 7, 2010 |
The comic book has some elements that could potentially make this issue and series great. The series has definitely grown in a good direction since the Marvel days. However, turning Cobra Commander into something that can't be taken seriously is not a good thing. This issue is a good one and depending on how you like your GI Joe stories you may love it. Either way I think if you followed the old Marvel series you should pick this up and give it a look. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #158
Sep 4, 2010 |
I've focused a lot on what I didn't like about the issue but those are really just what are keeping the comic book from being great. I like exciting and loud GI Joe comics and this is definitely one. Great artwork helps keep the story fluid and we have that here to be sure. If only there was a way to launch into the action while keeping the level of suspense of a military buildup high, this could be an amazing re-examination of the original series. I just hope Hama makes Cobra Commander more ruthless and less of a joke in the future. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #160
Nov 12, 2010 |
I like the series. It's grown since the Marvel days in a good way. I do wish Cobra Commander or someone in Cobra could be a sinister villain but we'll see. Hama offers a good story and proves he knows the character's strengths better than any other writer. I definitely recommend picking this book up. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #161
Dec 12, 2010 |
On the whole this is a good issue of what has been a very good series so far. The story moves quickly and we get a good isolation on a couple of the key characters. The cliffhanger promises another great issue coming out next month. It appears the long term health of this series is getting more and more firmly planted. I enjoyed this issue. |
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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (2010) #200
Mar 30, 2014 |
Overall, this comic is basically like any other in the previous forty-five. There's some cool action in it, some cool artwork and no plot gets completely resolved, it just follows right into the next. To take advantage of the anniversary issue IDW would have been better served putting together something truly special and different. It's an enjoyable read. It's simply not a special one. |
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Godzilla (2012) | 1 issues |
Godzilla (2012) #1
May 26, 2012 |
Godzilla is a niche genre. The reader is probably going to love it because they already love the title character or monsters in general. On the other hand, the book is a tough sell if it is written just from the human aspect of the story and might not be a fast enough book for the diehard fans. This issue strikes a balance but still leans more towards characters instead of plot. It will be interesting to see how this proceeds and if it can balance monster action, character work and plot. This is a good start. |
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Godzilla in Hell | 1 issues |
Godzilla in Hell #1
Jul 18, 2015 |
"Godzilla In Hell" serves up a silent issue. Godzilla finds a creature to fight shortly after arriving in Hell. The comic doesn't provide too many details in the hows and whys but the battle is definitely something that is enjoyable. Stokoe provides some nice detailed pencil work and a decent, but limited color scheme. Rather than a lot of close-ups, we seem to get a bunch of distance shots that prevents the details from shining through. The comic is a decent read but nothing memorable. Give it a shot. |
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Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths | 2 issues |
Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths #1
Jun 21, 2011 |
The first issue was a fairly fast read. There isn't a curveball until the very end as the issue serves as a set up more than anything else. At least Layman gives you a taste of what to expect from Godzilla and that's a good thing. This series has the potential to be great and the first issue is only the tip of the iceberg. |
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Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths #5
Oct 22, 2011 |
Godzilla is a niche genre. The basics of the book are that monsters destroy stuff, preferable Tokyo. Layman gives his spin with a unique story backed up by tremendous visuals. Overall, I was looking for a little more monster on monster action (I mean I would have settled for one panel of Godzilla biting Rodan) but this issue provides some level of excitement. I liked the character work done in the issue and I think things are set up nicely for another round. Hopefully there is one in the works. I enjoyed the issue and I think any fan of the genre or of monsters or science fiction in general would like this issue and series. I recommend checking this book out. |
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Godzilla: Half-Century War | 1 issues |
Godzilla: Half-Century War #2
Sep 22, 2012 |
Godzilla isn't for everyone and I understand that. However, if you a comic book fan and are looking for something a little out of the ordinary then I urge you to pick this book up. Someday down the line Stokoe's books are going to carry a tremendous weight with them and it's always best to get in on that at the ground floor. Plus, who doesn't want to see some destruction for twenty pages? |
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Godzilla: Legends | 3 issues |
Godzilla: Legends #1
Nov 26, 2011 |
Godzilla is a niche kind of story. I'm not sure how many would find a story about the loser of the Godzilla universe to be appealing but I thought it was great. This is a perfect example of what a comic book can achieve in a single, confined story. This is worth taking a look at. |
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Godzilla: Legends #2
Dec 17, 2011 |
Rodan is a one of the more popular creatures from the Godzilla stable. This book tells a good story about the creature and what the creature stands for. As most of the best Godzilla stories do, this book manages to illustrate that the monsters are not always as monstrous as the humans that they interact with. This is a good book to pick up and enjoy something different from the norm. I definitely loving this Legends series. |
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Godzilla: Legends #4
Feb 28, 2012 |
Godzilla books are definitely a niche genre. I get that. However, if you are looking to check out one then this is it. You might find it mindless. You might find it to be predictable. However, you will be entertained and you may also be inclined to pick up the next issue. Which is exactly what I plan to do. |
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Gotham By Midnight | 1 issues |
Gotham By Midnight #1
Nov 29, 2014 |
Gotham By Midnight could be a book set in any city and still provide the same punch. The addition of Batman was unnecessary but I suspect this comic will stand on its own soon enough. If you like detective stories into the supernatural realm then this is the book for you. If you love creepy artwork then you get your money's worth with this presentation. I definitely recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Grant Morrison's 18 Days | 1 issues |
Grant Morrison's 18 Days #1
Jul 4, 2015 |
"18 Days" could very well turn into an epic. This issue really sets up why the two sides are fighting and the moments before the battle begins. Priced at a dollar this comic book is a no-brainer for everyone. The Grant Morrison fans might feel disappointed as this is more of Morrison re-telling a story instead of really putting his stamp on it. This is a recommended comic book. |
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Grayson | 1 issues |
Grayson #1
Jul 12, 2014 |
Grayson is a book that should be a smash hit. Nightwing as a spy sounds incredible. This first issue gives a good introduction to the character. It read like a one-shot, which is a good thing. It also gives great artwork. I'm not sold on the use of the supporting characters or of the usage of super powers. This book could turn out to be a complete winner but the opening issue is a bit subdued. We'll see. This is worth picking up though. |
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Grayson One Shot | 1 issues |
Grayson: Futures End #1
Sep 6, 2014 |
This comic book is more than a gimmick or a cool cover. It's ambitious storytelling. With that comes a high price for a misstep. I read this book three times before deciding if I loved it or hated it. Just remember to reread the comic and always use the Cluemaster's code. You might find this comic to be brilliant. I think if they had one more page or spent a little more time explaining the change of heart Grayson has with regards to killing then this comic would be near perfect. |
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Green Lantern (2005) | 10 issues |
Green Lantern (2005) #46
Oct 3, 2009 |
This is a comic book that probably shouldn't be missed by anyone. Regardless of if you have following the Blackest Night event or not, this comic has a lot to offer any reader. After reading this you can see how more of the Blackest Night story is going to shake out but what will happen to the status quo when it ends? I can't imagine a better comic book than this one. The Blackest Night mini series might not be living up to the hype yet, but don't let that turn off from this series. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #48
Nov 28, 2009 |
The war of light reaches a truce in this issue. However, this comic really shows that these seven core characters aren't really getting along all that well. How long will it be before they start fighting again? Regardless, this comic pulls off the impossible and manages to strip away the blind rage of Atrocitus and make him become something more. This is a good comic book. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #50
Jan 30, 2010 |
Green Lantern returns to one of my favorite characters in this issue as Parallax gets dusted off. The comic book makes great use of many of the new deputies, but leaves something to be desired about some of the subplots that just seem to get a random panel here or there. The artwork blows the story's doors off starting with the awesome cover. Overall, this is a great comic for an anniversary issue, the series and the event. I definitely recommend this comic. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #51
Feb 20, 2010 |
This was a good comic book. The main problem is that the book feels like a one-and-done story when it's really part of the Blackest Night storyline. Or is it? I'm not really sure because I wasn't sure how Spectre was or wasn't a Black Lantern in the first place. The comic has a lot of action, snarky dialogue and great art, so there are some good qualities to it. However, this issue just doesn't stack up with previous ones in this arc. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #52
Mar 27, 2010 |
The plus side of this issue is it has a lot of action and tells some interesting tidbits about Ion, etc. The downside of the issue is that it does nothing with Sinestro and makes the issue inessential for the overall story, which is kind of sad. Some will find this issue to be a lot of fun with all of the action, others will find it to be filler. This isn't a terrible comic book but it leaves much to be desired for me. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #55
Jul 4, 2010 |
While the issue may seem like nothing really "happens" in it the execution is very good. The arc is definitely moving at a snail's pace but how can you not like an issue with Lobo and a good fight? This was a fun read with a couple of surprises at the end of the main story and a great origin story in the back. You can't go wrong with this issue. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #60
Dec 18, 2010 |
Green Lantern continues to be a consistent read. While the story seems to be coming together at a snail's pace, the individual issues provide enough action, excellent artwork and characters to keep things interesting until the big "thing" happens. I liked the issue and recommend it. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #63
Mar 6, 2011 |
When the Sinestro Corps War kicked off with a one-shot it grabbed my attention and raised my expectations for every subsequent major arc (especially Green Lantern related). This issue doesn't come close to that level of "wow" but it at least brings readers up to speed and makes sure that everyone knows all about Krona and what a bad boy he's been. I can't say if this arc will be great, good or just blah but this first issue at least makes me eager for the next one so that's something. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #64
Mar 26, 2011 |
The War of the Green Lanterns is shaping up to be a three-sided war. The Green Lanterns from Earth seem to be hunted by Krona and his crew as well as the faction that splinters off from these two issues. The crossover is showing a lot of promise and I am enjoying it more than Blackest Night in the early going. There is a lot to like here and I am finding the presentation to be fairly straight forward even for a newcomer to Green Lantern. These issues are worth checking out but there does seem to be more meat to the plot in the Green Lantern title over the Green Lantern Corps one. I definitely recommend these two issues. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #65
Apr 23, 2011 |
These issues are fun but present the same problem that many crossovers seem to have of late: they are too long. So far we have had six issues (with the prologue) and based on what I can tell that's two too many. It's not even a case of story decompression as much as it seems to be simply stalling. The books are quick reads and they do provide enough entertainment for your money and they definitely leave you wanting more based on the final pages. I think any fan of the characters or genre won't be disappointed. Any newcomers get enough of a recap that they should be okay following along in the story but I'm not sure there is enough here to get them going. These are average to good but not great. |
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Green Lantern (2011) | 13 issues |
Green Lantern (2011) #0
Sep 7, 2012 |
This comic is definitely entertaining no doubt about it. Johns tells a very fun origin story that has some suspense and a little bit uniqueness to it. As such, it's a great jumping on point even though it seems to end abruptly. Then again, this gives the reader to come back next time. This is worth a look. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #1
Sep 15, 2011 |
Overall, Green Lantern feels revived. I have a renewed sense of excitement with this title, especially after the cliffhanger and I can't imagine a new reader feeling any differently. If you are looking for something out of the "new 52" to pick up I think this is a great one to take a look at. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #2
Oct 14, 2011 |
Green Lantern has been a slow book since the conclusion of Blackest Night (which was a while ago). However, I hold out hope that when this book picks up again it will be at the top of the read list whenever it ships. This story is okay in parts but doesn't really push across anything terribly interesting except that Sinestro gives Hal a ring of his own. As always this issue is going to cater towards fans of the character and the creator(s) but the newer reader will probably be lost. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #3
Nov 11, 2011 |
If you like snappy dialogue then this issue is for you. I am sure things will pick up next issue based on the crazy ending here. For the most part this is a serviceable issue but doesn't contain too much plot movement. I mildly recommend checking this out. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #7
Mar 16, 2012 |
Mahnke is a terrific artists and he plays up the fighting and the grand entrances to perfection. Visually, the book is very entertaining and has a great depiction of Carol. It's got some images in there that are poster worthy. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #8
Apr 14, 2012 |
This book is too slow and is not making a whole lot of sense, as a single issue or the general direction of the storylines. It seems like the book's direction is to play fish-out-of-water stories with Hal and Sinestro wearing different rings where they take turns rescuing each other. At least the book reads quickly, even if not advancing the story much at all, to give the appearance of being exciting. This is a disappointing comic book. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #12
Aug 18, 2012 |
Green Lantern can be such a fantastic read. However, Johns slows down arcs too much and assumes the reader has read all of his books and retains it all. This issue is different because Johns introduces a threat to the heroes and deals with it in a satisfactory way in this comic book. I found this to be a good read. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #15
Dec 21, 2012 |
Green Lantern is a serviceable comic book. Each issue I find to be entertaining. There isn't anything in here terribly original, but there is a certain level of comfort when a comic book delivers something expected. I'm not a fan of the slow subplots, but I am glad to see the new Green Lantern getting a little bit of personality to warm up to. This was an entertaining, but just an above average read. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #16
Jan 25, 2013 |
Why DC pasted the Rise of the Third Army banner on this book is beyond me. This issue barely mentions it and this arc has been an origin for a new character. Be that as it may the new character is a copy of several others characters rolled into one. It remains to be seen if he has any sticking power. This issue concludes his origin and Johns delivers an entertaining but average story. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #17
Feb 22, 2013 |
Johns has a great idea for his final Green Lantern arc with the first Green Lantern concept. The issue is packed with non-essential subplots but that doesn't take away from the solid overall plot. This is a very average comic book. Hopefully the story threads will dovetail in future issues. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #18
Mar 9, 2013 |
Green Lantern is a book at the crossroads. It's struggling to tell fast paced and memorable stories but it teases a big ending to Johns run on the title with epic banners. I'm not sure when, if or how this book is going to pick up again, but judging this particular issue you have a very average and forgettable comic book. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #20
May 27, 2013 |
If you haven't read Green Lantern by Geoff Johns then I ask you check this out. If you read this and aren't jazzed up to try a trade from the back catalogue then you can honestly say this isn't for you. This is a fun read and it doesn't require a lot of continuity knowledge. Plus, the book has a lot of send-off quotes for Johns plus a letter from Johns about his run. It's a great cherry on top for this run. It's an unforgettable run that has literally expanded five fold since it began. I can't wait to back to the beginning and re-read the whole run again. |
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Green Lantern (2011) #21
Jun 7, 2013 |
I expect to see a drop off in quality with the departure of Johns, but this is too much. I can't see sticking with this title much longer with issues like this one. I wasn't a fan of Hal's Earth life but cutting off Carol after all the growth just doesn't make any sense. And axing the guardians so quickly is a really odd first issue choice. The battle and the prospect of a new villain leaves me hopeful that the next issue improves. |
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Green Lantern (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
Green Lantern (2011) Annual #1
Aug 31, 2012 |
This book is a fun read. I found the setup for the coming crossover to be intriguing while the action and plot within the issue to be entertaining. I have to admit I wasn't a fan of the fact that I wasn't pointed towards what to read next. Instead, DC simply showed the four books (and four issues for each) that this event launches into. That's not exactly a straightforward direction as to what comes next. Despite that oddity, this is a great comic and I have high hopes for the comic storyline. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) | 9 issues |
Green Lantern Corps (2006) #41
Oct 17, 2009 |
It's a toss up as to which issue of this entire event has been my favorite. It's either this issue or the previous issue of Green Lantern, but I am leaning towards this issue. This comic manages to have a giant battle while developing the key members of the corps and giving the zombies ample opportunity to talk trash. What more could you ask for? This is a terrific comic book. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #43
Dec 19, 2009 |
This issue, paired with the previous one, makes for a good one-two punch, but this issue on its own merit leaves too many oddities to raise it above the level of ‘good'. It's an entertaining and delivers its part in the long line of this series' overall terrific storytelling. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #45
Feb 20, 2010 |
If you like Guy Gardner then this is a good issue for you. However, between the flat dialogue and the head-scratching diversion from the main story, this story isn't on the level of previous installments from this series. The art helps prop this one up but ultimately this is not an essential issue and really has little to do with Blackest Night and very little to do with the war of light. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #46
Mar 20, 2010 |
This comic book wouldn't have been so terrible if it weren't supposed to be the big bang before the ending of the event. Instead it literally feels like this book's purpose was to stall. I just can't believe this is the best effort from Tomasi who has mastered this title over the last two years. I really believe the creators involved with Blackest Night had about five months of story and were asked to stretch it to nine. If you like battles with little point and no story for thirty, pretty pages then this is for you. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #48
May 29, 2010 |
I enjoyed this issue and I was definitely hesitant coming into it. As you might expect with the opening to any arc, the story is just getting started. I found the issue to be entertaining and it makes me think the future for the title is as bright as ever. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #52
Sep 24, 2010 |
This is a good issue and a nice arc. It's not Blackest Night and it isn't pretending to be. The biggest development out of this arc is the new status quo for the Alpha Lanterns. The characters are played to their strengths and are put into positions where they get used in ways you would expect. It's a good issue and if you have no prior exposure to the Alpha Lanterns then you probably won't care that the concept seems to have run its course and been re-imaged in this issue. I liked the issue as it goes back to good, old-fashioned super hero storytelling. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #54
Nov 20, 2010 |
I'm not sure where this title is going but it seems like the kinks are still being worked out. It's nice to see the book branch out into new directions but I would also like to see all of the characters get used in new situations that don't cover ground we've seen before. It just seems like the book isn't quite sure what it wants to do with itself. Not a bad read but nothing to rush out to buy either. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #56
Jan 22, 2011 |
You can't go wrong with this issue if you like fighting. However, the comic really contains no plot or, at times, direction. If The Weaponer simply wants revenge then why wouldn't he just have gone off and hunted Sinestro? Why haven't the people of the planet tried to get help to rid themselves of The Weaponer in the past? I never felt like questions like this were addressed. Instead the issue just seems like a convenient way to get a lot of people to fight. To be blunt, this arc should have been three issues (or maybe even only two) instead of five. But since the build up of Blackest Night, this has been the direction of the Green Lantern books and it's a shame. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #63
Aug 19, 2011 |
Green Lantern Corps has been a solid read for a long, long time. This book simply should have ended with issue 62. It seems like this book had some ideas but they weren't shaped into a cohesive story. Was it a rush job? Perhaps but either way this is a skip-able book. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2011) | 1 issues |
Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1
Sep 22, 2011 |
I can't imagine a new reader being impressed by this book. On the other hand, as a long time reader I thought the issue brought about an interesting new threat. It's too bad I have to judge the book off being a launch and as a launch I found it to be a mess. |
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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors | 3 issues |
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1
Aug 14, 2010 |
This issue has a lot going for it. Tomasi has excellent command of the cast and the character of Guy Gardner has been long overdue for an ongoing. The book is using major supporting characters from previous mega arcs. The comic seems to have a very good story to tell right off the bat. The only negatives are that the cover charge is $4 and that it seems like the book might be taking more of a slow burn approach which may seem to go against its lead character's norm. This was a decent start though and there is certainly a lot to like in here. |
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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #12
Jul 31, 2011 |
Green Lantern Warriors is a fun one and done story that loops in some new characters and leverages Guy and his attitude towards the Guardians to the max. Overall, the story is a terrific example of how to make the most of a twenty-page story when it isn't part of an arc. If you are looking for a good read with no strings attached then this is one you should pick up. |
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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #13
Aug 26, 2011 |
Batman and Guy Gardner help to put a smile on the reader's face for the series finale. The story doesn't add up to much but the characterizations and the interactions are done well enough to provide some entertainment. This is a book that can be missed but if you pick it up you will enjoy it. |
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Green Lantern: New Guardians | 1 issues |
Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
Sep 29, 2011 |
As a long time Green Lantern fan (specifically a Kyle Rayner one) I found this issue to miss on all accounts. If it were just a number one aimed at new readers I would be able to relate and hang with it. However, when looking at the book through new reader's eyes you have so many missteps. The book doesn't even establish that the first pages are set in the past. The comic book is ugly on many levels. I needed to walk away understanding the need for this book and I didn't get that at all. This one is can be skipped. |
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Green Lantern: The Lost Army | 1 issues |
Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1
Jun 27, 2015 |
"Green Lantern: The Lost Army" is off to a good start. If you like adventure stories that take characters into unexpected scenarios then this is the comic book for you. The cast of characters is not terribly interesting but some of the groundwork is put down for John Stewart. The comic is backed up with some nice artwork to round out the reading experience. One of the nice aspects of this book seems to be that it will be a self-contained comic that stays away from events and crossovers. I recommend giving this comic a shot. |
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Groot | 3 issues |
Groot #1
Jun 6, 2015 |
Groot is not for everyone. The comic book isn't part of Secret Wars, it doesn't have drama and it isn't trying to world build anything. The comic is mostly about Groot and his buddy Rocket Raccoon as they travel through space. The book is as character driven as they come and it turns out the pair is as charming a duo as you are likely to find in comics. This comic is definitely worth picking up. |
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Groot #3
Aug 8, 2015 |
"Groot" is a very good read. It brings in Silver Surfer and his partner, Dawn, into the fold for this issue. This comic book showcases the character's personalities and provides a good one-shot, team-up story. The book has great visuals to capture the essence of what makes Groot, Surfer and Dawn a great set of characters. This comic is a fun ride and is worth checking out. |
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Groot #4
Sep 5, 2015 |
Groot is a story about a bond between friends. The comic book is a humor book but it is not done in an over-the-top way that you might expect from Deadpool. Instead the book has sweetness to it as Groot's innocence mixes so well with the cranky Rocket Raccoon. The comic has a simple rescue plot at work but the execution of the book is fantastic as Rocket narrates his feelings on Groot as Groot goes through the steps to round up a team and attempt his rescue of Rocket. The comic book is a fantastic read and may be the most charming comic book I've read all year. I highly recommend picking this up. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex | 1 issues |
Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex: Alpha #1
Feb 7, 2015 |
This crossover could be a lot of fun. The opening issue covers a lot of ground and includes a ton of characters. Not being attached to any particular depiction I can't say if the characters are within themselves in this issue but they seemed to be. Generally a decent start to this crossover. It won't be for everyone and if you are curious and don't mind dropping five bucks for thirty pages then gives this issue a try. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) | 1 issues |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #24
Feb 14, 2015 |
The second issue of the big crossover feels like filler. There aren't any mistakes, missteps or plot holes. Just not much happens in it. The argument over what to do with the Vortex could have been wrapped up in three pages and revisited as needed down the line. To have this focus of the entire issue makes me concerned about picking up future issues in the crossover. It's a decent enough read but nothing really happens in it. There are too many other comics out there to read than to spend time on ones that seem like filler. |
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Hacktivist | 1 issues |
Hacktivist #1
Jan 21, 2014 |
Hacktivist has the potential to be great. The first issue rolls out a couple of interesting characters. They could end up being cookie-cutter characters, but they could also be something special. The opening issue feels a little disjointed but at least we get a good idea of what the plot elements will be for this mini-series. The pieces are in place and hopefully this mini-series will pull it all together before it's done. |
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Happy | 2 issues |
Happy #1
Sep 28, 2012 |
Happy is a noir, loose cannon, grim cop story with a bit of revenge as part of the plot. I really don't know if there are more, blue, talking horse-like elements on the way but the noir piece is pretty well done. This is a good set-up issue for what looks to be a violent, but quirky series. I recommend checking this out. |
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Happy #3
Dec 21, 2012 |
This issue sets up what looks to be a very compelling ending to this mini-series. Morrison manages to drag the main character all the way down to the bottom of his limits while providing the reader with glimpses of what brought him there over the years. This issue is quite a ride, regardless of whether or not you have read the previous two in this mini-series. This was a very good comic book. |
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Harley Quinn (2013) | 3 issues |
Harley Quinn (2013) #0
Nov 21, 2013 |
This comic book doesn't give you much to go on for the long term. Is Quinn going to be an evil villain? Will the character take more of a bad-girl heroine turn? Will the book play towards comedy or drama? Is the answer somewhere in the middle of everything? This comic book doesn't give you much of a hint, but what it does give you is a who's who of artwork with some funny one-liners here and there that are sure to bring a smile to your face. It's a comic book and it is entertaining. What more else are you looking for? |
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Harley Quinn (2013) #1
Dec 20, 2013 |
Harley Quinn is off to a great start. The comic book uses strong focus on the lead character to introduce her and set up her everyday life. It might sound boring but the execution is strong enough that it not only carries the comic but it is the driver of making it a comic book built around a character and not a plot. This is definitely something to seek out and pick up. |
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Harley Quinn (2013) #3
Feb 24, 2014 |
Harley Quinn isn't a villain book. It's a character book where the lead happens to be the former girlfriend of the Joker. She will kill when necessary but for the most part she's just trying to make her way through life. It's a good one-shot to pick up and get an idea of what the character is all about. If you are looking for something fun to read with a touch of violence then this is one to check out. |
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Harley Quinn (2013) One Shot | 1 issues |
Harley Quinn (2013): Futures End #1
Sep 27, 2014 |
This issue of Harley Quinn is a fun read. It's a throwaway book in terms of continuity but you probably won't regret picking it up if you do. This is another high quality issue in what is proving to be a consistently entertaining series. You will probably catch yourself smiling once or twice as you read the comic. |
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Helheim | 1 issues |
Helheim #1
Mar 9, 2013 |
This book has action, suspense, some conflict and the dead returning to life. It's a good comic book and this is a good first chapter. There isn't anything in here to make the book groundbreaking or unforgettable but the reader will probably get a strong inkling as to whether or not this is their cup of tea. I liked the book and urge anyone looking for something a little different to pick it up and give it a try. |
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Hell Yeah | 2 issues |
Hell Yeah #1
Mar 10, 2012 |
Hell Yeah is just another example of a well-crafted story backed up by terrific art. The comic book is thirty-two pages of story for $3, so it's a real bargain in this day and age. I think if you like super hero comics, mysteries, science fiction or character driven stories then you won't be disappointed. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Hell Yeah #2
Apr 7, 2012 |
Hell Yeah is still setting up the story. This issue adds more mystery but also provides a couple of plot threads to follow. I'm not sure if this book is going to end up more science fiction or super hero or mystery when it's all said and done. Whatever the outcome, I like the developing story here and I think the characters are interesting enough to keep me coming back for more. I recommend checking this out. |
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Hellboy | 6 issues |
Hellboy: The Fury #1
Jun 4, 2011 |
Hellboy fighting for England where the world seems to be at stake as well is a pretty good hook for a story. Throw in a girlfriend, King Arthur, Excalibur and Nimue and you have the makings of something great. This arc marks what is sure to be the end of that story. If you haven't jumped onto the Hellboy bandwagon yet then this is your chance. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Hellboy: The Sleeping and the Dead #1
Jan 1, 2011 |
Hellboy has his hands full for the next two issues. I'm sure there are more surprises on their way but this issue had a few I didn't see coming. Hellboy comics are great when Hellboy is still a little naïve and maybe a little too arrogant and that's where this issue is set. I enjoyed this issue and can't wait to see where this mini is going. |
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Hellboy: The Sleeping and the Dead #2
Feb 6, 2011 |
Hellboy fights strange things all the time. In this comic book he basically fights a little girl vampire that has a cute little cat. It's definitely different. The issue manages to put others in danger by infusing some civilians in with the BPRD men. What's interesting here though is Mignola actually leaves a tiny door open in this issue for some of these vampires to be revisited. Overall, I liked the issue, but kind of wished it would have been either serious, funny or just a brawl instead of going back and forth so much. I have no doubt that a Hellboy fan would enjoy this issue though. |
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Hellboy: The Storm #2
Aug 7, 2010 |
Hellboy is about to face the army of the dead. This issue is merely the set up to get him to that point. However, the issue provides some dark insight into his character as well as given a lot of action and some background into what is apparently his nemesis. This is a very good issue and I definitely recommend it. |
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Hellboy: The Fury #3
Aug 13, 2011 |
The down side of the issue is the ending. Hellboy doesn't make it out of the fight unscathed. However, it just isn't entirely clear if he gives up or if his sword runs out of power or if Nimue is just that more powerful. I'm not really knocking the ending, I actually liked it, but I don't quite understand the events that I observed. I've read the issue a few times and I come to several different conclusions. Also, I am not really certain what Mab's role in all of this actually was. Again, more questions than answers left me a little empty at the end. |
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Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #7
Oct 17, 2009 |
The finale is next and it seems impossible that the comic will tie up every single plot. However, I would suspect Hellboy will give his initial answer about the sword and I would expect the battle to begin. This issue includes a dark backup about Henry Hood that may also play into the finale, but we'll have to wait and see on that one. This is shaping up to be the best Hellboy mini series in years where the ending could go any number of ways. I highly recommend this comic. |
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Hellboy One Shot | 3 issues |
Hellboy: Buster Oakley Gets His Wish #1
Apr 15, 2011 |
Hellboy one shots are generally the kind of books that are good to great no matter what the contents contain. The character just lends itself towards stories that can be set anywhere at any point in time and still be enjoyable. This one walks one of the oddest lines to date. If you are looking to dip you toe into the Hellboy universe then this should give you an entertaining read. For those that aren't thrilled with Hellboy interacting with aliens…well…this one might make you cringe. Either way it's a solid book. |
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Hellboy: Being Human #1
May 15, 2011 |
There is no jumping on point with Hellboy because his story is told out of order as it is. This issue is definitely one that anyone can pick up and read and enjoy. They may not get the best spotlight on Hellboy but you will definitely come away getting a great feel for what his world is like and the kind of guy he is in terms of humanity. This is simply an excellent read and worth the cover charge. |
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Hellboy: Hellboy in Mexico #1
May 9, 2010 |
Long time fans will appreciate this comic book and, more importantly, a new reader could pick this up and run with it. This is a terrific one-shot that captures much of what the greater Hellboy persona is all about. Vampires, wrestlers, fighting, wrestling, some gut-wrenching twists and a couple of laughs. What's not to like? |
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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 | 1 issues |
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1
Dec 6, 2014 |
Hellboy is a fantastic character with a rich trove of stores. While the main title seems to be on endless hiatus, this will help fill the gap. If you ever wondered about the early Hellboy missions or are just looking to get into the character then this is a great start. I have no doubt the coming issues will be on par with many of the other classics of the character. Give this comic a try. |
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Hellboy in Hell | 3 issues |
Hellboy in Hell #1
Dec 8, 2012 |
If you read this book then you probably already know that there isn't a sensible ending to the issue. This shouldn't alarm a new reader as Hellboy books typically leave several mysteries and questions beyond in each issue. The book is a great introduction to the current storyline while giving the reader enough background to keep up with the story. It's nice to have Hellboy back. |
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Hellboy in Hell #5
Dec 7, 2013 |
Hellboy may not be everyone's cup of tea. However, for those that enjoy a good horror comic with some humor and a touch of Indiana Jones-like adventure and mystery should check this out. The seasoned Hellboy fan is going to be thrilled with this issue. I can't stress this enough, this book is an instant classic. |
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Hellboy in Hell #8
Sep 26, 2015 |
"Hellboy" closes out the short arc with a revealing issue. This one provides a recap of some of his past and adds some interesting family pieces to the puzzle, but also reveals a few more questions. The comic has action and terrific artwork to help pace the book nicely. Unfortunately the wait now begins for the next installment in the series and it appears it will be a while. However, this issue was worth picking up and was definitely an entertaining read. |
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Hellboy: Winter Special | 1 issues |
Hellboy: Winter Special: 2016 #1
Jan 30, 2016 |
Anthologies are always a tricky proposition. "Hellboy: Winter Special" offers three short stories and one two-page story. They showcase a wide range of writers and artists and mostly center around Mike Mignola creations, two contain Hellboy. There isn't a dud in the bunch, but there isn't anything too memorable either. This is a decent read for four bucks if you like Hellboy and other Mike Mignola ideas. |
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Higher Earth | 1 issues |
Higher Earth #1
May 12, 2012 |
This comic is a $1. It's the first step of a big space adventure. If you are into science fiction on any level you shouldn't pass this book up. If you just like general thrills and action you shouldn't pass this book up. Boom! clearly has a winner on its hands with this one. |
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Hinterkind | 1 issues |
Hinterkind #1
Oct 5, 2013 |
Hinterkind is a story about a couple of characters trapped at the end of mankind's rule of Earth. The book uses some frightening characters as the foil in the book but sticks to basic human characters to help ground the book with the reader. I liked the first issue and I am interested to see where this series is headed. This is worth checking out. |
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Howard The Duck (2015) | 1 issues |
Howard The Duck (2015) #1
Mar 14, 2015 |
Howard The Duck is a strange idea. However, the book is a good read that provides a nice introduction to the character, the plot and other characters for Howard to bounce off of throughout the book. This comic book looks to be a book to keep your eye on. It might very well become a hit. I recommend checking this out. |
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Hulk (2008) | 6 issues |
Hulk (2008) #15
Oct 3, 2009 |
Hulk has its share of problems with the story and the overall direction but this issue is good. It drives you nuts with all the characters popping in without purpose but at least it's a little entertaining. I don't understand where this is all going but I would think that the red Hulk is going to do some more pontificating about who he is in future issues. That can only help make this comic book more coherent. This was a pretty good issue, though I would think fans of the Punisher and X-23 aren't going to like how their characters are portrayed. |
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Hulk (2008) #23
Jun 26, 2010 |
This issue does carry a $5 cover charge which is steep in my opinion. You get extra story pages with no additional content like a reprint or sketches. I'm not sure it's worth the cover charge mainly because this issue is a one paragraph recap summary in the next issue. As entertaining as the artwork I found the story to be frustrating at times and led me to wonder what other characters are simply robots. That's not a good thing. I would think this issue is for the die-hards though it provides a good jump on point for new readers. |
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Hulk (2008) #24
Aug 21, 2010 |
If you like fighting and the fighting to look great then this is a great issue to pick up. You may even like the double narrative and the link between them. In that regard the issue is quite entertaining. If you have struggled with the run and reveal of the red Hulk's identity then this issue might be like reopening an old wound. As a cap to the Jeph Loeb era it seems like this was the only way it could end. |
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Hulk (2008) #25
Sep 24, 2010 |
This series is still finding its new place in the Marvel Universe. I can't say this feels like a Jeff Parker comic book now but it certainly doesn't feel like a Jeph Loeb one anymore either. This issue gives Hulk a mission and manages to set a new level for the character and his place in the Marvel Universe. It's a good start and I'm anxious to see what they do from here. |
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Hulk (2008) #50
Apr 7, 2012 |
Parker is writing a very good story here, long and short term. This issue serves as a terrific jump-on point for new readers. You will find different heroes and villains with some familiar faces sprinkled in for good measure. Based on the interview it sounds like Parker has some grand plans for this title so I am very pleased to be on board. I definitely recommend checking this comic out. |
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Hulk (2008) #52
May 26, 2012 |
Hulk should be a fun book with some sort of deeper character moment hidden in the book somewhere and this book has both. The character may be General Ross, but the characteristics still should be the same for this Jekyll and Hyde concoction. This book is definitely worth picking up. Even if you haven't been following this character at all. |
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Hulk (2014) | 2 issues |
Hulk (2014) #1
Apr 19, 2014 |
The Hulk is a property that is always going to have a tough time finding something new to do with the character. You can put him in space, make him smart, make him dumb, spilt his mind in two, remove his mind, make him a villain, make him an agent, but ultimately you will run out of something new. This issue sort of proves that point. However, if the execution is good then the repetitive story won't matter. If this book wanders into the Bruce Jones conspiracy story then this book will be dead on arrival. Time will tell but this issue doesn't give me a ton of hope. We shall see how this plays out. |
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Hulk (2014) #16
May 9, 2015 |
This comic book is a very good read. The comic brings Hulk's character arc to a nice conclusion in this issue. Even one of the lose ends gets resolved in the back-up, ten-page story, to round out the book. There isn't much action or danger but it peels back the layers on a character that has so many sides to his personality. If you have any interest in the character personality of Hulk then this is going to be a good book to pick up. The five-dollar price tag isn't very appealing but if you have opportunity to pick this up then I recommend it. |
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Hulk: Let The Battle Begin | 1 issues |
Hulk: Let The Battle Begin #1
Mar 13, 2010 |
I am all for anthology comics about specific characters, especially ones about the Hulk. It's not even that the backup reprint from Marvel Comics Presents is a bad story, but that it's the only other story in the comic book. As far as anthologies for $4 about the Hulk this really isn't a worthy purchase. However, the story is so good it would be difficult to pass up. If you like to read Hulk stories about Banner the drifter that has a great story and fun artwork then go ahead and pick this one. Just be warned that it's the only original material in the comic. Awesome story, shame on Marvel. |
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Huntress (2011) | 1 issues |
Huntress (2011) #1
Oct 7, 2011 |
I like the character and I plan to pick up this book. I'm not sure how interested someone who is indifferent to the creators or the character would be to this book though. It seems like this series is going to bring a nice layered plot set a slightly less intense atmosphere as Batman which I can get into. I think this book is a worth a look. |
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Imperial | 1 issues |
Imperial #1
Aug 9, 2014 |
Imperial is an interesting book. While you can find a ton of other books out there that provide super heroes as seen through a creator-owned set of eyes this one is slightly different. This comic has a charming lead character that feels like he's been plucked from your local comic book store. This is one to watch. |
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Incognito: Bad Influences | 1 issues |
Incognito: Bad Influences #1
Oct 29, 2010 |
Incognito has a lot to live up to because of the success of Criminal. Since this title is set in a world where super powers are possible the bar is set that much higher to reach. Brubaker moves his story in unpredictable directions and this issue only helps to open the possible threads. Add in that the comic book is twenty four pages of story plus an essay about a forgotten hero from the pulp days by Jess Nevins and you have yourself a very entertaining read. I would recommend picking this up even if you haven't read the first mini series. You may find yourself getting sucked in. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) | 11 issues |
Incredible Hulk (2009) #602
Sep 26, 2009 |
Incredible Hulk is making use of a good cast and a couple of guest stars to fill the gap left when the green guy exited. This comic makes for a good anthology-light book about some Hulk characters without getting involved with the red Hulk. Ultimately this particularly comic is subtle in plot development, but has some fun character moments and action. I think any fan of the Hulk will be happy picking this one up. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #607
Feb 20, 2010 |
If you are looking for an excuse to pick up an issue of the Hulk then this one is a good one to grab. Sure you will spend $4 on it but it's an entertaining and clever issue that could potentially act as a self contained story with a jump on point to the next plot development at the end of the issue. The comic has plenty of guest stars and a lot of intriguing good guy-bad guy politics to keep the story a guessing game in terms of allegiances. This is a good comic book. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #608
Mar 20, 2010 |
I liked this issue, particularly the ending, however it could have been so much more if I understood all of the references. The dialogue was clever and added a lot of depth to many of the characters in the issue, especially Banner. The artwork excelled during the fight scenes but didn't deliver with separating the scenery of backdrops. I would think if you have read all of the Fall of the Hulks titles then would probably end up loving this issue. However, if you are only interested in this title I would be prepared to be a little lost if you pick it up. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #609
May 15, 2010 |
This issue will be remembered for the revelation of the identity of the Red She-Hulk. The story, the dialogue, the action and the characters in the story make this a good comic book. The plot details and some of the art bring it down a little bit. I am interested to see where this is going. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #610
Jun 18, 2010 |
I enjoyed this issue so much I felt the same level of interest in this title that I haven't felt since Planet Hulk. I can't wait to see where this going and because of my interest in this issue I may actually pick up the Hulk-Jeph Loeb series as well. Gasp! This is definitely one to check out. Even if you haven't been following along with this story, this is an ending you don't want to miss. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #611
Aug 13, 2010 |
There is a new status quo for the Hulk and there seems to be a new story over the horizon. The character may keep saying how he wants to be left alone but it's obvious to everyone involved that the supporting cast is vital to the title and is here to stay. This was a fun issue that offers a lot of action and a good story to back it all up. Pak's letter at the end puts the whole thing into perspective. This is a fun issue. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #614
Oct 14, 2010 |
I didn't care too much for the first two issues in this story but things are starting to pick up now. I liked the inclusion of the Secret Avengers and I liked that Banner is trying to make this about him and him alone against his newly discovered son. This issue makes good use of the characters in the issue and helps to build up some tension for the next one. This was a good, all around read. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #618
Dec 12, 2010 |
Hulks have themselves dropped into quite a predicament by the end of this issue. Based on this cliffhanger the next issue promises to be a good one. This is a good example of how a tie-in can be picked up and read without having read the main series for the event. I liked the pacing and character interaction in the book. While mostly setup, this issue is worth giving a try. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #620
Jan 14, 2011 |
This comic was a good test to see if a tie-in for an event is lost on a reader that isn't following the event. The comic book passed because I was able to follow the story and was interested in the material despite not having the foggiest idea of what the Chaos War is. This was a good issue and is worth a read if you have any interest in the Hulk or his supporting cast or if you just like some big creatures beating each other up. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #634
Aug 12, 2011 |
Pak's run will go down among the best in the history of this character. The last arc may not be for everyone but it has a lot in it that is fun and fresh. There's magic, strength, flying dragons, some humor and femme fatales. It seems like this book is going to once again call on the Hulk to be the hero but it may not be clear as to how, just yet. I can't wait for the ending. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) #635
Sep 2, 2011 |
I have enjoyed Pak's run on the Hulk as much as any other character/creator run in the last fifteen years. He had the perfect voice and storylines for the character. I may not have been crazy about the nesting nature of the wishing well arc but, I think this is an issue that shouldn't be passed up on. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Incredible Hulk (2011) | 4 issues |
Incredible Hulk (2011) #1
Oct 27, 2011 |
I'm a huge fan of the Hulk and a bigger fan of Jason Aaron but this issue completely missed with me. The issue is way too slow, to the point of being pretentious, as it seems to take forever to lift into a story. It wouldn't be so terrible if the opening established something but it really didn't do much other than to show that a Banner-less Hulk is still pretty smart. I need more story or Hulk-like action and I definitely need more consistent art. Hopefully the next issue will be better. |
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Incredible Hulk (2011) #2
Nov 18, 2011 |
I don't know where this series is heading. The first two issues have done nothing but left me thinking that Aaron is putting out a rare misfire. The few pages where Banner explains what is going on are the only parts of this comic that helps the story along at all. I am hopefully that this series will pick up the pace but I'm not sure how many more issues I will give it. |
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Incredible Hulk (2011) #3
Dec 22, 2011 |
Hulk is one of my favorite characters and Aaron is on the short list of my favorite writers but this book just isn't doing it for me. Obviously there is still room for the story to take shape but this book is simply dragging on too much at this point. Loeb's book's flaw was the mystery being teased again and again, but this book's flaw, so far, is that its taking issue after issue just to get Banner and Hulk to meet up with little reason or argument as to why they should or should not. This is a frustrating book unless you like pure action. |
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Incredible Hulk (2011) #6
Mar 16, 2012 |
This title is a massive misfire. I'm not sure who would like this, but perhaps if you like crazy action or Hulk stories that are a little more bizarre than plot driven then maybe you would like this. Beyond that, I can't see picking this up. |
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Indestructible Hulk | 1 issues |
Indestructible Hulk #1
Nov 23, 2012 |
Hulk is one of the few characters that I read regardless of who the creative team is. I've following the book for decades. That said, I feel there are still stories to be told with the character and Waid has something happening here. The opening issue just doesn't launch into anything that memorable. We'll see where this goes. |
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Infinite Vacation | 2 issues |
Infinite Vacation #1
Jan 10, 2011 |
Spencer brought the goods in Existence 2.0, Forgetless and Morning Glories so I've come to expect big, big things from him. He's doing it again with a fresh idea, interesting characters and a bombshell of a cliffhanger to keep you coming back for more. I can't recommend this book enough. |
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Infinite Vacation #3
Nov 5, 2011 |
The back page still advertises that issue four is coming out on April 27th 2011, so who knows when this mini-series will actually wrap up. However, this issue puts together a plot around a very confusing and seemingly endless concept. I enjoyed this issue and I think once this mini-series is complete I will look back on this issue as the point where Spencer set everything up to pull the rug out later. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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Infinity Gauntlet (2015) | 1 issues |
Infinity Gauntlet (2015) #1
May 30, 2015 |
"The Infinity Gauntlet" is a very good first issue and a great starter issue for a curious fan. The book is free of continuity, knowledge of Secret Wars or of the past stories that deal with the subject matter. The comic introduces a cast of solid characters and then puts them in a situation where they might not all survive. The book has action, drama and mystery. The comic looks great artistically as the book has the feel of a big budget movie. Overall, this was an entertaining read and one that will surely bring the reader back for a second issue. |
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Invincible | 1 issues |
Invincible #100
Feb 1, 2013 |
Invincible is a popular and successful book. It's easy to see why when I pick up a random issue. It's well written and draws the reader in with the problems of the lead characters. This comic seems to be a turning point in the direction of the key characters. I enjoyed the exploration of what some of the super heroes might face in a real life situation when presented with failure and death. I liked the comic book and I am sure fans of the series will love it. It's worth checking out. |
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Invincible Iron Man (2015) | 1 issues |
Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1
Oct 10, 2015 |
"Invincible Iron Man" launches with a character focused issue. The reader gets a nice introduction into Stark's current mindset. The book doesn't launch any big plot, but instead gives the reader small scenes that could come together later as a part of a bigger story. The comic gives a great cliffhanger to help bring the reader back. The artwork is the highlight of the book as the pencils, colors and layouts all come together to tell a great visual story. Fans of the character will be pleased at what they find here and newcomers might find enough to continue on with the title. This is worth checking out. |
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Invisible Republic | 1 issues |
Invisible Republic #1
Mar 21, 2015 |
Invisible Republic is going to be a sprawling epic story. This is the ground floor. If you are familiar with Bechko and Hardman's work then you know what to expect. If you are not then you should be prepared for a layered story with dark visuals and complex, but strong core characters. This issue is one to pick up. |
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Iron Man (2012) | 1 issues |
Iron Man (2012) #1
Nov 10, 2012 |
Iron Man feels like a book that will cater to the hardcore fans or the completists out there. As a casual reader I didn't like the contents and wasn't engaged by the plot to pick up future issues. Unfortunately, the read was just below average and the marketplace is simply too competitive to try out a second issue. |
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Island | 1 issues |
Island #1
Jul 18, 2015 |
"Island" provides great value for your money. Over 100 pages of material for $8 is a great deal. The comic provides three full-length stories in it, two short stories and a tribute to a friend by DeConnick. Fans of the creators involved must pick this comic book up. Other readers may want to look under the covers to determine if the art styles match with their taste. If so, then they might find this to be a hidden treasure. I only found one of the stories to be something memorable but the entire comic is gorgeous to look at. Take a look at this one. |
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Jennifer Blood | 2 issues |
Jennifer Blood #1
Feb 19, 2011 |
There are few writers I enjoy more than Garth Ennis. I want to love this book. I'm willing to give the book a lot of room to set up the story and the characters. However, this book came in as an average Ennis book at best. He's created a character that simply seems like too many others and none of the motivation is clear in this book. I need more than just chicks killing men in various (and creative) ways. |
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Jennifer Blood #3
May 7, 2011 |
This series is still struggling to tell an interesting story about anything other than a house mom that kills crooked family members at night. There aren't too many characters in the book that are memorable and the plots are rather thin. The best part of the book so far is the manner in which the family members are killed off and this issue may be the best of the bunch in that department. This book is going to need to provide something more than that though to survive in the long run. |
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Joe Kubert Presents | 1 issues |
Joe Kubert Presents #5
Mar 3, 2013 |
Joe Kubert Presents is definitely a niche book. If you enjoy war stories, especially from the Joe Kubert camp of storytelling then this is the comic book for you. This is every bit as good as I had hoped it would be from looking at the cover. |
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Joe The Barbarian | 3 issues |
Joe The Barbarian #1
Jan 23, 2010 |
This issue is only a buck and you definitely get your money's worth. The art design and work is tremendous and is not to be missed. If you were a kid in the 70s, 80s or 90s then you are sure to see some favorites in Joe's room. The story is good, but is clearly not the appeal as the artwork takes command in the first chapter here. This is worth checking out for sure. |
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Joe The Barbarian #2
Feb 20, 2010 |
This comic book has a cute little story idea turned into something more. With Morrison adding some strange elements, as only he can, and partnered with the breakthrough art by Murphy the comic book stands out on the shelves this week. This is something I definitely recommend. |
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Joe The Barbarian #5
May 22, 2010 |
Morrison again allows Murphy to completely own the issue. Even with all of the emotions that are running through the ending of the comic book, it is the art that leaves the biggest impression. This issue has multiple instances of panels that scroll across two pages in a letterboxed format that enhances the cinematic and epic feel to the story. Additionally, the creativity in the air battle and the ruined kingdom shows a level of detail that is impressive even after five issues of the story. I was, again, thrilled with this visual story. |
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Jonah Hex (2006) | 1 issues |
Jonah Hex (2006) #69
Jul 9, 2011 |
I realize that westerns aren't everyone's thing. However, this story barely reads like a western. It's more of a father and son story, kind of the anti-Vito and Michael Corleone conversation from the Godfather if you will. The creators know how to tell a story in an entertaining and artistic way. What more could you ask for in a comic book? I highly recommend checking this one out. |
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Jupiter's Legacy | 1 issues |
Jupiter's Legacy #1
Apr 26, 2013 |
The first spends a lot of time building up the characters. It's a slow first issue but it takes great care to set things up for future issues. The themes that Millar are tackling aren't new and don't make a lot of sense but based on his previous works he gets more time to develop these ideas. This is an average book but the art drives it up a notch. We'll have to see where this is going. |
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Justice League (2011) | 1 issues |
Justice League (2011) #22
Jul 12, 2013 |
If you are deep into the DCU then this book is going to be a smash hit with you. If you are a newcomer then just read the comic three or four times and ignore the plot holes because at the heart of the book is a very entertaining read. I recommend checking this out because there is a lot to like in here. |
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Justice League Dark | 1 issues |
Justice League Dark #22
Jul 27, 2013 |
The Trinity War crossover is going through a bit of a lull with this issue. It feels like stalling, but not on the Brian Bendis level. This issue does move more characters around which is probably necessary for the future issues but it makes this one a throwaway. One of the bright spots is the mystery at the beginning and at the end. This is an okay read but not as good as the first two installments. |
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Justice League of America (2013) | 2 issues |
Justice League of America (2013) #1
Feb 22, 2013 |
JLA is going to be a tough sell. It's a book with a lot of new or totally unknown characters in it. Even the dialogue in the book asks the question of, "how are these characters going to work together?" That will be part of the journey for this book. One of the things this issue lacks is any sort of villainous threat. The book appears it will be character based and that could prove challenging with this many fresh or un-established faces. Time will tell, but this is a good start. |
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Justice League of America (2013) #6
Jul 19, 2013 |
Trinity War seems like a good crossover. This comic has a transition feel to it as the story slows down from the big fight scene to get back to the larger story. It's interesting that Superman is really off the table and looks to be that way for the remainder of the crossover. This will help level the playing field and make for some interesting confrontations. This is shaping up to be a good read. |
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Kaptara (2015) | 1 issues |
Kaptara (2015) #1
Apr 25, 2015 |
Kaptara is an amazing looking comic book with a standard plot with interesting characters executing it. I'm not sure where this story is going but the first issue gave just enough to leave me curious about the second issue. The page count and artwork alone are worth the price of admission. I liked this comic but wasn't totally in love with it. I mildly recommend it. |
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Key of Z | 1 issues |
Key of Z #1
Oct 23, 2011 |
definitely worth checking out and it will only get better as things accelerate with each subsequent issue. |
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Kick-Ass 2 | 5 issues |
Kick-Ass 2 #1
Oct 23, 2010 |
Millar is taking a slower approach to Kick-Ass this time around. He can afford that luxury because he's already got himself a core audience as does the book. It's hard to say where this story is going but the first issue presents a good story with a good setup of many of the major characters. I'm sure Millar has plenty of surprises for the reader in the coming issues. |
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Kick-Ass 2 #3
Aug 26, 2011 |
Kick-Ass is a book that pushes the boundaries. This arc doesn't seem to have a terribly interesting story but Millar is making the most of the characters he's rolled out. It seems like there aren't a whole lot of books on the stands that jams this much entertainment into twenty-four pages and is only three bucks. I definitely recommend picking this up. |
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Kick-Ass 2 #5
Nov 26, 2011 |
Millar isn't making this series terribly clear so far. The main villain is so rich and powerful it simply doesn't add up that he can't do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to Dave. However, this isn't the kind of comic book that you are reading because it makes sense. You are most likely reading it because of the shock and awe factor and this book has it. This is definitely a guilty pleasure and this issue brings the violence just like the others. I recommend checking this out. It's a wonder Millar can sleep at night. |
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Kick-Ass 2 #6
Dec 31, 2011 |
Kick-Ass 2 is going to end with a huge brawl and there is going to be plenty of death and plenty of shockers. This is not that issue. This issue is your average Mark Millar comic book unfortunately, but that is still better than many, many others. |
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Kick-Ass 2 #7
Mar 23, 2012 |
I loved the first Kick-Ass series. It was magic. This series was too long and ended with a very unsatisfactory finish. You have a character whispering up five stories while a riot is going on and someone on the roof is supposed to hear him? That's odd. I wish I could recommend the book for the violence, but I simply can't. This was a big disappointment. |
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Kick-Ass 3 | 1 issues |
Kick-Ass 3 #1
Jun 9, 2013 |
Kick-Ass appears to have run its course. I loved the original series. I thought the second was okay but this one just doesn't seem to have anything new to offer. I will tune in for one more issue. Hopefully Millar has something big in it. |
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King Conan: Hour of the Dragon | 1 issues |
King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #1
Jun 1, 2013 |
Apparently the adaptation is to be completed in two separate mini-series. This first mini-series seems to be covering an awful lot of the source material. It will be interesting to see where this series evolves in the next issue or two. Either way this is a great glimpse into the distant future of the character as told by a very old, but still physically impressive Conan. I recommend giving this a chance. |
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Klaus | 1 issues |
Klaus #1
Nov 7, 2015 |
"Klaus" introduces the reader to the lead character and presents him with the problem. It's a fast-paced read, with a couple of surprises and with some solid characterizations. It's hard to imagine how Morrison is going to wrap everything up (pun intended) in just six issues as this feels like it could have been ten or twelve issues. If you have any interest in seeing Santa as Conan and learning about his secret origin then I urge you to pick this up. This is a wild comic. Boom! has another hit on its hands. |
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Knight and Squire | 2 issues |
Knight and Squire #1
Oct 14, 2010 |
This issue launches an interesting story that has a wide array of characters to explore in the next five issues. This issue is a good introduction to those who haven't picked up the Club of Heroes and it is a good expansion for those that are familiar with the characters. This is a great creative team working on a fresh super hero angle. This is definitely worth picking up for those looking at something different. |
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Knight and Squire #6
Mar 19, 2011 |
I'm not sure if this mini series is going to have a follow up for some kind of ongoing but Cornell certainly has created a wide range of characters for the book. This comic is a good read and offers up a fun look at what heroes are like set in Britain written by a Brit. This issue is definitely worth picking up, if nothing more than for the bonus of having the Joker in it talking imitating the English. |
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Larfleeze | 1 issues |
Larfleeze #1
Jun 29, 2013 |
I'm not sold on this book long term. I have faith in the creators and that goes a long way in terms of picking this up again. I would have preferred the origin to be spread out over three of four issues where it only takes up three pages per issue but they've given it all over in the first issue. Could it backfire? Well, if the next two issues are fantastic then the gamble will have paid off. We'll see. I think fans of the character are going to like the information found in here but the casual reader might find it too slow. |
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Lazarus | 1 issues |
Lazarus #1
Jun 29, 2013 |
Lazarus is the kind of book that mixes political issues, social issues, science fiction and criminal intrigue into one pot. It's a great start to the series and Rucka's letter at the end helps to provide the background behind the book, which only enhances the whole experience. This is worth checking out. |
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Lobo (2014) | 1 issues |
Lobo (2014) #1
Oct 4, 2014 |
Lobo is an odd comic book. It's an odd concept. To be fair at least the creators are trying something a little different with this book. The next issue just needs to have a tighter, more meaningful construction but the ideas are in here somewhere. |
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Lord of the Jungle | 2 issues |
Lord of the Jungle #1
Jan 20, 2012 |
Tarzan is a genre that I wouldn't think would be all that entertaining in comics because of the lack of verbal communication. However, this book really shakes away a lot of the apprehension. Nelson and Castro managed to change my views about the book's possibilities and when you factor in that I only picked up the book because it was a buck means this issue is a success. This is definitely worth checking out. |
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Lord of the Jungle #2
Mar 3, 2012 |
Lord of the Jungle is a tough book. The bread and butter of the franchise are with characters that don't typically speak. However, this book is managing the action and the "talking" well so far. If only the content of the secondary characters would become clearly I think this book could be pretty good. |
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Low (2014) | 1 issues |
Low (2014) #1
Aug 2, 2014 |
Low is a comic book that gives action and adventure against the futuristic backdrop. Remender's letter in the back gives the reader an idea of how the characters came about, but it wasn't until I read the letter that I realized the wife was the chief protagonist and not the husband. There are a lot of pieces here to like but I'm not sure how everything fits just yet. This is worth checking out. |
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Magneto (2014) | 1 issues |
Magneto (2014) #1
Mar 8, 2014 |
Magneto is a good opening issue. It merges the ideals that the lead character holds along with his questionable decision making. The comic frames out his mindset and gives off some complex ideas to try to pin the character down to. This seems more like a man that's lost kind of story than a super-hero/super-villain story. This is a good opening issue to check out. |
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Manifest Destiny | 1 issues |
Manifest Destiny #1
Nov 16, 2013 |
I get it; westerns and historical comics aren't everyone's cup of tea. However, if you like character work and interesting personalities mixed up with the unexpected then I urge you to give this book a try. A plus is the beautiful artwork specifically the outstanding final page. Give this book a shot and read something a little different from the normal books that ship week to week. |
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Mars Attacks | 3 issues |
Mars Attacks #1
Jun 23, 2012 |
Mars Attacks is a horror book with some funny moments. Layman plays with the absurdity of the concept but clearly has a love for the original work. The book is a fun read that is engaging and makes great use of the twenty-two pages to set up a war of worlds perfectly. I can't wait for the next issue. |
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Mars Attacks #3
Aug 25, 2012 |
Mars Attacks is a niche genre. Or is it? I believe, with this issue, that anyone can pick this up and find themselves laughing, cringing and wanting more, all while being highly entertained. Layman and McCrea have a winner here as I plan to stick with this one for the long haul. I urge you to check it out. |
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Mars Attacks #4
Sep 29, 2012 |
Mars Attacks seems like it's a select genre. This is a mistake to think this though. This book is about characters, survival and man's struggle to get along in the face of a global invasion. Layman is telling an excellent story here that looks like it will have arms and legs for quite some time to come. This is a series to jump on now before it takes off and never looks back. I highly recommend picking this up. |
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Mars Attacks KISS | 1 issues |
Mars Attacks KISS #1
Jan 12, 2013 |
Mars Attacks Kiss is a fun book. I liked it better than the Popeye one because of the switch it pulls at the beginning. I would have liked to see more introduction to the members of the group, even just one panel of some banter between them but there is something to be said for launching into the action. This is worth taking a look at. I guarantee it will be one of the more "different" comics you read this week or month. |
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Mars Attacks Popeye | 1 issues |
Mars Attacks Popeye #1
Jan 5, 2013 |
Popeye battles Martians. It's fun, action packed and a very dense read, which I was not expecting. However, the Mars Attacks aspect feels too glossed over and it seemed like they could be any generic monster which I wasn't a fan of. This is a fun idea that was simply too light on the Mars Attacks influence for my tastes. A decent read, but perhaps a great one if you a fan of Popeye. |
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Mars Attacks The Real Ghostbusters | 1 issues |
Mars Attacks The Real Ghostbusters #1
Jan 19, 2013 |
Mars Attacks Ghostbusters is a book that has a quirky feeling to it that makes it a fun read. I'm sure that is what the creators were going for and they succeeded. I would have liked to see more character definition or at least something that mimicked the characters from the film but the space is limited, so it's understandable that they missed the mark. This is just regular old fun. |
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Marvel Knights: Hulk | 1 issues |
Marvel Knights: Hulk #1
Dec 13, 2013 |
The Hulk is one of those characters that I am going to read every incarnation published. Perhaps I am unfair critic in that regard. However, I also know what kind of Hulk story I am looking for and what kind of Hulk story I've never seen before. This started off as something new and that was promising but the ending couldn't quite keep that going. We'll have to see where this mini-series goes but if the focus remains in the character work, such as with Dyane, then this book could be something special. |
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Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher | 4 issues |
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #1
Aug 7, 2010 |
This mini series has appealing idea and the first issue proves that it has an entertaining story to tell. Frank has a mission to save potential innocents. There are other super powered heroes left and presumably villains as well. With many of his allies already taken out there are still some interesting possibilities for face-offs for the next three issues. This is a good start to this mini series. I know I will be checking out the rest of the series and I recommend any one else interested in the creators, character or genre to as well. |
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Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #2
Aug 21, 2010 |
This series is quickly becoming one of my favorite futuristic tales along side Hulk: The End, Future Imperfect and Days of Future Past. What we get here is a straight forward, end of civilization story that adds in just enough wrinkles to stand out from the pack. It's fast paced and provides enough mystery to keep the ending a guessing game. Add in that it ships every other week and I am finding this story to be a can't miss read and one that sits on top of my pile. This is shaping up to be one of the surprise hits of the year. |
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Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #3
Sep 4, 2010 |
This mini series isn't for everyone. However, the story is well crafted and filled with surprises making it something not to miss. If you like futuristic stories where life is terrible then this is a great read. I also think if you like good Punisher stories where he interacts with the greater Marvel Universe then you would enjoy this as well. I can't wait to see what curveballs we get in the finale. |
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Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #4
Sep 17, 2010 |
Obviously you probably need to generally like future timeline stories to get into this one. However, I do think Punisher fans and those that like depressing stories are going to love this one. The Punisher remains in character throughout this book and never compromises his basic philosophy for the sake of anything thrown his way. This gets my highest recommendation. |
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Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (2011) | 3 issues |
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (2011) #1
Jul 3, 2011 |
Initial issues of mini series are tough, especially when the series only has three issues left. However, I felt this issue put forth a good story to keep me coming back for more and that's all you can ask for from an opening issue. Truthfully, I couldn't put down the book and I am impatiently waiting for more. What else could you be looking for? |
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Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (2011) #2
Jul 30, 2011 |
This mini-series is stacking up nicely against last year's Punisher one. Overall, the book provides a very entertaining story that has terrific character interactions, a fair amount of action and some twisted heartache, particularly at the end. This is definitely a book that any fan of the end-of-the-world or horror genres should not miss. |
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Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine (2011) #3
Aug 19, 2011 |
With only one issue left in this series we are getting down to the nitty-gritty. This issue pulls out all the stops as it plunges the remaining characters into unthinkable acts and impossible situations. This series is an excellent read and this issue is wall to wall entertainment. I can't wait for the ending – no matter how twisted it turns out to be. I highly recommend this book. |
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Memoir | 1 issues |
Memoir #1
Jan 22, 2011 |
The opening issue has a lot to like and a lot to look forward to from this series. Opening issues are tough because you want a story to bring the reader's interest in but you also want to define your characters so the reader can feel something while reading it. I'm not sure I was supposed to despise the main character but the story sure is good. If you like a little mystery and, what looks to be a horror book, then this issue is worth giving a try. |
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Miniature Jesus | 1 issues |
Miniature Jesus #1
Apr 21, 2013 |
Miniature Jesus is a comic book that is dancing around a lot of themes but isn't revealing much in the opening issue. The components are there: alcoholism, religion, conscience, sub-conscience but the topics are lightly hit. This is a good read but not enough to reach the "great" category. I liked the comic but I do think it is an acquired taste. If you are looking for something that is very out of the ordinary then you should give this a try. |
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Mixtape | 5 issues |
Mixtape #1
Apr 18, 2012 |
Very rarely do I feel like a comic book spoke to me, but this is it. I mean beyond the oddities like calling high school class segments, "semesters", I found this to pretty much be how living as a teenager was. No, you don't need to know what a tape is and you don't need to know what it was like in 1990 or what a 'Pixie' is or even have had to escort a girl someplace. As long as you fell for someone that didn't seem to reciprocate, had some sort of confidant or just had some friends that you could just be yourself with then I think you can find something to relate to in this comic book. I definitely recommend picking this book up. |
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Mixtape #2
Oct 1, 2012 |
This comic book is slated to be released, according to many online stores, on October 31, but I'm sure it can be pre-ordered. It's not always easy to follow a book that doesn't ship with a regular schedule but with issue three hot on the heels of this issue it seems like this series is about to get shipping traction to go along with its excellent storytelling. Regardless if you have ever mixed a tape before or even heard of a mixed tape before this book is relatable because it taps into the peer pressure element that is evident in so many people's lives. It's a well-constructed book that provides a great build up to a great ending. Pick this book up and see for yourself. |
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Mixtape #3
Aug 23, 2013 |
Mixtape number three is a great read. The comic has some humor, drama and plenty of emotionally charged moments. The comic book hits on many of the painful parts of growing up and growing apart. One of the keys to this series has been the ability-to-relate factor and this issue falls right in line with the previous two. Excellent read. |
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Mixtape #4
Oct 8, 2013 |
Mixtape #4 provides a terrific self-enclosed story. Sure, it uses some characters and references from previous issues but for the most part this comic book is an enjoyable read all by itself. While not everyone can relate to the coming back from abroad scenario I think everyone can identify with friendships that drift or siblings that leave you behind as they grow. It's a great book and one that takes you on a seemingly sad and lonely tale that provides a new light at the end. What a great book. |
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Mixtape #5
May 10, 2014 |
This comic book is something special. There is no question that those that grew up during this time period will find something to relate to, but some of the themes transcend time and offer something for any reader. The comic also includes a play list in the back for the first five issues, which just enhances the overall reading experience. There are several places where you can find this book, such as iTunes (bit.ly/1fzcwj3) for digital copies or indyplanet.com or bradabraham.com for a hard copy. Track down a copy and give the book a try. You won't regret it. |
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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | 1 issues |
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1
Nov 28, 2015 |
"Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" is a comic book title that sounds like it could be a lot of fun and the initial issue delivers on that prospect. The reader gets to know a new character, Lunella Lafayette, and the cast around her as well as the general set up of the Jack Kirby creations of Moon-Boy and Devil Dinosaur. The comic book is energetic and charming and brings the reader into a world that has a ton of possibilities, all of which appear to be fun. The artwork provides an all ages element to the story without coming across as cartoony. This is definitely a book to keep an eye on and an issue to pick up. This is undeniably something different in the Marvel Universe. |
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Moon Knight (2014) | 3 issues |
Moon Knight (2014) #1
Mar 8, 2014 |
Moon Knight is not a comic book to pass up. The character gets defined in this issue, but a twist is added to his existence at the very end. Within the book we get a little bit of the day to day life in terms of what the super-hero does and whom he interacts with. The book has a small amount of action but some gory scenes are involved. Overall, you shouldn't miss this issue and I suspect this is going to be a hit series on the level of Hawkeye. This is a great start. |
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Moon Knight (2014) #2
Apr 5, 2014 |
Moon Knight is definitely shaping up to becoming a must-read book in Marvel's catalogue. It's clear that Ellis doesn't plan to follow any sort of predictable path issue to issue and so far, both issues have been self-contained ones. This is definitely an issue to pick up. |
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Moon Knight (2014) #6
Aug 9, 2014 |
Moon Knight is an interesting character with a lot of incarnations and a complicated history. This six issue run is classic. This particular issue is a great look at the character from an unknown nobody. The comic punctuates the run nicely. I highly recommend checking this out. |
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Moriarty | 4 issues |
Moriarty #1
May 14, 2011 |
I wanted to love this book being a huge fan of the Sherlock Holmes genre but I found myself on the fence after the first read. I liked the set up and the cast of characters but struggled with some of the pacing and overly buried mystery. Overall, this is a good book and definitely worth your three bucks. I will need more than the first issue to determine if this series is for me and that's generally a good thing. |
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Moriarty #4
Aug 6, 2011 |
Moriarty is a good idea and it has its moments. I think everything ties together nicely after multiple reads of the entire arc and that level of detail is always welcome in a story. While I struggled with the villain's plans and even his motivation at times I loved the Sherlock-like ending to this comic book. There promises to be another arc in October and I know I will be there. |
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Moriarty #6
Oct 30, 2011 |
Moriarty is hitting a great stride with this issue. It's fast-paced, entertaining and extremely clever. This issue makes it very difficult not to want to watch Moriarty go all- out villain on several of these shady characters. I definitely recommend checking out this issue. |
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Moriarty #9
Feb 18, 2012 |
Moriarty is a detective story, but done with darkness, villains and elements that could reside in the occult. The book has a thick plot and is a very hefty read. This is simply not the kind of book that you can skim through and get the gist of the story. You need to pay attention and take apart the pieces. I enjoyed this series and the ending to this arc. I think if you like to read something a little bit more intellectually stimulating then this is something to pick up. |
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Morning Glories | 2 issues |
Morning Glories #1
Aug 8, 2010 |
If you like some conspiracy mixed with some elements of horror then you might like this issue. Because it's a Nick Spencer book you know you will get entertained and you will be taken on a ride that will yank you in one direction and then another. Don't be fooled thinking this is an X-Men derivative because it is not. The book is a promising start to the series and I definitely recommend picking this up. |
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Morning Glories #2
Sep 18, 2010 |
Morning Glories is an odd series because I'm not exactly sure what the series will ultimately end up becoming. Will the kids rebel against their masters and become hunted rogues? Will they submit to their masters and become some sort of agents? Will they get killed off and then a new class gets enrolled? I like the mystery this series holds and I find the story telling to be fresh and interesting. I definitely recommend this series for someone looking for something a little out of the ordinary. |
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MPH | 1 issues |
MPH #1
May 24, 2014 |
MPH is not your typical Mark Millar book. It's tame on the adult themes and content. It's light on the shocking images, such as gore. Instead, Millar tries to lay out a real example of someone that ends up in prison but gets an interest drug to try out. It's a decent comic book that I mildly recommend. |
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Ms. Marvel (2014) | 2 issues |
Ms. Marvel (2014) #1
Feb 8, 2014 |
The opening issue is a good one. The backstory doesn't break any new ground except that involves an uncommon ethnicity. The ending is confusing if you are unfamiliar with the powers and transformation into the title character but it might not matter to every reader. Overall, the main character is a charming one and if the book focuses on her secret identity more than her super-hero alter ego then the book will be a hit. This is worth picking up. |
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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2
Mar 22, 2014 |
This comic is proof that a very old concept can still be made to feel fresh and be found interesting. It's all in the execution. It will be interesting to watch this character grow into her powers and face new challenges as they hit her. This is definitely a book to check out. |
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Ms. Marvel (2015) | 1 issues |
Ms. Marvel (2015) #1
Nov 21, 2015 |
"Ms Marvel" is back with a thirty-page, five-dollar comic book. Readers from the previous series will feel right at home as the vibe of the book continues on. However, newer readers will not get what this book is truly about because the book spends most of the time building up the relationship of two of Ms Marvel's supporting cast and leaves the main character in the background. The comic book is a decent read but doesn't do anything to elevate it to the must-read status that the previous run held for so long. The charm is there, the intelligence is there, but the focus of the comic is not. Hopefully the next issue will get back to showcasing Kamala and what makes her such an interesting and powerfully constructed character. |
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Mudman | 1 issues |
Mudman #1
Nov 18, 2011 |
Mudman is the kind of comic book that brings the reader back to the dawn of the silver age kind of comic books but with a modern feel to it. This issue gives you just enough to get you started on what looks like will be a fun ride. I recommend checking this book out. |
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Muppet King Arthur | 3 issues |
Muppet King Arthur #1
Feb 13, 2010 |
A new creative team and a new setting to drop the Muppets into results in another hit on Boom's hands. This is a comic book that makes you laugh, that moves fast and puts the familiar characters in interesting situations. There's a lot to like here. |
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Muppet King Arthur #2
Feb 27, 2010 |
Muppet King Arthur is pure fun. It's light on story but its entertaining and fun which is what you want in a Muppet comic. This particular issue has many Muppets in it which means you probably will find your favorite play some role in the issue. If you are looking for an entertaining read I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Muppet King Arthur #3
Mar 20, 2010 |
This was a great issue. I definitely recommend checking out the Muppets doing non-traditional Muppet roles. There are plenty of laughs and some outstanding storytelling. This has been a great series and this just steps it up a notch. |
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Muppet Peter Pan | 2 issues |
Muppet Peter Pan #3
Nov 22, 2009 |
The finale promises to be a classic as all of the Muppets have been placed into position for a great confrontation. This issue introduces most of the rest of the missing Muppets while moving the story into unfamiliar Peter Pan territory. The comic moves quickly and tells a great story. This comic is funny, smart, beautiful and terrific read for any Muppet fan, young and old. I definitely recommend it. |
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Muppet Peter Pan #4
Jan 23, 2010 |
Another fun Muppet story is complete with this issue. The story is an original look at a classic story that puts the familiar Muppets in interesting and fresh roles. The finale offers up an action-packed, humorous and all around fun ride. This one is worth checking out. |
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Muppet Sherlock Holmes | 1 issues |
Muppet Sherlock Holmes #4
Dec 12, 2010 |
This mini series was loaded with jokes that seem aimed at specific age groups, such as the Caddyshack reference. This keeps the issue from mass appeal and almost feels out of place coming from the Muppets. However, this comic has a level of charm and is loaded with some funny moments that many ages groups can share. This is a good comic but stops just short of being a great one. |
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Muppet Show Comic Book | 1 issues |
Muppet Show Comic Book #11
Oct 23, 2010 |
The Muppet Show is usually a fun comic book. I think the themed approach for a few issues is definitely a good idea and this small build up has helped to make this issue just slightly better than the last. If you ever wanted a spotlight on Beaker then this is the issue for you. Even if you aren't a huge Beaker fan you probably will find a good number of laughs in this comic book. I definitely recommend this. |
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Nameless | 1 issues |
Nameless #1
Feb 7, 2015 |
Nameless is a decent launch. It has a lot going for it with the big name creators, the Image banner and the three dollar price tag. However, they all can't be winners. This one gets out of the gate with a decent read but nothing that hasn't been seen before in other incarnations with slight tweaks here and there. I liked the first issue and will probably stick with this for one more to see where it is heading. I recommend this to the Morrison fans or the fans of the horror genre but that's about it. |
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Narcopolis Continuum | 1 issues |
Narcopolis Continuum #1
Nov 28, 2015 |
"Narcopolis: Continuum" is a four-issue mini-series based on the UK sci-fi thriller. The comic book covers the science fiction and thriller aspects very well with the first issue, but it also provides a good mystery. The lead character, Ben, is a drug maker that wants to determine what happened to his father, so he creates a time travel drug. Ben finds some things he probably wasn't expecting as the ending presents more questions than answers for Ben. The comic has a good pace and introduces the plot and characters in a natural way. The artwork provides a dramatic and realistic story that enhances the read. I recommend checking this comic book out whether you've seen the film or not. This comic is a compelling and fascinating read. Check it out. |
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New Mutants (2009) | 4 issues |
New Mutants (2009) #12
Apr 17, 2010 |
The third installment is a good issue. It fails to introduce the main cast for this book but provides a very good action packed issue. I still question where this is all going and hope we aren't going to read fourteen issues where Cable and Hope are in a car driving away, but so far, so good. This is a good issue to pick up as a classic super hero comic book. |
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New Mutants (2009) #13
May 15, 2010 |
My hopes for this crossover are quickly dwindling but the issue itself is sound enough. I can't for the life of me understand why so many mutants are lashing out at Hope which is a real stumbling block for this entire crossover it seems. However, that isn't the only problem with the crossover as it appears the X-Men are going to be stuck sitting around having lunch while their Island gets bombed into oblivion. Well see how this all plays out. This issue had some nice plot development but not enough to make it a great comic book. I'm not even sure there was enough story here for a full comic book. Cafeteria fights aren't going to cut in a story as hyped as this one. |
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New Mutants (2009) #14
Jun 19, 2010 |
With only three chapters left in the crossover I now am starting to understand where this is all going. This issue provides plenty of action from plenty of characters. It's not always clear who the characters are in some of the scenes but the action is conveyed perfectly in terms of entertainment. I loved how some of the characters were portrayed and I enjoyed the visual story told in this issue. With the lone exception of the opening one shot this might be my favorite issue of the crossover. |
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New Mutants (2009) #23
Mar 26, 2011 |
Carey is proving out what he claimed from the beginning that his story would be more enjoyable as the story got deeper. Each issue manages to gain a little more of my interest than the previous one. I am sure Carey has a few more twists to this story, but even with what we have now I think the crossover has been worth the price of admission. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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No Mercy | 1 issues |
No Mercy #1
Apr 4, 2015 |
No Mercy has the potential to be a fantastic story. It's Americans in a place that is hostile, probably towards Americans as well as locals. They are kids that appear totally clueless and they are led by a nun. This has the makings to be a classic. However, the first issue spread the characters too thinly and left me cold as to the ones that are left in the end. I'm looking forward to seeing where this is all headed though. I recommend giving this a look. |
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No Place Like Home | 2 issues |
No Place Like Home #1
Feb 26, 2012 |
No Place Like Home is definitely something different. I was really on the fence about picking this book up and I am very glad that I did. I can't wait to see where the creative team is taking this story. At this point, Wizard of Oz or not, I plan to pick up the next issue. This is definitely worth checking out. |
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No Place Like Home #5
Oct 20, 2012 |
No Place Like Home is not a mini-series, though I do not know when the next issue is planning to ship as I don't believe further issues have been solicited. However, even if these five issues is all we get, we have a tremendous little story in here that modernizes and thrusts the throttle forward on a classic story. I urge anyone looking for something different to check this book out. |
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Nova (2013) | 1 issues |
Nova (2013) #1
Feb 22, 2013 |
Nova is a book that may cater to the fans of the genre more than the newcomer. I enjoyed the book but didn't find enough in here to find out what happens next. However, the book has potential and even if you are a little curious you should check it out. |
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Oddly Normal | 1 issues |
Oddly Normal #1
Sep 20, 2014 |
Oddly Normal is a good book to read with your kids, give to your kids or simply kick back and check out and remember what it was like to be a kid. The comic has a lot of charm, strong main character and a good gimmick attached to it. Normally it would be alarming when one creator takes on all duties, but with these being reprints you know you won't have to wait too long for the next issue. I urge you to check this book out. |
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ODY-C | 1 issues |
ODY-C #1
Nov 29, 2014 |
Ody-C is an epic tale. This is merely the first chapter. I have no doubt that if you pick this up and stick with it then you will be thrilled and entertained. The first issue provides some promise with fantastic visuals. Reading Homer's, "The Odyssey" may be essential for this, which is disappointing. All in all this is a comic book to pick up and try out. |
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Old Man Logan (2016) | 1 issues |
Old Man Logan (2016) #1
Jan 30, 2016 |
"Old Man Logan" launches with a very strong first issue. The premise is a straight-up revenge story and this comic is a good first step. Reading "Secret Wars" or the arc, "Old Man Logan" don't seem to be required to come into this comic. This means anyone can pick this comic book up, which is a good thing. The comic will set you back five dollars but the story is a good one. The artwork really struggles in the opening pages, but picks up, especially with the grizzly images at the book's end. This is definitely a strong offering and looks to be a serious to watch. |
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Orc Stain | 2 issues |
Orc Stain #2
Mar 27, 2010 |
I missed the first issue of this series but that doesn't seem to hinder my enjoyment of this issue. Sure, Orcs might not be everyone's thing but the character work, art and story are enough to rope in even the biggest skeptics. Thirty incredibly drawn pages with witty dialogue, funny moments and a good story makes this worth checking out. I'll be looking for more issues of this series for sure. |
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Orc Stain #6
Apr 9, 2011 |
Aside from the confusion at the end I found this issue to be a stellar read. If you are looking for something totally different than pick this issue up. Don't be scared off by it being the sixth issue. Everything you need is right in this issue. Pick it up and have some fun. |
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Original Sin | 8 issues |
Original Sin #0
Apr 26, 2014 |
You have to ask yourself if you are ready for an event about The Watcher. This issue will at least fill you in about the character. What's interesting is that the author of the event is Jason Aaron and not Mark Waid, but Waid provides the opening. This is an okay comic book but hardly worth the money and is definitely forgettable. |
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Original Sin #1
May 10, 2014 |
Marvel loves a good event. They miss more than they hit. This one has the potential to be good but the first issue doesn't jump out of the gate very well. We'll see where this is all heading. Give it a shot, you might like it. |
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Original Sin #2
May 24, 2014 |
Original Sin isn't doing much in the opening act. There is some more setup in this issue and there are some decent interactions but that's really it. I'm not sure where this heading but at least the next issue ships in two weeks to speed this along. Hopefully this will turn around in a hurry. Another issue of setup is not going to cut it. |
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Original Sin #3
Jun 7, 2014 |
Original Sin isn't shaping up to be an Earth-shattering event. However, it is also not looking like a total dud as Marvel has churned out a lot of recently. This individual comic has a nice payoff at the end but does feel like it is trying to balance too many characters in one issue. It reads like an advertisement at times for spin-off series as well. Overall, this is a good but not great read. |
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Original Sin #4
Jun 21, 2014 |
Original Sin is not that good. Each issue has some good barbs and has some interesting interactions but the mystery and detective work is not explored. The comic has uninteresting villains and the book just feels unimportant. I would trend lightly if you are considering picking this series up. |
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Original Sin #5
Jul 5, 2014 |
This event is turning out to be one to skip. There simply isn't enough going on it. If you like Nick Fury then you should pick this issue up. If you want plot movement or are looking for something to tie into the story from the previous four issues then you have found the issue to skip. Good read, but odd unfortunately. |
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Original Sin #6
Jul 19, 2014 |
Original Sin is a very plain event. There is nothing terrible about it and there is nothing memorable about it. There seems to be a mystery that is largely unexplored throughout this mini-series but the contents within is entertaining enough. This is turning out to be a Nick Fury story, so if you like Fury then this is going to be your event to enjoy. Not a bad read. |
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Original Sin #8
Sep 9, 2014 |
Perhaps reading the entire series won't make this particular issue stand out as so unreadable. However, the event was never that interesting to begin with. This comic just didn't resonate with me and it was on a variety of levels. I wouldn't recommend this comic. |
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Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man | 4 issues |
Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man #1
Jun 28, 2014 |
As far as spin-offs go, this one doesn't appear to be at all essential to the main story. However, as a fan of either character then you will definitely want to pick this book up, especially if the revised origin sticks to the continuity. The book is light on action after the opening but gives a lot of in-depth character focus on both characters, but mostly through Stark's eyes. This is a good comic and a good start to this mini-series. |
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Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man #2
Jul 19, 2014 |
Whether you like the reinventing of the origin of Hulk or not this comic book is certainly weaving a good story into an established tale. The book is mostly set in the current time as Banner and Stark are trying to sort through the memory bomb that occurred in the Original Sin mini-series. When you read this book and then re-read the beginning of the previous issue the pieces are beginning to fall into place. This is a solid comic book to pick up. |
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Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man #3
Aug 1, 2014 |
It will be very interesting to see where things land when this mini-series completes. Based on the cliffhanger the next issue could be a complete game-changer. Either way, this issue gets Hulk and Iron Man fighting and sets the anger level to 'high' for Banner and the panic level to 'high' for Stark. This is worth picking up. |
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Original Sin: Hulk vs. Iron Man #4
Aug 9, 2014 |
Original Sin is an odd event. This mini-series really had potential to change the Hulk and Iron Man's histories in a meaningful way but it stops short of that. There are some decent ideas in here and a couple of nice punches but there isn't anything worth remembering after you've read it. If you are a fan of either character then this is a good comic to pick up. If you are looking to complete the event then this mini-series can be skipped. |
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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm | 3 issues |
Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #1
Jul 12, 2014 |
Original Sin is a strange event. This particular spin-off seems to be a Thor and Loki adventure having little to do with Original Sin and that is a good thing. This looks to be a fun adventure comic that leaves a lot of possibilities wide open. I enjoyed the first issue and urge Thor or Loki fans to pick this issue up. |
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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #2
Jul 26, 2014 |
Thor and Loki and a new sister all living as one, big, dysfunctional family. While we aren't quite there yet, this comic brings the players closer together. This is proving to be a very intriguing mini-series and that means this issue is worth checking out. This mini-series might be a big-time, game-changer for the Marvel Universe and I don't think it should be missed. If you like Thor fighting a lot of winged women then you definitely need this comic book. |
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Original Sin: Thor & Loki: The Tenth Realm #5
Sep 20, 2014 |
This mini-series started as a good Loki/Thor story and morphed into some good character moments for Loki. In the final issue it seems to simply exist to pull the next Thor out of her current situation. Not much to do with Original Sin or to do with Thor. This was a disappointing and unnecessary issue. |
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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta | 4 issues |
Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1
Jun 28, 2014 |
A lot of people are going to pick this issue up for speculative reasons, whether because it is a number one issue from Image or because it has hopes of a TV show. A lot of people will pick it up because of the creators involved, particularly Kirkman. However, this is a very good comic book and a great read. If you like self-enclosed stories that provide a heavy return on your investment then give this book a try regardless if you like horror books or not. This is one to pick up and enjoy the ride. |
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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #2
Aug 2, 2014 |
Outcast is definitely a horror comic book. While this issue feels almost like a depressing, slice-of-life kind of comic book the tone set by the art makes the reader understand that this is a dark and scary series. This issue is a much slower read than the previous issue. While setting up plot lines for future issues seems like a great idea, does it come at the expense of this issue? Is it too much? We'll have to see how the threads connect in future issues to determine the answers. |
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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #3
Aug 30, 2014 |
Make no mistake, the first issue of this series was fantastic. Kirkman has since drifted both in focus and in technique of delivering his story and it is not working. This comic may turn itself around before the first arc is done but as an individual issue goes this left me with an empty feeling. If you pick this up you are taking a leap of faith that this will all make sense down the road. |
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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #4
Sep 27, 2014 |
Outcast is slowing down too much for my tastes. If you like horror and slow burn stories then you should be good to go with this and every issue. However, I think the characters don't feel very unique or interesting and that could be a problem no matter how much you like the genre and storytelling techniques used. A good read as part of an arc but a little too slow for a single, solitary read. |
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Painkiller Jane: The Price Of Freedom | 1 issues |
Painkiller Jane: The Price Of Freedom #1
Nov 8, 2013 |
Panekiller Jane seems straightforward enough. Tough women that play outside the rules and have a bit of a bad attitude, but that's perfectly fine when the execution is done well. This comic lays down the basics for what looks to be a promising series of action, adventure and good entertainment all the way around. I recommend checking this out. |
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Paper Girls | 1 issues |
Paper Girls #1
Oct 10, 2015 |
"Paper Girls" is a great first issue. The story moves quickly through the forty-page comic book. The opening issue introduces the four paper girls and puts them into a couple of crazy situations by the end of the issue. The artwork is very strong as it sets a great mood and provides a lot of creative details on some of the strange elements. The minor drawback is that I found the four girls to all have the same voice by the issue's end. There just wasn't enough dialogue to define them uniquely. This is a great comic to pick up this week. I highly recommend this comic. |
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Peanuts | 1 issues |
Peanuts #0
Oct 31, 2011 |
The comic book is a perfect introduction. It's only a buck, which makes it absolutely risk-free. As far as lead-in material goes I think this is a good opening to hopefully what will be a wider range of characters and stories to come. This is an excellent start. |
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Peter Panzerfaust | 1 issues |
Peter Panzerfaust #1
Feb 18, 2012 |
Peter Panzerfaust is a war drama that happens to replicate the charismatic Peter Pan as its lead character. It works well in this issue and it will be interesting to see how this book takes shape over time. Will the war be the focus or will the characters take on different adventures where the war is the backdrop? Either way, I think this a good book that has energy that translates into instant fun on the pages. I recommend picking this book up. |
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Pisces | 1 issues |
Pisces #1
May 2, 2015 |
Pisces may wind up being an epic. The comic could turn out to be something you can't wait for each month. However, this first issue is a very hard sell. There isn't much in here to define the characters or frame up the plot. This first issue is basically a Vietnam pilot behind enemy lines story. I'm not sure this is for everyone. |
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Planet Hulk | 2 issues |
Planet Hulk #1
May 23, 2015 |
"Planet Hulk" is a very interesting comic book. It helps to have read the original Planet Hulk story, it wouldn't hurt to be following the Secret Wars series, but none of that is required. This is a standalone story that puts Captain America in the path of many Hulks. This first issue sets up the world, the plot and moves the characters into each other's paths. This is a very good read, especially for those that are fans of Captain America, The Hulk or those that just like fun stories. I recommend checking this out. |
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Planet Hulk #3
Jul 18, 2015 |
"Planet Hulk" is an exciting read that is stalling on the plot. The characters have good chemistry but they seem to lament their mission too much. The comic book throws all kinds of various Hulked out creatures and that makes the book fun to read. The artwork helps hold the entire thing together, especially where the plot seems to be stalling. This is an average read that has some high points. Give it a look. |
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Planet of the Apes | 11 issues |
Planet of the Apes #1
Apr 25, 2011 |
The Planet of the Apes has had so many avenues to the franchise in the decades since its inception but this seems like one that that has possibilities and seems rather unexplored. The question that comes out of the first issue is whether or not this arc will continue to move in the direction of physical confrontation or will the arc stall into decompressed storytelling, such as the direction for so many books these days. I hope the series keeps up a high level of fast-paced storytelling. The first issue brings together a plot, interesting characters and diverse universe. I definitely recommend checking this issue out. |
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Planet of the Apes #3
Jun 22, 2011 |
I was on the fence about this series but the last few pages have me hooked. I am now convinced that this series is going to be all that I hoped for. It may not fully spell out the demise of the humans but it sure seems like this series is going to illustrate the major conflict that puts the humans in the inferior role that the films project. This was a solid and entertaining read. |
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Planet of the Apes #4
Jul 31, 2011 |
With the advertisement that the first trade (the first four issues) goes on sale on the same day that issue five hits the stands and that you can get both for a total of eleven bucks, I'm thinking this series is opening the door to bring in more readers very quickly. This was a very good issue and brought about the ending to a good arc that introduced several unique characters and provides a good shocking ending to bring you back for more. I highly recommend this issue for fans of the franchise or just casual fans that have any interest at all in science fiction or the apocalyptic-like future. |
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Planet of the Apes #5
Aug 30, 2011 |
This is a very good series and this issue continues the war build-up. The issue may not be the most reader friendly issue (which is why you can purchase the first trade on the same day) which would have made this issue a complete no-brainer. However, it's hard to argue the price point of a buck coupled with the high entertainment value of the book's contents. No matter how you look at this I definitely recommend this book. |
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Planet of the Apes #6
Sep 23, 2011 |
Planet of the Apes is quickly becoming one of my favorite reads. Each issue builds on the next and is bringing together a very dense and comprehensive story. The only real drawback with this issue is that the characters aren't necessarily introduced which makes the issue very unfriendly for new readers. Still, you won't find a better depiction of the Planet of the Apes universe. I definitely recommend this issue. |
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Planet of the Apes #7
Oct 28, 2011 |
Planet of the Apes has been a great read since the first issue. It is not too deep yet to jump in and check this series out. Overall, there is a lot in here for a wide range of tastes. Between the political drama, the dystopian future and the strong characters this series is not short on interesting elements. I definitely recommend checking in on this series. |
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Planet of the Apes #9
Dec 24, 2011 |
Planet of the Apes may sound intimidating to the newcomer or someone that is not a fan of the films. However, when you boil it down the book is about oppression, survival and politics that have boiled over into fighting. The book has strong characters and good plot twists. I haven't been disappointed with one issue yet and I think someone picking this book up might also feel the same way. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Planet of the Apes #10
Jan 21, 2012 |
Planet of the Apes is a great series. Each month the book comes out with a good story that adds on what has come before and raises the tension just a little bit. This is the issue that I have been waiting for as the break up is finally explained between Sullivan and Alaya. I definitely recommend picking this issue up. |
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Planet of the Apes #11
Feb 18, 2012 |
Some books are game-changers. This is one of them. It's not quite the level of Charlton Heston finding the Statue of Liberty on the beach but it is really close. This is an excellent read. |
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Planet of the Apes #12
Mar 24, 2012 |
Boom! is doing something right with this title. They have a book that taps into the rich history of the franchise while providing an epic tale that still manages to drop cliffhanger after cliffhanger, issue after issue. Boom! is also one of the last publishers to still provide twenty-two pages of story for the four dollar cover charge (even IDW has dropped down to twenty pages). Planet of the Apes has action, drama, political overtones and plenty of heartache. This is a good comic book and this specific issue is an extremely powerful read. I definitely recommend this book. |
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Planet of the Apes #16
Jul 28, 2012 |
I loved this series. Yes, there is an annual coming out next month but it doesn't seem like it will continue any of this story. The note in the back promises more from these characters, but the question is when. This is a down issue in an otherwise amazing series. |
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Planetoid | 1 issues |
Planetoid #1
Jun 17, 2012 |
Garing puts forth an excellent effort with this book. I am always wary of picking up a book when it is only one creator working on all of the duties. My fear is that I will love the book and then it will never stay on a schedule. I hope that is not the case with this one. For thirty plus pages at $3 you simply can't go wrong. This is an excellent debut issue with the promise of so much more to come. |
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Plutona | 1 issues |
Plutona #1
Sep 5, 2015 |
"Plutona" is a decent read. Lemire introduces the four characters, gives them unique voices and launches the murder mystery plot. The comic is backed up with very solid artwork. However, the comic is fairly ordinary by Lemire standards and doesn't do anything to set this comic apart from so many other "real life super hero" stories. This is one to check out and keep an eye on. I mildly recommend this comic book. |
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Point of Impact | 1 issues |
Point of Impact #1
Oct 13, 2012 |
This series is obviously written for the trade. As such, there isn't really cliffhanger so much as there is a break in the story waiting for the next issue. The book can't truly be evaluated until it is fully complete. This issue is good but it doesn't quite sparkle among the many, many crime comic books that have come out in the past five years or so. This is worth picking up and checking out, especially if you like some crime drama. |
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Pretty Deadly | 1 issues |
Pretty Deadly #1
Oct 24, 2013 |
Pretty Deadly isn't Jonah Hex or Dark Tower or Conan or Red Sonja and yet it's all of them. The comic book takes some tiny elements from stories such as those but puts its own spin on them to create a unique genre and what looks to be a great story. I urge you to pick this comic book up but it's something to study and not simply read. Either way I am fairly certain you'll be entertained. |
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Punisher (2004) | 1 issues |
Punisher (2004) #10
Nov 1, 2009 |
I can't say this is among the very best Punisher comics I've ever read because I find the whole magical aspect of raising the dead to be a little too out of the ordinary. However, the moral questions and the solution presented here makes for a very compelling story. I definitely recommend it. |
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Punisher (2009) Annual | 1 issues |
Punisher (2009) Annual #1
Oct 3, 2009 |
I enjoyed the comic because it had plenty of action and some clever little nuisances in it to set it apart from just another Punisher one-shot. The story made sense despite having no prior knowledge of the Hood or other issues in this arc. The extra page count helped with the $4 cover charge as well. However, I definitely felt this issue is for those that are following the current Punisher series and want the complete story with regard to the Hood. If you are looking for an interesting Punisher one shot you may want to give this one a try. |
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Punisher (2014) | 2 issues |
Punisher (2014) #1
Feb 8, 2014 |
The new volume of the Punisher feels like more of the same except it's in a new city. It's unclear how or even if the police don't know that Frank Castle is The Punisher. Without being told the character is in Los Angeles would the reader even notice? Does it matter where Castle operates? The book still has plenty of room to establish itself in the city's characteristics to match up the move across country and its importance in the story. We'll see. For now this is just another Punisher story. |
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Punisher (2014) #2
Feb 22, 2014 |
I was lukewarm about the first issue, but this issue pushes the book into overdrive. We learn more about the overall plot, we see more clearly why being in Los Angeles is different than New York and we get a great cliffhanger. This is definitely a book worth picking up. |
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Punisher Max: Butterfly | 1 issues |
Punisher Max: Butterfly #1
Mar 6, 2010 |
This is a comic book worth picking up if you have $5 to spare in your budget and you enjoy noir stories that move quickly and leave you feeling like you just looked at someone's dark soul. The only drawback is that the Punisher is so absent from the comic. Depending on your level of fandom you might not like it simply because he's barely in it. I enjoyed this story and definitely recommend it. |
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Punisher MAX: Get Castle | 1 issues |
Punisher MAX: Get Castle #1
Jan 9, 2010 |
As a Punisher story it's not that bad. It has great art and the Punisher goes on a killing spree abroad. As a comparison to Get Carter it fails on a number of levels. As a $5 comic book Marvel should be ashamed of the blatant money grab. |
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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher | 1 issues |
Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #2
Nov 2, 2013 |
The Trial of the Punisher is worth picking up. The story is a good one. There are some good characterizations and there is a nice trick at the end. The book just falls short of the "classic" label as the ending just doesn't tie all of the threads together well enough. Give it a shot. |
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PunisherMax (2009) | 16 issues |
PunisherMax (2009) #2
Dec 12, 2009 |
Punishermax is off to a terrific start. Aaron has solidified himself as being his own unique Punisher writer. This comic builds up the arc very well and makes the next issue a "can't miss" comic book. Is it possible that Dillon ends up being paired with two different writers as forming a definitive version of the Punisher? Maybe, but we'll see. The series is off to a great start. The only thing not to like about this comic is the absurd title "Punishermax". |
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PunisherMax (2009) #3
Jan 16, 2010 |
If you like your comics to have great character work where the story takes shape around how well the players are built up then this is the issue for you. I found the comic to be a fascinating combination of wit, violence, manipulation and crime. What else are you looking for? Tights? |
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PunisherMax (2009) #4
Feb 13, 2010 |
Punishermax is bringing into the fold characters that have roots in the regular Marvel Universe, but can be reinvented in the MAX Universe where they are more grounded in reality. We are seeing this in this arc and issue. The fight between the Punisher and Mennonite is a street brawl. Sure, both bodies take more punishment than seems possible for any one human being but it works because the characters have such tough personalities in this comic book. There is a lot to like here because of the characters involved and the story flowing quickly and naturally. This is definitely a comic book worth checking out. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #5
Mar 13, 2010 |
This arc is an instant classic. Is it the best Punisher arc ever? Probably not. However, the five issues within the arc tell an interesting story with compelling characters that will make you laugh and will make you cringe. To me, this is what a great Punisher arc is all about. I can't recommend the arc and this issue enough. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #7
May 15, 2010 |
Dillon's art is awesome. Whether it was a good idea or not to flip-flop Bullseye's personality, Dillon pulls this off very well. The facial expressions between the crazy, flippant or deadly serious variations are conveyed very well. This is an excellent companion to the story. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #8
Jun 12, 2010 |
Aaron continues his superb run on the Punisher as he is creating a situation where all three characters are reaching the point of no return. The collision is on its way and it is proving that it will be an amazing one. I definitely recommend this comic book. It's consistently one of the best reads month in and month out. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #9
Jul 30, 2010 |
This issue continues to play a cat and mouse game with the Punisher and Bullseye. To some it might feel drawn out a bit too much. To others they might like the development here of both characters and their relationship. While Frank drifts down a darker road we find that Bullseye isn't really so distant from him in mentality. I like the direction and quality here. This is an excellent issue. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #10
Feb 11, 2011 |
Punishermax is reshaping not only the characters but also the background and the motivations of these characters. I had felt Bullseye was a bit too kooky in previous issues but it is now all falling into place. Aaron has successfully made Frank Castle a true vigilante where nothing matters except the mission and he's got no friends in the quest. In many ways Aaron has created three likeable (or unlikable depending on your stance) characters in this new vision. The book and series have been great. Don't miss this issue. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #11
Mar 11, 2011 |
Now that this series is back on schedule I can go back to my gushing over it issue to issue. The Bullseye arc has been special. It may not be Ennis territory but Aaron is making his own mark on the Punisher Max series and is certainly establishing himself as a great re-inventor of characters like Bullseye and Fisk. This is simply an amazing issue and series. Pick this issue up, even though it's the end of an arc, and see if this read doesn't rope you into the series. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #12
Apr 18, 2011 |
I love the direction of this book. Frank is truly a loner. However, Frank is also doubting himself and his decisions about his family. Frank is literally hitting the bottom and he can't make up his mind if the fight is worth continuing or not. This book is brilliant and this arc looks to be no different. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #13
May 15, 2011 |
This arc is breaking ground for the character of the Punisher. As Frank mentions, he's been in prison before but as the Punisher and never as Frank. This arc is making a clear distinction between the two identities and it is altering everything that the origin of the character has been built upon in a believable and clever way. This book is an excellent read and I highly recommend it. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #14
Jun 11, 2011 |
This book is another example of how a creator can do something different with a long running character. Aaron is exploring territory that could fit into any existing back story of Frank Castle/Punisher that has been written already. There is nothing radically different in here but it is a fresh approach to the character. This is consistently one of the best reads each and every month. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #16
Aug 12, 2011 |
This is still one of the best ongoing series that I am reading but I was disappointed by this finale for several reasons. Perhaps because the arc was drawn out for too many issues I had set my expectations too high for the finale. In this regard, I would be curious to see someone pick up this issue without having read the rest of the arc to see how they felt it read. Overall, this is a good book but it is nothing as great as previous issues in this series. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #20
Dec 22, 2011 |
PunisherMax is a brutal comic and this issue is a prime example as to why. Aaron knows how to play with the idea that any character can, and will, die in this book and he works wonders with the pair fighting in this issue. Hand to hand combat was never this good. I can't think of a reason to be missing this book. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #21
Jan 13, 2012 |
PunisherMax is an excellent series. I highly recommend it. This issue is among the best of the series and if you are ever curious about how the Punisher might view his life then this is the issue to pick up. However, I fully recommend beginning from issue one because the overall story taking place here is something special. |
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PunisherMax (2009) #22
Feb 11, 2012 |
Aaron's Punisher run is a classic. It can never match Garth Ennis' run but as an epilogue to Ennis' run it works perfectly. Aaron includes a letter at the back of the issue to explain his story and how it came about and I found it to be a great pitch that he executed to perfection. Castle faces his greatest adversary, Fisk, as Aaron brings the character down to his lowest point before he drags himself out of the void to fight back. Read the run to see how it ends. You will not be disappointed. |
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Punk Rock Jesus | 2 issues |
Punk Rock Jesus #1
Jul 16, 2012 |
Punk Rock Jesus isn't nearly as controversial as I had expected it to be, but the idea in the book is a sound one. A clone of Jesus living in modern times and the pressures that comes with it for him and those around him. This book is a good start in exploring that idea. I definitely recommend checking this issue out. |
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Punk Rock Jesus #6
Jan 5, 2013 |
Punk Rock Jesus is a book that will leave you thinking. While it is a politically charged story that takes a lot of shots at the right side of the political spectrum I think it serves the story well and shows flaws in all of the characters in the book. There are simply no clean-cut heroes in this story and that adds to the appeal. This is something to read, re-read and ponder. Definitely pick this up. |
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Ragemoor | 1 issues |
Ragemoor #1
Mar 24, 2012 |
I purchased this book because I enjoy Corben's pencils. However, I was delighted to find that the story was equal to the task. I have no idea how this series is to unfold in the next three issues, but as a self-enclosed story, I definitely recommend picking this book up. Don't be scared off by the fact that this is a mini-series. You will enjoy this book regardless of what comes next. |
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Rasputin | 1 issues |
Rasputin #1
Nov 1, 2014 |
Rasputin might be a niche character. Perhaps only history buffs would like this kind of story. However, the personality and the intrigue of the character is not explored at all in this comic book. Sure, we get a taste of the fateful night but for the most part we get an origin story that we've seen many times over. As a result, the character doesn't quite stand out the way he should based on the history books. I'm curious about the second issue, but I know the artwork will dazzle my eyes. |
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Rebels (2015) | 1 issues |
Rebels (2015) #1
Apr 11, 2015 |
Rebels is aimed at readers that have an interest in period-piece comics from hundreds of years ago. A reader that isn't interested in American History could still fall in love with the characters but eventually this comic is going to get more political and that might turn some folks off. For now, this is an entertaining read covering ground that isn't often covered in comics. This is a good comic to give a try. |
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Red Lanterns | 1 issues |
Red Lanterns #1
Sep 15, 2011 |
Red Lanterns has some good elements in it. You certainly won't be disappointed by picking this up but the book has the feel of a completest title for those picking up the other lantern books. I need to see a stronger identity for the book in order to add it to my pull list. However, there is something to be said for a visually fun and interesting story which this provides. |
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Red Sonja (2013) | 1 issues |
Red Sonja (2013) #1
Jul 18, 2013 |
Simone's command of female characters is not in question. Her ability to deliver a compelling read month in and month out is never in doubt. However, she is going for more of a long view in this comic and the first issue starts off by simply establishing the first brick in the foundation. It's an entertaining read but we must be patient for the payoff to come down the road. I recommend picking this up. |
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Red Team | 1 issues |
Red Team #1
Feb 9, 2013 |
Garth Ennis rarely produces a dud. This series could very well pick up and turn into something very special. However, as far as first issues go this is a really slow, unoriginal and boring read. There just isn't anything to commend the book on. This one may be for the real die-hard fans of Garth Ennis or perhaps true crime stories. |
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Red Wolf | 1 issues |
Red Wolf #1
Dec 5, 2015 |
"Red Wolf" is a very ordinary western comic book. The lead character isn't trusted by townspeople that look for any way they can to pin every crime on a Native American. The book tries too hard to present a man that is trying to do the right thing and win over the public at the same time. The comic doesn't present anything new to the idea or the genre. The ending is a strange one and could create a different direction for the next issue. The artwork does a great job capturing the mood and time period. I was looking for this comic to bring something a little different to the western genre. This is a fairly average comic book. |
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Revival | 1 issues |
Revival #1
Jul 16, 2012 |
Revival is a tough book to gauge. If the story launches into all hell breaking loose then I think this book is going to be a great one. If this book sort of hovers around the mystery and takes a step back for a bit then it might have a tough time recapturing the drama in the ending of this book. Either way, this book is worth picking up and so is the next one, from the looks of this one. |
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Reyn | 1 issues |
Reyn #1
Jan 24, 2015 |
Reyn is a comic book that relies on fantasy and chivalry elements. The book certainly has that King Arthur-quest feel to it as we find a knight wandering the countryside. The comic has some okay characters, but ones that aren't too developed yet. I'm still not sure what this book will ultimately be about at this point. Generally, this is an average comic book with some good ideas that are underdeveloped and needed some better execution to fully come together. |
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Ringside | 1 issues |
Ringside #1
Oct 31, 2015 |
"Ringside" is a realistic drama set in the world just outside the wrestling ring. Keatinge and Barber present a modern-noir comic book that mixes gritty characters, realistic situations and goes to the dark corners of life that people try to avoid. This comic delivers a compelling first issue and the series promises to be a deep and emotional ride. This is a first issue that is definitely worth picking up. |
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Rise of the Black Lanterns | 1 issues |
Rise of the Black Lanterns: Suicide Squad #67
Jan 9, 2010 |
The issue is very good and it really fits perfectly in line with the Secret Six series. Perhaps in the final two issues of the arc will involve the Blackest Night storyline more but not this issue. Once you get past some of the ongoing drama from some of the plots running into this issue, you have a very good and condense story bringing together a good sized cast with some interesting interactions. |
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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) | 1 issues |
Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1
Jun 20, 2015 |
"Robin: Son of Batman" has a lot going for it. The comic has great, classic, super-hero art. The comic has a great opening sequence and ends with the lead character putting himself on a path of atonement. However, the book's middle is sunk in a confusing, continuity-heavy mess that seems to cater to the long-time reader and ignore the fact that a new reader might pick this up. The comic book is virtually inaccessible to a new reader if you are looking for a complete read. What could have been an exciting first issue turned into a very average and disappointing one. There are simply better books out there with a "#1" on the cover. |
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Rover Red Charlie | 1 issues |
Rover Red Charlie #1
Dec 7, 2013 |
Rover Red Charlie is the coming of the apocalypse as seen through the eyes of dogs. It's an interesting idea and the first issue is gripping at times, but doesn't overwhelm as many first issues have the ability to do. This is one to pick up if you have a strong stomach and you like your end of humanity-type stories. I'm picking up the second issue. |
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S.H.I.E.L.D. | 1 issues |
S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
Apr 10, 2010 |
History buffs might find some errors with some of the dates in the stories, but the inclusion of some of these historical characters is fairly brilliant in its own right. This is a story that exams a secret organization that has had some famous members for thousands of years and this is the ground floor of that story. Thirty pages of amazing art and a great story should be enough to get you to drop down four bucks on this. It's definitely worth a read. |
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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) | 1 issues |
S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1
Jan 3, 2015 |
S.H.I.E.L.D is a fun book. It's a one-shot that contains about thirty pages of story for five bucks. The mission is an interesting one and definitely seems like one the red shirts could handle themselves. If you like Phil Coulson then this is a comic book you should check out. I recommend taking a look at this book. |
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Saga | 2 issues |
Saga #1
Mar 16, 2012 |
I wouldn't describe this book as Star Wars at all. Star Wars was a band of characters getting patched together to unite on a cause. Sure, the galactic war element is similar but there is no sense of good or evil here. Everyone that is not helping the couple are potentially the bad guys. Vaughan has putting together a good idea and it is executed very well in the first issue. I definitely recommend checking it out. I think you will enjoy the read. |
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Saga #18
Feb 1, 2014 |
Saga moves into the next phase of the story at the conclusion of this issue and it definitely looks promising. This issue contains a lot of closure but not on everything. There are plenty of plot threads that are left very open-ended and that will help to keep the reader on the edge of their seats waiting for this book to return in May. Saga is simply one of the very best books on the stands and this is just another issue in the long line of great ones. This is a book that should be on your pull list. |
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Sanctuary | 2 issues |
Sanctuary #1
Sep 8, 2012 |
The first five issues for this series is out so you can certainly catch up quickly. It seems impossible to read the first issue and not want to pick up the second just based on the cliffhanger. With a low introductory price it seems like an easy decision to pick this book up and give it a try. I definitely recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Sanctuary #7
Sep 2, 2013 |
Sanctuary isn't your typical story about man and animal. The trust line is so blurry it really is the driver in the comic book. As the reader you know which humans the animals can trust but they don't and it makes the read more suspenseful. I am enjoying this series and this is another good issue. I urge you to seek it out. You can pick this up at amazon or slgcomic.com for paper copies or over on comixology for digital ones. |
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Scalped | 14 issues |
Scalped #34
Feb 6, 2010 |
The finale of this arc is reminiscent of the baptism scene from the Godfather. Power is taken and consolidated in a bloody fashion and characters go down paths that they can't return from. This comic is the culmination of a terrific arc and should not be missed. |
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Scalped #36
Mar 27, 2010 |
Scalped turns in another good issue. We learn a lot about Shunka, though it's not an origin story, but a forward development story. Shunka is an interesting character, but someone picking up this issue as their first foray into this series might not fully get the context of his actions in the issue. It's a minor quibble. I would think any regular reader of this series is going to be entertained and maybe even a little shocked (if that's possible) by this issue. I'm looking forward to the next issue and the conclusion of this mini arc. |
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Scalped #38
May 29, 2010 |
Scalped is a book that really keeps building story on top of story. This issue seems to provide some answers to some mysteries but the next couple of issues could easily change all of that. That's the beauty of this title; you just don't know what's going to happen. I definitely recommend this issue and if you are a new reader you might find something here to jump on with. |
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Scalped #39
Jul 10, 2010 |
This series provides plenty of violence and blood. Occasionally there are issues that stay in the more narrative or set up approach. This issue manages to build up the backgrounds on two major characters and give an origin for a third, newer character, all while telling a very entertaining and griping story. This issue displays this series at its very best. |
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Scalped #40
Aug 28, 2010 |
Scalped is tackling a tough topic in this arc, but the real trick is going to be putting all of these broken characters back together again. At this point I'm not sure how this will all play out but I am sure it will be jarring along the way. This is another good issue that will surely entertain on a lot of levels. |
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Scalped #42
Oct 30, 2010 |
Scalped takes its two main characters into new directions as both are cleaned up, yet still broken. I found myself hoping each would say the right thing to each, but knowing that nothing could possibly solve their problems with each other. It turns out drugs wasn't their primary problem. This issue just helps highlight that the sins of the parents are definitely passed down to the children in this title. This was a very good story with an excellent and surprising conclusion. |
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Scalped #46
Feb 26, 2011 |
Scalped is consistently one of the best reads each month but this issue raises the bar. Generally the most impressive issues are the game changers – the ones where the main characters change directions or make critical decisions. This issue relies on the supporting cast almost entirely and it's still an amazing comic. This is a great book. |
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Scalped #49
Jun 11, 2011 |
This series is a lot like The Walking Dead. There are issues that are building to something and then there are those occasional issues that put everything out there in one crazy read. This is a crazy issue. I can't wait to see where things are headed in this series. I can't recommend this series or issue enough. |
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Scalped #51
Aug 7, 2011 |
Scalped is a great series and this issue moves all the chess pieces into place for the final few issues. However, Carol is the big component missing. The ending of this series simply won't be satisfying if she isn't a major player. Another excellent read from Scalped, as always. |
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Scalped #54
Nov 26, 2011 |
Aaron is ramping up the ending to this title and leaving no rock unturned. What Aaron is doing in the process is making sure that no other arc is going to be better than these final two. All of the violence this book has seen over the last few years and this is as violent an issue as we've seen. With all of the death and, yet, you might be surprised as to which character lives. This is an excellent comic book. |
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Scalped #55
Jan 13, 2012 |
I can see the argument that this issue goes by too quickly for such an important event. However, when you think of how long all of this has been building up I was actually pleased to see everything get resolved so swiftly. Nothing is held back in this issue. There are plenty of questions that linger from the issue's ending but there are still five issues left so I expect more bloodshed to occur. This is one of the very best issues in this series and I can't wait to see how Aaron ends this series. |
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Scalped #56
Mar 3, 2012 |
This serves as a launch into unchartered territory for this comic. I'm sure the ending will be surprise laden, but until then we will have to wait and see how this develops. This issue's shift in tone, time period and characterization was a bit jarring but still entertaining. The beginning of the end of this series has started and I am anxious to see how it comes together. |
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Scalped #59
Jun 29, 2012 |
Ultimately, this is a violent showdown of an issue that stops short of killing off anyone of interest. I'm still not sure which, if any, will survive, but Dash is the only character with two firearms so he seems to have a chance. This series is drawing to a close and it's a shame because it is one of the very best series to come out in the last six or seven years. |
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Scalped #60
Aug 23, 2012 |
I wanted a big, bloody gun fight. Instead, I got a few panels of strange fighting between only one potential dance partnership. I expected the wrap-up and that didn't disappoint, but when you add up the components it makes for an okay to good issue and that's all. This is a great series and don't be fooled by the so-so ending. This series is well worth your time. I am going to miss this title without question. |
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Scarlet | 1 issues |
Scarlet #3
Nov 6, 2010 |
This issue hooked me in enough to pick up the next issue and track down the first two issues. I am interested to see if this series escalates further or if it remains in the cloak and dagger style of this issue. I think Bendis and Maleev are to something here and this issue adds enough goodies to keep me entertained long after the story ends. I definitely recommend this issue. |
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Secret | 1 issues |
Secret #1
Apr 14, 2012 |
The Secret is a classic case where the creators are known entities and the book will have to be given some room to come together. Hickman isn't going to give away everything in the first issue. Patience is the key. The problem is I have to judge the book based on these contents and not what I hope to see down the road and there really isn't a whole lot in here. It's a very ordinary spy book where the bad guys seem to be security experts that basically bully customers to sign up. I hope the series takes off next month. |
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Secret Avengers | 4 issues |
Secret Avengers #1
Jun 5, 2010 |
Brubaker takes his shot at an Avengers team that doesn't quite fit the normal Avengers mold. It's a good story that introduces the team and brings about an interesting dilemma and cliffhanger. While the plot is still very hazy, the story flows nicely and creates a nice mystery behind the action and fast paced story. This is a good first issue and an intriguing one at that. |
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Secret Avengers #21.1
Jan 28, 2012 |
I'm a new reader to this title and I felt right at home. The first half of the book was fairly straightforward and it bordered on kind of dull. The book turned the corner in a big way in the second half and I ended up heavily anticipating the ending. I think that means the ".1" has done its job. I definitely recommend picking this issue up. This is just too much fun to pass up. |
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Secret Avengers #22
Feb 11, 2012 |
I was burned by not sticking through the first few issues of Uncanny X-Force so I am not giving up on a Remender book after one issue. However, I found the book to be a standard team book. There's some banter, some conflict, an epic fail going into a battle and a cliffhanger. If Remender is building a saga or is planning to throw a curve he is playing it close to the vest for now. I'm willing to deal another round and see where he is taking this. |
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Secret Avengers #23
Feb 26, 2012 |
I think I was expecting a cloak and dagger kind of story from this title. However, I am finding this to be a lot like Remender's work in Uncanny X-Force and Fear Agent. He is giving his character's voices and he is throwing all kinds of bizarre things at them left and right. At some point I expect a fire breathing, dead dragon to appear. This book is just getting off the ground and I can't wait to see where it's going from here. |
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Secret Six (2014) | 2 issues |
Secret Six (2014) #1
Dec 6, 2014 |
Secret Six is the kind of comic book that you follow the characters, enjoy the story but are more entertained by the growth over time than in individual issues. The last run was a great one and I am willing to gamble this one will be great as well. Simone is already making her mark with this new cast and I am sure the surprises will keep coming. I definitely recommend starting on this journey. |
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Secret Six (2014) #2
Feb 14, 2015 |
Art is an acquired taste. Comic books should at least stay consistent within the covers. This book does not do that. Compounding that, the story doesn't help the reader to know the character's depictions and their powers. This makes scenes like the action sequences seem like a mess or a blur. The book's ending is a great one and this helps to push the book into a good direction. Being a fan of this concept and of the writer makes this issue a huge disappointment. I've waited years for this launch, I would have waited another month for a solid second issue. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 | 2 issues |
Secret Six Vol. 2 #15
Nov 7, 2009 |
Deadshot is an interesting character with a decently interesting origin story. However, when the story has a solid dovetail to it and uses some symbolism and subconscious actions to define the characters it's that much better. I enjoyed the story and felt this was a terrific one shot to pick up. I definitely recommend this comic. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #17
Jan 16, 2010 |
The comic book was a very fun read. There are plenty of characters, tons of action and some awesome character writing. The pairing of combination of Simone and Ostrander produces some amazing results in this issue. This is definitely one to pick up. |
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Secret Wars (2015) | 5 issues |
Secret Wars (2015) #1
May 9, 2015 |
Secret Wars has a lot of build-up. It appears to have a lot of prerequisite reading. A reader coming into this cold will have a lot of questions about the plot and won't find too many answers in this comic book. Readers of either Universe may miss some of the background on the intended characterizations. Overall, the book's goal was to kill off two worlds and it appears to have been successful in that regard. This is a decent read. |
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Secret Wars (2015) #2
May 16, 2015 |
Secret Wars is aimed at the Marvel Hickman reader. If you haven't read Hickman's work you may want to sit this out. There might be tie-ins that appeal to you or this series may compel you pick up Hickman's Marvel work to get the full story. However, the reader coming into this blind will probably find more confusion than entertainment. As such, I found this to be a very bland read. Is the idea of a Battleworld cool? Yes, but so are dozens of other What If stories that have published over the decades that do not require reading 80 issues of two previous Avengers series to fully understand the content of the mini-series. This is the crowning jewel for the Hickman readers but a hollow read for the rest. |
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Secret Wars (2015) #3
Jun 6, 2015 |
Secret Wars continues to look at the nature of power and the responsibility that comes with it in this issue. The comic book focuses on Doom and how he came to power and the kinds of regrets he's dealing with. The comic is a slow, but dense read. The plot movement brings together some of the surviving characters from the last incursion. Generally the book is a fine read but it isn't anything terribly memorable. There are some key moments that will provide more punch in a collected edition, but as a single issue they make for a slow paced, average read. This is worth a look. |
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Secret Wars (2015) #4
Jul 4, 2015 |
"Secret Wars" is becoming a story about Reed Richards and Doom. This particular issue brings the pair together in a confrontation that gets cut short by the conflicted, but power-balancer, Stephen Strange. The book makes poor usage of so much of the cast that I found myself questioning why they were even included. Twenty pages of Richards, Doom and Strange would have been enough for this issue I believe. The artwork is good but not as detailed as prior issues and not as polished as a top level event of this nature probably is required to be. This issue is mostly an average read that teases the theme of characters having too much power. It will be interesting to see where this is headed, but the layoffs between issues are about to get bigger, so it will require some patience. I mildly recommend this comic. |
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Secret Wars (2015) #5
Aug 15, 2015 |
"Secret Wars" turns the corner for the finale by setting things up in this issue. Valeria starts her investigation into the missing characters and seems to be on a very interesting scent. The comic book provides answers as to how Doom became God in this new world. The artwork makes the most of a rather tame issue. This is an average read that will fit nicely in a collection but doesn't give much bang for a single issue. |
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Secret Wars 2099 | 1 issues |
Secret Wars 2099 #1
May 30, 2015 |
Secret Wars 2099 is a comic book that appears to simply pick up characters from the 2099 universe from another book. The comic seems to target fans of the 2099 universe but does provide some solid character work if you are curious about this universe. The comic seems to be Hercules and Captain America-centric but with other members of the team getting introduced they may also get some spotlight down the road. The book has some action but no real deep plot gets hatched in this issue. This reads like a nice comic book catering to existing fans. I mildly recommend this. |
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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind | 1 issues |
Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1
Jan 30, 2014 |
The opening issue of Serenity relies heavily on the reader knowing the film and its characters. It's not to say a new fan won't enjoy this but it does feel a lot like a tenth issues rather than a first. I liked the re-visitation of the characters from the film and found the plot to be a good starting point. Join that with some nice art and you have a good start to this series. It will be interesting to see where the Whedons take this. |
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Severed | 3 issues |
Severed #1
Aug 6, 2011 |
Severed's best introduction came at the end when Snyder enumerated the genesis behind the concept. I was disappointed there wasn't more of this in the opening issue. This issue acts as a good set up issue but I'm not sure I can stick with much more of this series until it presents something more to sink my teeth into. I mildly recommend this for fans of the creators or of the horror genre. |
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Severed #5
Dec 17, 2011 |
Severed is one of those books that I could have easily dropped after the first issue. I wasn't sold on the idea and I wasn't sure I wanted to hang around for six more issues. The payoff came in issue number four. This issue keeps me on my toes from cover to cover which means the series is definitely paying off. If you like suspense and horror then this is the series for you. I can't wait to see how Snyder ends this. |
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Severed #7
Feb 11, 2012 |
The interesting part of this series is that it is a slow-burn up until the very last issue and then Snyder cuts loose. I think rereading this series in one sitting is going to be quite an experience. This is definitely a book worth checking out even if you are not a fan of the horror genre based on the strength of both the writing and the artwork. This is going to be a series that will be talked about for a long time to come. Snyder is rewriting how horror is handled in comic books. |
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She-Hulk (2014) | 1 issues |
She-Hulk (2014) #1
Feb 15, 2014 |
This isn't your rank and file super-hero comic book. It has charisma and showcases She-Hulk's personality. The comic might be too heavy on the lawyer stuff but it has a payoff within this issue. This is a good comic that tells a self-enclosed story and introduces the title character very nicely for the new series. I recommend checking this out. |
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Shuddertown | 1 issues |
Shuddertown #1
Mar 7, 2010 |
This is not a comic book for everyone. The story moves quickly and threatens to leave you behind if you don't pay close attention. The characters in the story aren't supposed to be your stereotypical heroes and villains. Everyone in here is some shade of gray. The plot isn't the driving factor in the story, but the character's behavior is essential in telling the story. Many of these elements make up the modern look for crime noir comic books as seen in Brubaker's Criminal. This is a comic book trying to test those boundaries and the first issue a good start. If you like crime dramas where characters aren't the best role models then this is the comic book for you. |
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Siege (2010) | 1 issues |
Siege (2010) #1
Jan 9, 2010 |
I wasn't crazy about the launch of this event and I'm not sure there was enough here to hook me in for future issues. If you like your stories to be really quick and to the point with a lot of action you might really enjoy this though. |
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Silk | 1 issues |
Silk #1
Feb 21, 2015 |
Silk is a good read. Those that are picking up the Spidey books will pick this up and feel right at home. Newer readers will probably find that the comic struggles to find something original to say about a character that is so similar to Peter Parker. Some readers might find the lead character charming as well as appealing because she is something new, which definitely provides an open book that you won't get with many of the other characters. Silk is an entertaining read and there is something to be said for that. I recommend giving this comic a look. |
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Silver Surfer (2011) | 1 issues |
Silver Surfer (2011) #1
Feb 19, 2011 |
Pak's take on the Silver Surfer seems to be heading in a strong direction from this first issue. He has a good story that's grounded on Earth where the Surfer's boundaries are accessible to a larger cast of villains. If you have ever had any interest at all in the character but were afraid to jump into the cosmic stories over the past few years then this issue may be your starting point. This is definitely worth picking up. |
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Silver Surfer (2014) | 1 issues |
Silver Surfer (2014) #1
Mar 30, 2014 |
The new launch for Silver Surfer is a cosmic adventure with ties to Earth. It's a good read and brings out an interesting plot and introduces a very intriguing supporting cast of characters. This could be a very interesting book and I recommend at least checking out the first issue. |
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Silver Surfer (2016) | 1 issues |
Silver Surfer (2016) #1
Jan 23, 2016 |
"Silver Surfer" launches with a fun read. The comic book lets the reader get to know Surfer and his human friend, Dawn, while stopping a couple of bad guys here and there. The supporting cast, Dawn's family, also gets an introduction as the plot begins to unfold. The comic's story is a fairly simple one as an alien force is sucking the culture off of Earth. The book has a couple of unique surprises to make the comic memorable. The artwork contributes a creative and colorful presentation that rounds out the read. Overall, this is a good comic in what looks to be a good series. I'd give this comic a try. |
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Sinergy | 1 issues |
Sinergy #1
Nov 22, 2014 |
Sinergy has a lot of potential. The first issue sets the direction and now seeing where his is headed will probably determine the long-term prospects for the story. I like what I saw in this book but I did find the plot to be a little loose for my tastes. I recommend checking this, especially if you are a fan of Buffy. This is a series to keep an eye on. |
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Sinestro | 1 issues |
Sinestro #1
Apr 19, 2014 |
Sinestro seems like a great character to have an ongoing for a villain. I never quite understood why the Red Lanterns got their own book but not Sinestro or the Yellow Corps. Now that the book is here it seems like there isn't any new ideas in the first issue. We'll see where this is heading. The curious reader might like what they see. As far as reading goes, it's an average comic. |
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Son of Merlin | 1 issues |
Son of Merlin #1
Feb 9, 2013 |
Son of Merlin is a cool idea. Camelot has been told and re-told so many times over the years that it is difficult to try something new. This comic book appears to be applying a fresh concept to the idea of bringing the characters into modern times. This is a good start and at a buck you really need to give the comic a shot. This mini is worth keeping your eye on. |
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Southern Bastards | 3 issues |
Southern Bastards #1
May 3, 2014 |
Southern Bastards isn't an overly violent or stereotypical "southern" book. Instead, the comic presents a broken down town with some hard men causing trouble but where they see it all as normal everyday life. When you toss in someone that has seen it all before and has been away from it for a while then you have yourself a potential returning hero. This is a great issue and it looks to be a great series. |
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Southern Bastards #2
May 31, 2014 |
Southern Bastards is the kind of comic book that presents an ugly set of characters in an ugly setting and somehow drains more ugly out of the barrel as the story progresses. Aaron has built a great character in Earl and he's given him the perfect foe in the football coach. This is a comic book that should not be missed. |
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Southern Bastards #3
Jul 5, 2014 |
Southern Bastards is a great read. It feels like these characters are real and are written in a very realistic way. The book moves quickly and establishes the motives and counter-motives quickly. This is the kind of book where it leaves you wanting more at the end of each issue and that is a good thing. I highly recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Spaceman | 1 issues |
Spaceman #1
Oct 28, 2011 |
Azzarello has a huge following and he is on a lot of people's short list of favorite creators. I have no doubt that this issue will have plenty of people that love it and I am sure as this mini-series progresses it will only get better. However, if you strip away all of that, as an introductory issue I couldn't find too much in here that tells me what this series is about. As far as I can tell the coolest thing about the issue is the prospect of the contents when I look at the gorgeous cover. Despite this not being to my tastes the fact remains that the issue is only a buck and there is simply no reason to not give it a try. |
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Spawn | 1 issues |
Spawn #200
Jan 16, 2011 |
McFarlane writes a letter in the back thanking a bunch of people but he also takes a moment to explain how the ride started and morphed over time. He's a good talker and this was a welcome addition to a book that's already 50+ pages all for just $4. Ultimately this is a book that doesn't really get me jazzed up to read another issue. It also verifies that I had a valid reason for dropping the book all those years ago. The story just isn't there. Well, not for my tastes anyway. I'm sure a lot of folks are into it but this issue went over my head. It looked pretty doing it but for someone coming in cold I was lost. McFarlane changed the industry but somewhere in the mix his great creation became a run-of-the-mill book that just isn't very interesting. |
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Spider-Man & The X-Men | 1 issues |
Spider-Man & The X-Men #1
Dec 13, 2014 |
Spider-Man and the X-Men is a fun read. It has a tight cast that just begins to get explored in this issue. The comic is a lengthy issue in terms of dialogue but does contain some action to try to provide some balance. The cliffhanger certainly will open some doors in issues to come. I recommend checking this out. |
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Spread | 2 issues |
Spread #1
Jul 12, 2014 |
Every once in a while a comic book comes along at the right time with the right kind of story that simply connects with an audience. Plenty of horror comics have come out in the past ten years, and many have become hits, but this one is not something that easily fits in with that bunch. Somehow, this comic looks like it will be changing the rules in comic book horror. This is the ground floor. I suggest checking it out. |
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Spread #2
Aug 9, 2014 |
Spread has two great things going for it: a strong lead character and an excellent monster cache. These two things make the comic book something different on the marketplace. The artwork and most of the narration help this book turn into something a little extra. If the book can stay away from the theatrics of the Walking Dead's chief villains then I think the comic has great potential. This issue is worth picking up. |
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Star Trek / Planet of the Apes | 1 issues |
Star Trek / Planet of the Apes #1
Jan 3, 2015 |
This looks to be a great crossover. Two franchises that have a large appeal colliding in a believable way. The issue is a great start. If you come across this issue you might want to pick this up. I definitely recommend it. |
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Star Wars (2013) | 5 issues |
Star Wars (2013) #1
Jan 11, 2013 |
Star Wars is an intimidating pool to jump in to. If all you know is the original trilogy then I can't even say this book is for you. I think the people that will enjoy this book the most are the ones that tired of the Clone Wars and the greater Expanded Universe and will take any story set in the original film's time period happily. This book is going to make a lot of that audience feel fulfilled because this is probably what they have been waiting years for. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars (2013) #5
May 11, 2013 |
This comic book is taking off in a great way. Star Wars has so many books, comics, video games and stories that tend to bury away the core of the original movie. This comic book is standing out from the pack. If Wood can master the Han Solo subplot and give Darth Vader more of an in depth look he's going to be involved in a true classic. |
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Star Wars (2013) #9
Sep 13, 2013 |
Wood is working a lot of plots at the same time and it seems to be paying off. Separating the characters seems to be more of a fresh approach than normal for the Star Wars universe and I am definitely liking the execution. While I would like to see a single plot take ahold of an issue or two there is something to be said for constantly keeping all the plots in the reader's minds each issue. No matter how you look at this is a great read and has been each and every issue. |
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Star Wars (2013) #17
May 17, 2014 |
Star Wars has been a fantastic read issue to issue. The book's strength is that captures everything that makes Star Wars as fresh today as it was nearly forty years ago. This issue is one of those payoff issues that you've been waiting for. If you are looking for the classic Star Wars comic with the classic Star Wars characters then stop looking and seek this comic book out. |
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Star Wars (2013) #18
Jun 21, 2014 |
Star Wars is a great read for people looking for stories set in the original trilogy. Those that have read the novels set in the same time period might find too much overlap (how many times has Princess Leia been to the altar with a Prince?) but the characterizations feel spot on and the action is heavy and fitting. The comic feels a little rushed to wrap everything up but there is something satisfying in having a book blow so much up in one issue. This is one to pick up if you are looking at an old-school Star Wars story. |
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Star Wars (2014) | 12 issues |
Star Wars (2014) #1
Jan 17, 2015 |
Star Wars is going to be a fun ride. The comic book launches with a nice loop around the Star Wars universe complete with vehicles, surprise background characters and plenty of witty dialogue. Aaron seems to have nailed Han's voice down well and the others will likely follow. This is a fun read and one that any fan can pick up and get some enjoyment out of. I recommend this comic. |
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Star Wars (2014) #2
Feb 7, 2015 |
Star Wars is proving to be a fun read. This comic book definitely is catering towards the masses with exciting scenes and easy-to-follow plots. All of the core characters are playing a role in this opening arc and it is proving to be a run ride. I recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars (2014) #3
Mar 14, 2015 |
Star Wars is exactly how you remember it. There's action, action and more action. The comic doesn't explore feelings too deeply or provide characters arcs. The book is going to grab the reader and wow them to death. The comic does provide a very interesting final page that might just be enough to see where the next arc is going. This isn't perfect but it definitely entertains. What else are you looking for? |
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Star Wars (2014) #4
Apr 25, 2015 |
Star Wars is a great comic for those that love the films and want to see more of the original trilogy. Those looking for the comic to break new ground will be disappointed. The comic tells an entertaining enough story but the issue is light on plot, except to move some pieces into place for future issues. This is an average-to-good comic. |
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Star Wars (2014) #5
May 23, 2015 |
"Star Wars" is a fast moving comic book. There isn't a ton of plot or new character development, just plenty of Star Wars-like scenes. Han and Leia argue, Luke is pursued by Fett, Fett follows the trail to the Cantina plus sand people, TIE Fighters and plenty more. The comic book dusts off a lot of what was portrayed in the films and brings them to life with tiny little new twists. It's a fun ride. I recommend checking it out. |
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Star Wars (2014) #6
Jun 6, 2015 |
"Star Wars" is an exciting read each and every issue. The comic provides plenty of action but doesn't risk too much with the battles. Knowing which characters survive takes some of the drama out of the fight scenes. This issue has some great moments, especially the Solo reveal. The artwork could have been more polished but is generally good. Overall, this is a quality read and worth checking out. |
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Star Wars (2014) #7
Aug 1, 2015 |
"Star Wars" is a one-off story involving Kenobi defending young Skywalker and his homestead. The comic book doesn't explore any new territory as it throws the usual group of thugs from Jabba's palace to shakedown the locals. Kenobi seems to be on the brink of depression and while this is a great idea, it only gets explored for a couple of pages. Generally this is the kind of story that has been told many times before. Perhaps those that are new to the Star Wars universe of comic books might find something to like in here but I found the story to be unimaginative and very average. I expect more from this creative team on the flagship book dealing with this subject matter. Proceed with lowered expectations. |
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Star Wars (2014) #9
Sep 19, 2015 |
"Star Wars" is action. This comic book gets the blood running and doesn't let up until the final page. Luke is chasing down a thief that stole his saber, but finds that a Hutt holds all the cards to his future. Han and Leia try to reason with Han's ex-wife and contest with a nest of Imperials that results in a roaring escape. This is all backed up with visuals that appear to launch right out of the movie. Overall, this is a great read regardless of how slowly the Han and Leia subplot is moving. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars (2014) #11
Nov 7, 2015 |
"Star Wars" is a fun read. This issue has wall-to-wall action and it makes the comic book a great read. This comic doesn't have a big reveal or any deep plot development or characterizations and it doesn't make a bit of difference because the book is great anyway. When you think of what makes Star Wars great, its the creativity and the action and this comic has both of them. This is one of the best issues in the run so far. I highly recommend checking this comic out. |
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Star Wars (2014) #13
Dec 5, 2015 |
"Vader Down" continues with an issue mostly focused on Han's rescue of Luke. The comic book is a fun read because it adds in some humor and a decent amount of action. The book depicts Han, Aphra, Beetee, R2, Chewis and Triple-Zero really well as these characters all contribute in making this a lively read. I recommend checking this comic book out. The crossover is shaping up to be a classic in the making. |
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Star Wars (2014) #15
Jan 23, 2016 |
"Star Wars" comes out of the "Vader Down" crossover with a one-shot about Obi-Wan watching over young Luke. The comic provides some of the same old characters that you have come to expect from Luke's home world during this time period. The highlight of the comic is Owen's confrontation with Obi-Wan. The comic has some humor and some good moments and a touch of action. The book is presented with a beautiful style of artwork that really makes this comic come alive. Overall, the story and the moments aren't really anything that hasn't been covered in comics, short stories or novels before. This is a decent read but nothing terribly different. |
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Star Wars (2014) #16
Feb 20, 2016 |
"Star Wars" starts a new arc with this issue. This issue doesn't have much action and is mostly setup. The book introduces the rebel's prison and some of the security that will surely get put to the test in short order. Luke and Han are on their own mission that involves a diversion that lands them into trouble. The comic is fine but is definitely looking like this arc will be much tamer than the previous ones. This was bound to happen. Eventually you run out of major characters that can fight each other. You've got to start telling smaller stories. This appears to be one. This is worth a look. |
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Star Wars (2014) Annual | 1 issues |
Star Wars (2014) Annual #1
Dec 12, 2015 |
The "Star Wars" Annual is a spy comic book. The lead character is an obscure spy that blows his cover to take on an important mission that puts him in the direct path of the Emperor. The comic is a nice idea and makes good use of newer characters, but is riddled with plot holes and odd decisions from the characters. The reader simply has to plow through this and pretend things make sense. I'm not sure which plot point is more unbelievable: Leia recruiting a spy for a job, who operates outside the detention center, when a spy is already inside the detention center as a guard or the fact that the Empire doesn't notice missing guards or a giant hole in the side of the detention center as the Emperor meets with the prisoners. The comic is a five-dollar book and really isn't worth it. This is a strange choice of comic to put on the shelves as the movie hits the theaters. I can't recommend this comic book. |
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Star Wars (2014) One Shot | 1 issues |
Star Wars (2014): Vader Down #1
Nov 21, 2015 |
"Vader Down" is a great comic book that sets the stage for the six-part crossover. Vader is on his own looking for Luke when he comes across a nest of Rebels. Vader becomes stranded but he is still the favorite to come out on top it seems. The book throws in all the major players as the book provides something for fans of Luke, Han and Leia as well. The comic is a fast-paced, action-packed, thrill ride that delivers on the inflated $5 cover charge. This is a classic in the making and I urge old and new fans to take a look at. |
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Star Wars: Agent of the Empire -- Iron Eclipse | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire -- Iron Eclipse #1
Dec 16, 2011 |
The artwork is stellar. Roux has clean pencils that capture everything amazing about the original trilogy. Roux is in great command of the characters and overall look to the Star Wars vision from the films. The action scenes are incredibly fluid and the characterization of the familiar characters at the end are terrific. |
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Star Wars: Agent of the Empire -- Iron Eclipse #5
Apr 14, 2012 |
Agents of the Empire truly is a James Bond story set in Star Wars. Ostrander has created an interesting character with Cross but how will Cross be affected by the events of this shocking ending? This is really unexplored territory for Star Wars and I would rate it as a creative success. If you like your Han and Chewie stories or you like a caper in the vein of James Bond then this is something to pick up. |
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Star Wars: Blood Ties | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Blood Ties #1
Aug 28, 2010 |
I'm not sure this mini series is going to be able to make Boba the kid very likable but I am pleased to see the story isn't going to be simply Jengo fighting while Boba watches from the cockpit of Slave-I. This is definitely a good start to a mini series set dead center in the heart of the Clone Wars. I am looking forward to the next issue. |
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Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead #2
Jun 2, 2012 |
This mini is shaping up to be two stories and both are good. On the one hand you have a character just trying to stay out of trouble and can't and on the other you have a good, old-fashioned revenge story. You can't lose either way. The writing has a strong hold on the characters and the art brings them to life. This is a good comic book. |
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Star Wars: Chewbacca | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Chewbacca #1
Oct 17, 2015 |
"Chewbacca" is a mini-series that features a solo mission for Chewie. He ends up on a planet unexpectedly and finds that there is some local unrest in an especially touchy subject: slavery. The comic book introduces the characters, the problem and the plot for the mini-series in short order. However, the flow of the comic book seems to be an unnatural one as the story makes big jumps panel to panel. Characters are talking about a debt in one panel, enslaved in the next, escaping in the next and chased in the next. The comic is fairly jarring. The mini-series has plenty of time to tell a compelling story and with the strong character work and appropriate artwork presented here, the comic can certainly turn things into gold very quickly. I mildly recommend this comic. |
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Star Wars: Chewbacca #2
Oct 31, 2015 |
"Chewbacca" is a comic that features great artwork but a badly executed story. The story has confusing choices that the characters make that are compounded by a poorly conceived rescue operation plot. The book seems to struggle with presenting a story through a child's eyes as it deals with some fairly adult material (is it typical to have a character call someone a bastard in Star Wars?). This series needs a tighter script and editorial hand because the art can only save so much issue to issue. I do not recommend this comic. |
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Star Wars: Chewbacca #5
Jan 2, 2016 |
"Chewbacca" wraps up with a decent, but average read. The book confirms the cute bond between Chewie and the little girl, Zarro. The comic puts the characters in situations that make it a little easier to get out of than potentially makes sense. The book has a lengthy epilogue that adds a little bit to the character of Chewie but it hard to reconcile with the light-hearted nature of the comic. This comic is a noble effort but an average read. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Dark Times #17
Jul 3, 2010 |
This issue wraps up the arc well but feels like it's slightly out of place because it seems to actually have a happy ending. This is strange because of all the death and horror that this series has produced in the previous stories. Despite the growth to the point of maturation for the lead character this story leaves you wanting more of him in the future. Fortunately, this series appears to have more life left in it down the road. More Dark Times is a good thing. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains #2
Aug 24, 2013 |
Wheatley does the usual outstanding job on pencils. The comic book is light on action and that plays right into Wheatley's hands. There are some soft moments in this book and plenty of drama in one or two of the subplots and Wheatley answers the challenge. This is a very good visual book. Dark Times tends to have really unhappy endings for characters so I would have to assume that some of these characters are going to die. I can't imagine what the last three issues have in store for this arc but I can't wait to find out. This is a fantastic read. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains #3
Sep 20, 2013 |
Star Wars comics tend to run about the same: most are good stories that mine some familiar territory with various nuances. This one breaks into memorable and great territory. I know it's the middle of the arc and the greatness might be missed if you only read this book. However, even though you don't have that ten issue build up where you are unaware of the Jedi traitor, watching three Jedi fighting is pretty darn good regardless. This is an outstanding read. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains #5
Dec 20, 2013 |
Dark Times is among the best of the Star Wars comics out there today. This mini-series is a very good one and there are a lot of interesting players involved in this series to make it that way. However, the ending leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not expecting mass death but I was expecting to see the pieces that were moved into position over four issues to be used, not ignored, in the fifth. This was very nearly a perfect series but an average ending denies that status. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness #1
Aug 6, 2011 |
Dark Times makes good use of unfamiliar characters in a time that is very bleak in the galaxy. There are heroes that want to hide and others that become heroes in spite of themselves. All the while, the Empire grows more and more powerful with Darth Vader as its symbol. This book covers all of those themes and presents the story with a cast of interesting characters. I definitely recommend picking this up. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness #3
Dec 3, 2011 |
Dark Times is a good book. It is the rare look at the times of the surviving Jedi after Order 66 but it uses strong characters as its vehicle. The Jedi can't simply all disappear as Yoda has done and this comic explores that. This arc even has another Jedi, Beyghor Sahdett, on the trail of Dass. Is there room for both Jedi to escape the pursuers alive? Based on this book's history of unpleasant endings I think one of these Jedi may meet their demise in this arc. This series only has one drawback and that is the erratic shipping schedule. This is a very good book and an excellent series. |
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Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness #5
Apr 28, 2012 |
Dark Times takes a break for a little while which is the perfect time to catch up on the twenty-plus issue run. This issue is the perfect place to dovetail a lot of threads and that is exactly what happens in this issue. Some of the characters are safe for now, but what Vader does next will greatly impact the lot of them. I enjoyed this issue and series immensely. |
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Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence #1
Jul 28, 2012 |
This issue introduces you to the characters, throws the plot out there and gives you plenty of action to get you ready for the next issue. This is shaping up to be a terrific series. I can't wait for the next issue to drop. |
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Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence #2
Aug 31, 2012 |
Darth Maul has the potential to carry his own book and this initial mini-series is proving that out. He doesn't have to be a mindless killer or simply a weapon to be used by Palpatine. This issue is a good mix of action, story and character exploration. If you are a fan of the character I think you will enjoy this book. |
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Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence #3
Sep 29, 2012 |
Darth Maul is a strange character to warm up to. He barely had any time in the movies. He barely had any comics or novel action and he's had a taste of the TV show. However, as the boundaries continue to get pushed for this character, this comic series is proving to lead the way. This is a more cunning side to Maul and the comic book is highly entertaining because of it. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Maul: Son Of Dathomir #1
May 25, 2014 |
Darth Maul is a great character. Even if bringing him back cheapens Kenobi a little bit, the character is better off not dead. This series feels like it was a rush to close out in time for the Dark Horse imposed deadline of August for publishing single Star Wars issues and that there was a scramble to connect the plot dots from the show. This is a below average book but hopefully it will turn around quickly. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader | 10 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1
Feb 14, 2015 |
"Darth Vader" is not a classic book. This issue falls into a lot of the pitfalls that previous Darth Vader comics have hit. There is plenty of action, but poor characterization of Vader as they pertain to the films. The book plays well with some characters but poorly towards others. Many readers will probably find this to be a fun read but nothing terribly memorable. Give it a shot. You might love it. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #2
Feb 28, 2015 |
Darth Vader isn't going to break any barriers. It's pretty clear we are going to get more of what we've seen in the movies but that's okay. A Vader comic book constructed like this is entertaining and visually beautiful and that's really all you need in a comic book. If you like the genre I think you are going to love this comic book. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #3
Mar 28, 2015 |
Expanding the cast in Darth Vader is what this issue is about. Pieces are being moved into place but Vader's motives still remain extremely cloaked. Adding an evil pair of Threepio and R2 is a great idea that will hopefully have a nice payoff as the series progresses. This book struggles with capturing the essence of Darth Vader and takes too long with the Indiana Jones parody as it introduces Doctor Aphra. However, the artwork helps to make the issue standout. Overall this is a decent comic book to check out. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #4
Apr 11, 2015 |
Darth Vader has a lot going for it. This particular issue pushes a major plot development forward that will have many readers curious about the next issue. However, much of this issue feels too easy and unimaginative as Vader and friends explore Geonosis, find what they want and leave the place in a hurry. There just isn't enough in here for twenty pages of story unfortunately. I'm still not sold on the characterization of Vader, but it is possible that his supporting cast carries the book. Time will tell how the creators handle this balance. This was an average read. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #5
May 16, 2015 |
"Darth Vader" has so much potential. The comic has a good supporting cast, it has good ideas, but it is failing on the execution in too many spots. Having a consistent characterization of Vader is essential. How he acts, what he says and what he's capable of should be cornerstones across the line. This comic book confuses things instead of following a standard. The book throws some ideas out there that have potential but at the expense of using the characters that have been established in previous issues. This comic book looks cool and might skate by on those merits but if you are looking for a complete read about Darth Vader then this is simply not it. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #7
Jul 4, 2015 |
"Darth Vader" sets up a new plot in the back half of the book that shows the cunning side of Darth Vader. Unfortunately the front part of the comic book is a missed opportunity to develop Vader's character in a meaningful way when Vader visits Ben's shack and the Lars farm. These scenes could have been great scenes mixed with some flashbacks to provide some insight into Vader's head but fall well short of being anything other than an observation. The book has some great artwork that helps the comic to keep up a nice pace. Overall, this is a very average comic book that could have been something special. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #8
Aug 8, 2015 |
"Star Wars: Darth Vader" tries to provide a heist followed by the set up for the next plot in the same issue and it doesn't work. The front part of the comic is exciting and provides a twist while the book then slows to a halt setting up the plot to come in the next issue. The comic might read fine in a collected edition but is a messy read for a single issue. The artwork in the comic book is certainly something special to look at but it isn't enough to make this comic book a winner. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #13
Nov 28, 2015 |
"Vader Down" continues in this issue of "Darth Vader" with another excellent installment. Vader takes down more and more Rebels while Han and Leia debate how to handle Luke being missing in action. The artwork takes this issue to another level as it presents a detailed and polished look that is as good as you'll ever see in a Star Wars comic. The crossover has four parts remaining and is shaping up to be a classic in the making. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #14
Dec 26, 2015 |
"Darth Vader" brings a fast read with the fourth part of "Vader Down." The comic is entertaining and is supported by realistic and lively artwork. The comic doesn't really move the plot forward much and feels like a filler issue. Overall, the comic is not as strong as the previous parts in this storyline but is worth giving a try, |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #16
Feb 13, 2016 |
"Darth Vader" opens a new arc with an issue that is very new reader friendly. The comic gives some setup from The Emperor, it provides some action and a little bit of Vader being intimidating. It's a solid read. However, there isn't anything new in here. In fact, a lot of the plot seems like it could easily fit in with Lando and Bespin had Bespin been a resource that the Empire needed. The comic is an average read, but if you are looking to jump onto this comic then this is a perfect issue for that and there is something to be said for that. Give is a shot. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #1
Dec 19, 2015 |
The "Darth Vader" annual is a fine read. It's thirty pages for five dollars and you get a lot of Vader cutting down some characters that won't play nicely with the Empire. This comic isn't anything you haven't seen before, but if you read it you will most likely get some entertainment. The artwork provides some epic Vader images but struggles with details in a number of spots, which usually smells of a rush-job. This is a decent comic book to check out but nothing memorable. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #1
Dec 21, 2013 |
This mini-series is clone centric. Generally that is a good thing and if the series is done entirely from the first person point of view then that might enhance the reading. This is basically the clone's origin and it isn't anything too wild. This is a decent start to the mini-series and worth keeping an eye on. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison #3
Jul 21, 2012 |
This comic book is bridging a lot of gaps and I think it's doing a fantastic job of it. Movies, novels, cartoons and comics are all having a hand in making this story gel together. This is a great book. If you like Darth Vader and the inner workings of the Empire, but like a little Jedi on the side then this is the book for you. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison #4
Aug 25, 2012 |
The story is solid, the characters are well thought out and the action balances well with the plot. The comic book is a complete read from front to back. All of this, plus we get a decent set up for the final issue. Overall, this is a perfect Darth Vader comic book when it comes to politics. He's there, barking out orders, but he only steps in physically when he absolutely needs to. This is an Empire comic book and a very good one at that. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison #5
Sep 22, 2012 |
Darth Vader comes across as a mindless order taker for much of this series. However, you don't survive at the side of the Emperor for as long as he did, with the number of failures he's had, without some tricks up your sleeve. This book highlights some of them while telling a unique and entertaining story. The book introduces a ton of characters and makes use of some of the under-used ones from previous comic book series. This was a terrific read in what is an instant classic mini-series. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1
Jan 28, 2011 |
If you think you have read every kind of Darth Vader comic then you would be wrong. This issue adds something to actually dig into some of the interactions the character has with other characters. It's got emotion and depth, plus it's got a lot of action. Overall this was the start of what looks to be a great mini series. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin #1
Apr 18, 2013 |
As far as opening issues goes this one is average. There are some decent enough elements in the issue but the overall plot is not that interesting and character work just isn't there. Hopefully this series will pick up in the coming issues. If you are looking for the next Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison this isn't quite there yet. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin #3
Jun 22, 2013 |
This mini-series is turning out to be a very forgettable read. I hope it can turn it around in the last two issues but as of now we are not getting anything worthy of Darth Vader. It also doesn't help that the cover has absolutely nothing to do with the issue's contents. There is a lot wrong with this book. Perhaps you will find something to like within it. |
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin #5
Aug 23, 2013 |
This series is not good. It's too many issues of poorly cultivated ideas. This particular issue ties up a lot of the loose ends that helps to make some sense of what came before but there is too little of it and it comes much too late. If you like beasts and action then this issue might be enjoyable. If you are particular about your Darth Vader then you are going to find this issue to be out of character on many fronts. The ideas are here somewhere they just don't get executed very well unfortunately. |
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #1
Feb 18, 2012 |
This book is going to be mandatory if you plan to follow this series. The seeds are subtly planted all over this issue and, as a result, it's difficult to pick out which are going to be important in the long term. I like the set up and the execution of this issue a lot, even if it reads a bit slow. You simply can't go wrong with Duursema art and Ostrander's direction. This is going to be a fun ride. |
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm #3
Apr 21, 2012 |
Dawn of the Jedi is something different. It removes the elements where the Jedi are battling the Sith or trying to save the galaxy. In this incarnation the Jedi are just beings trying to survive and learn. That doesn't mean there isn't drama and intruders and that is where this book picks up the pace. If you have any interest in Star Wars, especially the very beginnings of Star Wars, then this book is for you. |
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #1
Nov 23, 2013 |
Star Wars is at its best when there are great characters and plenty of action. This book delivers all of one and some of the other. If this arc heads in the direction I think its heading then it seems the character focus will come back fairly soon. This is a good start to what looks to be a pivotal, if not the climatic, mini-series. |
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War #5
Mar 23, 2014 |
Dawn of the Jedi started as an epic but concludes in what feels like a race to the finish line. The ending is satisfactory for some of the characters involved in terms of their fates but there are too many question marks to make this a comprehensive ending. When you finish a story and think to yourself, "that's it?" then you know you have a problem. |
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Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Prisoner of Bogan | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Prisoner of Bogan #4
Mar 30, 2013 |
Dawn of the Jedi is a great concept and Ostrander and Duursema are taking their time mapping out the universe. This issue lurches the plots forward while building up several of the regular characters. When you add in the subplots and the action you have yourself a great issue. This is just another day at the Ostrander/Duursema Star Wars office. |
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Star Wars: Invasion | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Invasion #4
Oct 10, 2009 |
I'm not sure what we have in store for the finale of this mini series but it would seem that some of these plots will continue into the next mini series. For those readers who are craving the original trilogy cast then this issue is for you. Not only do you get most of the key characters, but they don't feel hollow. Their dialogue and actions seem worthy of the actions that took place in Return of the Jedi or some of the post-Jedi comic book stories. This was a fun read for a Star Wars fan. |
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Star Wars: Invasion #5
Nov 8, 2009 |
This mini series is just the first piece of the first act of the larger story. The comic book doesn't contain chases, huge gunfights or light saber duels. Instead it relies on laying out a long term plot using the slow burn style. It's a good comic that ties in new characters with established original trilogy characters very well. I enjoyed the story. |
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Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues #4
Oct 2, 2010 |
Rescues continues to be a very good story arc. This issue has some very good elements and some odd ones, but overall this is a good read. I do wish there were more core characters in the issue, but as we've seen in the letters page this is a good about Finn and his family and not the Skywalkers. Nevertheless this is a solid comic book. |
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Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side #1
May 20, 2011 |
This series and arc is off to a good start. If you have been clamoring for more comic books set before the Clone Wars then you will not be disappointed. This book contains action, tension, confrontation and a good plot opening, which add up to an entertaining read. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side #2
Jun 25, 2011 |
I like this series. I like the story as well as the characters. The elements to tell an excellent story are all here, but the issue just isn't quite hitting the stride I expect it to be hitting. Perhaps as the arc unfolds more we will get more greatness instead of just "goodness". I think Star Wars fans will be pleased with this issue. There is a lot to like in here. |
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Star Wars: Kanan | 5 issues |
Star Wars: Kanan #1
Apr 4, 2015 |
The first issue of Kanan is a fantastic start to this series. The book has action, nice character moments and it explores some good themes that tap into the best the Clone Wars has to offer. The comic requires no knowledge of the TV Show and provides a stronger first issue than the other three Marvel series. This is a comic book to pick up. |
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Star Wars: Kanan #2
May 9, 2015 |
Kanan is turning out to be a breath of fresh air. The story of the character provides the reader with a unique spotlight on life as a child, being trained to be a Jedi, at a time when all the Jedi are murdered by the Clones. The book has plenty of action, moves at a fast pace and gives a cliffhanger for the reader to want more. The book may not have Han, Chewie, Luke and Leia but it is making its own mark and proving to be a superior read than the other Star Wars comics because you don't know where this character is going next. I am enjoying this book and this issue delivers Order 66 in a way that kept me heavily entertained. |
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Star Wars: Kanan #4
Jul 25, 2015 |
Kanan is a comic book for those interested in the TV Show, but is also familiar with comic books. Because the comic book is so different in its presentation, those that are only picking this up to fill out the Star Wars comic line are probably going to be disappointed. The comic reads a lot like other show episodes that were converted to a comic book mini-series. Plenty seems to be left off panel. With the strong artwork the limited dialogue works out well for the issue. I recommend giving this a try. I enjoyed this penultimate issue and am eager to see how it finishes up. |
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Star Wars: Kanan #6
Sep 26, 2015 |
"Kanan" opens the second arc with a very average effort. Kanan returns to Kaller, the planet in the first arc, and runs into many of the same characters from that arc. The comic under utilizes the supporting cast from the TV show, but when they appear, the depictions are great. The comic also has some strange results from the knife wound at the end that don't quite add up. The visuals in the book look great as they seem to channel the TV show well. Overall, this comic book is struggling to determine what audience it wants to cater to: the show or comic fans. Hopefully the next issue will correct the course. This is an average comic. |
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Star Wars: Kanan #9
Dec 19, 2015 |
While the new Star Wars movie is out this week you also can grab the latest issue of "Kanan." Set in the Clone Wars, this issue works on his master, Depa, and her reimaging. The comic also grows a bond between Kanan and the clones, which is important when Order 66 hits. The characters are well-defined and provide a level of complexity that helps this ordinary story stand out a little more. With detailed artwork that highlights the action and compliments the character's personalities, you have a winning formula. I enjoyed this comic book and definitely enjoyed the new Depa and her Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon qualities. If you like the Clone Wars then this is a good comic to pick up. |
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Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic - War | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic - War #1
Jan 14, 2012 |
If you like your Star Wars stories to be less about Jedi and the Sith then this issue is going to be something to look at. The issue reminds me a lot of the battles between the Empire and the rebels that took place in the original films. This comic is a breath of fresh air, much like the Agent of the Empire series is, for the Star Wars Universe. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Star Wars: Lando | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Lando #1
Jul 11, 2015 |
"Lando" looks to be a very solid series. The opening issue captures all of the charm, intrigue, guile and slickness of the lead character. The comic moves through three plot phases in the opening issue, which helps establish the kind of life Lando leads. The book stumbles with some of the characterizations of Lando and the over-use of Lobot's implants, but these can easily be corrected in future issues. This is definitely a different Star Wars coming than the others and it is worth checking out. |
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Star Wars: Lando #2
Aug 15, 2015 |
"Lando" has an action-packed and tense issue as Lando and friends try to escape with their prize. They don't know whose ship they've stolen or what is on the ship but they now know they have something very important. The comic book brings in some new players to add to the chase by the comic's end. This is a very solid read backed up with stunning visuals. I recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Star Wars: Lando #4
Sep 19, 2015 |
"Lando" takes a turn for the scary with this issue. The bounty hunter enters the fray as everyone is now trapped on the Emperor's ship with a deadly Sith artifact looking to take over. The comic has good visuals but struggles when trying to nail down the characterization of Lando. Overall, this is a good comic book but could be a classic if only it handled the lead character more in keeping with the films. I recommend giving this a chance. |
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Star Wars: Legacy | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Legacy #40
Oct 3, 2009 |
Legacy takes a break from the Jedi next issue as it revisits the war, but this issue is definitely a high note in the series. While not every question gets answered, many do and the story is beginning to head in a direction where the family ties will begin to drive the story. It's an excellent comic that relies on the characters to tell a compelling story. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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Star Wars: Legacy #46
Apr 3, 2010 |
Legacy brings a good story together with some incredible art and complex character relationships in this issue. There might be a little left to be desired depending on what you expected to find in this book, but it's hardly much to complain about. As this outstanding arc ends I would say the story is actually heating up all the more. That's takes some talent to wrap up an arc and leave the reader wanting more. But then again that's the level of brilliance this title has mastered. |
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Star Wars: Legacy - War | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Legacy - War #3
Feb 26, 2011 |
As sad as it is that this title is coming to an end it's clear that the creators have some major plans for the characters. I was pleased to see the issue's pace picked up so much but I was happier to see so many characters playing an important role in the issue. This comic book is what I expect from a Star Wars book. It's excellent fun cover to cover. |
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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #1
Mar 23, 2013 |
Star Wars Legacy adds yet another book to the excellent Star Wars arsenal. This one dives into the wealth of characters that were created in the previous series but sets up some completely new ones to follow. It appears this book is ongoing as opposed to a series of mini-series and if that is the case then this book is going to gain a ton of momentum quickly. I enjoyed the first issue and can't wait to see where Ms Solo heads next. |
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Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2 #18
Aug 30, 2014 |
Star Wars Legacy II is a fun series. With it only being 18 issues long there really isn't a good enough reason for a fan of the genre not to try it out. It definitely is a Solo-like comic book and this final issue uses the character to perfection. Even the most die-hard Han Solo fan would smile at how his distant descendant is used in this book. I enjoyed this comic book and found it to be a proper ending to the series. Dark Horse did the property right for over twenty years and there is a massive back catalog that proves me right. Check it out someday. |
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Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #1
Jan 9, 2016 |
"Obi-Wan & Anakin" launches with a slow start as the pair crash on an abandoned planet and have a discussion. The discussion leads to an interesting flashback, but not much else happens. The comic is good because it focuses on a time period that seems to be forgotten in the old and new Expanded Universe of books and comics. The dialogue is good as it hits the right notes with the relationship of this Master and Learner and it is backed up with strong artwork. The issue is a setup issue and that's what it boils down to. Hopefully things will pick up in the coming issues. |
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Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin #2
Feb 6, 2016 |
"Obi-Wan and Anakin" produces a second issue that brings more danger to the pair, but also brings more characters into the fray. The pair find themselves with warring rivals. This leads them to attempting to keep peace while trying to escape the hostile environment of native creatures and dangerous elements. The comic draws a lot of parallels between the current situation and the future of the Jedi, Sith and Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship. It's a good read, especially if you are into expanding on the lead character's interactions that the films didn't cover. I'm not sure this book has a wider appeal because it is fairly average in terms of plot and excitement. Give it a shot. |
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Star Wars: Princess Leia | 3 issues |
Star Wars: Princess Leia #1
Mar 7, 2015 |
Princess Leia is off to a decent but slow start. If the book had been condensed down 10 ten pages or so I think there could have been more of a first issue "wow" factor written into the back half. Instead all you really get is setup and not anything very interesting when you boil it down. The second issue will be very telling about the long-term prospects for this comic book. This is an okay read. |
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Star Wars: Princess Leia #2
Mar 21, 2015 |
Princess Leia is proving to be a fun read. It's nothing groundbreaking and it's not too memorable but it entertains and that should be all you are looking for in a comic book. This particular issue utilizes the cast very well and sets up some character dynamics for future issues. Nothing special but worth checking out if you are curious or a fan of the genre. |
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Star Wars: Princess Leia #3
May 2, 2015 |
Princess Leia is an okay read with plenty of action and some bland characterizations with bold intentions. The plotting is fine but nothing that will be long-lasting in the Star Wars lore. The artwork could have used some overseeing with regards to character placements but nails the Leia "look", which counts for a lot. This is a read that the serious Star Wars fan, particularly the Leia fan, will enjoy but there isn't much in here for the casual reader. This is worth a glance. |
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Star Wars: Purge | 1 issues |
Star Wars: Purge: Last stand of the Jedi #1
Aug 4, 2012 |
Keep an eye out for this book at shows or when shopping for back issues. There are two other Purge comics out there, but this is the first one and by far the best. Just look for the severed hand on the cover and you'll know you are in for a great read. |
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Star Wars: Purge - The Tyrant's Fist | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Purge - The Tyrant's Fist #1
Dec 8, 2012 |
I'm not sure where this comic book is going but I can guess that Vader is going to kill a lot of people. This first issue sets up a lot of the players for the endgame, but it does so at the expense of telling a self-contained and highly entertaining story. Overall, I found this to be an average to decent read. I hope the second issue captures the magic from the first Purge book. |
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Star Wars: Purge - The Tyrant's Fist #2
Jan 5, 2013 |
Purge comics are a great idea. The concept of Vader hunting down the remaining Jedi is excellent. Some of the books are very good and some are not. I appreciate the ideas in this book and I think there are interesting elements here but I don't feel they came together the way they could have to make the comic book great. This is an above average, but entertaining nonetheless, read. |
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Star Wars: Shattered Empire | 2 issues |
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1
Sep 12, 2015 |
"Shattered Empire" is a perfect bridge from the final moments of the second Death Star to the next crisis that the rebels must deal with. The comic has a few scenes with the Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando group but for the most part it focuses on two new characters that may have ties to the new film. The comic features fantastic artwork and spot-on character work while introducing a new plot at the very end. Han Solo is a central character throughout the comic book, which is a good thing, but there is enough character work that the new characters can carry the plot forward. This comic is a great start. I highly recommend this. |
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Star Wars: Shattered Empire #4
Oct 24, 2015 |
"Shattered Empire" wraps up the four-issue, mini-series of one-shots with a great look at Luke Skywalker. The comic has Luke and Shara retrieve something that the Emperor had stolen from the Jedi temple. The assumption is that this item will play a role in the upcoming film, but we are left to guess as to it's meaning based on this comic. The comic leaves Shara largely under-used, but nails the characterization of Skywalker. The book has plot holes and poorly constructed action sequences. On the other hand, the comic looks and feels like Star Wars as the art depicts the universe extremely well. At the end of the day, this issue is an average Star Wars comic book that doesn't provide much more than some Luke Skywalker action and a tease of what might come in the new movie. This was a fine read. |
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Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde | 2 issues |
Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #1
Jul 25, 2015 |
Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde is a fun read. One is a survivor of the Marvel Universe and the other is not. One is looking to pick up their romantic relationship where they left off while the other has no idea who the other is. The comic is a fast read, with strong characters, solid action and a good hook at the end. The artwork is stellar and helps elevate this to another level. Overall, the book is distant from Secret Wars, but that might serve it well. This is worth a look. |
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Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #3
Sep 5, 2015 |
Peter and Kitty were a couple when the old Marvel Universe died. Kitty went with it but Peter remained. Peter finds a different version of Kitty and this is the story of him trying to find the old Kitty buried somewhere inside this new one. It's a love story, but not without a plot, wit, charm and plenty of action. Fans of the characters are going to want to check this out. This won't change the landscape in any way, but it tells a worthwhile story about love lost and the idea of soul mates. This is a good read. |
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Starlight | 2 issues |
Starlight #1
Mar 8, 2014 |
Starlight is an old concept. An old hero, with or without superpowers, has one last hurrah. This book tries to make this variation a little different by providing a very sad setup for the main character. The book is a good first step. I recommend checking this out. This isn't your typical Millar book (if one exists). |
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Starlight #2
Apr 5, 2014 |
The artwork continues to be a delight. The artwork captures all of the emotion, excitement and wonder that goes into a story like this one. Duke is a depressed guy but space travel obviously gets him to smile again and the artwork captures this perfectly. The book has a detailed look and the colors sit nicely on top of the pencils. This is a very good art presentation. |
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Super Dinosaur (2011) | 1 issues |
Super Dinosaur (2011) #1
Apr 23, 2011 |
Super Dinosaur aims to be a fun comic book and it is a fun comic book. However, I was hoping for more of a personality from the title characters instead of the kid. Is this a problem? It's way too early to tell. The characters are there, the story is there and this comic introduces them all. It's just a matter of Kirkman getting everything off the ground and moving. This is a good start but the issue just didn't "wow" me all that much. |
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Supergod | 3 issues |
Supergod #2
Dec 5, 2009 |
This series is turning out to be more than a religious study or just another rogue super hero comic. It's actually more of a deep look into politics and issues facing societies in this age and how those societies might decide to address them. This comic touches on a lot of emotions and it's also creating a cool little universe. I suspect we are going to see a lot of action in the next issue. This is a series to pick up without a doubt. |
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Supergod #3
Mar 27, 2010 |
To me, this series has been a story that seems to be more like a "What If Every Nation Created a Captain America" rather than a sharp look at people creating their own Gods. The character distinction is well thought out as each nation seems to have different agendas, but all closely related to domination. The interesting part of this story has been the lack of government involvement in favor of almost exclusively scientific involvement. There is a good bit of irony in that idea. I like this series and this issue adds some nice plot twist to hook in the battle for the remaining two issues. This was a fun comic book. |
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Supergod #5
Dec 4, 2010 |
Warren Ellis creator owned properties are usually good and this is no exception. While this comic book is heavy on the science fiction it does not dive too deep into the science explanation of things which I am thankful for. The book doesn't quite connect up the nation created "gods" with any sort of actual religious basis that I could tell. It's more like the superhuman arms race is nothing more than a Frankenstein race. It works for an entertaining read though and it worth picking up. |
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Superior Iron Man | 2 issues |
Superior Iron Man #1
Nov 15, 2014 |
Superior Iron Man is off to a great start. Stark is slightly more villainous than he initially leads on in the beginning of the book and I like the character progression within the issue. I'm not sure this is a plot that can get a lot of traction for several issues but we will see where it all heads. This is a comic to check out for sure. |
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Superior Iron Man #4
Jan 24, 2015 |
Superior Iron Man has a good idea with the app craze on the city. It also has some decent supporting characters floating in and out of the book. Stark is depicted brilliantly at times and comically wrong others. The book has a lot going for it and is definitely organized in a succinct fashion. The book is worth checking out. |
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Superior Spider-Man (2013) | 1 issues |
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1
Jan 11, 2013 |
Superior Spider-Man is a good read. It doesn't feel like a "What If" title which is a plus. I found myself smiling at times but I also found myself bored at times. The book needs more traction next issue if I am going to stick with the title. This is an average to decent book. |
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Superman (2006) | 1 issues |
Superman (2006) #700
Jun 26, 2010 |
I guess I have unrealistic expectations with these anniversary issues. I expect them to be large on content to justify the $5 cover price and I expect them to be memorable in some way. For example, Batman #500 debuted the new costume and outlook of the stand-in Batman, Jean-Claude Valley. It was unforgettable, especially the cover. This issue doesn't quite measure that. It tells three nice stories but there just isn't enough in here to get me excited about the future of the franchise or to rationalize the cover charge. |
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Superman (2011) | 4 issues |
Superman (2011) #32
Jun 28, 2014 |
Superman looks to be a title that has a chance at something great. The bigger narrative is established in this issue. The characters are starting to get their foundations and it looks like Johns will be expanding on this in the coming issues. This is definitely something to pick up if you are looking for more of a classic view of Superman. |
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Superman (2011) #33
Jul 26, 2014 |
Johns and Romita Jr appear to be putting together a good series here. Sure, there are too many robot fights, but for the most part the book is taking a look at the characters and making them the focus. The Perry White opening pages are worth the price alone. Hopefully this book will continue the path it is on and become a smash hit. This is a decent book to pick up. |
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Superman (2011) #34
Aug 30, 2014 |
Superman is a tough character to get behind. He seems too boring and doesn't really have that great of a rogues gallery. However, Johns is giving us his carbon copy and is putting the pair through a few gates together to see how they differ in their reactions. Things seem to be heating up in this issue. I recommend checking it out. |
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Superman (2011) #37
Jan 1, 2015 |
Superman is a comic book that long time Superman fans will probably enjoy. It's a blockbuster type story that provides situations that Superman seems to be really challenged in, which is difficult to pull off. If Johns can right the ship on the bland personality then the book might become epic. I fear the folks at DC like their Superman gritty, but it comes across as boring and unfeeling unfortunately. Big Blue deserves a little more of an emotional array. It helps to make him seem like he wants to be human. Isn't that sort of the point of the story that Johns is trying to tell? |
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Superman 80 Page Giant | 1 issues |
Superman 80 Page Giant #1
Mar 20, 2010 |
I like anthologies. Generally speaking I won't pick one up and dislike it. This one is no different. These aren't for everyone and I wouldn't even recommend this one for someone looking for a specific type of Superman story. I do think people who would enjoy are those that like the character and seeing him in more of an everyday life in Metropolis instead of off fighting in space. This comic book is worth checking out if you like the short story format that gives a lot of different aspects of the Man of Steel. There isn't a dud in the brunch. Though, I hate that the comic is called an 80 pager when it only has 70, but that's publishing for you. This was a nice showcase for a wide range of talent. |
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Superman Unchained | 3 issues |
Superman Unchained #1
Jun 15, 2013 |
Superman Unchained is a good read. I'm not sure where this book is going. Snyder gives an interview answer in the back that he is telling the one Superman story he wants to tell. Given that, it seems like the book will drift into greatness in no time. I recommend checking this comic out. |
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Superman Unchained #2
Jul 13, 2013 |
Superman Unchained is a dense read. It's packed with villains and potential villains, but the story just isn't connecting in the epic way that Snyder's Batman has. The book has some room to grow before it can live up to the creator's names, but I am hopeful that will occur. This is an average to good read. |
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Superman Unchained #3
Aug 24, 2013 |
Superman Unchained is a lot like any other Superman story. There are some brains behind something sinister plot, in this case General Lane, and some muscle to execute it, in this case WRAITH. There isn't much in here that doesn't read like a Hulk comic or countless other Superman stories. With the character of Superman being so lifeless there isn't a lot to hold on to here. Hopefully the next issue will pick things up again. |
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Superman: American Alien | 2 issues |
Superman: American Alien #1
Nov 15, 2015 |
"Superman: American Alien" kicks off the series of one-shots by taking a look at the early days of Clark's childhood when he learns to fly. The book explores his relationship with his parents and is a coming of age type story. The artwork is gorgeous. It captures the frightening proposition of a kid going through unexplained changes. I liked this issue and if you are looking for a lighter look at Clark and his beginnings then I urge you to pick this up. |
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Superman: American Alien #2
Dec 19, 2015 |
"Superman: American Alien" provides a powerful issue that gives a look at Clark's teenage years. With Clark's powers still developing he is both physically vulnerable and mentally underdeveloped. The comic balances Clark's social life with his struggles with his powers and responsibilities. The book gets very dark by the end when Clark tracks down the cold hearted killers. The comic has some detailed and dramatic art that goes very well with the story. This is a little bit of a different look at Clark Kent, but it still manages to capture the innocence and the core values that the character is generally known for possessing. This is definitely a great comic to pick up. |
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Superman: Lois and Clark | 1 issues |
Superman: Lois and Clark #1
Oct 17, 2015 |
"Superman: Lois and Clark" is a comic book for the fans of the characters in the Pre New 52 DC Universe. That isn't to say that only those fans will enjoy this comic book because the characters are in the current incarnation of the DC Universe and may play an important role there going forward. The book provides solid writing and solid artwork but focuses on establishing these characters rather than a plot. Now that they have done that, the comic book needs to show what it can do with this type of cloaked super hero. I recommend giving this a read, especially if you enjoy the classic characterizations of Superman and Lois Lane. |
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Superman: Lois Lane | 1 issues |
Superman: Lois Lane #1
Mar 1, 2014 |
Lois Lane is a good comic to pick up. It feels like it's more of a story about Lucy than Lois but there is certainly a good focus on Lois and detective/reporter skills. The plot is a strange one, but different. This is the kind of book that makes you wonder why DC doesn't find a way to give her a solo series. Anyway, this is a good and dense read for your five bucks. I recommend checking this out. |
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Swamp Thing (2011) | 3 issues |
Swamp Thing (2011) #1
Sep 9, 2011 |
Snyder manages to establish Alec Holland in the first issue and definitely brings together a scary threat at the end of the issue but he keeps the lid on the Swamp Thing. I'm still not quite sure what kind of character we are dealing with here and that will go a long way in determining whether or not I stick with the series. I think if this comic didn't shy away from explaining some of the nuisances in the back-story I would have come away with a more satisfying read. Overall, this is a decent start but this isn't going to be a book for everyone. |
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Swamp Thing (2011) #4
Dec 9, 2011 |
This book uses a lot of the rich history of the Swamp Thing going all the way back to Len Wein. However, I wonder if it's too much. Is Snyder trying too hard to include too much too soon? Snyder has a good story going but I am just not understanding the Alec and Abby connection yet. And as a result I am finding Alec to be an unlikeable or boring character. Once again, I debate whether I should continue with this book. Hopefully everything will lock into place for me sooner rather than later. |
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Swamp Thing (2011) #5
Jan 7, 2012 |
Swamp Thing is a very good read. I can't say I'm as all in as so many other readers are but I can see the book taking nice shape with a long term direction. Clearly, this is the kind of book that rewards the readers that have been paying attention all along and there is something to be said for that kind of detail. However, I am glad to see some plain, old action once in a while and that is what we have here. That, and a heck of a surprise at the end. This was a fun read. |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) | 1 issues |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1
Aug 26, 2011 |
With the introduction over now the story has to take over. This issue does a good job of showing how the series is going to be made up. It's got action and some mystery to it, which should be good enough for now. However, unless we get a handle on the characters and what makes them tick this series may not fulfill my needs for this franchise. This was a moderate start. |
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Ten Grand | 1 issues |
Ten Grand #1
May 4, 2013 |
Ten Grand has some ideas here in the first issue. The story doesn't feel too original but it doesn't feel completely tired either. The plot isn't fully cooked but there is enough in here to show the main character's general motivation. I'm not sure this book gets a second look without the creators attached but I am definitely willing to see where this is going. This is a decent read. |
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Thanos Rising | 1 issues |
Thanos Rising #1
Apr 6, 2013 |
Thanos Rising feels like the beginning to a forgettable and throwaway mini-series rather than the epic origin it seems to have been positioned as. The story is not very deep and isn't terribly imaginative. If you like scared and innocent kids turning into angry killers then you should check this out. I'm not sure this is definitive Thanos story I was looking for. |
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The Autumnlands | 1 issues |
The Autumnlands #1
Nov 8, 2014 |
Tooth and Claw is a great first issue because of the price and the page count. It becomes a huge win with the stellar artwork within the book. The story is not going to be everyone's cup of tea. I wasn't sucked into story and I'm not sure if that is because I found the book to be overly wordy or if the subject matter just isn't something that I'm into. However, at this price you should pick the book up and take a chance on it. You might find out you love this book. Check it out. |
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The Boys | 7 issues |
The Boys #46
Sep 4, 2010 |
The Boys is turning the corner with this arc. We will soon know whether or not Hughie can stay on the team and as a result we will know the fate of his girlfriend in the eyes of the team. The drama between Hughie and Butcher is almost over but there is a bigger one brewing with other events coming to light in this issue. This is a very good read. |
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The Boys #47
Oct 9, 2010 |
This arc has been a very big payoff to a long running subplot in the book and conclusion doesn't disappoint at all. Ennis proves that while his strengths may be over the top humor or disgusting and shocking acts, he excels in character interactions. Whether it was Preacher, Hitman or now, The Boys, Ennis knows how to make his characters push each other's buttons and nails this issue with perfect dialogue. This is a special issue in this series. |
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The Boys #48
Nov 6, 2010 |
The Boys are gearing up for the big battle with the Seven, but this issue puts in place several subplots to derail that confrontation. It's a good read and I felt it really pulled me in for this arc right from the start. I think this is going to be a very good arc from an already excellent series. |
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The Boys #49
Dec 3, 2010 |
We've waited a long time to get some of this background information. It's interesting that the most intriguing part of the book happens to be about the Homelander going crazy in the present but that's what makes this title so great in the first place. You just don't know how crazy things are going to get. This was a good, but not great read. |
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The Boys #53
Apr 9, 2011 |
One of the strengths of this series has been the characters that Ennis created. However, this issue shows that it's also just simply Ennis' ability to tell a great story. You really don't need to know anything about the overall series to enjoy this issue. It's a great glimpse of what Ennis thinks may have happened had the likes of Captain America actually been in World War II. The book is very entertaining and contains a couple of eye-opening surprises. This is one I definitely recommend. |
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The Boys #54
May 7, 2011 |
This issue gives the long time readers of The Boys a lot of the answers they have been looking for. However, the issue just reads very slowly because of density of information. What's the rush to deliver everything in one issue? Perhaps if each of the time periods had its own specific story, such as the previous issue than it would be more enjoyable. However, in its form here, the issue is a labor to get through mentally. I've waited fifty issues for some of these answers and I would have waited one or two more to deliver them in a more creative and entertaining fashion. |
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The Boys #61
Dec 9, 2011 |
The Boys is down to the last dozen issues or so and should be in the mode of racing to a conclusion. However, the book is still in a very slow storytelling mode that just doesn't make any sense at this point. Not a lot happens in this issue as it seems to be setting up more for future issues. In the context of when this series is scheduled to end I wasn't thrilled with this issue's approach. |
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker | 2 issues |
The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #2
Aug 19, 2011 |
This mini-series is already starting to feel overly stretched out. This was the kind of issue that seems to be twice the length it needed to be. Granted, Garth Ennis doing war comics isn't really a bad thing but it just seems the story is taking too long to get to the good stuff. The comic book is a hefty read so you get your money's worth but there probably isn't much in here unless you just can't get enough of the character. I am hoping next issue brings something new to the character of Butcher in the form of solid pain. |
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker #4
Oct 21, 2011 |
If you have ever read this series and had any interest in the character of Billy Butcher you should pick this issue up to see how he got to be the cold and calculated tough guy as he is in the main book. This is the issue that embodies what this series is all about. Super- powers doesn't always translate into being a good guy and this issue shows why. |
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The Boys: Highland Laddie | 3 issues |
The Boys: Highland Laddie #4
Nov 19, 2010 |
Highland Laddie has not been an effective mini series up to this point. The entire mini series has been pretty much throwaway material until this issue. If you follow The Boys and are skipping this mini series you need to pick this issue up for the origin of Annie. If you are digging this mini series so far then bless you. This issue will be right in your wheelhouse. |
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The Boys: Highland Laddie #5
Dec 18, 2010 |
I haven't liked the premise behind the series from the beginning but you would be crazy to pass up this particular issue because it will have lasting impacts on the main series down the road. Ennis is moving his characters into place for the giant confrontation when the main series winds down and the seeds are in this issue. |
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The Boys: Highland Laddie #6
Feb 3, 2011 |
When the other mini series, Herogasm, started I disliked it but eventually saw that the story was solid by the end I was enjoying the read. However, this mini series never came together for me. I may have disliked this issue most of all. This is certainly a story to miss if you have the option. It's rare I dislike a Garth Ennis book but I have faith that the main series won't skip a beat as a result of this poor issue and mini series. |
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The Dying and the Dead | 1 issues |
The Dying and the Dead #1
Jan 31, 2015 |
The Dying and The Dead is not going to come out each month with a massive book this size. In this regard the story is bound to slow down. However, as far as opening issues there isn't much more this book could have done with the length its been given. It's a dense comic with story but at a swift and entertaining pace. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. |
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The Fade Out | 1 issues |
The Fade Out #1
Aug 30, 2014 |
The Fade Out looks like an instant classic. It's a noir style set story in the original noir time period. The book clocks in at twenty-eight pages and includes an essay in the back. It's truly a reading experience. It's definitely one to pick up. |
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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men | 1 issues |
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1
Sep 30, 2011 |
Firestorm is a niche character and he probably always will be. This issue puts forth some very generic and predictable high school kids into a situation where they become nuclear men. It's got a decent idea behind it all as they are in pursuit by some evil men rather than just super villains. Overall, I liked the changes to the character and I think there is enough here to keep a new reader coming back for more. This is a good start for Firestorm(s). |
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The Goddamned | 2 issues |
The Goddamned #1
Nov 14, 2015 |
"The Goddamned" opens with a loud bang as the issue presents a Hell-on-Earth look at the past. The world seems to be inhabited by cavemen that are holding onto their most primal instincts. However, the protagonist is Cain. This version of Cain is a pretty boy that seems to have moves that resemble Bruce Lee. The two don't mix well in this comic and the book struggles to define itself as a result. The antagonist reveal at the end doesn't really help the pretty boy image that Cain is presented with in the book either. The artwork by Guera is tremendous and it shows in the amazing details page after page. This is a comic book to give a look but doesn't appear to have the same level of first issue craziness of Aaron's other books like "Scalped" or "Southern Bastards." Give it a try. |
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The Goddamned #2
Dec 19, 2015 |
"The Goddamned" provides another violent and tough read. This one focuses on the complexity of the character of Noah. The book really mixes his brutality well with his soft side for animals. The comic has powerful artwork that adds a deeper layer to the violence in the story. This is not for the timid. The story could be a classic in the making. This is a good issue to pick up. |
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The Last Broadcast | 1 issues |
The Last Broadcast #1
May 25, 2014 |
The Last Broadcast is a bold mini-series filled with different ideas and wide-open directions for the plot. The opening issue does a terrific job of bringing the plot to the reader while rolling out the key characters. Without this balance the opening issue wouldn't have been able to grab the reader in the same way this comic book does. I definitely recommend checking this book out. The mini-series has the makings of a classic. |
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The Last Days of American Crime | 2 issues |
The Last Days of American Crime #1
Dec 27, 2009 |
Last Days of American Crime is an interesting story with a great cast of characters. So far there isn't one likable character in here and that only adds to the charm for this type of story. If you like character driven stories and like a good heist that seems to end up going wrong then this is worth checking out. |
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The Last Days of American Crime #2
May 1, 2010 |
Last Days of American Crime ups the action and the drama as the crime date draws nearer. The characters take over the issue but the plot helps keep the tension high. If you like crime dramas with a twist of science fiction then you should probably pick up this fifty-plus page story. It's a terrific read. |
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The Last Resort | 1 issues |
The Last Resort #3
Oct 24, 2009 |
The Last Resort isn't your typical zombie comic. The comic touches the genre, but adds in some science fiction, humor and an interesting cast of characters set with a backdrop that resembles the 1970s disaster films. This issue just begins the process of killing off the cast and setting the table for a possible escape for some of them. It's a fun issue. |
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The Manhattan Projects | 1 issues |
The Manhattan Projects #1
Mar 10, 2012 |
This is an excellent concept and a terrifically executed book. There are a lot of horror books out there today, like Severed and Fatale, but this one shouldn't be missed. If you like some historical elements in a science fiction or horror book then this is one that shouldn't be missed. |
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The Massive | 1 issues |
The Massive #1
Jun 16, 2012 |
The Massive is an epic book. Wood has stated that the arcs will be three issues so there is room for this pick up and solidify quickly. However, this first book effort was not to my liking. The environmental portion wasn't nearly as heavy handed as I was expecting but the story presented here was just too macro in scope I felt. If you are a fan of Wood you can't afford to pass this one up but I am not sure this is going to have the wide range appeal. We'll see. |
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The Mercenary Sea | 1 issues |
The Mercenary Sea #1
Feb 15, 2014 |
The premise and artwork are fantastic, but the plot and character work aren't fully baked in this issue. The ingredients are certainly all there for this to be a smash hit. A little more clarity around the full cast on the ship and some more character definition and I think the book will be closer. The plot will unfold so that will be there. There's a lot here to like it just doesn't quite connect all the way in this comic. This is worth checking out. |
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The Mighty Thor (2015) | 2 issues |
The Mighty Thor (2015) #1
Nov 21, 2015 |
"The Mighty Thor" is off to a strong start. Jane Foster is battling cancer, while fighting off politicians and anti-Thor resentment throughout the Realms. The comic moves through the character introduction, character building, plot creation and villain plotting while still handing over some action to provide a complete read. The artwork rounds out the reading experience nicely. Overall, this is good value for your $5 and is worth a look. |
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The Mighty Thor (2015) #4
Feb 20, 2016 |
"The Mighty Thor" provides an excellent read this time out as a lot of plots are beginning to come to a head. Freyja is on trial and has a great confrontation with her husband. Thor can't save the light elves from the darkness. Thor loses her patience with things and starts a major development at the book's conclusion. When you add excellent artwork to the mix you have a very good comic book. If you aren't reading this title then you are missing out. I definitely recommend picking this up. |
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The Movement | 1 issues |
The Movement #1
May 4, 2013 |
I wasn't sure what this book was going to be about. I assumed it would be more similar to the Occupy movement from a couple of years ago but this seems to be just another super hero team with no worthy adversary. Simone knows how to make characters interesting and I think those seeds are here. Unfortunately there isn't much else. It's going to be hard to stick with this book much beyond an issue or two regardless of the name on the cover. |
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The Multiversity | 1 issues |
The Multiversity #1
Aug 30, 2014 |
Multiversity is finally here. The first issue feels like a straight read. Nothing too crazy happens but there seems to be a feeling that this is going to involve a tremendous amount of characters before it's all said and done. It will be an interesting ride. |
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The Multiversity One Shot | 4 issues |
The Multiversity: The Just #1
Oct 25, 2014 |
Multiversity is not a story for everyone. It's complicated and deep. It involves multiple incarnations of the same character with minor character differences in some cases. However, I know an entertaining read when I find one and this is it. Perhaps DC could find a small section of their new universe for these characters to exist and let Morrison lead a solo book on Damien or Lexi or Chris or just about any of them really. |
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The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1
Nov 22, 2014 |
Morrison is making history with this series and this might be the best issue yet because the reader has to work for the results. This is not for everyone, but give it a try and be prepared to read the comic three times and in various page order. You will not be disappointed. |
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The Multiversity: Guidebook #1
Jan 31, 2015 |
The biggest drawback in purchasing this comic is the price. Eight bucks is too high for the curious reader. And the label of 'guidebook" combined with the price might be enough to scare off the reader of the series who is looking to save a buck and doesn't believe this to be essential reading. However you slice it, this book was informational, entertaining and definitely worth cutting some other book from your weekly budget to pick up. If you love, or even just like, the Multiversity series then this is a must-have book. |
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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1
Dec 20, 2014 |
Multiversity is a great series. While the thread that ties all of the issues together is a very thin one, each issue has been a delight to read. This one is a throwback to how DC's cast behaved some three decades ago. Morrison makes everything fresh and new. This is another great comic book to pick up regardless if you have read the others in the series or not. |
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The Muppet Show | 4 issues |
The Muppet Show #0
Dec 12, 2009 |
It's not clear how the ongoing is going to be structured. Will it eventually settle into arcs or are we going to get a series of one-shots? If we stick with one-shots we lose the themes that the mini series were able to include, but if we venture into arcs will the stories stay fresh month to month? I'm not sure which would be better but I enjoyed this comic as much as a did the mini series and I'm looking forward to seeing what else this team can push our way. |
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The Muppet Show #2
Feb 13, 2010 |
Another hit for the Muppets. While this comic does deviate from the regular cast, it's still an interesting story that provides some laughs. Fozzie gets a little back up story to help keep his subplot in the consciousness. It's a good read and is worth picking up if you are a fan of the gags seen in the Muppet TV Show. |
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The Muppet Show #4
Apr 17, 2010 |
I am impressed with the level of story telling this series provides issue after issue. This one relies on a new member while still providing some laughs from the vintage characters. This is a good comic book. |
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The Muppet Show #6
Jun 5, 2010 |
This is an entertaining read and I do think that fans of the Muppets would enjoy the issue. I'm not sure a newcomer would latch on to this issue because it is a little light on the laughs. However, the issue does a good job with a theme and telling a nice, self contained story. This was a good comic book but not quite as good as we've seen in this series. |
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The Muppet Show: The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson | 1 issues |
The Muppet Show: The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson #4
Nov 14, 2009 |
Another arc and another fun and creative read. If you have any interest at all in the Muppets then this is a comic book to check out regardless of the age of the reader. This is fun for everyone. |
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The Names | 1 issues |
The Names #1
Sep 9, 2014 |
The Names is a good comic. It's not a great one and it isn't one that feels too original but the issue is a good read. This is a series to keep your eye on. Whether you like single issues or collected editions from Vertigo I believe this series will be one you will want to own before it's all said and done. |
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The New 52: Futures End | 1 issues |
The New 52: Futures End #1
May 10, 2014 |
I'm not sure who this weekly series is aimed at. I can only guess it's aimed at the fans of these characters: Firestorm, Batman Beyond, Stormwatch and Grifter. If you like one of them and want to read a comic about them that comes out each week then here you have it. If not I'm not sure you should bother. |
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The New York Five | 1 issues |
The New York Five #1
Jan 29, 2011 |
Opening issues are tough for a mini series. There is so much ground that has to be covered while getting the story under way. It's nearly impossible to achieve this with four main characters, all with their own plots. However this comic book establishes everything that's needed to tell a good story while setting up enough for the rest of the series. If you are looking for something completely different, something that deals with real life for young adults then this issue is worth picking up. |
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The Other Dead | 1 issues |
The Other Dead #2
Oct 25, 2013 |
Animals attacking people is cool. Undead animals attacking people is even better. The book has some absurdity to it, such as characters answering the phone as they are about to be pecked to death, but the book is pure and simple fun. If you like your horror and thriller genres then I would give this book a shot. You will probably like what you find here. |
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The Paybacks | 1 issues |
The Paybacks #1
Sep 19, 2015 |
"Paybacks" is about a repo team that takes back property from would-be-heroes that don't pay their bills. The first issue has two repo teams. One hunts down a Batman knock-off while the other comes into a very deadly confrontation. The comic book is an entertaining read with a good high concept. The artwork is very good as it is detailed and imaginative. Overall, this is a very good comic book and one to keep your eye on. |
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The Red Wing | 1 issues |
The Red Wing #2
Aug 12, 2011 |
Half way done with the series and we begin to understand what the war is about. Perhaps learning the character's motivations will help me to feel more of a connection to them but at this point my lasting memory of this story is the concept and the artwork. I don't think fans of Hickman are going to be disappointed at all but I am not sure this book is going to be for everyone. |
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The Rinse | 1 issues |
The Rinse #1
Aug 29, 2011 |
The Rinse is something to check out and not just because of the price. The comic book is a real page-turner and has me impatiently waiting for the second issue. Even if crime comic books aren't normally your thing, for a buck how can you go wrong? I can't imagine fans of the genre turning this one away. Either way I think you will like what you find. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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The Royals: Masters Of War | 1 issues |
The Royals: Masters Of War #1
Feb 15, 2014 |
This mini-series is probably targeting a niche market of readers. You've probably read a lot of comics that provide super heroes in a real life setting and there is some of that to some degree. The comic seems to cater to World War II battle and political buffs but other readers might pick this up and enjoy it. I recommend giving this a try. |
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The Sandman Overture | 3 issues |
The Sandman Overture #1
Nov 1, 2013 |
Sandman is a comic event that needs no extra hype. The comic book is a legend and this will only add to that aurora. While the book does carry the inexplicable $5 cover price, the book certainly feels well worth the price. Even if you can't quite figure out the story from this issue the writing and art are one-of-a-kind. Give this book a shot. |
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The Sandman Overture #3
Aug 2, 2014 |
Sandman is a wonderful read. It's the kind of comic that you gaze at the artwork from front to back and then go back and read the contents and get a full read both ways. The book represents what's best about the comic book medium. Classic stuff. |
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The Sandman Overture #4
Dec 25, 2014 |
Sandman is a quite an experience to read. This issue shows a side of Dream we all probably knew existed but were waiting for the revelation. I won't spoil the end but things do not end happily in this issue. I recommend checking this out. |
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The Sheriff Of Babylon | 1 issues |
The Sheriff Of Babylon #1
Dec 5, 2015 |
"The Sheriff of Babylon" launches with one of the best comics I've read all year. The comic book introduces three characters and ties them together by the issue's end. In between are three unique, but equally dramatic mini-stories that tell the reader a lot about what the character's motives and backgrounds are. The comic is supported by tremendous art that brings a higher level of tension with the finely detailed facial features. Whether you like war and/or political comics or not this is a series that simply shouldn't be missed. |
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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode | 4 issues |
The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #1
Oct 6, 2011 |
Overall I really enjoyed this book. Sure, the concept has been done to death but this feels fresh because of the inspiration of the magic pills and the character execution. I actually found myself cheering on young Luther, even when he seemed out of control. Add in that the art brought something special to the issue and I feel like I found something that is going to be end up being really good once the mini runs its course. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #2
Nov 5, 2011 |
Luther Strode is about to take off and I am glad to be on board at the ground level. If you like violence, surprises and a fast-paced story then I urge you to pick this up. I definitely recommend this series. |
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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #3
Dec 10, 2011 |
When this series is over I am sure this issue and fourth one will blend together as the turning point in the story. The trouble is that this issue, alone, doesn't contain a lot of development beyond getting Luther into crime fighting mode. It's a good issue in what has been a great series so far. I am looking forward to seeing how this story plays out over the second half of the mini-series. |
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The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5
Feb 4, 2012 |
Luther Strode promises a bloody showdown to complete the mini-series. It seems impossible to see how it can top this issue but Jordan promises it will do just that. I think if you like a violent book with some great character work then this is something to pick up. When the series is over I think a lot of people will be hunting down the back issues (or salivating for the trade release) because it is that good. |
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The Surface | 1 issues |
The Surface #1
Mar 14, 2015 |
The Surface may very well become a smash hit. It might also have a cult following that swears to the genius of the story. Either way I do not believe this comic is for everyone. For me, it throws too many ideas and dumps too much information on a reader that a single issue could possibly support. When you back that up with three uninteresting characters you have a very difficult read to get through. I liked the artwork a lot but it wasn't enough to get the story to rise to a level that I found interesting. Take a chance and you might fall in love with this comic book. At $3.50 for twenty-eight pages you get a bargain no matter how much you enjoy the comic. |
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The Tattered Man | 1 issues |
The Tattered Man #1
Jun 4, 2011 |
The Tattered Man was a fun read. Was it worth the five dollar cover charge for about thirty-five pages of story? Maybe, maybe not, especially in the current market, but if you take a chance on it you will most likely enjoy it. I think if you like World War II, revenge stories, or just horror in general you should pick this up. |
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The Totally Awesome Hulk | 1 issues |
The Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Dec 5, 2015 |
"Totally Awesome Hulk" is a very average first offering. The book is over-priced at five-dollars but includes ten extra story pages. The comic takes Amadeus Cho and dumbs down his intellect to the point where he appears to only be after sex. The comic has a lot of action and the artwork provides some great visual in that department. The art also conveys the quiet scenes between Amadeus and his sister perfectly to round out the art in the book. I'm not sure what to make of this series and the direction for Amadeus. If you are a fan of the character you might be a little surprised at what you find here. This is an average read. |
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The Unwritten | 3 issues |
The Unwritten #21
Jan 14, 2011 |
The Unwritten has danced along the line of what is true – the novels or reality since the beginning. This was a terrific step in showing how those ideas play out when a character lands in a work of fiction where they aren't hiding in the shadows. The ending leaves me highly anticipating the next issue. This is definitely a comic and a series that I highly recommend. |
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The Unwritten #23
Mar 19, 2011 |
I liked the direction this book has taken since Tom seems to have been trapped in literary scenes but this issue leaps that by a lot. This is one of those comic books that really rewards sticking with the series for a couple of years. I would think that a new reader wouldn't feel the same way but still the raw ideas in the book make the comic enjoyable for anyone. This is a great book. |
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The Unwritten #24
Apr 15, 2011 |
The bulk of this series is about something that you will not find in this issue. It's a risk to pick this issue up cold because next issue isn't going to have Pauly in it or anything like this story. However, the overall theme of having literature toy with characters that are supposed to be something other than words on pages of a book is as prevalent here as in any other issue. I enjoyed this book very much and I definitely recommend this if you are looking for something out of the ordinary. That, and Pauly will most likely make you laugh a couple of times in the process. |
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The Vault | 2 issues |
The Vault #1
Jul 30, 2011 |
The Vault is a book that brings to the table a great idea with some amazing artwork. The book trips up because it relies so heavily on character interactions to tell a story about the characters whereas the plot might have been the best vehicle to showcase them. This is a good book and with it only three issues I expect the series to take off in a big way with the next issue. I recommend this book for people that are looking for something in the science fiction or mystery realms. |
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The Vault #3
Oct 28, 2011 |
The Vault is a niche type of comic book to be sure. It's horror almost at slasher flick level. Nothing truly gets resolved in this series which means things are set up for a sequel. I enjoyed this enough that I know I am all in for a follow-up series. If you like slasher flicks or science fiction horror then this is the series for you. |
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The Violent | 1 issues |
The Violent #1
Dec 12, 2015 |
"The Violent" is a comic book that takes a struggling couple and throws every temptation it can at them. The pair are trying to stay off drugs, stay out of jail and make ends meet for their young daughter. Life has a way of finding your weaknesses and exposing them as is the case in this book. If you like reading comics that are about real people with some tough times playing out in the panels then this is the book for you. The title is a little misleading for this issue as there is hardly any violence in the comic. However, the story within is a very punch-in-the-gut kind of read. I highly recommend picking this up. |
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The Wake | 5 issues |
The Wake #1
Jun 1, 2013 |
The Wake is off to a good start. I like the characters and I like the setup for the horror component enough to come back for more. Hopefully the next issue will continue to expand the threat without giving everything away. If you like great writing and a little bit of fright then this is the book for you. Give it a try. |
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The Wake #3
Aug 2, 2013 |
When you get into a horror story, of any kind, you expect there to be bloodshed and for characters to die. The third issue in this series delivers that extremely well. Snyder is looking to top this issue with the next one based on the surprising cliffhanger. Overall, you can't get a better horror comic these days. I recommend checking this out. |
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The Wake #5
Nov 21, 2013 |
One of the more thrilling and frightening books out there turns out an extremely forgettable and subpar book. The comic forced an ending that just doesn't seem natural for the story told in the previous four issues. The artwork provides visual treats that help the book along but fall short of the complete package when it comes to the quiet moments. This is not the strongest effort from this pair. I hope the second part of this story makes this issue seem like a blip on the radar. |
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The Wake #6
Mar 1, 2014 |
The Wake is off to a great second act. The comic is a horror book that is setting up the complex plot. There is a lot to like in here and a lot of moving parts, but even if you just look at the visuals you will get your money's worth in entertainment. This is a must-have book. |
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The Wake #7
Mar 29, 2014 |
The Wake has a nice surprise or two in this issue towards the end. It's the kind of issue that makes you want to go back and re-read what came before but impatiently wait for the next issue. It's an issue that looks slow to start off but certainly doesn't stay that way. This is another issue to be sure to pick up. |
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The Walking Dead | 79 issues |
The Walking Dead #66
Oct 17, 2009 |
I enjoyed the issue tremendously and definitely recommend it to anyone. This series is one of the best out there and any comic book fan would probably end up loving this series. It really isn't just about zombies. |
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The Walking Dead #67
Nov 14, 2009 |
We learn something about Carl in this issue and like it or not he seems to be aging quite rapidly. We also seem to find out some new information with regard to the zombies and we learn a thing or two about Eugene I suppose. It's a fun issue again. If you haven't checked out this series you might be surprised at the heavy emotions in this issue but it's too good to pass up. |
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The Walking Dead #68
Dec 12, 2009 |
This is a turning point in the series. The group is about to enter into a community. We've seen this before, like in the prison or in that early housing development, but this time it's different. The trust issues run deep and usually when something seems too good to be true the floor drops out on this group. It will be enjoyable watching how things eventually fall apart. |
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The Walking Dead #69
Jan 30, 2010 |
The artwork excels with getting back to basics. The comic contains a ton of pages where the zombies are taking over the scenery. As a result there is plenty of action and nice layouts to give the characters some room to cut up or blow away the zombies. One awkward panel on the second page seems to have Rick with a right hand which just can't be the case, but it sure appears that way. Still it's been a long time since this series has had this many zombies in an issue. |
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The Walking Dead #70
Feb 27, 2010 |
This comic book introduces the next big character, Douglas, and begins to reveal the nature of the town and its residents. It might sound boring but there is a great exchange between Douglas and Rick and then between Douglas and Andrea that keeps the issue on a high level. Add in that there is a preview of a series called Turf and you have a very good read. I definitely recommend this comic book. |
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The Walking Dead #71
May 1, 2010 |
Walking Dead is building towards another massive confrontation. This issue builds some groundwork for that confrontation. Will it be an outside invasion? A zombie outbreak? A war from within? We don't know yet but this issue is showing how it will be a fun ride. |
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The Walking Dead #72
May 22, 2010 |
The artwork is amazing from the standpoint that the entire comic book is set in a very clean and orderly world. People look showered and well groomed. The characters are smiling and not getting chased by people with guns or members of the undead. The art shows a level of versatility this series hasn't had a chance to show off yet. It's a very nice looking comic book. This is another strong issue for the series. It's still in the setting up mode so the comic isn't as fulfilling as some of the past issues, but the ending shows that there is some hope that things are going to get nasty again soon. I'm looking forward to the apocalypse. |
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The Walking Dead #73
Jun 19, 2010 |
This issue may read like a bunch of random scenes of different characters doing various day to day things, but that's only the surface. The overall point of the issue is to string together a bunch of instances where Rick, Abraham, Glenn and others make themselves look untrustworthy to their hosts. It's done very believably in this issue. I can't wait to see the blowup as a result of this. |
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The Walking Dead #74
Jul 10, 2010 |
In some ways this issue makes me think any confrontation between Rick and community won't be a gun fight. However, I do think this issue points to an exile brewing, but one that will turn to some level of violence. I'm pleased with the build up and this issue's approach to showing the current state of so many characters. This is a very good issue. |
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The Walking Dead #75
Jul 25, 2010 |
The issue is one of the best in this series. There is even an incident with some zombies and some humans that really encompasses how tough this series can be to read. I'm not sure how a new person would fair picking this issue up but the story is highly entertaining and the comic contains a lot to hit much of a reader's emotional spectrum. This is a great read. |
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The Walking Dead #76
Aug 15, 2010 |
I truly believe there are no bad issues of Walking Dead. The series is better than the majority of what I read every single month. So to that end there are degrees of "good". This issue slows things down and gives a lot of background on some characters and really plays up the drama resulting from the one confrontation. It is an entertaining read but I simply felt the situation from the previous issue was resolved too cleanly. |
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The Walking Dead #77
Sep 25, 2010 |
Any faithful reader of this series knows by now that things never remain happy for the main cast. They have security behind their current walls and they have relative happiness in their community but that is about to become threatened. This series excels at surprising the reader and I'm getting anxious for the next one. It's been a great build up and this issue accelerates that all the more. This is definitely a very good read. |
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The Walking Dead #78
Oct 22, 2010 |
For the readers of this series that have been waiting for something explosive to happen then this is your issue. It's not on the level of prison invasion but this is a very good confrontation filled with tension and surprises. This is another one of those issues that make this series such a pleasure to read. |
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The Walking Dead #79
Nov 26, 2010 |
I've never read a bad issue in this series and I've never read an issue that didn't fully engage me while I was reading it. This issue is no different. The scale for this comic book series ranges from good to amazing. This is one is good. It doesn't mean you should pass it up. In fact, based on the teaser for the next issue I would recommend that you do pick it up. Things are looking to heat up for Rick and friends. |
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The Walking Dead #80
Jan 8, 2011 |
'No Way Out' manages to, again, present the group with an impossible situation. The subplots make the issue move along nicely with some folks cracking up, new couples forming bounds and some tough talk from the little ones. There's a lot to like in this issue and it all adds up to a great opening to this arc. |
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The Walking Dead #81
Feb 11, 2011 |
"No Way Out" is shaping up to be a status quo changing storyline and it is not too late to get in on the arc as this is only part two of the storyline. I felt this issue brought a great mix of action and character development as well as a terrific visual story. You just can't go wrong with this book. |
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The Walking Dead #82
Mar 11, 2011 |
As usual this series comes down to one question: who will die? Obviously there is a lot more to this arc and this comic book but that's what is most likely on everyone's minds. In between the deaths, Kirkman keeps the reader guessing and he keeps the tension high. Just when you think you know a character he changes that character's make-up. All of this makes for a fantastic read. Take a chance if you haven't read this series yet. You may get hooked. |
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The Walking Dead #83
Apr 1, 2011 |
Not everyone issue of this series is amazing, but some are truly exceptional. The ones that rise above the rest contain a story that drains the reader of their emotions and is full of surprises. This issue simply has everything that makes comic books entertaining. This is an emotional roller coaster ride that is just a fantastic read cover to cover. I can't recommend a book more than this one. |
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The Walking Dead #84
May 3, 2011 |
If you felt like this series has been lacking zombie action for a while now I think you will be happy with this issue. I do think quite a few readers will be a little disappointed with the apparent lack of focus on Carl in this issue, but then again, maybe this is the ending you were hoping for. This issue is a good read but it just didn't quite connect with what happened in the previous issue. As always, I can't wait to see what happens next and generally that is a good thing. |
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The Walking Dead #85
May 27, 2011 |
Kirkman gives another deep and deliberate read. While this issue is a slow down one, it still delivers an entertaining read that contains laughs, tears and some interesting plot developments. You can't go wrong with this title. |
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The Walking Dead #88
Aug 19, 2011 |
Walking Dead is all about building up to something huge. We had that crescendo a few issues ago and now we are dealing with the fallout while building up again. This issue is just another brick in the wall towards that. I think the situation with Carl is actually better for the long term drama than if he died so in that way this issue works to further that angle. Overall, this is another terrific read. |
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The Walking Dead #89
Oct 7, 2011 |
Walking Dead is like no other book on the stands. The book puts the characters into impossible situations and makes the reader cheer on violence as the solution even though their favorite characters may die from the outcome. The book is one of the best reads and this issue is no different. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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The Walking Dead #93
Jan 28, 2012 |
Walking Dead feels like it keeps telling the same story. There is some level of safety followed by a threat and then a bunch of characters die. However, this issue really digs deep into Rick's mindset and it shows a real turning point for the character. The book is a good start to what promises to be a great arc. |
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The Walking Dead #94
Mar 3, 2012 |
Walking Dead is an excellent read. It is each and every month. This issue passes for slightly better than average because the book is kind of slow and doesn't fully explore the tension that this journey should entail. I liked the book and definitely recommend checking it out. You will also find some decent zombie action in the book as well. |
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The Walking Dead #95
Mar 30, 2012 |
The good news is that the buildup is over. If you have been waiting for something to happen then you will wait no longer. I'm not sure how everything is going to play out from here but that is the joy of reading this title. I definitely recommend checking this book out. |
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The Walking Dead #96
Apr 21, 2012 |
Walking Dead is an amazing ride. Kirkman is getting back to what makes this book so good: confrontation. I'm not sure how long it will take before Rick and company square off with this new group but I am looking forward to the buildup and the ultimate destruction. This is simply an amazing book and this issue is no different. |
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The Walking Dead #97
May 12, 2012 |
Walking Dead is the best of the best each month. Things are going to blow up and soon, it's just a question of the level of damage that gets done. Characters will die and there will be shocking developments. Do yourself a favor and get this book because this is the ground floor of all that is about to come. Don't wait for issue 100. |
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The Walking Dead #98
Jun 2, 2012 |
Walking Dead is heading into a dark direction. Rick is slowly becoming ever bit of over confident as the Governor was. It's amazing to see his descent really. The side story about the new invaders is also excellent because so little is known about these characters or how many there are. The one guy is covered in what looks like injury patches and appears to have half of face burned off. Who doesn't want to know that guy's story? The book's future has never looked brighter. |
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The Walking Dead #99
Jun 23, 2012 |
This issue is a good read and it builds some of the tension, but the tension and build up has been done outside of the comic with all of the hype already. I wish this issue would have launched into the action to make issue 100 attempt to top it. Instead, Kirkman punts here and gives a filler issue. It's an entertaining read that could have been more. |
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The Walking Dead #100
Jul 11, 2012 |
Walking Dead is the best book on the stands. It deserves all of the attention it has been getting. Five years ago I never thought I would see issue one-hundred, and yet, here it is. This may not be the best issue of the series but it is in the top five. Just be prepared for some shocking scenes and some seat-of-your-pants tension. This is worth your trip to your store today. |
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The Walking Dead #101
Aug 18, 2012 |
It's hard to be believe that this arc isn't over yet. That generally means Kirkman has something twisted up his sleeve. This issue resets the pieces as we brace for the next dramatic ending. This series is a must-read each and every month. |
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The Walking Dead #102
Sep 22, 2012 |
Walking Dead is still coming down from its heart racing anniversary issue. This issue is probably going to shock some people, and perhaps not for the reasons you might guess. Rick has been a flawed, but strong hero for so long in this series and the question is open as to whether those days are over for him. This is a very good issue. |
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The Walking Dead #103
Oct 20, 2012 |
Walking Dead is at its best when the drama is built up over several issues and then everything falls apart at some point. This is in the beginning stages of the build up. It's a good read, a fast read, but the script isn't on par with many of the issues immediately preceding it. Negan is going to be a great villain and it looks like he will have more depth than I originally thought. It also appears he has some level of charisma to him. This was a good but far from great read. |
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The Walking Dead #104
Nov 17, 2012 |
Walking Dead is a good book. It has periods of greatness within issues and it has entire issues of greatness. This issue is the former. There are some amazing developments that took me by surprise in an otherwise average book. Either way, this book is better than just about everything else I read month after month. |
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The Walking Dead #105
Dec 15, 2012 |
Walking Dead is moving into uncharted territory. Negan is clearly not the Governor. He is a level of evil that is different from the Governor and he seems to hold importance on things that the Governor didn't seem to care about. However you look at it, this book is clearly unpredictable and can excel in single issues that don't even contain Rick. I can't emphasize enough how great this book is. |
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The Walking Dead #106
Jan 11, 2013 |
Walking Dead is changing. It's not good or bad but it is changing. Kirkman doesn't seem to be willing to spend panels and pages explaining decisions made or to be made by the characters. This makes the book move quickly but the spontaneity of the comic and the character's actions just doesn't seem to fit very well. I'm not sure where this is going but I can't wait to find out and that if that is how you keep readings coming back then the book is a winner. |
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The Walking Dead #107
Feb 15, 2013 |
Walking Dead is going into strange territory. It certainly appears that Rick and Negan will coexist for the long term with building tensions on both sides. It's not a bad thing but it certainly isn't nearly as neat and tidy as the twenty four issues that dealt with the Governor. Walking Dead continues to be one of the best books out there and this is definitely worth picking up. |
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The Walking Dead #108
Mar 16, 2013 |
Walking Dead is a great book. One of the very best. Some issues really connect and make you thankful you read this book in single issue format. Others feel like they are just part of a collection and really don't satisfy individually. This issue falls into the latter category. This is exactly what an average issue of Walking Dead looks like. It's still better than ninety percent of what I read. |
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The Walking Dead #109
Apr 12, 2013 |
I'm sure while reading this issue in trade format you won't even notice the slowness of it. However, as a single issue it definitely is a dialogue heavy comic that borders on boring. If you like character work and are for the expansion of the cast then I think there is a lot to like in here. Ultimately, the comic is an average Walking Dead book, but this positions the comic for good things down the road. |
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The Walking Dead #110
May 11, 2013 |
Walking Dead is consistently one of the best books each and every month. This issue is no different. There is tension and there is a lot drama, even if short lived. The book doesn't provide anything particularly memorable but it does entertain. There simply aren't enough comics that entertain month after month. |
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The Walking Dead #111
Jun 15, 2013 |
Negan is a great character. He makes this issue. Kirkman has managed to create yet another character from the ground floor and build them up into something special. Someday this guy is going to die and it will be sad. I'll enjoy him while I can. This is an issue to check out. |
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The Walking Dead #112
Jul 13, 2013 |
Negan steals the show yet again. He's got the personality that is completely unpredictable and it fits this book perfectly. Rick looks like he's met his match. The coming issues will be very interesting as Kirkman brings this book towards war. I highly recommend picking this up. |
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The Walking Dead #114
Sep 13, 2013 |
This is a great read. The action and the tension all come out in this issue. While this issue isn't quite war, it sure comes pretty close. This is a great comic to read. I'm not sure a new reader would be able to launch into this one but I recommend picking this one up if you were planning on jumping on board with the next issue. This will give you some relevant background. Check this comic out. It is among the best. |
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The Walking Dead #115
Oct 10, 2013 |
This comic book is a celebration. A dozen covers, 10 year anniversary label on the cover and the start of a series changing arc. The book is a mild start but it is hard to imagine the casual reader picking this issue up and not enjoying it enough to go and get the next one. Don't pass up this comic and don't be fooled by the slower start. |
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The Walking Dead #116
Nov 16, 2013 |
The war has started and Kirkman makes sure to not disappoint. There is no slow burn to this story. Nothing too bloody happens in this book but the cliffhanger certainly makes for an interesting setup for the next issue. The question is how high the body count is going to go. Great read. |
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The Walking Dead #117
Nov 28, 2013 |
All Out War is delivering a good story so far. This particular issue sets up some plot for the issues to come and the reader is meant to think that Rick is totally in control while Negan appears to be trapped. I am anxious to see what tricks Kirkman has to turn this around in Negan's favor. This is always a good read and this issue is no different. |
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The Walking Dead #118
Dec 13, 2013 |
Walking Dead is a fabulous book. The book is going through some changes. Perhaps even growing pains. This issue marks a shift in the storytelling technique and it makes for a very uneven and lackluster read. There is some action and some character development but not much else. Hopefully this issue is just a speed bump. |
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The Walking Dead #119
Jan 10, 2014 |
The artwork is the usual detailed and dramatic presentation. The story has a lot of characters that are in various states of mourning and the art captures that well. When the confrontations occur near the end the artwork adjusts appropriately. This art is very consistent and definitely enhances the story and helps the pace of the book. |
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The Walking Dead #120
Jan 25, 2014 |
"All Out War" continues to be epic in nature. There is no shortage of death and fighting in this comic book. While questions linger as a result of this issue they may play out in the remaining six issues of the story. This is a fast-paced and very good read. If you want war then you get war in this comic. |
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The Walking Dead #121
Feb 15, 2014 |
Walking Dead rolls on with another consistent issue. At this point it makes sense that this is a breather issue because it is the seventh in a twelve issue arc. The shining star in the issue is Negan and this seems to always be the case. It will be interesting to see how Rick raises morale to keep this fight going. Right now, he and his people sure looks defeated. |
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The Walking Dead #122
Mar 1, 2014 |
This was a good read. I think this one is better than the previous slower issue. This gives some deception, some tactic talk and some nice (potentially good-bye) conversations. Plus, you get a lot of Negan, which is a good thing. The All Out War seems to be moving to the final battle. It's not clear how the next four issues will play out but the tension is beginning to be felt. This is a good book to pick up. |
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The Walking Dead #123
Mar 15, 2014 |
The Walking Dead is throwing everything up against the wall in this arc. This particular issue seems to break away from the rest as the action appears to kick-in drive towards the conclusion. The cliffhanger is a good one as it seems to tease something a bit unthinkable. This is a very good read. It will be interesting to see what comes next as the prospect of three and a half issues of battles might be impossible to pull off. |
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The Walking Dead #124
Mar 29, 2014 |
The Walking Dead is in the middle of a strange arc for this book. It's a long arc, but one that is moving at a lightning pace. The comic book feels like an incomplete read in some ways, perhaps because the scenes seem to end without warning. The book's arc is also diminished because of Negan. The character simply overpowers anything else in the comic book and this is going to make for a painful reading experience if he does die at the end of this. As always, The Walking Dead sits atop the read list for the week. |
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The Walking Dead #125
Apr 12, 2014 |
Walking Dead is simply an unpredictable book. This issue is proof of that. The finale ships in two weeks and it's anyone's guess as to what happens. This is as good as it gets in comics. I'd check this issue out. |
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The Walking Dead #126
Apr 26, 2014 |
The war is over. The ending leaves open a lot of potential storylines. We'll see where this is all heading. I enjoyed the comic book but found an awful lot of lazy detailing in the story and the art. Kirkman has had many better single issues but this is still among the best on the stands. |
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The Walking Dead #127
May 17, 2014 |
Walking Dead is a great book. The old formula was to build up a storyline and then have the reader duped when they least expect it and kill off a bunch of characters. This issue pulls the rug away immediately by placing the reader ahead two years and giving them new characters to follow. This is a good read and it will be interesting to see where Kirkman takes all of this. I can't overstate that this is the issue to pick up if you are brand new to this series. |
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The Walking Dead #128
Jun 21, 2014 |
The Walking Dead is building up to the next blow-up so you need to sit tight through issues like this one. It's a decent read but nothing special. I'm sure while reading a trade paperback these pages would seem like opening pages but in single issues, they read like a throwaway issue unfortunately. One of the best books on the stands has an off issue here. It happens. |
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The Walking Dead #129
Jul 12, 2014 |
Walking Dead is a great, great comic book. Some issues are sacrificed to build up to some big payoff down the road. This issue feels like this is the small step before the big one. It's a good read but not a whole lot happens in it. An average Walking Dead comic book is still among the very best reads you can find. Definitely pick this up. |
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The Walking Dead #131
Sep 13, 2014 |
Walking Dead is one of the best comic books out there. If you are new to the book then just hang in there with these slower issues. Kirkman is trying to roll his cast out and it is taking some time to let the readers know them again. Hopefully things will pick up soon. A solid, but ordinary read. |
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The Walking Dead #132
Oct 4, 2014 |
Walking Dead is a great read. It presents a great group of characters as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse while dealing with the descent of their fellow man. However, you get down issues that generally build to something great. This issue marks the turns towards that upswing. This is a good comic book. |
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The Walking Dead #133
Oct 25, 2014 |
Walking Dead appears to have a new battle rising up. It will be interesting to see how Jesus deals with the new threat. The subplots do not do much for the comic but they may have a payoff down the road. This is a good read with some minor slips here and there. |
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The Walking Dead #134
Nov 15, 2014 |
Walking Dead needed this issue. This is the kind of issue that keeps you guessing as you turn the pages in a way that only this series can provide. I like that there were two sets of action in this book and it is a good reminder of why I like this series so much. If you are new to this series in the last couple of years then this might be the first taste you get of the confrontations that makes this comic a great read. |
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The Walking Dead #135
Dec 13, 2014 |
Walking Dead can be very hit or miss. This is an issue that has a lot of things bubbling over that weren't necessarily built up that way in the issues leading up. In short, I didn't see this coming and that is what makes this series a great one. I recommend checking this out. |
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The Walking Dead #136
Jan 17, 2015 |
Walking Dead is at its best when it uses the slower issues to build up the characters. Kirkman getting the reader to care about them is a key component to the shock when he kills them off. This issue manages to build up Carl, Lydia and Maggie. It's a good issue despite the lack of action. I recommend checking this issue out. |
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The Walking Dead #137
Feb 14, 2015 |
Walking Dead is one of the better comics on the stands today. There is rarely a bad issue. This comic moves two plots forward, one of them could be a game-changer. The book moves along at a good pace despite the lack of action. The comic book dives into some risky areas at the end and might shock the reader a little bit. Overall, this was an entertaining read as always. |
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The Walking Dead #138
Mar 14, 2015 |
Walking Dead is as strong a read as ever. As Kirkman builds out all of these various communities he seems to stick closely with the core characters. This seems to keep these issues more focused on characters that readers have come to believe matter. This helps build the drama and tension, even in issues where no one dies. This is a very good but is not new reader friendly. I recommend checking this out. |
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The Walking Dead #139
Mar 28, 2015 |
If you've been waiting for Michonne and Ezekiel then you finally have what you wanted. However, if you like some plot movement or even some resolution to plots that have been the focus for six months then you will be disappointed. I'm not thrilled that Kirkman has shifted focus without closing some of the other plots out but we'll see where this is headed. This is an average Walking Dead comic book but a comic book worth buying nonetheless. |
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The Walking Dead #140
Apr 11, 2015 |
The Walking Dead's strength is when the focus is on Maggie and her community. Kirkman has done a solid job of creating a couple of plots that are working against Maggie and putting her in a couple of potential no-win scenarios. This comic also provides glimpses into each of the plots, but not in a clunky way. This is a very good read with a nice bang at the end to keep you wanting more. I recommend checking this out. |
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The Walking Dead #141
May 16, 2015 |
The Walking Dead seems to be hitting its stride with the plots that have been building for some time now. This issue brings Rick and Negan face to face, which has been waiting in the wings since the end of the war. The comic throws a nice twist at the end to bring the reader back for more next month. These kinds of issues are what make The Walking Dead such a great read issue after issue. The tension, drama and confrontation are all seat-of-the-pants kind of moments that Kirkman and Adlard excel at. This was a very good read. |
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The Walking Dead #142
Jun 13, 2015 |
"The Walking Dead" is the best comic book I read month after month. This issue is about as average as it gets. With some clunky dialogue, low points in the plot threads and limited drama or action you don't have a whole lot of entertainment in this individual issue. Hopefully, things will pick back up next issue. This is a very average comic book. |
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The Walking Dead #143
Jun 27, 2015 |
"Walking Dead" is driving towards a big issue. This is still just setting things up for that big issue but there is a nice cliffhanger to keep the reader coming back for more. The book struggles in some of the dialogue as it appears Kirkman allows for the characters to make assumptions that leave the reader to decide how they arrived at them. The comic book packs in some drama but doesn't put the reader on the edge of their seat. This is a good read, but an average "Walking Dead" read. Give it a look. |
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The Walking Dead #144
Jul 11, 2015 |
"The Walking Dead" works because the comic book builds over time to shocking issues like this one. This book is a read that builds up the tension within this issue to get to the huge reveal at the comic's end. The artwork excels at providing the visual shock for the end, but also provides a fantastic spread of the zombie super-herd in the beginning. This is a fun read. It's a game-changer and I highly recommend picking it up. |
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The Walking Dead #145
Aug 15, 2015 |
"The Walking Dead" provides a dramatic issue as the core characters deal with the fallout of their loved ones being murdered by a neighboring community. They try to deal with their grief while determining their next steps. The artwork provides a stunning visual story in this issue as the tension builds throughout the comic. This is one of the better issues in the series in a while. This is what is best about this comic book. |
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The Walking Dead #146
Sep 12, 2015 |
"Walking Dead" provides an issue that features a battle between Maggie and Rick as the overall leadership of the group seems to hang in the balance. The comic uses silent pages to open the book and provide a somber memorial for those that have fallen. The emotional impact isn't as big as it could be because so many of the these characters were under developed. The comic feels like an issue that is too long for the story that Kirkman is telling: who is fit to lead. I recommend checking this out but this isn't as strong of an issue as this series generally churns out. |
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The Walking Dead #147
Oct 17, 2015 |
"The Walking Dead" provides an issue where Rick and Michonne reveal their darkest feelings to each other. This probably isn't the best issue to ship the same week as the premier of the TV show because it isn't new reader friendly. However, for the long time reader you will find some important moments that probably have needed to happen for years. The comic moves the plot forward a little with the tension between Rick and the town people that want action against Lydia's mom and her people. The artwork delivers extremely well for an issue that's absent action. Overall, this is worth a read but the new readers might not find the emotional punch that the issue packs that the seasoned reader will find. I recommend this comic book. |
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The Walking Dead #148
Nov 15, 2015 |
"Walking Dead" provides another engaging, but fairly tame read. This comic has a big fight as Rick communicates his non-action plan for dealing with Alpha. The book does a good job at putting Rick's feet to the fire, but doesn't execute the fight all that well as it resembled an old school wrestling battle royale. The artwork does a pretty good job at keeping the pace up. Overall, this is a decent read. |
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The Walking Dead #149
Dec 12, 2015 |
"The Walking Dead" finally brings Negan to the center of attention in this issue. Rick seeks some advice from everyone's favorite inmate and the pair doesn't disappoint with some heated and tense dialogue. The rest of the issue has some tame subplots and some odd decision making from the characters to bring the read down to Earth. Overall, the comic is a solid, but average read. It will be interesting to see what the anniversary issue has in store for the readers next month. |
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The Walking Dead #150
Jan 16, 2016 |
"The Walking Dead" hits its big anniversary issue with a bit of a turning point in the story line. Rick reveals his plan to arm and train a dedicated army. However, Rick is attacked in the issue that leads to a very bloody and gruesome fight. This may not be highest level or suspense this comic book has seen, but the images are very memorable. This is a good read and seems to move the overall story along quite a bit. I recommend checking this, over-sized, three dollar comic. |
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The Walking Dead #151
Feb 6, 2016 |
"Walking Dead" provides an exciting opening to this issue. The group are training with zombies when things get out of hand. The remainder of the issue is much slower as Rick gathers information and has conversations with various characters. The comic struggles with the larger cast, especially when it tries to bring the other communities into the mix. Without the deep character looks that Kirkman previously provided, each of these characters, outside of the core few, feel so generic. This has been a problem with the series for a number of years now and the problem is beginning to multiple with each individual issue. The artwork is very strong, especially with the heavy action in the beginning of the book. I recommend checking this out, but this is as average an issue of "Walking Dead" that you will find. |
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The Witching Hour (2013) | 1 issues |
The Witching Hour (2013) #1
Oct 5, 2013 |
There you have it: nine, eight page stories for eight bucks. Some are great ones while most are average. The comic is a good read that will leave you satisfied but it probably isn't the kind of comic book you will read over and over again. Check it out if you have a light list some week. |
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Thief of Thieves | 1 issues |
Thief of Thieves #1
Feb 10, 2012 |
This book is clearly going to be carried based on the weight of the creator's names. Will the book take off? Possibly. This could easily be the kind of the book that you will kick yourself for not picking up the first issues down the road, but nothing about the first issue gets me excited for the second issue. It's also worth noting that the book contains twenty pages of story as it appears Image is following DC and Marvel's lead to drop the page count down. This is a very average comic book. |
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This Damned Band | 1 issues |
This Damned Band #1
Aug 8, 2015 |
"This Damned Band" is a comic book that follows a 1970s band through their documentary. The band has a stage persona and a completely different one when the cameras are off. The comic book stumbles when trying to provide distinct character voices but excels with the artwork. A comic book that has this many good ideas in it shouldn't be this difficult to get into and I felt this was because of the bland characterizations. This is one to check out but probably is going to cater to fans of the creators or readers that are into the rock band genre. Give this a look. |
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Thor (2014) | 1 issues |
Thor (2014) #1
Oct 4, 2014 |
Thor is clearly not a gimmick comic book. Jason Aaron is in another phase of his longer story. With that I'm not sure a new reader can come into this and pick up all the strands immediately. However, the readers that have already been on board with Aaron's story will find the subplots just as interesting as the new hammer wielder. I recommend checking this out. |
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Thor (2014) Annual | 1 issues |
Thor (2014) Annual #1
Feb 28, 2015 |
The Thor Annual is a fun read. It's a dense read with three ten-page stories, but doesn't warrant the five-dollar price tag. The talent in the comic all bring their A-game in providing good stories and visuals. The book may not fold into continuity neatly but they all seem to have a place in the Thor lore. This is a great book to pick up. |
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Thor: God of Thunder | 8 issues |
Thor: God of Thunder #1
Nov 17, 2012 |
The latest version of Thor has some good points but isn't something I am completely ready to commit to. Perhaps I just don't see Thor as a capable detective or perhaps I don't believe that a God killer could hunt down Gods around Thor for so long a period of time without taking the big guy out. Overall, I liked the book but didn't really fall head over heels for it. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #12
Aug 29, 2013 |
Thor is coming off a long eleven issue story so it is nice to get a change in gears. While elements of that story are referenced here they are not essential to enjoy this comic. This is a terrific story that brings in old and new characters and helps to push Thor into the next phase of his story. This is worth checking out. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #14
Oct 11, 2013 |
Thor is a fantastic read. Aaron is taking this book in a direction that allows him to tell grand tales that occur on the fringes of the Marvel Universe and that is a welcome shift from the Avengers stories. This issue brings together more characters to take on Malekith but it doesn't resolve the arc. This is going to be a fun arc to read and I can't wait for the next three issues to come out. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #16
Dec 21, 2013 |
Thor continues to be a good read each time out. Aaron has followed up his first round of epic stories with another arc that is building into something special. With the finale coming in the next issue we will see if Aaron can stick the landing as he did at the end of the Godbomb arc. This is a good comic book and one I recommend. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #17
Jan 16, 2014 |
The arc is a great one. It isn't the best of Jason Aaron's run but this finale is on par with any finale of his previous Thor arcs. The comic has everything in it to tug the reader in one direction or another and that is a big plus while reading this comic book. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #18
Feb 1, 2014 |
Thor is a great book under Jason Aaron. This is the kind of issue that any reader can pick up and get an idea of how Aaron approaches the character. Thor is a deep character despite the surface view of fighting, drinking and womanizing and Aaron tackles those themes well throughout the series. This is a very example of that. This is a good read and I definitely recommend it. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #20
Mar 22, 2014 |
Thor is a fantastic read. It's been the steadiest reads all along and it seems to only be getting better. This issue brings together two, seemingly, unrelated plots. It looks to be a classic arc in the making. I wonder what Jack Kirby would say if he read this one. |
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Thor: God of Thunder #25
Sep 20, 2014 |
Thor ends without his hammer. We all know whom will pick it up come October. It will be interesting to see how the three Thors mix into the coming series. This particular issue stands out because of the focus on the granddaughters and the origin of one of the main villains in the volume. This was a fun read but slightly overpriced. |
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Thors | 2 issues |
Thors #1
Jun 20, 2015 |
"Thors" is a crime comic book. This is not for every reader out there. However, those that like the genre and don't mind a toned down version of crime-drama stories then this issue is a great book to pick up. The comic has great artwork that helps to keep the book dramatic while delivering well on the few action scenes that are in the story. This is a very good comic to pick up this week. The cliffhanger is sure to keep the Thor fans coming back for the next issue. I recommend this comic. |
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Thors #2
Aug 1, 2015 |
Thors is a decent read. The comic follows a bunch of Thors that are following a trail of bodies. This comic has a fight between two Thors, another dead body and a funeral to kick it all off. There isn't much in here that will make you think about the case of the various dead people and it appears the book will resolve the plot with the Thors just happening onto the murderer. This is an okay read but by no means a crime book as the first issue suggested. Give it a shot, if for nothing else the stellar artwork. |
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Three | 1 issues |
Three #1
Oct 11, 2013 |
This was a tough first issue. I had high expectations and really wanted to love this book but it just didn't happen. The characters don't really show any interesting promise and the painting of the Spartans as villains feels too forced. When you read a comic and find yourself hoping that they all die then you probably aren't the reader this book is trying to reach. |
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Time Bomb | 3 issues |
Time Bomb #1
Jul 30, 2010 |
I enjoyed the first issue of this oversized mini series. I can't wait for the next issue as we get to the heart of the mission and get to know the characters a little more. This is a comic book that any science fiction, conspiracy or fan of World War II books should check out. This is an excellent start to a mini series. |
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Time Bomb #2
Sep 18, 2010 |
Time travel is complicated. Especially when you mess around with past events like this story is doing. However, this comic shows the complexity without trying to explain everything to the point that only a scientist can understand. Instead, the story focuses on the adventure portion of the story and layers the plot in a thick manner to keep the reader off balance. I'm sure there is a lot to come in the finale and I can't wait. I can't recommend this comic much more. |
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Time Bomb #3
Dec 18, 2010 |
Time Bomb is a fun series that plays with time travel without trying to explain the science behind it. Interestingly enough the time travel isn't even the biggest piece of science fiction in the comic book. Proving out that this comic gives a lot to enjoy in the three issues. If some of the characters survive I wonder if there could be a sequel in the works. The last page makes me hopeful that there will be one. This is worth checking out. |
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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth | 1 issues |
Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #2
Feb 2, 2013 |
I love finding comics that are completely different and this falls directly into that category. It's an insane premise with oddities all over the place, but it's intelligently put together and is heavily entertaining. The entire comic book is extremely entertaining and I simply can't wait to see what happens next. Don't let this pass under your radar. |
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Tokyo Ghost | 1 issues |
Tokyo Ghost #1
Sep 19, 2015 |
"Tokyo Ghost" is a love story of a woman trying to pull her boyfriend out of an electronics addiction. The story is packed with action and the love story aspect is really only part of the narration until it takes center stage over the final two pages. The comic is gorgeous as the artwork presents an amazing story that is detailed, imaginative and lively. This is a comic book to check out and keep an eye on. It has "smash hit" written all over it. |
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Transformers: Combiner Hunters (One-Shot) | 1 issues |
Transformers: Combiner Hunters (One-Shot) #1
Aug 1, 2015 |
"Transformers: Combiner Hunters" is a one-shot that seems to cater to the readers of the main Transformers title. This issue introduces a new Combiner and gives some focused time on three of the female characters. The plot and execution leave a little to be desired but the comic is an okay enough read. The artwork helps to keep the pace up in this book and presents a nice story. Overall, this is a decent book but not an essential one unless you are tracking first appearances. |
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Transformers: Dark Cybertron | 1 issues |
Transformers: Dark Cybertron #1
Nov 9, 2013 |
Dark Cybertron pushes the cast forward into the beginning of this story. Not a ton happens beyond getting the characters together and making them discover the mystery that will lead to the threat. The characterizations seem watered down for the larger audience but that should only affect the diehard reader. This is worth checking out. |
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye | 5 issues |
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #13
Feb 9, 2013 |
This comic book simply isn't like the others. The plot is paper thin, the comic book seems to only exist because Roberts wanted to play with a small group of Transformer castoffs. However, the book is very entertaining and very deep. As if the comic story itself isn't enough, the comic contains a four page essay as a supplement to the story! What more could you be looking for? However, if you like your comics to be read in five minutes with a lot of explosions then move on. If you take the risk on this book I suggest you settle in for a very entertaining and different kind of comic book that will take you north of twenty minutes to plow through. If different is your thing then pick this up. It's the perfect jumping on point. |
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #22
Oct 18, 2013 |
I realize for a lot of readers they might pick up this book and look at it and think, "this looks like a homework assignment." It's a long read and doesn't have any of action you are probably expecting. However, if you like to settle in and read a deep character book that is bringing personalities to robots in ways I never thought possible I would pick this issue up. |
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #36
Dec 25, 2014 |
Transformers is a franchise that simply not everyone can get into. There are a lot of comics and it's a confusing place to be continuity-wise as well as concept-wise. However, this particular series is about characters. It's probably the very best character-driven comic book I've come across in the past five years, maybe even ten. This issue begins a new arc. It appears to be a decent jump-on point. If you have any interest at all in comics that are driven by characters in a deep and meaningful way then I recommend checking this out. Forget that they are robots. |
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #38
Mar 7, 2015 |
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye may be the best and most comprehensive read month in and month out. Each issue seems to provide a new wrinkle in the larger story and provide a nice cliffhanger to bring the reader back for more next month while telling a dense and entertaining read. This specific issue ends a major arc and provides payoffs from the very first issue. However, this type of comic is a victim of its own success as it had me wondering, "that's it?" A great comic book that seems a little too straight-forward for what's come before in this series. Still, this is a can't miss comic book in a can't miss series. |
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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #45
Oct 3, 2015 |
"Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye" takes a break from the longer narrative and tells a story about the five Decepticons that call themselves, "The Scavengers." The comic book is a character driven story with a lot of dialogue and not a lot of action. However, the comic book explores a number of interesting themes about soldiers returning home from war and the morality of selling off a prisoner. The book breaks up the dialogue with a number of funny moments that help to display the character's personalities. The comic book hatches an interesting plot by the end that provides quite a cliffhanger. The comic is one of the best out there today and this is a good opportunity to check out an issue that is removed from the long story. I highly recommend this comic book. |
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Transformers: Punishment (One-Shot) | 1 issues |
Transformers: Punishment (One-Shot) #1
Jan 24, 2015 |
This one-shot will probably slip under a lot of people's radars. Unless you pick up everything Transformers related you might not even realize this exists. This is a great story that explores a darker side to war and does so without compromising continuity, but allows for this to be revisited in one or more of the ongoing series. This is an excellent comic. |
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Transformers: Regeneration One | 2 issues |
Transformers: Regeneration One #83
Sep 8, 2012 |
I missed the first two issues and was a little apprehensive dropping in on the middle of an arc but I loved it and I found myself picking up right from the start. If you have any interest in following the classic Transformers then I urge you to try this out. It looks to be a slow building story but Furman is building something special here so you might not want to miss out on it. |
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Transformers: Regeneration One #100
Mar 23, 2014 |
Furman wraps up his run on Tranformers that he began some twenty-five years ago. The evolution of his storytelling is quite impressive. The finale uses some very complicated ideas to get across a simple point. Just because a story ends it doesn't mean that the imagination can't take the characters and their stories even further. Whether it's another comic, a book, a movie or a short story, people and their ideas will always find a way to push the ball ahead. The goal line that Furman leaves the ball here is a good one and feels like the ending the book should have had but didn't get the chance all those years ago. I recommend checking this out and going back re-reading Furman's fifty issue run from Marvel to IDW. |
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Trees | 1 issues |
Trees #1
May 31, 2014 |
Trees is a fantastic start to what looks to be a promising series. Ellis doesn't really provide any single character to focus on. Instead he introduces the set-up of the world ten years down the road after the invasions begins. He's selling the idea before giving you someone to potentially back as a character and it works well in this issue's execution. Warren Ellis books can definitely drift into some difficult storytelling but this one is very straightforward but brings big ideas to the table. I recommend checking this comic out. |
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Trillium | 1 issues |
Trillium #5
Dec 7, 2013 |
Trillium is mostly a fun ride. The characters seem to have spent a few issues feeling each other out with little plot movement occurring. It's made for a frustrating read at times but this issue clicks in several spots. What appears to be a gimmick is really a better way of telling two distinct stories without separating them into two issues or two stories within the issue. I liked this comic and recommend checking it out. |
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Trinity of Sin: Pandora | 1 issues |
Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1
Jul 4, 2013 |
Who knows how relevant this comic might become once the crossover kicks off. It could end up being the cornerstone of the whole thing if there are hidden gems in it. However, on the surface it seems like a decent little story to present a character's background. It's fine. Nothing more than that. |
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Uber | 1 issues |
Uber #0
Apr 6, 2013 |
For four bucks you can't go wrong. You get over forty pages of an entertaining twist tacked on to the end of the European theater in World War II. The book isn't a knock off of Captain America or other super powered beings set during the time period. This is more of the kind of book that highlights the dark regions of mankind's capabilities to harm others. It's a good start to what looks like an interesting series. |
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Umbral | 1 issues |
Umbral #1
Nov 16, 2013 |
Umbral is a book that is full of surprises. The book appears to have a much larger plot that has yet to unfold but this is a pretty good introduction to the characters and the first initial problem. I liked the book and I think this is something to pick up and give it a try. I am interested to see where all of this is heading. |
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Uncanny Avengers | 11 issues |
Uncanny Avengers #1
Oct 12, 2012 |
Uncanny Avengers seems like it is going to be a sprawling epic on the par with Fear Agent or Uncanny X-Force. You would be simply crazy to miss the opening issue to this book. You might find the story to be a little slow or light on the action, but based on past history this issue will only look average until the subsequent issues piece together the bigger, more layered story. I recommend this book to anyone who likes epics. Get yourself ready. |
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Uncanny Avengers #2
Nov 30, 2012 |
The flagship book for Marvel Now! is still in the building up stages. This issue provides a terrific cliffhanger to an otherwise slow building story. While we are getting to know some of the characters in this issue we are doing so at perhaps too slow a pace. Maybe if Remender had thrown in some sort of evil concoction that he is known for that would have distracted me enough to get through the slower plot elements. This is still a worthwhile title to pick up, but this issue is definitely still in the world-building stages. |
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Uncanny Avengers #3
Jan 25, 2013 |
Uncanny Avengers is still picking up steam. Remender lets Red Skull win the day with some prisoners in this issue as things are going to heat up from here on out. The book has a lot to like but just isn't enough to stand out from the crowd just yet. Remender is still world building but this book is one to watch. |
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Uncanny Avengers #4
Mar 1, 2013 |
Remender is a different kind of talent. He brings grittiness to his books but he also brings a lot of "strange". This comic book doesn't have enough of the strange in it for my tastes and there seems to have been ample opportunity for it. I can't decide if this book is going to grow out, like Franken-Castle, into something totally new or just stick to more standard team elements. While I'm sure a lot of readers would be very happy without more Franken-Castle-like stories, I expect them from Remender. We'll see. |
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Uncanny Avengers #5
Mar 30, 2013 |
If you are looking to jump on to this title then this is the perfect issue to do so. Knowing Remender's previous works his story will probably take off in multiple directions from here and this may be the last, best point to get onto that ride. I enjoyed the comic and it seems like the start of a good arc and a good base for future character situations. I recommend checking this comic out. |
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Uncanny Avengers #6
Apr 13, 2013 |
Without the cover you would never know this wasn't a Thor book. I'm not sure where Remender is going with all of this but it is clear that some of these elements are going to have a long tail in books and arcs to come. While the book might feel like a complete shift in what's come before I believe it to be a welcome one. Remender is still trying to sort out the team and their interactions and it is nice to see a good long look at one character for an issue. However, I can see some disappointment if you aren't a Thor fan. I enjoyed this book and I hope to see more of this from this series. I recommend picking this one up. |
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Uncanny Avengers #7
Apr 26, 2013 |
Uncanny Avengers should be a great book. It seems like the better move would have been to form the team simply to deal with the threat rather than forming the team and then having a threat appear. The cast is so large and the problems are so deep it just doesn't make sense that they would stick around. The churning of the character's problems with each other comes at the expense of developing the villains further. Page and panel space is precious and too much is spent by the team trying to figure out why so-and-so is in charge or why so-and-so is asking so-and-so to do this or that. Hopefully next issue will get back to Remender's roots, which are oddness and science fiction. The character growth will come along during the process. |
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Uncanny Avengers #8
May 11, 2013 |
Uncanny Avengers has a tremendous long story. Each issue inches things forward. Sure it's tough to simply jump on but many of the best books are that way. The cast is large and perhaps that is the issue with the character depictions. Perhaps the obscure characters involved are dragging the lot down. Whatever the reason the book just doesn't have the same emotional entanglements that Uncanny X-Force had. It's not fair to compare the books but it is also impossible not to. |
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Uncanny Avengers #9
Jun 22, 2013 |
Uncanny Avengers is not Uncanny X-Force. The theme that traced throughout that series was powerful and obvious. Uncanny Avengers doesn't have that kind of theme. Instead it's a book that questions whether two groups of people can work together. All of this occurs and I didn't even touch on the villain's activities and believe me, there are plenty (Four Horseman anyone?). Check out the comic and see if you like something different from other super-hero books out there. |
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Uncanny Avengers #10
Jul 26, 2013 |
This book is taking some time to reach an epic level but it is making its way there. One thing is for certain and that is that we are at a madness level in terms of tearing the team apart. That's what I've been waiting to see and we are getting it. This is a highly entertaining read and I hope this level of storytelling persists. I have no reason to doubt it. |
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Uncanny Avengers #11
Aug 29, 2013 |
Remender's Uncanny Avengers is not Remender's Uncanny X-Force. I know the comparisons are made and this is an epic story but it is a very different one. This one focuses a lot on how the characters view the mutant/human debate whereas the X-Force theme was clearly about how character's deal with the consequences of their actions and how they react to the potential scope of a problem rather than the actual scope of a problem. Still, this is a book that isn't a dime a dozen and it is worth a look. The deeper this book goes the harder it will be to follow. I suggest jumping on now, especially with the ending of this issue basically setting the direction for the issues to come. I recommend checking this out. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) | 7 issues |
Uncanny X-Force (2010) #10
May 21, 2011 |
If you are looking to get into this series then this is a great issue to jump in on. It's the beginning of an arc and you get two issues for the four dollar entry fee. Overall I was very entertained by this book and I am finding this series to be one of Marvel's most consistent books with each read. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #17
Nov 13, 2011 |
Thank God this book contains a long recap page because I needed it. This book is gearing up to finishing off a story that has been going on for over a year. It's giving some of the payoff in this issue, which is a good thing. However, I wonder if this is rushing it too much? I guess we will find out next issue. This book is a great read as long as you have kept up throughout. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #19.1
Jan 7, 2012 |
Uncanny X-Force is among the best books out there today. If you want to jump on to this series then this is simply not the issue to start with. However, if you think you might want to read Age of Apocalypse then this is a must-read issue. Remender tells an interesting story but it just doesn't hit the right tempo with this cast. Tan provides solid art but it feels like it was washed away in post-production. Despite the three dollar price tag instead of four, this issue is something that can be skipped. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #20
Jan 20, 2012 |
Uncanny X-Force is building a second epic story and Remender is bringing a heavy story with the opening issue. This book isn't just one of the best X-Men books or super hero books, but it is also one of the best science-fiction and big idea books out there now. I definitely recommend checking this out. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #30
Aug 31, 2012 |
If you haven't read Uncanny X-Force and you happen across this one you should pick up. Then after you've read it, you should go back read the previous issues. They make this issue better than it already is, which is something that's entertaining while setting up more payoffs down the road. You know you have a special comic book when Wolverine and the others don't even appear in the book and it's as good as any other single issue in the series. This is another terrific issue in a fantastic saga of a series. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #34
Nov 23, 2012 |
Uncanny X-Force is something that comes along far too infrequently. This isn't a payoff issue as much as it's a final look at the simply theme with complex layers that Remender has been exploring. The only question now is how does the final issue (#35) possibly top this. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #35
Dec 21, 2012 |
Uncanny X-Force is one of the best series I've read in recent years. This issue is very calm and hits on the portions of the story that occurred ten or fifteen issues ago. This might not be ideal for someone that came in for the most recent arc, but it helps to hold together the theme of this issue: relationships. Amazingly, this book has a happy ending. Then again, if you viewed this book as a love story then it makes sense. This was a bittersweet ending to a terrific book. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) | 3 issues |
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #523
Apr 10, 2010 |
The second chapter might not be as good as the opening one but its close. We have some Cable and Hope growth, some more master manipulations from the bad guys, Cyclops is being called on to the carpet because of X-Force and we get a big shootout at the end. The comic has everything you could ask for in story. It's definitely worth checking out and it may just hook you in for the fourteen chapter crossover. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #524
May 8, 2010 |
A serviceable issue is not what I would have wanted for the Nightcrawler send off. Yes, some people might find Wolverine's characterization to be in line perfectly, but it was a miss for me. The issue itself never elevated to a serious funeral issue and was a breather from the regular crossover. I was disappointed with this issue. Perhaps you were not. More power to you. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #525
Jun 13, 2010 |
The latest from Second Coming throws in a good issue. It doesn't really bring anything new in terms of plot or even a movement towards a resolution. However, it has some decent elements in it making it an entertaining read. This issue stands out as one of the better ones in this crossover, but it still hardly leaning on the memorable side of things. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2013) | 4 issues |
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1
Feb 16, 2013 |
Bendis is off to a great start at what appears to be a very isolated look at one or two characters and their relationships within the X-Men. This doesn't appear to be a team book and I am relieved to see that this book is going to focus on one primary storyline for a while. This is a good start to the re-launch. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #2
Mar 3, 2013 |
I'm glad one of the X books has finally gotten around to Scott and Emma having a heart to heart. There probably is room for more of these types of conversations, but there seems to be a level setting in this issue to satisfy things for a while. The book is still in the character set up mode as no real threat is presented, even the good cliffhanger. It will be interesting to see where this title heads next. If it keeps shipping every other week it seems like we will have the clear direction sooner rather than later. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #23
Jul 19, 2014 |
Perhaps the reading of the will is in some way related to the memory-bomb that was unleashed in the main Original Sin storyline. I think that is a reach but there must be some connection to the event. In any case, this comic book has a couple of interesting ideas but doesn't get down to the reading of the will. Based on this issue's flub in terms of what the cover has on it versus what is in the comic book I can't see myself taking a chance on this comic a second time. Proceed with caution. I am sure there are much better X-Men books out there. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600
Nov 7, 2015 |
The finale of the Bendis run on the X-Men concludes in this over-sized issue of "Uncanny X-Men" with no resolution to any sort of story as far as I can tell. This comic doesn't read as an ending or an epilogue. It reads like an incomplete series of dramatic conversations. I'm not sure what the hype was all about for this comic or why the issue was so badly delayed, presumably, for Secret Wars, but this is a poor comic book. At six dollars you get a black and white comic in the back by Mary Jo Duffy and George Perez that might have some minor appeal but this overall comic book is a dud. I can't recommend this comic book at all. |
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Undertow | 1 issues |
Undertow #1
Feb 22, 2014 |
Undertow is a politically charged science-fiction book. It uses a lot of real-life components but puts them in a new setting. The comic features two characters, one of which is a very grisly and interesting one. The book has a lot of potential but it is clear this issue is meant to simply begin the long story rather than shock and awe the reader. This is the ground floor to something that will probably have a bigger payoff down the road. |
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Veil | 1 issues |
Veil #1
Mar 8, 2014 |
Veil is one of those opening issues that is simply the first chapter of a collection. First issues are difficult enough to start off with a bang but when it's a finite story then it generally can't provide the story to give you a satisfactory single issue. That's why you have to gut it out and hope the payoff comes by the end of the arc or mini. The artwork is certainly enough to draw any reader back for a second issue and Rucka obviously is a name that brings a lot of success along for the ride. That should be enough to pick up this book even if the first issue isn't quite a compelling read by itself. |
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Velvet | 1 issues |
Velvet #1
Oct 24, 2013 |
Velvet looks to be another hit for Brubaker and Epting. It will be interesting to see the depth to this story as the first issue is mostly world-building with a ton of back matter to round out the reading experience. This is a comic book to pick. |
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Venom (2011) | 1 issues |
Venom (2011) #13
Feb 4, 2012 |
This Venom crossover looks like it is going to be very entertaining as Remender throws a bunch of random characters together against a motely cast of villains where Hell on Earth is the potential outcome. It helps that the book is going to be a weekly affair and that each future installment is only $3 and that they use a wide range of creators. This book may not be on everyone's radar but after I read this issue I find myself totally onboard with this pseudo-crossover. |
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War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath | 1 issues |
War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #2
Aug 14, 2011 |
These are the kinds of issues I have missed in the Green Lantern line for it seems like months. The contents of this issue reminded me that not every issue has to have some super threat or major villain to be a good read. If you like your Green Lantern Corps to explore emotional conflicts between each other than this issue is a good one to pick up. |
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Wayward | 1 issues |
Wayward #1
Aug 30, 2014 |
Wayward is the kind of fish-out-of-water comic book that puts a character in a strange land and confronts them with strange things. In that vain it would have made more sense that she couldn't speak Japanese but there may be a reason for that to be revealed later. This book has an all-ages feel but seems to be more directed at the teenaged reader. It's a good comic but not one that I can see myself sticking with unless the story takes some unexpected turns. |
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We Are Robin | 1 issues |
We Are Robin #1
Jun 27, 2015 |
"We Are Robin" is a good start to the idea that there is an army of Robins running around Gotham. This particular issue takes a long look at Duke Thomas as it gives us a day in the life of. The character has some charm to him but the components that he's dealing with feel very clichd. Overall, the art boosts the reading experience and helps to keep the pace up. This is a decent comic book to take a look at but no real plot appears to be launched. Give it a try. |
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We Stand On Guard | 2 issues |
We Stand On Guard #1
Jul 4, 2015 |
"We Stand On Guard" has all the makings of a classic series. The opening issue stays away from politics and heavy dialogue and sticks to a few characters and their perspective on the United States invading Canada. The comic book opens with a powerful sequence and ends with a thrilling string of events. At forty pages you get plenty of comic book for your money and all of it is highly entertaining. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of what looks to be something special. I highly recommend checking this comic book out. |
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We Stand On Guard #2
Aug 8, 2015 |
"We Stand On Guard" continues its fast paced story with the second issue. The tension is still high as the Two-Four do not trust Amber. However, the Two-Four have bigger problems knocking on their doorstep as more of the plot begins to hatch. The artwork continues to be a huge draw to this comic book as this might be the best looking comic book of the year. The details are some of the finest I've seen in a long time. This is an impressive comic book in many ways. I recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Weirdworld | 1 issues |
Weirdworld #1
Jun 13, 2015 |
If you are enjoying Jason Aaron's take on Thor then you will enjoy this comic. In fact, this could easily be a Thor story or a forgotten story arc, which may be part of the problem with this getting a perfect score because Aaron writes Arkon much like he writes one of his Thor characters. The comic is a very good introduction to the strange world and the lead character. There isn't much of a plot for the larger arc, but the lead villain is revealed at the end. The comic is backed up with powerfully, but different, artwork by Del Mundo. Overall, this was a well-written, beautifully drawn, fun comic book. If you like Conan then you will enjoy this. I recommend checking this out. |
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Where Monsters Dwell | 1 issues |
Where Monsters Dwell #1
May 30, 2015 |
Where Monsters Dwell may not be on your list this week. It's not one of the marquee comics, but does come with some heavy hitter creators. The comic is a very good one that stays away from Secret Wars as much as possible but links it to those events enough so that it can fit in with the event. Ennis delivers a character-driven story that has plenty of personality, while Braun delivers details and lively artwork that captures the emotions perfectly. This is a comic book that is worth checking out for those curious about what it's all about. Those looking to complete the read for Secret Wars then this comic doesn't appear to be essential reading. I recommend the book regardless. |
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Who Is Jake Ellis? | 2 issues |
Who Is Jake Ellis? #1
Jan 8, 2011 |
Having heard about this mini series months ago I have been looking forward to picking this issue up. I can't say I was blown away by the issue but I was very impressed with the introduction of the series' gimmick and the main characters. I am hoping this mini series has a story that will take the reader on a wild ride. This issue just didn't deliver that level of story. However, I'm on board for the next one and I think that's a good thing for an introductory issue to do: bring the reader back for more. |
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Who Is Jake Ellis? #5
Oct 15, 2011 |
I'm not sure I plan to pick up the next mini-series for this character. I believe this issue was compromised solely to prolong the franchise, which is a shame. It just seems like this issue was supposed to the payoff but essentially ends like the Wizard of Oz where there is just some little guy behind the curtain. I liked the series and plan to re-read it but the conclusion left something to be desired based on the level of storytelling in the first four issues. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) | 1 issues |
Winter Soldier (2012) #1
Feb 3, 2012 |
I liked this book but didn't fall in love with it. Mostly because I felt like too much of this story had been told in a similar flavor in the pages of Captain America. Sure, the details are different but for the most part I felt like I had already read this book. This doesn't mean it isn't a good work because it is. I am also sure that this book will take twists that previous arcs never took which is what you come to expect from Brubaker. I think if you enjoyed Brubaker's stories of Bucky before and you like spy stories then this is the book for you. |
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Winter Soldier: The Bitter March | 1 issues |
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1
Feb 15, 2014 |
It's not often that a first issue takes the premise of the book and turns it into a mystery with different characters other than the lead running the show throughout the book. This is a great way to approach the Winter Soldier and Remender brings together a complete and terrific read to start things off. This is definitely a book to get in on now before it takes off and you are left playing catch-up. |
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Winterworld | 1 issues |
Winterworld #1
Jun 21, 2014 |
Winterworld is a good comic book. It has a fast pace, it provides enough character work to introduce them to the reader and it gives enough of a plot to get a reader vested in their fates. The pair has good chemistry, which is key to a book like this and the writing feels normal but with a touch of realism that you might not except to find in this type of gloomy story. I definitely recommend checking this comic book out. |
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Wolverine (2010) | 4 issues |
Wolverine (2010) #17
Oct 21, 2011 |
Wolverine seems like the kind of title that is tough to get into. The character is all over the place in the Marvel Universe but Aaron seems to really keep him contained in his own little world really well without ignoring all the other appearances he makes. This book actually is a good jumping on point as far as I can tell. You might not find Kung-Fu to be your thing but there are still enough Wolverine moments in here to keep the hardcore Wolverine fans pleased I would think. I definitely recommend picking this book up. |
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Wolverine (2010) #18
Nov 13, 2011 |
Wolverine is a character that simply covers way too many bases. When dealing with Kung-Fu you could make the case that this is completely pushing the envelope much too much. However, this book works because Aaron knows how to take something absurd and poke fun at it himself as he tells his twist on the story. I am enjoying this arc and I definitely recommend picking this up if you aren't into having your Wolverine all serious all the time. |
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Wolverine (2010) #19
Dec 3, 2011 |
Wolverine with dragons, beer and a sack full of cash isn't the typical Wolverine story but I liked it. It isn't the most memorable arc but it does provide a nice bridge from the west coast Wolverine to the east coast Wolverine. I wasn't thrilled that the book rushed to its ending but I guess there is only so much you can do with a talking Gorilla and a really hungry immortal fat guy. This was a fun read. |
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Wolverine (2010) #300
Jan 14, 2012 |
Whether or not you buy into the renumbered nonsense, this issue is actually a very good anniversary issue. It's the beginning of an arc and it has plenty of action and moves around a wide array of characters to keep the issue lively. The book is a solid read for your money and if you have even a passing interest in Wolverine I recommend checking out this issue. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it. |
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Wolverine (2014) | 1 issues |
Wolverine (2014) #1
Feb 8, 2014 |
The new volume of Wolverine opens with an issue that is a direction shift for the character but tries to drag in all that came before in the previous volume. It seems to cater to the readers of the old volume which is perfectly fine. I'm not sure the curious reader is going to find this book as inviting as the #1 seems to imply. It's worth taking a look at. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men | 1 issues |
Wolverine and the X-Men #1
Nov 6, 2011 |
The book is a solid read all the way through and it is rounded out with a teaser of things to come, a run down of the classes that the school is offering up and a roster/role pinup. Everything about this issue is enjoyable and when you consider I only picked this up based on a recommendation I would say I was pleasantly surprised. If you have any interest at all in X-Men or Wolverine then this is a must read. |
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Wolverine MAX | 1 issues |
Wolverine MAX #1
Oct 27, 2012 |
This book has possibilities. I wasn't thrilled with the slower nature of the book but I do like the general direction of the story. It stays away from ninjas, assassins and the X-Men and just presents the man, which is a good approach for this comic. Overall, this is worth a look if you a fan of Wolverine and are looking for something different. |
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Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size | 1 issues |
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1
Sep 26, 2009 |
With all things considered this comic would have been a terrific one-shot if it were the only issue in the series. However, when stacked up with the rest of the arc, story wise and price wise, it disappoints and is out of place. If you like fighting then pick this up. It's a stiff price but it could be worse. I found the resolution to the story to be lackluster and would have preferred it was just an issue of old Hulk fighting old Wolverine with no previous issues to the arc trying to lay down a coherent story. You can't go wrong with the artwork though. |
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Wolverine: Weapon X | 5 issues |
Wolverine: Weapon X #5
Oct 3, 2009 |
With the first arc delivering so well I am eager to find out the next direction of this series. It seems like this comic is laying out long term ideas that will provide good stories for quite some time. It's no longer just a title that is really just a Wolverine-beserker comic or a big conspiracy with layers of cover-ups. It seems to be a series with good characters and significant plots worthy of an A-list character like Wolverine. |
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Wolverine: Weapon X #7
Nov 21, 2009 |
This comic book is a good story, but it will be good to get on with this arc as I think the whole asylum setup has reached its limit. I'm glad we are seeing some variance in the Wolverine stories that have smart writing and solid ideas behind them. This series has been very good so far and this issue falls right in line with what we've come to expect in the early going here. |
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Wolverine: Weapon X #9
Jan 23, 2010 |
There is a lot to like about this comic book between the quirky, sick story, the detailed and graphic art, the unique coloring, the new villain, the new girlfriend and the new danger to Wolverine. I typically look for one or two laughs from a Jason Aaron Wolverine story and this really doesn't include them, but beyond that, this comic book is pretty much a perfect addition to the Wolverine library. This is the kind of awesome character Wolverine can be in the hands of a capable creative team. |
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Wolverine: Weapon X #10
Feb 6, 2010 |
Whether or not you believe Melita and Wolverine will live happily ever after is sort of irrelevant. I fully expect her to die, but the point of this comic is to pick up the reins on the introduction of the character and the growth of their friendship. This comic does so in a believable and satisfactory way. It also brings in enough of Wolverine's past to add some depth (and humor) to the issue, but not so much that you need wikipedia. This is a good comic book. |
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Wolverine: Weapon X #11
Mar 6, 2010 |
Wolverine Weapon X is a series that doesn't have a lot of involvement with the greater Marvel Universe or its events. Instead it gets back to basics with telling interesting Wolverine stories that seem to be able to take place at any point within the current continuity. The stories aren't epic or sweeping, like killing off Sabretooth, but they are very good stories driven by the writing of the characters. This issue is no exception. The confrontation with the villain is on its way, but this issue is very good because it nails down Wolverine and his potential when interfacing with another super hero that he actually cares for. I definitely recommend this issue. |
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Wolverines (2015) | 3 issues |
Wolverines (2015) #1
Jan 10, 2015 |
Wolverines is a book Marvel has to publish. Producing months of fallout from the death of one of their biggest characters is the right way to go. I'm not sure creating a new set of characters and joining them up with the tried and true characters from Wolverine's past makes a ton of sense but the book is worth sticking with for a while. This is an okay comic book to check out, knowing you won't get a clear picture of the story for a few issues. |
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Wolverines (2015) #3
Jan 24, 2015 |
Wolverines is still a story taking shape. It's not bad and it's not good. It simply exists and it has some elements that could be great but it also looks like there could be a long chase that leads nowhere. This particular issue doesn't do one thing to clear any of that up. It moves along another piece on the chessboard. This is an okay comic book in an okay storyline. Patience is a virtue. |
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Wolverines (2015) #4
Jan 31, 2015 |
The comic book is not good. There is some hope that the next issue will pick up as it appears a big battle is going to occur. The odd thing is that the comic has a large cast and appears to be growing but juggling all of them isn't the primary problem. The main problem is the execution. It doesn't give the reader much to rely on that this series will go someplace meaningful. As a reader, it feels like I'm chasing a rabbit down a hole. One that no one really cares to maintain properly. At four bucks a week a reader should be getting more bang for their buck. This series gets one more issue before I give up on it. |
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Wonder Woman (2011) | 1 issues |
Wonder Woman (2011) #23.1
Sep 21, 2013 |
Cheetah seems like a flat character on the surface. A character that only exists to give Wonder Woman something to fight occasionally. However, what we find here is a character that is given her own meaning, her own motivation and a strong background. There is no reason why this character couldn't be developed further and pit against any DC hero or villain. I could even see her being included in any number of teams. I liked what I saw in this comic book and I can't help but wonder where she will pop up again. I hope it is in story that will deepen her character more in this direction. This is a good comic book. |
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Wytches | 1 issues |
Wytches #1
Oct 11, 2014 |
Wytches is a book that gives you a very entertaining read for three bucks. The question now is whether this book will go the slow-burn route or if it will quickly explore the horrors in the woods. Time will tell how this comic book does but this is a pretty good start. |
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X-Club (2011) | 1 issues |
X-Club (2011) #1
Dec 9, 2011 |
X-Club is a niche team. I'm not sold on the characterization of Cyclops in here but perhaps he will snap out of it now that the team is in danger. I would like to see more of the personalities of the X-Club team develop in this series because as of now it seems like it weighs way too heavily, though understandably, on Nemesis. This was a decent start to the mini-series. |
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X-Force (2008) | 2 issues |
X-Force (2008) #27
May 29, 2010 |
X-Men Second Coming is setting up the ending, despite the fact that it is still four issues off. This comic book finds Cyclops launching his last ditch effort to end the invasion. Cyclops is going to have to live with some hard decisions if this all works out but it makes for some good drama in this issue. I've been waiting for this crossover to suck me in like Messiah Complex did three years ago. And this issue was close, but not close enough. |
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X-Force (2008) #28
Jul 10, 2010 |
This issue isn't terrible. Its executed fine but there just isn't much of a story to tell here. Cable brings back X-Force, Cable's wounded, Hope fights Bastion and uses her powers. It almost doesn't feel like it could fill six pages but it's been stretched out way too thin. Besides that, we really don't get any sort of explanation on any of this to fill in the blanks. I struggle thinking that this is the big finish to such a long story. It's shaping up that if you skipped the single issues for the trade to come out you won because you really aren't missing much with this story. |
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X-Men (2013) | 1 issues |
X-Men (2013) #1
May 30, 2013 |
X-Men may be an all-female comic book but it is clear that Wood is out to define some characters and not simply throw a bunch of women together for the sake of them being women. This issue brings together a lot of nice elements and sets things up nicely for the next issue. I know I plan to stick with this comic to see where it is heading. |
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X-Men: Battle of the Atom | 1 issues |
X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2
Nov 1, 2013 |
Battle of the Atom is simply an event to reset the status quo and launch the X-Men books into various directions (some of which are new). The comic book that wraps it up is riddled with questions about who lives, who dies, who escapes and how. The book has some good one-liners and gives some good panel time for the main X-Men, but it's not enough. The book would have been better served explaining a little bit more about what happened instead of assuming the book showed it. While this is a relief from the Bendis issues in the mini-series it doesn't stick the landing. This was disappointing. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) | 5 issues |
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #236
May 22, 2010 |
I have no idea how this crossover is going to end, but I am not thrilled with the direction that each issue takes. I think I would have liked this issue more if we understood Bastion's endgame or if Hope and Cable had consistent decision making that remained in line with their short past. I liked this issue and found it to be fairly entertaining but far from great. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #237
Jun 26, 2010 |
With Second Coming winding down it is clear that this will have a surprise ending. The invasion on the X-Men by the futuristic Nimrods is not the final battle here. I found this issue to be fast and bring some closure to what seems to be the lead-in battle. I liked the character work of Magneto and Cypher and felt the issue included some better battle scenes than in previous issues in the crossover. On the whole, this was a good read and has me excited for the final two issues of the crossover. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #240
Oct 1, 2010 |
I'm a fan of this title and of Carey's work in general. However, this issue marks slightly higher because he has such a great command of the key character's voices. The issue also manages to loop in the uninformed reader on the old continuity it is dragging into the story which helps a lot. I liked the issue and I am eagerly awaiting the finale. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #245
Feb 26, 2011 |
One of the drawbacks with this crossover is that Carey isn't giving away the story's origin in the opening issues. It's a leap of faith and so far it's holding my interest. The cast is big making getting to know the characters difficult, but if the story stays Rogue centric then it probably won't matter. Carey has a good story cooking here and I think any fan of the X-Men would enjoy this Age of X storyline. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #251
Jun 25, 2011 |
X-Men Legacy is a sage of sorts. Sure, it's a Rogue book mostly, but the relationships that she is at the center of really make the series stand apart from the other X books. This issue shows how Carey can master the balance between the characters interactions of the daily drama while presenting an actual problem for the X-Men to deal with. I enjoyed this issue very much and am eager to see what other of Legion's personalities need to be dealt with in the future. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2012) | 1 issues |
X-Men: Legacy (2012) #300
Mar 14, 2014 |
This comic book isn't awful, but it is definitely forgettable. I had hoped for a story that was more engaging for five dollars and this one feels too much like spare parts with a wrapper to bookend the thing. There is a lot to pick on in the comic (such as the mutant referring to himself as a human) but the construction and presentation of the comic is the main problem. The book had the right idea and two solid characters to execute the story but the book just didn't come close. |
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X-Men: Schism (2011) | 1 issues |
X-Men: Schism (2011) #5
Oct 6, 2011 |
One of the aspects of this book was that I needed to buy in to the "why" of the split and I just don't. I wasn't even that concerned with the believability of Wolverine being able to cut Cyclops in half whenever he wanted to but opts to not during the fight. But the decision to break apart the X-Men needed to be crystal clear and believable and it just wasn't. I liked this issue and series because I do think it was a long time coming but I don't see the split being natural and that falls squarely on the execution of this issue. |
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X-Men: Second Coming | 1 issues |
X-Men: Second Coming #1
Apr 3, 2010 |
I have no idea if this crossover will be as good as Messiah Complex. I suspect not, but if you are thinking about getting into the X-Men then this is your issue to read. It profiles all of the key players, sets up the storyline and looks pretty doing it. You literally need no background to enjoy this story and Marvel even gives you a checklist in the back to be sure you know how to follow the crossover from here on in. You would be hard pressed to find a more accessible, interesting opening comic book to a major crossover. This was an impressive start indeed. |
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X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science | 1 issues |
X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science #1
May 29, 2010 |
As a secondary title in a crossover you probably get a lot of people passing on the issue. However, despite the baffling $4 cover price this issue gives a lot of story for the thirty-two pages. I enjoyed this comic book nearly as much as any of the best single issues in the crossover. If you like some science in your X-Men comics where brains counts slightly more than brawn then this is worth picking up. I definitely recommend this comic. |
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