Jennifer Blood #1
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Jennifer Blood #1

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Adriano Batista Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 16, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Jennifer Blood is a suburban wife and mom by day, and a ruthless vigilante by night! Every day she makes breakfast, takes the kids to school, cleans the house, naps for an hour or two, makes dinner, puts the kids to bed, and kisses her husband goodnight. This suburban punisher is ready to be unleashed in a story that can only be told by the legendary Garth Ennis in this amazing 40 page first issue! First issue will include additional bonus material, sketches, and interview with Garth! Additionally, The Boys #50 will include a preview of Jennifer Blood #1!

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 19, 2011

    It's a mighty dark subject matter, but Jennifer's demeanor makes this book not quite like a Punisher story. She doesn't seem to be engaged completely by either side of her life, instead smiling serenely and passing through both the life of a suburban mom and the life of a brutal killer with the same detachment. My difficulties with the art never completely evaporate, and the grotesque scratchy linework makes the sex scene pretty repellent (probably moreso than the knife fight, honestly) and I don't know how long the narrative can go before the bubble bursts and one of Jennifer's worlds collapses into the other, but right now I'm impressed. If you doubt that Ennis can get down to business without out-Preachering something or other, this would be a fine book to pick up. Jennifer Blood #1 is a splendid first impression, and a gonzo bull-moose whopper of a mixed message, but it still excellent enough to bag 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. I hadn't intended to put this book on my pull list, but Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Feb 17, 2011

    Fans of Ennis won't be disappointed, but on the same hand fans of Ennis might be disappointed. See, Ennis has done such a fantastic job as a writer in not pigeon holing himself to specific genres that the only thing that is often noticeable is the excessive violence. Jennifer Blood certainly has violence, but this is not on-par with anything we've seen in The Boys or the Preacher, and it's only marginally close to some of the things we've seen in Punisher. That's just at the start though " Jennifer Blood promises a lot to the future of the comic with it's over-sized first issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Feb 16, 2011

    This introductory issue is a standard shoot 'em up in many ways. There are bread crumbs of characterization but it's mostly the things not yet said or shown. The best mystery is internal; It's not about asking who she is out to kill, but rather what steps led to her being this way and what is her endgame? Ennis delivers an intriguing concept coupled with explosive action and a killer female lead who is broken on the inside, no doubt about it. Watching her scrutinize her use of guns and mold stains just makes it all more hilarious. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Feb 16, 2011

    Jennifer Blood is entertaining enough and will surely give a few 13 year-old boys boners, should they stumble across it perusing their usual superhero fare. However, I would've loved to see a bit more thinking outside of Ennis' comfort zone and create something that relied less on blood, guts, and sex, and more on solid character creation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 19, 2011

    There are few writers I enjoy more than Garth Ennis. I want to love this book. I'm willing to give the book a lot of room to set up the story and the characters. However, this book came in as an average Ennis book at best. He's created a character that simply seems like too many others and none of the motivation is clear in this book. I need more than just chicks killing men in various (and creative) ways. Read Full Review

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