Uncanny Avengers #6

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 10, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 12
8.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The Apocalypse Twins part 1
New regular artist Daniel Acu?a joins just in time for Thor vs Apocalypse in the 11th Century! Wait until you see these two titans first meeting and first battle! The Avengers’ ancestors are being hunted and only a young Thor can save his future companions!And with Rama Tut and Kang pulling the strings, you know nothing good can come from any of it.The future begins in the past! This is it! The future of the all-new, all-different Uncanny Avengers begins here and the effects will reverberate across the Marvel Universe for years to come!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Apr 10, 2013

    I honestly have no idea where Remender is going with this storyline, but I'm on-board with whatever it is if it means more of what I've read here. The story is, again, completely believable in terms of an "untold tale of Thor" and does a great job of bringing together two characters that often interact with completely disparate teams in a way that feels not only genuine, but even a little bit fresh. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - George Marston Apr 10, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers has been about juxtaposing two traditionally disparate corners of the Marvel universe, and finding new interactions for the characters that populate them. There is a lot of overlapping history between the Avengers and X-Men that has long gone ignored because those two franchises don't "go together," but like the ever-evolving present day Marvel universe, there's apparently still time for the past to grow as well. Finding those connections and building on them makes for a perfect canvas for a team that, on it's face, seems a little desperate. On the contrary, Rick Remender is carving out a whole new niche for his Uncanny Avengers, one where worlds collide, and things we've long taken for granted are challenged. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 4, 2013

    This was a brilliant prologue issue, and the best in the series so far. If this is a sign of things to come The Apocalypse Twins story arc should be amazing, and considering it's following from Remender's Dark Angel Saga story, which was amazing, I have every faith that this story will also be brilliant. This issue itself was also very interesting, and exciting, as well as being dramatic and mysterious, and it's made me real excited for the main story. I'd highly recommend it as despite the fact that it's the best issue in the series so far, it's also one of the best prologue issues I've ever read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 13, 2013

    Absolutely perfect.  That's what this issue was.  I literally don't have a single bad thing to say about it.  It was absolute comic book perfection.  Thor vs Apocalypse?  Kang manipulating BOTH of them in order to gain a weapon of immense power?  Everything here was fantastic.  This is EXACTLY what this series should be!  You have one of the greatest X-Men foes, as well as one of the Avengers greatest threats.  And it's not like this was one of those lame, "Two villains randomly team-up to pester two groups of heroes" stories, the story was great, and the reveal at the end with Jarnbjorn tied everything together so perfectly.  Amazing work by Remender here, this comic is definitely the front-runner for best single issue of the year for 2013. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 10, 2013

    Acuna hits the ground running with his first issue. His moody, striking style is a perfect fit for the unusual setting. He captures the emotion of the dialogue-driven scenes well, and he delivers a number of bold, exciting action scenes. I have doubts as to whether Acuna can maintain this level of detail and flourish given his track record with ongoing books, but this issue alone stands as the most visually memorable of the series so far. And coming on the heels of John Cassaday and Olivier Coipel, that's no small feat. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Apr 10, 2013

    The detailed art shines in this one. Literally. For instance, in the image above of Odin, note the golden luster of the Asgardian's armor. Both add to the power of the elder and power to his words. Then we have the horsemen in the above shot, who only get about two pages in this issue, but have so much personality you almost wish they would stay a little bit longer. This issue is a good example of the art in a comic improving and enhancing story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Nick Furious Apr 14, 2013

    I won't rant long but about 3 days ago I went around and checked out everyone else's reviews on Uncanny Avengers, and I was shocked. Most reviewers have had the gull to call this series a mess, with 2-D characters…are we reading the same book!? This series is filled with character depth, if anything it is the only series to even acknowledge the animosity between mutants and the rest of the world. It has everything you want in an Avengers title and all the drama from the X-Men, and splashes of Uncanny X-Force. How can you possibly say this is a mess? I would like to see you still be able to say that after this issue. Do it, I dare you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Danny Djeljosevic Apr 18, 2013

    It's a fun self-contained interlude -- beautifully illustrated by Daniel Acua, another one of those mega-talented artists that I'm shocked is drawing superhero comics -- that sets the stage for some of the stuff Rick Remender's been teasing over the past couple of issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 13, 2013

    Without the cover you would never know this wasn't a Thor book. I'm not sure where Remender is going with all of this but it is clear that some of these elements are going to have a long tail in books and arcs to come. While the book might feel like a complete shift in what's come before I believe it to be a welcome one. Remender is still trying to sort out the team and their interactions and it is nice to see a good long look at one character for an issue. However, I can see some disappointment if you aren't a Thor fan. I enjoyed this book and I hope to see more of this from this series. I recommend picking this one up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Jeremy Matcho Apr 10, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers is a book that shouldn't be passed up. It picks up steam with every issue, and is laying the groundwork for some big things to come in the marvel universe. With villains like Onslaught, Apocalypse, and Red Skull in this book already, the dossier of future threats facing the Uncanny Avengers seems too exciting to skip. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Apr 11, 2013

    While this issue is a complete detour from the tone of the series so far, Remender delivers a solid and engaging read that hints at the intricacies of Kangs schemes. Told entirely in flashback, it establishes the larger plotline and successfully establishes Apocalypses place in Thors backstory without feeling clunky or contrived. The idea of going back in time to kill the ancestors of ones enemies is a bit old-hat, but Remender makes it work here. Acunas pencils round out the story with lush detail and cinematic scope, making for a visually exciting issue with great compositions. Overall a highly satisfying read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Apr 10, 2013

    That being said, this is still a fun read. It's got enough good action and good characterization to carry the book despite the questions I have about some of those characters. If you've enjoyed the Thor series, then you'll really like this issue. If you've been a little on the fence with this series, it might pose some issues for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 15, 2013

    Personally, when the series was announced, I was expecting something much more along the lines of issue #5 (which felt like a classic team book) but "Uncanny Avengers" #6 is perhaps a better example of what the series should be like: unusual yet engaging, bold but not unwieldy. It doesn't tick all the boxes, but a few more issues like this and the series could still regain the momentum it managed to lose over its first arc. If you jumped off any time in the last few months, it's worth coming back for a re-appraisal. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Apr 16, 2013

    Rick Remender continues to move the story in fascinating ways with the dream match-up of Thor and Apocalypse headlined Uncanny Avengers #6. The story of these two characters worlds clashing with one another brought along some great results. Though it is odd that we are going to have to wait another month to get to see the aftermath of what Rogue did at the end of the last issue. With that said, Uncanny Avengers #6 is still another strong issue even by Rick Remender. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Apr 11, 2013

    Remender is a master of foreshadowing and long-form narratives, so it's kind of a given that all the events in Uncanny Avengers #6 will have some bearing on the present day, but it still removes readers from the current-day story and stops the momentum Remender was building. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Apr 11, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers has been so solid thus far. I'm hoping Remender doesn't go too far off the reservation before coming back. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 13, 2013

    Yeah, so a lot of this was just kind of weird to me. I mean, I followed it all relatively OK, but in general, Remender went to a lot of weird places. I get that he has some kind of big idea in store for the Apocalypse Twins, but then he brings Kang into the mix, with time-travel, random new Horsemen, Folkbern Logan, a dead Baron Mordo, and all manner of other mumbo jumbo. This issue was a complete departure from the last issue, which was disappointing. I really liked the last issue, with its focus on the team and their internal struggles. This was some big time traveling bruhaha that just serves to complicate whatever story he's trying to tell. It's entertaining enough, but overly complicated. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Apr 14, 2013

    Considering who's causing trouble right now for the Uncanny Avengers, I know that the time travel angle isn't close to over yet, and since we have sort of an idea where it's going, I'm definitely staying on board, especially since the things happening in this book look as if they could have huge implications for all the inhabitants of the Marvel Universe. But looking at this issue by itself, things were just okay. I mean, taking on Apocalypse is no small feat and Thor proved to be a formidable opponent, but after some of the other things that were happening in this series, this issue didn't quite match up completely. Still good, but just not all the way there. Read Full Review

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