Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #3
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Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde #3

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Alti Firmansyah Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 2, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
8.6Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

• The MARVEL UNIVERSE is dead!
•  But #Starkat lives FOREVER!
Rated T

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Sep 5, 2015

    STAR-LORD AND KITTY PRYDE #3 is superb, and the series overall has been my by far favorite series to come out of Marvel's “Secret Wars” storyline. Sam Humphries has a pitch-perfect take on the characters, and used the interesting neo-40's setting to great advantage. The writing was perfectly complimented by Alti Firmansyah's art, which provided an animated look to the series. I can't recommend these three issues enough, and would gladly welcome a return of this team to whatever versions of Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde emerge from the “Secret Wars” event. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Sep 9, 2015

    This issue is very well-written and illustrated. This is probably one of my favorite books under the Secret Wars label (it’s tied with Where Monsters Dwell). The lighthearted writing and cartoonish illustrations are paired perfectly with one another to create a fun and sweet tone for the series. I definitely recommend this series for you all to read. I can’t wait for more! Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Sep 2, 2015

    The issue plays out as a not-so-serious take on the pre-Secret Wars world. While there was some comedy in their stories before, it never came off quite as screwball as it does here. Problems are solved not necessarily by the ingenuity, skills or powers of the two heroes, but rather by plot developments which are set-up to provide a humorous end result. While it doesn't hit as hard as it could, it is not really the point either, as the relationship between these two is what has been the special find in the past year. Where the story is basic and the humor is somewhat lacking, this issue still puts the right focus on the two of these characters together, and the result is satisfactory if not noteworthy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 5, 2015

    Peter and Kitty were a couple when the old Marvel Universe died. Kitty went with it but Peter remained. Peter finds a different version of Kitty and this is the story of him trying to find the old Kitty buried somewhere inside this new one. It's a love story, but not without a plot, wit, charm and plenty of action. Fans of the characters are going to want to check this out. This won't change the landscape in any way, but it tells a worthwhile story about love lost and the idea of soul mates. This is a good read. Read Full Review

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