Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1
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Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 2, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

M.O.D.O.K. The Leader. Mad Thinker. Egghead. Red Ghost and the Super-Apes. Doctor Doom. They are the Intelligencia. And they are out to destroy the Hulks.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 5, 2009

    If you are not familiar with Marvel continuity, you will be by the time you're finished reading Fall of the Hulks. Parker makes this exposition entertaining as well as informative. For those that do know Marvel history, this won't feel like a retread. That's because Parker's story builds on what's already known. He adds to the continuing story, and he brings out a secret cause and effect that satisfies those with tidy, logical minds. Pelletier's artwork is simply gorgeous. Vincente Cifuentes emphasizes the beauty and intricacies in such things as the texture in the Leader's beard and mustache and the polished metal of Doom's armor. Fall of the Hulks offers the rare opportunity to be enchanted by a one-shot story that explains much of the strangeness that occurred in the Marvel Universe before shock-themed writing became their darling paradigm: "Allies, this is the kind of infighting that keeps us falling to our enemies. They don't do this." Well, they never used to. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 3, 2009

    Overall, Parker and Pelletier make a fine team, and it's a shame we won't be seeing more of them as Fall of the Hulks progresses. The Alpha issue isn't a perfect beginning to the event - it provides an awful lot of setup for what seems (for now, at least) to be relatively little payoff. But in and of itself this issue entertains, and that's more than I've been able to say about a lot of Hulk stories lately. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Dec 7, 2009

    A great kickoff to what looks to be a promising event. I was lukewarm to this event until I read this issue. Now I can't wait. Marvel needs to keep these creators busy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 6, 2009

    Now that we understand who is behind what will be the Fall of the Hulks and we seem to understand why they want to take them down it will make picking up the second issue of this event a little easier. When you consider some of the Hulk stories have felt so directionless over the last two years or so this was a breath of fresh air. I definitely recommend picking this up for someone interested in following this crossover, especially if you like Doctor Doom or some of the other villains as they portrayed flawlessly. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Dec 4, 2009

    "FotH: Alpha," then, is an odd comic. As a stand-alone piece, it's a fun little jaunt through Marvel history that'll raise a smile in most readers. As an event bookend, though, it doesn't remotely work. Not because of any particular failings from the creative team, but simply because their remit is at odds with the book's apparent role. There's plenty to enjoy, but if you're only looking for revelations connected to the big Hulk event, it seems that you can safely skip this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Dec 4, 2009

    This is a fun issue that reminds you how cool some of the mad genius villains can be. I really like the idea of a intelfocused villain's group like this, even if it meant some pretty major retcons. I wouldn't say that this is the best way to kick off Fall of the Hulks because it is such a limited tiein, but its still a fun read and the encyclopedia style biographies of the villains in the back are a nice extra. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Charles Webb Dec 1, 2009

    Can a decent book be harmed by many bad ones preceding it? Apparently so. Read Full Review

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