Known as the skilled co-pilot of the infamous Millennium Falcon, the legendary Wookiee warrior CHEWBACCA will star in his very own limited comic series! After the battle of Yavin, Chewbacca is on his own when he crash lands his ship on an Imperial occupied planet. Now stranded, Chewie finds himself caught in the middle of trying to return to the rebellion and helping a young and feisty girl in need. Writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL, 1872, HULK) and artist Phil Noto (BLACK WIDOW, X-23, UNCANNY X-FORCE) bring us a never-before-seen tale of the heroic Wookiee we all know and love.
Rated T
Chewbacca #1 is one of my favourite debut issues in recent memory. I want an ongoing, I can tell you that right now. Duggan and Noto have given me everything I could ever want from a Chewbacca comic and I loved every single page of this fabulously fun comic. Read Full Review
The highest compliment I can think of from a fan to an artist is stating I would put this on my wall. There is a full page splash of Chewbacca resplendent, laying in a field of flowers by his ship with a look of Wookie contentment etched into his furry face. It is lovely, as is this book. Its existence to me is a minor miracle and I am happy to let it take me where it wants to go. On to issue 2! Read Full Review
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm hitching next transport out of here. And if an irate Wookie asks who reviewed this issue, in the words of Shaggy (pun): "It wasn't me." Read Full Review
These two have started a brother/sister relationship that I’m really hoping lasts a while longer. It’s a really awesome story line that makes us sympathize for Zarro, and root for this duo to defeat Juam. I can’t wait for more! Read Full Review
Chewbacca #1 is a delightful read, one that doesn't lose its luster upon a second or third go. There's elegance to its simplicity. Nothing here will change how you look at comics or the main character, but it's hard to imagine a more enjoyable adventure to lie back with. Noto is masterfully telling a fantastic adventure set in a galaxy far, far away, one that will leave you wanting to follow Chewie wherever he goes next, even if you can't understand a single thing he's saying. Read Full Review
With a breezy script and warm artwork, Chewbacca #1 achieves exactly what it sets out to do: Another stellar Star Wars book from Marvel. Read Full Review
The issue begins by explaining Zarro and her father's predicament, allowing writer Gerry Duggan and artist Phil Noto set the stage allowing the walking furball to stroll in at his leisure. Although we don't know just what Chewie's secret mission is, I'm interested to see where this detour leads. Read Full Review
Writer Gerry Duggan is able to effectively write a character without any dialogue except for "Hrraaas" and "Wraaaas". Unlike Marvel's other non-speaking star, Groot, Noto has to rely less on a cartoony art style and more on subtle facial expressions, and for the most part it works. There are a couple scenes that come off a little stiff, but Noto is able to effectively animate Duggan's script. Since this is only a mini-series, reading about a character who has to be translated won't be an on-going chore. Duggan and Noto have introduced a solid story with two characters that seem to play nicely off of each other. Chewbacca is another example of the quality in Marvel's Star Wars line-up of comics and so far, they've yet to miss the mark with me. Read Full Review
The first issue of this new mini-series doesn't stand out as much as some of Marvel's Star Wars projects, but there's still a lot to like. Rather than try to get into Chewie's head, the creators take advantage of his peculiar speech and the unlikely pairing with a new teen heroine. Even better, this issue promises a deeper and more dramatic storyline to come. Read Full Review
A solid introduction that has me intrigued for what comes next. Read Full Review
Chewbacca #1 was a decent start for the beloved character, as despite there being some room for improvement, the creative team manage to produce a product that urges us to read more. So make sure to pick this up from your local comic book store, as it comes recommended. Read Full Review
"Chewbacca" #1 is enjoyable enough; Zarro is a likeable character, and Noto's picturesque illustrations go a long way towards making up for where the storytelling falls a little bit short. Read Full Review
Marvel is clearly pushing the envelope with their Star Wars books, with a number of books on the rack. Unfortunately, I am not sure that these tales of Chewbacca are as good as both the previous Marvel run and the Dark Horse special which ties into a previous novel series. Read Full Review
Duggan's script works smoothly enough, though it felt like it was missing a few of the nods the other books had such as world naming and a connected aspect beyond Chewie. The way he gets to present Chewie though is ideal and I'm glad they didn't go for us understanding his dialogue as that would have been dicey at best. Noto's artwork is spot on here and definitely fits the story and the setting. Read Full Review
Chewbacca is a pretty straightforward, uncomplicated hero, and that works to the comic's benefit. I definitely enjoyed reading the issue. But so far the comic is just set up, and like I said, the plot is kind of run-of-the-mill. Read Full Review
Chewbacca begins his miniseries on an okay foot, but it is not looking good story wise. The interactions with Chewbacca are entertaining and some of the dialogue is fun. The art is really stunning with great colors and the best drawn Chewbacca in today's comics. The story needs to pick up, but the art is great. Chewbacca is the only highlight in this book, which makes sense, but disappointing for his own miniseries. Read Full Review
The quality of Marvel's Star Wars comics has been a very mixed bag, and CHEWBACCA #1 makes it hard to justify the proliferation of these titles beyond marketing and cynical cash grabs. There are a lot of pretty pieces here–they just don't come together to tell a good story. Read Full Review
"Chewbacca" is a mini-series that features a solo mission for Chewie. He ends up on a planet unexpectedly and finds that there is some local unrest in an especially touchy subject: slavery. The comic book introduces the characters, the problem and the plot for the mini-series in short order. However, the flow of the comic book seems to be an unnatural one as the story makes big jumps panel to panel. Characters are talking about a debt in one panel, enslaved in the next, escaping in the next and chased in the next. The comic is fairly jarring. The mini-series has plenty of time to tell a compelling story and with the strong character work and appropriate artwork presented here, the comic can certainly turn things into gold very quickly. I mildly recommend this comic. Read Full Review