Chrononauts #2

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Sean Gordon Murphy Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 19
8.0Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly have become the world’s first time travelers—but not all goes according to plan when the two go rogue in their own era-hopping adventure! With the world watching, the buddies get mixed up in an eon’s worth of sticky situations while some of history’s scariest villains—and their bosses back in the present day—are determined to track them down!

  • 9.5
    The Latest Pull - Bobby Angus Apr 19, 2015

    Mark Millar, Sean Gordon Murphy, and Matt Hollingsworth are delivering a fun new series with Chrononauts. This series received a lot of hype prior to its release, and the series is living up to it. The only negative about this issue is it comes out once a month. This series will receive praise for years to come not only in the comic book world, but surely in the cinematic world when this book comes to life. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Kenia Santos Aug 13, 2015

    The characters' relationship issues are again addressed very subtly in Chrononauts #2 with Corbin revisiting memories of a happier married life. He might have had an omen the fun is about to end. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 16, 2015

    Chrononauts is pure guilty pleasure painted across a big, beautiful canvas. I expected a crazy fun time with the talent involved here and it's paying off immensely in just the second issue, which makes me even more excited about what's to come. There's some good unpredictability about events here that certainly drives this well and there's a lot to like in the way we see Corbin and Danny deal with everything, first with their individual situations and with each other, before they go all out and just live life in the moment. Playing all that out while seeing it from the command center's point of view as well makes for a laugh but it also adds a bit of weight to it because you know the other shoe is going to drop, and hard, in unpredictable ways sooner rather than later. Very fun stuff and a great read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Gregory L. Reece Apr 21, 2015

    Chrononauts is a thrill ride that embraces the time travel genre while turning it on its head. It is big time fun, consequences be damned. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon Apr 14, 2015

    In the premier issue, Quinn's planned trip to the year 1492 for a meet and greet with Columbus is derailed by an anomalous time distortion, and he instead lands in Samarkand in 1504. Apparently stranded in the past, his good buddy Reilly, being uniquely qualified, makes the trip back to rescue his friend; Reilly soon discovers that Quinn is definitely not stranded, but is in fact, living like a king. Literally. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Apr 15, 2015

    Issue 2 is a great follow up to issue 1 and takes an unexpected twist that turns Chrononauts from a good read to a great read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Apr 15, 2015

    Murphys art is just as excellent as it was in the first issue, and its clear that Millars inclusion of a number of different time periods is to allow Murphy to stretch his legs and draw lots of beautiful scenery. Murphys art is grand and intricately detailed, Quinns palace looks incredible in the splash pages towards the beginning, but whats even more impressive is the level of detail Murphy gives to locals that may only show up for a single page or even panel, yet despite their brevity he treats them with just as much love and care. My personal favourite was his depiction of the Jazz Age, the perfect place for our two leads. The art replicates the energy of the main story and once again makes the book worth picking up so for the level of detail and effort on show. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Apr 15, 2015

    Despite having a somewhat clich debut, Chrononautshas kicked off into high-gear. I highly recommend picking this book up and issue one as well. This series is only two issues in, so theres no reason not to hop on board. Also, the cover of the second printing of issue one is pretty sweet (especially for Back to the Future fans). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Apr 15, 2015

    Despite the lack of character development at this point, Chrononauts is a fast-paced, fun, and gorgeously drawn book, and looks like it's another sure-fire winner for Millar, both on the page and on the silver screen. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Apr 16, 2015

    What is easy to enjoy is Murphy's gorgeous art. There's detail, and then there's Murphy detail"each page and panel offers a ridiculous amount of eye candy, from distinct large scale battles to hilariously inappropriate dude-bro jokes. So much of the read depends on Murphy's uniquely timed characterization and expansive world building, and it's by and large the main component that will keep readers coming back. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Apr 17, 2015

    This issue is staged as the party before the parents come home, as the cliffhanger reveals that the timestream is about to see a lot of fighting. With danger creeping into Corbin's personal life as well, Millar and Murphy give readers a story where the walls can close in on a character even when they're not bound by any physical restrictions. "Chrononauts" is shaping up to be another hit Millar-world book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Apr 15, 2015

    Chrononauts #2 may not have captivated this reader, but that doesn't stop it from being an entertaining read. Yes, it isn't what I expected, and yes it's a little clich, but if you strip all that back you get a fun read that will leave you returning for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 13, 2015

    The plot progresses a smidge and the characters remain flat, but the action is fun and the concept of time travel in this iteration compelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 14, 2015

    One of the bigger issues I had with the first issue of Chrononauts is fixed here, in the fact that we now have a solid first act to hinge the rest of the story upon. Admittedly, there are some tics in the writing that are endemic to Millar's oeuvre - in particular, characters that can come off as self-serving and unlikeable, no matter how much bromance is thrown into the mix to try to lighten the mood. In certain way, you can't help but root for the antagonists of this book, as it's obvious Quinn and Reilly need to be stopped before the timestream is completely mucked up. But for now, this is a fun side trip, and it'll be interesting to see where Millar and Murphy take their "heroes" next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 18, 2015

    Chrononauts #2 is a strange book. The comic is basically twenty pages of showing off Murphy's art throughout history. The story idea is that one characters is trying to convince the other to live like he does, as the ruler of various time periods scattered throughout history. It's an okay read but there isn't much story wise. You won't find a nicer looking book though. I recommend giving this a look. Read Full Review

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