• Steve Rogers enlists Spider-Man and Nova for an impossible fight.
• The new Sorceress Supreme comes for revenge on Doom.
• Iron Man vs Daredevil for the fate of an infected San Francisco.
• The X-Men claim a new home.
• The Axis of Evil strikes down the heroes of the Marvel Universe!
Overall the story still isn't as compelling as past events and even this far in still feels quite fragmented. However, unlike the last issue, this one does have quite a few redeeming features and they do help mask its mediocrity. Consistent really isn't the word to describe this event, whether talking about the writing or the art and it's starting to become tiring. Read Full Review
Avengers & X-Men: Axis #5 is a polarizing issue. The issue definitely displays solid elements and leaves off on a solid cliffhanger, but it also has a lot of other problems to it that hurt it quite a bit (the tone that feels off and the fact that we're still in setup mode). Then again, there's more potential here than in the previous issue, so that's promising. Read Full Review
Axis could turn out to be something awesome before this is all over. I can't say I have enjoyed any particular issue but this one sticks out because it at least explains some plot ideas and sets up some interesting dynamics for the next comic. This isn't an event I can recommend but this issue tries to provide some entertainment and manages to do so. At least it isn't a five-dollar book. Read Full Review
It feels like more setup but with such an oddly paced event, who can even tell anymore? This issue at least promises readers that we're due for an exciting second half but at this point, I fear most will simply stay on board hoping for some intriguing repercussions. For now, AXIS remains an unsatisfying montage of characters behaving oddly around a frustrating concept that Remender isn't mining for its full potential. Read Full Review
This was a decent issue, but nothing that will change anybodys mind on the event. Remender is really displaying that he can write any character he wants in Marvels dossier. The art takes a step back this issue, but Dodson is good enough that he can rebound with the next one. Avengers & X-Men: Axis continues to be an enjoyable read as we wait to see what happens next week. Read Full Review
The Bottom Line: Not much is added to the story, as it feels more like world-building and confirming what we've been suspecting. While that makes for a little, but unsatisfying, momentum, there's just too little real tension. The opportunity to really explore things and to introduce new ideas is diminishing, as the execution of the high concept has yet to really pay off. It's slipping into “Huh. Okay…” territory. Read Full Review
It's certainly a great time watching Spider-Man and Nova interact in this issue, but the fun stops there. The inversion concept has tons of potential to mine for great stories, yet it remains untapped. Instead, the inverted heroes are one-dimensional in their evilness, and so when they clash, there's an indifferent feeling towards the outcome. We all know Remender is capable of telling some excellent comic book stories, but like so many before him, the cramped nature of event comics doesn't allow him to do the story justice. Read Full Review
Despite bottoming out in the middle, the issue bounces back with a tremendous boost from the "Oh $#!+" cliffhanger. Like the previous chapters, Remender reaches down and somehow finds a way for this saga to up its own ante, constantly turning the dial well past "11". It also makes it impossible not to come back again and do it all over again next week. It's like a glorious trainwreck crossed with an Everlasting Gobstopper. Read Full Review
Five issues in, however, AXIS hasn't managed to cross the inversion line from disappointing to exciting. Read Full Review
The story spins around Spider-Man and Nova, making for a fine team-up and nod to the friendship present on "Ultimate Spider-Man" animated series. Readers already familiar with the pairing from that avenue who find their way to this issue are sure to enjoy Remender's playful banter. With the lines in the sand drawn and cleanly defined in "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS" #5, the combination of Nova and Spidey in a team-up situation blended with the slick art from the Dodsons has at least temporarily reignited my interest in the series. Read Full Review
Both story and art team are quality creators in their own right. Reminder and the Dodson's have had a huge number of successes in the past but this issue is not something to shout about" to anyone. A clunky plot padded out with some nice dialog paired with some less than inspiring art work has made this series take another dip in quality and entertainment. The story isn't over and you can bet your bottom dollar that things will turn around soon, it's just a shame we had to go through this issue to get there. Read Full Review
I think we're still in the event in a way that has too many inconsistencies and the combination plot problems and changes in artist each issue just aren't helping things along. Every issue I keep hoping for a focus on the villains who should now be heroes and each issue I am again disappointed. Maybe, Marvel needs to just step back and take a break from these massive events for a year. Read Full Review
I really am not looking forward to four more chapters of this event. I keep hoping it will get better and I get let down each time, with this chapter being the worst of them all. The writing is so clich and the constant changing of artists seems sloppy and rushed. As much as I would like to know the point of this event, Remender isn't keeping my interest. I would definitely say pass on this event, even if you've gotten this far. This chapter is a clear representation of what's to come and we deserve better than this! Read Full Review