Klaus #1
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Klaus #1

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Dan Mora Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: November 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 24
8.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Set in a dark fantastic past of myth and magic, Klaus tells the story of how Santa Claus really came to be. Where did he begin? What was he like when he was young? Why does he do what he does? How does he do what he does? And what happens when he faces his greatest challenge? Drawing on Santa Claus' wilder roots in Viking lore and Siberian shamanism-taking in the creepier side of Christmas, and characters like the sinister Krampus-Klaus is a "Santa Claus: Year One."

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Chris Galvin Nov 4, 2015

    A combination of great writing and art work that bridges reality and fantasy, KLAUS #1 reads like the perfect Christmas story. Morrison and Mora have sold this story to a self-confessed Christmas fan, and, if the first issue is anything to go by, it is bound to be one magical ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Infinite Comix - Scott Morse Nov 5, 2015

    As a whole this story reads as more Viking Nomad than jolly Saint Nick and that is a good thing. Klaus: How Santa Claus Began is being taken as seriously as any Grant Morrison fan could have hoped for. The biggest praise that can be levied upon this story is that halfway through issue #1, the reader will completely forget that this is a story about "Santa: Year One" and will be thoroughly invested in the journey of Klaus. Anyone familiar with Santa Claus will get the Easter eggs left along the way and will close this book clambering for the next one. Morrison has once again tackled a legend of epic proportions and made it entirely his own. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Nov 3, 2015

    It is early days yet in this six-issue mini-series, leaving us with a key moment in the origin story of Santa. Like many of Morrison's works, this first issue presents us with a series of puzzle pieces. We know roughly what it is supposed to look like by the end of the run, but the joy of getting will be in seeing how he fits all of these disparate threads together and wraps them up in a bow. Read Full Review

  • 10
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Nov 8, 2015

    Klaus is a man who cares about children. He wants them to have fun and play with toys. Things do seem to start working out for him and the Yuletime magic of the season helps. Read Full Review

  • 10
    BGCP - Robin Callaghan Nov 4, 2015

    Klaus #1 in a very enjoyable introductory issue to what looks to be a great miniseries Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Nov 5, 2015

    Part Kris Kringle, part Daredevil, part Superman, and part Morrison himself, Klaus is an eclectic combination of ideas that work together perfectly. These ideas are brought to life like a snowman in an old silk hat by the gorgeous visuals provided by Mora. By the end of the first issue its already obvious that reading Klaus by the yule log with a strong cup of eggnog is destined to become the best new Christmas tradition since Die Hard. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Nov 2, 2015

    I’m excited to see what Klaus does now, since he is in shock at the toys he made basically in his sleep. I’m also curious as to what role Lilli has to play in the story of Santa Claus. We have five issues left to find out, so keep reading, and enjoy! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    FreakSugar - Jed W. Keith Dec 2, 2015

    Klaus #1 imbues fresh magic into a legend that’s been told and told and told again. As Morrison has shown with similar larger-than-life characters such as the Man of Steel, however, he’s more than adept at making all that’s old and staid feel new once more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Nov 3, 2015

    Morrison and Mora cap the issue with a somewhat surprising and rather psychedelic occurrence that presumably kicks off Klaus' journey towards legendary greatness. It's a beautifully illustrated and colored sequence that presents more questions than it answers about the character's origin, but it's only the first of six issues. "Klaus" #1 is an atypical yet wonderful and characteristic take on a beloved and timeless childhood legend. Morrison and Mora have created the beginning of a potential future classic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Nov 4, 2015

    Admittedly, I am one of those people who finds it more than a little annoying when Christmas stuff hits stores before Halloween has occurred. That said, fortunately, for all involved, I don't mind a bit of Christmas story shenanigans, especially when they are done with as much aplomb as is on show in this comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Nov 8, 2015

    If the idea of a reinvented origin for Santa Claus seems even remotely interesting to you, then pick up this comic. It's awesome. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 4, 2015

    It's odd that a story about the origins of Santa Claus would number among Grant Morrison's most straightforward comics, but that's Klaus for you. This first issue is very much "Santa Claus: Year One" in its structure. It's the beautiful art and the unusual blend of grim medieval setting and whimsical fairy tale elements that truly distinguish this tale. Hopefully Klaus will only grow more strange from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Nov 5, 2015

    Morrison & Mora give the origin story that isKlausa nigh-Kryptonian strength. Garbedin a red hood that drapes over his broad shoulders just so, our hero inevitably develops a superpower all his own (one of which I won't spoil here). Whether or not he makes it to the very end of this promising saga (he is a Saint, after all) is beside the point. Morrison has tackled yet another iconic character and lent him the sobering dignity popular media can scarcely afford. If this is indeed the Mad Scotsman'sAll-Star Santa, we can rest assuredthere'smore to enjoy from his legendofKlaus: Who He Is, And How He Came To Be. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Nov 5, 2015

    In conclusion, I would highly recommendKlaus#1. It's a great introduction to a series with a lot of potential. If you're looking to get into the Christmas spirit way too early, this may be one of the few acceptable ways to achieve that goal. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Nov 5, 2015

    “Klaus” #1 features two creators very much in control of the tone of the narrative, and they build up and come down from their set pieces with aplomb. This is only the beginning of a six-issue miniseries, although Morrison feels he could take this out for as long as possible, so there's no telling how it'll develop. If Morrison and Mora maintain the spirit and the wildness of this first issue, “Klaus” might become another story you pull out every holiday season. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Nov 4, 2015

    Christmas may be the most over marketed and over hyped holiday on the calendar but there's no doubt that Klaus is something new and fun. It's a matured Christmas story that doesn't need to be bitter sweet nostalgia or annoyingly meta and ironic about itself. Instead Grant Morrison and Dan Mora have a fun time trying to make a superficially mature origin for Santa Claus where all the players function along the same moral guidelines of cartoon villains, so much it's going to be surprising if Klaus doesn't have to rescue some poor baby's stolen candy. Mora does a fine job in this medieval fantasy setting and shows fantastic potential when magical powers start to play a bigger role. Klaus is a weird but fun distraction for the drawn out holiday season and curious enough to warrant recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 7, 2015

    "Klaus" introduces the reader to the lead character and presents him with the problem. It's a fast-paced read, with a couple of surprises and with some solid characterizations. It's hard to imagine how Morrison is going to wrap everything up (pun intended) in just six issues as this feels like it could have been ten or twelve issues. If you have any interest in seeing Santa as Conan and learning about his secret origin then I urge you to pick this up. This is a wild comic. Boom! has another hit on its hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Logan Dalton Nov 3, 2015

    Klaus #1 boasts bleak and magical fantasy illustration style art from Dan Mora and a rousing storyline from Grant Morrison that is part Christmas special and part sword and sorcery with a dash of social commentary wrapped in pulpy packaging. It will also be intriguing to see how a laconic, wandering barbarian rippling with muscles turns into an overweight, joyous present distributor, and Morrison does seed some elements of the familiar Santa Claus stories in this comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboys Inc - Buddy Beaudoin Nov 5, 2015

    With the holiday season on our doorstep, Klaus is a far fetched and unusual retelling of the legend of Santa Claus. Its brutal, full of action, blood, mystery, and suspense, and ready to kick ass. I cant wait to read more of it and watch Grant Morrison turn my childhood on its head. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Phil Robinson Nov 10, 2015

    The art by Dan Mora (also of "Hexed") is a real treat to look at, especially when it comes to the acid trip magic scene towards the end. And that's a pretty decent way to sum it up; "Klaus" blends together in an interesting, easy to look at spell of a read, with its magical quality in its unusual take on a character you never expected would get this kind of treatment. All will be fine, just as long as you can get past the ridiculousness of the whole thing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn Nov 4, 2015

    You'll find yourself easily hooked by this excellently written first issue with solid and gorgeous art. I urge anybody to put it on their list and check it out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Nov 11, 2015

    Grant Morrison is a man of many obsessions. It would probably be more fair to say “interests.” At least that would avoid any appearance of psychological accusation. But there is something decidedly weak and unsatisfactory about the alternate term. So let us stipulate that the word “obsession” is not meant in its medical sense, but only in its less controversial meaning of an intense focus far beyond that attained and maintained by the average person. And in that sense, I repeat that Grant Morrison is obsessed with many things. He is obsessed with the history of comics, with the nature and possibilities of narrative expressed in the form of sequential art, with the meaning of heroism and hope in the modern world, with the nature and importance of imagination, and with children and childhood. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 2, 2015

    Much of this reads like a bad Christmas movie from the 50's with characters saying what they think and feel in order to remind us children should be playing with toys and people should be celebrating rather than working during the holidays. That said, the conclusion introduces a fantastical and magical element that'll make me come back for more next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flip Geeks - Paul Ramos Nov 3, 2015

    Klaus #1 starts off Grant Morrison's subversive view on the origins of the popular iconic figure. Unlike most of his works, this is highly accessible to read, similar to his We3 and All-Star Superman series. He indeed incorporates several cultural and historical themes into this iconoclastic mix, though this one feels nothing historical at all, just for entertainment reading purposes only. Dan Mora's illustrations carry the burden actually. He draws as authentically as possible, especially in respect to anything Norse or Viking stuff. If readers want to know the historical connectivity of Santa Claus to the medieval and ancient times, they can just Google or better yet, read some serious historical and cultural books done by the specialists and experts of the fields. If one wants a plain comic reading pleasure, this series is a good choice. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Mr. H Nov 3, 2015

    Not terrible, but not the fantastic paradigm altering epic I was hoping for. Sure it's only the first issue, so there is lots of room to ramp this up, but it better hit the pedal fast. On the plus side the art by Dan Mora was great. As I read this all too quick read, I couldn't help but think how great this could be if done in animation or a grander format. I think it suffers from being constrained to the normal 32 pages as it is not enough time for the master writer to stretch his pen. The cliffhanger was good, so I'm cautiously optimistic. Perhaps it's the lack of yuletide spirit in me at this moment (it isn't even Thanksgiving yet) but I can't help feeling a bit like Jonas here, not yet satisfied and just wanting more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Nov 3, 2015

    Klaus got off to a good start, as despite not being quite what I imagined from the preview, it definitely proved intriguing, leaving a lot to think about as we head into the next issue. So if you're looking for a comic to get you in the festive spirit, then this very well may be the comic for you. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Nov 5, 2015

    All bets are off when Klaus picks up his woodwind instrument and decides that playing a tune will be the thing to take his mind off the villagers and their present plight. Suddenly, the book feels like something readers might expect from Morrison. Magical beings appear and Mora fills the pages in fascinating and dizzying colors. The sequence is abrupt and mesmerizing and engaging enough to draw skeptical readers in for what may come next month. While it remains to be seen just how this will all lead to the recognizable figure people know today, the caliber of art and impressive ending are certainly enough to come back for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Justin Wood Nov 4, 2015

    The weird part isn't that someone is telling an origin story with Santa as a well-meaning action hero destined to be everyone's favorite wintertime home invasion specialist, it's that Grant Morrison apparently thought that it was a good idea. Read Full Review

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