Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #2

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Roland Boschi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Shield agent Ran Shen is responsible for escorting the two most important humans on the planet to the United States.The only thing in his way is Winter Soldier. And the only thing in the Winter Soldier's way is an elite Hydra squad run by Chancellor Cassandra and Madam Worm.Rate pace, high adventure, sex, murder, intrigue, in this 1960's spy action story that will have ramification echoing to the modern Marvel Universe!

  • 8.0
    Comics Refueled - ironmarco Mar 23, 2014

    This issue marks a crucial point in any spy story. Somewhere towards the middle of the issue all of the lines are drawn and it's up to each of the characters to try to achieve their respective goals, and no one is really on the same side in this story. All of the characters are well developed and it really feels like anything could happen in this series. This issue had a good amount of action in it but I most enjoyed how things are being set up for later issues. All of the pieces are in place and the stage is set, it's only a matter of time before the tension snaps and something drastic happens. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 19, 2014

    If you're looking to see the Winter Soldier in action before Captain America became aware of his existence, this is the series for you. Rick Remender is fleshing out his past along with S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Ran Shen, who has a big role in the current CAPTAIN AMERICA series. Roland Boschi is setting up the landscape Rememnder's script requires for the Marvel Universe in the 60s. While it makes perfect sense to not have the series focus on Winter Solider's viewpoint, it would be nice to see more of him in the comic. If you're a fan of the Winter Soldier arc, you won't want to miss seeing this action. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Mar 19, 2014

    Prequels are tough to pull off, but despite the look and what people may have heard about The Bitter March, this comic is much more than just a standard prequel. This is a book about divided loyalties, secrets, lies, danger, and dangerous men. We should have known all along that Rick Remender wasn't going to deliver a paint by numbers prequel tale or a pointless movie tie in. He isn't that kind of writer and The Winter Soldier isn't that kind of character. He deserves much, much more than something that we've seen before and Rick Remender was just the man to give this to us. Read Full Review

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