Uncanny X-Men #1
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Uncanny X-Men #1

Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Carlos Pacheco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 2, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 1
7.7Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

After the Schism, UNCANNY X-MEN starts over at #1. What is to become of XXXXX and the mutants who side with XXXX after the big split? And what does it have to do with the resurrected Mister Sinister? The hottest new writer in the business, Kieron Gillen (THOR) and superstar Carlos Pacheco (X-MEN: SCHISM, ULTIMATE AVENGERS) bring you the biggest and baddest X-Men you’ve ever seen.

  • 10
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Nov 2, 2011

    Once again, I do wish that this title had never been rebooted but for a first issue, this was a huge success. Keep up the great work and I might not hate the Marvel decision makers as much as I did when I heard that the book was being canceled. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 4, 2011

    This book is filled with action packed entertainment you don't want to leave on the shelf. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 3, 2011

    So yes, I'm still firmly in the camp of Team Wolverine, and yes, I'm basically only reading this comic to see Lord Summers and company fail miserably, but overall I'm glad I decided to stick with this series because this issue was a strong read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Nov 10, 2011

    Uncanny X-Men #1presents a daring step forward for Cyclops's team, but in this issue, I'm more impressed by what Gillen is doing with the villain rather than with the heroes. It will be a real challenge to make this team likeable, and while Gillen definitely knows what he's tackling with these guys, I still need convincing. As one of the flagship X-books, Uncanny needs to feel big, and on that account, Gillen and Pacheco succeed admirably. This is a bold issue with a strange and interesting threat and a political bent that makes it clear thatSchismwas a game-changer. This first issue of Uncanny X-Men wasn't a home run like Wolverine and the X-Men, but it did swing hard enough for a worthy four out of five stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Dec 2, 2011

    The roster for this team is simply awesome, some of the most powerful mutants together in one kick-ass group. A strong new beginning and a great looking title. Written by Kieren Gillen and illustrated by Carlos Pacheco (Superman/Batman Absolute Power). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Nov 1, 2011

    While some purists may complain about the relaunch of "Uncanny X-Men," this issue makes a strong argument for the new direction of the title and deftly illustrates what sets it apart from the previous volume. Cyclops and the X-Men look to be changing mutants' role in the world in a manner different from Xavier's vision, and as such, the break makes sense. This first issue sets up the new status quo well before diving into the plot, resulting in an entertaining, action-packed, smart comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 1, 2011

    Uncanny X-Men ended last month but is back with a new #1. Cyclops has quickly recovered from half the mutants leaving Utopia to side with Wolverine and is making plans for a new mini 'team.' That decision was made just in time as the deadly return of a villain is going to require their immediate attention. Kieron Gillen shows he has a great grasp on the characters. It's always nice to see little scenes between Scott and Emma. Where would Scott be without her? This issue sets up the new direction but also delivers plenty of action. Pacheco's art captures the vibe of the story but there were moments where the colors felt a little flat and Emma's lack of pants and quick change of her top were a little distracting. We are left with a pretty crazy cliffhanger and we're off to a good start with this new Uncanny series. It's time to get on board the Uncanny X-Men train and enjoy the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    iFanboy - Ron Richards Nov 1, 2011

    Ultimately, Uncanny X-Men #1 is the underdog in the world of X-Men: Regenesis. It's the take on the X-Men that we're most familiar with, spinning off from the stories of the recent years. And yet, despite that, this issue brings into focus what it's going to take for the realization of the dream of X-Men as public heroes will take. With Uncanny X-Men #1, Gillen and Pacheco take a bold step forward in the evolution of the X-Men mythos. If this issue is any indication of what's to come, I can't wait to see what this next chapter holds. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Nov 2, 2011

    A pretty good start to a new series. I'm not personally much of a Sinister fan, but I'm in the minority there and he's certainly got enough gravity to kick off the first story of the relaunch. Gillen has found a good tone for this series and writes all the characters well, but you can't get an “A” from me without better art. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Crave Online - Blair Marnell Nov 2, 2011

    If I was judging this book by the art alone, it would be a 9 or a 9.5. However, I have to admit that I didn't enjoy it as much as Wolverine and the X-Men #1. Uncanny X-Men #1 is the more straightforward superhero book of the two core X-Men titles. But there's nothing wrong with that. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 3, 2011

    So a rough start, and the clock is ticking on this series. Hopefully the next issue will be a bit more coherent. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Adam C Dec 24, 2011

    Overall, Uncanny X-Men #1 is a heck of a read. It's not quite perfect, but it's certainly above your average comic book. Gillen leaves a lot to be answered for, and with the help of Pacheco, I'm sure all that is to be revealed will not disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Oct 31, 2011

    The bottom line for this book is that it accomplishes Gillen's monumental undertaking without adding much in the way of new developments. While it does well to at least touch upon all aspects of Cyclops' army, it serves more as a reference book than significant narrative progress in the new era of the X-Men. Consequently, this book is closer to a necessity than a helpful recapitulation for comic fans that have been away from the X-Men for the past year or so. On the other hand, the modest storyline will likely elicit negative initial reactions in a majority of readers. Overall, though, the appealing artwork, strong characterizations, and bizarre cliffhanger should be enough for anyone looking to follow this title to justify a purchase after a bit of reflection. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Nov 8, 2011

    Uncanny X-Men #1 is a good first issue that reintroduces the core group of characters and defines how this book will be separate from the legion of other X-titles. It didn't wow me, and I'm not sure Mr. Sinister is the best choice of villain to start off the series, but it gave me just enough that I'll probably stick around for another issue or two to see what happens. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 4, 2011

    Uncanny X-Men #1 did not win me over and make me instantly put it on my pull list. What it did do was provide some solid storytelling that is enough for me to stick around for at least this arc. Kieron Gillen displayed a very good handle of most of the members on the team. Characters like Cyclops, Storm and Magneto really do get to shine in this issue and I hope that will be the case with the rest of the team moving forward. There were a few hiccups but this issue did a good job mission statement he set for this book as it separates itself from the other X-books. Overall a solid issue that just missed being a home run. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Nov 7, 2011

    Carlos Pacheco and Cam Smith do perfectly good artwork " Pacheco is an artist I'm pretty much always anxious to see at work. Their depiction of the Dreaming Celestial and the clever metamorphosis his head undergoes looks nice, and the book feels more like a part of the Marvel Universe than a lot of X-Men comics have in the past. But at this point, if I'm going to keep one X-Men book on my pull list, it's not going to be this one. Read Full Review

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