Fables #125

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Mark Buckingham Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 23, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

So Snow White is finally getting an arc of FABLES named after her? Thats too bad, since it always means the title character is about to be put through the ringer. And she has to go through these trials and tribulations alone, because Bigby is off learning to drive (which leads to its own harrowing implications). But shes made of pretty stern stuff, our Snow, and shes never been a wilting flower in the face of adversity, so lets see what shes made of.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steve Morris Jan 25, 2013

    Overall, Fables #125 is another example of Bill Willingham's immense skill at telling a story. It feels simple, but only because he's constructed such a wonderful, sweeping world to play around in, with distinctive characters who feel comfortable in their own skin. Fables has a confident, earned voice as a series, and issue #125 continues to take the characters towards new goals and stories. It's an excellent piece -- complemented, I should absolutely point out, by a stellar artistic team who by this point have merged into a single entity, so symbiotic and instinctive their work feels. It's an excellent issue of a series which surely has no right to still be excellent after so many years of storytelling. Magic must be involved somehow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Jan 23, 2013

    The writing was up to par as usual and so was the art. I really loved the cover because it reminded me of the early days of Fables. The cover just felt so nostalgic. I also loved the borders used on each page because it gave the issue an extra accent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 23, 2013

    It's no surprise that FABLES has gone on consecutively for then years now. With a new arc focusing on Snow White, Bill Willingham is setting up what could be even more bad times for her. There is a shocking cliffhanger that you won't see coming. The art and colors remind you why this is such a great looking comic that's fun to read. Reading this first part makes it easy to understand why some wait until the stories are collected in trades but it's also something you won't want to wait to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jan 27, 2013

    A very low-key prelude issue that only starts to pick up towards the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 23, 2013

    "Fables" #125 feels firmly back on track, and I appreciate that right now the book feels like anything could happen. That's been part of the fun of "Fables" in the past, and it's nice to have it once more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 30, 2013

    However, Snow White's troubles are just beginning as Bigby's wife is surprised by the return of Prince Brandish, “protector of the realm, marshal of the west, and the first and one true husband of Snow White.” I think things are about to get interesting. Worth a look. Read Full Review

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