In the wake of DEATH OF THE FAMILY, Bruce Wayne confronts Jason Todd! You DO NOT want to miss this!
Tommy Zimmer is an upcoming writer of short stories, comic books, journalism/media reviews, screenplays, and anything related to writing. On, you can view his latest work, and see what exciting things he is currently doing!! Read Full Review
The If there's one thing you can generally expect from this title, is that every now and then you're going to get a issue full of great character beats, and that's what this issue is. Don't know how bad Jason's face is burned, but damn is it funny to watch fanboys and girls squirm on tumblr. I'm not going to say that I'll flat out miss Lobdell on the title, but these are the kinds of issues that I hope continue when Tynion takes over. Read Full Review
There's more fallout and follow up in this aftermath issue of Death of the Family. It's great seeing some follow up from the big crossover. Even though BATMAN #17 ended with the Family being separate, you have to overlook that in order to see the interactions presented. This was the opportunity to see details on some of the relationships that weren't able to be seen before the story took place. While the interactions were fun, the art was a little mixed given three different artists which resulted in some noticeable inconsistencies. This may close the chapter on Death of the Family but paves the way for a new direction for the series. Do not skip to the last page. Read Full Review
Red Hood has been a complicated character well before the New 52 in finding the right balance with the character's deadly intentions and still honoring his past as Robin. For this issue writer Scott Lobdell gets it right which makes the comic's twist all the more surprising as the Joker left our protagonist one final present which may have lasting effects on the Red Hood's role going forward. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Despite the unfortunate art problem of have three mediocre artists for one comic, this is still pretty good. Jason Todd gets a lot of meaningful scenes with almost all the members of the Bat-family, including Batman. Some of these are scenes I've been waiting for since he came back from the dead. And since the reboot, it would be nice to know what the heck went down between Nightwing and Starfire. But Lobdell wusses out and instead has Dick act like a total tool. Real shame. Still, the Jason scenes are pretty strong. And it's actually disappointing when Lobdell decides to scar his handsome young face at the very end. Also, here's hoping Lobdell never gets his hands on Damian ever again. Read Full Review
Visually, there are far too many cooks in the kitchen with Red Hood and the Outlaws. Three different artists -- Ardian Syaf, Robson Rocha, and Ken Lashley -- makes for wildly inconsistent art and some transitions are so startling that characters look like completely different people from one page to the next. Since Kenneth Rocafort's departure, the series has struggled to find its footing visually and it's only thanks to Lobdell's writing that the uneven artwork is less distracting than it could be. Read Full Review
FINALLY! This is what I've wanted since Jason came back. We've seen Jason run into the family a few times, his quick team-up with Batman (Dick) and Robin pre-New 52, him helping out during Court of Owls and the Death of the Family storylines, although he mostly sat in the background with his arms folded, and his awesome reuniting with the other three Robins last year, right before Damian decided to challenge each Robin to prove he was the best. But this was the first time we got Jason at the manor, feeling like a part of the family. Read Full Review
It's alright. And if you think it's bullshit the Joker could sabotage Jason's helmet and a cave full of the world's greatest detectives didn't subject that particular piece of equipment to the most punctilious scrutiny ever before letting Jason slap it back on, I'm right there with you. Lobdell is leaving Red Hood and the Outlaws with next month's issue #18 (to be replaced by James Tynion IV), though, so let's see effectively he can wrap things up. Read Full Review
Important stuff happens here, but I still wouldn't say it's a good comic. The cover is absolutely awesome, there are some nice character moments with Bruce and Damian, and the shocking revelation is sure to have everyone talking so you'll want to know what that's all about. But it's a really short read that lacked focus and some of these pages are really ugly. Flip through this one at the comic shop and come to your own decision. It's got as many good things going for it as it does bad. Read Full Review