The Avenging Spider-Man #4

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Greg Land Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 15, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Hawkeye drops in for a visit. Two stars of next summer's biggest films, together!

  • 10 - Stuart Conover Mar 3, 2013

    There wasn't a single bad thing in the entire issue and just like last week's issue of The Superior Spider-Man we get an awesome cliffhanger. I won't announce what it is but we're going to be seeing the return of another of Spider's villains in the near future and his return could mark something rather… sinister. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Outer Realm Comics - Scotty Newton Feb 29, 2012

    4.7/5 BUY IT NOW! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Clark Bullock Apr 16, 2012

    I am really enjoying this book, like I believed that I would. Peter Parker still has is witty sense of humor that will make you laugh out loud and the action is still up to par. I am also enjoying the more realistic art that the staff is putting into the series. The only complaint I have is that some of the dialogue seemed somewhat drawn out, especially in issue #6. I'm not sure if this has to do with Wells getting assistance from other writers, but I think he should stick to what he knows. Coming off of finishing Carnage U.S.A., I know Zeb doesn't need any help. All in all, I am still enjoying the series and I can't wait to see what issue #7 brings. I give this a 9/10. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 17, 2012

    Greg Land’s art is the only sore point for me. It just comes across as extremely lazy. The panel layouts are simplistic; the pencils just sit there with no movement or action at all. I also dislike how Land draws faces; they’re eerily devoid of life. On the positive side, I did like how his version of Spider-Man, it has a nice old school flavor to it. Despite the lackluster art Avenging Spider-Man is another solid notch in the belt of Zeb Wells and his talent. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 15, 2012

    Land's art is fairly disappointing, though. His usual problems with mismatched facial expressions are still apparent, as are the recycled poses and photo-referenced figures. Compared to the pairing of Land and Guru eFX on Uncanny X-Men (also out today), the colors here don't enhance his pencils quite so well, either. The action does flow pretty well throughout the issue, and it's more a case of the subtler aspects not working very well. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Feb 17, 2012

    A straight forward stand alone story featuring Spider-Man & the cocky and over-confident Hawkeye. You can tell The Avengers movie is closing in because Hawkeye seems to be everywhere these days. I like Hawkeye, hes a legend in the Marvel Universe, but you have to admit, that ending made him look pathetic. A few chuckles here and there, but only recommended if youre a fan of this series. Written by Zeb Wells (Carnage U.S.A) & illustrated by Greg Land (Uncanny X-Men). From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Feb 15, 2012

    Even so, he's no Joe Madureira, and combined with Wells' ironically off-the-mark interpretation of Hawkeye, it makes for a disappointing comedown after the highs of the opening arc. It isn't awful, but ultimately, a Hawkeye book likely to upset Hawkeye fans isn't fit for purpose. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 15, 2012

    I've enjoyed the first three issues of this series but this one doesn't live up to the standards we've now developed. It isn't just because we don't have Joe Maureira's art and have Greg Land's instead. The combination of the art and the way Hawkeye is portrayed here comes across as annoying. There were some fun moments but they were out weighed by Hawkeye's attitude and ineptitude. I was looking forward to a team up with just Spider-Man and Hawkeye but sadly, this wasn't how I wanted it to be. Read Full Review

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