SUPERMAN faces new supervillainess MASOCHIST! How can Superman fight an opponent he can't touch? LOIS LANE faces a turning point in her career as a journalist.
So, certainly a lot is happening in this issue. But as I said, these all add some depth to this book. I especially appreciated the time devoted to the Daily Planet staff, especially Lois. Am I the only one who felt there was some romantic sentiment bubbling under the surface? After the two-part Helspont story and now this world-building issue, I am confident that a Giffen/Jurgens led book would be fantastic. We'll have to see if the Lobdell rumor comes to pass. Read Full Review
The art of the issue is its saving grace, and despite the fact that Superman may be unimpressive, he's drawn well doing the mundane. The irony is too great to ignore. Giffen and Jurgens are said to be coming off the book soon, and I believe that is a good thing. Readers deserve to see the New 52 Superman, who has yet to be written, unless he's just the trunk-less costume. In that case, we've seen more than enough. Read Full Review
The art -- featuring layouts by Jurgens and finishes from Jesus Merino -- is full of strange errors. Characters will have hard, defined features on one page, but then have inexplicably soft looks on the next. The battle scenes lack all sense of impact and motion. No matter how big the letterer makes "THROK," it just doesn't sell a punch without convincing art. Anatomically, Superman's neck is much too long. In most shots of him, the collar goes up a good six inches with a couple more inches of bare skinned neck showing on top of that. The way his neck is stretched is enough to make Plastic Man jealous. Read Full Review
I really want to like SUPERMAN. I was borderline between a 2 and a 3. There are elements I enjoyed but they were just outweighed by the haphazard presentation. Perhaps the cover's focus on a minor part of the issue shouldn't held against the entire issue but unfortunately it's a factor. We're getting different pieces to separate stories, all combined in a single issue. It provides set up for what's to come but it makes the issue lack a cohesive feeling. Jimmy and Lois' appearance feels random or as if they were thrown in just to give them an appearance. Jurgens and Merino's art is really becoming what I think of for Superman in the "New 52." Each month I keep waiting for something to happen. Helspont a couple issues ago felt as if the series was finally going somewhere. I really need and want something to change here so I can enjoy the series more. Superman is one of DC's most iconic character. He deserves more. Read Full Review