Moon Knight #1
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Moon Knight #1

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Greg Smallwood Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 13, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 74
8.3Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Marc Spector (a.k.a. Moon Knight/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant) has been fighting criminals and keeping New York City safe for years... or has he? When he wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and a lifetime's worth of medical records, his whole identity (indentities) are called into question. Something is wrong, but is that something Marc Spector himself? Jeff Lemire (EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN) and rising star Greg Smallwood are calling everything you know about Moon Knight into question.
Rated T+

  • 10
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Apr 15, 2016

    In summation: Moon Knight #1 has a great art style, great cover, promising plot, and a real sense of originality. This new Moon Knight really deserves a chance, so pick it up as you won't be disappointed! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Apr 13, 2016

    Moon Knight is a character I have dabbled with, but Lemire, Smallwood, Bellaire, and Petit make this comic a must-read for me in one issue. This team, over the course of thirty pages, offers readers a sample of what the character could be, and if this issue is anything to judge the run by (and let's be presumptuous for a bit) this version of Moon Knight will be on par with the Mark Waid/Chris Samnee/Javier Rodriguez-Matt Wilson run onDaredevil. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Comicsverse - Tarik Cummings Apr 17, 2016

    Most of the issue is set in an asylum and we're subsequently presented with the generic evil orderlies as the issue's main antagonists. Despite the clich of the evil orderlies in an asylum, the issue is incredibly taut and focused on Spector's mental struggle. Lemire and Smallwood have added a brilliant layer to the Moon Knight mythos, and I definitely recommend it to longtime fans of the character. It also serves a great introduction to him as well. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Apr 19, 2016

    This series starts off hot. It helps if you are familiar with Moon Knight's previous runs with Brian Wood, Bendis, and Waid, but they aren't actually necessary. Hell, if you're familiar with Moon Knight's back issues you'll catch things I'm sure I missed that serve as Easter eggs. This run feels like the exploration into Spector's mental health that we've been waiting on for years. Add some Egyptian mythology on top of that and we got ourselves a very different adventure for Moon Knight than we've seen for him in previous years. It's a run we should all be looking forward to. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Apr 14, 2016

    My personal theory (for what it's worth) is that the whole asylum, inmates and all, are figments of Marc's mind. I'd like to see an "Arkham Asylum" situation where Moon Knight delves deeper into the halls of his own tangled mind and is forced to confront increasingly distorted versions of the people he's punished and put away, as well as those he's loved and lost along the way. But, regardless of how it turns out, it's great to see another book coming out from Marvel that is less concerned with keeping up with larger continuity and tie-ins, and more focused on a singular, engaging storyline. Lemire has admitted that he already has the first ten issues of "Moon Knight" scripted and, if this opener is any indication of the quality of the road ahead, I reckon I'll be with him and Smallwood month after monthto see how it all unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Chiotare Danake Apr 16, 2016

    Moon Knight #1 is an amazing psychological story where you are left wondering by the end of the book. Is Marc really Moon Knight or are those all in his head? The book strikes this question many times and its execution was great. Although completely new readers might be confused on certain character interactions, it might just be enough for them to continue picking this book up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Apr 16, 2016

    I hold out hope that Jeff Lemire will give me “my Moon Knight” back. If he doesn't, that's OK too. I can walk away again and leave the character to those who like the struggling against mental illness version of the character. While it lasts, I'm holding out hope that the story will go in a direction I want it to, but I cannot deny the craft in the writing and art even if I end up not liking the story at the end of this arc. This is a well-done comic and well worth a look. I didn't pre-order this book, I flipped through it at the comic shop and bought it because of Greg Smallwood's art. I'm adding it to my monthly reading list for the remainder of the first story arc because of Lemire's story. The conclusion of this arc will determine if I stick around or not. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Apr 14, 2016

    We learn that Marc has been a resident here since he was a child, with Moon Knight apparently in his head, and he's suffered a relapse. Which he does, in a big way. It seems he literally sees the world in a new way as Moon Knight (even if the outfit is just some bed sheets") and he is given his calling and his opponent to beat. Maybe? It still could all just be in his head. He's not even sure if the other patients are actually patients or people he knows as Moon Knight, which gives us new mini-flashbacks. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Richard Morris Apr 18, 2016

    This writer cannot wait to pick up the next addition to the newest, psychological series and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Moon Knight #2, but in the meantime, be sure to pick up your own copy of the mesmerizing Moon Knight #1. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Apr 20, 2016

    Any Moon Knight fan needs to check this series out. For anyone who doesn’t know Moon Knight, it’s okay. This is still an amazing story, told in almost poetic prose and beautiful illustrations. If I wasn’t already a Moon Knight fan, this issue would make me one. I fully, with every fiber of my being, recommend this book to all of you. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 14, 2016

    Moon Knight has had his fair share of #1's here lately, but this one looks to stand out above the rest thanks to yet another fresh, yet studied, take on the character. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Apr 14, 2016

    Moon Knight #1 was a sensational opening issue, making it an instant addition to my pull. Giving us a unique take on the classic elements of the titular character, the creative team delivered a narrative dripping with mystery. Add to this the question of Marc Spector's sanity, and we're left with a final product that easily comes highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Apr 12, 2016

    Still, Lemire has done more than enough to make me desperately curious about where this will all go. Add in the fantastic art team, and Moon Knight's latest relaunch is definitely worth handing over your hard earned cash for"or sacrificing your sanity to Konshu. Whatever you need to do to get this book on your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez May 16, 2016

    Moon Knight #1 presents us a very unique look at super heroics and psychological illnesses. Marc Spector is in deep trouble because we are not sure what is real and what is not. Lemire tricks readers into questioning if Marc is really nuts or not as well, allowing a lot of second guessing to go on while Lemire does some world building and plants the seeds of a mystery. Smallwood and Bellaire make a fantastic art team that can really giving a great style to the street level action and the more mystical side of Moon Knight. They more than proved it with this issue. Lemire's over all story is good, but might get readers lost. That may or may not be on purpose. A strong first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Apr 14, 2016

    Moon Knight #1 has potential, capitalizing on our need to understand the inner brain-makings of Marc. Engaging us on a level where we see what it can be like for someone to struggle with self-identity to an extreme. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Apr 17, 2016

    I do wish we had more action with this first issue, but instead its all one big lead in to the next issue. A street level hero that dispenses brutal justice, I hope this series lets the hero shine like he should. With this creative team in place, I see big things happening for the underdog hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers Apr 18, 2016

    For a character that usually isn't that thrilling, this first issue was pretty exciting to read. Like an amalgamation of the themes of The Matrix and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Moon Knight 1 has definitely set up a compelling story that will entice you to pick up issue two. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Apr 13, 2016

    Ultimately, it's Greg Smallwood's knack for visual storytelling that elevates Moon Knight #1 into a worthwhile pick-up for new initiates to the avatar of Khonshu as well as die-hard fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 13, 2016

    With many past series that have come and gone, Jeff Lemire is giving us a MOON KNIGHT series that stands apart from the rest. There is an abundant amount of mystery and suspense as we try to figure out exactly what is happening and what is real. Greg Smallwood and Jordie Bellaire's art and colors is a dream come true for Moon Knight fans. We have an intriguing set up with breathtaking visuals. This is the series and creative team Moon Knight fans deserve. I have high hopes for this series. I've had my heart broken before after seeing past series come to an end. There is a lot of set up here in place of pure action, but it's important in establishing the tone and direction. I have no idea where we're headed to next but I am thrilled to be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 12, 2016

    It's good to have Moon Knight back on the stands. This new series retains much of what made its predecessor so appealing while also shaking up the formula in a major way. Between the moody atmosphere and terrific sense of style, this issue has a lot going for it. It's just a shame the book works against itself by rushing to the big reveal rather than offering a slower and more purposeful build-up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Alexander Jones Apr 15, 2016

    Moon Knight #1 does a lot of things right, especially in how the comic characterizes the lead hero while asking some interesting new questions about him. The comic takes the impeccable sense of style and presentation that went into the last run and weaves a new story thread out of it. This comic book does not seem like a brand new take on the character that avoids all previous continuity, but it does shake things up within the context of what came before. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 12, 2016

    "Moon Knight" #1 is a strong first issue from Lemire, Smallwood and Bellaire. For whatever reason, this character seems to rarely click with readers, if the number of series that have come and gone over the years is any indication. Will this be the take that sticks? It's hard to say, but if pure talent alone assured victory, there would be no worries here. Lemire, Smallwood and Bellaire have made Moon Knight intriguing again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Apr 15, 2016

    Though the issue suffers just the tiniest bit from the at this point familiar tactic of exploiting Moon Knight's questionable mental health, Lemire has written a captivating enough story to bring you back for more, and if you aren't checking this issue out for the art alone, you're cheating yourself. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jessica Petrecz Apr 15, 2016

    Yes, those who follow Moon Knight are probably going to be so stoked at how good this book is, and at how good the story arc can be. Maybe you have never heard of Moon Knight and that is okay, because this is actually a good jumping-on point for new readers because it explains a lot of back-story to who Marc Spector is and what Moon Knight is. This book is good, and it does set up for the next issues to be just as good if not better so, please read Moon Knight #1 because he is a great example of how Marvel can write a good off-the-wall super hero story and still engage a reader. This was a long-awaited book for many and it certainly lived up to expectations. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Apr 17, 2016

    Overall this is a decent start to the series, but there is still certainly room for improvement. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CourtOfNerds - Drew S. McCarthy Apr 13, 2016

    A strong first outing from a mostly new creative team, with a really intriguing take on a beloved character. Interested enough to add it to my pull list each month and see where Marc Spector's mind goes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 12, 2016

    Marvel has been doubling down on Moon Knight for years now, perhaps in part because of the popularity of its other street-level characters in multimedia " but even when they've put A-list writers like Brian Michael Bendis on the title, something's kept Marc Spector from really catching on fire. (Even Warren Ellis's acclaimed run only lasted six issues!) And so the question of Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood's new take on Moon Knight isn't so much panache or execution as much as it is staying power " especially since they've seemed to burn through most of their marketing hook by the end of the first issue. At this point, whether or not Moon Knight has more legs beyond the obvious elevator pitch remains to be seen. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 20, 2016

    Still hearing the call of Khonshu, it appears our hero's first order of business is to get out of the mental hospital, don his old costume (the all-white one please), and try to suss out just what the hell is going on. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Apr 12, 2016

    I had hoped for a bit more from this comic, but I did have high expectations considering the creative team. It's a decent start and different direction, but the first issue relies WAY too much on settings and characters we've seen before. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Arpad Okay Apr 14, 2016

    Moon Knight is a psychological thriller, possibly a gargantuan work of supernatural espionage, possibly the unshakable fantasy of a damaged mind. Standing on the hospital roof without shoes, a torn up sheet wrapped around his head, Spector sees the moon and tells it, "this is the only real thing I've felt in so long." Given the choice between the sterile truth of reality and the hero fantasy he lives in his dreams, Spector does what he does best. He fights the world. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kristopher Reavely Apr 13, 2016

    The new series deserves a chance, the art is good, not great but good. The story could use some work, if writer Jeff Lemire thinks he can get away with rehashing a story almost any fan has watched he had better up his game. Still it has potential. I will read the second issue and probably the third just to make sure I'm not judging the series too quickly. I can tell you I don't feel that swell of excitement like I did in 2006 but I am hopeful. Read Full Review

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