Revealed at it ends for the Man without Fear! In the near future, investigative reporter Ben Urich has one last story to write - what was Matt Murdock's the final secret? A story years in the making brought to you by some of the greatest creators in Daredevil history!
Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack script negatively characterizes the inhabitants of Hell's Kitchen, and maybe the world. These sentiments are fiercely expressed through the narrative of Ben Urich and the art of Janson and Sienkiewicz. Read Full Review
The book looks amazing, it's the best way to put it, and the shifts in colouring, inking, and painting throughout seamlessly tell the story Bendis returns to finish. In a strange way, the book speaks to the Daredevil of days gone by, prior to his recent reboot, and locates him in the past as we look to the future. Things start and end at the beginning here, and the book fluidly references and calls back moments to remember without being nostalgic or hokey. Read Full Review
This may be the end of Daredevil, but Bendis, Mack, Janson and Sienkiewicz have delivered a new mystery that will leave you desperate for more. It's dirty, it's decedent, it's scary, it's sad. It's also well worth the wait. With perfect artwork and perfectly paced writing, End of Days #1 is a bleak, black epitaph that certainly gives this devil his due. Read Full Review
In fact, comparatively, the "Daredevil" ongoing that currently exists could be compared to some off-brand generic cola. What Bendis, Mack, Janson and Sienkiewicz are making is Classic Coke. And do you really want to live in a world without Coca-Cola? Read Full Review
Daredevil is a character that has seen more than his share of legendary runs by brilliant creators. Im very pleased with this first installment from Bendis as he returns to the character. Its still a long way from over, which means it has a chance to flop, or be among the best arcs for the character. So far, Bendis is off to an amazing start, and he has very talented people around him. Read Full Review
Frankly, the long delays on this project left me wondering if it could possibly live up to its promise, and there's obviously still a long way to go; but if, by the end, we have a Daredevil story worthy to stand with Born Again or Underboss, I won't be at all surprised. Read Full Review
If you are a fan ofDaredevil, this book is for you. Not only is it a capstone to an enlightening character, its also a well-done story, featuring art by some of the all-time greats. Pick this one up now, because we wont get another Daredevil story like this in a long time. Read Full Review
That Marvel's modern survey of Hell's Kitchen never quite tracked with the gentrified real-life neighborhood has amused New Yorkers for years. As an outsider, I'm not sure if Bendis' and Maleev's and Janson's or even Miller's depiction of Midtown West is any more truthful than Waid's and his artist's. I don't know if gentrification is holistic, if the spirit of a place can ever truly be exorcised for good or ill even if every brick is replaced. Is Bendis and Mack's Daredevil more honest than Waid's? It's almost certainly not as simple as that. In a way, maybe each chapter in Matt Murdock's life is equally brimming with deceptions and realizations. Burning down his ruins and rebuilding something new and wondering why it never quite feels like sanctuary. Read Full Review
I have tried not to give too many spoilers away in this review. Obviously we know that Matt has died, however the events before that are best read without spoilers to get maximum enjoyment out of this fantastic first issue. Pick this book up, it has potential to be a very special limited series. Read Full Review
Once upon a time, this book would have been one of the wonderfully oversized softcover graphic novels Marvel pumped out in the 1980s. What it is, however, is the comic book equivalent to a greatest hits album or a gonzo final farewell stadium tour from a legendary band. This band has Janson on bass, Mack on drums, Sienkiewicz playing a mean, feedback-laced fuzzy guitar and Bendis wailing out vocals like he's never going to do it again. If none of these creators ever touches ol' Hornhead again, they can all rest well knowing they gave Daredevil fans an adventure on the path to immortality to become an influential Daredevil classic. Read Full Review
This isn't elseworlds, it's an in continuity canonical tale of Daredevil's last days. It's also a frightening vision, but impossible to look away from. We can't wait to see how it all comes together. Read Full Review
What can I say? Along with other amazing titles like Saga, Punk Rock Jesus & the monthly Batman (The New 52) series, this one ranks very high among them. I simply can’t recommend it enough. Read Full Review
Shying away from discussing spoilers is a tough thing to do when talking about End of Days #1. But let's just say that a major event happens in the book's opening pages that sets a somber tone for things to come. Bendis and Mack then return to writing Ben Urich, who acts as the book's emotional through-line.Unsurprisingly, the writing duo manage to find a creative way for Urich to carry the story while also catching up new readers with the history he and Matt Murdock share together through a clever use of exposition featuring some beautifully painted artwork by Bill Sienkiewicz. Read Full Review
And it's in this regard that Daredevil: End of Days is wildly successful. Because it is a testbed for the idea of Daredevil, rather than simply the daily adventures he finds himself embroiled in. Read Full Review
These future stories telling the final days of a hero can be tough. No one wants to see their favorite heroes get demolished but if it's told with great writing, you can't help but get pulled into it. Bendis and Mack give a dark and brutal look at what's to come of Daredevil. It will leave a sinking feeling as you turn each page with Janson and Sienkiewicz's gritty art. These types of stories are often hit or miss but this one is a hit, as in a hit on the back of your head with a brick. It will leave you reeling as you cringe at what Daredevil's future may hold for him. Just when you think you have the series figured out, a wrench comes flying your way to catch you by surprise. This is a heavy comic and it's exactly what you'd want from the series. Read Full Review
Told in the narrative style of Citizen Kane, this could go on to be the penultimate Daredevil story " even if it is his last. Read Full Review
It's clear why Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz were tapped for this project " because they evoke memories of the classic DD stories Frank Miller told in the 1980s that set Daredevil apart from Marvel's other street-level super-heroes. But during the scene featuring the climactic fight between DD and the Kingpin, some of the visuals specifically put me in mind of the style of the late Gene Colan, another artist remembered as one of the best talents to work on the original Daredevil series. Read Full Review
So far, this is a good start to the mini-series. It is a must read if you are a Daredevil fan. Since the focus of the comic will be on Ben Urich and it takes place sometime in the near future, it will be interesting who Ben meets in his investigations. I look forward to reading the new reveals that lead to Daredevil's demise. 3 stars. Read Full Review
wow! what an absolutely brilliant start
It took a while for Janson’s art to grow on me, but his legendary depiction of Daredevil won me over. The pacing was a little slow but I loved Bendis’ narrating. Ben Urich has always been one of Bendis’ favorite characters to write and I can’t wait for next issue
It's cool but too edgy. Just to be edgy.