"Rise Of The Batmen" part 7! This epic concludes with a battle against the Colony that will change Batman's world forever-and in a way you'd never expect! Whether they win or lose, they've already lost...
Detective Comics #940 is a masterful end to a great first arc as Tynion and Barrows come together cohesively to deliver an issue that is able to balk expectations and deliver a book full of emotionally rich moments. This is an issue that should not be missed, and a series that can't be ignored any longer. Seriously, go buy this book!! Read Full Review
Returning one of their flagship titles to its original numbering was meant to symbolize a return to the way things used to be, but I'd argue that what Tynion and his team are doing with Detective Comics isn't returning but rather redefining what the title means for the DC Universe. For decades the Bat-Family has expanded to include a wide variety of characters, all of whom engage with Batman in different but no less important ways. This arc has been all about those relationships and how dear they are to Batman. Without his family, he flounders, and in the wake of Tim's death, what Batman and the rest of the family choose to do will have a resounding effect. (Especially considering where this issue's epilogue leaves us, hinting at more universe-wide implications yet to come.) Read Full Review
While this issue follows the same trajectory as last month’s in terms of Red Robin stealing the show from the rest of his Bat-family, I don’t think readers are going to find anything to complain about with Detective Comics #940. With the conclusion of this seven-part (!!) arc finally upon us, I think it’s extremely safe to say that Tynion, Barrows and company have delivered the single strongest book of DC’s Rebirth era, bringing together both exciting action and compelling characterization in a way that almost looks easy, if it wasn’t so damn smart about it. If you haven’t been reading this book, you’re missing out on a truly incredible run. Read Full Review
After reading this issue, be sure to go check out Teen Titans #24 which directly follows it! You can read our review of that issue Here! Read Full Review
Since rebirth Detective Comics has been one of my must read titlesas the story has beenexcellent and the art outstanding, the build up to this issue has been fast paced with no signs of slowing down, this issues has some gorgeous full-page spreads with a stunningly drawn tender moment between Batman and Spoiler.If you only buy one Batman book them this would be my recommendation. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #940 nails the emotional heroism and turmoil in Tynion's story, which is everything you can possibly hope for in a Bat-family comic. Read Full Review
As I said in a previous review for Detective Comics, this is what transcendence feels like in a comic book, this rings true now more than ever. I thought this team was at it's best before and they just keep proving me wrong each issue, getting better and better. Read Full Review
Detective Comics concludes its first arc with a powerful ending. James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas have consistently delivered a great Batman story with the Dark Knight taking a new direction. We've seen the different characters fleshed out without getting lost in the crowd, and the action moves the story at a brisk pace. The finale will grab your attention and leave you speechless as you reach the final page. Tynion and company are doing great things here. This is a book you shouldn't miss out on. Read Full Review
We here at Batman News have loved James Tynion's run on Detective Comics because it's just been so darn good. Building on the success of its predecessors, this arc's final installment manages to stand high above what came before. If you've enjoyed "Rise of the Batmen" so far, this issue will blow you away. And if you haven't, it just may change your mind. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #940is a wonderful issue that sends a fan favorite character out of our lives. James Tynion IV has a love for the characters that he writes and it shows with the way he handled this death. This series has honestly been one of the biggest surprises of Rebirth. It has twists and turns and, above all that, great writing and exceptional art. Read Full Review
It's a heartbreaking tale to be sure. Detective Comics #940 is an exclamation point on a story that has redefined Gotham City and so many of the members of the Batman Family. Tynion, Barrows, Ferreira, Lucas, and Patrizio close off a fast-paced story with a world-changing finale. Then they take it a step further and tack on an epilogue that shakes up the entire post-Rebirth DC Universe. Things started out great with this title, and Tynion and crew have continued to raise the bar. I cannot wait to see how they follow up on this one. Read Full Review
With this issue, Tynion and Barrows cement Detectives status as a Top 3 Rebirth title and this weeks must-read DC comic. Read Full Review
It's no easy feat to stand out when both Tom King and Scott Snyder are writing ongoing Batman comics, yet somehow James Tynion succeeds with Detective Comics. This issue easily ranks as the best Batman comic of the Rebirth era so far. Read Full Review
An emotionally-charged issue with great writing and solid art. A little action, and a lot of crying make for an impactful issue and great end to a story arc! Read Full Review
In Conclusion: Beautifully paced, gorgeously drawn and colored, Detective Comics #940 delivers a Batwoman, Robin, and Batman story of family, loss, and betrayal born of love and skill. Read Full Review
This story arc as a whole was a near perfect start to the new run of Detective and I'm confident of Tynion's abilities and ambitions for more stories down the road. This is a book that will be staying on my pull list. Read Full Review
And part of the reason it doesn't feel like a cheap trick? We get an epilogue! And what an epilogue, that ties into the events into the greater mystery as to what has happened with the DC Universe. This doesn't feel like a stunt, it feels like something that's a small piece of something greater. By mixing in real emotion, giving us clear answers immediately, and add in solid art, we've got a hyped issue that actually lives up to it. Read Full Review
Even if the loss is a a bit slight of hand (and there's that eerily similar panel to “Death in the Family”) which undercuts its emotional impact to a degree, the story still works well in how writer James Tynion IV and artist Alvaro Martinez allow the characters to mourn their friend's loss. As to how long it will take before they learn the truth, we'll have to wait and see. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #940 turned out to be a much more important comic book than originally advertised. Not only did James Tynion deliver a big development by taking Tim Drake off the table for use in the immediate future but also tied it into the greater narrative of DC's Rebirth story. This ending also leaves Batman and Batwoman's new team of heroes in an interesting spot after the quick crossover with Batman and Nightwing comics is over. I am definitely more interested to see what happens next than I was already which is all I can ask for from any comic book. Read Full Review
This was a very good and emotional issue that lost some of it's impact with the sudden revelation at the end. However, that same cliffhanger set this story (and the rest of the DCU) into a bigger picture mode that I can't wait to see more of. Everyone interested in the overall Rebirth story should pick this up and read it immediatley as well as Tim Drake fans everywhere. Read Full Review
The apparent death of Tim also has the effect of highlighting other relationships in Gotham, such as between Kate Kane and her father or a Batman and Spoiler. It likewise clears the deck for Damian's iteration of the Teen Titans. I would have bet good money that DC was not that serious about continuity, and very good money that the Bats of Gotham would play little role in the greater REBIRTH saga. It's a good thing for my billfold that I am not a betting man. Read Full Review
It will be exciting to see if “The Colony” will return. It will be equally, if not more, intriguing to see how the team will cope and rally after the loss of one of their own. I hope Tynion and company can keep their audience captivated with the next arc like this one. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #940 is an epic and effective ending to rather long, slow arc. The storyline started and finished strong, but was stretched out a little thin in the middle. The characterization was strong, with some auxiliary characters getting a chance to shine, and the artwork was eye-pleasing in many ways. The ending of the issue will certainly leave people talking, whether that be in a good or bad way. Either way, when all is said and done, Detective Comics is definitely a series to keep your eyes on. Read Full Review
I didn't enjoy this issue of Detective Comics as much as the previous ones but I'm still on board. The “Monster Men” crossover might get skipped by me because I'm not reading Batman and I'm on the fence about Nightwing but this first arc single-handedly made me care about this cast of characters, it's definitely worth reading. Read Full Review
Ultimately, the issue just feels like another generic Batman comic. It loses nearly all of the identity that it'sbeen developingsince it came back earlier this summer. Even the character moments feel forced and insincere, as the book's uniqueness is eroded in favor of… brand synergy, I guess. It's a bummer, and this issue just left me feeling kind of empty. Read Full Review