The Avenging Spider-Man #1
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The Avenging Spider-Man #1

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Joe Madureira Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 9, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 6
8.4Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Spider-Man and Red Hulk take on a Moloid army during the New York Marathon!

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Nov 9, 2011

    Usually, I think defending a star rating in the body of a review is a little too meta, but in this case I feel it's worth discussing. This isn't a 5 star comic in the sense that it's the next "Sandman" and everyone should have a copy on their shelves. It isn't. It's a pop comic. A firework, not an atom bomb. But with art this good and writing this entertaining, you can't fail to enjoy it -- and that's a 5 star experience however you look at it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 7, 2011

    Joe Mad's art is a delight to see once again. There's plenty of big action but even seeing someone like J. Jonah Jameson address a crowd looks great. Ferran Daniel's color art really compliments Madureira's art and the books is such a joy to read. Based on the tease of what characters will be appearing in future issues, we're in for some fun times. The caption for issue #2 is "More!" and that is exactly what I want, more AVENGING SPIDER-MAN. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Chris Kirby Nov 10, 2011

    I had no idea what to expect from this comic and simply picked it up because it was a number 1 and a Spider-man comic. Needless to say I was more than pleasantly surprised. The comedy was spot on with what I remember loving about Spider-man and seeing the Red Hulk in action for the first time was a real treat. The situations are serious but the fun never stopped and that, combined with the fantastic artwork by Joe Madureira, is more than enough reason for me to not wait a couple of issues and immediately add this series to my pull list. On an interesting note: the Moloids that attack NYC look exactly like the creatures the Green Hulk is found living with in The Incredible Hulk #1. Related story-lines? Eh. Recommended either way! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Nov 10, 2011

    Joe Madureira does some spectacular art here. Like Humberto Ramos, John Romita Jr. and a few others. Madureira pencils comics with the understanding that they are larger than life. It's interesting because he doesn't do it with bold, clean lines. The work is very delicate, lots of small lines and bits of shading. It lands between the comic art of Ramos and the fine art of Marc Silvestri. Madureira's stuff bristles with action, everything seems to constantly stretch and move. It gives Avenging Spider-Man a distinct look and allows Zeb Wells' more action-oriented scenes to jump right off the page. As a follower in the church of Dan Slott, I was not initially on board for Avenging Spider-Man. Wells and Madureira have made me a believer. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Nov 10, 2011

    A few quibbles aside, this was a very well done and welcome return for the Spidey team-up book. Keep it up! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Clark Bullock Mar 29, 2012

    With the conclusion of this story after issue #3, I really can't wait to see where this series goes. Hopefully more giant monsters, more violence and more laughs. I found myself really begging for more from this new installment in the Marvel universe, and hoping for some great appearances by more heroes and villains. Even if you are not a big Spider-Man fan, I believe anybody would enjoy what I experienced on these pages. I give this read a 9/10.-Clark Bullock Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 11, 2011

    While the story is fun the art takes center stage in this one. The characters look larger than life and the beautiful fight scenes capture the gravity of the situation our heroes face. I was unfamiliar with Joe Madureira's work but now, I believe the hype. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Colin Andersen Nov 10, 2011

    I am really amazed at just how much fun I had with Avenging Spider-Man. Its by no means a perfect book and some will find too little real substance to the series, but to me it was the perfect cross of the team-ups of yesteryear with the storytelling of modern comics. Perhaps the biggest problem here is the $3.99 price tag, though. This is a quick read that is definitely more flash than substance, even if it is entertaining flash and, because of that, I feel that unless my description sounds like the perfect kind of book for you, it might be better to wait for the trade on this one or else you may not feel like youre getting your moneys worth. To be fair though, Marvel is including a free digital download of the issue when you buy the physical copy so that may alleviate price issues for some. That being said, I think any fan of Spider-Man should check this issue out at some point. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Nov 11, 2011

    The pros, however, outweigh the cons. If you're looking for a no frills, pure Spider-Man action, this is the ticket. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 13, 2011

    While I have my problems with the $3.99 price point Avenging Spider-Man was a fantastic read that was pure fun from beginning to end. Zeb Wells finally gets the opportunity to write his own Spider-Man book and he hits it out of the ballpark on his first at-bat. Wells understands how to write the character as he has him play off his fellow Avengers teammates really well. There were even points that I found myself smiling because of how much fun I had reading this issue. I definitely recommend picking up Avenging Spider-Man if you are looking for a Spider-Man book that is just about a fun adventure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Nov 4, 2012

    In a year of goliath arcs and crossovers, this is just a nice one-shot for lovers of good character-driven superhero stories. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 8, 2011

    Ultimately, this is a fun story, but one lacking in depth or content. It provides a decent counterpoint to Amazing without surpassing it in any significant way. The best thing Wells can do for the book is concentrate on expanding the conflict and giving the two heroes more to work with and more opportunities to play off of each other. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Patrick Tobin Nov 10, 2011

    Postscript: I tried to download the digital copy that came packaged with the issue (along with a collector's edition sheet of blank yellow paper), but Marvel's Chrome store rabbitpunched my web browser (via an infinite-redirect error) and no downloads were made. I did poke at an issue of Astonishing X-Men that they had available, though, and while the viewing mechanism is attractive (and moves from panel section to panel section with minimal fuss), the controls are mildly frustrating and don't operate with the telepathic cursor-to-result precision I'd have liked. Oh, well. I still have a paper copy to read, don't I? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Nov 22, 2011

    This new ongoing series will feature Spider-Man teaming up with a wide variety of super heroes, especially the big guns like Wolverine, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America & The Punisher just to name a few. We start off with an army of Moloids attacking NYC and its up to Spider-Man and Red Hulk to deal with it. The battle ends up deep under ground to reveal The Mole Man is up to his old tricks again. Or is he? Subterranea is under new management! Written by Zeb Wells and featuring the manga-influenced style of Joe Madureira (Battle Chasers). This is basically the new Marvel Team-Up series. Weak on plot but heavy on the action. Worth checking out. Read Full Review

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