Amazing Spider-Man #26

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 31, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 74
5.0Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

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Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

  • 7.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally May 31, 2023

    John Romita Jr delivers some beautifully detailed and dramatic art that perfectly captures the dark tone of the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jun 1, 2023

    There are going to be those who complain that Kamala deserved to die in her own series. Its worth noting that...well in advance of the release of this issue, it was well-known that she was going to die. The Amazing Spider-Man #26 may be a Spider-Man comic, and he may be in it A LOT, but he and his life and his concerns DO fade out into the background of his own title for at least one month. THAT doesnt happen very often to a major character like Spider-Man. Kamala DOES deserve better, but Amazing Spider-Man #26 might as well be a Ms. Marvel comic.  Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicsOnline - Josh Powell May 31, 2023

    So, bottom line, it was just another day at the office in comic-book land. There's nothing in here to get particularly fired up about, never mind offended. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett May 31, 2023

    Overall, Amazing Spider-Man #26 might have had something had it not been spoiled but even then, the end comes off as cheap and short lived. We know Kamala will be back, it's just a question as to when and how. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - David Brooke May 31, 2023

    Possibly one of the most divisive issues of Spider-Man in years, Amazing Spider-Man #26 isn't a bad issue if read in a vacuum. Still, given the lingering problems in the story arc and valid reasons to be upset with a hero's death, it's hard to love it unconditionally. I liked parts, but others fell flat. The biggest win of Amazing Spider-Man #26 is that this year-long story arc in the making is finally over, and maybe we can move on to a brighter and hopefully more prosperous Spider-Man future. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes May 31, 2023

    You may also like Comic Books Previews Ancient Civilizations Confront Cosmic Horror in SHADOWS OF THULE By Al Mega 5 mins ago Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Chase Magnett May 31, 2023

    The Amazing Spider-Man #26 mostly arrives as a relief that this kayfabe spectacle of death can be addressed elsewhere and mysteries drug out for more than a year can be resolved. Wells and Romita remain an excellent partnership and fit for Spider-Man, but when the needs of the publisher undermine the style and tone that made early issues of the current volume so good, it's difficult to continue applauding such odd outcomes. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - mrgabehernandez May 31, 2023

    Amazing Spider-Man #26 is an embarrassing failure for the ASM creative team, Marvel editorial, and everyone that had a hand in the “What Did Peter Do?” arc. It would be different if Wells swung for the fences to push for new, bold directions, but instead, we get a basic fight with an inconsequential death and a lot of annoyances that don't get unresolved. Loyal Marvel readers deserve better. A lot better. Read Full Review

  • 3.9
    Multiversity Comics - Elias Rosner Jun 2, 2023

    Kamala's death sends this score into the pits, even as the rest is well-constructed, action-packed, and a good resolution to an intriguing arc. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Multiversity Comics - Gregory Ellner Jun 5, 2023

    There are ways to handle character death and climaxes in a plot. This decidedly not "amazing story is one to avoid, with the colors and perhaps lettering being the closest we could have to something of a saving grace. Read Full Review

  • 2.4
    Comic Watch - Matt Meyer May 31, 2023

    Please do not buy this comic, even out of morbid curiosity. It's a slapdash cash grab deliberately designed to evoke an emotional response from outraged fans - all at the sacrificial altar of one of Marvel's most fun, lively, likeable characters to come along in a long, long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    justonemore May 31, 2023

    Well, I didn't expect other reviews from all the toxic spider fans, but for me the issue has been pretty good.

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 8.5
    Comicsfan1994 May 31, 2023

    This issue was good and the arc was fun to read. All the people going crazy about it need to get a life.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 8.0
    Toonstrack May 31, 2023

    I actually thought the issue was fine. The action scenes and character interactions were all great. The reception to this book seems to be largely on a metaphysical level and having more to do with people ongoing problems with editorial rather than the actual contents of the book.

    Even, after reading it, it makes sense why it was Kamala and why it played out that way. No other character could've made sense.

    This arc has been flawed and controversial but certainly memorable and has good parts to it. Kamals death ess actually done pretty well and on her terms.

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean May 31, 2023

    This wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. All the leaks were impossible to avoid for me, and presumably, for everyone else too. So we all knew that Ms. Marvel was going to be killed off in this issue, in a title where her technically being part of the cast could be chalked up to glorified cameos. This issue doesn't do a terrible job justifying her death within the text. She is a hero and wants to save MJ. That's enough motivation as far as I'm concerned. I don't think there really needs to be more than that, motivation-wise. As far as the plot, it doesn't come so far out of nowhere that you wonder if it was made up last minute, but it does feel like they could've done a whole lot more to set this up. There are pages here and there, but tha more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 7.5
    TSMack Jun 2, 2023

    You know she'll be back someday.

  • 7.5
    Screaming Enigma Jun 1, 2023

    I had the death of this issue spoiled for me before it came out, so it kind of lessened any effect it had on me. However, I'm not going to let that change my rating of this book in any way. Briefly talking about the rest of this issue, I will say that it was an entertaining read and that, despite my lack of interest in the villain, I just liked it overall. Now, let's talk about that death. When the Fallen Friend one-shot was announced, I noticed that the reveal of more details was the same day that this came out, so that got the initial gears turning in my head of who that could be about. For me, it seemed that Norman would be the one to go. He's been a big part of this run and he's been one of my favorite characters throughout. After all o more

  • 7.0
    Dr. WøøfWøøf Aug 16, 2023

    Let me start this by saying I had no intentions of reading this issue, as 1) the series had tanked after the big reveal of where Peter had been in those missing years, etc., and 2) it seemed like another needless death for publicity's sake! By the end of the issue, I was the completely turned around, experience the polar opposite of the feelings I went into this issue with!

    While overall, I still think ASM is a lost cause at this point, I feel that this story was genuinely heartfelt, leaving me sad as hell (no tears, tho'; that shit I'm saving for "Fall of X") by that last page! I really thought this would be an "Oh, so yeah, [hero victim-of-the-month] died. I guess they'll be back next week!

    And sure we know that Kama more

  • 6.5
    DDJamesB May 31, 2023

    Hmmm. This one is a hard one to rate. Especially because it was spoiled. I think there were good moments. I think if you reflect on the issue as a whole its more of the same, and it's not very eventful. I think this whole arc had some promise, but overall it's just doing too much to piss off the long time readers and fans, and it's not needed.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 6.0
    CrazyforRAMU Aug 26, 2024

    It's a good-definitely-not-great comic that does something I hate, but does it with some skill. Thus, 6 out of 10.

    First, the positives:

    The whole scope of the story is clear now, and it's pretty dang good. It took too long to make the journey, but all the steps are rational in hindsight. The issue itself is paced well, building relentless tension. The art is chunky and short on detail, but it does powerful visual storytelling with great clarity.

    Kamala's sacrifice, much as I hate it, is carried out well. She dies nobly, with her own "great responsibility"-equivalent motto on her lips, and she Pieta-s into the arms of Spider-Man, the 20th-century Marvel hero who is her closest analogue.

    Now, the s more

  • 5.5
    Kalaoui Jun 1, 2023

    It's not bad and is fine for a finish to an average arc that's there to invoke feelings of sadness, loss and quite possibly anger. Also the art is good from Romita Jr. Hanna on inks and colors by Menyz. The problem is the story itself. First, the antagonist is one of the worst things about this. He and I don't care to remember his name is just as bad as the time-jump-gap and other previously overplayed ruses. Also Paul is a very average character. I just do not care about his story because relating him to the antagonist just does nothing to build any sort of background when the bad guy is a dumb idea.
    Second, you sprinkle Kamala Khan for a few panels in 25 issues with no build up or explanation then do an info dump for a few pages and more

  • 5.5
    Afre May 31, 2023

    Umm... so I have a LOT of thoughts about this comic. Maybe the biggest one is... I don't hate it? I think it's kinda okay-ish, not-bad-not-good-but-more-good-than-bad?

    I KNOW I KNOW. Hear me out, put the pitchforks down.

    Let's start with the good. I said, put the pitchforks down.

    I kinda liked the art. Especially whenever Rabin was on scene, his ritual scenes were great. Everything looked kinda amazing. Faces tho, JRJR I love you and always will, but... yeah. Not as amazing to say kindly.

    And the writing? Well it's mostly good. I re-read the previous issues of this arc and they felt better? A bit? And I was invested on this comic too. I cared what happened and, there were many good scenes. As a si more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 5.0
    Hex Oct 10, 2023

    Art bad, story lame, Kamala obvious but can people please stop complaining about the Paul and kids thing? It's been clear there was no procreation. Romantic relationship or no, MJ and Paul are bonded and lets be clear, Peter has been a whacko. Also justified. Outside of that I really think this was a crappy way to dispose of a character. Outside of her own stories, in a series where she has been a fringe character at best all for shock value because we know what is going to happen. I knew it as as soon as I saw her on the first page. That's not to say that her death wasn't impactful. It definitely got my stomach tied up a little bit.
    JRJR's art is pretty abysmal here. I think the colorists are doing a lot of the heavy lifting and have more

  • 5.0
    wakizashireviews Jun 4, 2023

    Here it is, the conclusion to minor villain Benjamin Rabin's revenge story arc, as well as the conclusion to the previous 25 issues' "what did Peter do?" story. Does anyone even care anymore? I don't know. The comic is still selling well but this run has been getting heavily criticized by a lot of Spidey fans.

    While not as terrible as some readers are saying, Amazing Spider-Man #26 is a drawn-out disappointment posing as a must-buy comic book. The big death feels completely unearned. Why is this character's death being compared with the original Gwen Stacy's shocking demise back in issue #121? It really does feel shoe-horned into this stretched-out story arc.

    Where was the set up, apart from a few very brief random sc more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 4.5
    retcon_D Jun 4, 2023

    At least it reads quickly so we don't have to suffer through it for too long.

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  • 4.5
    superstan52 May 31, 2023

    What a mess! After 26 issues, endless waiting and hype to the nth degree, the Big Payoff is the death (temporary) of an ancillary character readers are not invested in. So - What Did Peter Do? - Nothing. He didn't cause that explosion. And we learned that a long time ago anyway. Why was MJ so angry at him in the early issues? Who knows? He only came back to save her butt. What about Paul? He's still a cipher, and with the "imaginary" kids gone, he and MJ's relationship doesn't have much to keep it going. And as much as Peter is pissed and angry about MJ, he's off and running on his own with Felicia. Boring, incredibly confusing villain and scheme. Took wayyyyyyy too long to resolve and then, really didn't.

  • 4.5
    BirdmanG07 May 31, 2023

    I did not know there was a leak so I was not spoiled going into the book, and oh boy, I almost wish it's what I thought was going to happen. The art is JRJR, if you like him you'll likely be very pleased but just can't stand the way he does faces. The book in a standalone situation is fine at best.

    For transparency, I have not enjoyed this arc. The basic premise of two individuals on the verge of being engaged suddenly with two different people I cannot buy in to. It's not like they had a fight and breakup, they're just with different people. MJ only emotional confliction really shows when Peter returns for her and she just feels bad that she likes Paul now. I can buy MJ growing fond of Paul (assuming no Stockholm) but not her be more

  • 4.5
    banditobane May 31, 2023

    This comic is laughable bad. While there are some good parts it comes few and far between. Paul is revealed as Rabbin in his world but having MJ compare him to Peter is just wrong. Peter uses his regrets and suffering to help people while Paul is just a cynical a**hole we saw that when he suggested he and MJ leave those kids behind. But the at least we know now the kids were illusions and this may push that turns Paul into the new Emissary and hopefully causes Peter and MJ get back together again. But I won't know for a while, I am going to take a break from ASM till December. Hopefully the story will advance by then because this whole Mystery Box style of writing is really frustrating. Say what you want about Nick Spencer I'd rather have a more

  • 4.0
    fzanca Jun 1, 2023

    This was all a bit strange. Not only them killing off Ms. Marvel for no reason in a book that she had no business being in in the first place -- but then leaking the information to the press two weeks ahead of time? The sacrifice was noble, but the baddie seemed so off-the-wall and generic. en having a more powerful baddie, just kill him without any setup. I think a lot of it was lazy writing. The kids disappear. Whatever. At least it's over. Still not a fan of Romita Jr.'s art.

  • 4.0
    sawright20 May 31, 2023

    This was a pretty ugly and unpleasant end to this arc. Not in the art necessarily, which was fine, but in spirit. The big death left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since that character has barely been featured in the rest of the run. I’ve really been rooting for this creative team, but the past months have seriously shaken my faith.

  • 3.0
    K-23 Aug 21, 2023

    Wells never created a valid reason for Ms. Marvel to be shoehorned in this series and further didn't even include her in meaningful conversations to make her part of the story. Marvel editorial's agenda for a money grab to cash in on some attention and then change her to a mutant later on, is so transparent it's embarrassing. Meanwhile Spider-Man fan just keep taking the abuse. Struggling to even continue reading even via Marvel Unlimited.

  • 3.0
    daspidaboy May 31, 2023

    To quote the Rock: "It's a piece of dog s#%t." This will probably be my longest answer since Dark Web and Sinister War

    Now, as a Spidey fan. I want to judge things more fairly and level-headed. I also didnt really look at the spoilers since the single moment I heard that the ASM #26 was leaked, I deactivated my twitter so I wouldn't get spoiled, and whenever someone would say something related to spoiler territory, I would cut them off or scroll quickly.

    Now, lets talk about the art. The art by John Romita JR is frankly..... bad. I'm sorry, I know I'm not a comic book artist. But JR JR isnt as good as he was when it was the JMS run at all. If this is such an important story, I want to bring in the big guns and good to more

  • 3.0
    DeathStroke7505 May 31, 2023

    The only reason this is even getting a 3 from me is the action was pretty decent.

    Spoilers incoming:

    Here's my problems with this: Yay Kamala was a hero....but her sacrifice means jack in the big scheme of things cause we know she's gonna be back before "The Marvels" movie comes out. So while her death was well done (and I don't care that they killed her off) they did so as rage bait. They did so just cause. They did so to make her a mutant. They did so cause its in some way supposed to mirror Gwen's death and be as significant as When's death. But its a soulless gesture. It will amount to nothing cause she'll be back.All of this strife, all of this enraging the fans just feels like a mastabatory exercise for Wells an more

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  • 2.5
    KittyNone May 31, 2023

    "I liked this universe because it's the one that didn't have me in it"

    Hard same, Paul, hard same

    Up until now I've been a moderate on Wells & JRJR's run, but this is the biggest trainwreck since the BatWedding. The payoff of 25 issues — that's $100 worth of comics — is a soulless marketing decision and continuity reshuffle pretending to be an emotional arc for a character who's barely been in this comic. It's competently executed and JRJR does fine work, but what does competence matter for something this empty and cynical?

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 2.5
    ItsJess May 30, 2023

    Spiteful rage-bait of a climax with no payoff or character growth.

  • 2.0
    Miss Mittens Jun 12, 2023


  • 2.0
    ResearchReader Jun 5, 2023

    This issue once again embodies apathy. I just dont care at all for this arc. It is a sad, poorly written issue with no impact and no meaning. I feel nothing for the death as they have already telegraphed that they will undo it shortly.

    The art is 0/10. Might be the worst art JRJR has ever done. The scenes which should invoke emotion have all the characters looking asleep/impaired.

    There is nothing going for this book. Nothing. Maybe the new arc with doc ock can keep me going a bit more, but I am looking to drop off after this pointless disaster.

    Overall: This issue evokes the worst emotion possible from a reader: crushing apathy. Terrible art.

    + LikeComment
  • 2.0
    samizrozami Jun 1, 2023

    Okay Im dropping this run, this is ridiculous levels of pointless storytelling

  • 1.0
    Mout Jun 1, 2023

    Disgusting and disrespectful.

    + LikeComment
  • 1.0
    KesheR Jun 1, 2023

    This is stupid beyond comprehension. Kamala killed off her own book, with an upcoming movie. This chick is going to be dead for five minutes. Ridiculous.

  • 1.0
    hasanturkoglu Jun 1, 2023

    Stop this!

  • 1.0
    Tiki May 31, 2023

    “Most shocking issue of ASM in 50 years” my ass. Killed off a character who is not a regular in the book, who also should’ve had the luxury of being killed in their own story. On top of that, any dialogue by the main antagonist, Rabin, either came off as boring or cringey. Please do not by this book. It is a failure on so many levels. This run needs to end and Marvel Comics needs to improve the direction this comic is taking.

  • 1.0
    Christian Brooks May 31, 2023

    one of the worst issues, one of the worst payoffs, and one of the worst Spidey runs.
    thanks to one of the worst writers of Spidey.
    thanks Nick Lowe. thanks Zeb Wells.

  • 1.0
    Ayoreadscomics May 31, 2023

    It's literally garbage! Wtf did Zeb Wells and Nick lowe kill Kamala in a comic that she'd barely featured in? 😐

  • 1.0
    Ace May 31, 2023

    It sucks asssss!🤮

  • 1.0
    ChileanYoda May 31, 2023

    Bad art, the story is for rage-bait and the death of Ms. Marvel is unjustified and very secondary to what the character deserves.

  • 1.0
    Sollywoods May 31, 2023

    It's crap. Don't waste your time or money. Kamala will be back soon enough with whatever stupid retcon another writer will be forced to do. Peter and his supporting cast of once great and interesting characters, will likely suffer longer and also force another writer to find how to make a ridiculous retcon for all this.

  • 1.0
    TP May 31, 2023

    It's funny because even before he got to write ASM one of the things I always saw next to Zeb Wells name was "edgelord" and a bad writer. People claiming he writes as an edgelord etc and I thought that this was a very weird thing to say.
    Sporadically I would read a story or an issue by him and would try to understand why readers called him an edgelord and a bad writer. Unfortunately it's this issue that explains why.
    I'm not talking about the (spoiler). This is painfully obvious that it was editorially dictated.
    I'm talking about the actual writing thats stiff, bad, uninspired and generally awful.
    This needed a better writer for the run and decision taken about ASM to work. I think that in the hands of a decent writer t more

  • 1.0
    Federico Liguori May 31, 2023

    You know, I could stand here spewing the worst insults about Zeb Wells and Marvel and it would all be perfectly fine. But, honestly, I will try to be serious and explain my reasons.
    First of all, what's the point of this whole story? Seriously. Rabin is a terrible villain and nobody will remember him in a couple of weeks. Peter doesn't do a thing that changes his character. The F4 and Norman Osborn are just there. The character of Mary Jane is completely twisted for no apparent reason and behaves in an incomprehensible way just to irritate the reader. Paul is a useless jerk with no personality. To top it off, Ms. Marvel's death was announced earlier, making reading this issue completely optional.
    At this point, I think it is clear more

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  • 1.0
    General C K May 31, 2023

    1 out of 10 for meaningless deaths. Also, at this point I'd rather gurgle donkey diarrhea than look at anymore of John Romita Jr's art.

  • 1.0
    Prodigalson16 May 30, 2023

    I honestly don't care about Kamala Khan at all, but these shoehorn comic deaths are getting really fucking old.

  • Criminology. Jun 6, 2023

    I think that if the leaks weren't a thing, this issue would have worked better for me. If Kamala died as a surprise it would have been way better, especially because it was already a tense moment, like it reminds me of Iron Man and Thanos in The infinity war movie, when everybody was thinking Iron Man was going to die, when he got stabbed and man those moments were so tense, like it was possible. Everybody was terribly worried and that's why the relief felt so good, even if had, a note of defeat. I felt the same way with MJ somehow here, but then I remembered ''oh yeah the leaks''.

    This was an emotional issue, it was a ride with a bittersweet end because the villain is finally gone, and MJ is alive, but it had a huge cost, one wh more

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