Kalaoui's Profile

Joined: Oct 13, 2016

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Kalaoui reviewed Ultimates #5 Feb 13, 2025

I like the monthly countdown and introduction of every character like this. I like Juan Frigeri's panels, composition, angles and level of details. Nice work! It's clear CAP took it easy on "Hawks Eye" lol because he didn't land a blow until it was time to get the kid to wake up and take on the mercs.

Ultimates #5

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Oct 9, 2024


Hawkeye No More? Not for long! A new challenger approaches when an unknown civilian picks up a discarded bow and arrow - and refuses to let the Ultimates reclaim the stolen Stark Tech! Captain America tries to settle the dispute, leading to an action-packed brawl of arrows versus shields! Meanwhil...

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Kalaoui reviewed Ultimates #4 Feb 13, 2025

It's nice when writers can do this. Great job Deniz Camp and NOTO!

Ultimates #4

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Sep 4, 2024


Doom's years of torture at the hands of the Maker finally catch up to him in this secret history of the real Reed Richards! And tensions rise among the Ultimates when Doom might be more fixated on re-creating the life he should have had than the life he's got...

Rated T+

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Kalaoui reviewed Ultimates #3 Feb 12, 2025

Great layered stories so far and the fact that we have a countdown month by month adds to focus and direction and urgency of what's to come. Great planning by Hickman and great execution by Deniz Camp. Frigeri on art is too good.

Ultimates #3

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Aug 14, 2024

The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker's most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world... ...with She-Hulk at the helm!
Rated T+

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Kalaoui rated Ultimates #2 Feb 12, 2025

Ultimates #2

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Captain America reckons with the Maker's dismantling of nations...by visiting the White House! Leading to a massive brawl between MIDAS and this young band of freedom fighters... ...but Midas has been holding a superhuman hostage as a power source! PLUS: The dark history of what used to be th...

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Kalaoui reviewed Ultimates #1 Feb 12, 2025

A great start to this universe. Kept my attention and I wanted to see more. Deniz Camp layered the scenes in this script in such a manner that it just kept working. Juan Frigeri's art is a perfect match or this book, detailed and feels fresh with some very nice colors by Federico Blee. This Ultimate Universe looks more promising.
Lastly, this just bothered me: if a god needs to pray to anothe more

Ultimates #1

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jun 5, 2024

THE ULTIMATES RETURN TO GREATNESS! Spinning out of Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli's ULTIMATE UNIVERSE #1, rising stars Deniz Camp (CHILDREN OF THE VAULT, 20th Century Men) and Juan Frigeri (INVINCIBLE IRON MAN) assemble an all-new team of ULTIMATES in a series that kicks off the next chapter of the new Ultimate line. Six months ago, Tony Star...

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Kalaoui reviewed The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe Feb 7, 2025

It's a decent attempt by a former CIA officer at making sense of his time in Baghdad during the first year of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. It comes with characters who lost and will lose their souls fighting for and against the invader. Chris is the closest thing to a good guy here but by the end lines are blurred and he can't escape from the cesspool. Saffiya/Sofia being the lady who has more

The Sheriff Of Babylon Deluxe

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerards

Baghdad, 2003. In an effort to establish some semblance of order in the war-torn city, Florida cop-turned-military-consultant Chris Henry has been assigned to train cadets in law enforcement. But good intentions are not immune to the chaos found in the post-9/11 Middle East. When one of Henry's trainees is found dead, he's forced to ally himself wi...

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Kalaoui reviewed Elektra Vol. 2: Reverence Jan 16, 2025

The story was rushed and serviceable although Blackman does a good job keeping me interested but the art from Sanchez should have never been in this book. Luckily Del Mundo returns and makes it all look spectacular. The compositions of the panels and depth of perception, lighting and colors all should be studied. Nobody is like Mike unique SO HE GETS A 10!

Elektra Vol. 2: Reverence

By: Haden Blackman, Mike Del Mundo

Elektra takes on an enraged Assassin's Guild! After battles with Cape Crow, Bloody Lips, Lady Bullseye and Scalphunter, Elektra vows to take the fight back to the Guild itself. Now, it's Elektra vs. the world as she begins hunting down the Guild's agents before they can find her and her allies. And her first stop is New Orleans, the Guild's home tu...

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Kalaoui reviewed Elektra Vol. 1: Bloodlines Jan 16, 2025

This book is a great Elektra read with an intriguing story from Blackman but the packaging in a phenomenal way by Del Mundo takes the cake. This art right here is career defining stuff.

Elektra Vol. 1: Bloodlines

By: Haden Blackman, Michael Del Mundo

The beautifully violent return of the world’s deadliest assassin! As Elektra prepares to shed her past and change her future, she braves the dangers of Monster Island — and the psychotic killer Bloody Lips — in her search for the elusive assassin known as Cape Crow! But the hunt becomes murkier when the hit is revealed as more than it seems. ...

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Kalaoui added Deadpool / Wolverine (2025) to their pull list Jan 16, 2025

Deadpool / Wolverine (2025)

WADE AND LOGAN - TOGETHER AGAIN! The most unlikely team-up turned most demanded one, DEADPOOL and WOLVERINE are BACK! Together again and ready to blow your minds in this ongoing series that hits like a never-ending action movie - with the fate of the world in the balance! When a fan-favorite VILLAIN is unearthed, you'll get to see a new side of our...

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Very well done story by King and even better art by Bilquis Evely and awesome colors by Matheus Lopes. It kept me invested the whole time and I will recommend this one to anyone I meet. The only thing I didn't like was the switcheroo at the end. It doesn't really work because life in prison for a genocidal maniac that savagely killed 10s of thousands and took part in the genocide of millions deser more

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Krem’s fate revealed! As Supergirl continues her battle against the Brigands, Ruthye squares off against this most vile villain in hopes of avenging her father and completing their mission. Will justice be served on both accounts? Or will our heroes fail? You won’t want to miss thrilling conclusion of the acclaimed miniseries that has changed K...

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Very much an enjoyable ride and I do like the narration boxes from king. The art is what makes this book hit all the right angles. No artists could recrate this world in this fashion. Hats off to Evely and Lopes!

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jan 19, 2022

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for…the capture of Krem! With the fugitive in custody, Supergirl must now deal with his allies, the ungodly Brigands! To stop them once and for all, she must leave Ruthye behind with the man who killed her beloved father. Can she trust the young girl to let the villain of our story live long enough to stand...

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Dec 22, 2021

The traumatic secrets of Supergirl’s past are revealed as our heroine races to the edge of the universe to escape Krem and his latest weapon! The murderer of young Ruthye’s father has gotten his hands on a Mordru globe and plans to use it to make our hero disappear forever. Can she save herself and the young girl’s future in the process? Sheâ...

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Very good comic-booking!

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Supergirl steps into an ancient trap, stranding her and Ruthye on a planet of nearly perpetual night. Now, the woman of steel must call on every remaining ounce of strength to combat the monsters left on this world to kill any super unlucky enough to end up on its surface.

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Kalaoui added Superman (2023) to their pull list Dec 11, 2024

Superman (2023)

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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Well done from Tom King and Bilquis Evely. I never thought I would enjoy a fantasy/sci-fi/drama Supergirl comic this much. This has many real life influences and is illustrated hauntingly and beautifully by Belquis Evely and Matheus Lopes.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Sep 22, 2021

Supergirl sets her sights on the Brigands, a group of dastardly nomads hell-bent on slaughtering all they come across. Nowshe must follow their path of destruction to find the fugitive they've been hiding who set her on this intergalactic journey in the first place!

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Fantastic issue that hits hard and out of nowhere from King. So many life lessons thrown together in one issue. That last page showing Ruthye broken and lost in a massive world full of evil and injustice not comprehending how seemingly normal people commit genocide and get away with it. Bilquis Evely's stunning art makes this book shine and I can't stop staring at all the delirious colors from Mat more

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #3

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Aug 18, 2021

Supergirl’s journey across the cosmos continues! Her hunt to bring the killer Krem to justice brings her and the young alien in her care to a small planet, where they discover that there are still some very small minds, even on the outer edges of the galaxy. The cold welcome the locals give the Woman of Steel makes her suspicious enough to go loo...

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I liked it and it kept my interest. Bilquis Evely is the star here with exquesite colors from Lopes.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jul 21, 2021

After the shocking conclusion of last issue, Supergirl and her new friend Ruthye find themselves stranded with no way to pursue Krem, the murderous kingsagent. Each moment this fugitive roams free, the more beings become dangerously close to dying by his hand. There is no time to lose, so our heroes must now travel across the universe the old-fashi...

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Nice start with intriguing parts. Not sure why Supergirl is out getting trashed and want to see the background to justify that. The alien story girl and fantasy elements are great. Bilquis Evely is magnificent as an artist. Just beautiful especially the colors from Matheus Lopes. Let's see what King does here.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Kara Zor-El has seen some epic adventures over the years, but finds her life without meaning or purpose. Here she is, a young woman who saw her planet destroyed and was sent to Earth to protect a baby cousin who ended up not needing her. What was it all for? Wherever she goes, people only see her through the lens of Superman’s fame. Just when Sup...

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Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #54 Dec 3, 2024

It works but barely and so many questions that I ultimately don't care enough to think about. Read it and forget it as soon as you close the book. At this point I'm consuming recycled material that looks amazing thanks to McGuiness on art who is outstanding!! Wells man what in the world was this?? 2 years of this is insane. I liked almost everything he wrote for Marvel since the late 2000s but thi more

Amazing Spider-Man #54

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jul 31, 2024

The SINISTER SIX will try to fight. But they should have run. Who can possibly put a stop to Peter Parker's spree of mayhem and destruction? (Hint: No one).
Rated T

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daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #54 Jul 31, 2024

while I do like how spidey breaks free of the sins on who spidey is, the lead up and execution could have been better. It's not bad, but it feels hollow and empty.

Amazing Spider-Man #54

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jul 31, 2024

The SINISTER SIX will try to fight. But they should have run. Who can possibly put a stop to Peter Parker's spree of mayhem and destruction? (Hint: No one).
Rated T

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #54 Jul 31, 2024

The two-page spread is amazing. McGuinness once again showcases how good he is as an artist.

This arc, like this book has definitely been uneven. Not sure if this ending is deserved, but I'm satisfied with it. Interested to see what happens next.

Amazing Spider-Man #54

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jul 31, 2024

The SINISTER SIX will try to fight. But they should have run. Who can possibly put a stop to Peter Parker's spree of mayhem and destruction? (Hint: No one).
Rated T

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Hex reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #54 Jul 31, 2024

As far as conclusions go for Zeb Wells, this is one of his better ones. The bouncing back and forth of the Goblin between Norman and Peter, Peter and Norman got really annoying and we could have seen an inner struggle for Peter longer than a single splash page but what we got was decent. Exploring more of those pivotal moments in Peter and Spider-Man's life being slowly poisoned or stripped away b more

Amazing Spider-Man #54

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jul 31, 2024

The SINISTER SIX will try to fight. But they should have run. Who can possibly put a stop to Peter Parker's spree of mayhem and destruction? (Hint: No one).
Rated T

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Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #53 Dec 3, 2024

It is just bad and stale and recycled over and over. Nothing new or exciting in this book. The art from Nauck and McGuiness is the only thing that delivered.

Amazing Spider-Man #53

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Following the shocking events of #50, PETER PARKER is a changed man. He's now SPIDER-GOBLIN, the most dangerous superhuman in the world. And his chaos is DEADLY! Meanwhile, who will stop Norman Osborn?!
Rated T

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daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #53 Jul 10, 2024

spider-man getting corrupted by sins 3 times in this run in 20 issues is getting pretty old and stale.

Amazing Spider-Man #53

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Following the shocking events of #50, PETER PARKER is a changed man. He's now SPIDER-GOBLIN, the most dangerous superhuman in the world. And his chaos is DEADLY! Meanwhile, who will stop Norman Osborn?!
Rated T

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #53 Jul 10, 2024

I'm more confused about this story than disappointed. Nothing here is bad, but it feels too overcrowded to be concluded in the next issue. There are so many characters here and this story tries to conclude so many plot threads that it hurts the pacing. I have more questions than anything.

The cliffhanger is not as exciting as it tries to be. This is the second time ASM issue ends with P more

Amazing Spider-Man #53

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Following the shocking events of #50, PETER PARKER is a changed man. He's now SPIDER-GOBLIN, the most dangerous superhuman in the world. And his chaos is DEADLY! Meanwhile, who will stop Norman Osborn?!
Rated T

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BirdmanG07 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #53 Jul 28, 2024

Art is great and holds the book up a lot for me. An ending we’ve already had a few issues ago? A questionable choice, which seems to be a theme of this entire run.

Amazing Spider-Man #53

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Following the shocking events of #50, PETER PARKER is a changed man. He's now SPIDER-GOBLIN, the most dangerous superhuman in the world. And his chaos is DEADLY! Meanwhile, who will stop Norman Osborn?!
Rated T

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Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #52 Dec 3, 2024

This is not great but passable as an ASM story but the art is phenomenal, I just wish the story matched it.

Amazing Spider-Man #52

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Nothing is okay.
This issue is so shocking and troubling we can't even show you the cover!
Rated T

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #52 Jun 19, 2024

After the strong start, I wasn't ready for the tone to switch this much, or for anything really. It's a bit disappointing, but let's see where it goes next.

Also, how does the goo work again?

Amazing Spider-Man #52

By: Zeb Wells, Todd Nauck
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Nothing is okay.
This issue is so shocking and troubling we can't even show you the cover!
Rated T

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Kalaoui added Batman & Robin: Year One (2024) to their pull list Nov 21, 2024

Batman & Robin: Year One (2024)

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out f...

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Kalaoui added The Rocketfellers (2024) to their pull list Nov 21, 2024

The Rocketfellers (2024)

Series Premiere. A new cosmic time-travel adventure from the minds of Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) and Francis Manapul (Flash, Clear)! In the picture-perfect 25th century, the Rocketfeller family, living a disconnected and emotionally distant existence, discover a terrible secret: in their...

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