Small reservations that I had early in this series in regards to MJ's casual acceptance of Peter's new lifestyle is given more depth. She was never going to be on board 100%. She has reservations. She knows this is dangerous. As well as Ben. The revelation tha Ben knows, makes so much sense and it just makes it more frustrating that we've never had that in the main universe. People aren't that oblivious. I love how involved every character is in Peter's life. Hickman has written this perfectly. Messina's art has also elevated and evolved very quickly and incredibly well. Couldn't ask for a better story.
Another fantastic issue of this fantastic series. The scene between MJ and Peter was great, and I love the small character details being thrown in. The writing is top tier and the art is really good too. This is one of my favorite books right now and probably one of my favorite versions of Spidey of all time. It's just different enough from the classic story of Spiderman to be interesting. I love the new Black Cat design.
Spider-Man faces Mr. Negative, one of Kingpin's Sinister Six, who has the power to control the minds of weak-willed people, and makes all the bank employees and customers they rob attack Spider-Man. Kingpin is enraged with his team's performance and wants them to really attack and eliminate Spider-Man.
Peter arrives exhausted and has an important conversation with MJ, where he promises that when he feels afraid and is in a very complex situation he can quickly tell MJ. She firmly believes that Peter Parker is perfect to be a righteous superhero.
In this installment Peter and Uncle Ben find themselves where Aunt May died exactly a year ago, that is, there are only six months left until the return of The Maker. Ben knows that Peter is Spider-Man and asks him to please be more cautious with his other identity for the well-being of his family.
Peter goes to a car where Harry is waiting for him, who has been missing all day.
Peter's life is getting more complicated and he is making deadly enemies. This series keeps getting better with each new installment.
It is very organic with some textures, which seem to have a certain Asian influence, it has a lot of shine.
Ben discovers Peter, who must start to be more careful with his double life as Spider-man. more
A really misleading cover, but that's almost common practice when it comes to comics. Inside of the book, though, was some really great stuff. I was nice to see Peter actually doing normal Spider-Man stuff, and Hickman wrote that extremely well. As expected, he has a perfect grasp on the character. Furthermore, I'm really glad we got some follow-up to Mary Jane being, seemingly at the time, completely fine with Peter being Spider-Man. To top it all off, we got a very well-written conversation between Peter and Ben towards the end that left things off on a super intriguing note. Oh yeah, and those few pages for the Sinister Sex were cool, as well.
Maybe the best issue yet. I know some people disagree with the amount of dialogue Hickman puts in every issue compared to action. But how can you be mad when the dialogue is well done and feels real. And the action we do get is classic spidey. This series has been everything I’ve been missing in Asm.
Oh look, Gabe Hernandez being a ball bag.
Folk love this comic. Take your negativity and go a review yourself being fired into the sun by a cannon.
Uh, no! This Felica bs is pissing me off. You don't put her on the cover with Peter doing the whole superhero thing then just have her standing around nervously in one panel of the interior. WTF!? False advertising guys. Other than that, this title continues to be the SM book so many of us have wanted for years. Keep it up!!!
Man, this is incredible!
The action scenes, the humor, the conversations between Peter and MJ/Ben, and the plot that keeps getting more and more complex, are all so good. Hickman's characterization of every character is on point and it's just so much fun reading all those interactions. Each issue genuinely blows me away.
I also have to give it to Messina. When he first came into the series, I didn't really like his art. But now, I'm actually really enjoying it.
I can now confidently say that in my opinion, this is the best ongoing series right now.
I'm never going to get tired of THIS Spiderman, honestly he could just be having a picnic on the roof with his family and I'll still give it a better rating than 616 Spiderman. But honestly the misleading cover is starting to bother me, not enough that I didn't t enjoy this issue. But still the last 3 also had nothing to do with the story.
I love this series, another great book.
this was a really good issue that fleshes out Peter Parker on his inexperience, and his relationship with Mary Jane on when Peter will tell MJ to tell her to freak out. I also like the small moments between PEter and Ben.
It was nice. It's great seeing bombastic fights, but sometimes you need time to slow down and breathe a little bit before things pick right back up again.
It feels like this book is finally becoming what I wanted it to be. Spider-Man being Spider-Man stopping bank robberies! Nice character moments between Peter and his supporting cast!
I like how Hickman writes Peter's inexperience and how he doesn't take things seriously yet. Peter has the power and the responsibility, but it still doesn't feel like it clicks for him. And that seems to be the whole point of this comic currently.
Covers are misleading, but otherwise great stuff.
This issue gives us more action than usual. But as usual the Bad guy gets away. We're in the penultimate chapter in our second arc and all 6 of these new foes are still at large and 4 have yet to even be encountered yet. This is why so many critics complain about how slow the series is.
I think one of my favorite things is how it mostly reminds me of more classic Spidey issues. You have Spider-Man solo as he should be battling villains and returning from a tough battle to have a heart to heart with MJ and some of the original element that makes this series so unique with Uncle Ben and Peter's own heart to heart. It's exactly what a fan wants in a Spider-Man comic. No slice of life, no messages from the writer's personal opinions. Just good witty Spidey action and support from his loving wife. Amazing's pig headed editor could learn from this book.
As for the new Black Cat, her cover appearance was her biggest part. She made a very unimpressive debut. It's hard to judge her when so little was revealed so far. And while I'm no fan of swapping of any kind I think that's an absurd reason for some fans to already decide what to think of the character. I'd like to see how much or little her personality reflects the one we all know. Though to be honest I really don't think the regular version is anything like what I knew for years either. If Hickman manages to give an enjoyable personality to this version I'll probably like her better than what modern Marvel has transformed the original into. I guess when it comes to the new Black cat all I can say is "To be continued." more
This was another solid issue. I liked the Ben interaction, the scene with MJ. It all is building to give the eventual downfall a ton of weight.
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10