After the horrors Peter and Harry endured during KRAVEN'S HUNT in the last issue, Spider-Man and Green Goblin turn the HUNTER into the HUNTED! But are they still prey in someone else's game?
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Where are we going from here? Where will the Parkers and the Osborns go from here? What event was the Mole Man talking about? How does this creative team keep raising the stakes each issue and keep us coming back? Read Full Review
What did you think of the issue? Be sure to comment your thoughts below, or reach out to me on social media! Read Full Review
Overall, Ultimate Spider-Man #14, without going into any spoiler territory, is another pitch-perfect issue for the series, seemingly propelling the plot into its next big reinvention while showcasing why this is the top book at Marvel right now. This is a must-buy for Spider-Man and Ultimate fans and hopefully makes the case for why it should be on any Marvel readers radar. Its an entire creative team at its current peak, with the clear expectation that they can top it and continue evolving into a decade-defining series. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #14 is a game changing comic book for multiple reasons. Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto constantly have us guessing where things will go next. Creating that type of aura made the shocking developments towards the end of this issue put into question the future of Ultimate Spider-Man. Which goes to exemplify why this is one of the top-tier comic books being published right now. Read Full Review
Marco Checchetto shines with the art in this issue. The visuals show not only great character designs, but beautiful landscapes and action. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #14 stands out as a thrilling, visually captivating issue that expertly sets the stage for dramatic developments in the series. Those dramatic developments are inherently part of Spider-Man's DNA and will excite longtime fans. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #14 is a must-read. Hickman and Checchetto continue to redefine what this version of Spider-Man can be, delivering a story that balances emotional depth with high-octane action. The shocking ending ensures that the next issue will be one of the most highly anticipated in the series. Read Full Review
Hickman's tender care for Ultimate Spider-Man continues to shine even as he and Marco Checchetto take big swings in the main plot. Read Full Review
Ultimate Spider-Man #14 is the type of Spider-Man comic that readers have wanted but not gotten since the series started. Jonathan Hickman finally puts the endless world-building aside for a thrilling adventure that mixes action, drama, plot movement, and status quo shakeups. Plus, Marco Checchetto's artwork is gorgeous. This is one of the best issues in the series, but points are deducted for the lack of Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Jonathan Hickman takes Ultimate Spider-Man in a shocking new direction in Ultimate Spider-Man #14. Despite some narrative issues, this is not an issue you will want to miss. Read Full Review
The real Spider-Man title to read. This book never loses it's luster. Just impressive month after month.
Amazing issue, major turning points in the story. I have no idea where this goes next.
My jaw dropped
Richard Parker, Peter's son, befriends Felicia, the new Black Cat. They are both almost the same age. Felicia explains to him why she is after Spider-Man. Richard understands her and they both begin to form a friendship.
Peter and Harry escape from Kraven's attacks and with the help of Mole Man they manage to reach the cavern that will take them to the surface. Peter is worried about MJ and his children, but Harry activated a protocol created by Otto Octavius that has Gwen protected in a secret place.
Peter confronts Kraven and manages to defeat him using a trap from Harry. He almost beats him to death, but Kraven shoots them both and leaves Harry seriously injured. Peter knocks him out and Mysterio exp more
I think this is probably the greatest issue of USM so far.
I'm 100% here for the Richard and black cat pairing they are just adorable together. It speaks highly of Jonathan Hickman's understanding of how to handle a good story.
This was really good. If I was nitpicking, I’d rate it lower because the dialogue between the teens was so cringy. No 15 and 16 year olds say “15 and a half” or “16 and a half”. It took me out of the story and all I could think was Hickman is out of touch. But in the end, it was really good. I don’t like the big think near the end, but I understand how it adds tension.
One of the best issues in this series. The setting is simply amazing, the read is fantastic and the story keeps me wanting for more
Phenomenal issue. Hickman really dials the intrigue up as we see multiple members of the Sinister Six play their hands. Really love the little developments with Richard and Felicia. I'm also not convinced Harry is dead either, as you never can be too sure with Mysterio lingering around in the background.
Ultimate Spider-Man completely rocks hard. I love the art and how the plot is moving. I also think the relationship between Peter's kid and Black Cat is adorable