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Joined: Jun 23, 2020

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Svarietyy reviewed Rorschach #7 Apr 12, 2021

Fun fact: Frank Miller told King a story from his youth - he was invited to a real life seance conducted by Otto Binder (comic pro) for his deceased daughter. The encounter had a long-lasting impression on Frank and his story forms the basis of this book.

Coming to this issue, it's gonna get people talking that's for sure - but I liked it.

Rorschach #7

By: Tom King, Jorge Forns
Released: Apr 14, 2021

Wil Myerson might have been the creator of Pontius Pirate, the most popular comic in history, before he put on the Rorschach mask and tried to kill a would-be president, but he’s not the only artist who worked on the character. Other artists fell under Wil’s influence, and now all these years later, his more renowned acolyte has fallen sway to ...

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Bats44121 reviewed Batman #107 Apr 8, 2021

The issue has a story for The Batman moving onward to the "Future State" and an embarrasingly bad second story with the criminal Ghost-Maker fighting a "rich" Madame Midas ("the richest woman on Earth") hiring assassins to stop criminal Ghost-Maker, setting up a fight on "Devil Skull Island." (not even worth an eyeroll). Oh and plans for "mini-Batsignals" to be used like burner cell phones.

Batman #107

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 7, 2021

Tensions are sky-high in Gotham City following the events at Arkham Asylum, and public opinion and unrest are starting to boil over. The Dark Knight has his hands full juggling the investigation of the reappearance of an old enemy and the rise of a new gang in Gotham called the Unsanity Collective...Gotham City is getting more dangerous by the minu...

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Svarietyy - Apr 8, 2021

Great review, nailed it man. You should be writing for one of these actual review sites

Svarietyy reviewed Batman #107 Apr 6, 2021

WHY is Harley Quinn still getting featured on this book? Seriously, she was pretty much the main character of Joker War and she's still on this

Only redeeming thing about this book is the art, which remains as fantastic as ever with Jimenez. The writing is strictly sub-par and should not be the norm for DC's premiere title.
Please get Zdarsky or someone of that calibre to write Bat more

Batman #107

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 7, 2021

Tensions are sky-high in Gotham City following the events at Arkham Asylum, and public opinion and unrest are starting to boil over. The Dark Knight has his hands full juggling the investigation of the reappearance of an old enemy and the rise of a new gang in Gotham called the Unsanity Collective...Gotham City is getting more dangerous by the minu...

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Bats44121 - Apr 10, 2021

Ming - Good point: "Quinn wasn't persecuted." In Quinn origin story of 2013 blames her family (problem always family, always "someone else's fault," other than taking responsibility for your own actions). But yes, Intellectual Property argument (I bet DC would debate) and "expand the audience" mission going on. AT&T-WB/(DC)/ Disney (Marvel) debate is over what they can put on video/movies.While DC dotted-line to Warner since 1969, ATT 2018 purchase was game-changer.

Bats44121 - Apr 10, 2021

Same issue with Marvel purchase by Disney in 2009. We now have movie coming up with Jane Foster as female "Thor." ATT/Disney, etc. want to reframe Comics and Comics Characters for video/movie marketplace "audience expansion." So ATT will also ignore Harley Quinn choosing to be a mass murderer. She has the right identity, and will get the right sales in the only market that they think matters in terms of $$$$. Not only just reinvention, but re-investing in comic character to get best ROI.

Svarietyy rated Geiger #1 Apr 7, 2021

Geiger #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Apr 7, 2021

Industry heavyweights GEOFF JOHNS (Superman, Green Lantern, Batman: Three Jokers) and GARY FRANK (Superman, Supergirl, The Incredible Hulk) of DC's DOOMSDAY CLOCK reteam for what will be one of the most anticipated new series of 2021 in the forthcoming GEIGER. This mind blowing new series will take local comic shops by storm in April from Image Com...

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Svarietyy rated Beta Ray Bill #1 Apr 6, 2021

Beta Ray Bill #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Released: Mar 31, 2021

The second-most famous wielder of Mjolnir. The right-hand man to the god of Thunder. And now, a warrior without his best weapon. Beta Ray Bill is tired of playing second fiddle to Thor - and with Bill's famous hammer, Stormbreaker, recently destroyed at the new...

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Merlyn rated Beta Ray Bill #1 Mar 31, 2021

Beta Ray Bill #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Released: Mar 31, 2021

The second-most famous wielder of Mjolnir. The right-hand man to the god of Thunder. And now, a warrior without his best weapon. Beta Ray Bill is tired of playing second fiddle to Thor - and with Bill's famous hammer, Stormbreaker, recently destroyed at the new...

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Svarietyy - Apr 6, 2021

Had high hopes for this book, instead we got a whiny Beta Ray Bill

Merlyn - Apr 7, 2021

I don't like the art most of all, the faces are particularly annoying.

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Merlyn reviewed Batman #107 Apr 6, 2021

Wow, Tynion really must think himself so smart with the "strawman" metaphor that wasn't AT ALL super obvious to anyone. The Harley bits were cringe, even though I'm not against her role as sidekick to Batman, it's just that the writing was painfully bad. And again with the parallels to covid quarantine. What is it with these sadist writers that instead of helping us escape this nightmare we're liv more

Batman #107

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 7, 2021

Tensions are sky-high in Gotham City following the events at Arkham Asylum, and public opinion and unrest are starting to boil over. The Dark Knight has his hands full juggling the investigation of the reappearance of an old enemy and the rise of a new gang in Gotham called the Unsanity Collective...Gotham City is getting more dangerous by the minu...

+ LikeComments (13)
Merlyn - Apr 15, 2021

Yep, originality is not Tynion's strong suit. He just made some punkish versions of other existing characters. And so far none of them have been a success.

Comics Code Authorities - Apr 15, 2021

Too bad it won't stop him from trying. :(

Svarietyy rated Green Lantern #1 Apr 6, 2021

Green Lantern #1

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 7, 2021

As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the majority of Green Lanterns called back to Oa, John Stewart arrives alongside Teen Lantern Keli Quintela, whose powerful gauntlet could be on...

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Svarietyy rated X-Men #19 Mar 31, 2021

X-Men #19

By: Jonathan Hickman, Mahmud Asrar
Released: Mar 31, 2021

Rated T+

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Svarietyy rated Strange Adventures #9 Mar 30, 2021

Strange Adventures #9

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Mar 31, 2021

The Pykkts are attacking Earth. As the only warrior in all the cosmos to ever defeat them, Adam Strange leads the planet’s mightiest heroes in all-out war! The only thing is, evidence is mounting that Adam’s victory on Rann may not have been everything he says it was. There is time unaccounted for, circumstances left unexplained. Even Batman ha...

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Svarietyy rated Batman / Catwoman #4 Mar 30, 2021

Batman / Catwoman #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Mar 31, 2021

The Joker has hidden a bomb in Gotham-but there might be a bigger explosion if Batman proves his suspicions true, and Catwoman actually knows where it is! It’s a dangerous secret that threatens to destroy the couple’s relationship in its early days, and it’s going to reverberate throughout their time together. In the present day, it will affe...

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Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

I know Tom Taylor fans will be in awe of this but I find his writing more and more juvenile as years pass by. Plus some decisions and lines here are completely wrong. "Bruce may feel you should only be a hero when wearing a costume". Really? Dude has pomped a whole lot of money into Gotham, he's no.1 philanthropist, he's helped people by playing stupid in his Bruce Wayne identity whenever it was a more

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

+ LikeComments (50)
Weird Science Jim - Mar 26, 2021

I was hoping that would get a chuckle!

myconius - Mar 28, 2021

@Weird Science Jim - more than just a chuckle, good sir. ...that earned a well deserved Belly Laugh!! 😂😂😂

Svarietyy rated Catwoman #29 Mar 16, 2021

Catwoman #29

By: Ram V, Fernando Blanco
Released: Mar 17, 2021

So far, Selina Kyle’s ambitious plan to gain control of Alleytown has been going purrfectly, but she’s about to run headlong into a brand-new foe-and pass right through them...? Riddle us this, Catwoman! What do the Khadym mob, a non-corporeal assassin, and Poison Ivy have in common? And when it comes to solving riddles, there’s only one pers...

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Svarietyy rated Justice League #59 Mar 16, 2021

Justice League #59

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Xermanico
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Writer Brian Michael Bendis reunites with artist David Marquez (Miles Morales, Iron Man, Batman/Superman) for a new, star-studded Justice League featuring Superman, Batman, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Hippolyta, new DC powerhouse Naomi, that Black Adam?! Superman is leading the charge to reinvent the Justice League-and at the same time, ...

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Merlyn reviewed Batman: Urban Legends #1 Mar 9, 2021

The Red Hood story is clearly the star of the show here, the art is perfect for this type of story and the characterization of Red Hood is really great and spot on, with a tiny thing that irked me as a Red Hood fan. I know Chip Zdarsky is pro-drugs in a very upfront way but hearing Red Hood, a guy whose mother overdosed (and I think his dad also was a pusher and eventually got to jail), that drugs more

Batman: Urban Legends #1

By: Stephanie Phillips, Eddy Barrows
Released: Mar 10, 2021

Batman may be the biggest name in Gotham City, but there are lots of other heroes-and villains-who will get a turn to shine in Batman: Urban Legends, a brand-new monthly series tying into the biggest events in Gotham City. The series begins with these can’t-miss tales:
• Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky enters the world of Gotham City with...

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Mingthemerciless - Mar 12, 2021

JJ Abrams is proof of the Peter Principle. He glows onto already successful properties and ideas and writes fan fiction. Hes a company man.

Mingthemerciless - Mar 12, 2021

Typo: gloms onto.

Svarietyy reviewed Superman #29 Mar 9, 2021

From what we've heard so far, Superman is going to be focused predominantly on Jon while Action Comics will feature Clark

In any case, this was an average issue

Superman #29

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Sami Basri
Released: Mar 10, 2021

Writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson jumps from DC Future State back to the present for a two-part story that spans Superman and Action Comics this month!
In “The Golden Age,” Jonathan Kent steps back to examine his father’s legacy. When a monstrous foe from outer space attacks Clark-and nearly kills him!-this young hero must consider the ...

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RKS - Mar 20, 2021

Both are really bad ideas. They need to focus on stories of him as Superman, I would live to see them kill of Jon...Maybe have Superman IDing him in the morgue with an X ray showing where a villain stuffed Jon's cranium. lol


Batman: Urban Legends #1

By: Stephanie Phillips, Eddy Barrows
Released: Mar 10, 2021

Batman may be the biggest name in Gotham City, but there are lots of other heroes-and villains-who will get a turn to shine in Batman: Urban Legends, a brand-new monthly series tying into the biggest events in Gotham City. The series begins with these can’t-miss tales:
• Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky enters the world of Gotham City with...

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Svarietyy reviewed The Joker #1 Mar 9, 2021

I'll be honest, I couldn't care less about Joker or Punchline. However it was nice to see Gordon back after his extended absence from the Bat-books

The Joker #1

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Mar 10, 2021

Following the events of Infinite Frontier #1, The Joker is the most wanted man in the world! But the Clown Prince of Crime is several steps ahead of law enforcement-and he’s on the run overseas. James Gordon, facing retirement, realizes this is the manhunt of his life and the last piece of a storied career…but what mysterious and deadly forces ...

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Svarietyy rated Rorschach #6 Mar 9, 2021

Rorschach #6

By: Tom King, Jorge Forns
Released: Mar 10, 2021

Common tragedies can bind two people together, sometimes in all the wrong ways. The investigation into a famous comic book creator’s relationship with a deranged young girl takes the detective to places he never wanted to go. Witness how a woman raised to fear the squid invasion and distrust facts seeks a man whose creations embody strength, just...

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Svarietyy added Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) to their pull list Mar 9, 2021

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021)

Get ready for the most action-packed, pulse-pounding, adrenaline-pumping comic OF ALL TIME! As the name implies, once you read page one, panel one, SPIDER-MAN DOES NOT STOP! A mystery at Empire State University thrusts Spider-Man into an adventure that starts in uptown Manhattan and will take him around the world, pitting him against Marvel Univers...

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Svarietyy reviewed BRZRKR #1 Mar 6, 2021

Great book. Crowdfunded comics is the way forward, Marvel / DC's editorial meddling restrain writers way too much


By: Matt Kindt, Ron Garney
Released: Mar 3, 2021

* Discover the next blockbuster action franchise from the iconic KEANU REEVES in his Must Read comic book writing debut alongside New York Times best-selling co-writer Matt Kindt (Folklords, Bang!) and acclaimed artist Alessandro Vitti (Marvel's Secret Warriors) in a brutally violent new series about one immortal warrior's fight through the ages.

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Svarietyy reviewed Nocterra #1 Mar 5, 2021

solid start, high hopes for this series

Nocterra #1

By: Scott Snyder, Tony Daniel
Released: Mar 3, 2021

"FULL THROTTLE DARK," Part One-Ten years after the world is plunged into an everlasting night that turns all living creatures into monstrous shades, the only way to survive is to stay close to artificial light. Enter Valentina "Val" Riggs, a skilled ferryman who transports people and goods along deadly unlit roads with her heavily illuminated eight...

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Svarietyy rated Hellions #10 Mar 5, 2021

Hellions #10

By: Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia
Released: Mar 3, 2021

The HELLIONS are at the mercy of ARCADE as they face his new psychological MURDERWORLD!
Parental Advisory

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Afre reviewed Batman #106 Mar 3, 2021

There wasn't anything to liek or dislike. I'm starting to get bored by this run.

At least when I was reading King's run, I felt something. Anger and disappointment yes, but it was something.

This is just eh.

Batman #106

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 3, 2021

Following the tragic events of Infinite Frontier #1, Batman and his new ally, Ghost-Maker, must reckon with a new gang operating in Gotham City-but are they connected to the reemergence of the Scarecrow? Meanwhile, shadowy billionaire Simon Saint pitches an advanced law-enforcement system to the new mayor! The creative team behind the epic “The J...

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myconius - Mar 26, 2021

myself, i prefer "eh" over the frustration of what "Ding-A-Ling" King was doing to Batman. 😂😂😂

Svarietyy rated Venom #33 Mar 2, 2021

Venom #33

By: Donny Cates, Iban Coello
Released: Feb 3, 2021

As the King in Black spreads his suffocating darkness across the Marvel Universe, Eddie Brock looks for a light, any light, that can pierce it - and comes up empty-handed...

Rated T+

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Svarietyy rated Batman #106 Mar 2, 2021

Batman #106

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 3, 2021

Following the tragic events of Infinite Frontier #1, Batman and his new ally, Ghost-Maker, must reckon with a new gang operating in Gotham City-but are they connected to the reemergence of the Scarecrow? Meanwhile, shadowy billionaire Simon Saint pitches an advanced law-enforcement system to the new mayor! The creative team behind the epic “The J...

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Svarietyy rated Infinite Frontier #0 Mar 2, 2021

Infinite Frontier #0

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Stephen Byrne
Released: Mar 3, 2021

The next phase of the DC Universe begins here! Dark Knights: Death Metal presented the darkest threats of the Multiverse. DC Future State revealed what may lie ahead. Now it’s time to look into the Infinite Frontier of the current-day DC Universe.
In Gotham City, The Joker jolts citizens awake with an attack even the Dark Knight never exp...

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Svarietyy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Mar 2, 2021

One of my favourite issues in a long, long time.

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Nick Spencer, Mark Bagley
Released: Feb 24, 2021

• Peter and Mary Jane have been through so much...
•  Spider-Man has been a constant strain on them from day one...
•  With the events of the past few months, is there anything left?

Rated T+

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Something is Killing the Children #15

By: James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'edera
Released: Feb 24, 2021

The Order of St. George needs a scapegoat to hide the existence of monsters from the world. Erica's actions will determine what is to become of Archer's Peak, and ultimately, the House of Slaughter.

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Svarietyy rated Demon Days: X-Men #1 Mar 2, 2021

Demon Days: X-Men #1

By: Peach Momoko
Released: Mar 3, 2021

From STORMBREAKER PEACH MOMOKO comes a Marvel story unlike any you've ever seen before! A wandering swordswoman with a psychic blade arrives at village that's being targeted by demons. One demon is black and white with a terrifying red tongue and another may be the strongest demon there is! In the stunning kick-off issue of this prestige quarterly ...

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