Mingthemerciless's Profile

Joined: Jan 27, 2021

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Mingthemerciless added Tim Drake: Robin (2022) to their pull list May 25, 2023

Tim Drake: Robin (2022)

Step aside, Damian-the world's favorite Robin has got this! That's right, after years away, Tim Drake is taking center stage in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own!
A mystery over a year in the making takes shape, as a new villain who's been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and ...

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Quinn reviewed Batman #135 May 2, 2023

This issue reiterated points already made. The Omni verse needs a Batman. After defeating the enemy du jour, this earth’s Selina kicks one-handed Bruce through the portal and he meets all the other Bats in all the other earths. Even get shark repellant from Adam West Bats and later uses it against a laughing fish shark. Silly, but I give points for style.

In one of the trips, Bruce ge more

Batman #135

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 3, 2023

It's Batman versus Red Mask in a brutal Gotham that's never known hope! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terrifying infection that Red Mask has unleashed? Only one thing is certain: he won't be able to do it alone. The conclusion to the bestselling The Bat-Man of Gotham is so big it could only be contained in an oversize #900 anniversary issue feat...

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #134 Apr 4, 2023

Did Batman just lose a hand? In a story where Batman is fighting a foe we don’t know, one whose motives are unknown other than to be evil so Bats has someone to fight, Ghostmaker cuts off Bats’ hand.

So what the hell, dude. My reaction wasn’t how will he handle a life-altering injury. It was “no way this will stick, so who cares.” But that is just me. Your mileage may vary. B more

Batman #134

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's all-out war as only Batman stands between Red Mask and a Gotham City full of bodies! How much is the Dark Knight willing to sacrifice to save this city?

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Hydro-Man reviewed Batman #134 Apr 6, 2023

DC screwed the pooch after Zdarsky’s first story arc. Multiversal madness is old news. Even in Batman’s case.

On the plus side, as I was typing Zdarsky’s name my iPhone tried to auto-correct to Z’Dar, as in the late Robert, star of the Maniac Cop series. “CoRdElLlLlL…”

Batman #134

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's all-out war as only Batman stands between Red Mask and a Gotham City full of bodies! How much is the Dark Knight willing to sacrifice to save this city?


Batman Incorporated #7

By: Ed Brisson, Michele Bandini
Released: Apr 12, 2023

No one is safe as Professor Pyg continues his warpath across Gotham. Meanwhile, Ghost-Maker has the worst Gotham has to offer in his grasp and must decide whether to keep his promise to Bruce or end their reign of terror--for good. Can Batman Inc. find Pyg in time to save the city? Will Ghost-Maker fall back into his old ways? Guest-starring Nightw...

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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Mingthemerciless added Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) to their pull list Apr 11, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)

ANOTHER SUPERMAN HAS FALLEN. Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered. Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, believes only one man can help stop the killing-Kal-El's son, Jon Kent! Jon will have to step across dimensions and face the killer of the Kal-Els, the monstrous Ultraman, the man who kidnapped and tortured him for years. And Val-Zod is...

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Mingthemerciless liked this:

What is this?!

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

Mingthemerciless liked this:

Tom Talor sucks as a writer.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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StarKnight - May 2, 2023

And you suck at spelling his name.

RKS - Jun 11, 2023

Oh you caught me on a typo...Finger snaps for you. :/

Mingthemerciless liked this:

Run away.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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StarKnight - May 2, 2023

What if I'm in a wheelchair?

Mingthemerciless commented on this:

Using comics Elseworld stories to put homophobic words in the mouth of a major costumed hero helps no one. Yes, of course, people will blame Meghan Fitzmartin (and given her educational background even more controversial). But let's be clear DC Comics editors approve this and DC Comics publishes this. As reviewer William Martin writes: "This is a meanspirited comic." Yes it is, and one that will b more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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Bats44121 - Jul 23, 2022

Tom King's background & writing in hero-based comics is disturbing. Even if USA were in different era it might. But with massive anti-human rights campaigns by CIA, to have have a former CIA go into DC Comics and manipulate editorial on justice stories is troubling. The Batman represents defiance to blind authority and a symbol of individual to stand up for justice, even when authority cannot/will not protect public. Having a former CIA writing on The Batman sounds like bad conspiracy novel.

Mingthemerciless - Jul 23, 2022

You're not wrong Bats. CIA/state department has an abysmal record with conflicts and "regime change". Who do you think is keeping hostilities going in the Ukraine? They've stymied peace negotiations throughout the conflict. StateDept/CIA indeed advocates blind obedience to authority. Batman is a force of justice not authority.

Mingthemerciless commented on this:
pootboy reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Jul 20, 2022

ironically I don't need the benefit of 20 years hinsdight to see how deeply, deeply messed up this comic is

on the other hand, i guess we all owe Meghan (because of course her name is Meghan) our thanks for tripping over the cord to the comic industry's life support, and ripping it straight out of the wall. somebody had to do it, and clearly we hadn't the strength.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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Mingthemerciless - Jul 21, 2022

It's not just the book that seems messed up. Really poor DC editorial aside....what does it say about the writer? Her hatchet job on Tim Drake in urban legends has been soundly panned by readers. Yet....here we are.

Mingthemerciless commented on this:
VicSav reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Jul 20, 2022

SJW ruining comics what’s new right!

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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Mingthemerciless - Jul 21, 2022

DC Editorial is a circular firing squad.

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KErtneY reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Jul 19, 2022

terrible writing, inaccurate, taken from tumblr, cheap excuse to shit on nostalgia.

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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Ebonyc reviewed Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 Jul 20, 2022

Hey Fitzmartin! Find another job. Maybe you'll do McDonald's better, cause you can't write for shite. Even if we take out the stupid pronouns presentations, your writing is garbage! Let competent people write. This is even worse than that issue where Stephanie says it's the best day ever because Tim stopped calling and left her for a dude. Bruh, you're an incompetent writer! Actually scratch the more

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

Mingthemerciless liked this:

Please don't make me miss Bendis's run

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Laura Braga
Released: Jul 20, 2022

TALE OF TWO WONDER GIRLS! Impulse, Superboy, and Tim Drake were just saved by Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl in the strange fantasy word they're trapped in. And she's here to help them navigate their retro surroundings. But...Cassie Sandsmark is back on our Earth searching for her friends alongside Red Tornado and the superhero formerly known as Arr...

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RKS reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #11 May 11, 2022

Did this series crack the top 50 last month? Nope, so that makes what the 5th month in a row this series is falling flat? This series needs to be mothballed and the real Superman needs to have multiple series running again. 4 books, 1 issue a week.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #11

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: May 11, 2022

Jonathan Kent has faced many challenges in his life as both Superman and a Super Son, but what will the first son of the Last Son of Krypton do in the face of...metahuman bombs? Jon faces a deadly decision and Lex Luthor's alliance with President Bendix deepens in this penultimate chapter of The Rising Saga!

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RKS - May 13, 2022

I get my numbers on what is available to the general public (I've included a link) I didn't see the series in Amazon's top 100 sellers either. So I don't know what you're basing your viewpoint on. For what it is worth every time I've walked into the LCS there are at least 5 shelf copies of the series unsold. https://icv2.com/articles/markets/view/51096/top-50-comics-april-2022

Mingthemerciless - May 13, 2022

Taylor was pushing the Amazon top 100 a couple of months back. The reality is the book is selling poorly other than gimmuck issues which spike for that month. Same as you noted the LCS I go to the book is not selling. Now to be fair the only DC books that are selling well are the batman books.

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KFuqua rated I Am Batman #9 May 10, 2022

I Am Batman #9

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: May 11, 2022

As the mysterious serial killer's motivation becomes more and more clear-as the entire city of New York finds itself divided over the repercussions of his actions-Jace begins to question more and more whether his role as Batman is helping to inspire good...or pure evil.

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Nihilist reviewed Flashpoint: Beyond #0 Apr 12, 2022

Truth is, hardly anything matters in comics. Every now and then publishers reset continuities either because they became convoluted, messy and often self contradictory, or sales dropped alongside readers' interest. DC'a last big official reboot was Flashpoint, which sadly opened a new universe of grimness, boredom, poor writing, edginess and straight up butchery of beloved characters (Lobo, Harley more

Flashpoint: Beyond #0

By: Geoff Johns, Eduardo Risso
Released: Apr 13, 2022

The world of Flashpoint returns! After sacrificing everything to help the Flash put the universe back together and save Bruce Wayne's life, Thomas Wayne wakes up in a world he thought was no more. Forced to don the cowl once again, Batman prowls the streets of Gotham searching for answers to how this world still exists, but what he starts to uncove...

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SenpaifenixJäger - Apr 20, 2022

Dark Crisis is completely 5G, they insist something is not working, but for the first time I think there is a little bit of light at the end of some series like Detective Comics, White Knight, and I just got Batman/Superman this issue was nice. I don't trust in Chip either, he's not a bad writer but I'm very disappointed in BUL, so I don't expect much from him.

myconius - May 12, 2022

@Nihilist - it's refreshing to read your take on this comic. and i agree with you on so many points that you've made! ... i feel that liking your review is not nearly enough!! this review deserves a damn award!!!

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fearUhavemeisenough rated I Am Batman #8 Apr 12, 2022

I Am Batman #8

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Apr 13, 2022

The campaign of terror continues as a mysterious serial killer brutally murders New York City Police Commissioner Becket, in the process exposing ugly truths about how Becket ran his department. Batman finds himself caught between a police department "hit squad" that wants to execute the killer, and a populace that's beginning to see them as more o...

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KFuqua rated I Am Batman #8 Apr 12, 2022

I Am Batman #8

By: John Ridley, Christian Duce
Released: Apr 13, 2022

The campaign of terror continues as a mysterious serial killer brutally murders New York City Police Commissioner Becket, in the process exposing ugly truths about how Becket ran his department. Batman finds himself caught between a police department "hit squad" that wants to execute the killer, and a populace that's beginning to see them as more o...

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KFuqua reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 Apr 12, 2022

Pure Garbage

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

Mingthemerciless liked this:

This comic is fan fiction garbage. Bendis and Taylor completely ruined Jon Kent.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

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Dave - Apr 22, 2022

Taylor has made lemonaid out of lemons

Mingthemerciless liked this:

Completely mediocre.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

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VicSav reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 Apr 12, 2022


Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

Mingthemerciless liked this:

Looks like Taylor only knows how to write when Nightwing is in the story

Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

Mingthemerciless added Batman: One Dark Knight (2021) to their pull list Apr 1, 2022

Batman: One Dark Knight (2021)

From high above the sweltering summer streets of Gotham, Batman planned to escort the GCPD as the dangerous metahuman super-villain known as E.M.P. was transferred from a holding cell to his permanent home at Blackgate Prison. E.M.P.’s electrical powers posed a threat, but the situation was in hand-until it wasn’t. Now every light in Gotham is ...

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