SenpaifenixJäger's Profile

Joined: Aug 20, 2020

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The Boy Wonder #1

By: Juni Ba
Released: May 8, 2024

The young prince Damian Wayne was raised to be the heir to the fearsome League of Assassins--to follow in the footsteps of his deadly mother, Talia, and the Demon's Head himself, his grandfather Ra's al Ghul. But everything changed when his father, the Batman, reclaimed him and brought him back to Gotham City. As Robin, young Damian suddenly discov...

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The Boy Wonder #2

By: Juni Ba
Released: Jun 5, 2024

Jason Todd is the exile prince of Batman's kingdom, stalking Gotham's darkest alleys and eternally turning his face from the light of day--all because he cannot quench the burning flame of anger and retribution that consumes his heart. Can Damian learn from Jason's mistakes? Or is the reflective mask of the Red Hood doomed to be a mirror held up to...

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Lions reviewed Red Hood: The Hill #0 Feb 8, 2024

Esto fue estúpido y no mejorará solo por volver hacer un tiraje. Es una burla y escupir a la cara a los fans de a Jason Todd, quien es usado descaradamente para sacar a sus OC insipidos al igual que la historia. Ni para limpiarse el trasero este cómic sirve. Es una total mierda por donde se vea, personajes, historia, arte. Una basura

Red Hood: The Hill #0

By: Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins
Released: Feb 7, 2024

Before you embark on Red Hood's newest adventure in the Hill, experience the story that introduced Jason to his new home! As The Joker War ravages Gotham, a new vigilante group has formed to protect their turf, and Red Hood finds himself caught in the crossfire! This thrilling tale collects Red Hood: Outlaw #51 and #52, and is essential reading to ...


Red Hood: The Hill #0

By: Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins
Released: Feb 7, 2024

Before you embark on Red Hood's newest adventure in the Hill, experience the story that introduced Jason to his new home! As The Joker War ravages Gotham, a new vigilante group has formed to protect their turf, and Red Hood finds himself caught in the crossfire! This thrilling tale collects Red Hood: Outlaw #51 and #52, and is essential reading to ...

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Jan 17, 2024

At last, as you demanded: The celebrated creative team of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell have returned to Hellblazer! John Constantine has cheated death once again-but his heart’s not beating, his body is decaying, and he, his friend Nat, and his son Noah are on the run in America, wanted for murder. Naturally, it’s all John’s fault-it always...

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Task Force Z #11 Aug 23, 2022

Excellent number, that's if he wrote it with his butt, because if it was with his hands this was very bad (typical of Rosenberg, if I thought that Lobdell dropped the really interesting stories and characters, Matt can't even get the climax up or give a good proposal) the only thing worthwhile here is the art. One more issue and I'll be totally saying goodbye to DC and their garbage, because there more

Task Force Z #11

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 24, 2022

THE TRUTH ABOUT POWERS! Red Hood and Task Force Z have taken their fight to Powers International to find out why they created the Lazarus Resin and to learn what other evils they've brought to Gotham City and the DCU at large. Red Hood has one ambition: to shut them down for good. But he's going to find out the hard way that Powers International ha...

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fearUhavemeisenough - Nov 1, 2022


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Quinn reviewed Batman #126 Aug 2, 2022

It was nice to actually see the Batfamily in action. Points to the writer for actually remembering them. But nothing really happens. We get a sense that the robot is yet another Batman plan that has backfired, but that’s it.

By writing for the trades, where you read everything at one sitting, it kills the suspense for monthly reads. We don’t know the stakes because information is be more

Batman #126

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 3, 2022

Batman has battled all manner of criminals, monsters, and super-villains, but nothing could have prepared him for what's coming with Failsafe, an unstoppable foe that can outfight and outthink the Dark Knight-but could a dark connection to Batman's past be the answer? In the backup, Catwoman is piecing together the lineage of one of Gotham's most n...

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Hex - Sep 4, 2022

Did you... did you really give yourself a catch-phrase??

Psycamorean - Sep 5, 2022

You have to appreciate 4D chess moves like built in catchphrases.

SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Batman #126 Aug 2, 2022

Not bad, but to be Batman and the so-called best writer of this editorial, it just seemed to me that he lacks a lot. In the middle, neither good nor bad.

Batman #126

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 3, 2022

Batman has battled all manner of criminals, monsters, and super-villains, but nothing could have prepared him for what's coming with Failsafe, an unstoppable foe that can outfight and outthink the Dark Knight-but could a dark connection to Batman's past be the answer? In the backup, Catwoman is piecing together the lineage of one of Gotham's most n...

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Bruno Mael - Aug 3, 2022

Oh but he's not even close to be the best writer of the Bat-Line


It wasn't a bad read, but due to the redundancy about Jason and the Joker I think it's no surprise that the new Robin didn't make any sense to it. This all seems pretty decent to me.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1

By: Sean Murphy, Simone Di Meo
Released: Aug 3, 2022

The world of Batman: White Knight continues to expand in this exciting new miniseries! With things heating up in Neo-Gotham, Jason Todd revisits his post-Robin past to find the one ally he believes will help him turn the tide in the battle against Derek Powers. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Four words that saved Jason's life and destroyed his future forev...

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Task Force Z #10 Jul 26, 2022

I wanted to give this book a chance but if I do not remember the two or three numbers before this has had a typical decline of the writer. I appreciate that his humor is not as childish or aqueous as another writer who will not mention, but Rosenberg always lacks a good outcome, usually begins well and then loosening terribly, another thing is the lack of believet and copying other writer that in more

Task Force Z #10

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jul 27, 2022

The rise of Powers Industries! Red Hood and what remains of his Task Force Z squad are on the run and investigating the secrets of their former benefactor, Powers Industries. What they discover will change Batman history forever. Meanwhile, inside Powers Industries, Mr. Bloom and Man-Bat are hard at work betraying their teammates with no remorse.

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Task Force Z #9 Jun 28, 2022

And this is when the writer begins with his exaggerations, he always does the same thing, what if I am going to recognize him is that his humor is not as watery and at least I am not reading how good the main character is as another writer.
The art is good, there is a lot of action and some other interesting dialogue.

Task Force Z #9

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Are we the baddies? After the shocking (but not really) betrayal by Mr. Bloom, the new Task Force Z are public enemy number one. All of Gotham is hunting for them. They are out of money, out of friends, and out of Lazarus Resin. But now they will have to face their most dangerous foe yet-and it's one of their own!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #4

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jun 22, 2022

As Robin and Supergirl race to retrieve the secrets of the Devil Nezha from ancient China, Batman and Superman get more than they bargained for in the present! To save humanity from the fires of the demon, the World's Finest must go toe-to-toe with the protector of Sector 2814...Hal Jordan.

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Amazing Spider-Man #4

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jun 22, 2022

• After what just happened with Tombstone, Spider-Man still has to fight a whole well-armed gang to save dozens of innocent New Yorkers.
•  With his spider-powers, he can probably take ten or fifteen of them, right? What if there's thirty of them?
•  ASM #900 is almost here!

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SenpaifenixJäger rated Black Adam #1 Jun 21, 2022

Black Adam #1

By: Christopher Priest, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jun 22, 2022

There is no forgiveness for Black Adam.
This is the reality Teth-Adam, immortal man of indomitable will, must face when he discovers he has been infected with an incurable plague destroying his immortality. Haunted by the specter of centuries of dark deeds, Black Adam transfers his powers to a worthy successor who will redeem Adam's legacy and...

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Batmanaholic reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 7, 2022

....... 9.8/10 and 9.6/10.

So this anthology issue is the best boon dc has made since the court of owls? Is what your telling me?

Just because it says pride on it, doesn't make it the greatest comic ever written. My god people. Use logic during your reviews.

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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Batmanaholic - Jun 13, 2022

Ya Tom kings two issue double date with Clark and Lois was probably the best two issues of his run. Which should prove why I make fun of his run the way I do.... And Batman imposter is not better then court of owls, the white knight I might give you on part but not better and the sequel while gorgeous isn't as good as 1, endgame not better then court three jokers was beautiful but a better story... no just no.

Psycamorean - Jun 14, 2022

I thought Imposter was incredibly middling and was disappointed in hindsight to realize it really was similar to the movie's tone.

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arroniero45 reviewed Nightwing #93 Jun 21, 2022

The latest issue wasn't bad but continues the problems i have with it.
First the plot progression is so slow, Unfortunately Taylor seems to be acting like this is an overarching story but doesn't have the material to fill the gaps between so what he does is a lot of cross overs. And even with the info about heartless that we got just how long Taylor is going to wait before using him better, g more

Nightwing #93

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 22, 2022

Battle for Blüdhaven's heart! After uncovering that Blockbuster isn't who he says he is-in fact, he's much worse-Nightwing, Babs, and Blüdhaven mayor Melinda Zucco battle to expose Blockbuster's...malpractices. With Blockbuster controlling more of the criminal underground than Nightwing ever thought possible, can Dick Grayson help stop him before...


Future State: Gotham #14

By: Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jun 15, 2022

The real Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City as Batman, but Jason Todd doesn't believe it's really him after Hush posed as Bruce for all those months. And what will this mean for Jace, the Next Batman? Just when things can't get any worse, another mysterious Batman attacks the Magistrate!  Also in this issue: the fate of Damian Wayne!

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 14, 2022

DC celebrate diversity month? Damn they've been immersed in it for years with forced inclusion in many cases. Bah who cares when Berzerk is going to have a sequel, and I thank DC for this as I've stopped buying most of their issues and now have a little money saved up to buy something I'm really interested in.

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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LeiaFavaz - Jun 29, 2022

OMG you read the new chapters? was incredible

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Briton reviewed DC Pride: 2022 #1 Jun 10, 2022

More division vomited forth from DC comics.

We do not need seperate comics for every minority/gender. It will lead to ghettoisation.

Stop dividing people.

DC Pride: 2022 #1

Released: Jun 8, 2022

DC's 2022 celebration kicks off with more stories, more characters, and more pride than ever before! This anthology features 13 all-new stories spotlighting LGBTQIA+ fan-favorites new and old including Superman (Jon Kent), Nubia, Tim Drake, Kid Quick, Aquaman (Jackson Hyde), Green Lantern (Jo Mullein), Alysia Yeoh, the Ray, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy...

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Psycamorean - Oct 2, 2022

Give me a roadmap for how a DC Pride anthology leads to ghettos.

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Quinn reviewed Batman #124 Jun 7, 2022

This issue represents all that bothers me about modern comics. Nothings happens and characters have no voice of their own. They are pawns in a plot.

Basically Bats is in fake country where he was fighting Luthor’s Batman Inc. The character Abyss, about whom we have been told nothing, is scaring villains to get info. It turns out that this Abyss is a fake and is the female cop who was more

Batman #124

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jun 8, 2022

In the aftermath of the Shadow War, Batman has returned to Gotham! But when he hears word of strange develop-ments in Badhnisia, he's forced to question...has Abyss returned? Or has a new hero been born in the dark?
And in the backup, Poison Ivy uncovers the troubling ramifications of the Gardener and Harley Quinn's actions dur-ing Fear State ...

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TheFightingBull reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022


In my opinion this was a great number, less than the previous one, the batfa more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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fearUhavemeisenough reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

Seeing Dick get his ass kicked in such a marvelous way, despite the behavior so unworthy of this supposed hero, is more than enough for me to acquire it.

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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Ginger reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

Jason received training from the league, out of the hands of the classist writer heaters that erase what Judd wrote or the growth that was given to him in his solo series, All-Caste was an incredible idea that unfortunately was not continued, Solitary a wasted villain, the All-Blades, the character's advancement, all of which are denied by angry fans and embittered writers. Matt is a regular write more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...


Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 1, 2022

Written by Joshua Williamson, Jeremy Adams, Brandon Thomas, Chuck Brown, Stephanie Phillips and Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art by Clayton Henry, Fico Ossio, Emanuela Lupacchino, Leila Del Duca and more The Justice League has tragically fallen in battle, and now we see the aftermath. How does the world react to the Justice League being gone? Which hero...

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Bats44121 reviewed DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1 May 24, 2022

Baloney. By the way, Grammarly has thing called a "plagirism checker." We heard about this character Blade, you know. And spare us with the nonsense about Dick Grayson characterization.

You have ruthless psychotic Dick Grayson mass-murdering his family.
And now he is kind-hearted psychotic vampire ruler Dick Grayson.

What happened Matt?

People liked issue more

DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Neil Googe
Released: May 25, 2022

A blood-soaked one-shot tale of vampire violence! The Son of Batman, after years of training to be an assassin, is on a path toward utter destruction of the vampire race... Enter Damian Wayne: vampire hunter!

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Batman: Fortress #1 May 29, 2022

Disappointing delivery, I did not like at all the way to destroy a hero. Batman being so indifferent under the pretext of going after the big shots who don't know where they are. Batman doesn't even seek to fix the root problem, Bruce Wayne's incredible tactics and logic are gone. Uff it's sad that I'm less and less interested in the new deliveries and the next numbers to come.

Batman: Fortress #1

By: Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson
Released: May 25, 2022

When an unknown alien ship enters Earth's atmosphere, disrupting global power and communications and plunging the planet into chaos, the world is left wondering...where is Superman when he is needed most? In the mysterious absence of the Last Son of Krypton, Batman must rally the rest of the Justice League to counter the alien threat...but first, h...

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I don't understand why Marvel insists on separating this couple, a formula that has already been done and unlike many couples, this one is good and iconic. That's why one ends up leaving the comics and looking at the manga.

Amazing Spider-Man #2

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 25, 2022

• The best couple in comics is done?
•  You aren't going to believe what is happening in this volume of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN

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TheObserver reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 25, 2022

When Jason humiliates the Bat Family.
I like Red Hood. Jason is an endearing character even if the authors tend to keep him in a status quo of a badass, transgressive, cunning and vicious hero (why not) but who still hasn't resolved his conflicts with his family. That he is different is a good thing, but the overkill of always confronting him with others (here to his advantage, and it's norm more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Task Force Z #8 May 24, 2022

I'm generous with the rating, from the previous topic Matt has decided to use the same inconsistent formula of his writing, he does not understand the characters, he is looking at what Chip wrote, who does not have great knowledge or respect for characterization either. It already makes me a little apathy to rate and review these messy fanfics, just because my punch doesn't allow me to leave som more

Task Force Z #8

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 25, 2022

All-new team! Same old problems! After losing everything, Task Force Z has finally discovered who their real enemy is. Jason and his team are on the run, underpowered, and outgunned. But everyone knew this was really just a Suicide Squad when they signed up, right? One way or another, they are going to finish this. Only one thing stands in their wa...

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this is the comic blade

DC vs. Vampires: Hunters #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Neil Googe
Released: May 25, 2022

A blood-soaked one-shot tale of vampire violence! The Son of Batman, after years of training to be an assassin, is on a path toward utter destruction of the vampire race... Enter Damian Wayne: vampire hunter!

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