Ya Doom has never tried and succeeded at manipulating people as an authority figure to serve his goals over the past 6 decades. What is Marvel thinking?????
The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran the world in their Blood Hunt remain, and when Ben, Sue and Jen find themselves on the wrong side of mob justice, they face a choice...and it's one they will not be able to take back!
Rated T
Issues like this are why I say Ryan North's 'Fantastic Four' run is something special and what makes the comics medium itself shine. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #29 is far from the first Marvel comic to speak truth to power in a quiet way. It is, however, the perfect allegory for the zeitgeist of 2025. It is also a thrilling event tie-in, for what that is worth. Read Full Review
Every part of the social commentary inside Fantastic Four 29 rings true to a depressing, heartbreaking level. The issue has more charm and superhero antics than real life, making it much more gripping to read. Read Full Review
North has crafted a really unique story that absolutely mirrors real life. Read Full Review
North perfectly understands and encapsulates the subtle dread that persists throughout our real day to day life while still inpiring hope through the optimism of the Ever Loving Blue Eyed Thing, and the intelligence of the Sensational She-Hulk. North has quickly become one of my favorite comic book writers through this masterful Fantastic Four run.
This was a great tie-in to One World Under Doom AND Blood Hunt! North is one of the most successful authors when it comes to seamlessly incorporating events into the storylines and themes of his individual books (but I’m sure it helps when he’s the one writing the event).
It’s a 9 and not a 10 because I feel like the art on this book still doesn’t serve the script the best. Writing is a 10.
She-Hulk wouldn't like Nake from the Stormlight Archive lol.
She Hulk didn't really need to be there but for a tie in issue it's pretty solid and I'm glad it showed that there were at least some repercussions to Blood Hunt.
I think the art was actually by Cummings and there was some mishap with the credits. Anyway, I liked the issue overall but I can't help but wonder as to what was keeping Reed from developing a cure for the vampires earlier since he did it relatively easily here.
The only reason to pick up this book is for the art. I think the artist does a good job considering he's drawing nothing but people talking.
This is a loose tie-in to One World Under Door where Doom has taken over the world. Everyone seems pretty fine with it, however. Even the Fantastic Four seem not too worried about the situation. Sue and Ben send their kids off to school and then go out to lunch with Jen. No biggie. It's all good. You would figure that Reed, of all people, would be tinkering in his lab to figure out a way to defeat Doom. Nope. He has plenty of time to make energy bars for blood-sucking vampire children who are busy playing, moments after their parents are killed. The parallels to real-world politics are a sm more
You've gotta be kidding me. This is how the FF deal with Doom taking over the world? By exchanging niceties with She-Hulk and fighting bigotry against vampires - who, by the way, should be their enemies?
FF #29 is not only a clumsily written superhero comic with almost no superheroing happening, it's also a misguided and inappropriate allegory that North uses to force-feed the reader his political propaganda. The funny thing is, he is actually doing the minority groups he wants us to root for a disservice by comparing them to undead bloodsucking killers. WTF.