How much Aquaman have you read? I asked because he's been pretty brutal in a few runs.
ATLANTIS...OBLITERATED! After the shocking events of Aquaman #1, Arthur Curry is now a king without a home! But is hope truly lost? The answer lies in Aquaman's mysterious new water-morphing abilities, and a portal into the unknown. Earth's uncanny undersea hero must train like never before to stand a chance of recovering Atlantis from its untimely apocalypse...or should we say Apokolips? Ride the wave for the biggest, wettest adventure of the year in this second issue extravaganza--brought to you by the tide-turning talents of Jeremy Adams and John Timms!
Aquaman Issue 2 opens up whole new worlds. The fish king is taken out of the water and placed among vicious and visceral enemies. Aquaman may be far from the rest of the DC Universe, but what he finds could keep him connected to the very fabric of the cosmos. Read Full Review
MATT: Overall Grade: 10/10. Aquaman #2 builds off a strong first issue and shows us Arthur powerfully and vibrantly that we have not seen in some time. This run should not be slept on as the team assembled is cementing itself early as an early favorite of 2025. Read Full Review
The first issue had my attention, but this one has my fascination. Read Full Review
The creative team is just getting started on the book, but theyre already making a strong impression as this is one of the All-In titles that is surpassing the hype and delivering a high quality Aquaman series. Read Full Review
Image provided by DCPoor Arthur is going to feel like a fish out of water in his new status quo. In a quest to find his missing people, Aquaman ventured through an Omega-shaped portal to the unknown only to find himself traveling across the stars… Although he isn't the first hero that you think of when you see an alien landscape, but this “John Carter of Mars”-style adventure is really working for me. Timms does such an amazing job with his depictions of our aquatic hero (particularly with his stature), and Lokus' colors just pop in this alien world. I loved how Arthur's costume contrasts with his new surroundings, and the colors just pop off the page. This creative team is two for two as far as I'm concerned, and the teaser for the next issue sounds even more ridiculous (in the best possible way).This is great stuff and worth the read. Read Full Review
Aquaman #2is a weird epic, in the classical sense, that pits Arthur against monsters, trolls, and evil queens. Jeremy Adams draws inspiration from a myriad of legends for a fascinating and intriguing tale, and John Timms's art looks gorgeous.9/10 Read Full Review
Jeremy Adams and team prove in the second issue of Aquaman that they're cooking up something weird and interesting. I have no idea where it's all going, but I'm intrigued enough to come back for more. Read Full Review
Jeremy Adams has this knack of tapping into the essence of these characters, and putting their biggest ticks that make them work, and makes it work for a more modern audience. Mixing this with John Timms style, and these two are able to work their magic on these characters, showing why theyve been staples of the industry for 80+ years. Read Full Review
Overall, Aquaman #2 is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant issue. It effectively establishes the stakes for Arthur Curry and sets the stage for an epic adventure. Fans of Aquaman and those who enjoy stories of heroes overcoming adversity will appreciate this issue. Read Full Review
Aquaman #2 is a very, very good issue. It's a definite improvement over last issue, and feels like it might've worked better as a first issue. It gets the reader excited and engaged immediately. Plus, there's some interesting additions to Aquaman's world with the Blue and the mysterious Atlantean. All in all, this is what should be expected from Jeremy Adams. I expressed faith in his writing in the review of last issue, and it has paid off in the very next issue! Read Full Review
Solid issue. Timms is excellent: the colorful art is very dynamic and stylish. The script is good but I’m think Adams has to tie everything together soon. I think the series will suffer if he drags the whole darkseid mystery.
Improves over the previous issue with a much stronger “hook” to pull in the reader. I’m interested in seeing where Adams takes us. Artwork is gorgeous!
This issue was just a blast with fantastic art. Adams is clearly bringing some Flash Gordon vibes to this story and I'm all for it.
Pretty good setup, but I like X-0 and similar concepts. Let’s see where it goes.
As much as I love Jeremy and think he's incredibly talented, this does not feel like Aquaman to me. I know a lot of people are loving this version of the character, but as a long time fan, this just isn't him. He would never yell out that he was going to kill anyone. He didn't even say that after Black Manta killed his son. I'm still not a fan of him having Mera's powers and then using it to sling mud and blood is not a character highlight for me. As Aquaman is my favorite comic character As an ultimate fan, it saddens me to say that I may dropping this title in a few issues.
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aquaman now slinging mud. great. awesome idea.