Great review, I definitely agree. I'm going to feature your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews about this issue. Reach out if you want to be on the show!
DIANA MAKES THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The Tetracide is "The Four Killer"...and Diana has done the unthinkable to escape its fatal grasp. The move may have saved her to fight another day, but the price Diana paid is more than she can stand to lose for the fight that's coming. She will need the help of her allies both old and new to recover what she has lost--and save Gateway City!
So much is brilliant within Absolute Wonder Woman Issue 4 that there isnt time to expand upon how incredibly hardcore the final battle is. Thompson may draw blood, but there is always a functioning heart within the series. Read Full Review
Ultimately, Absolute Wonder Woman has the room to stand as one of the best titles of the Absolute line as every issues continues to re-imagine but also honor the legacy of previous Wonder Woman creators. I can't want to see how this arc concludes. Read Full Review
So often a new reboot or revision of an old character hits the page in a way that feels so much like previous incarnations that it scarcely feels relevant. (This has pretty much been the case with most of DCs Absolute Universe so far actually...) Thompson, Sherman and Bellaire are doing a brilliant job of doing something new with Wonder Woman that feels like a love letter to Diana while still being something new, refreshing and captivating on a whole bunch of different levels. Read Full Review
This issue showcases everything that's great about this series so far: the personal, human side of the story, and the larger-than-life, monster-fighting action. Read Full Review
Every issue of this series just impresses more and more with its beasts, but at the end of the issue we're introduced to a new villain who operates on a very different field of power and who may be the iconic version of this character we've waited years for. Brilliant again, can't wait. Read Full Review
Absolute Wonder Woman #4 continues to be a hit. Diana is a soft-spoken warrior who is full of love and full of heart. I love the continued backstory we are given and this world that is created for the reader. It truly feels the team have only scratched the surface of this story and I cannot wait for more. Read Full Review
This was a strong issue, with Wonder Woman making a few new friends. But could the ominous ending be hinting at potential enemies within the US government? Read Full Review
Absolute Wonder Woman #4 does such a wonderful job finding creativity in the unknown. Read Full Review
This series really feels like it's hitting its stride in this issue as we see Diana able to shine both in interpersonal interactions and as a giant monster-fighting warrior. Also, the inclusion of magic being a major component of how Diana approaches problems has finally established this version of the character from her main universe counterpart. Read Full Review
Absolute Wonder Woman #4 has boss fight energy, but Hayden Sherman's art is glorious and the banter between Diana, Steve Trevor, and the Candys are charming. Read Full Review
Absolute Wonder Woman #4brings the fight against the Tetracide to an end when Diana visits a witch for a little magical help. Kelly Thompson's script continues to mix the present battle with intriguing tidbits about Diana's origins for a strong sense of mythology. That said, the flat energy and lax pacing make the battle's outcome anticlimactic, and Hayden Sherman's sedate, uneven art falls short. Read Full Review