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Joined: Jan 05, 2019

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Kaseladen rated Hawkgirl #1 Aug 15, 2023

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Kaseladen reviewed Superman vs. Lobo #1 Aug 25, 2021

Don't see how this is black label, they even still censor themselves.
Lex makes a social media platform and Lobo uses it to cancel Superman.

I don't know how you could make a lobo vs superman comic uninteresting, but they seem to be finding a way.

Plus something about Seeley's writing of Lobo seems super off. Partially because of the shitty setup of the comic, but also i more

Superman vs. Lobo #1

By: Sarah Beattie, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Aug 25, 2021

What happens when an indomitable force meets an irritating object? That’s what readers find out when Superman runs into Lobo. Think of it like a boy scout joining a biker gang. What will be worse, the damage Lobo causes on his own, or the chaos of trying to stop him? I smell a team-up, fanboys! Numen is the most popular being in the universe, a g...

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WhistleBlower reviewed Batman: Urban Legends #6 Aug 10, 2021

lol the Twitter incels are ass-blasted over a comic they didn't even read

Edit: Even funnier, the folks with the parasocial relationship with Jason Todd are once again slandering the best writer he's ever had.

Batman: Urban Legends #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Red Hood: The epic “Cheer” story line reaches its conclusion, and Red Hood’s alliance with Batman will be forever changed. Will the former Dynamic Duo get the Cheerdrop drug off the streets for good? Or will they forever be at the mercy of the villain who created it? And will Red Hood find a new home for Tyler, the boy he’s sworn to protect...

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LeiaFavaz - Aug 11, 2021

Lobdell gave Red Hood incredible things, All-Cast, resurrecting Willis was a good idea, but was not well managed(Taylor copied that idea with Nightwing and his half sister) Solitary, the Untitled were good characters, however they could have a better development.

Merlyn - Aug 11, 2021

@LeiaFavaz: I agree with your assessment about Lobdell, I didn't say he's Alan Moore or something, just that he got Jason and he took him in a good direction. Very good analysis, I mostly agree with it.

Kaseladen reviewed Batman: Urban Legends #6 Aug 10, 2021

I'm just done

Batman: Urban Legends #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Red Hood: The epic “Cheer” story line reaches its conclusion, and Red Hood’s alliance with Batman will be forever changed. Will the former Dynamic Duo get the Cheerdrop drug off the streets for good? Or will they forever be at the mercy of the villain who created it? And will Red Hood find a new home for Tyler, the boy he’s sworn to protect...

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GL Fan 2814 reviewed Green Lantern #1 Apr 7, 2021

This was pretty boring and the art was hit or miss. The design of the Sinestro outfits was horrible and what the hell did they do to Dex-Starr!? The writing isn't any better than what we saw in Thorne's Future State, which was pretty poor. There was nothing interesting here and John Stewart just isn't a strong enough character to carry this book. Not off to a good start here.

And for more

Green Lantern #1

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 7, 2021

As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the majority of Green Lanterns called back to Oa, John Stewart arrives alongside Teen Lantern Keli Quintela, whose powerful gauntlet could be on...

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TJMB3891 - Apr 13, 2021

Agreed about Teen Lantern, she's terrible. What the hell WAS up with Dex-Starr? Why the hell did he look like a cat person instead of a cat lol?

TJMB3891 - Apr 13, 2021

They should have used Tai Pham instead of Teen Lantern if they wanted a teen in the Corps.

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Maud Benjamin reviewed Green Lantern #1 Apr 6, 2021

Funny to see Thorne badmouth Geoff Johns while using his creations in this book.

Green Lantern #1

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 7, 2021

As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the majority of Green Lanterns called back to Oa, John Stewart arrives alongside Teen Lantern Keli Quintela, whose powerful gauntlet could be on...

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Ulf reviewed Green Lantern #1 Apr 6, 2021

Back to referring to the ring as a "weapon" and featuring a Teen Lantern, while branding the book as "Ages 17+".

Plus, we get a writer who loves John Stewart but has apparently only watched the JLU cartoon and is writing him as a tough Marine, instead of the multi-nuanced, socially aware architect from the majority of his publishing history.

I'll give it an issue or two but t more

Green Lantern #1

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 7, 2021

As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the majority of Green Lanterns called back to Oa, John Stewart arrives alongside Teen Lantern Keli Quintela, whose powerful gauntlet could be on...

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TJMB3891 reviewed Green Lantern #1 Apr 6, 2021

I gave it a 5 because I love Dexter Soy so those points are only for him and I subtracted for life points because the writing was a mess. Geoffrey Thorne is kind of a jerk, if you've seen his Twitter you know this but maybe you didn't know that he's also bad at writing comic books. This issue wasn't terrible but it wasn't far off and for some strange reason he's using Teen Lantern who is just a po more

Green Lantern #1

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marco Santucci
Released: Apr 7, 2021

As this new Green Lantern series begins, the newly formed United Planets and the Guardians of the Universe hold an intergalactic summit to decide who can best serve and protect the cosmos from danger. With the majority of Green Lanterns called back to Oa, John Stewart arrives alongside Teen Lantern Keli Quintela, whose powerful gauntlet could be on...

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Weird Science Jim - Apr 8, 2021

and there are sites that push for the trade cover quotes, but personally, I look at those as looking like you are a shill for the company, but that's just me

GL Fan 2814 - Apr 10, 2021

@Merlyn www.blogofoa.com

Kaseladen rated Nubia: Real One OGN Feb 24, 2021

Nubia: Real One OGN

Released: Feb 24, 2021

Nubia has always been a little bit...different. As a baby she showcased Amazon-like strength by pushing over a tree to rescue her neighbor's cat. But despite her having similar abilities, the world has no problem telling her that she's no Wonder Woman. And even if she were, they wouldn't want her. Every time she comes to the rescue, she's reminded ...

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Future State: Green Lantern #2

By: Priest, Tom Raney
Released: Feb 10, 2021

Outnumbered but never outwitted or outfought, John Stewart leads the last of the Green Lanterns against insurmountable odds. Facing a bloodthirsty Khund cult dedicated to the “God in Red,” the onetime Green Lantern shows that even without a ring or the Corps to back him up, he’s still a force to be reckoned with!
Plus, from the pages ...

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Future State: Dark Detective #3

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Feb 10, 2021

In this issue, Bruce Wayne meets the next Batman! As the dark detective makes his move to put an end to the villainous Magistrate once and for all, the man who once wore the cowl encounters the next Batman-and these two have some questions for each other! Fists will fly as this explosive meeting erupts in the skies over Gotham...but with the clock...

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DC: Love Is A Battlefield #1

By: Marquis D Draper, Xermanico
Released: Feb 10, 2021

BLAM! KRACK! POW! Look out-it’s…love?! Falling in love is rough, even for DC’s greatest. Watch as Batman and Catwoman, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, and all the rest of your OTPs fight in vain against the all-powerful forces of romance (and super-villains)! Even Amanda Waller fights the urge to bail on her myste...

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Outsiders story has managed to be strong.
The rest, not so much

Future State: The Next Batman #3

By: Paul Jenkins, Laura Braga
Released: Feb 3, 2021

The adventures of the next Batman continue! Batman has captured a pair of murderous fugitives, but he faces a tough decision: leave them for the Magistrate troops, which means certain death, or risk his life and fight his way through Gotham City to deliver them to the GCPD for trial. He’s Batman...so there’s only one choice!
And in “...

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Future State: Wonder Woman #2

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 3, 2021

Emerging from the Amazon rain forest, the new Wonder Woman must battle her way through hell! Witness Yara Flor at the height of her power as she takes on the king of the underworld, Hades himself! Betrayed by a close ally, Yara’s back is against the wall as she is forced to battle legions of demons for survival and to liberate her Themysciran sis...

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I like the art, but that's about it. Really a nothing story in the end.

Future State: Harley Quinn #2

By: Stephanie Phillips, Simone Di Meo
Released: Feb 3, 2021

Harley Quinn has gained Jonathan Crane’s trust, everything is going according to plan, and she is getting close to making her escape. But Black Mask and his gang are continuing to undermine the Magistrate and push Crane closer to the edge, where he will become the Scarecrow once more. Will Harley be able to defeat the Scarecrow and stop the Black...

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Future State: The Flash #2

By: Brandon Vietti, Will Conrad
Released: Feb 3, 2021

All hope is lost as Barry Allen races to save his former partner, Wally West. Armed with the weapons of the Rogues who once tried to destroy the Flash, Barry plots an attack that’ll either free the former Kid Flash from the evil that’s possessed him-or end his threat forever!

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Future State: Superman of Metropolis #2

By: Brandon M. Easton, Valentine De Landro
Released: Feb 3, 2021

Braincells, the advanced offshoot of the diabolical Brainiac, continues to lure Jonathan Kent down the wrong path-but things go from bad to this can’t get any worse when it appears it has also taken some manner of control over Supergirl! If the Kryptonians clash, nothing will be able to protect the bottled city of Metropolis!
Meanwhile, i...

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Kaseladen reviewed Future State: Aquaman #1 Jan 26, 2021

Actually a positive surprise, this is a solid title with solid art. Probably the best Future State title (not a high bar) but I would recommend this

Future State: Aquaman #1

By: Brandon Thomas, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jan 27, 2021

When Jackson Hyde accepted the mantle of Aquaman, he didn’t expect to also have to mentor Andy Curry, Arthur and Mera’s teen daughter. Nor did he expect that he and Andy would get sucked into the Confluence-an interdimensional nexus that connects distant planets and galaxies through the One Great Ocean. And he certainly didn’t expect to lose ...

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Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

By: Mark Russell, Steve Pugh
Released: Jan 27, 2021

Welcome to Lexor, home of the greatest businessman in the Multiverse: Lex Luthor! After years of prosperity, Lex’s utopia is at last ready to join the ranks of the United Planets and promote peace among worlds. However, Lex has never done anything unless he had something to gain from it. What could he be up to this time? Sounds like a job for Sup...

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Future State: Dark Detective #2

By: Mariko Tamaki, Giannis Milonogiannis
Released: Jan 27, 2021

Bruce Wayne is supposed to be dead...but this Dark Detective is on the run and shining a light on the mystery of his own “murder”: How did the killers know Bruce Wayne was Batman? As the forces of the Magistrate zero in on Bruce’s location, it’s a race against time to unlock the secrets of their surveillance tech and take the fight to the v...

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Future State: Batman/Superman #1

By: Gene Luen Yang, Ben Oliver
Released: Jan 27, 2021

Back in the early days of the Magistrate’s occupation of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne found himself pushed to the edge like never before. So calling the Man of Steel in for backup makes sense, right? Wrong. Gotham’s sinister overlords have already sprung the ultimate trap on the Last Son of Krypton...and with Kryptonian power at your command, no on...

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Future State: Suicide Squad #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Javier Fernandez
Released: Jan 27, 2021

The Suicide Squad enters the Future State era as Amanda Waller uses Task Force X to save the world and remake it in her image-but what happens when the team shows up to stop her?
And in the second story in this extra-sized issue, Black Adam, the immortal one-time champion of the wizard Shazam, rules the planet Kahndaq in the 853rd century. ...

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Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 27, 2021

Whatever happened to the Legion of Super-Heroes? The team is no more, and the United Planets are in total chaos as one of the Legion’s own has turned on the entire galaxy! Everyone is affected...and not everyone survived! Ultra Boy tries to put the Legion back together to face the future head on! Find out the fates of all your favorite Legionnair...

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The Other History of the DC Universe #2

By: John Ridley, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Jan 27, 2021

Before the New Teen Titans, there were the original Teen Titans. In the tumultuous 1970s, in an America that was very different than today but in many ways all too familiar, the trials and tribulations of these young heroes were witnessed by two of DC’s first Black superheroes: Karen Beecher-Duncan, better known as Bumblebee, and Mal Duncan-even ...

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Nihilist reviewed Batman / Catwoman #2 Jan 19, 2021

At this point King's Batman seems like nothing more than self indulgent gibberish. As I said while reviewing issue #1, his Batman/Catwoman suffers from every single critical flaw known from his long running Batman series, but amplified significantly.
In a way King reminds me of other famous writers and creators, artists, who lost themselves in their work. Chrisopher Nolan with Tenet, Quentin more

Batman / Catwoman #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 20, 2021

Phantasm has come to Gotham City! Andrea Beaumont, the one-time love of Bruce Wayne, is looking for her lost child, and she’s pretty sure The Joker is involved. So, who better to have as an ally than Batman? And what better way to get to Batman than through Catwoman? It’s a knotted history for this costumed quartet, spanning past, present, and ...

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Asger reviewed Batman / Catwoman #2 Jan 19, 2021


The art is amazing

There is a scene towards the end that feels genuinely scary, props to King's script and Mann's art

That is what's good


The structure of the narrative is way off. There is no resemblance of an actual ongoing story. It just jumps from this to that to this and to that, it's insane and not in a good way. more

Batman / Catwoman #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 20, 2021

Phantasm has come to Gotham City! Andrea Beaumont, the one-time love of Bruce Wayne, is looking for her lost child, and she’s pretty sure The Joker is involved. So, who better to have as an ally than Batman? And what better way to get to Batman than through Catwoman? It’s a knotted history for this costumed quartet, spanning past, present, and ...

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Kaseladen reviewed Future State: Shazam! #1 Jan 19, 2021

Once again, a character being made into what they aren't for the sake of edge

Future State: Shazam! #1

By: Tim Sheridan, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Jan 20, 2021

No one’s seen Billy Batson in years-not since the incident known as the Final Battle of Titans Island. Now leading a small band of heroes, even his allies have begun to ask who’s controlling Earth’s Mightiest Mortal. In a story set years after the events of Future State: Teen Titans, learn the truth behind the sacrifice Billy made to imprison...

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Supes is actually a decent start up to what could be an interesting piece.
Mr Miracle is both horribly written, horribly drawn, and for some reason replaced Scott for no real reason
Midnighter is ok at best. Nothing to write home about
What is even the point of the Black Racer?

Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Valentine De Landro
Released: Jan 20, 2021

This monumental Future State title features four big stories! First, Clark Kent is gone, leaving a Superman-shaped hole behind. People gather in Smallville to celebrate their hero, little realizing that he is across the galaxy helping others. Superman has gone to Warworld, where he fights as a gladiator in the deadly pits of Mongul. But this is Sup...

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Kaseladen reviewed Future State: Nightwing #1 Jan 19, 2021

The first Future State comic worth reading as a stand alone. Glad to see Dick Grayson standing on this own after so long, though its a shame everything else has to suffer to make it so.

Future State: Nightwing #1

By: Andrew Constant, Nicola Scott
Released: Jan 20, 2021

Batman is gone! Now, Nightwing has taken on the mission of keeping the citizens of Gotham City safe from the Magistrate. But to do that, he’ll have stay one step ahead of the Magistrate! And you know things have gotten bad in Gotham when the safest place for Dick to hide out is the abandoned Arkham Asylum! When Nightwing gets a visit from a mask ...

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Nubia's story is nothing to write home about
Diana's story is utterly wasted due to its portrayal of Darkseid

Nothing worthwhile here

Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1

By: Becky Cloonan, Jen Bartel
Released: Jan 20, 2021

The Undoing are coming. Long past the Age of Heroes, few of Diana Prince’s friends survive, and most of her sisters have passed as well. As an immortal goddess, this is her lot. But then, a threat appears that even the mighty Darkseid can’t handle-and it’s up to Wonder Woman to take on the battle! It’s big action and high fantasy at the end...

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