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Joined: Jan 20, 2017

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Pre New 52 Nostalgia driven garbage.

Infinite Frontier: Secret Files #2

By: Stephanie Phillips, Inaki Miranda
Released: May 5, 2021

Roy Harper was dead, but then Death Metal happened and suddenly he is alive again. How does a one-time teen sidekick, the boy they called Speedy and the man they called Arsenal deal with regaining an existence that wasn't meant to be?

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ryan Benjamin
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The DCU’s darkest secrets are explored while two titans clash! The heroes search for a way to defeat the Darkest Knight through the universe’s past, while Superboy Prime faces down the demonic Batman!

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Verdandy reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 29, 2020

I enjoy the idea that Batman knows the identity of joker and consider it as not important. However, I consider that should be the only thing we know about Joker’s identity. Please stop giving him an original story. Also, even though I consider joker’s identity as not important at all, I consider everything that joker had done is done by one individual. The continuity matter. He does not have a more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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Bat-ears99 reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

I was very curious how Johns would explain the existence of the three Jokers. I thought maybe these are just a three Jokers from different timelines like Golden Age, Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis Jokers? I mean, we had Kara Danvers' Supergirl and Earth-Two Kara Zor-L... so it's still according to comic books rules. But apparently I was wrong. Now Joker is the title, the mantle that one person's givin more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

+ LikeComments (2)
VicSav - Oct 27, 2020

Actually you’re the only reasonable one here that even tho I disagree, I see how you wouldn’t like it as much. You didn’t contradict yourself like the others did.

wakizashireviews - Oct 27, 2020

This is a really good analysis of what worked and didn't work in the story for you. I enjoyed reading it, thanks. Love your point about the three Batmen. It could be something we see from Johns and Fabok in the next 5'ish years! I'm also curious to read Zero Year, now.

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REYNARD reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

Underwhelming ending for an overhyped series.


Art was great, but the whole story was absolutely useless and added nothing to the mythos besides the Joe Chill redemption and wife & child twist which invalidates the whole point of the Killing Joke. If Joker was always an asshole before his transformation, then the "one bad day" perspective threaded through the book m more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

+ LikeComments (8)
VicSav - Oct 27, 2020

Nah, he wasn’t evil before that, he had signs of it, he wasn’t having a healthy relationship so he lied about it and that one bad day completely transformed him to it, made him go all out and embrace who he is. Three jokers said he was kind of abusive to them and they didn’t want to be part of that family. It doesn’t say he was evil or an asshole, it was just that he wasn’t true to what happened. They just wanted to dump him.

Toonstrack - Oct 29, 2020

Jokers "one bad day" was ALWAYS BS and hes been proven wrong on it many mant times including in TKJ. He tried to do the same thing to Gordon and it DIDNT WORK. Joker was never an innocent victim, he made bad decisions and did bad things long before that vat of acid.

MKW69 reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

It would be better without that awful epilogue. Just Like Hush Returns they shouldn't touch Kiling Joke that way.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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allenquanobi reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Oct 27, 2020

This was a massive disappointment for me. The story itself fails to show why there was even a need for 3 jokers and it really shows how DC, more specifically Geoff Johns, never really had a plan for DC Rebirth. What was the point of the 3 Jokers? Turns out oh it doesn't really matter since only one does. Why have this mystery then? And why make Joe Chill the target to be the new joker? In my more

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

+ LikeComments (31)
allenquanobi - Oct 27, 2020

Yes, my ideal Batman run would work more along the line of Detective where arc would alternate between new and old villains. 6 issues to tell a story for an old villain, while using the next 6 to introduce a new villain or a new story for Batman. So that will keep the reader guessing as to who the next Batman villain or story is. If you keep using the same villain over and over again, with the same story basically, it does get repetitive and readers start to drop books

Batman Jones - Oct 29, 2020

Never had a plan for Rebirth indeed. So true. I remember loving and being so excited by DC Rebirth Special and each of the promising new arcs that were clearly meant to spin out of it. Well, I re-read it after reading this issue and was flabbergasted that not a single thing in that comic book resulted in anything at all, apart from that dang button. (Remember Diana's brother Jason? Yeah, me neither.) Literally nothing came from that Special apart from the utterly disappointing Doomsday Clock.

MKW69 reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #1 Aug 25, 2020

Nothing new or interesting. This shoulld be done years ago.

Batman: Three Jokers #1

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, The Joker is and what is at the heart of his eternal battle with Batman. New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the writer/artist team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League, reunite...

+ LikeComments (8)
myconius - Aug 26, 2020

@Darkseid24 - oh. how i've missed the triggered little babies on this site. 😂😂😂

Darkseid24 - Aug 26, 2020

@myconius Haha yeah 😂

MKW69 reviewed Doomsday Clock Vol. 2 Jun 25, 2020

Better than first volume, but still biggest dissapointment since Convergence.

Doomsday Clock Vol. 2

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank

The fate of the DC Universe is decided in a confrontation between Superman and Dr. Manhattan in this concluding hardcover collecting Doomsday Clock #7-12! With the Earth teetering on the brink of an international super-war, Black Adam and his followers make their move! And while our heroes are busy elsewhere, Dr. Manhattan has set his endgame into ...

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MKW69 reviewed Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1 Apr 21, 2020

Not Bad, Not Great. Kinda Generic.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow #1

By: Robert Venditti, Paul Pelletier
Released: Apr 15, 2020

Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow, is plunged into a blackout. Superman needs to find the cause of the crisis but is he prepared to face the energy-hungry Parasite?

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Batman: The Adventures Continue #2

By: Alan Burnett, Ty Templeton
Released: Apr 15, 2020

Batman's in the clutches of Lex Luthor and his powerful robot as the mad genuis races to open the vault he stole from Wayne Industries and claim his prize! The Dark Knight will need to utilize experimental tech if he's going to topple the billionaire before he leaves Gotham, but where is Superman and why can't Batman get in touch with him?!

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JollyVillain reviewed Doomsday Clock #12 Jan 14, 2020

It’s January 2020 and I’m putting this over stuffed issue of exposition into the blue recycle bin.

It’s December 2019 and I fork over the $5.99 just to “reward” my patience of waiting 2+ years for a 12 issue series. I know this comic will put me to sleep just days later, and the money would be better spent on Super Man Smashes the Klan 2 but I can’t change time.

I more

Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

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Ulf reviewed Doomsday Clock #12 Dec 18, 2019

I really don't understand how people can like this. Well, maybe on one level, which is as fan fiction.

I'm not so precious as to say that Moore's wishes should be respected and Watchmen characters should never be seen again....mind you Before Watchmen was a pain (despite beautiful Darwyn Cooke material).

But this...I won't get into the entire series and just mention a couple more

Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

+ LikeComments (3)
Ulf - Dec 18, 2019

Yeah this is a very good point; Watchmen is timeless. Doomsday Clock is really of one period in time and will definitely not age well.

VicSav - Aug 15, 2020

This review is big fail


Downard spiral. Best one was Winnick and Grayson team. Rest of them were a add ons.

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1

By: Marv Wolfman, Tom Grummett
Released: Mar 18, 2020

DC Comics celebrates Robin the Boy Wonder's 80th anniversary in style with an all-star creative team representing each iteration of the iconic character across eight decades of history! From the high-flying adventures of Dick Grayson to the tragedy of Jason Todd, the enthusiasm of Tim Drake and the arrogance of Damian Wayne, the persistence of Step...

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Superman Vol. 2: The Unity Saga House Of El

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Brandon Peterson

The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather, Jor-El, changed Jon Kent forever. With Jon now seeking help from his father, the Man of Steel must learn about the war his son and father fought together and set right the wrongs his father may have unleashed on other worlds. The Unity Saga continu...

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MKW69 reviewed Flash #750 Mar 4, 2020

Ugh another step down after WW anniversary issue. At least we got 2 stories with Wally. It's telling something when the bad guy speech is somerhing i agree with. Flash forward also sucked, hat does it mean. Jay story was fine, Wolfman was meh.

Flash #750

By: Francis Manapul, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Mar 4, 2020

Beginning: "The Flash Age"! The story we've been building toward since issue #50 comes to a head! While a supercharged Speed Force wreaks havoc on Barry Allen's life, a new threat appears on the horizon in the form of the deadly Paradox. Destined to destroy the Flash's legacy, Paradox sends his herald, Godspeed, to trap the Flash family! Plus, in t...

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MKW69 reviewed Strange Adventures #1 Mar 4, 2020

A step up after King Batman, but that's not saying anything. There are good ideas, but this feeled really skimmed through. Outside of last 2 pages, it didn't grabbed me.

Strange Adventures #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Mar 4, 2020

After winning five Eisner Awards and topping year-end "best of lists," the comic book of 2019 was Mister Miracle. The comic book of 2020 will be Strange Adventures.
The Mister Miracle team of writer Tom King and artist Mitch Gerads are joined by fan-favorite artist Evan "Doc" Shaner to bring you an epic tale in the tradition of Watchmen, The D...

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RBL reviewed Superman: Heroes #1 Feb 12, 2020

Nice to know the impromptu group that banded together in Justice League Odyssey are now official leaguers.

Also it’s great that Hawkman, Shazam, and Cyborg were all able to reverse their current condition to be present in this momentous occasion. I mean even Harley, an anti-hero at best and someone who is in no way a member of any League also showed up, that’s really something. more

Superman: Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin Maguire
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, the staff of the Daily Planet, even the Justice League-their lives all changed when Superman revealed his secret identity to the world! This unique Superman experience explores what the identity of Clark Kent meant to those close to him-and what their relationship to Superman will be in the future. All the rules are about to...

MKW69 reviewed Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. #1 Feb 12, 2020

It was too short. And it felt not complete, only Bat's Robins and Barbara are here. There should be others, like Alfred daughter Julia, Supes Cassandra, and others.

Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Alfred Pennyworth served the Wayne family for decades-even through the tragic loss of Bruce Wayne's parents. His death at the hands of Bane is the only event that could possibly compare to that fateful night in Crime Alley, and it leaves Bruce at a similar crossroads. If Alfred was the glue that held the Bat-Family together, how will Batman deal wi...

+ LikeComments (2)
myconius - Feb 12, 2020

very good points. no mention of Alfred's daughter has even been made. and Superman and Wonder Woman definitely would have been there as well! this just shows how phoned in this really was.

LunaMoody - Feb 14, 2020

I agree

MKW69 reviewed Shazam! #10 Jan 22, 2020

It would be fine............ BUT PRIME WAS TEASED IN FLASH WAR!!!

Shazam! #10

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The magical superhero adventure continues as the seventh member of the Shazam Family is finally chosen-and it will change Billy Batson and his brothers and sisters forever! But can this new family come together to stop the deadly all-new Monster Society? Plus, Mary's pet rabbit, Hoppy, makes a startling discovery...

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M1sf1r3 - Jan 22, 2020

No, that was Paradox an upcoming villain for "The Flash Age" story.

MKW69 reviewed The End: Venom #1 Jan 15, 2020

Little lazy- entire issue was narration, but not bad.

The End: Venom #1

By: Adam Warren, Chamba
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The alien symbiote who bonded with Eddie Brock has been through a lot... but not nearly as much as he has coming. In a tale that literally spans over a trillion years, Venom travels the length of space and time as the last defender of life in the universe!
Rated T+

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MKW69 reviewed Batman #86 Jan 8, 2020

Standard Tynion nothing Great, but passable. Only problem is that The end rehashes count of owls.

Batman #86

By: James Tynion IV, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 8, 2020

It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.

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myconius - Jan 8, 2020

i honestly felt this was a rehash of the gathering of the Club of Villains from Batman issue #676 (Batman R.I.P.) which is funny because Tony Daniel also drew that as well.

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Nathan.Payson reviewed Incoming #1 Dec 26, 2019

Comics like this help the universe feel together and help create a sense that there is a cohesive direction for the universe. Does it have problems? Yes. Are some stories just glorified previews? Yes. However, each of the stories does enough to help someone who hasn't been following "catch up." There's enough reveals to make the issue worthwhile, and for a bit of time, incoming is actually connect more

Incoming #1

Released: Dec 25, 2019

A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL's 80th year, which will connect the dots of e...

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M1sf1r3 reviewed Incoming #1 Dec 26, 2019

Incoming aims to solve a murder mystery while showcasing the Marvel Universe going into 2020. Let's see how it goes.

The Good:
It was nice seeing how the entire Marvel Universe is going right now.

The Bad:
The detective story fell flat.

It is boring at certain points which isn't helped by the length of the issue.


Incoming #1

Released: Dec 25, 2019

A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL's 80th year, which will connect the dots of e...

MKW69 reviewed Incoming #1 Dec 26, 2019

Pretty good set up.

Incoming #1

Released: Dec 25, 2019

A mysterious murder brings together the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the search for a killer - but no one can imagine where the trail will lead, or how it will affect everything in 2020 and beyond! Who is the victim and who is the assailant?
The closing chapter to MARVEL's 80th year, which will connect the dots of e...

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“What a disappointment this all was”

What was the reviewer waiting? This is just a recap, greatly drawn one

History of the Marvel Universe #6

By: Mark Waid, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Dec 18, 2019

From the stories of today to the end of the Marvel Universe! The grand finale has only one promise to make - no one gets out alive!
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
Psycamorean - Dec 19, 2019

I suggest you follow Chase Magnett and his reviews. He is one of the most backwards reviewers I have ever seen.

MKW69 reviewed Batman #85 Dec 18, 2019

Bane and Thomas should kill each other. Also Gotham Girl is still insane, and Hush junior is stiil in Arkham.

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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myconius - Dec 18, 2019

let's see how long it takes for Gotham Girl to disappear from DC Comics, never to be mentioned again.

Detective Chimp - Dec 19, 2019

Amen @myconius . Gotham Girl is just an homage to Tom King´s daughter "Claire". Yes, he just made his daughter a bad copy of Supergirl. Maybe a cameo the day of her birthday would be ok but made his daughter a leading charachter in Batman comic just because he can and want to is very disrespectful and unprofessional.


Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Gotham City has been remade. Omega reigns supreme. Can Batman finally accomplish what no other hero has and free the world from his dark reflection's shadow? Or is it too late for the recreated Caped Crusader?

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MKW69 reviewed Doomsday Clock #12 Dec 18, 2019


Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

+ LikeComments (3)
Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Dec 18, 2019


Walker - Dec 18, 2019

we all had, but just u donno ur already dead

MKW69 reviewed Lois Lane #6 Dec 4, 2019

Nice issue, but Samuel didn't met Jon until he was at leas 10 years old.

Lois Lane #6

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Dec 4, 2019

Spinning out of the shocking last issues of Event Leviathan, Lois struggles to recover from a tragedy that shakes her to the core. Surrounded by her friends and family, the usually stoic reporter tries to rebound as she continues to chase a story that could alter the DC Universe forever.

+ LikeComments (4)
egonnn244 - Dec 17, 2019

I'll take your word for it.

Mail2g - Dec 26, 2019

Actually in this issue, it's changed to him meeting Jon as a baby.

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