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Joined: Jun 21, 2018

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RBL reviewed Superman #23 Jul 10, 2020

This isn't even worth the paper it's printed on.

Nothing in this issue worked, and the "meta" humour poking fun at what this run has done only highlight how absolutely abysmal it is and continues to be.

All I can say is "No" to this, ALL of this.

Superman #23

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin Maguire
Released: Jul 8, 2020

With Superman’s secret identity suddenly revealed to the world, many in his life are worried that he has been tricked or duped into destroying his own privacy! All the more worrisome is Superman has been very susceptible to mysticism. Could all this madness be magic related? It’s time to call the doctor…Dr. Fate!

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RBL reviewed Action Comics #1021 Mar 25, 2020

I thought I had seen the worst of brian "the blunder" bendis on Superman already, this issue proved me there are depths he can still reach if he really tries.

It's beyond awful, this has no place being read by anyone.

JRJr's art doesn't help the nonsensical story and developments; it's not always you see a villain deliver what's mean to be a snide remark after defeating a her more

Action Comics #1021

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Mar 25, 2020

Metropolis down! The blockbuster supervillain team-up of the century continues. Leviathan! The invisible mafia! The Legion of Doom! All have descended on the city of Metropolis to challenge Superman at his most vulnerable moment. With the truth about the Man of Steel's secret identity out in the open, all the rules of engagement have changed-and no...

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RBL - Mar 25, 2020

Well, the story is a convoluted mess of ideas that are poorly executed and most characters present do not seem to be acting and talking like themselves. The dialogue is poor, with some having clear errors. Lastly, JRJr’s art does the title no favors and make the issue as a whole mediocre.

Ryan - Mar 25, 2020

I see

RBL reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #5 Mar 25, 2020

By the second page I already feel the cringe. That should be enough of an indication to stop, but for some reason I kept reading only to encounter that much more cringe.

For all the character the Legion is meant to have none of them have much of a personality and seem to only exist to deliver bits and quips and then vanish, just like the "invisible gentleman" introduced this issue. more

Legion of Super-Heroes #5

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Mar 25, 2020

DC's far-flung future is happening right now! With the secret of Jon Kent revealed, the Legion of Super-Heroes is united to save New Earth from those who would destroy it. Will Aquaman's lost trident be the key to New Earth's demise? Plus, Mon-El comes clean about his connection to Jon, and Cosmic Boy and Ferro Lad find out they both have a crush o...

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RBL reviewed Young Justice #14 Mar 11, 2020

Between jokes that don't work, inconsistent art, and dialogue that's hardly different from character to character and at points downright cringeworthy, this book does not work.

It's a mess, and now it's about to add the only thing missing from the trademark 'bendis blunders' an inane retcon that serves no purpose.

Just like I believed, expanding the cast even further did not more

Young Justice #14

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Mar 11, 2020

Now that Young Justice has figured out who the bad guys are, it's time to bring the fight to S.T.A.R. Labs' front door! But the combined forces of Dial H for Hero, the Wonder Twins, Naomi, and the entire Young Justice roster may not be enough to defeat these evil scientists. It's time to call in some super-powered backup...the new Young Justice! Pl...

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GammaBurst reviewed Superman #21 Mar 11, 2020

Just read it. The only good thing about this book is the art.

The writing is a mess; some things don't even make sense... A pretty mediocre comic.

Superman #21

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 11, 2020

It's Mongul versus Superman in the battle for the survival of the United Planets! The Man of Steel must confront Mongul in front of all the powers of the galaxy, or peace will never be achieved. During one of the most private moments in Superman's existence comes one of his biggest challenges. If Superman fails, the whole of the United Planets fall...

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Batman Jones - Mar 13, 2020

Same. Exactly.

RBL reviewed Superman #21 Mar 11, 2020

So Mongul is able to go to a standstill against Superman, take out a number of the leaders of the "Space Model UN", and they still decide to stop fighting when he shows up? Yes, I believe this. Cue facepalm.

The Lois Lane B-plot is pointless, as if people who have worked with Lois for so long would suddenly doubt her ability just because of "the truth", and Superman 'King of the Earth' more

Superman #21

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 11, 2020

It's Mongul versus Superman in the battle for the survival of the United Planets! The Man of Steel must confront Mongul in front of all the powers of the galaxy, or peace will never be achieved. During one of the most private moments in Superman's existence comes one of his biggest challenges. If Superman fails, the whole of the United Planets fall...

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Nihilist reviewed Superman: Villains #1 Mar 4, 2020

This comic looks like a good metaphore of what's happening with DC these days. It's a disorganized mess with no real plan nor plot. There are ideas, but they're not really utilized. There are ongoing story arcs, but no one really cares about them. Look at poor Supergirl, she's been in a limbo for a while now, constantly flying around, listening to her ex crush talking about how she disappeared, an more

Superman: Villains #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch
Released: Mar 4, 2020

The Man of Steel's greatest villains react to the biggest news to ever rock the DC Universe. Lex Luthor, Mongul, Toyman, The Joker, and more of the world's greatest villains must come to grips with how the world changes now that the truth has been revealed by Superman. Some of comics' most unique and creative voices unite to tell a story that chang...

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RBL reviewed Superman: Villains #1 Mar 4, 2020

Is this a joke? THIS is meant to be meaningful, like Joker’s 90+ voice mails to Luthor “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”.

What a waste of paper, they said villains would be changing their ways with the reveal and what they delivered was... Toyman.

I wonder how much longer they will run Superman into the ground.

Superman: Villains #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch
Released: Mar 4, 2020

The Man of Steel's greatest villains react to the biggest news to ever rock the DC Universe. Lex Luthor, Mongul, Toyman, The Joker, and more of the world's greatest villains must come to grips with how the world changes now that the truth has been revealed by Superman. Some of comics' most unique and creative voices unite to tell a story that chang...

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RBL reviewed Leviathan Dawn #1 Feb 26, 2020

Just like the event that preceded it babble was spouted, drivel was said, mindless dialogue filled the issue, and barely anything happened.

I’ll wait for the final issue when something finally does take place to get the whole story because if this is any indication it’ll be a nothing burger like the “event” before it.

As it stands this reads like bendis trying to ape more

Leviathan Dawn #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Exploding out of the pages of the Event Leviathan miniseries, this all-new special blasts the DC Universe into a dangerous and brave new future! With Leviathan arrived, its leader's identity revealed, and its plans known, what happens next? Now the heroes fight back! Leviathan changed the rules of the game, so now's the time for the biggest players...

RBL reviewed Action Comics #1020 Feb 26, 2020

Hey, remember how Young Justice already had a first visit to the Hall of Justice before? Remember how Superboy Conner Kent and “The Duck” have already interacted and have history with Superman?

bendis clearly does not. 1/10 this issue fails. It gets worse by the page.

Some of the other failings are:

The dialogue - Sinestro’s “I don’t read Earth, Luthor” more

Action Comics #1020

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Apex Lex Luthor's first run-in with the Infected didn't go as planned, and the Batman Who Laughs' influence is continuing to spread. Now Lex must find out who in the world can think like the Batman Who Laughs-and there are only two folks who come to mind. The first is Batman, who probably has his own ideas for Lex; the other is The Joker, who also ...

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RBL reviewed Nightwing #69 Feb 23, 2020

Non-issue, just people babbling on about random crap while “ric” lives. You can skip this and jump to next issue and nothing would change.

Here’s hoping Joker’s upcoming involvement finally clears the board of the irrelevant characters here and ends “ric”.

Nightwing #69

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Following the events of October's Night-wing Annual #2, Ric Grayson is getting closer to the truth about what happened to him. Talon has been vanquished, but his interference has put Ric on the trail of other members of the Court of Owls. Have they been taking advantage of his injured state from the beginning? And what does that mean for the life h...

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RBL reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #4 Feb 19, 2020

Usually when the backstory of a character is expanded on, it adds to them and showcases more of who they are. All this is issue does is elaborate on the “secret origins” of the 3 so-called “leaders” of the Legion.

Thing is, this simple premise is botched completely. Somehow each of the leaders feel like less of a character and just a pointless addition to the roster than before. more

Legion of Super-Heroes #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Feb 19, 2020

The secret origin of the Legion of Super-Heroes revealed! Exactly how did this ragtag group of idealistic, super-powered teens from all across the galaxy find each other? What pulls them and keeps them together? Another gorgeous issue of DC's future superstars also reveals clues to how Aquaman's lost trident may be the key to Earth's future and sur...

RBL reviewed Superman: Heroes #1 Feb 12, 2020

Nice to know the impromptu group that banded together in Justice League Odyssey are now official leaguers.

Also it’s great that Hawkman, Shazam, and Cyborg were all able to reverse their current condition to be present in this momentous occasion. I mean even Harley, an anti-hero at best and someone who is in no way a member of any League also showed up, that’s really something. more

Superman: Heroes #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Kevin Maguire
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, the staff of the Daily Planet, even the Justice League-their lives all changed when Superman revealed his secret identity to the world! This unique Superman experience explores what the identity of Clark Kent meant to those close to him-and what their relationship to Superman will be in the future. All the rules are about to...

RBL reviewed Superman #20 Feb 12, 2020

This issue was bad, to the surprise of no one.

What drags this issue down almost single-handedly is the conflict with Mongul. The reason for this is how in this same run he was a villain Superman was able to defeat in a single punch, without this foe even being able to finish his intro speech. Yet we are now expected to believe that Mongul is not just able to withstand Superman’s atta more

Superman #20

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 12, 2020

The United Planets is a perfect, beautiful idea...that completely flies in the face of everything the barbaric Mongul has been fighting for his entire life. Mongol will destroy the United Planets and Superman with it. And he said something about using Earth as his toilet. Which doesn't sound very nice. The return of one of Superman's biggest and ba...

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PeteRick - Feb 17, 2020

I hate how these numbnuts sites are Always quoting the same things: this is brian's best superman issue so far. Come on like you lots acually read it, DC is dead!!

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Nihilist reviewed Young Justice #13 Feb 5, 2020

I have no hopes this series will ever become better, and by "better" I mean "any decent". Bendis created his microcosm at DC, time and time reminding us about how Wonder Comics' characters are interconnected. And you know what? I don't mind that, the panel where Jinny's hunk of junk of a truck is being hauled by combined efforts of Wonder Girl, Naomi and Teen Lantern, is some real cool shit. That' more

Young Justice #13

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Feb 5, 2020

Another Wonder Comics extravaganza kicks off with Young Justice searching for Conner Kent as the teen Superboy find himself trapped in the mysterious world of Skartaris, the home of legendary DC character Warlord! Wonder Comics curator and Young Justice writer Brian Michael Bendis welcomes writer David F. Walker to the team alongside rising-star ar...

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KFuqua reviewed Young Justice #13 Feb 5, 2020

Just awful. The art is some of the worst I've seen in a professional comic, except for the awesome Mike Grell/Warlord pieces.

Young Justice #13

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Feb 5, 2020

Another Wonder Comics extravaganza kicks off with Young Justice searching for Conner Kent as the teen Superboy find himself trapped in the mysterious world of Skartaris, the home of legendary DC character Warlord! Wonder Comics curator and Young Justice writer Brian Michael Bendis welcomes writer David F. Walker to the team alongside rising-star ar...

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LunaMoody reviewed Young Justice #13 Feb 5, 2020

I am once again mad at myself for buying this book. It has sucked from day one and does not look to be ever going to improve on that. Total waste of money. The issue is badly written. The art work was terrible. I kept saying I'm not going to continue to get it but I keep hoping it will get better and I just really like the character of Tim Drake even though he now is basically being called a male more

Young Justice #13

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Feb 5, 2020

Another Wonder Comics extravaganza kicks off with Young Justice searching for Conner Kent as the teen Superboy find himself trapped in the mysterious world of Skartaris, the home of legendary DC character Warlord! Wonder Comics curator and Young Justice writer Brian Michael Bendis welcomes writer David F. Walker to the team alongside rising-star ar...

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Superheroes for Hire - Feb 7, 2020

Not sure when they added Walker as an extra writer and Oeming as an extra writer, but I think only Bendis/Grell were the originally solicited team. Glad I didn't get hooked in by the Warlord tease.

RBL reviewed Young Justice #13 Feb 5, 2020

Have not read this yet, going to make a guess and rate is as bad. Will return after reading to assess if the rating given is accurate.

Update: Turns out my previous rating of 3/10 was generous. Somehow 5 pages in I was already lost, the dialogue is just some of the worst there is out there.

I don’t know how a writer who can barely manage the team originally present in this more

Young Justice #13

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Feb 5, 2020

Another Wonder Comics extravaganza kicks off with Young Justice searching for Conner Kent as the teen Superboy find himself trapped in the mysterious world of Skartaris, the home of legendary DC character Warlord! Wonder Comics curator and Young Justice writer Brian Michael Bendis welcomes writer David F. Walker to the team alongside rising-star ar...

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M1sf1r3 reviewed Action Comics #1019 Jan 29, 2020

Bendis. Action Comics. Bad. Let's go.

The Rare:
Nothing at all.

The Usual:
Rubbish art.


"The Event Leviathan"


Leviathan Island.

It's boring as hell.

Thank god it's over.

Action Comics #1019

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 29, 2020

One of the biggest battles in Superman history tears through Metropolis as the super-villain team-up of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Doom, and Leviathan come to change Superman's city forever! The blockbuster creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson create a Superman epic for the ages-as the Man of Stee...

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TheHyruleElf - Jan 30, 2020

Your reviews always give me joy, my friend :)

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Nihilist reviewed Action Comics #1019 Jan 29, 2020

Rarely I see a comic with no redeeming qualities. Last time it probably was King's Knightmares trainwrck of an arc. Usually you get something of value for the money - most of the time decent art, sometimes decent story, (very) occasssionally both. But this... this is awful. Everything about this comic is awful. Plot, dialogues, art, all with no exception horrendously bad. If it was an indie book, more

Action Comics #1019

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 29, 2020

One of the biggest battles in Superman history tears through Metropolis as the super-villain team-up of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Doom, and Leviathan come to change Superman's city forever! The blockbuster creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson create a Superman epic for the ages-as the Man of Stee...

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Psycamorean reviewed Action Comics #1019 Jan 29, 2020

This issue is poorly paced and if the moments Bendis wanted to land had any chance of doing so at the scripting stage, the ungodly art made certain that they would not.

Action Comics #1019

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 29, 2020

One of the biggest battles in Superman history tears through Metropolis as the super-villain team-up of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Doom, and Leviathan come to change Superman's city forever! The blockbuster creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson create a Superman epic for the ages-as the Man of Stee...

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RBL reviewed Action Comics #1019 Jan 29, 2020

Somehow tech built by the Manhunters, which were replaced by the Green Lanterns, is somehow a match for the Legion of Doom who have been empowered by cosmic forces?
...I don’t know even know what to say.

Leviathan also went from a separate faction trying to establish its own mandate to a generic “supervillain” group. Great.

Lex stating that the “event leviathan more

Action Comics #1019

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 29, 2020

One of the biggest battles in Superman history tears through Metropolis as the super-villain team-up of Lex Luthor, the Legion of Doom, and Leviathan come to change Superman's city forever! The blockbuster creative team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artists John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson create a Superman epic for the ages-as the Man of Stee...

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Mail2g reviewed Superman #19 Jan 22, 2020

The only worthwhile reading parts are the interaction showing the love between Lois and Clark plus the talk with Trish Q. All of them however are woefully short. Plus, Mongul looks badass but he's being wasted in fighting United Planets.

Superman #19

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 22, 2020

One day later! What happens the day after Superman reveals his secret identity to the world? And what repercussions will his decision have across the entire DC Universe? Plus, Superman: president of Earth?

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RBL - Jan 22, 2020

Huh, here I thought the piece with Trish Q read poorly because it felt very inauthentic.

RBL reviewed Superman #19 Jan 22, 2020

Superman being smug that “Clark Kent” was such a good disguise, that’s new. Not a fan of it.

Suddenly Mongul is a threat? Really? The guy Superman took out with a single punch a couple issues back because he just “needed to punch something” is now somehow able to not only threaten the fledgling United Planets but also defeat Superman. I don’t buy it, it’s either one or the more

Superman #19

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 22, 2020

One day later! What happens the day after Superman reveals his secret identity to the world? And what repercussions will his decision have across the entire DC Universe? Plus, Superman: president of Earth?

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M1sf1r3 reviewed Nightwing #68 Jan 15, 2020

This arc has been extremely mixed for me.

The Good:
I liked the visit through Dick's past.

Travis Moore's art was great when he was in the issue.

The Bad:
Undid the last couple issues of progress too quickly for my liking.

Gave me hope for Dick and then snatched it away.

Don't like Bea and Ric's relationship.

Nightwing #68

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Being a superhero often means layers of identities. For Ric Grayson, he once had a life as a sidekick to Batman, a life he forgot when a terrible gunshot wound erased his memories. When his long lost grand-father, who is also a super-assassin called Talon, returned to his life and implanted false memories into his brain, that added another layer. N...

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KFuqua reviewed Nightwing #68 Jan 16, 2020

The "Ric" storyline continues to be absolutely awful and it can't end fast enough.

Please end this torture and give us a Nightwing comic again!

Nightwing #68

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Being a superhero often means layers of identities. For Ric Grayson, he once had a life as a sidekick to Batman, a life he forgot when a terrible gunshot wound erased his memories. When his long lost grand-father, who is also a super-assassin called Talon, returned to his life and implanted false memories into his brain, that added another layer. N...

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Psycamorean reviewed Nightwing #68 Jan 18, 2020

This is starting to feel like the clone saga. Full of false endings and a clear lack of a plan. Can't wait for Ric to be put on trial for being a murderer. How about Nightwingcide? Ooo, we haven't had our "elderly caretaker died" issue yet. When's Nightwing #400?

Nightwing #68

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Being a superhero often means layers of identities. For Ric Grayson, he once had a life as a sidekick to Batman, a life he forgot when a terrible gunshot wound erased his memories. When his long lost grand-father, who is also a super-assassin called Talon, returned to his life and implanted false memories into his brain, that added another layer. N...

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TheHyruleElf - Jan 21, 2020

*Casually waits for Judas Traveller to show up*

Psycamorean - Jan 21, 2020

And who is he? How is he so powerful?? Oh, wait, he's no one.

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M1sf1r3 reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #3 Jan 15, 2020

Well, time to read another issue of Legion of Super-Heroes. Let's see what Bendis has in store.

The Good:
I do like the Robin and Superboy stuff... well, while it lasted.

Sook's art is great.

The Bad:
Still overly convoluted when the Legionnaires are together or speak.

Personalities are likewise non-existent.

Evil Damia more

Legion of Super-Heroes #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Jan 15, 2020

You knew there was no way Jon Kent was going to leave his best friend behind! Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne! (This is such a terrible idea!) Also, meet the new Legionnaires as they head to a secret undercover mission on the first man-made planet: Planet Gotham. Every page of this new DC epic plants seeds and ideas that will blast out across t...

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Briton reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #3 Jan 18, 2020

Total crap. Give us back the LSH.

Legion of Super-Heroes #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Jan 15, 2020

You knew there was no way Jon Kent was going to leave his best friend behind! Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne! (This is such a terrible idea!) Also, meet the new Legionnaires as they head to a secret undercover mission on the first man-made planet: Planet Gotham. Every page of this new DC epic plants seeds and ideas that will blast out across t...

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Psycamorean reviewed Legion of Super-Heroes #3 Jan 18, 2020

This sucks. Bendis barely knows how to write characters with personality, so giving him 20 of them and expecting us to care is asinine. This issue feels incredibly pointless. Hopefully, next issue really is the end of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Legion of Super-Heroes #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Jan 15, 2020

You knew there was no way Jon Kent was going to leave his best friend behind! Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne! (This is such a terrible idea!) Also, meet the new Legionnaires as they head to a secret undercover mission on the first man-made planet: Planet Gotham. Every page of this new DC epic plants seeds and ideas that will blast out across t...

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