This book literally has Steve opine about missing the old days of Captain America and shows that it was that idea to fight for the true American dream that inspired people. You say it tells to "hate the past" lol. Completely missed the point.
The shield has been stolen! No one understands the value of the shield like those who've wielded it, so Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson set out on a road trip across America to chase down the thief.
But instead, they find the Captains, everyday people from all walks of life who've taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. And for some reason, the shield thief wants them all dead. Can Sam and Steve get to them first?
Christopher Cantwell and Dale Eaglesham lead a can't-miss miniseries to celebrate Captain America's 80th Anniversary, joined by a rotating series of creative teams to tell the stories of each new Captain-starting with Aaron Fischer, the Captain America of the railways, brought to life by Josh Trujillo and Jan Bazaldua!
40 PGS./Rated T+ more
This is a beautiful and colorful issue with a color palate based on blue tones. The drawings are in a modern comic book style and filled with detail. The action scenes are well done, and I was completely transported into the stories. Read Full Review
United States of Captain America #1 continues the critical work of reimagining the meaning of Captain America in the contemporary world by introducing the concept of a legion of Caps, first with Aaron Fischer, the queer young Cap of the railways! Read Full Review
In today's world, Captain America can be a complicated character.The United States of Captain America #1takes that and weaves a story of a man who is pure in his goals but knows he can do better. At no point does Cantwell diminish the importance of the character. Instead, he builds up the mythos while embracing the flaws. More importantly, Cantwell lays the groundwork for a story that is intriguing and groundbreaking while moving the characters in it forward. Read Full Review
The United States of Captain America #1 is a thoughtful and interesting first issue that creates a new status quo for Captain America, one that is far more in keeping with modern times. I found myself hoping that this ends up being a foundation for the characters next ongoing series when that arrives. Read Full Review
The United States of Captain America #1 serves as a celebration of the legacy of Captain America by introducing new heroes and kicking off a mystery/road trip that looks to fuel the series. I'm eager to see the other members of the Captain America Network and more of Rogers and Wilson's partnership, as they have one of the best friendships in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review
The United States of Captain America is hitting all the right notes. A political character like Captain America is always a tough one to nail. It has yet to be seen if all the writers on this book will treat the subject matter and message it's trying to convey with care. However, I'll say that the enjoyable first issue makes this a book to watch. Read Full Review
Instead of celebrating the hero with a simple trip down memory lane or a rehash of their greatest hits, the new series examines the hero's legacy while really examining his American history and values within the context of a mystery. And despite a few flaws, it works quite well. Read Full Review
The United States of Captain America showcases a powerful look at the hero and our nation that is very much needed and deserves far more time to be developed. Solid artwork makes the more typical superhero action scenes work even as they lose some of the teeth of the opening. Aaron Fisher, the first of the newly introduced Captain Americas, is a really solid addition to the Marvel Pantheon and helps bring some levels of intrigue back to the issue. Read Full Review
As a tribute to 80 years of one of the most revered comic book characters, this is a fantastic start to an intriguing mini-series. Thankfully we are spared the re-hash of previous adventures and instead are treated to an up to date look at one of Marvel's greatest characters and the world he operates in. Ironically released in time to coincide with America's Independence Day, this a fascinating read for Marvel fans. Read Full Review
There is some great narration and potential throughout. Will the rest of the series expand upon that potential? Read Full Review
The United States of Captain America #1 isn't a bad debut. There's a lot packed in and there's a lot that's fun and enjoyable. The problem is there's been quite a few deconstruction of heroes stories lately, and there's quite a few that are just far better. There's something almost surface-level deep about this start. It feels like it's attempting to straddle a line of deep look and typical superhero escapism. We'll see as the series progresses in how it balances those two forces. Read Full Review
Marvel have a bit of a perception problem when it comes to Captain America. With a fractured society, how can one character represent the whole country? This book, through Cantwell, Eaglesham, Trujillo and Bazaldua is taking a bold step to try answer that tricky question. Read Full Review
On one side, the comic has a slow start as Steve reflects on the American dream and its evolution. On the other side, the reflection is also its best aspect since it is a true reflection on American life where immigrants, the poor, and other minority groups are considered un-American. It also connects the stories of different Captain Americas, like Aaron Fischer, and their motivation to fight for others. Read Full Review
You know, as an American, I really hate Americans who don't understand the point of America. You know, conceptually. They think it's supposed to just be a super cut throat, white dick party and that, if you're invited, you better lube up. But... no, America isn't supposed to be that way. It is that way because we as Americans have abused the idea of America in order to commit atrocities and bloom hatred, and exploit everyone to the highest degree possible in favor of a small class of billionaires that work together with the establishment politicians to keep it this way and further erode what little is left of us. This should not be a controversial stance. I don't understand the people who simp so hard for America. In my view, I think the most American thing you can be is anti-American, because the state as it is now, the class system that crushes us all, is something to rebel against. Wholeheartedly. Now, we can argue about how rebellious America truly was in the colonial days, how it was mostly the rich leading the charge for independence for financial gain. But I'm willing to claim that rebellious attitude for us, regardless of history. The same way that dumbfucks who don't know their history claim Americana for themselves. In the beginning of this issue, Steve Rogers has a brief monologue about this idea of Americana. This falsehood. This narrative of a Utopian American society that never existed. The one you saw on TV, in advertisements, and yes, even in comics. The white picket fence that never existed. People look back at Americana and yearn for this simple, fake 1950s. You wanna know what was actually happening in the 50s? Black people were still forced to put up with Jim Crow laws, and when they didn't, they were beaten and sometimes killed. They were lynched. I don't think I need to link you the wikipedia article on Emmett Till to get the message across. I don't think I need to link an image of his bloated, disfigured face to get across that the 1950s were terrible. And hey, I know a lot of you don't give a shit about black people, that's why they're never in your pathetic advertisement fantasy. But women are. And hey, things weren't real good for women either. The legal opinion on sexual harassment and rape in the 50s was that it was accepted practice for women to deny wanting to have sex, when actually she really wanted to. That women often had rape fantasies. And “since it was ‘always difficult in rape cases to determine whether the female really meant ‘no’, a woman should be required, to convey her resistance by more than with a ‘mere’ verbal protest, or such infantile behavior as crying.” But hey, I know you all want a tradwife who never says no and is obedient to your every whim. So what about children? Well, what about the children! You don't want to actually parent them, you just want to send them off. Don't you dare talk about your feelings, Timmy, you have a paper route to go to. That's the fantasy, boys! So I guess we can concede that you only care about yourselves. In that case, you probably had a job where you were constantly misled into fucking yourself out of your worker's rights through targeted campaigns against unions, even by the government itself! Hooray! And maybe you like being fucked, but do you like being murdered? Guess what was waaay more likely in the 1950s? Murder! So let's say it all worked out and you could shoo away your boy after a long day of lynching blacks, just so you could rape your wife... You would then be shot dead in the middle of the night by a burglar! Oops! I guess 1950s America was actually a pretty terrible time. But don't tell old Ronald Reagan, or peak-physique Trump! They'll need a new way to syphon votes from a populace that has been lied to and brainwashed into wanting something that never existed, and in return, going along with more and more bootlicking and being fucked. Oh, and while they're at it, they've got little boots of their own on their hands and knees willing to step on any foreigners for daring to come to the cultural melting pot built by immigrants. Good old Nationalism and Jingoism. They go hand and hand with Fascism by the way. Keep mythologizing God Emperor Trump, it'll be fine America, I swear! Steve goes on to talk about the actual American Dream, which was originally coined by James Truslow Adams. He described it as "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." So, a meritocracy in smart people vernacular. Here's the thing about meritocracies. They don't and can't exist. People will always have biases and therefore society will always have biases. We can never truly base the success of someone on only their merit. How do you even quantify that? Spoiler, you can't! The American Dream is a dream for a reason. It's something to strive and reach for, and it's something to fight for. It is not something that has ever actually existed. But we never give up because we want to make things as good as they can be. FOR EVERYONE. No matter race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, lack of religion, etc etc etc. The people in this review section, and broadly the conservative base, make me fucking ill. You people are the real un-American types. As an Italian once said, "Get Over Your White Dick". Steve Rogers still believes in the American Dream, he just doesn't believe in your pathetic, worthless, childish version of it that you have spinning in your head when you masturbate into The Art of the Deal. And if you don't believe me, Christopher Cantwell said Cap still believes in the American Dream on Twitter! So it's true:
As for the rest of the issue, it's well written! This series, as the title suggests is all about the various diverse parts of American society, and how they come together and unite. I like it. The new Captain America, Aaron Fischer, seems fun. There actually is a known problem with gay teen runaways due to familial abuse and rejection. And a lot of them do end up traveling the rails. It's a real thing, look it up. This comic is why I know it's a thing, so good on that.
Seriously, fuck the people who don't have basic reading comprehension and decided to fill in the gaps with their idiotic conspiracism. I'm looking at you, Merlyn.
I really like the idea behind this book and thought this was a very good issue 1. I'm really looking forward to the next issue and meeting the next character.
I haven't been so excited about a Cap's book in quite a while and this right here looks like the start of a new era.
For a first issue, this issue is great. The way the issue start with the whole speech about the 2 dreams is awesome, because it sets the themes, establishes why those specific are happening and the conflicts(both personal and thematic) greatly, while focusing on a idea, that's close to Cap's core in an interesting way. Also the book is very well-drawn too, with good action. It's still just the start of the run and the issue knows that, so you don't get that many deep dives into those ideas or explorations. So I won't dive too deep into those ideas too, although I found them really interesting.
Still I would have liked, if Sam was given more to do here than following Steve around and also if a bigger reason or motivation were given to him to join Steve in the end and become a captain again, because for the most part this was a Steve's issue, although the themes were about things bigger than both of them. That said I liked their more down earth and friendly relationship, presented here and helped that helped the feel good tone of the book as a whole and the sense of being part of something bigger. So in a way I also get why Sam does not necessary need a bigger motivation .
I also quite liked the character of Aaron Fischer. Although he is normal teen, he is quite distinct. He is not angry or has a grudge against the world, despite the bad situation he is in. He just cares about the people like him and that motivates him, while using cap and the other people, that fight for society's wellbeing as his role models. Despite the fact ,that he is quite respectful kid, it's evident he is a kid, with an young free spirit.
Overall I would say that the whole issue share it's themes and was paced quite nicely, resulting in a really pleasant reading experience, at least for me an amazing introduction. more
As far back as the first Nomad stories, Captain America has never hated America, but has always been willing to criticize those who would twist its ideals in service to hate and division. Englehart, Gruenwald, and DeMatteis all wrote Cap as someone with ideals that would be considered 'progressive' today.
Solid issue and a very neat concept. We can all be Captain America... fight for the true American dream and dispel the lies that corrupt it.
This book has some solid action and a strong intro with some great dislogue. If you're afraid of political ideas... why the heck did you pick up a Captain America book? But if you want the start to an interesting look at how one man can change so many then look no further.
Unfortunately the back up story is a bit on the week side. Its not bad, its just nothing mind blowing. Hopefully some of the others coming up can do the concept more justice.
" So often, a shield can become can become something to behind. i wonder if, lately... i've been hiding too.
Time to ask what Captain America means to people while Steve Rogers is still active. I like how unlike previous times, Steve isn't being replaced or being reinvented; rather he's a source of inspiration for the American Dream involving prosperity. Hence why I like how Aaron Fischer is introduced. I always liked the idea of a homeless superhero who isn't a Hancock, were taken in by heroes, or dealing with mental illness; Aaron is purely a victim of circumstance who took the inspiration of Captain America to help the people around him. He has little hope of going up the social ladder, but he decides to help and fight for people being oppressed and those in need of a hand for its own sake. Seeing him try to help people really brings out how the mantle of Captain America inspires everyone regardless of their background.
And I really want to know what this Shield thief's motivations are. There might be something beyond trying to wreck Steve's good name again, and it might have to do with a network of Captain Americas. more
I was also skeptical of this comic and only got it for the Alex Ross cover art, but it turned out to be a enjoyable read. Showing us how cap is used to push peoples agenda is a nice narrative while showing how political his persona can get. At a time where the country feels divided and will continue to feel that way, it must be hard to be a "Captain America" and not wonder what the title stands for. This issue addresses that well, while giving us a new character which doesn't feel forced or anything like that. Ill stay with this series and see if it deserves to be on my pull list.
Ngl I WAS skeptical about this Story but I am pleasantly surprised. The fialogue art and action is good and I like how this series shows how inspirational captain america is. It's in my pull list now
When his shield gets yoinked by a super-speedster, Steve Rogers enlists Sam Wilson to help track it down. They discover the first of many "freelance" Captains America along the way -- and somebody's trying to kill those self-made Caps. I like the premise a lot, the first new Cap is pretty cool, and I'm a fan of this sassy take on Sam. The art's good but not particularly memorable, and I have qualms about the script structure. I know that a three-course soliloquy on the American Dream is what every writer wants to do with Cap, but I'm not sure launching straight into it on page 1 is the best move.
Lacking consistency, I did not like this installment.
a somewhat ridiculous delivery for all this thematic that I do not know where the writer wants to go. It was like a ridiculous story for all this inclusion.
Cantwell sure tried his best to hide his feelings of hate and disdain towards America but he failed in the end, his true colors poured throughout the book. Let's hate the past, the American dream was a lie, let's feel guilty for everything and join in this defeatist mentality. This is progressive propaganda. Which is ridiculous because Cantwell complains about Cap being used for political agenda in the book WHILE managing to do that exact thing, self-awareness is not something he dabbles in lol. Another thing I found amusing was that even in this book he managed to throw a sneer at Tony Stark, which really makes me question how much does this guy hate Iron Man. :)) The humor was cringe, I already know who the villains are because again, this is an ideologically driven book. Spoiler: it's the white people who hate minorities and want to kill them because white people are always racist as Cantwell surely believes. Eaglesham was awesome here, he's this book's saving grace. Also, a scrappy kid mops the floor with hired soldiers without any training whatsoever and of course the first guy he meets is also immediately his gay lover. :)) more
This book literally has Steve opine about missing the old days of Captain America and shows that it was that idea to fight for the true American dream that inspired people. You say it tells to "hate the past" lol. Completely missed the point.
Im speaking truth to the lie. Either you didn't actually read this book and got a summary off of some youtuber and fell for his willful misinformation regarding this books plot, or you read it, your deep fried brain filtered out anything that didn't support this victim complex you got going on, and you were left with a product you only could call "propaganda" by straight up lying about its contents and message. Either way, obvious failed effort.
You're a failed effort at a human being. You're so dumb you can eat your belly full of propaganda and your tiny little brain won't even know it. Steve Rogers would never say that the American dream was a lie, that's Cantwell's poisonous ideologically driven progressive thinking. But you're so dumb you wouldn't recognize propaganda if it slap you on the face.
... What? If you've got nothing to say, go away so I won't block you but otherwise we're here to talk comics not to spout crazy talk.
He ever said the American dream was a lie. You literally didn't even read this book lol. He said the REAL American dream is that, a dream that must be fought for. It must be achieved through hard work and unity. You see propaganda there, then turn ideology is incompatible with those america was built upon.
He literally said that the American dream was a lie, you're just trying so, so hard to make your ideas fit his narrative. Try harder.
"But lately, spending my days in this country, as the years March on by -- I'm starting to think America actually has two dreams. And one lie." "A good dream is shared. Shared radically. Shared with everyone. When something isn't shared, it can become the American lie." There you guy. Your American lie laid bare once more. He NEVER said the American dream was a lie. He said the o r people WASNT the real American dream was a lie. And it is. One you've fallen for.
Ok, I see you're very idiotic and there isn't a chance you'll get better so just shut up now, please. Otherwise I'll block you because I'm really tired of your nonsense.
Lol oh no, *gasp* say it ain't so?! Blocked by the great Merlyn?!?!? How will I ever go on?
In the face of truth your lies have nothing. Sorry, I actually read this book. And its solid. Not perfect. But definitely not propaganda. And even if it was. Captsin America is a propaganda character. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that sadly.
Nope, you're just too dumb to understand what you're reading. Fortunately other people here understood and saw it for the propaganda it is. Again, shut up or you go after Iceman. I don't HAVE to let you go away with your stupidity.
I dont take orders from you. Block me and keep your safe space if you want. You react like many do who propagate the American lie when faced with the truth. It's the same every time and always will be. Have a good one.
Fine, if that's the heal you want to die on, have it your way, I warned you several times now. Cooling break for you too.
So much for the tolerant right. Always censoring dissenting ideas and opinions.
I didn't censor them. Iceman came here solely to insult me. Toonstrack told REPEATEDLY his stupidities, I told him I don't care about them, he insisted on shoving them down my throat even though I warned him so he forced my hand. See that you don't do the same.
That is censorship. You didn't like his opinion and that he was willing to argue for it, so you shut it down with insults of your own. While also condemning Iceman for insulting you, like it was somehow beyond the pale for this level of conversation.
Don't know if you noticed but this is MY review, I didn't go on his review to shove my opinions down his throat. I let him say those stupidities several times but he wouldn't stop. And I don't have to explain myself to you, btw. I can just block you back, since you insist on insulting me in other comment sections.
Funny how you're against people calling you out in their reviews and insist that they comment on your reviews about it, and then when they do, you use it being your review as reason to ignore and block anyone who thinks different from you.
Tf? Did your buddy Psycamorean who likes all your reviews sent you to bother me or something? :))
Hey Merlyn, can you please explain to me why you dont like this book? I re-read it, and is your problem only because Captain America says he doesnt believe in the American Dream anymore?
He does believe in the American Dream still, he just says that it's not shared with everyone. It's not accessible to everyone like it should be. And that's what he's fighting for, The American Dream as it should be and always has been, not what we call the American Dream now. The American Lie is a twisted version of the American Dream that gets preached at people, yet doesn't actually mean anything. The dream he's fighting for is the American Dream as intended.
@daspidaboy: My main problem is that this is a message that I've read from Cantwell over and over again, I kinda knew this is what I would get and yet, I naively hoped that it would be otherwise. Yes, the whole American Dream and aMeRiCaN LiE cringe really annoyed me but the overall message was even more poisonous. Cantwell complains about Cap being used as propaganda tool WHILE doing just that, which is absurd.
Also, given the context I can see where this is going. The villains are, obviously, the anti-minorities whites (did you notice that even though for most of the fight, the guy who attacked Cap was obscured, yet they've shown his face in a panel just to make sure we get he's a white guy). And yet Cantwell preached about unity in the same book he's playing the same old dividing game. That hypocrisy I just can't stand, This isn't about unity for America, it's progressive agenda, the exact opposite.
Also, the cover presents 4 Caps but of course a guy like Cantwell doesn't care about Bucky and Walker. In all honesty I'm terrified of how he'll treat Walker, I almost don't want him to appear in the book. The sad thing is he also put his cringey humor in Sam's mouth, which sounded totally not like Sam, and pretty stupid.
Tldr, Steve Rogers is not Steve Rogers here, he's just a moutpiece for Cantwell's ideological beliefs, the Steve Rogers who served in WWII wouldn't come up with that "american lie" crap.
What about this issue is divisive? The whole point of the miniseries is to show off different aspects of America, as a United States (hence the title). You're the only one obsessed with race here. I honestly can't even fathom how you're coming to these conclusions. It boggles the mind and I have to assume it's willful ignorance.
The Steve Rogers in the comics has always been a progressive person. He's long recognized that America has problems. Since the fucking 60s.
You should be thankful I unblocked after you sent your buddy here to spam me even though, I should add, he NEVER commented on one of my reviews before. This is harassment. Stop it.
Yes, you sent Spacey Medicine, stop lying. Again, I didn't address you because I don't care about you have to say.
I didn't send Spacey, they are their own person. You should be able to address what I said. Since you can't, I can only assume you don't have anything good to say. We saw it earlier in this very comment thread. You always play dismissive victim when you have nothing better.
It's not belief, it's fact. Your betrayed by comments upon comments showing just what I said.
I should add, for anyone who may not understand how much of a liar this guy is, after I've blocked him because he repeatedly insulted me (not on this review, on another), just 10 minutes later the guy whose reviews he always likes, every single one of them (and that guy does the same for him), his best buddy came here to spam me even though he never commented on any of my reviews ever, unlike Psycamorean. And I'm supposed to believe that "just happened", he didn't push him to come and spam me.
Spacey doesn't like my reviews. The reason I like her reviews is because they usually come out much, much later than the comics are released. And I think by liking them, I'm giving the reviews a slight boost being followed by 27 people or something. I didn't send Spacey but I don't know how to prove that, so I figured I'd give my reasoning on the rest.
You'll excuse me if I find the timing of the coincidence pretty fucking questionable.
Well, you can have your conspiracy I guess, I don't really give a shit. What I post and what I say is what I'm responsible for. Anything my friends do and say are their business. I do endorse what Spacey said though. I would like your reviews if they were good.
Merlyn, excuse me if I am mistaken, but do you really think, that the villains are going to be anti-minorities, just because one of them appears to be white in one panel not even that clearly , when it's possible that the bad guys here are not even connected and we literally don't know nothing about them? Like it's possible for the woman to be a person of color or maybe they are both robots, cos we don't have any info about them. We don't know what their goals are even more so motivations.
But even if they are white and anti-minorities, why should we think that this represent the whole race? Personally I don't see any reason to believe any of that on the basis that this particular issue gave me. Btw I'm not trying to provoke you or anything, I'm just curious and wanna see your reasoning.
Because if you know Cantwell, you know that's what he believes. He believes whites are racist, white America is trash and he loathes them. I've seen it on his twitter, I've seen remarks here and there in his work. I really wish I'm going to be wrong but I would be kidding myself to really think that.
Serious question: are you going to insert yourself in every conversation I have with other people? Because if the answer is "yes", I'm going to have to block you again. You seem to have no other concern here but come and bother me all the time. Like, take a break, I don't stalk you on other websites, I don't comment on all of your reviews. And if you think I'm going to start digging through Cantwell's tweet history just so you can have your "proof", well, there's another surprise coming for you.
Well, personally I would like to see some of those tweets too, if that will motivate you to send some links, but I understand that can be a pretty big favor to ask. But I get your point, still nothing from what you said is present in this book, so why judge this issue for things that are not here? Sounds like guesses, based on his personal life and personal decisions. So the hypocrisy you were talking about is not really here yet at least, and the book is still about unity, without divide.
Yeah, I'm not going to dig through some guy's twitter that posts a lot daily. But I can assure you the tweets are there. That said, it's pretty clear you were never going to change your mind regardless of what my answer would've been so I'm left to wonder what did you expect out of this exchange. There are snippets of those beliefs, even though much more veiled than how I expressed them but you don't want to see them. And that's okay, I guess, but I can't do anything for you for that matter.
The hypocrisy about pushing progressive viewpoints while complaining that Cap has been used as a political propaganda tool in the past is pretty fucking obvious.
Merlyn ,you sound kinda mad to me and if you really are I really don't see a reason to, we were just having a civil discussion. You don't have to wonder, I told what my motives are. I was just curious to see more of your reasoning on a certain subject and I wanted to see, if it really has to do something with the book or not. That's one of the main functions of the site, to understand each other better, not even necessary agree. Also to challenge ourselves, which I am doing too.
You can think, that i am doing all that cos i hate you or that i am just arguing cos i can't accept me being wrong, but honestly i really believe what i preach and that's why i am defending it with arguments. Giving me any specific hint on the villains being white anti-minority guys and the divide that creates with the themes here, is enough for me, as long as those things are in the issue. Again I am specifically talking about the villains, especially this quote:
"The villains are, obviously, the anti-minorities whites (did you notice that even though for most of the fight, the guy who attacked Cap was obscured, yet they've shown his face in a panel just to make sure we get he's a white guy). And yet Cantwell preached about unity in the same book he's playing the same old dividing game. That hypocrisy I just can't stand, This isn't about unity for America, it's progressive agenda, the exact opposite."
If you don't feel like answering to me or you think you've done enough on that front , just say it. I won't be an asshole about it and I would agree to disagree.
I'm not mad, it's just that it's obvious I see it some way, you see it the opposite way and I'm not sure any of us has it in his mind to tilt away from his ideas.
But, in all fairness, I don't like to repeat myself but for you I'll make this exception once. Again, Cantwell's whole belief system is that the American white picket fence dream is a lie because it "doesn't along well with other cultures". I feel like it's pretty obvious what the underlying message there is. Whites racist, the old days were bad, America was a lie bla-bla-bla. Then, in the fight against Cap,we don' see the clouded figure but a few panels later we get a glimpse of him,just enough
to get sure we understand he's white. Add to that Cantwell's repeated racism towards whites and wokeness and 1 plus 1 equals 2. I know, it doesn't matter what I said because ultimately you see what you want to see. Or, to be more precise, you don't want to see what you don't want to see. And regardless of my replies, you'll still see nothing there. It's why I think that we can talk about this until tomorrow and we won't reach the same conclusion.
Well, Americana has been romanticized into this perfect point in American history, when it never really existed. What people think of when they of, say, the 50s, is basically a giant advertisement or a TV show. Nothing real. And that whole idea has been used by politicians like Reagan and Trump to bolster their campaigns built on dividing people into different groups. "Make America Great Again" is harkening back to the White Picket Fence that never existed. To Americana.
Oh it does matter, it's about sharing the different perspectives. I think I see your point of view better now. Don't get me wrong I still think you are reading way deeper into the guy being white to come to such a radical conclusion, but I see where you are coming from, which is good enough for me.
The old days were filled with violence, fear and hatred, and that should not be ignored because if we ignore that, then when someone like Trump uses that same fear to drive our country in a bad direction with the promise of the white picket fence, people start to believe in this false advertisement we've all been sold based on media and a whitewashed version of reality. We're not thinking of the actuality of it. We're thinking of TV and advertisements that show that everything was perfect.
Again, will you stop spamming me? Do you realize you're commenting about a book you haven't even reviewed here? Are you that obsessed with me? Stop spamming me, don't you get by now that I don't care about what you have to say, that your opinions mean nothing to me? Why would I care what someone who hates America thinks about this subject?
Reagan was probably the best US president in modern history, along with Woodrow Wilson. But of course for an American hater like you he was bad, I would expect nothing less. I don't think Trump drove America in a bad direction, that's what Biden is doing now by kneeling to China. Though we should be used by now with that, he's been on his knees with BLM too and he's been kneeling to China ever since the good old Obama era and Hunter making money in China.
You commenting here when you haven't even read or review the book shows me you're obsessed with me. Adding to that the fact that you stalked me on disqus and put Spacey Medicine to comment here kind of scares me if I'm honest, the overall picture sound pretty unhealthy. Stop harassing me or I'll have to block you again because I really don't want to have tens of comments here with someone who seems to have a sick obsession with me.
I'm not spamming you, I'm explaining why the white picket fence fallacy actually is a thing. I haven't reviewed it, but I have read it. I read everything for the week before I review anything. I didn't explain the white picket fence fallacy for you though. I explained it for anyone who doesn't understand it. I don't hate America. I am American.
I won't even get into your opinion of those presidents, because that's too much crazy for me.
As we've seen in the last yeas there are plenty of American who hate America. You're one of them. Because America doesn't fall on its knees to fit your ideology, you're eager to throw everything it means to the trash in the hopes other sick people like you will mold it into what you dream it to be. Spoiler: it won't happen. But I know that doesn't mean you'll stop your efforts.
Do get, though. I'm particularly curios about what's wrong in your mind with Wilson. I guess he was too "nationalist" for you, right?
I didn't stalk you on disqus, nor did I send anyone to comment on your reviews. I have read this issue though and I'm talking about it here.
Why here? I rated it with 3.5, there are people rating it with less. But of course you're talking about it HERE. Soon you won't, don't worry. And next time I'll block you for good because I'm tired of stalkers.
I think America at its heart is a progressive idea. It was built by immigrants, we put a lot of worth in our cultural diversity, and we put a lot of worth in our freedom. Unfortunately, America hasn't lived up to its ideals. I believe in and fight for the ideals that America is supposed to have, but doesn't. Just like Captain America says in this issue. America is my home and I want to make it better.
Woodrow Wilson was an internationalist. He wanted to bring world peace, but was terrible at it. He sent our country into war that fucked the economy, meanwhile he let civil liberties at home get trampled. He's actually not typically hated by progressives btw, despite all of that.
I commented here because it was already where the discussion was happening.
I call bullshit on all that but congrats, progressives always know how to package their hate into "love and tolerance". And the part about Wilson... I guess his Fourteen Points meant nothing to you.
Well, in the future feel free to start the discussion on YOUR review so I won't get spammed here.
I mean, it's not bullshit. I do want love and tolerance, and I do want America to be great. I didn't mention everything he did, just the parts that I dislike about his presidency. And to correct you on the nationalism thing. He had high minded ideas but no good way to implement them, and it cost the country.
The original reason you got angry with me was for bringing you up on my reviews when I disagreed, so I hope if I disagree in the future and decide to put that in my reviews, that you don't complain about it.
You STILL bring me up in your reviews AND you comment on mine. So one, stop lying like you still aren't doing that and two, seems like a pretty big obsession you have with me.
I mean, I manage to ignore your stupid ideas but you're intent on feeding me down my throat all your stupidities even though we both know we don't believe in the same things. Oh, and another lie I just rememberd: you said you would like my reviews if they were worth it. Don't worry, I really don't want you to like them but there have been numerous reviews where we give the same rating and you didn't like them.But you haven't managed to miss one review from your buddy that you sent him to spam me
By the end of this conversation, I will delete all oh these comments because I'm tired of 100 comments on my review. Just don't bother to comment on it or I'll have to block you again. I know you tend to do that, that's why I'm telling you this.
And before you bother to lie you don't bring me up in your review, daspidaboy saw that, called you out on it too. So I know it's hard for you but just don't bother to lie again.
Well, I'll stick to my reviews. Just don't complain about it like you did before. And yeah, I'm willing to engage with your ideas despite the disagreement. You're the one who rejects disagreement. I would like your reviews if they were good, but I don't read your reviews every single time, so sorry if I missed out. That buddy is a good friend of mine, so I make sure to read what they post. You shouldn't delete these comments. Let them stand, especially if you think it looks bad for me.
Thank you, though, from at least admitting you lied earlier when you said you didn't bring me up in your reviews anymore. We're making progress here.
Look, this is a public forum. The whole point is to give your opinion. And part of that is expecting a response to that opinion. I only criticize you for your ideas, if you don't want criticism, sorry but that comes with using this platform. I welcome you to proudly display your disagreements with me. Comment on my reviews, put it in your reviews, I don't care. That's probably our biggest disagreement.
Yes, but when : 1. You comment on my reviews even when you don't offer one. 2. You bring me up in your reviews even though you lie you don't do that anymore 3. You're stalking me on other websites 4. You send other users when I block you... Sorry if this sounds fucking insane.
You did. You just did. You said you comment on my reviews because you don't bring me up in yours and if I block you here you'll do that again as if you've stopped ever doing that.
1. My review for this issue and all the rest will be on this website soon. 2. I never said I didn't. Find my comment saying I don't do that anymore. 3. I'm not stalking you. If you so concerned about that, maybe don't comment on the biggest comics news site. This is all public. And I haven't gone back to look at more of your disqus comments. I'm sure if I did, I'd see plenty of other stupid shit being said. 4. I didn't send anyone. If that were my intent, I could send a lot more than one person.
The idea was that you comment on my reviews because you don't bring me up in yours anymore, you just said that on an earlier comment.
Show me the comment, dude. I didn't say that. I think that's just something you implied in your head to something I actually said. Or maybe I'm wrong, and you can show me where I said that.
"The original reason you got angry with me was for bringing you up on my reviews when I disagreed, so I hope if I disagree in the future and decide to put that in my reviews" This sounds like you implied that you DIDN'T DO that, while you JUST DID, daspidaboy calling you out on it.
You know what, I'm really tired of doing this with you, I'm losing way too much time giving attention to someone that just wants to troll because we both know we won't ever come to an understanding. Say whatever you want to say, I'm tired of your obsessions.
That's not the implication. I'm just saying that if I do stick to putting it in my reviews instead of commenting on your reviews, that you don't get needlessly upset about that like you did the first time we interacted.
"In my view, I think the most American thing you can be is anti-American"-> And with that, Psycamorean gets permanently blocked. That's too much hate and too much bullshit for me. First guy I ever get blocked permanently. But this guy is legit crazy and I don't want to indulge that anymore without him getting psychiatric help.
Oh, and just so we don't have any discussions, anybody coming here and defending this hateful piece of shit gets blocked, too. I really don't want any more toxicity from that moron or his buddies. You can all go cry in your corner and hate the greatest country in the world as much as you want, but you won't do that in my comments anymore.
So much for being an individual. I noticed you didn't put the explanation for why I said that in your dumb quote. If you think this country is so great, then why do you hate its ideals? You're too afraid to actually refute anything I say, you just gesture awkwardly instead. Greatest country in the world? Bitch, we aren't even in the top 5. But we would be if America lived up to its ideals. That'll never happen because of people like you. Sad.
I let that comment for him to know why he's getting blocked, because he's a disgusting hater and traitor, now it's over for good.
Well, that sucked. Cantwell at it again with his woke politics. Propaganda.
Ideologically-driven propaganda disguised in the form of a comic. Modern Marvel is in absolute shambles and I blame the editors for letting people like Cantwell, Vita Ayala, Leah Williams and Dan Slott still work there
For once I agree with you. I mean, you're pretty cuckoo crazy but I agree with you all the way through to the nominated bad writers.
Imagine calling a CAPTAIN AMERICA book propaganda unironially. What do you think this character was made for lmao