By day Cindy Moon is an intrepid reporter for the upstart new media empire Threats & Menaces under her old boss, J. Jonah Jameson. By night, she's Silk, crime fighting super hero! But those worlds are about to collide, as an investigation into a series of gangland murders puts Silk and everyone she loves in danger! Who is this powerful new player in New York's underworld, where did she come from, and what is she doing with that strange cat demon? It will take all of Cindy's prowess as reporter and hero to find the answers...and stay alive! Written by Maurene Goo (I Believe in a Thing Called Love) and drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa (RUNAWAYS, GHOSTmore
Moon was wearing a COVID-appropriate face mask long before it was cool to do so. The fact that just about every woman her age seen out and about is wearing a similar mask amps up the character's relatability in her new series. The expressiveness of the eyes and Moon's sharp sense of humor carry one of the funnier excursions into the Marvel Universe so far this year. With so many web-slingers swinging around Marvel Manhattan, it's nice to know that there's still life in a wall-crawling superhero sub-sub-genre that's been around for nearly 60 years now. Read Full Review
Silk #1 is a great start that firmly establishes the character for new readers while also carrying forward the character for longtime fans. This issue is incredibly economical with its scenes and once you put it down it'll feel like you got extra story. The beauty of this story is how Cindy is actually good at most of what she does, but it's the people and circumstances in her life that add the conflict. For that, Silk is an inspiring hero for readers of all ages and this is a great start to her latest series. Read Full Review
Silk stops a robbery and is rewarded for her efforts by a grateful store owner. Later, Cindy Moon heads to her first day of work as a reporter. After Derick invites her to join him on an investigation, she is able to publish her first story. Elsewhere, J. Jonah Jameson has a confrontation with an enemy and Silk intervenes. Finally, someone interesting visits Saya Ishii. And their conversation unlocks a mystery.The Story: The first issue of the Silk series is engaging and fun. Maurene Goo has created a nice set up issue that is very promising. I like seeing Cindy in her day-to-day life. I am also interested in how her character will progress in the future. Ian Herring uses cool tones to highlight the detailed artwork of Takeshi Miayzawa. I really like the use of blue color palettes to accompany the action sequences. It gives the scenes an extra layer of intensity. This issue is well done and engaging. Read Full Review
This was a fun read. It reminded me of sunny Saturdays in 2006 (the before time right) when the main thing I had to worry about was a 6th grade English essay. This comic felt familiar and safe. Read Full Review
Silk comes swinging back to protagonist duty in this talented, carefully-crafted debut. Her status quo is efficiently established and a promising mystery is teed up for immediate exploration. Most importantly of all, the great skill lavished on portraying the protagonist succeeds at making her instantly endearing -- and thereby building interest in how she tackles that mystery. Read Full Review
A book with a lot of potential, and beautiful art, and I love all of the Asian representation here. Read Full Review
I was excited about this book because I think Silk represents the Asian-American heroes well. As a Chinese-American, some of the heroes I have seen fall into a lot of negative tropes. This character feels like a person rather than a trope and I appreciate that. Read Full Review
So if you are in the market for a smart bout of action, this new series looks promising indeed. Read Full Review
Final Verdict: 7.7 The action is swift and smooth and the characters are great to look at, but "Silk" #1 sometimes reads like a sit com script. Read Full Review
Cindy Moon is back with a new job and a new enemy to deal with. Her unique background and abilities allow for a refreshing new take on great power and great responsibility. Read Full Review
Writer Maurene Goo, artist Takeshi Miyazawa, color artist Ian Herring and letter Ariana Maher compliment each other beautifully with their presentation of Cindy Moon as a courageous hero who makes a difference both in and out of her costume. Read Full Review
For a first issue that looks to bring Silk back into the fold, Goo and Miyazawa do extremely well, so well in fact, that I was a tad disappointed to find out this is in fact a mini series, at least for now. Read Full Review
Silk #1 does everything a first issue of a new series should do to invite both new and long-time fans in. Maurene Goo balances things out well to establish Cindy Moon's personal and superhero life to get you invested on both sides of the character. Takeshi Miyazawa fits in well to the tone that Goo establishes for the world around Silk. Read Full Review
Silk #1 is an excellent start and setup for a relatable character. Despite voice problems for J. Jonah and substandard art, there's enough here to want to know more. Read Full Review
Im not as familiar with Goos work as they're more known for their prose, but I can definitely speak to the art team of Takeshi Miyazawa and Ian Herring. They previously worked together on Ms. Marvel and provided some of my favorite visuals in a Marvel comic quite possibly ever. Their sensibility and synergy work tremendously well for Silk. Miyazawas mangaesque art reflects the graceful zippiness of Cindys skill set, while Herringone of my favorite working color artistslends a softly colorful vibe that makes her adventures feel distinct from those of her Spider-Contemporaries like Peter and Miles. (Herring also colored the entire Robbie Thompson run, so it's a nice aspect of visual continuity from Miyazawa's predecessors Stacey Lee, Veronica Fish, and Tana Ford.) Read Full Review
In conclusion, Marvel's Silk #1 (2021) delivers a lot of detail and character in short succession and sticks the landing flawlessly in its immersive story. As mentioned before, this is a worthy entry to the Spider-Verse with a refreshing spin on the world of webslinging. I'm excited to see where this weaved web of Silk leads Cindy in future issues. Read Full Review