This is a pretty asinine review.
Learn the truth about one of the X-Men's closest allies...and then begin the fight for the future of mutantkind! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (AVENGERS, SECRET WARS, FANTASTIC FOUR) continues reshaping the X-Men's world with Marvel Young Gun artist Pepe Larraz (EXTERMINATION, AVENGERS)!
Rated T+
House of X #2 is just as good, if not better than its predecessor, which is wild to think. After establishing the idea of Krakoa, then giving away the endgame centuries in the future, Hickman manages to keep things as interesting as they've ever been. Like many comic book characters and teams before, X-Men canon has been shredded and re-established. The big difference here; everyone that has given their blood, sweat, and time to the storytelling of mutants previously, have been honored in the most respectful and creative way possible. Read Full Review
House of X is pretty much the perfect continuation of what Hickman and Larraz are setting up with the X-Men here. Everything lands and there are some big, shocking moments, all boldly illustrated with some beautiful line work. The only thing to be concerned about at this point is whether these two can keep the narrative stakes going strong, something I have complete faith in at this point. I'm not one to give out perfect scores with ease; there are a mere very, very small percentage of comics that have earned that right. But from where I stand after a few rereads already, House of X #2 is one of them. Read Full Review
I tend to err on the side of caution with new books, if only because stories this ambitious can go sideways relatively quickly, but Hickman and co. have earned so much good will with this entry that Ill definitely be seeing this series to the end. Read Full Review
The question at the top of review, has Hickman's plan peaked? Looking at the series to date, the answer has to be a resounding no; Hickman has shown that he is certainly in this for the long haul, and so will countless readers. Read Full Review
It's remarkable how tight the creators have control over the reader. This is an absorbing sci-fi drama not to be missed. This is edge of your seat comics storytelling. Read Full Review
While Hickman's work relaunching the X-Men has been exceedingly deliberate and thoughtful for the past two issues, I've found myself reading and rereading House of X numerous times, finding new angles and new layers with every new visit. It's the kind of twist that we might describe as Grant Morrison-esque " but to be honest, if Hickman continues to pack so many ideas in such a dense series, we may be talking about a new benchmark for revolutionary X-Men stories soon enough. 'The Curious Case of Moira X' is unlike anything you might have read, and certainly not like anything you might expect. But thanks to her unique gifts, the mutants' universe has just grown exponentially " and to be honest, that's the kind of bold evolution the X-Men desperately needed. Read Full Review
Jonathan Hickman and company continue to stun with their reinvention of the X-Men. House of X #2 hits pauses on the story of Krakoa begun in the previous issue and builds tangentially from a major moment in Powers of X #2. Read Full Review
Overall book continues to not disappoint. It delivers a deep intriguing story that has so many layers to it. I found myself so pulled in and continuously wanting more and more. This book is a must read. Read Full Review
House Of X #2 is a gamechanger. Thats all that can be said about it. Hickman lays out a masterful retcon that in the hands of a lesser writer would never work; theyd never be able to make the scope of it work as he could. Pepe Larrazs art makes the whole thing that much grander, as hes able to execute Hickmans script in a way that makes that comes to life. Read Full Review
Pepe Larraz delivers some truly beautiful art work in this issue. Every page is filled with amazing details and great looking characters. Read Full Review
Highly, highly recommended! Read Full Review
Hickman will blow your mind this weeks HOUSE OF X #2. Pick this immensely clever issue up, add both series to your pull list if you havent already, and get pumped for next weeks POWERS OF X #2. If you werent on board, this reviewer hopes you are now! All aboard!!! Read Full Review
House of X #2 is one of the best X-Men comics in years, teasing a bold new direction for the franchise. Read Full Review
House of X #2 seamlessly works at two levels. On one level, Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz are telling the life story of Moira MacTaggart, who has played a pivotal role as a bridge between humans and mutants for decades of comics, and what you think about her is all wrong. Finally, on a macro level, they craft several visions for how the relationship between humans, mutants, and machines plays out and begin to provide a reason for why the world is like it is in House of X #1 and how it ends up in Powers of X #1. Read Full Review
Some stories go off like damp firecrackers. This one is a nuclear bomb. Read Full Review
If you've ever enjoyed X-Men to ANY degree, you need to be reading this right now. Read Full Review
Only Jonathan Hickman could make X-Men fans love charts and graphs as much as a 10th-grade Chemistry teacher. Read Full Review
It has kind of become rote at this point, but believe the hype, House of X continues to be the real deal. Read Full Review
House of X #2 is another amazing installment in the Hickman X-Men era. Read Full Review
House of X #2 succeeded in giving us complete faith in Hickman's vision for the X-Men. As I said, the second issue always matters most. Big ideas require a strong follow through. That he did with a captivating story told over the span of lifetimes, and surprisingly through just one person. Who would have thought that it could be someone on the outside who could have such an impact on the fate of the mutants? Read Full Review
House of X #2 is another excellent read. Jonathan Hickman is like a master chef meticulously crafting an exquisite and sumptuous meal from the finest ingredients. There is not a single superhero comic book on the market that can match the world-building, complexity, and immersion that Hickman is delivering with his work on the X-Men franchise. What makes it even better is Hickman is able to make his story appealing to long-time readers while still remaining very new reader-friendly. If you still have not given Hickman's X-Men a try then you must go to your local comic shop and start reading both House of X and Powers of X. Read Full Review
The radical boldness of House of X and Powers of X continues, but it's starting to feel like this whole project is just going to be Jonathan Hickman explaining his ideas to us rather than actually using them to tell a story. Read Full Review
Even if you haven't read the preceding two issues of HoX and PoX, House of X #2 stands alone as a compelling and incredibly crafted comic. Read Full Review
The issue is an interesting one that really plants the flag. Hickman is making the X-Men his own, continuity and history be damned. This continues an exciting and somewhat controversial change that's coming. Read Full Review
Damn Moira can't catch a break.
Yeah, this was really good. I mean, REALLY good. The first issue really set the stage for this new age for the X-Men, but this one delves deep into Moira, specifically, and it does so greatly. Not only does Larraz draw everything beautifully (something I failed to mention in my review of Issue #1), but Hickman instantly makes Moira one of the most intriguing mutant characters of this relaunch. I'm very interested to see why he held back on revealing anything about her sixth life, as well. Before I end this review, I have to mention Moira's interaction with Mystique and, especially, Destiny. That last line from Destiny was insane.
It’s crazy how in one issue Moira becomes one of the most interesting mutants in the entire X-Men series.
Surely this will be a prime contender for the 2020 single issue Eisner.
This is absolutely genius. Exactly the stuff I've expected from Hickman.
It took me a minute to get into it but once I figured out Hickman's angle I had to concede, House of X #2 may go down as the best single issue of 2019.
It will be nearly impossible to discuss the issue without spoilers. Moira _. Is a mutant and has been influencing the direction of the X-Men since its inception.
What's really interesting is that this massive retcon doesn't break any of the characters or lore. The reveal actually deepens the lore and adds to the X-Men's already expansive history. The change also gives an explanation for why our heroes are behaving so differently from other depictions.
Moira's mutant power is reincarnation. If she dies she comes back with full knowledge of her previous existence. She also appears to be stuck in a perpetual time loop. The reincarnation part makes sense to me but the time loop aspect of her power seems a bit too convenient to the story.
There are so many cool moments in this issue that it's hard not to discuss them without really spoiling things. What I will say is that Hickman has turned Moira into a "Certified Badass" and the oh shit aspects of the script are perfectly illustrated by Pepe Larraz. He gets to draw a ton of epic panels reimagining key moment's in the X-Men timeline. The standouts for me are Moiras encounters with The 80s's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants A.K.A. The Freedom force. There is also an awesome segment featuring Apocalypse.
I started reading comics back when Mystique was the leader of the Brotherhood. It was nice seeing this version of the team again along with the Long dead Destiny. Who recognizes Moira's power because of her own ability to see the future.
The writing for this issue can't be understated. It's been a very long time since we've seen a creator put this much effort into the X-Men. This isn't the most in-depth review but I highly recommend this issue. It's sold out all over Detroit so you may have a hard time getting it. The comic is also going for 20+ dollars on eBay right now. If you can find the issue it's definitely worth your purchase.
Hickman continues to bring outstanding story-telling to the X-family and the art is fantastic. As a long-time X-Men fan, I couldn't ask for more!
This issue forces and immediate re-read and it only gets better the second time around.
Mind Blown 🤯🤯🤯
Happy to alive at the same time of this new X-men era.
This is Hickman at his best. He's done something of his own to the X-Men, at the same time, respecting what other writers. He's done what he promised - Changed how we look at the X-Men.
Let’s face it folks, this is not just a great story, it’s a potential industry game changer. If anyone doubts that comics are an art form - not just entertainment - this is an exhibit alongside stories like Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen. The fact this is happening under the Marvel banner is, in my opinion, something we haven’t seen since Jim Shooter was EIC or maybe even the 1960’s when the whole Marvel brand burst onto the scene. If I’m DC, and I am lifelong DC fan, I am very nervous about this whole thing. If the X-franchise is restored (Rebirthed??), and there’s nothing in the wings to counterpunch, Marvel’s sales and artistic dominance may become untouchable. Extrapolate that out to other media platforms, including the 8,000,000,000 pound gorilla that is the MCU and Marvel (ok, Disney) becomes the windshield in an industry of bugs. more
To say the least, just as Hickman and others promised, this issue is one that will be talked about for years to come. I didn't expect I would enjoy this series as much as I have so far. Honestly, I feel like the lack of truly engaging/interesting X-stories in the past few years has made me lose interest in that side of Marvel, to the point that I wasn't expecting this to get me to love X-Men again, but boy was I wrong.
One the best single issues of this year.
I'm not normally one for "everything you thought you knew was wrong!"-type retcons. It's not that there's anything inherently wrong with them, it's just that they're hard to pull off without just coming off as the writer smelling their own farts and being unfair to prior creative teams. With this issue, Hickman shows so much respect-- for past creators AND the reader-- that it's impossible not to read the whole thing with either a big, goofy smile or a perfectly O-shaped mouth. Larraz brings his A-game, too, bringing so many more layers to a story that could've been artistically very basic. Simply genius work!
A mind blowing issue, as everyone has said.
Xcellent comic!
This is unbelievably solid. I can't believe X-men can be this good in 2019.
Wow Hickman’s playing 3D chess with the X-men
Brilliant, as expected!
This issue is insane in a very good way.
Art 10/10
Script 10/10
Simply Amazing!
Holy crap you guys.
It's one of the most outstanding single issues of X-Men.
"Some thought him a monster some called him evil. But to moira, Apocalypse was simply the only solution she had not tried.
I can’t put into words how good this was. I’m officially Jonathan Hickman’s whore
This might be the best X-Men story ever written. Just in time for MCU
Holy shit. Literally that's all can be said, this is the most important x men event, not to mention just marvel events in general.
Edit: just wanted to say this book deserves an "X / X" ;)
House of X continues to be an engaging, thought-provoking, unique experience that you don't want to miss. This issue left me speechless. Simply put - It's a masterpiece.
I am speechless. My excitement for Hickman on X-Men has doubled since the previous issues. It's a joy to see Pepe Larraz still on his A-game which is especially impressive considering the bi-weekly schedule for both him and Silva. I'm not going to spoil or say anything else, just read it!
Goose flesh
I'd go into a long-winded review about how this is an important piece of Marvel/X-Men history (in the making) but I can summarize it this way. The last few frames of this comic made me teary eyed.
Dynamic and provoking writing, great artwork and CONSISTENCY. Beautiful.
Everything makes sense now. Or does it? I don’t know.
You certainly don't need me to tell you why you should read this one but I will anyway. In one issue Hikcman makes Moira the central most intriguing figure of X-men history period.
I needed charts and I got them. Thanks!!
Larraz and Gracia are the right choice for this and no single panel is wasted or neglected. Just beautiful work page after page!!
I'm speechless. The first issue was a perfect introduction but this one is incredible.
I found Moira's past lives thoroughly interesting. And here they have a chart mapped for her, a timeline. Truly Impressive!
I'm only on my 3rd X men comic ever and this hits it out of the park. Great story that explains why it's so dofferent but makes total sense.
Wow. That last bit of pages really sold this for me
-This was really, really good! I loved it.
-Yeah between Silva and Larraz, Larraz definitely has the better art out of this X-Men relaunch. Still can't wait for Yu. I always loved his art.
-I think Mr. Hickman can make a compelling story out of anything. If yould've told me this issue was about Moira Groundhog's Day-ing it through her various lives, I probably would've had lower expectations. But it was great. It held my interest really well.
-Damn that last page was amazing. More proof that the two-series-are-one thing isn't just a gimmick.
-These charts definitely get tiring after a while, but Moira's timeline was definitely the best one yet. Nicely organized, easy-to-follow and interesting.
-I will admit more could've been done for Moira's character. The story is great, but there are only a couple moments I really felt like we saw into her character. I could be wrong, because Hickman is known for subtlety, but in this case, I feel like character-wise, he maybe got a bit too subtle for my simple-minded brain. more
It's well written, interesting and with fantastic artwork, but I'm not sure whether I actually like it. I'm not a fan of retcon and ultimately this is a huge retcon.
"It's the world out there that makes you lose your mind"
This is how you retcon a character's backstory and origin. You don't negate the things that were, but you add to them, expand and reframe them. That mutant power is awesome and so so terrifying.
Such a captivating read with excellent art.
I hate how Hickman just randomly completely changes the his story of a character and also does it in the most nonsensical way imaginable. So the timeline restarts completely every time Moira dies? Is she suddenly a god? She’s also a mutant now out of nowhere. This has been a bullshit storyline so far. Maybe he can make it make sense at some point but it’s definitely not there right now. I also hate the pages of just text. If I wanted that I’d go read a book. However, I bought a comic so I’m looking for more.