Yeah, that ending was super predictable, I knew ever since she threw away the solution that Ock will still deliver it, May comes across as pretty manipulative here. Still, I enjoyed the issue for what it is, a filler with a way for Peter to recover.
• With her nephew at death's door, May Parker is not just going to sit around accepting that Peter's ailments aren't solvable with conventional means.
• Aunt May is going to seek UNCONVENTIONAL MEANS by way of her ex-fiancé DOCTOR OCTOPUS!!!
• One of the most controversial couples in comics history is back together, and they're Peter Parker's only hope of living through BEYOND!
What could've been a really gross issue, turns into a charming, feel-good story in this tale of a MAY/December (WINK!) romance. Read Full Review
The ending, when it comes to the matter of Aunt May and Doctor Octopus, is the only real downer of this comic. It's fairly predictable how it ends for those two, and it feels both sad and telegraphed while reading it. But that doesn't bring this comic down since it has two consequences that will actually matter in the main series, making this a must-buy for anyone invested in the Beyond storyline. Read Full Review
What could have been just a silly lark of a story actually had some solid depth. This is a way better issue than the concept would have you think! Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man #80.BEY works well as possibly the best Doc Ock and Aunt May adventure ever. Certainly, these two haven't had a lot of opportunities to affect Spider-Man's story, but Ziglar and the art team do well to capture the unique personalities of these two characters and how they jive with each other. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #80 BEY places Peter Parker's fate in the hands of his Aunt May and Doctor Octopus, resulting in a surprisingly engaging adventure. The ending not only resolves one of the Beyond Saga's subplots, but it sets up another one by igniting a battle between Doctor Octopus and the Beyond Corporation. I love that these one-shots continue to flesh out the Beyond Saga, and I look forward to the next one. Read Full Review
Fiorelli, Gomez, and Medina meld their styles together to prevent any unnatural transitions, which is greatly helped by Rosenberg and Caramagna's contributions of consistency. Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man #80.BEY is a big issue by the end but is a slog getting there. The issue looks great, but Cody Ziglar seems more intent on writing lame jokes than a gripping plot, and it just feels like a missed opportunity. However, the ending is big enough to recommend finding out what happens, but that's about it. Read Full Review
"It's pro bono, you caveman" HAHAHAHAHA! Really enjoyed this.
This was great. This book had a lot of substance and heart. I love a book has a good amount of dialogue and moves at a gradual pace to really let you feel the emotions the charecters feel and build up the moment without being rushed or thin. This book delivered on many levels and was also a very important to the whole beyond storyline that has really been excellent so far.
The dialogue was a little rough in places, but Ziglar writes Otto & May's doomed romance well enough to make that more than forgivable. It doesn't seem to have been everyone's cup of tea, but I thought this was an absolute delight
After this issue, this series needs more Ock in it
As a big fan of Doc Oc due to his time as the Superior Spider-man, it's fantastic to see the spotlight on him again.
His little adventure with May was a lot of fun.
Thank goodness the Spencer run is over.
It's really good. Much better than I thought it would be.
Things are starting to get interesting.
A lot better of a tie-in than the last in that it more directly follows the ongoing story. I do tend to enjoy a lot of those older throwbacks and this was a fun espionage story with May and Otto. I'll always miss Superior Spider-Man and the end hints to his possible remembrance of his past?
This was a fun issue and a great portrayal of Dr. Octopus as someone more nuanced than the stereotypical super villain. Also liked May’s kill with kindness attitude and her ability to see the best in others, even those who she knows hurt her nephew.
I thought this was a fun issue. Also, it had some major developments that should be integral to the main book.
Pretty good issue, it sets up an interesting confrontation down the road.
Peter Parker recovers. Interested to see how that happened.
This is a fun issue, but it definitely goes on too long. It is rather important, based on the ending and future issues though, so I'm not too put off by its length.
Don't give me hope on a superior return. This was a pretty good issue that I feel did pick up as it went on. Good ending.
Fun story, happy to see Peter back and curious to know what he will do next (help Ben Reilly? investigate on Beyond Corp?). Just, please, spare me those sexual innuendos between May (who suddenly looks like a old super-model) and Octavius. Is Superior Spider-Man coming back? Looks like Reilly will have to deal with both Otto and Miles!
I could, in theory, like/love a story about May and Ock teaming up for a screwball side-quest. And I could, in theory, stand to read romantic/sexual tension between those two.
But not like this. I didn't like Otto's voice; I genuinely *hated* May's. Plodding through their dialogue ruined my enjoyment and gave me the maybe-unfair (but maybe not) impression that the pace was too slow.
On the plus side, I like this art style. I like the significant plot developments. Objectively, this is probably an above-average comic. But "average" is as far as I can go subjectively; I was just straight up not having a good time.
Bit of an odd issue. Some of the May and Ock stuff didn’t hit as authentically as I would have liked it. Couple of “surprise” endings there, that I did enjoy! Outside of this one issue, I have been fully digging this run of Spidey.
Average Issue.
Wierd Sexual Tendency between May and Otto. That was damn irritating.
I was feeling that I might have reviewed the issue unfairly because of wierd tendencies.
So I decided to give issue a re read. Now I really felt that I need to decrease my rating but I am not decreasing it further.
So Beyond Corporation took over Parker Industries remnants. Cool.
Now This Beyond saga could might have been interesting to me if it was Peter with few changes here and there. Like Peter dealing with ramifications of PI era. Like he didn't dealt with PI fall properly. So it is something he need to deal with immediately.
I really like when side character or antagonist take a chair in s more
What a pointless issue
The writing and execution were just plain awful, I really struggled to get through this