• Wondering when Boomerang's status as Spider-Man's roommate would blow up?
• Yeah, it's this issue. Uh-oh.
Rated T
The first real Boomerang issue comes out swinging. Peter Parker's life may just rival his superhero life in this excellent take on the character. Read Full Review
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #6 continues to prove that Nick Spencer's direction for the character is something to embrace, not shun. I love this freer Peter Parker, and the antics of this issue are extremely fun to watch. Plus, it's got art from Humberto Ramos. What's not to love? Read Full Review
I’m very happy to see Amazing Spider-Man picking up steam again. Everything about Spencer’s writing is so beautifully executed, it’s got me itching to go back and read Superior Foes again. Ramos and Victor Olazaba create a very flexible but overall fun perspective and Delgado ties it all up in a neat bow. There's no need for me to qualify buyers here. I simply have to recommend this book to any and every reader. Go buy it. Read Full Review
A good tension-breaker for the web-head, with lots of well-done comedy, art, and character moments, but needing a bit more from the latter. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #6 is one of the funniest superhero comic book issues I've read in a while. Spencer has completely commandeered the tone and reshaped it to better redefine and realign the character. This is the Spider-Man of the new era and it feels like home in every way. Read Full Review
Man and his superior foes try to have a fun night out and the result are spectacular. Read Full Review
Ramos' art is great. It's very subtle at moments and adds to the charm of this particular issue. The lack of big action beats lets the artist concentrate more on the characters and there are some great facial details in this issue. Read Full Review
Better than last arc, this arc so far hasn't blown my mind but I will continue buying it for now. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #6 delivers an amusing detour, but the art isn't quite up to snuff. Read Full Review
I must say that I followed the last issues of The Amazing Spiderman, which started with Ryan Ottley in "Back to Basics" and now continued by Ramos with "A Trivial Pursuit", I just hope that this arc does not have a hurry ending as the last number, personally I felt a little disappointed with many forced situations there, the plot still weak but improved a bit and regained my interest in the series. Read Full Review
The creativity and sheer fun of this issue keeps it afloat, whereas it otherwise seems determined not to be about Spider-Man. Read Full Review
As "fun" as this issue was, and a bit out of the ordinary. Peter Parker playing Spider-Man trivia night with a bar full of super villains did not impress me. Spider-Man is one-hundred percent a top tier character in the Marvel Universe and should be an eye opening book that flies off the comic book stands. This series is unfortunately par for now. I believe every writer has the potential to write amazing stories. Let's just hope Nick Spencer knows what he is building up to, and that he changes directions sooner rather than later. Read Full Review
After a very disappointing opening arc, hope springs eternal as Amazing Spider-Man begins to course correct. Read Full Review
Nick Spencer is just at his absolute best when writing Boomerang!
That was just great. Awesome and funny.
This issue was hysterical. The writing, dialogue, and art all worked great together to deliver some serious laughs. I love this series so far.
*NOTE: The humor in general was great. Since this is very much a comedy based issue, I will add points to the score based off individual jokes that stood out. Not something I typically do, but I'll make an exception here. This was genuinely one of the funniest issues I have read in a long time.
-I am genuinely going to add on to this issue's score because the title is "Trivial Pursuit."
-The barbecue sauce scene was pretty darn hilarious, as are the two characters Taskmaster and Black Ant.
-This is one of the most compelling portrayals of Peter Parker in a while.
-The card game and that scene with the therapy session were both simultaneously hilarious.
-Everything about the trivia scene deserves attention.
-I liked the way this issue ended. Not with a big explosion or anything of the sort, just a simple look at a new side of both Peter and his foes.
-The art was pretty good. Not as good as Ryan Ottley, but still appealing and a good fit.
-Wasn't a fan of the Kingpin subplot. I hope they get rid of that storyline quickly. I'm much more interested in the mystery villain and Kraven for now.
Great stuff. Loved Spencer's take here on a mundane story that was well executed. The black Ant bit was too good. Loved the art by Ramos/Delgado that was well inked by Victor Olazaba and the classic Superior Foes flashbacks by Steve Lieber/Rachel Rosenberg. Great all around!
Amazing issue, really funny
Best issue so far.
This was great, incredible nod back to the Superior Foes series. Even Ramos' art was honestly not too bad here.
A funny one and done.
A fun spidey story.theres nothing wrong here just some good ol fashioned parker luck.
Nick Spencer is a very mediocre writer who sometimes has good ideas, but the guy can’t tell a good story even if his life depended on it. His pacing is awful, his storytelling is clumsy, his characterization is shallow, and when he is bad he is awful, as these first six issues of Spider Man show.
Secret Empire was a major editorial mistake by Marvel, which was not helped by Spencer’s null sense of drama and suspense. The story just dragged and dragged without nothing much interesting happening.
The split of Parker and Spider Man was a very ridiculous on your face concept and the execution was not any better. I was one of the people who was not convinced about the millionaire Peter Parker but then the back to basics approach was done with a sledgehammer. As another reader reviewer has said it’s all very cartoonish, as aimed at 6 years old.
I didn’t love Slott’s run as it was too stunt driven but it had some great highs like Superior Spider Man and Spider Verse, but Spider Man hasn’t clicked for me since Brand New Day.
Time to jump off. more