Mister Miracle #12

Writer: Tom King Artist: Mitch Gerads Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 14, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 78
9.1Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

It'll be a miracle if you can get through this mind-bending conclusion with your sanity intact! After his epic battle with Darkseid, Scott Free sees life a whole new way: he's the new Highfather of New Genesis, and he's madly in love with his wife and child. But what if it's all a lie? Did Mister Miracle really escape death way back in issue #1? No one really knows but Tom King and Mitch Gerads!

  • 10
    Multiversity Comics - Jonathan O'Neal Nov 16, 2018

    "Mister Miracle" #12 caps off an astonishing series that humanizes some of Jack Kirby's most popular DC creations. If there is one quibble, it's that this remarkable series is over. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 14, 2018

    I love the open interpretation of the story. It can literally be broken down in so many ways by different readers. This has been a fantastic read and one I'm looking forward to revisiting many times over the next few years. Let's hurry up with that collected edition DC. Read Full Review

  • 10
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Nov 14, 2018

    Fans are going to be split by Mister Miracle #12. It's definitely not what one would expect after the last issue, but it's better for all of that. Read Full Review

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Nov 14, 2018

    King and Gerads have created something that will be talked about for years. When collected in trade Mister Miracle will stand on the shelves proudly with other essential reading material. This is the best contemporary rendition of The New Gods. Even if you don't have any appreciation for the characters, this story has so much heart and care put into it. It is a deep and important read that challenges the medium as a whole. Issue 12 is a beautiful finale that could not be more perfectly executed. I will miss this book but, like all stories, I can always return. Mister Miracle can never escape this wonderful series, and he is better off for it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Nov 14, 2018

    This series has been one of the most acclaimed mainstream comic series in modern history, and it's not hard to see why " Tom King and Mitch Gerads have taken the bones of the Fourth World mythology created by Jack Kirby and boiled it down to the horrors lurking underneath " a story of a boy sold into hell by his father to create a lasting peace that would never hold in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Nov 15, 2018

    Mister Miracle has been an unprecedented experience. It plays with your expectations of how a superhero comic is supposed to work, and keeps you guessing. But it's also a loving tribute to Jack Kirby's original vision of the Fourth World. I eagerly await word of series' successor. Read Full Review

  • 10
    FreakSugar - Jed W. Keith Nov 14, 2018

    Mister Miracle is about family. It's about growing up. It's about finding purpose in a seemingly purposeless world. And it's about refusing to give in to the darkness when it threatens to swallow you whole. And how King, Gerads, and Cowles craft these themes under the auspices of a cosmic superhero framework is why it stands tall as one of the best comic stories of not just 2018, but the last decade. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Nov 14, 2018

    This series has been nothing if not thought-provoking, soul-provoking, and life-provoking from beginning to end. A quintessential piece of comic literature that deserves study, respect, and admiration. Tom King and Mitch Gerads have produced a riddle that provokes more questions than answers as you seek to unravel it, and thats a lot harder than it looks. And yet, Mister Miracle stands as a nearly effortless-looking masterpiece of deep thought and feeling. Bravo, gentlemen. Bravo, Scott Free. Youve done Jack Kirby proud. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Anthony Composto Nov 14, 2018

    MISTER MIRACLE #12 sticks the landing. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 17, 2018

    If you're looking for a funny, challenging and unique story, this is your Huckleberry. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Nov 19, 2018

    King and Gerads have done something amazing. They have created a series that is amazing to read and that will hold up if you re-read it again, looking for new things you might have missed the first time around. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - Joe Bainbridge Nov 24, 2018

    The ending to this series was interesting and thought provoking which was exactly what I expected from this. It was never going to be an easy ending and they did it masterfully. I am upset that it has to end but I hope that something else is released to carry on the story. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 14, 2018

    Mister Miracle #12 doesn't provide many answers, but it gives the series the emotionally resonant finish it needed. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Nov 14, 2018

    Not the ending that I expected, or wanted, but fitting nonetheless. Mister Miracle (2017-) #12 is another captivating issue that, in addition to inspiring a yearning for more, will send readers back to Issue #1 for a second, complete, read-through. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Trevor Richardson Nov 14, 2018

    Even if I have qualms with some of the decisions made with the characters, this is a satisfying final issue with the same excellent art and lettering readers should expect from Gerads and Cowles. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 20, 2018

    It's a wonderfully done series that accomplishes a lot and is beautifully illustrated. It's a work that many will revisit in the coming years and discover new things about it and themselves. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Nov 12, 2018

    It's safe to say they'll be taking some other not as known characters and making them household names by the end of the run. I think it's also safe to say we can put Tom King and Mitch Gerads up on the comic's creative tag team wall of MVPs. They way these creatives have worked together like a well-timed and tuned machine is nothing but majestic. The struck Nth Metal with this series, and I'm more than sure they'll be capable of doing it again for the next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Louie Hlad Nov 14, 2018

    This last issue doesn't offer any answers. Only possibilities. We're all dreaming the next world and we always will be. Mister Miracle still hears the voice whispering darkness into his ear, and he can still choose whether to listen to it or not. Scott is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Nov 16, 2018

    Its a credit to him, and to the wonderful artwork by Gerards, that despite this sense of disappointment I still enjoyed the final issue, and am committed to coming to a greater understanding of the entire series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 17, 2018

    If you can wrap your head around the ending " and I'll admit, I had a little trouble " this is a quaint, enjoyable finale to this mind-boggling series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 14, 2018

    Scott Free and Big Barda are taking their final bows, but Tom King, Mitch Gerads, and Clayton Cowles are the ones that truly deserve your applause. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Christian Hoffer Nov 14, 2018

    The finale of Mister Miracle provides plenty of resolution to readers but few answers. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 14, 2018

    A non-ending does seem like it was meant to be for this series, but it doesn't sting any less reading it.  After last issue's big reveal, this felt like a cop-out that I am sure every score above mine will praise as the best thing ever.  Whether anyone will believe me, I was hoping Tom King would nail this ending so that it didn't feel like I wasted over a year on this book.  While others will praise this as an all-time classic, I want my year back. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Marquillos Apr 12, 2021

    One of the best comics I’ve read

  • 10
    Jung BBoab Feb 17, 2019

    1화부터 12화까지 통틀어서 작성하겠다. 정말로 톰킹은 천재가 맞는거 같다. 진짜 마지막에 가서 미스터 미라클이 다크사이드다라는 그 반전이 정말로 뻥안치고 온몸에 소름이 돋았다. 사실 미스터미라클이 반생명방정식으로 만든 새로운 세계였다니.. 어찌보면 살짝 인샙션하고 소재가 비슷한것 같기도. 근데 도대체 이런분이 왜 어떻게 배트맨을 그따구로 어후;;;

  • 10
    Batman Jones Nov 17, 2018

    Fantastic ending to an incredible series. I realize many will be disappointed the ending wasn't clearer. To me, for it to be clearer would have undermined the entire series. I'm reminded of the LOST finale and Evangeline Lilly's words about it, which sum up my feelings about the LOST finale, the Mister Miracle finale, and all art I love. She's more eloquent on the subject than I'd be so I'll quote her here. I can't explain my feelings about this issue any better than she does here:

    “Well, I’m going to have to go straight to the finale. Vote of confidence, who liked the finale? [The room broke out into cheers] Who did not like the finale? [about the same amount of cheers] About 50/50. So, for those of who you didn’t like it; more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 10
    ohhaimark Nov 17, 2018


    -I personally thought that this was a great conclusion to my personal favorite series in a long, long time.

    -The art was great. Need I say more?

    -I really liked the way this issue pulled of a non-ending while not entirely ignoring the previous issues or everybody's theories as to what was going on.

    -I also loved the way Scott was meeting all these dead people from the series and each one was telling him their theory as to what was going on.

    -Another thing I loved was how what they were saying didn't really matter to Scott. Some people are saying he gave up. I personally didn't see it that way. I saw it as that living with his wife and children is what made him happy more tha more

  • 10
    Samuel Almeida Nov 14, 2018

    Basically, what i understood was that Scott is actually traped by the antilife equation. Either that or hes actually dead. But ill take the first option.

    "If someone possesses absolute control over you - you're not really alive"

    For me it was a great finale.
    As i look back and think about the whole story i feel sad that it is ending. the wait for each issue was painful but also kind of pleasurable. I also feel so so so happy that it happened!
    I am not very good making reviews. I just write what i felt so i dont actually review the books in a technical way so i cant put in words the philosophy of it all but i can say that its there. Its not just a superhero book. It touches your heart and mind in good ways. I more

  • 10

    I already miss it.

    Does anyone know what the successor teased at the end is? :V If they mean spiritual successor I hope it isn't Martian Manhunter. They have called that "Martian Manhunter by way of Mister Miracle" but I have far less faith in Steve Orlando.

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 10
    Comix4fever Nov 14, 2018

    Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fjbI5C80a0

  • 10
    Grifter Nov 14, 2018

    Darkseid is... great.

  • 10
    Dorival Nov 14, 2018

    I'm sad and happy... Thank you Tom King and Gerads, I can't express how I'll miss Scott, Barda and Jake.

  • 10
    mrDovydas Nov 14, 2018

    "Darkseid is."
    "Yeah, I know. But we are too."

    What did just happen here? It's not an easy read, but damn, this is everything the series has to offer. It's a masterpiece, and I thank King and Gerads for creating it. It is safe to say that this is already a modern classic.

  • 10
    Linkush Nov 14, 2018


    The story has been concluded and all I have to say is that it's A MASTERPIECE! King and Gerads managed to create something truly spectacular and I can't believe it's over. It makes me both happy and sad, It might be over but It was definitely a hell of a ride. Mister Miracle is easily one of the best comic books I have ever read and I can't wait for king and gerads's next work.


  • 10
    mynameisraj Nov 14, 2018

    King stuck the landing here!

    What can I say after a year? Is he in Heaven, Hell or in-between? Doesn't matter! What matters is what is real to Scott. Here he has a Jake, Barada and a daughter to be! Him choosing to not give Jake up made him stronger and better than High-Father ever claimed to be.

    I loved the bit where they mention all the Crisises and continuites of the current DC line and ask,"Why would you want to go back?"

    All in all, well done Tom King and Mitch Gerads!

  • 9.5
    TheAdventurer Nov 14, 2018

    A high concept series ends in high concept fashion. Extraordinary series, with a melancholy finale.

  • 9.0
    bcgocubs Nov 15, 2018

    I don't think Tom King is capable of a normal ending... But it works here. We finally get the answer to why there are all those "Darkseid Is" panels and weird "glitches" throughout the story. And while the answer is predictable, it is still satisfying nonetheless and a unique ending to an expertly written story.

    What is also special is how Scott approaches the subject at the end of the story. It gives a truly different meaning to how Scott can "escape things".

  • 9.0
    bucswin611 Nov 14, 2018

    The conclusion reminds me a lot of Catch-22 (maybe SPOILERS)...The only way to win for Scott is to let go. I thoroughly enjoyed this issue and this series, despite and maybe because of the lack of straightforward-ness. Extra time spent on the art, particularly coloring and backgrounds, made it well worth the wait!

  • 8.5
    Spacey Medicine Jun 2, 2019

    I dunno man don’t look at me.

  • 8.0
    Synthozoid Nov 15, 2018

    I read this a few times. Didn't like it on the first read because not much happens. After a couple more reads, I see it as an epilogue, not adding to the plot, but giving us a look at how the characters have been affected by the whole arc. I think this issue will make much more sense in a collected edition. Admittedly, this might just be me trying to find something to like in a so-so issue because I typically like this creative team. more

  • 7.5
    HAZOREM Nov 19, 2018

    can't say i am thoroughly pleased nor do i truly understand as to what the end game is for King and Gerards. i would have loved that continuation of the coming of Metron in the story. then again that was totally abandoned, for a follow up that was less exciting than the previous ones.

  • 7.5
    I Review Comics Nov 16, 2018

    I read Mister Miracle #12 twice and still feel that I may be totally off base with my interpretation of the events that play out in this book. The comic doesn't really work as a solo issue but it is a fitting epilogue if you've followed the story so far.

    In issue #1 Scott Free (Mister Miracle) committed suicide. The rest of the series has been taking place in a sort of purgatory. This makes sense as the events of the series have always been presented as a series of free-flowing dreamlike tasks rather than Mister Miracle taking on any real threats or being in any real danger.

    At some point in the series, Scott decided that he would rather stay in Purgatory than to actually escape. He has found happiness that he was ne more

  • 7.5
    AkR Nov 15, 2018

    It's a disappointed ending to this series simply because it feels as if they're trying to milk it for a sequel. I feel the twist didn't do the book a lot of favors and this ending issue has emotional weight but just doesn't stick The landing. It's not bad it's just let down.

  • 7.5
    MKW69 Nov 14, 2018

    I like it, but the implications are iffy to me.
    So cliffhanger from last issue is mostly ignored. And really the most logical interpretation is that Scot is chained by Anti Life Equasion, and everything that he has, his family and life is a lie made up in his mind. Okay. And he decides not to break chains and live his life inside the illusion, I kinda understood that he's troubled individual and he wanted to escape from reality, but this just feels wrong. It would be better as just a elseword story about alternate version of MM and BB and they're ending it would be great. But now, nothing is real, and of any other writer will use him, it will be a different Scot Free. And possibly that he is forced to leave this paradise dimension. It more

  • 7.0
    Bigbooty Dec 19, 2018

    Don't like the loose ending.

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Nov 16, 2018

    Meh. Hell adequately describes the monotony and boredom that comes with the life Scott Free has created for himself. This issue throws into whack all I've thought about this series previously. I really dislike the dialogue in this, but now that we know it's all fake and Scott wants this painfully dull life, I'm kind of stuck not knowing what to think. Does this dialogue feel any different from any other Tom King book? No. But this series has an excuse for it, whereas the other series don't. And since this series is basically just dialogue (yeah, big things happen, but they're always hampered down by boring home-talk), I don't know how to feel. The dialogue works for the series, but I know that it wasn't intentional. The themes are cool, and more

  • 7.0
    JBob Nov 16, 2018

    Honestly a little underwhelmed with the finalé here. I felt that what this issue "wrapped up" was stuff that I had been expecting as far back as issue 4 or 5. It really felt to me like they could have compressed a portion of it and stuffed it into the last issue, albeit expanded into a larger issue. Maybe not, but it felt like it took a long road to vaguely hint at what we had already knew. I compare that to the concluding issue of King's Vision run, which not only gave the fans a concluding conflict, it also gave us a quite unexpected twist/reveal with virginia having consumed the floating water vase of zenn la and the true nature of the Everbloom. By that comparison I am left wanting.

    Other than that I think the issues dialogu more

  • 5.5
    MyNameIsNotJohn Nov 23, 2018

    I see what King was trying to do with this issue, and this series as a whole, but it ultimately wasn't what I was looking for. I get the point that the issue barely manages to make evident, and though it's semi-clear what Scott's state is now and what it was through the entire series, it's still difficult to ascertain, and for a book that has repeatedly been stated to fit in with and affect the main DC universe (with the likes of The Button, Doomsday Clock, etc)...I don't think it should be difficult to know. It should have been straightforward. It's great that the ending leaves room for interpretation because a lot of works do that, but I think King could have accomplished this in half the time. Overall this issue does not make me look bac more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 4.0
    Kalaoui Sep 13, 2023

    This was not good. Yes it looks good concept wise with amazing art but it is not a good issue ending what was a very disappointing series. I get that Scott Free is stuck in his horrible reality and isn't able to escape so he commits suicide and moves to this Purgatory/Hell/Paradise depending on how this concept is viewed by the different characters. I can understand how King thinks he is making his character come to terms with his broken life and gets passed things but others will not interpret it this way. This is a very problematic view of things and I'm not sure why writers are continuously glamorizing suicide as a way out of any problems. He's happy to stay in his made up alternative reality by killing himself and creating a fantasy bec more

  • 4.0
    JBL Reviews Nov 14, 2018

    Not clear enough to me what even happened.

    + LikeComments (10)
  • 3.0
    Darkseid24 Nov 14, 2018

    Don’t understand the praises here. This run started good, but became dull pretty fast.

    SPOILER I am glad it’s just a dream/ alternative reality of Scott in the end, but nothing really was explained in the last issue. So Scott just keeps living in the fantasy world he created? Well doesn’t really fit his character.


    However I have a problem with the entire run, how the story was told. Many normally exciting things like Darkseid finally getting the Anti-life Equation was just mentioned, but never shown how he did it or the consequences. Everything was just shortly mentioned and therefore presented in the most boring way possible. This seems to be an issue of Kings writing, since he did the s more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 1.0
    D.C. Nov 16, 2018

    The kind of comic I'd give an annoying friend that wants to get into comics, so they stay away from comics.
    Almost as bad as his Batman... would be just as heinous a crime if Mister Miracle was a major Pop-culture icon, dear to our hearts as much as Bats is. The whole issue was a slog. Somehow managed to be worse than #11 where he fights Darkseid (bad guy) but comes off as just as much of an a$$hole.
    Why am I supposed to care about Mister Miracle in this? He's obviously a sad, and terrified (of Big Barda?) Little Boy. A submissive cuck of a hero, Mister Miracle, shortly after bitch-slapping his his elderly father (who requires a cane to stand), cuddles up on Barda's Massive thigh and has his hair lightly stroked like a pet instead more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.0
    Talon1load Nov 14, 2018

    You gotta be shitting me with all these 10’s. This was a complete nonending and a complete waste of an issue. King fails to say anything of substance and leaves the entire story to remain up to the readers. DC, FIRE this writer!!!!!

    + LikeComments (66)
  • Hailey Dec 4, 2024

    Great series but don't know how to feel about the finale

  • 10
    YBWonder Sep 14, 2023

  • 10
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  • 10
    Eduardo Lopex Jun 18, 2022

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
    WhistleBlower Nov 15, 2018

  • 10
    Rocker97 Nov 14, 2018

  • 10
    Arachal18 Nov 14, 2018

  • 10
    Bepis Nov 13, 2018

  • 9.5
    ZachPort123 Jul 17, 2024

  • 9.5
    Adrián Morgades May 12, 2020

  • 9.5
    ÜberGinger Jan 7, 2019

  • 9.5
    Herptydoo Nov 28, 2018

  • 9.5
    underyourporch Nov 26, 2018

  • 9.5
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  • 9.5
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  • 9.0

  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.5
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  • 6.5
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  • 2.5
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