WILL HAL STOP THE SORROW IN TIME?! In an attempt to stop Sorrow from creating a Central Power Battery, Hal runs across an alien infected with red energy that threatens his life, all while Kyle and his team must retrieve a piece of source energy from one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the universe--The Source Wall! The Fractured Spectrum saga rages on in this next exciting installment, spinning out of the events of Green Lantern Corps #1!
Green Lantern Issue 20 explores the furthest reaches of the universe. Telling two stories simultaneously shows just how fractured and temperamental the cosmos now are. Read Full Review
This is a dark segment, very reminiscent of classic movies like Falling Down where the ordinary guy has finally had enough only with aliens. And as the story comes to a close, it becomes clear that not only are the fractured spectrums wreaking havoc, but they may be destroying worlds as well. Another incredibly strong issue. Read Full Review
Green Lantern has been one of the most consistently solid reads since All-In began (and even before). The stories feel fresh and the creative team is so dialed in that it once again is a fantastic time to be a Green Lantern fan. Read Full Review
Overall, Green Lantern #20 is a thrilling and action-packed installment that continues to build upon the strong foundation established in previous issues. It's a must-read for fans of the Green Lantern mythos and those who enjoy cosmic superhero adventures. Read Full Review
The tale of two Lanterns comes into focus for this Fractured Spectrum chapter. Adams writing navigates between the very different takes with ease. Herbert, Fajardo Jr. and Sharpe craft impressive images as the Hunt for Sorrow rages on. This one shouldnt escape readers sight on NCBD. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #20 is an entertaining, suspenseful character issue that speaks to the history and Tales of the Green Lantern Corps. Jeremy Adams and Romulo Fajardo Jr. welcome artist Jack Herbert to the creative GLC and continue Fractured Spectrum. Here, we see the cautions of the Emotional Spectrum granting you abilities when in an uncontrolled state. Luckily, things are not so emotionally tasking as we get Kyle Rayner, Superboy, and Odyssey as they play Raiders of the Lost Ark, which gives lots of laughs and a nice even balance. Read Full Review
Fun is the work for Green Lantern #20, and it's a nice change of pace issue. There are some great details in Jack Herbert's art as well as Jeremy Adams' story details. Despite the lack of character work that we're used to in this series, it doesn't detract from the issue overall. With the set up from last issue getting both storylines really going is the right decision for the pacing in this series. Read Full Review
Given the scope of the Fractured Spectrum direction focusing on just one Green Lantern in one of the franchise's comics would make the series smaller in comparison to other titles. Jeremy Adams clearly understood this as we see Kyle Rayner, Conner Kent, and Odyssey the Time Bandit play a big role in Green Lantern #20. Read Full Review
There are definite shortcomings in this issue owing more to construction than anything else. The creative teams work is high quality, and they are more than effective at doing what they set out to do. A bonus is that Hals storyline connects thematically to the recent Green Lantern Corps #1. Overall, Green Lantern #20 is a strong start to the series next chapter. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #20is an entertaining issue that depicts the dire consequences of an Emotional Spectrum running amok while a scavenger hunt commences to stop the Sorrow Lantern's plans. It's clear Jeremy Adams's script was constructed with a focus on fun and adventure. Plus, Jack Herbert's artwork is rock solid.7.8/10 Read Full Review
Great to see Adams giving Kyle such a prominent role here, in a fun and exciting storyline!
I'm a bit confused about the resolution of the Hal Jordan story. Did the red lantern die? He acted as if he did. I was less impressed with the Kyle storyline as Jeremy made it no secret that he was emulating Raiders of the Lost Ark with Kyle even dressing as the character, which was a bit cheesy I have to say. I wanted to see more out of the alien thief. He made it incredibly easy as Conner simply walked through the traps. If a Kryptonian doesn't have a yellow sun to draw power from, how does he still have all of his powers? I understand that his cells retain the radiation, but that would only be for a certain amount of time.
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Isn’t the point of having a separate Green Lantern Corps book to have this be a Hal Jordan book?
Boring and slow and lack of progress.
And it’s still hard to understand which genius came up with this idea that since Hal’s book sells well so it must be brilliant to shrink his role in comics.