Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo, Bryan Hitch, Yanick Paquette Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 6, 2021 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 70
8.8Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

The song remains anything but the same as the house lights start to come up on DC’s biggest, baddest battle for control of the Multiverse! The Darkest Knight is on the verge of ending this concert once and for all, but Wonder Woman has more than just a greatest hit planned. The Amazonian warrior stands ready to shred the Darkest Knight, solo! Plus, this extra-sized finale issue includes not one but two mind-blowing epilogues that lead directly into the next phase of the DC Universe-and no fan will want to miss that!

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Jan 5, 2021

    When all is said and done, Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 manages to stick the landing on its titanic story. It does an amazing job delivering everything the superhero genre is known for. Huge battles, despicable villains, and the courage to shine brightest, even when the night looks never to end. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jan 5, 2021

    A stunning conclusion to what has been a hellacious ride,Dark Nights: Death Metal #7teems with breathtaking artwork and evocative writing. More than just the last chapter of an epic tale, the final moments of Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 speaks directly to readers and promises a bright future for DC. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Black Nerd Problems - Morgan Hampton Jan 6, 2021

    Death Metal leads right into DC's Future State, which explores new alternate futures as a result of the events of Death Metal. I don't really know how this is gonna play out in the years to come, but I will say that for the first time maybe ever, I'm leaving a big crossover event feeling a sense of finality, like maybe things will stick this time around. And if that's the case, I think the DC Universe will be better for it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jan 5, 2021

    With Death Metal, Snyder and Capullo hand the immediate and eventual future off to the next era of DC creators. Hopefully theyll be able to make the most of this refresh of the DC line. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Watch - Matt Meyer Jan 5, 2021

    The future is wide open in the appropriately epicDark Nights: Death Metal #7. Tomorrow is now, and no fan will want to miss it! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 5, 2021

    This is destined to go down as one of the very best comic book events of all time, alongside the legendary Crisis on Infinite Earths. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jan 5, 2021

    Greg Capullo delivers some breathtaking art in this finale. The action sequences are beautifully staged. The character shots are filled with gorgeous details and Capullo does an amazing job of making the art immersive and engaging to the reader. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jan 6, 2021

    This book feels like a last chapter of sorts for this creative team in the DC Universe. I hope not, but it will be tough to top this series. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    GWW - Nick Friar Jan 5, 2021

    Looking specifically at Dark Nights: Death Metal #7: the action in this issue is outstanding. Snyder tied everything together nicely, but this issue was all about Capullo. The zombified Bat Family was a sight to behold. Golden Wonder Woman is an absolute rock star. The list goes on. There's a reason he's one of the best to ever do it, and whoever's decision it was to unleash Capullo this issue needs to call the shots more often. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jan 5, 2021

    Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is a satisfying conclusion to an incredibly large and sometimes unruly event. At its core is a message of hope, to never give up even if there is seemingly no way to win, and to carry on because we make each other stronger by doing so. That's a message many of us will hold close to our hearts, after an incredibly difficult and scary 2020. Dark Nights: Death Metal is an incredible spectacle shining a light on the glory of the infinite possibilities of comics. This is an event that may just make you change the way you think about comics. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Jan 5, 2021

    Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is close to perfect. It closes the event cleanly and decisively while setting the stage for the future. The original Metal was game-changing, but for me this series was more effective than its predecessor. I think we'll get a bigger payoff, and more fun from Death Metal and Future State than we did from the New Age of Heroes. I have so many questions, and I look forward to getting the answers very soon. Generations Shattered and Infinite Frontier are coming up next… and I cannot wait. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jan 5, 2021

    Ultimately, Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is the final part of yet another event. It's not especially original or unique, but that's not the point. Death Metal #7 is an incredibly slick package, a taster of DC's year to come. Snyder, Capullo, Paquette, and (albeit briefly) Hitch offer up a vision with such clarity that it pierces through that cynical husk of every current direct market reader. Issue-by-issue, Snyder's wild world of Mad Max Batmen has given way to this united front of heroism. I gotta admit, it's exciting. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Jan 5, 2021

    It was time to sew this up. I would even argue that there were some avenues that could have been explored less (The Batman Who Laughs virus?) and some even more (The Grim Knight). I do applaud the duo of Snyder and Capullo. Their work is so strong together and a comic reading community is so much better for having this “Reese's Cup” in our lives! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jan 6, 2021

    Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is an epic ending to one of the most memorable events in DC Comics history. Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, and the entire team that worked on this issue knocked it out of the park. When it was all was said and done I found myself with a giant smile on my face. This has created even greater excitement for the future of DC Comics in 2021 and beyond. If you are a DC Comics fan I definitely recommend checking out Dark Nights: Death Metal when the full trade collection comes out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Jan 5, 2021

    Again, I just needed more substance and better explanations to buy all of this. That said, Im so ridiculously happy for DC FUTURE STATE and beyond! I need continuity. I need order. I need writers to work well with one another and research their characters before writing. I need more thought, more planning, and more organization in my comics. I hope that DC FUTURE STATE will lead us all down that path again. I feel like DC REBIRTH started that way… and simply took a turn along with Geoff Johns and veggie trays. I feel like they had plans and as soon as the Mr. Oz stuff happened with multiple Supermen, things just started going downhill fast. But now, we can all move on thanks to Scott Snyder. Is it the best story ever? No. Is it the best event ever? Not even close. But was it entertaining while fixing so many deficiencies? Absolutely!! This issue is worth a read even if its merely to see how things end before this new FUTURE STATE begins. I recommend taking a look even if youve ba Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Jan 7, 2021

    Writer Scott Snyder, artist Greg Capullo, inker Jonathan Glapion, and colorist FCO Plascencia created a massive and action-packed battle on the ground while simultaneously continuing to spotlight the heroism and leadership of Wonder Woman in a one on one with The Batman Who Laughs, and while there are many moving parts here in regards to both, they ultimately delivered a rollercoaster of emotions that any event of this scale demands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jan 5, 2021

    Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is all about making everything matter, and it does a good job of it.  While I'm not going to tell you that it makes every issue of every tie-in and one-shot important, I will tell you it made me smile more than any other issue of this event.  Scott Snyder keeps it simple, and Greg Capullo and friends make it all look great.  Even if you fell off Death Metal, or didn't read it at all, I suggest picking this up. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jan 5, 2021

    While I can't quite recommend Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 I also can't quite say you can skip it either. It's a curiosity more than anything else. It's the end to an era and leading into what's next shaking up the status-quo for DC Comics. If you're interested in seeing how that comes about, it's worth checking out. If not, then this is one you can pass on. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Multiversity Comics - Ryan Fitzmartin Jan 11, 2021

    Strong visuals aren't enough to hold together a messy finale. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Jan 5, 2021

    Unfortunately, I think that this issue fails to deliver a proper conclusion to Death Metal, as it does come off as pretentious when the comic wants you to believe that everything that's happened in this story matters, but at the same time we get ill-timed jokes and no stakes which makes it seem like nothing matters after all. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Swift Planet Feb 5, 2021

    I have never liked what DC has been doing with Wonder Woman more than recently with stuff like Dead Earth and Death Metal. This whole series was a love letter to fans of the entire DC Universe. Specific fans. The ones who actually love the entire universe. Anyone else, it may be lost on them.

  • 10
    Allan Prime Jan 16, 2021

    I'm going to be sincere with you, this is the best playful DC saga for me, it's crazy, insane and megalomaniacal, but that's what the saga set out to be, however for me it was extremely fun and I sincerely love it when Scott Snyder does this type I will make a point of rereading when the saga comes out in Brazil and honestly I am sad that he will stop doing things for DC for a while, and for those who agree with me, do not get carried away by the channels that are Snyder's haters, if you liked the saga and had fun, so there is no problem with you, I AM A FAN OF SNYDER YES, and no 30/40 year old reader will prove to me that he is a bad writer.

    I liked this last issue very much, as it was a good conclusion for the final battle of W more

  • 10
    sebastianorellana95 Jan 5, 2021

    Epic moments, and satisfying ending.
    And good palette of artists.

  • 10
    Criminology. Jan 5, 2021

    For me that was a great last issue to be honest. I know that there is a huge amount of hate going on toward Death Metal, and I understand where it's coming from, but i think that there are a lot of great qualities, that gets overlooked when we talk about death metal. Ofc art is subjective, but sometimes you have to look at some art deeper to understand it, as most of you probably know.And ofc even after that, you sometimes don't like it, which is totally normal. All i am saying is that sometimes you have to look deeper and looking at some the users reviews here, I get the feeling that some of them don't. Then again i could be wrong. Just don't jump on the hate train, without trying to enjoy it.

    However, i think that the the more

  • 9.0
    雨人点雪 Jan 6, 2021

    This final issue is the second best issue in this whole series.( Secret Origin is the best)
    Although there are so many bullshits and pure shits in the story before, they were cleared just before the last minute, and leaves at least one good issue. Like Star Wars 8 did (until Star Wars 9 brings back all the shits again).

  • 9.0
    Toonstrack Jan 6, 2021

    It was a very interesting ending. I thoroughly enjoyed it. And the art was gorgeous.

    So I guess throwing continuity out of the window now opens a lot more possibilities. Interested to see if they make good use of that creative freedom

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Jan 12, 2021

    It was a little hokey towards the end when they just kept hammering to us that the now everything matters that happened in the past. Overall though it was good. It had cool parts and I liked the concept of it even though it wasnt executed as well as it could have been.

  • 7.5
    daspidaboy Jun 29, 2021

    contrarily to everyones belief, I thought this crossover was decent. Re-reading it all at once makes me appreciate it more. Sure its convoluted but I like how it brought back the omniverse and was the Anti-crisis. Lets hope Batman who laughs never appears again.

  • 7.5
    BatSlayer Jan 22, 2021

    I enjoy this conclusion but the are also issues that make me not love the number. Capullo is good (he is one of my fav artist) but it is not one of his best work unfortunately. There are not not enough memorable pasges and 2/3 pages of just a color or re-use of previous page :/
    And for the story, like Metal i had the feelling the conclusion was a little rush. But there are also a lot of good, Snyder deliver a good event, with an optimistic and real heroic message. I loved the narration and some of dialogues and Capullo stay Capullo so it is god damn beautifull!

    Finaly, even if I liked a lot Death Metal and I thought it was a solid and enjoyable event, I'm glad to go in new horizon with new writers and characters. (the epilo more

  • 7.0
    mrDovydas Jan 17, 2021

    It's clear that this book had multiple changes from the editorial, and I don't think it's as bad as some people say it is, but it's definitely nowhere near to how good the original Metal was.

  • 7.0
    TGttgg Jan 5, 2021

    Solid read.

  • 6.5
    Beyond_Batman Jan 5, 2021

    Who the hell are these critics on this site that give 90% of everything they read 10 stars? Everything can't be a 10. Its hard to take the critic reviews on here seriously sometimes. But this was a solid comic and series. Definitely not a 10 but was worth the read. But I am so glad this event is finally over. These huge events that span for months and have multiple tie ins and effect every storyline is really starting to turn me off in both dc and marvel. Sorry for the negativity but these events lose so much of their potential by dragging it out into nothing but a cheap cash grab.

  • 5.5
    Onomatopoeia Jan 5, 2021

    I remember 30 years ago, back in 2017 when Metal first dropped. I was excited and so was the comic shop owner that sold me the comic. Flash forward to Death Metal #7 and I'm left wondering what was the point of it all? If it was meant to be a fun one-off story, then they should have stopped after Metal. If they wanted it to be a massive reboot, well that's what Rebirth and Doomsday Clock did. If it wanted to showcase the Multiverse, Morrison beat you to it.

    Seriously, what was the point?

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 5.5
    Antenovial Jan 5, 2021

    I went into this ready to love it, but the fight turned out feeling very anti-climatic and the narration fell flat at times. I know some people lament that there is less and less text in comic books but I think this one should have let some of the art speak for itself.

    In true Snyder fashion, this is more a beginning than an end, which should work but it doesn't.

  • 5.5
    OldAgeWarrior Jan 4, 2021

    Overall this event was a 2015 Secret Wars parody, that repeated the plot of Convergence and had similar consequences as Doomsday Clock.

  • 5.0
    Nihilist Jan 5, 2021

    You've ever played with a bunch of figurines and such at once? Build a group, or an entire army of them and face them against threats as big as you could possibly imagine at the moment? Your imagination was the only limit, since there was no franchise or creative boundaries. Superman could fight along Spider-Man, Harry Potter could face Captain Planet, or Batman could ride your mom's dildo. As I said, your imagination was the only limit.
    I see the same in this comic - there's pretty much everything that Scott Snyder could possibly come up with, squeezed and crammed together no matter if it makes any sense or not, with anything possible at any given time. And the same way a child can come up with impromptu deus ex machina solutions to e more

  • 4.5
    Liem Duong Jan 15, 2021

    Its both so underwhelming yet so suprinsgly fun at the same time. The big monster summer blockbuster by DC finally has reached its end, finally. There was so much things going on, all of it happening quickly, I had to take a break from the event because of everything. With that said, it had some very strong high points with great art throughout, of course balanced out with really bad points and a mess of a story.

    What Death Metal and the entire Metal Saga boils down to really is if this type of cosmic boisterous event is your style. If it isn't, you will dread this like bland steak. If it is, you will love the freaking bonkers out of it. For me, while I did enjoy parts of it, lets just say I am glad its over and will never be re more

  • 4.0
    Spacey Medicine May 10, 2021

    Everything happens so much.

  • 4.0
    Silver Rocket Jan 6, 2021


  • 4.0
    Ulf Jan 5, 2021

    someone else on here said it well - it feels like Snyder slapped the word "hope" on a dialogue balloon for at least one character every other page, and crammed the book with....stuff. From that we're supposed to ignore the messy, stretched-out storyline over two similar events, and all we get at the end is a reinforcement of Morrison's "Multiversity" (which was great) by saying there are other multiverses out there to explore.

    Well, let's just get on with it. This book could have been done as an oversized special/conclusion to the original Metal.

  • 4.0
    Danny Jan 5, 2021

    Did Scott Snyder, the writer of the COURT OF OWLS storyline, just kill DC comics? I don't see anything good coming out of this event, man. The guy's career at DC began with a bang and ended with a whimper. You can slap the word 'hope' on each page and insert a thousand heroes but that doesn't make it a good comic book. Especially if the consequences are flat which this event has in droves... Also, the interactions between the heroes are hella dry.

    Stick with Doomsday Clock. At least that event was WAY more consistent than this... :/

    Congrats to Capullo and the art team for putting up with Snyder's antics... This gets a 4.

    P.S. Why are outlets giving this comic a 9-10 score? Their opinion, yeah, but a 9? more

  • 3.5
    Emma Jan 8, 2021

    nop I don't like this

  • 3.5
    C.V.R. The Bard Jan 6, 2021

    Okay time to cut the bullshit, I waited for the book to end, and now that the time is finally here : Capullo and Snyder, in the immortal words of Snoop Dogg - "I can live without that shit".
    Seriously, the only good Metal take is found in the Tales of The Dark Multiverse series. Just an issue long, no bloat and a satisfying ending.
    This issue though ?
    The fight between The Darkest Knight and Wonder Woman was so underwhelming. Honestly Superboy Prime and Perpetua were both better contenders , and I would have been happy if Prime actually delivered the killing blow - but no.
    Wonder Woman reached god level , having her demi-god status shed into looking a golden visage like Disney's Hercules - but this was less exciting more

  • 3.5
    Merlyn Jan 5, 2021

    I'm being very generous and that's only because this is FINALLY over and I'm just real glad that this whole mess is behind us now.

  • 3.5
    SenpaifenixJäger Jan 5, 2021

    What can I say about this whole Death Metal event I never liked, but I can admit that the WW part and the hand of the multiverse made me laugh so much remembering the Kung-Fusion movie and the hand of Buddha.
    The conversion of Diana to a type of goddess like Saori from the Knights of the Zodiac makes me a bit ridiculous, it is more I think that soon we will see her with Saint Seiya-type decorations.
    In the end it's like Doomsday a little bit everything gets rearranged and they have a party.
    Definitely the only good parts were the Buddha's hand, sorry not from the Multiverse and the comments from the Robins Shorts with a bit of emotion from the Batfamily including the corpse Alfred in the matter.

  • 3.0
    Afre Jan 6, 2021

    That was bad. Like. Actually bad. Other issues have been mediocre and full of nonsense but this was like bad. I didn't like anything, every problem I had with Death Metal are multiplied in this issue.

    I did like some of the jokes batfamily made and the art, so it is not a total waste. I do hope that BWL is gone. And never to be seen again because Snyder ruined him.

    Like others, I got many vibes of Hickman's Secret Wars, but this just wasn't that. I didn't know that WW and BWL were nemesises. Nor did I get that feeling during this event.

    I haven't hated DC event as much as this after HiC. Maybe it is these Crisis/Anti-Crisis -events that rub me the wrong way. DC, please don't do these kidn fo events in the ne more

  • 3.0
    REYNARD Jan 5, 2021

    Thank god it's over.

    They lost me the minute Wonder Woman hits Batkek with the literal Hand of Creation.

    This is truly an "Anti-Crisis" because everything a Crisis gets right, Death Metal gets wrong.

    Sure the symbolism and themes are there; the over indulgent writing and the high stakes, but you can't just gift wrap a pile of shit and sprinkle it with glitter expecting that it will turn into a pot of gold.

    Death Metal doesn't merely jump the shark, its the shark attempting to jump over itself and accidentally pulling a muscle.

    Also, just because it's self aware ("A Slap in the Face", jesus christ) doesn't make it good!

    If there's one thing I've learned from reading Scott Snyd more

  • 3.0
    Psycamorean Jan 5, 2021

    I feel like if the last... 30 issues of Death Metal weren't dedicated to making me hate comics on a deep and fundamental level, I would have liked this finale more. Instead what we get is just *more*. Snyder does all his tropes, because of course, and the day is saved in an ever more convoluted and unsatisfactory way! Just fucking Make Mine Marvel the DC timeline and be done with it. I don't need or want the rest. Also, didn't the fucking Justice League have a huge Doomerism problem back in Snyder's JL because they didn't keep the average public in the loop on all the cosmic bullshit going on? And now, they're doing that again? Okay. I just don't give a shit about anything that's been set up. Leave me alone.

  • 10
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