Batman: Fear State Omega #1

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Ryan Benjamin, Christian Duce, Riccardo Federici, Guillem March Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 1, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 40
7.0Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

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As Gotham’s Fear State comes to a close, a new day dawns on the city…one without Batman. But the Dark Knight’s absence does not mean the city is without heroes. Join James Tynion IV and Riccardo Federici as they bring “Fear State” to its conclusion and introduce a new status quo that will reverberate throughout the DCU for years to come.

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Ariel B. Nov 30, 2021

    All in all, while Fear State Omega isnt the most exciting issue Ive ever read, it doesnt need to be and frankly probably shouldnt be. It is a rare quiet moment in the breakneck pace that has marked Tynions run as a whole, and thus a much-needed bit of breathing space. As a cap to Tynions two years on Batman, it makes absolute sense. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Nov 30, 2021

    It's a strong epilogue that leaves Joshua Williamson and Mariko Tamaki with a lot of fascinating elements to work with. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Max Byrne Nov 30, 2021

    Joshua Williamson has some extremely big shoes to fill moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Nov 30, 2021

    This was a decent, if unnecessary, epilogue to Fear State allowing Tynion to sign off and neatly place all the characters back on the shelf for incoming Batman writer Joshua Williamson. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Dec 1, 2021

    There's nothing inherently wrong or bad about Batman: Fear State Omega. It acts as a real finale to the event letting readers know what the fates of so many characters are. But, beyond that, it doesn't quite feel like it does anything shocking or interesting that the finale in Batman didn't already. Whether it needed to be a one-shot instead of just another issue of Batman is the real rub. While it delivers some closure and sets up a lot to come, it doesn't deliver as memorable an ending as the “end” of the event in Batman #117. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 30, 2021

    While Fear State ended a couple of weeks ago, this Omega issue puts a nail in the coffin. James Tynion's time on Batman is over, and while this issue isn't a grand goodbye, it ties up things and sets up the Bat-books going forward. It may not be great or necessary, but it looks good and does what it sets out to do. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Nicole Drum Dec 1, 2021

    It's a convenient and rather tidy way to close off Tynion's run, but while it will satisfy some Batman readers in that it gives a distinct sense of closure, one can't help but walk away from the issue feeling as though it was all very superficial " a very slick way to shuffle characters around, clearing the board for the next creative team while also never really dealing with any of the issues presented over the course of the run. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Nov 30, 2021

    Batman: Fear State: Omega #1 is more shuffling of characters on the Gotham chessboard and less of anything note-worthy or interesting for the Batman title. It's essentially a bland, lifeless advertisement for what's to come. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Dec 1, 2021

    How will history remember his run? Most likely as one that spun its wheels for a good while before abruptly ending while still trying to hold on to some delusions of self-importance. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cincyfan Dec 4, 2021

    A very good epilogue that leaves Joshua Williamson and Mariko tamaki a lot of things to work with.I'm really looking forward to what they have in store. Finally, I have to say this issue will be one I will remember for Riccardo Federici's beautiful artwork.

  • 8.5
    UxasIs Dec 6, 2021

    I thought this issue tied up the event pretty well, beautiful artwork as well

  • 7.0

    This is mostly the Aftermath of Fear State. It focuses on where Tynion's useless characters go from here (Which I hope no writer even bothers to follow up on) and Batman having a boring conversation with the Scarecrow as he transports him personally to his destination.
    The art was pretty good, but most of this issue was just Tynion's farewell letter to himself, patting himself on the back and telling himself how brilliant he feels his new characters are.
    Let's hope this is finally the last of these year long stories by a writer whose primary goal is just to make a name for himself.

  • 7.0
    Hydro-Man Dec 4, 2021

    Tynion comes back to shut the lights off after the rush-job that was Fear State. Overall, I enjoyed his run but this storyline was deserving of most of the criticisms lobbed at it.

    Side note, if you didn’t think this was a satisfying Scarecrow story and want to see something worse, check out this season of Titans. The dickhead character from Mad Men plays Scarecrow, which sort of works, except that he’s not in the costume once.

  • 7.0
    Gavan Dec 1, 2021

    Bonus .5 for Fear State finally being over

  • 7.0
    Jmowarp Dec 1, 2021

    This might be my favorite fear state book. The whole event was kind of blah for me because it seemed like Tynion could care less.

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  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Nov 30, 2021

    It's okay to be honest. It's not bad, its fine. Good art, and I am glad that James Tynion IV wraps up his Batman run with mostly tied up ends. This run isnt bad, its entertaining but its not great either. I would have to grade Tynion's batman run a 7 out of 10

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 6.5
    Screaming Enigma Jul 29, 2023

    I was a fan of this event, but this didn't hit as well as everything that came before it. While the follow-up on certain aspects of Fear State is appreciated, this did feel kind of unnecessary. Tynion writes a solid conversation between Bruce and Jonathan, but I just feel like we didn't need this. I feel like a few pages could have been added to Batman 117 to include the stuff with Miracle Molly, Amanda Waller, Peacekeeper-01, Poison Ivy, and Clownhunter. It also doesn't help that there were five different artists here. I actually did some math and figured out that it averaged out to 6 pages per artist. However, the artist who got the bulk of the 30 pages was Federici, who did 16. Duce & Hairsine did 4, while Benjamin and March did 3. I thi more

  • 6.5
    DDJamesB Dec 1, 2021

    It brings some closure to the run. I can't say it was bad but, it's very generic and uneventful.

  • 6.5
    Merlyn Nov 30, 2021

    This rating is so high just because I like Federici's art, otherwise the story suffers from the same idiotic tropes Tynion used us to by now. For example, his Batman says he let the Unsanity Collective roam free because they aren't a threat. Sure, dude, a bunch of anarchists who brainwash people aren't a threat to anyone for sure. I can't wait to live in that ideal society of Tynion where whackos brainwash me for my own good lol. This whole issue is just Batman simping to try to show us how great Tynion's characters are, how "dangerous" and "heroic" they are. They're really not, dude, they're just boring and no one cares about them.

    And all that dialogue at the end between Batman and Crane makes no sense. All this time Tynion ral more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 6.0
    pizzamain Jan 29, 2022

    idk what's going on

  • 6.0
    Robin Dec 1, 2021

    7/10 in general for the writing and the arc in general with the great art. if each issue of fear state was like this where batman actually addresses the problem upfront, it would have been really great but at last even this cannot save the fear state as it was filled with new characters which had to be giving context really fast so they can have weight in the actual event.

    Teen Titans academy and Batman last part of Tynion's run had similar problems, both had tons of new characters with a lot of potential just there way of execution was different while "Teen Titans academy" writer straight up skipped and avoided important information and scenes to put weight in the new characters and instead straight went in to the catch up line more

  • 6.0
    Afre Nov 30, 2021

    Well. It's not bad. Doesn't make Fear State any better. Doesn't make Tynion's run any better. It ties his run's things up. A run that wasn't particulary good or interesting.

    So, could be worse I guess.

  • 5.5
    KittyNone Dec 1, 2021

    Federici's art is stunning, but otherwise this is five bucks for forty pages of the kind of epilogue comics usually do in three or four pages: a cash grab epilogue to an event that was never firing on all cylinders. For completists only.

  • 4.0
    retcon_D Dec 31, 2021

    Thank God, it’s over.

  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Dec 6, 2021

    Yeah, what a whimper of an ending. It basically rides on whether you liked what came before, and if you didn't this is just going to seem like a masturbatory round up and that's not the most fun thing to read, if you're not in on the orgasm.

  • 3.0
    Raging Rainbow Dec 10, 2021

    This is how it ends: not with a bang, but with set ups for future stories. Fear State could have been a cool, memorable story. Instead it was a disjointed mess that ultimately only served to setup things to come. And it wasn't even entertaining to read.

  • 10
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  • 7.5
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