TheHyruleElf's Profile

Joined: Jul 03, 2019

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Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #15 Aug 12, 2020

Jesus Christ, after three years I can't believe I'm really reading it, but here we go. This book is phenomenally paced, INCREDIBLY illustrated, and the themes of trauma and pain are so genuine it's just...gahh I don't even have words. Like in the past Geoff has been accused of being edgy for shock appeal, but there is something so real about the trauma each of these characters has suffered through...just...Damn, man. So, was it worth the wait? Abso-freaking-lutely.

This issue was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. Just wow.

So, after two years, here we are, at the end, and I have to say for all the excitement I felt at the beginning of the series, this issue brought me right back to that moment. It's not enough to say I loved every moment, but rather, I loved the message that Geoff was trying to tell of the endless nature of this universe, and the importance of DC's past on it's present. All of it read like a letter saying, "Here is what DC should always have, because it makes the universe RIGHT" and as a lifelong DC fan that message really hits home for me. I almost wish I could give this issue a higher rating but I guess a 10 will do for now.

East of West #45 Dec 26, 2019
Excalibur (2019) #2 Jan 11, 2020
Fallen Angels (2019) #4 Dec 18, 2019


As far as silent issues go, this one isn't the greatest, but it's still a lot of fun to read. You can tell each character, despite no dialogue, still have a lot of emotion in each scene. Also, Dauterman's godlike artwork shines in every panel. I could stare at his version of Jean and Emma for hours.

Immortal Hulk #38 Oct 14, 2020
Incoming #1 Dec 27, 2019
Nightwing (2016) #85 Oct 19, 2021
Secret Warriors #1 Jan 14, 2020

This was such an excellent experiment and I can't wait for the Teen Titans issue in January. Make no mistake, it is dense (since it's largely prose) and it will take you over an hour to complete the issue, but it's absolutely worth it. Jeff's insight is thought-provoking and often poetic and really shows the struggle of a man trying to be something more. Can't recommend it enough.

Ultimate Comics Thor #4 Jan 9, 2020
X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1 Sep 23, 2020

Sooo funny. Hickman delivers yet again!

Maybe I'm just a huge fan or Robin but I pretty much loved every story. Even the last one which felt pretty dark. But everything else landed for me. It was great to see some classic writers take on Dick Grayson like Wolfman and Dixon and even newer ones like King & Seeley. Judd Winick had a really touching Jason Todd story that hits you right in the feels. The Adam Beechen Tim Drake story was okay, nothing great, but it had a nice theme and message at the end. And I loved seeing Tynion write Tim again. I was a huge fan of his run on Detective Comics. I even liked the Stephanie Brown story, I though it was charming! The Tomasi story reminded me how much I love and miss Super Sons, and the last story was mildy interesting, imo. All in all, this was a worthy collection of honoring the Robin legacy and I'm really glad DC put it out!

Very interesting issue!

Love this series so far!

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1 Dec 8, 2020

Fucking great, man. God I love Hickman's weird crazy worlds...

Tomasi/Walker: 6.5/10 Probably the weakest which is a bummer because Tomasi has delivered some pretty solid one shots and two parters while writing Detective Comics. Art was good, and the analysis of each villain and their traps was fun, but the ending felt too rushed and odd. Bendis/Marquez: 8/10 Bendis and the Bat-Family, as drawn by David Marquez. This a fun little read and it shows how much Bats appreciates his family. Its Bendis speak to the max, so if you don't like that skip it, but if you don't it, it works here. Art by Marquez is fucking stellar, the way he renders Red Robin oml. A solid story. Fraction/Zdarsky 10/10 Tragic and hilarious, which is pretty much how I describe Sex Criminals so I guess that makes sense. If you know this team, and you love Jon and Suze from SC you'll love this story. It's chilling, funny, and has one of the best one liners I've ever seen. Chippo does a great rendering the Batman (and I'm not surprised) and I'd love to see this pairing do another short story. Rucka/Risso 10/10 Wow. WOW! Fucking WOW! Okay, so I have a personal history with this one. Greg Rucka's run on Detective Comics with Martinbrough and Burchett is still one of my favorite run's on any Batman book. And I'm not even talking Gotham Central, the spiritual successor to that book, which just as excellent. So I was fucking pumped to hear Greg was returning to the book and doing a story with Risso. And this story was just radiating with all the energy from Detective and Gotham Central and I couldn't help but smiling the whole time. The story is nothing new (reminded me of Gotham Central #32 with the two beat cops) but it's told in that moody, hard boiled, and atmospheric way that only Rucka can pull off. The subtle looks drawn by Risso, the grounded nature of the dialogue, and the resolution of the rookie cop possibly joining Major Crimes (and if you have read Gotham Central you know how dope that is) made this story an instant classic. I can't wait to reread this and I know I could read a hundred more like it fi Rucka was up to the task. I love his voice for Gotham and its citizens and I'll never get tired. Beautiful. Tynion/Rossmo 9/10 Okay I really loved this one. I love Tynion's Detective Comics so any chance he gets on Batman usually wins my favor. This was also a fun little story starring the World's Spookiest Trio: Batman, Robin, and Deadman. While I don't normally love Rossomo's art, it really worried here and it was nice to see Tynion reflect on a different age of Batman, one where he's working with a classic Robin. This actually felt like a sequel to his story, The Precedent, in Tec 1000, but I digress. It's just a really well told, fun story with some nice touchbacks on Bruce's childhood. I would have loved to have seen more, and I hope Tynion gets to work with Rossomo on a book like this again. Seriously, I think we all want to see Batman, Robin and Deadman: Ghost Hunters in a prestige format one shot. Wolfman/Lupacchino 7/10 A solid enough story, feels a little retro, but still decent. Feels like it was part of a longer story that was cut short, but who knows? Art was solid enough, but I don't know that Sienkiewicz was the best person to ink Luppachino, but it turned out alright I suppose. Morrison/Burnham: 8.5/10 This is the fun romp I expected from Morrison and I was not disappointed. Classic tale of the pulp hero who tries to hard to be the change that Gotham needs, only to get shown up by Batman, the story itself being a commentary on how Batman out shined all those other pulp heroes once he came on the scene. Afterwards, they just faded away as superheroes became more popular I think the Silver Ghost guy literally said he didn't want to end up as just Detective #26, and yet he did. It's just a really clever and subtle way to show how Batman's impact was so monumental on the title and is the perfect celebration of his legacy. Considering Morrison already finished his Batman epic I can see why he didn't want to focus on the Batman's thoughts too much in this story, but it actually feels like the Batman has more of an impact in his absence and short appearance. Huh, I guess less really is more sometimes. Art by Burnham is standout as expected, and it's sad in away, because after this and Green Lantern, Morrison is retiring from the superhero scene. So, what a solid send off, I say, what a truly solid send off. King/Simonson 8/10: I was very intrigued when I learned that Simonson would be returning to Detective once again, after like 40 years or something. He did those Manhunter stories in the 70s and they are phenomenal, not to mention an excellent run with Steve Englehart. Plus, working with King had me intrigued as he tends to work quite well with his artists. And they did indeed deliver. It's a classic King gut punc short story, where Batman is in an all out fight with they ever forgotten lame Batman villian, Doctor Phosphorous. The story basically involves Phosphorous making his last stand, trying to make his legacy in killing the Bat, and juxtaposed with Bruce on his death bed, dying of cancer, from that Batman Annual two years back. And it's told very very well as only Tom can do in these short stories. (I still remember his phenomenal Sgt Rock short story from 2017) Simonson delivers solid pencils, a little rough in a couple places, but some panels that show that he's still got it and King's dialogue is in fine form. I was intrigued mby this story's announcement and my curiosity has been satisfied. Solid work. Snyder/Reis 8/10: It's peak Snyder Bat God, told from the perspective of Jim Gordon. Which is fitting I suppose, considering how much Snyder focused on him during his run on Detective. It's a nice little focus on their freidnship, and while I thought the wrap up was a little rushed, the story left me with a really nice feeling. Art by Reis is beautiful as it always is, and it is nice to see Snyder writing Batman. Even if it isn't perfect, he knows how to spin an engaing yarn, and I'm always happy to see him do it. Tamaki/Mora: 7.5/10 This is a fun prelude to a story that sets up some stuff coming in Fall/Winter. While I wasn't crazy about the Joker War connection, the story was solid and the real draw is Dan Mora's Batman. Oml it is so beautiful! I checked ahead and I'm wondering why Tamaki isn't finishing this story? Like it's her setup, but Tomasi is finishing it which seems odd to me. Solid story, could have been more without the JW connection, but solid enough I suppose. Jurgens/Nowlan 7.5/10 DeConnick/Romita Jr. 7.5/10 I didn't have any major thoughts on these last two, they were just kind of solid enough to keep me interested. I'm somewhat interested in what this Generations one shot is going to be after this story, but not much. DeConnick delivered a fun snarky story, but not too much to speak it terms of how it was told and the art was okay for Romita. It might be nice to see her tackled a longer story, but I doubt she's interested. And that's really all I have to say about these two. So! What a hell of a collection! I gotta say, I was worried this was gonna be a retread of Tec 1000, but it sill managed to stand on it own. It had some great stand alone stories that I'll reread one day or never read again. But at 144 pages and only $9.99 I'd say it's worth your cash. Here's (again) to a thousand more!

Still love this book.

This was a really strong start just like AC! I'm hoping this sticks the landing as well.

I've never seen Lemire write like this...just amazing.

Nightwing (2016) #83 Aug 17, 2021
Pulp (2020) OGN Aug 9, 2020
The Nice House on the Lake #4 Sep 8, 2021
Action Comics (2016) #1035 Sep 28, 2021
Action Comics (2016) #1039 Jan 25, 2022
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #42 Mar 25, 2020
Arkham City: The Order of the World #2 Nov 5, 2021

I originally gave this an 8, but I changed my score upon a second reading. MUCH much better the second time around. I'm very interested about this mysterious new "design" for Gotham City and how the assassins in this issue tie into that design. Tynion delivers a formulaic, albeit entertaining opening and I can't wait to see where he goes from here. I followed his Detective Comic run from beginning to end and I loved it. So I'm excited to see what direction he takes this story.

The best issue Tynion's written out of this entire run. What a fantastic way to send off Alfred.

This was a surprisingly solid anthology. No bad stories, really, save for The Symbol which, while silly, had a good message. Standouts were definitely the Stokoe Clownhunter story, The Joker/Bane story and the Lucius Fox story. So five cool stories for six bucks with amazing artwork in each.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #3 Feb 23, 2021
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2 Sep 29, 2020

This issue is a trip, let me tell you...

Daredevil (2019) #23 Oct 21, 2020
Dark Ages (2021) #1 Aug 31, 2021

How to write a Jokerman review: 1.0 - This series is trash! It is the trashiest trash trash that ever trashed!! It is big garbage. DC need cancel stupid Strange Adventures garbage book!!! 10 - This is fun and self contained book I like and excellent art, it is masterpiece. Basically, speak like a retard, use the word "trash" 50 times, and never EVER read the book. Edit: Now that the bastard is gone for good, I am retracting my original review bomb in favor of my actual score. We did it.

Deadpool (2019) #6 Aug 5, 2020

Solid conclusion for an awesome series

That was fun as hell!

This series cannot come out fast enough

Decorum #5 Oct 7, 2020
Fantastic Four (1998) #605.1 Jun 20, 2020

That was really fucking good, goddamn!

"I could't let you eat my home planet, Bee" I was dying. Loved this issue

Green Lantern: Blackstars #3 Jan 29, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1 Jan 26, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #2 Feb 19, 2020

Man, this book is so good I can't believe no one is talking about it!

Hawkeye: Freefall #1 Jan 1, 2020
Immortal Hulk #37 Sep 16, 2020
Immortal Hulk #50 Oct 19, 2021
Immortal She-Hulk #1 Sep 23, 2020
Inferno (2021) #1 Sep 27, 2021
Inferno (2021) #4 Jan 5, 2022
Mazebook #2 Oct 26, 2021
Monstress: Talk-Stories #1 Dec 30, 2020
Monstress: Talk-Stories #2 Dec 30, 2020

This series, at least the Hickman and Reis issue, have been too much fun. Loved the D&D reference

Robin & Batman (2021) #1 Nov 9, 2021
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #5 Apr 21, 2021
Something is Killing the Children #5 Jan 29, 2020

The House of Slaughter stuff is fascinating, and I love the tone of this series. After every issue I feel like I'm hungry for more of this world.

Something is Killing the Children #9 Aug 12, 2020
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6 Dec 22, 2021
Superman and the Authority (2021) #1 Jul 20, 2021
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #6 May 25, 2020

Great issue, though I'm actually amazed that someone's criticism of this issue is that someone was seen wearing a mask. Holy fuck I thought people on the left were supposed to be sensitive ones, my word. Please grow up.

That Texas Blood #4 Sep 30, 2020
The Department of Truth #1 Sep 30, 2020
The Department of Truth #4 Dec 23, 2020
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #3 Jun 17, 2021
The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #4 Jul 21, 2021
The Nice House on the Lake #6 Nov 16, 2021
The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #2 Jan 15, 2020

When I saw a man, bent on his knees, ass out, trying to giving himself a fix, I knew I was in.

Man, this series just gets better and better...

Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #1 Nov 5, 2020
X-Men (2019) #6 Feb 12, 2020

Kurt and Scott's conversation about the implications of resurrection, what that means for their souls, what that means for heaven and so on was just....just amazing. This series just astounds me at how amazing it is, asking tough questions, but really making you think. It reminds me of Hickman's FF when Reed was considering what lengths he would be willing to take to solve everything, and how the series evolved from just that one idea. Truly amazing.

X-Men (2019) #8 Mar 13, 2020
X-Men (2019) #13 Oct 21, 2020
X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #1 Feb 5, 2020
X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #3 Mar 24, 2020
A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1 Oct 4, 2021
Absolute Carnage (2019): Immortal Hulk #1 Mar 27, 2020
Adventureman (2020) #2 Jul 17, 2020

Loved the interactions with Jonah and Spidey. I also really liked the back up story with Overdrive, surprisingly.

Spencer's Spider-Man just does not quit.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50.LR Oct 21, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man (2018): Full Circle #1 Feb 25, 2020
Basilisk #1 Jun 6, 2021

Probably the strongest chapter so far. I'm interested in this secret deal the villains made with The Designer.

Batman (2016) #99 Sep 15, 2020
Batman (2016) #108 May 4, 2021

An average origin story, but the incredible art by Stokoe elevated this issue by an extra point for me.

Batman / Superman (2019) #7 Feb 26, 2020
Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #12 May 5, 2020
Batman: Secret Files (2021): Huntress #1 Jul 27, 2021

Super solid issue, each story worked in its own right.

Beyond the Breach #3 Oct 2, 2021
Black Panther (2021) #1 Nov 24, 2021
Cable (2020) #6 Nov 18, 2020
Captain America (2018) #20 Apr 2, 2020

This arc has been terrific. Much improved over The Legend of Steve.

Catwoman: Lonely City (2021) #1 Oct 19, 2021
Crossover (2020) #3 Jan 6, 2021
Daredevil (2019) #16 Jan 1, 2020
Daredevil (2019) #18 Feb 19, 2020
Daredevil (2019) #19 Mar 4, 2020
Daredevil (2019) #21 Jul 22, 2020
DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #1 Jul 8, 2020
Death or Glory #8 Jan 1, 2020
Decorum #6 Dec 16, 2020
Detective Comics (2016) #1037 Jun 8, 2021
Devil's Reign (2021) #1 Dec 7, 2021

Now THIS is an Avengers story. Action, a foreboding threat, a touching scene with the team at the end. Not to mention amazing art by Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia. Good lord, why is Al Ewing not writing the main Avengers title?

Empyre stepped up this week, and it was a much better issue than the last one. Or maybe I'm just in a better mood :)

This was so much fun, oh my lord

This series was pretty solid overall, even if the end wasn't perfect.

Eternals (2021) #1 Jan 6, 2021
Excalibur (2019) #1 Jan 11, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #4 Jan 11, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #9 Mar 18, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #10 Jun 10, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #14 Nov 11, 2020
Far Sector #4 Feb 26, 2020

Great character interactions, and the story really feels like its clicking.

FF #19 Jan 5, 2020

A really exciting start!

Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #1 Jan 5, 2021

Surprisingly, I really liked this one!

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2 Jan 19, 2021
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2 Jan 26, 2021
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #4 Feb 23, 2021
Geiger (2021) #1 Apr 10, 2021
Ghost Rider (2019) #6 Mar 17, 2020
Giant-Size X-Men (2020): Storm #1 Sep 16, 2020
Green Arrow (2016): 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 Jun 29, 2021


Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #5 Jul 8, 2020
Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #11 Feb 9, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6 Sep 2, 2020
Hardware (2021): Season One #1 Aug 10, 2021
Hawkeye: Freefall #2 Jan 29, 2020
Hawkeye: Freefall #4 Mar 17, 2020
Immortal Hulk #34 Jun 24, 2020
Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place #1 Sep 30, 2020
Infinite Frontier (2021) #1 Jun 22, 2021
Infinite Frontier (2021) #6 Sep 7, 2021

This was a pleasant surprise, as I did not have high hopes for this. I love Hulkling, but I hated the idea of him being a space dictator. Nevertheless, this issue gets you up to speed on what Teddy's been doing, his connection to the new Alliance and, best of all, his relationship with Billy and how that changes. Billy and Teddy's relationship is so pure, and I almost wish we could see more, but I'm sure we'll get some answers soon. I had no idea who this Oliveira guy was but he and Chip delivered a solid story that I look forward to rereading soon.

Marauders (2019) #7 Feb 5, 2020
Marauders (2019) #8 Feb 19, 2020
Marauders (2019) #10 May 27, 2020

Man, this was something. I imagine there's gonna be hell to pay between Krakoa and Wakanda after X of Swords is over.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #17 Jun 10, 2020
New Mutants (2019) #5 Jan 8, 2020
Night of the Ghoul #1 Oct 25, 2021
Nocterra: Blacktop Bill Special #1 Jan 8, 2022
Once & Future #9 Jul 15, 2020

I'm in.

Rorschach (2020) #2 Nov 17, 2020
Sabrina: Something Wicked #1 Apr 1, 2020
Something is Killing the Children #8 Jul 26, 2020
Spider-Woman (2020) #1 Mar 19, 2020
Strange Adventures (2020) #1 Mar 4, 2020
Strange Adventures (2020) #2 Jun 18, 2020
Strange Adventures (2020) #4 Aug 4, 2020
Strange Adventures (2020) #6 Oct 13, 2020
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #1 Jun 15, 2021

Probably my favorite issue so far.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #4 Jun 15, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2 Aug 24, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4 Oct 19, 2021
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5 Nov 16, 2021

This would be a near perfect issue (even better than last month's issue) if Condon would just avoid falling into some word traps. He uses the word "well" very frequently, and while some might fight endearing, it becomes annoying very quickly. I eventually just started skipping the word halfway through the book just so I didn't have to keep reading it. Other than that the story was very tight, and i loved the narration bits. There's a genuine tension and anxiety to the town that Condon and Sean are bringing and I love it. Good issue, but just please get rid of the freaking "well" every gd sentence.

The Joker (2021) #4 Jun 8, 2021

A solid wrap up to one of the most unique takes on The Question since O'Neil and Cowan in '87. Or at least since Rucka's take on Montoya as the Question.

The Scumbag #2 Nov 25, 2020
The Scumbag #7 Apr 11, 2021
Thor (2020) #5 Jun 24, 2020
Thor (2020) #6 Aug 19, 2020
Thor (2020) #12 Feb 17, 2021
Ultimate Comics Thor #1 Jan 9, 2020
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #7 Jan 26, 2020
Venom (2021) #1 Nov 9, 2021
We Have Demons #1 Oct 5, 2021
We Only Find Them When They're Dead #1 Sep 2, 2020
We Only Find Them When They're Dead #2 Oct 7, 2020
Wonder Woman: Evolution (2021) #1 Nov 16, 2021

Leah had the hardest act to follow. And she knocked it out of the park.

X-Force (2019) #7 Feb 12, 2020
X-Men (2019) #5 Jan 29, 2020
X-Men (2019) #9 Mar 24, 2020

What a great Magneto issue!

X-Men (2019) #12 Sep 16, 2020
X-Men (2019) #17 Jan 27, 2021
2020 Force Works #1 Mar 17, 2020
Action Comics (2016) #1034 Aug 24, 2021
Adventureman (2020) #1 Jun 10, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #38 Jan 26, 2020
American Vampire: 1976 #1 Oct 7, 2020
Basilisk #2 Jul 7, 2021
Batgirls (2021) #1 Dec 14, 2021
Batman (2016) #87 Jan 22, 2020
Batman (2016) #90 Mar 4, 2020
Batman (2016) #93 Jun 23, 2020

Probably the strongest chapter in Tynion's whole run, which shocked me consider how much I was dreading reading Joker War. I didn't find Punchline to be as insufferable in this issue, although the Joker scene made me cringe sooooo hard. Tynion attempts to address the criticism of having ANOTHER Joker story and the average ratings of "Their Dark Designs." Theatre owner: "But haven't people already seen this? Folks don't wanna something they've seen a hundred times before..." Joker: "People say that, but they don't meant that." Ugh. Yeah, a blind man could see the freaking meta commentary there, and it was very cringe. Despite that, the art was absolutely incredible, Jorge does an amazing job as always (his Batman looked so good in JL) and I'm genuinely excited to see him draw more of Gotham. All in all, a solid start to an arc I was loathing to read. I just hope it stays this consistent for the next five parts.

Batman (2016) #96 Aug 4, 2020
Batman (2016) #111 Aug 3, 2021
Batman (2016) #118 Dec 6, 2021
Batman (2016) #119 Jan 4, 2022
Batman (2016) #121 Feb 28, 2022
Batman (2016): Fear State: Alpha #1 Aug 31, 2021
Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #9 Jan 12, 2020
Batman's Grave #4 Jan 15, 2020
Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #3 Jun 10, 2020
Batman: The Knight (2022) #1 Jan 19, 2022
Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3 Oct 27, 2020
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #11 Jan 11, 2022
Cable (2020) #1 Jun 20, 2020
Champions (2020) #1 Oct 7, 2020
Champions (2020) #4 Feb 22, 2021
Conan The Barbarian (2019) #12 Jan 29, 2020
Conan The Barbarian (2019): King-Size Conan #1 Dec 23, 2020
Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #1 Nov 5, 2021
Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 Aug 11, 2020
Decorum #8 Nov 18, 2021
Detective Comics (2016) #1019 Jan 22, 2020
Detective Comics (2016) #1025 Aug 11, 2020
Detective Comics (2016) #1052 Feb 7, 2022
Detective Comics (2016) #1055 Feb 28, 2022

The tone and dialogue felt much more fitting in this issue than last week.

Excalibur (2019) #6 Jan 26, 2020
Fantastic Four (2018): Negative Zone #1 Mar 16, 2020

Solid story and a really cool idea, but I get the feeling Cantwell isn't too fond of Reed Richards. That was a little off-putting.

Very cool origin

A very solid debut. It dragged a little bit during some of the scenes, especially with some of the dialogue between Lei Wun and Owen, but I loved the world building, the characters, and the story. I'm very interested to see where the story continues from here. And at $9.99 for around 154 pages worth of content, it's absolutely worth it.

Flash (2016) #768 Mar 30, 2021
Future State (2021): Nightwing #1 Jan 19, 2021
Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #2 Feb 13, 2021
Future State (2021): Nightwing #2 Feb 16, 2021
Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #2 Feb 23, 2021
Future State (2021): Dark Detective #3 Feb 11, 2021
Ghost Rider (2019) #5 Mar 17, 2020

A very fun, enjoyable, solo Magneto story

I can't wait to read this again, super cool issue.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #2 Mar 11, 2020
Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #4 Jun 18, 2020
Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #10 Dec 15, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #4 Jul 15, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5 Aug 5, 2020
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #7 Oct 21, 2020

As far as tie-ins go, this was fairly solid.

Harbinger (2021) #1 Oct 27, 2021
Hawkeye: Freefall #6 Jul 1, 2020
Hellions (2020) #1 Mar 25, 2020
Immortal Hulk #35 Jul 15, 2020

It's frustrating because, most of Snyder's Justice League is technically well written and enjoyable, but it's so frustrating to have another non-end. I swear, since the Metal, it's been non-stop, "You won't believe what's coming next!" every seven months. Like, can we get a proper ending please? Is that so hard Snyder?! So I will see what Snyder and Capullo bring next, but if it doesn't end after that, I think I'm done.

Justice League (2018) #41 Feb 19, 2020
Justice League (2018) #44 May 13, 2020
Justice League (2018) #53 Sep 15, 2020
Justice League (2018) #59 Mar 16, 2021
Justice League: Last Ride #2 Jun 8, 2021
Lucky Devil #1 Aug 5, 2021
Marauders (2019) #5 Jan 1, 2020
Marauders (2019) #6 Jan 26, 2020

Solid writing, solid story. A strong Marvel debut for Mark Russell. I hope he gets more Marvel work soon.

This issue is mostly recap, and catching up with characters after issue #24, but I'm excited to see what's gonna happen in Aurum! Also the cliff hanger with Maika should be interesting in the following issue.

Nightwing (2016) #78 Mar 16, 2021
Robin (2021) #5 Aug 24, 2021
Rorschach (2020) #3 Dec 15, 2020
S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1 Dec 9, 2020
Spider-Woman (2020) #2 Jul 15, 2020
Star Wars (2020) #2 Jan 29, 2020
Star Wars (2020) #3 Feb 26, 2020
Star Wars (2020) #5 Aug 5, 2020

My thoughts on Strange Adventures #2 by Tom King, Evan Shaner and Mitch Gerads: Two days ago I read Flex Mentallo, Grant Morrison's thesis on what heroes should represent in our society. His idea was that heroes are our modern mythology and should represent a sort of unbridled optimism that can be seldom found elsewhere. This isn't to say that heroes are perfect, but when they're frequently portrayed as damaged, it's hard to believe they're ever anything else. So while this issue is well written and filled with drama, it's almost hard for me to divorce this from my mind as Adam and Alanna come across as almost cartoonish villains. Adam in particular comes across as whiny, and completely against investigation, which makes him look obviously guilty. And Alanna...well, I just have to wonder when did Alanna became so media savvy? In most interpretations she could hardly speak English, let alone speak on talk shows and interviews. It just feels so...I don't know, hollow? Like it wants to deconstruct truth, especially with heroes who we often just blindly accept, but just for the sake of doing it, not because he has something interesting to say about Adam Strange. I mean, I can feel aspects of it there, but I dunno. It almost feels it can't even give you the benefit of the doubt, like we're supposed to be rooting against Adam from the start which, in a story about what is truth, feels almost rigged. It's not that Adam is or isn't innocent, but rather the way he is portrayed, where you don't even get a sense of why anyone would trust him. And that's not stellar writing, if you're trying to show both sides of truth. So going back to Grant Morrison, who shows us that in the end, heroes always rise above adversity (because that's what makes superheroes, well, superheroes) it makes it hard for to read this because it seems very obvious in where the story is going. Maybe it's just a Tom King thing, but I think I'm sticking with Grant's ideology. Maybe that's too simplistic in this day and age, who knows, but at a time when we're most divided and angry (and rightfully so) I think we should have heroes that remind us that superheroes and their optimism can rise above anything, even in the worst of times. Because, again, that's what defines superheroes. Not their baggage or guilt or self importance, but their ability to overcome adversity. This is mainly focused on the writing, which was where I struggled with the story, but in no way does that cheapen the incredible artwork by Shaner and Gerads, who bring Adam's world to life in the most vivid and incredible fashion. Shaner and his alien arena of combat, and Gerads with quieter scenes on Earth with Adam and the other heroes.

Strange Adventures (2020) #9 Mar 30, 2021
Superman (2018) #30 Apr 14, 2021
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #4 May 12, 2020
Teen Titans (2016) #38 Jan 15, 2020
Teen Titans (2016) #39 Feb 19, 2020
That Texas Blood #1 Jun 24, 2020
The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1 Nov 30, 2021
The Joker (2021) #7 Sep 14, 2021
Thor (2020) #1 Jan 1, 2020
Thor (2020) #7 Sep 16, 2020
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #6 Jan 26, 2020
War For Earth-3 (2022) #1 Mar 1, 2022
Wolverine (2020) #1 Feb 19, 2020
Wolverine (2020) #3 Jul 25, 2020
Wonder Woman (2016) #759 Jul 28, 2020
Wonder Woman (2016) #760 Aug 11, 2020
Wynd (2020) #1 Jun 17, 2020
X-Force (2019) #5 Jan 8, 2020

Mmmm this was a very strange characterization of Beast. Not quite sure how I feel about it.

X-Men (2019) #4 Jan 1, 2020

I could read this book forever, and I love how it focuses on different mutants or different scenarios each time. Surprisingly strong Vulcan solo story too, considering I hated the character in Deadly Genesis. Hickman is building a mystery with him that I am excited to see unfold. Just a super fun, super enjoyable X-Men story, as it should be.

X-Men (2019) #16 Dec 30, 2020
X-Men / Fantastic Four (2020) #2 Feb 27, 2020
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3 Feb 26, 2020
2020 Force Works #2 Mar 25, 2020
2020 Force Works #3 Jun 3, 2020

Good story arc, but the resolution felt rushed in my opinion.

Aquamen (2022) #1 Feb 22, 2022
Batman (2016) #92 Jun 18, 2020

My problem with Tynion's Batman, aside from the retread of previous stories, is the fact that it breaks one of the first rules of storytelling ALL THE TIME. SHOW, don't TELL. What do I mean by this? Bruce constantly and consistently mentions how "the city is changing" and not once do we actually see that. How nice would it have been to have a scene or two of Batman swinging somberly over the city, no dialogue, looking on at all the changes? When Bruce mentions moving into the Brownstone and changing his style, how nice would it have been to actually SEE that process? Maybe a mostly silent page where he's driving to the new brownstone, he looks up, and says, "Okay, Lucius, let's try it." Even during Joker War, when they mention how civilians were willing to dress up in masks, it would have been nice to actually see the perspective of someone who chose to run with the Joker Army. Maybe a short little five-page intro about a guy who is fed up with every aspect of his life, and we see his shift towards the madness of the Joker. Again, show me, don't just tell me information I'm probably going to forget after I read it. It's scenes like these that really provide the immersive and engaging experience that readers look for, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm not feeling immersed in anything. It feels like Tynion's just telling me information without actually letting the reader see it so for themselves, which is the whole freaking point of comics being a blend of visual and prose. So this is my last issue of Batman for a while. I'll check in in a couple of months to see if anything has improved, but I'm stepping away for now.

Batman (2016) #102 Nov 3, 2020
Batman (2016) #105 Dec 15, 2020
Batman (2016) #115 Oct 19, 2021
Batman (2016) #120 Feb 1, 2022

There was one great point. If Dick was still Dick, he would've helped everyone. That's for damn sure.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4 Mar 30, 2021
Batman / Superman (2019) #6 Jan 22, 2020
Batman / Superman (2019) #8 Mar 25, 2020
Batman / Superman (2019) #10 Aug 1, 2020
Batman / Superman (2019) #11 Aug 25, 2020

I knew what it was going to be the moment I saw Brian Azzarello's name on the cover. But I think once I accepted what it was going to be, I actually kind of enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, the story really is trash. Yet in a weird way, I enjoyed as a guilty pleasure. I just embraced how cringe some of the moments were and I ran with it. The closest comparison I have to this story is All Star Batman and Robin where the story is abysmal, but enjoyable in an ironic way. Honestly, I'd love to see them continue the series just to see how absurd it could get. The art was really good too, and it did have some decent action scenes, but overall...the story? Not great. But if you simply embrace the cringe, it makes it much easier to swallow and... dare I say? Maybe enjoy it just a little bit.

Blue & Gold (2021) #1 Jul 20, 2021
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #2 Jan 9, 2022
Dark Nights: Death Metal #2 Jul 15, 2020
Empyre #1 Jul 15, 2020
Empyre: X-Men #2 Aug 5, 2020
Empyre: X-Men #4 Aug 19, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #5 Jan 8, 2020

This was lighter than the last issue, but it was still pretty enjoyable.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1 Jan 5, 2021

Maybe I'm just not the target audience, but this one really didn't "wow" me. The dialogue was kind of grating in places and the character felt a little one note at times. I was much more fascinated with the world than with Yara to be honest, and that's no way to start. I'll pick up the next one, bc the art is worth the price but I hope it picks up.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1 Jan 5, 2021

Not as bad as I had anticipated, but great. The John Stewart story was interesting, and a solid read, but it was hard to catch up to in some places, and it made it frustrating. I wasn't looking forward to the Jessica Stewart but it ended up being my favorite actually, a very solid read. And the Book of Guy was perfect. Guy is annoying and insufferable and it works so well. So not a terrible anthology, but not great. I wish the back ups had been longer, as they were the best ones imo.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1 Jan 12, 2021
Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #2 Feb 2, 2021
Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2 Feb 11, 2021
Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3 Feb 2, 2021
Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4 Feb 16, 2021

It's fun. Nothing grand or spectacular, but enjoyable in a basic sense. I could see myself enjoying it again on a rainy day or something.

A good read but it really should have been called Giant Size X-Men: Cypher, since Doug really takes Center stage in this story. Nightcrawler feels like more of an afterthought in this story and I was kind of hoping it was more Nightcrawler centric. Still, a solid read overall.

Bit of a slower issue this week, but still enjoyable.

Justice League (2018) #40 Feb 5, 2020
Justice League (2018) #45 May 26, 2020

Solid story concept and execution. Dialogue was fine, except it was strange seeing Diana almost defend murder. Also, a comet would still pass through different space sectors, so I don't really understand why the GLC wouldn't know about this place. Astronomers on Earth mark the path of comets all the time so I'm not sure why GLC wouldn't. A space sector covers more than just planets. I haven't read Spurrier outside of The Dreaming, and while I didn't love that series, I hope he sticks the landing with this three part Justice League story.

Justice League (2018) #61 May 18, 2021

Not really much of a "last ride" after all...kind of disappointing, to be honest.

This issue was better than the previous one, but I feel like the overarching story is getting lost more and more each issue.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #14 Jan 1, 2020
New Mutants (2019) #9 Mar 17, 2020
New Mutants (2019) #10 Jun 20, 2020
Nightwing (2016) #75 Oct 20, 2020
Star Wars (2020) #1 Jan 1, 2020

I'm not sure if I want to read this book anymore

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1 Aug 3, 2021
Task Force Z (2021) #1 Oct 26, 2021
The Joker (2021) #2 Apr 13, 2021

This issue could have been a 9 for me, and it almost was, but I had two major problems. First, wordiness. This issue is WAYYY too overstuffed, which is normally fine in a larger sized first issue, but Leah spends a lot of time riffing with characters and it just eats up to much time. Really the issue should have ended after Northstar returns the body and the next issue would start while X-Factor is talking about the details of her death. That would have been much more powerful and much more concise, but instead it just kind of slogs to the ending. Leah clearly likes these characters, but she NEEDS to scale back when it comes to the back and forth. It’s just too much. Felt like bootleg Gail Simone, as she tends to riff a lot too when having characters talk back and forth. I really do like the prime and it’s a cool team, but the dialogue needs to improve soon, as I can see it becoming annoying very fast.

X-Force (2019) #10 Jul 8, 2020
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2 Jan 22, 2020
Batman (2016) #94 Jul 8, 2020

Blah, I'd been enjoying parts of Joker War, but this ending kind blew it. Felt rushed and weird, and the Joker monologue was just bizarre (I guess Joker is an anti-capitalist now?) I dunno, it just felt wrong. And wtf was the point of that Bruce Wayne investigation if it was literally brushed away in a line at the end? They never showed it affecting Bruce, he's been Batman for this entire arc! That was literally pointless and I have no idea why it was in here. Unless Tynion does something amazing in #101 I'm dropping this book after 100. I have no interest left to give.

Filler. Stuffed with boring, uninteresting, expository dialogue. Even the older Batman and Robin flashback was ruined with exposition, and I wanted to enjoy that. I can't just like this book because it has the Bat-Family anymore, I'd rather just read Tynion's Detective.


Artwork is incredible, but the story is just kind average. Fun, but nothing stand out. Not like the Avengers issues.

Empyre #3 Jul 29, 2020
Empyre #4 Aug 5, 2020
Excalibur (2019) #16 Dec 23, 2020
Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1 Jan 5, 2021
Justice League (2018) #49 Jul 15, 2020
Justice League (2018) #50 Aug 4, 2020
Nightwing (2016) Annual: 2021 Dec 1, 2021
Spider-Woman (2020) #5 Oct 21, 2020
Undiscovered Country #3 Jan 15, 2020
Wonder Woman (2016) #773 Jun 8, 2021
X-Men: Legends (2021) #1 Feb 21, 2021
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4 Mar 18, 2020
Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #4 Feb 1, 2022
Nightwing (2016) #76 Nov 17, 2020

Compared to the high octane fun of Grant Morrison's The Green Lantern, this just feels kind of boring and uninteresting. I don't think I'll be reading the next issue.

Justice League (2018) #62 Jun 3, 2021
Birds of Prey: Sirens of Justice (2020) #1 May 30, 2020

Reviews for the Week of...


