Meet Hal Jordan’s Earth-11 counterpart in the first skirmish of the Ultrawar! Against a backdrop of cosmic conspiracy and shady interstellar politics, two Green Lanterns and two Star Sapphires enact a four-way battle of the sexes. As the cracks of division spread from world to world, can love prevail?
Its wonderful to see The Green Lantern: Season Two get two really great issues back to back. This would've been a fitting end for the series, but we get two more! The character work is outstanding and it meshes so well with the story that Morrison is telling. The Star Sapphire of Earth-11 is so compelling I would sign on for an ongoing series. There's a lot to Hal's relationship with Carol that is ripe for exploration, maybe this is how to get to it! Read Full Review
Grant Morrison is having one hell of a time finishing off writing this series. They are never one that is short on ideas and this book is truly full of them. Artist Liam Sharp does a great job on the artwork as well. Read Full Review
Green Lantern Season Two #10 is a multiversal story about love, being misunderstood, and wanting to be yourself. There are also a few extremely clever instances of wordplay that will guarantee a chuckle out of you. Read Full Review
Maybe it's pretentious to refer to The Green Lantern Season Two #10 as a neon-soaked sensory experience of a superhero comic, but that doesn't mean it's incorrect. Read Full Review
The Green Lantern: Season Two #10 is a fun issue overall, sacrificing the cataclysmic promise of the UltraWar for a more personal exploration of the dynamic between Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris. For some that may feel like a big bait and switch, but in the end, I don't mind sacrificing yet another multiversal threat for the chance to see how Morrison handles their relationship. As always, Liam Sharp is a rock star and in some ways outshines Grant Morrison on this series. Nine out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review
Liam Sharp is going solo on art instead of having Steve Oliff color him this issue, and once again the subtle shifts in the art are amazing. This issue has a glossy, almost computer-generated feel that is somehow no less detailed than Sharp's usual stuff. Read Full Review
The Green Lantern Season Two #10 is a great issue that takes a love story and brings it to the wild upper limits that comics are all about. There is some maturity from Hal, even after all the things he been through Read Full Review
Universe-spanning big concepts and really unique painted art make for an issue that takes some time to process, but one I really enjoyed. Read Full Review
Another confusing issue with a lot to tie-up on the narrative front. Only saved by the outstanding, career-best art from Liam Sharp. Read Full Review
This issue is heaps more easier to understand than previous issues have been, but that is damning with faint praise. Read Full Review
Green Lantern Season 2 #10 wraps up the trial of Hyperman and staves off the Ultra War in a messy, bizarre, chaotic issue. Thankfully (or not depending on your point of view) the art matches the writing to a tee, and everything returns to the status quo in time for the next arc. Some psychedelics are recommended before reading but not required. Read Full Review