Secret Warriors #1
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Secret Warriors #1

Writer: Jonathan Hickman, Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 4, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 11
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

These solicits are classified until the release of Secret Invasion #8. Pick up the free Marvel Previews: Dark Reign Edition in-stores the same day as Secret Invasion #8. (12/3/08) Rated T …$3.99

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 6, 2009

    Good thing they've got the toughest guy in comics around to lead the way. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 4, 2009

    I didn't care much for this ragtag squad of heroes during Secret Invasion, but Hickman has my full attention with this debut outing. One of the best debut issues for a series I've seen in a long time. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Dan Phillips Feb 4, 2009

    On art, Stefano Caselli proves why he's one of the fastest rising stars in comics. By adding a cartoonish flair to an otherwise realistic approach, Caselli is able to convey a wide range of emotions with his facial expressions. His action sequences are energetic and dynamic, and his visual style in general just oozes personality. With a stellar writing team stoking his engines, Caselli promises to become one of the biggest names in the industry once this book takes off. And it will. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 4, 2009

    I wasn't sure how Stefano Caselli's art would suit such a dark and gritty espionage book, but I was quite pleased with the results. Caselli's work is still fairly exaggerated - like a cartoon transferred to the printed page - but it carries an extra layer of shadow and grime that sets the series apart from Avengers: The Initiative. Caselli, like Hickman, is an unusual choice for the 21st Century equivalent of a S.H.I.E.L.D. book, but the choice pays off well in the end. Secret Warriors is still rough around the edges in some ways, but it's one of the more interesting new books I've seen from marvel in years, and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next few months to see where the creative team moves from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Feb 5, 2009

    Secret Warriors #1 was a great debut issue. This title has plenty of potential and should appeal to comic book readers who like action adventure stories. This title will not be another standard super hero team nor will it be a military title. Instead, it will be a nice mix of the two genres. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Feb 2, 2009

    Like all good issues, "Secret Warriors #1" ends on a cliffhanger revelation strong enough to bring you back next month, but be warned: it's a real doozy. Usually when you're told that the ending of an issue will have severe consequences for the Marvel Universe, it's easy to assume that it's just marketing hype -- but in this case, it truly is a massive shift that calls into question a huge amount of Marvel's history. You can guarantee that it's going to cause some fairly heated reactions, and either way, if it gets people talking about this new series, that can only be a positive thing in the long run. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Feb 10, 2009

    As for the art, I am not convinced Stefano Caselli is the right person for the job. I understand the Young Guns promotion going on with some of Marvel Comics newest finds, but Caselli is just too conventional for me in this title. His characters all look stereotypical of the big American comics. They are expressive and his action sequences certainly have a lot going on, but I feel there may be another artist out there who could help on a title which is playing the espionage game. Everything is too polished and neat, not reflecting what is boiling just underneath. The scenes are all well done, but I think there are some whose style is a little more gritty that could have worked better. Salvador Larocca immediately comes to mind, but I am sure there are many others as well. But the book does look fairly good for the style. Overall, it doesnt add to the story, but does not take away either. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dan Hill/David Wallace Feb 3, 2009

    This issue provides a good introduction to the world of Nick Fury and his "Secret Warriors," and the amount of exposition concerning the current status quo of the Marvel Universe means that it's a good jumping on point for newcomers to Marvel in general. Unfortunately, it's symptomatic of the current trend in comics towards extended story arcs over more succinct storytelling, as by the end of the issue, there's a sense that things are only just beginning. Whilst there's every chance that this book could turn into something special, there's also nothing here to encourage me to really recommend it. One to watch, perhaps. Read Full Review

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