Robin reunion! Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim Drake, and Spoiler guest-star as they track Damian down with a plan to bring the young hero back to Gotham. Back to his family. But the son of Batman plans to win the Lazarus Tournament and refuses to return. What starts as a happy reunion quickly turns into a Robin rumble!
Robin #5 gives us a highly competent Damian Wayne and opens him up to face what is to come. There is a lot to experience in this issue alone, and the fate of all the fighters, not just the main protagonist, will be a wild ride. Read Full Review
Events sucked, yet was the best issue ever. I loved having a guest appearance from the Bat Fam and seeing them all in a sibling shouting match. I still adore Rose Wilson with all my hurt and broken heart, thanks, Joshua Williamson. Damian best get to the bottom of this mystery soon, as I don't know how much more I can take from this awesome team. Read Full Review
You might read Robin #5 and feel like it's a filler book, but Williamson and Melnikov tug at your heartstrings with some well-earned emotional moments. The legacy of Batman and his sidekicks is long and you feel every moment in the little references and connections these characters share here. Read Full Review
Robin continues to be a welcome surprise with strong characterization backed by a creatively executed premise. Read Full Review
This works as both an excellent coming-of-age story for the young Robin and the most exciting martial arts battle the DCU has seen in years. Read Full Review
The artwork in this issue is well done and appealing. I really liked the action scenes, especially the rooftop race. It was fun seeing all the Robins in action. In quieter moments, the detailed attention to character expression was emotionally captivating. I am very impressed by the quality of the illustrations in this chapter. Read Full Review
I feel like I say this every week, but if you haven't started reading Robin yet, why not? The book has been nothing but fun with every issue released, and Williamson's grasp on Damian as a character only gets better with each issue. This one feels like a real love letter to the character, his relationships, and the other Robins even in as short a time as a single issue. It's fun, funny, and full of heart, please do yourself a favor and pick it up. Read Full Review
Robin makes sure to always showcase the fact that one of the greatest things the Batman line has going for it is the depth of characters who have intricate and powerful relationships with one another. Often the ones that can get to you the most and break you down, are those that you love, which the Robins past and present find out in this powerful, beautiful, and fun issue. Read Full Review
Robin #5 is an excellent mix of fun action and emotional character development that is a must-have for Batman Family fans. Joshua Williamson and Gleb Melnikov make great use of the history between Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Jason Todd to tell a wonderful story. It all helps to build even greater excitement for how the Lazarus Tournament will turn out now that it has officially started. Read Full Review
Robin #5 by Joshua Williamson is the perfect entry into the fighting arena. Whereas I liked seeing a mini-Robin reunion, I am ready for the blood and guts. I still say this is one of my favorite comics of 2021. I would recommend this issue to anyone who is a fan of the Batman mythos! Read Full Review
Robin #5 hits you over the head with sentiment and it absolutely works. Read Full Review
Robin continues to be an entertaining ride, even though we're dealing with the guilt and grief of Damian Wayne but the journey our young Robin is on is one that I continue to enjoy, especially with the rest of the former Robins involved in this issue and the art and colors throughout were amazing. Read Full Review
While not as subtly layered as the preceding issues, this one ties up Damian's readiness for battle on Lazarus Island nicely. With the exception of Bruce, Damian has had meaningful interactions with the most important people in his life to prepare him not only for this tournament, but also for his own personal navigation of becoming his true self. The coming-of-age storyline and the Tournament background continue to be compelling, and the artwork continues to remain just as excellent. The only drawback with this issue is that it felt a bit too short and I would've liked to see a bit more emotional interaction with the other Robins. Read Full Review
Yes !!!! Robins !!!!
Robins united!! I really love how Williamson write Dick and Damian's relationship, how they are the best dynamic duo of Batman and Robin.
This was amazing, the robin rumble being a rooftop race was slightly different than I expected but in a good sense. The art was amazing too, and understandable Joshua gave Gleb a break for Issue 4 instead of issue 5. This comic has been the best so far, it has me more attached the even Nightwing by Tom Taylor so that's also a plus. Really excited for what comes next.
Yes, Damian felt a little bit exaggerated but not even near the point of bad, almost every comic book character has been in exaggerated situations to uplift him, its like Stanley said " The writer decides who wins a fight in the comic". all other robins have had there on exaggerated moments in the past so this didn't feel wrong.
Why on earth I didn't continue this series.
Overall, really good issue.
It was a bit weird that Damian was able to outrun/outsmart (almost) everyone, but other than that it was really good.
Dick and Damian's dialogue was of course the best part. We needed that.
Williamson has absolutely nailed the character moments in the first 4 issues of this run and #5 is no exception. The Robin rooftop race was a ton of fun and the resolution with Dick was picture perfect. One of my favorite Batman runs of all time is Morrison's Batman and Robin and to see the callback done in such a touching way really made this issue sing. Melnikov's art strikes exactly the right tone for what Williamson is laying down too. The cartoony-ness really helps sell the coming of age tale.
It's a Robin Free-For-All! Everybody who was Robin is ready to bring Damian back home. But Damian finds everything he needs to overcome with how he exploits the found family dynamics. But that's why Dick understands a bit of milestone in regards to the Robin mantle. They need time away from the Bat family to readjust themselves and maybe find a new purpose. That scene with Dick's gift to him felt pretty heart-warming, because he understand finding a purpose better than anyone.
I really like the art and dialogue between the characters, and it makes sense on why Nightwing and Damian wayne are close.
I typically don't care about the Batfamily, but I really enjoyed this one. I thought it worked.
"Show some respect"
And that's what this book does.
It has a good script and dialogue, that makes characters sound like themselves, like they should. Gorgeous, bit cartoony art style that fits the story, and Damian especially, really well. It's not trying to lecture the reader. And most importantly: it's FUN.
That's something comic books seem to be forgetting about nowadays.
With a better art this would have been better, the fact this is a pre-teens to children series does not excuse a poor quality.
It 's the first time that I play this series, so I do not know if this number makes sense or not, however for me it was nice, Damian I like it because it reminds me a bit of Jason, I think there is potential for them to form a good team However, DC has decided that it would be too much rebellion, which would give a great touch.
Although they could summarize this number with the sole presence of Nightwing, I liked the handling of the characters, I think Williamson has a point about it, he knows how to give emotion and respects continuity. I like to see Jason in this suit, the new one is beyond horrible, a kind of astronaut. more
I really don't enjoy issues where Damian beats all the other Robins easily, Tomasi used to do it too, but other than that this is decent.
Essa serie definitivamente não é para mim.
Uma fanfic que acabou sendo publicada, é a melhor forma de resumir essa edição.
Todos os personagens aqui são estereótipos de si mesmo em fanfics do tumblr, só faltou o "Bruce bad". Não esta longe da qualidade baixa de todos os trabalhos do Joshua Williamson nos últimos
Damian's characterization was good, smug and haughty. But the environment was exaggerated, but there is a sense, it is his own series.
There is a whole chase on the rooftops of Corto Maltese. The art is not very good, sometimes Corto Maltese looks seems that Gotham, there are vignettes where the characters look somewhat deformed.
As expected it is a somewhat pointless chase, since repeating previous comics Damian challenges them to a race, there is a tender and deceptive hug between Damian and Jason a bit inconsistent of logic since Damian is almost warning him that it is a trap and Jason falls, but we are going to accept it as good it was a nice scene simulating the dceased series and many of us said Awww. The way Damian beat Tim and Step was ridiculous and how I cut the rope of the experienced Grayson making him look ridiculous I don't believe it either, the boy is apt, but it was all too exaggerated. But it is intended for a child audience, which makes it acceptable.
At the end comes something that we all expected, the dialogue between the man who has become more of Damian's father than Bruce himself. Apparently Dick loves to give away trapeze sticks, since he did the same with Barbara when the Nightwing series was good. He now he does the same with Damian, they have an emotional dialogue. more
A completely stuffed, nonsensical book is not so disastrous, but at the same time it is a waste of time, you do not get anywhere but to find that non-Damian fans buy this title.