Champions #1

Writer: Eve Ewing Artist: Simone Di Meo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 7, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 23
8.3Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

•  A law is passed that goes against everything Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man founded the Champions for...But the world still needs heroes, even if the world doesn't want them right now.
•  After Ms. Marvel makes an unexpected and emotional announcement that her team won't go down without a fight, a group of teen vigilantes gathers to plan their next move. But the C.R.A.D.L.E. task force is hot on their trail, and there's a spy in their midst...

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Oct 7, 2020

    Champions #1 is a tremendous first issue for the series. Ewings script is fantastic at tapping into the brilliant characters at her disposal, and she clearly takes young characters seriously. Both Di Meo and Blee both bring very unique styles that result in the book looking completely different than anything else around, and all parts of the creative team work together to cram as much suspense and nerves into the comic as possible. OUTLAWED is similar to Civil War in tone and premise, but the use of only young characters adds a new dimension to the discussion and had a much more personal effect on me. The next issue cant come soon enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Kellie Keener Oct 7, 2020

    Champions Outlawed #1 is an all-around well-crafted story, and its a great place to jump into the Champions story. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 5, 2020

    This is a fresh start for the Champions with a story that's socio-relevant. It sets the stage for a lot of disarray, ends on a killer cliffhanger, and puts your favorite under-21 superheroes in a position where you can see who they really are. All of that, and it's one of the freshest looking superhero books on the shelf this week. Champions is a confident and tantalizingly fresh take on the team and its characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 5, 2020

    Champions #1 is a hell of a debut delivering a start that wears its thoughts and heart on its sleeve. This is a flag planted as to what this series is about. And delivers conflict in that even the next generation isn't in lockstep as to how they should go about making the world a better place. It's a beginning, and probably the best so far of the three volumes. It not only has a vision for what it wants to say but how it's going to say it. Much like Millennials and Gen Z, it understands its politics is a part of its story. Champions #1 has no problem talking about them and trying to fight for what's right. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Cat Wyatt Oct 5, 2020

    Champions #1 is a powerful issue, giving a voice to younger generations, creating parallels (both to Marvel's past, and current real-life events and emotions) in evocative ways. Combined with the artwork, it all makes for a memorable issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Oct 7, 2020

    They didn't lie, Champions #1 kicks off a dramatic new era of Champions that will define the future of Marvel's teen heroes. This first issue succeeded in sending the message that the world still needs heroes, even if the world doesn't want them right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comic Watch - Gabriel De Jesus Oct 5, 2020

    While Champions #1 does not tread new ground, Eve L. Ewing, Simone Di Meo, and Federico Blee take a concept from an iconic Marvel story and approach it from the teen lens, paving the way for an intriguing story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Oct 14, 2020

    A wise man once said to stay young, to save the world, you must break the mirror. The Champions have done that. Let's see if that was a wise decision. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Charles Martin Oct 7, 2020

    Dynamic art and a solid, thoughtful script help sell this initial issue of the Champions. It's a big team and there are a lot of different opinions on their new status as law-breakers; Champions #1 takes the time to explore the possibilities while also throwing in quite a bit of action. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Robert Reed Oct 6, 2020

    Champions #1 closes with some of the heroes captured and the others on the run, and a cliffhanger that leaves plenty for Eve Ewing and Simone Di Meo to explore in the future. By focusing on Miles and allowing his voice to guide readers into this new status quo, Ewing and Di Meo create a great starting point for the new series. The artwork by Di Meo and Blee gives the book a boost of visual energy, and Ewing's script captures the short tempers and angst that teenagers have without either aspect getting overwhelming. With such a large cast, Champions has a difficult balancing act to perform, but this debut pulls it off with style. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Comic Crusaders - M.R. Jafri Oct 8, 2020

    These characters have so much potential but this Outlawed crossover feels way too familiar at this point. It's a waste of great story-tellers who can do so much better. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Weird Science Jim Oct 5, 2020

    Champions #1 probably won't change anyone's mind over the Outlawed storyline. Eve Ewing does, however, set up a cool team that's in the fight for their lives against known and unknown enemies. To get there, though, the reader will have to get through a bunch of recap, but the Simone Di Meo art makes it all look great. Overall, this is a decent issue to get everyone up to speed, and I will be back next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Evan Valentine Oct 7, 2020

    At it's core, Champions #1 offers a new status quo for heroes that places them in a unique situation where the "kids" are fighting against the world, but the shakiness of the premise and the story possessing more holes than swiss cheese means it isn't able to hit a home run and pull readers in for the long haul. Read Full Review

  • 10
    RedEntropy Mar 19, 2021

    Great start to a so far entertaining series, great artstyle, funny character dynamics that promises to be an overall fun and enjoyable read

  • 7.5
    Lucas Aug 30, 2023

    Love the premise, and the art is gorgeous, but I'm having difficulty imagining any situation in which they will successfully frame the Champions as the correct ones in this situation without flat out making CRADLE fascists who put them in concentration camps and torture them. We don't allow teenagers to drink or drive, obviously there is no argument in making it legal for them to be vigilantes, come on now.

  • 7.5
    CrazyforRAMU Mar 3, 2021

    Miles gets the (slim) majority of viewpoint time as the still-growing Champions team finds its footing in the Outlawed world. Opinions are widely divided within the team and in the public, and CRADLE is doing all too well at snatching teen heroes. This issue casts a wide net, and while it captures a lot of cool ideas, I think it slights characterization to explore plot points. The art is frenetic in a not wholly positive way; things get visually confusing when the fighting starts. Still, I've got enough goodwill saved up for these characters to keep following this volume.

  • 7.0
    EDiakota Oct 15, 2020

    " The bottom line is this: The world still needs champions, so the champions will endure. And so will other young heroes. We will be the génération injustice. We will be the generation that stand up. Even if that makes us the outlaw generation. "

  • 7.0
    DrTracy Oct 13, 2020

    I trust Eve moving forward, but this did not have the feel of a re-launch. My hope is that once the Outlawed "event" is done that this book can get back to what it was under Waid & Zub. Still I think a smaller group is the way to go. The Champions should have a tight-knit friend group feel to them. Not this huge pool of heroes constantly cycling in and out. We already have mutants for that...

  • 6.5
    Psycamorean Oct 8, 2020

    This was a little rough around the edges. Some of the dialogue is a bit off and the pacing also seemed off. But it wasn't terrible or anything.

  • 6.0
    Criminology. Oct 10, 2020

    For starters, i'm not really sure Eve Ewing fits this story very well. I don't think she is a bad writer, but to be blunt, she is far from perfect and knowing her more direct approach to writing, i don't think she can explore that premise fully. Of course that is my opinion, and i could be wrong, but judging by that first issue, i'm not sure really what to expect.

    I like the premise. It's not really that new, but having in mind that we talk about teens, it makes sense in a way, why a law like this would exist. And i really want that part of the premise to be explored better, because most of the issue, we spend exploring how unfair to the heroes that is. And i'm in no way against that, if is executed good .I understand where the more

  • 5.5
    Spacey Medicine Nov 1, 2020

    I did not care for the dialogue. And oh my lord that clunky exposition.

  • 10
    Grimm911 Oct 7, 2020

  • 9.5
    Radar Oct 10, 2020

  • 9.0
    Pantheon36 Oct 10, 2020

  • 9.0
    Crimson Knight Oct 7, 2020

  • 8.5
    wesshamu Oct 19, 2020

  • 8.5
    Wolf Warner Oct 8, 2020

  • 8.5
    Gorr Oct 7, 2020

  • 8.0
    KittyNone Oct 24, 2020

  • 8.0
    TheHyruleElf Oct 7, 2020

  • 7.5
    jmprados Oct 25, 2020

  • 7.5
    tonpas1989 Oct 7, 2020

  • 7.0
    Ellenkh Oct 21, 2020

  • 6.0
    Bananaknight Oct 13, 2020

  • 6.0
    Adsun22 Oct 9, 2020

  • 4.0
    c.oliv Oct 7, 2020

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